psychological disorders behavior patterns or mental processes that cause serious personal suffering...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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  • Psychological Disorders Behavior patterns or mental processes that cause serious personal suffering or interfere with a persons ability to cope with everyday life
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  • Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Resulting in serious functional impairment, which substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities Prevalence In 2012, there were an estimated 9.6 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. with SMI in the past year Represented 4.1% of all U.S. adults
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  • Any Mental Illness (AMI) Range in impact from no or mild impairment to significantly disabling impairment Prevalence In 2012, there were an estimated 43.7 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. with AMI in the past year. Represented 18.6% of all U.S. adults
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  • Any Disorder Among Children Common among children in the United States Difficult for the children themselves & their caregivers Prevalence Just over 20 percent (or 1 in 5) children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously debilitating mental disorder.
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  • Mental disorders or quirks which seem to affect a single cultural group and are, therefore, often unknown outside of their own regions
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  • Wendigo Psychosis aboriginal communities person craves human flesh and thinks they are turning into a cannibal (despite an abundance of healthy food available) curing attempts by traditional native healers or Western doctors when attempts failed sufferer began to threaten those around them, act violently or anti-socially generally executed some have denied the existence number of credible eyewitness accounts, both by aboriginal communities and by Westerners
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  • Gururumba New Guinea wild man episode in which the suffer (typically a married male) burglarizes neighboring homes taking objects that he thinks are valuable but which seldom are. Then runs to the forest for a number of days returning without the objects and with a case of amnesia. Sufferer appears hyperactive and clumsy with slurred speech.
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  • Saora tribe of Orissa State in India Teenage or young adult men and women not attracted to the ordinary life of a subsistence farmer cry and laugh at inappropriate times, have memory loss, pass out, and claim to experience the sensation of being repeatedly bitten by ants (no ants in sight) under considerable psychological stress from social pressure placed on them by their relatives and friends Saora explain the odd behavior of these people as being due to the actions of supernatural beings who want to marry them
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  • Ghost Sickness some Native American tribes psychotic disorder of Navajo origin believe to be caused by association with the dead or dying (sometimes associated with witchcraft) symptoms include general weakness, loss of appetite, a feeling of suffocation, recurring nightmares, and a pervasive feeling of terror another symptom is suffocation may be associated with a coffinif you were buried alive with a loved one or friend below ground, you may feel as if you were suffocating. sickness is attributed to ghosts (chindi) or, occasionally, to witches
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  • Grisi Siknic crazy sickness Miskito People of eastern Central America, mainly young women from 15 to 18 Attacks are prefaced by headaches, dizziness, anxiety, nausea, irrational anger and/or fear. the victim loses consciousness and falls to the ground, subsequently running away may view other people as devils, feel no pain for bodily injuries and have absolute amnesia regarding their physical circumstances some grab machetes or broken bottles to wave off unseen assailants Others are reported to have performed superhuman feats, vomited strange objects such as spiders, hair and coins and spoken in tongues Some cases the semi-conscious victim will speak the names of the next to be infected, although it is not always accuratehighly contagious.
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  • Couvade Syndrome medical/mental condition which involves a father experiencing some of the behavior of his wife at near the time of childbirth, her birth pains, postpartum seclusion, and food restrictions term originally referred to the medieval Basque custom father, during or immediately after the birth of a child, took to bed, complained of having labor pains, and was accorded the treatment usually shown women during pregnancy or after childbirth In some extreme cases, fathers can grow a belly similar to a 7-month pregnant woman and gain approximately 25 to 30 pounds (phantom pregnancy). Other symptoms include and are not limited to developed cravings, suffered nausea, breast augmentation, and insomnia
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  • Normal vs. Abnormal Statistical Infrequency Rare, unusual Violates Social Norms Varies by culture, based on general norms Personal Distress Suffering, either self or others Level of Impairment Combination of inability to function and distress to self or others
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  • Classifying Mental Illness DSM-V Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Sets forth specific diagnostic criteria for disorders and helps differentiate between disorders
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  • Evolution of the DSM Update Video oday/51915406#51915406 oday/51915406#51915406 DSM V in 2013 Aspergers Syndrome PTSD Depressive Disorder Schitzophrenia
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  • DSM-V Axis Axis I clinical disorders and developmental and learning disorders. Axis 2 personality disorders or mental retardation, includes autism Axis 3 medical and/or physical conditions or disorders Axis 4 Psychosocial & Environmental Problems Axis 5 Overall psychological, social, and occupational functioning (scale from 1 100)
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  • Dangers of Labeling May have negative influence on persons future Impacts how others regard/view person Seen as being mentally ill instead of having a mental illness Stigma ch?v=BHSonXBZOwI ch?v=BHSonXBZOwI Negative self concept Positives too
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  • Insanity Legal term Many people with Psych disorders are SANE Unaware of actions at the time of the crime Not guilty by reason of insanity studies show, held as long in mental institution as if found guilty
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  • Major Disorders Axis I DSM-IV DSM-V classifies symptoms into categories Schizophrenia Mood Disorders Anxiety Disorders Somatoform Disorders Dissociative Disorders Eating Disorders Sleep Disorders
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  • Anxiety Disorders Anxiety general state of dread or uneasiness in response to imagined danger Most common type of mental illness in U.S. Affects 40 million Americans annually
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  • Components of Anxiety Disorders Physical Anxiety fight or flight Activation of sympathetic nervous system Dizziness, increased heart rate and blood pressure, sweaty palms Cognitive and Emotional Anxiety Worrying, belief that events are out of control, unrealistic beliefs Leads to restlessness, panic, terror Behavioral Escaping or fleeing stressful situations Avoiding or being frozen with fright
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  • Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Excessive worrying without known cause Approximately 3% of American Adults Understanding GAD watch?v=IaPN9KQoYbs watch?v=IaPN9KQoYbs Piglet GAD watch?v=vNjpbmVqnfc watch?v=vNjpbmVqnfc
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  • Anxiety Disorders Panic Disorder 1 4% suffer, more common in women Overwhelmed by panic h?v=_qo4uPxhUzU h?v=_qo4uPxhUzU May hyperventilate in this short, intense episode of anxiety
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  • Anxiety Disorders Phobic Disorders Fear of specific items, situations Most Common Phobias Celebrities & Phobias Social Phobia Irrational fear of being negatively evaluated by others Curing Kids with Social Phobia Life long prevalence rate of 12% for Americans
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  • Anxiety Disorders Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Compulsions repeating behaviors (cleaning, checking, hoarding) Obsessions uncontrollable thoughts (contamination, harming others) Howie Mandel m/watch?v=dSZNnz9S M4g m/watch?v=dSZNnz9S M4g
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  • Anxiety Disorders Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Occurs after traumatic event physical attack, natural disaster, war, witnessing death of others Prevalence More females than males Veterans m/watch?v=R6WfDX8KP FU m/watch?v=R6WfDX8KP FU
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  • Somatoform Disorders Physical symptoms with no physical cause apparent Conversion Disorder Converting emotional difficulties into loss of specific physiological function 8ucIcAw 8ucIcAw Hypochondriasis A person in good health becomes preoccupied with imaginary ailments 7YGClE 7YGClE
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  • Dissociative Disorders A loss of awareness of some part of our self, surroundings, or what is going on around us Dissociative Fugue Disorder One or more episodes of amnesia in which a person unable to recall some or all of his past is confused about identity Mother cannot remember ?v=G5Up7UncWFw ?v=G5Up7UncWFw
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  • Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Formerly Multiple Personality Disorder Two or more distinct personalities Rare and controversial More women than men Most have experienced extreme childhood abuse Video n2atzoaA2NI n2atzoaA2NI
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  • Schizophrenia Confused and disconnected thoughts, emotions, perceptions 1% of people worldwide Types Paranoid Catatonic Disorganized Much debate over cause Video KvmTJOhA KvmTJOhA
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  • Delusions & Hallucinations Delusions Hallucinations false beliefs that usually involve a misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences variety of themes (e.g., persecutory, referential, somatic, religious, or grandiose) occur in any sensory modality (e.g., auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile) auditory hallucinations are the most common usually experienced as voices, familiar or unfamiliar, perceived as distinct from the persons own thoughts. Sped up speaking word salad v=yL9UJVtgPZY v=yL9UJVtgPZY
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  • Mood Disorders Bipolar Disorder Manic phase elation, distractibility, racing thoughts, exaggerated self-esteem Depressive phase Varying forms Video yJn_3LkE8w yJn_3LkE8w Seasonal Affective Disorder P7T2q3yeUM P7T2q3yeUM EX. Depression during winter
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  • Mood Disorders Major Depressive Disorder At least 2 weeks feeling depressed, sad, etc Reduced ability to function with others Bereavement does not currently count Problems with eating, sleeping, thinking, concentrating, decision making. Lack of energy. Suicidal thoughts, feeling worthless or guilty
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  • Suicide More than 30,000 Americans per year Women attempt suicide more Men successfully complete suicide more Most people that threaten suicide ARE serious Upwards of 70% of people who commit suicide threatened to do so within three months preceding the suicide
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  • Personality Disorders Maladaptive or inflexible ways of dealing with others and ones environment Antisocial Personality Disorder (Natural Born Killers, No Country For Old Men) Disregard for and violating rights of others without remorse Often intelligent, entertaining, and or able to fake emotions Borderline Personality Disorder (Girl, Interrupted) Unstable emotions, fear of abandonment, inappropriate anger, feelings of worthlessness, impulsive, self-injury
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  • Psychotherapy Treatment used by therapists to help trouble people overcome their problems Verbal interaction between therapist and client Development of a supportive and trusting relationship Analysis by the therapist of the clients problems Help people understand and take ownership in solving problems Can take on many forms
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  • Group Therapy Patients work together with the aid of a leader Helps patients see how other people are struggling with similar problems One therapist can help a large number at a reduced cost Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Substituting healthy thoughts for negative ones Changing disruptive behaviors for healthy ones
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