psycho social development in early childhood

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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A slide show presentation in Human Development - Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood. Including Play and its Types.





The Developing Self

Self Concept

It is our total image of ourselves. It is what we believe about who we are- our total picture of our abilities and traits.

Cognitive Construction

A system of descriptive and evaluative representations about self.

Social Aspect of the Self

Children incorporate into their self-image their growing understanding of how others see them.

Self Definition

The cluster of characteristics by which children describe themselves.

3 steps in the age 5 to 7 shift

Single presentations- First stage in development of self- in which children describe themselves in terms of individual, unconnected characteristics in All-or-nothing termsReal Self- The self one actually is. Ideal Self- The self one would like to


Representational Mappings- A child makes logical connections between aspects of the self but still sees thes characteristics in All-or-nothing terms.

Representational Systems- Children begin to integrate specific features of the self into a general, multidimensional concept.

Cultural Differences

Parents subtly transmit, through everyday conversations cultural ideas and beliefs of how to define the self.

Filipino: Dependent, Family Oriented, Humble, Down to earth.

Americans: Independent, Career Oriented, High self-esteem and Self-expression.

Self -esteem

The judgment a person makes about his or her

self- worth.

Intruments used in Measuring 5 years old’s

self- presentations

Harter self- Perception profile for children(ISPPC).

The puppet interview Contingent self- esteem- If self- esteem

is contingent on success, children may view failure or crirtism as an indictment of their worth and may feel helpless to do better.

Emotions- May be positive or negative. Positive emotions include happiness, pride and other feelings that excite ones emotion,

Negative Emotions include fear, anger, and sadness.Emotions toward the selfSimultaneous Emotions

Erickson: Initiative versus guilt

conflict arises from the growing sense of purpose, which spurs a child to plan and carry out activities, and the growing pangs of conscience the child may have about such plans. It marks a split between two parts of the personality. The part trhat remains a child and the part that becomes an adult.

Virtue of Paradise: The courage to envision and pursue goals without being unduly inhibited by guilt or fear of punishment


Significance of being a male or female.


Is a person’s own sense of identification as male or female.

Gender Difference

Is a distinction of biological and/or psychological characteristics typically associated with either males or females of a species in general.

Gender Role

Refers to the attitudes and behaviors that a class a person’s stereotypical identity.

Gender Typing

Process whereby children at an early age learn appropriate gender roles.

Gender Stereotypes

Are preconceived generalizations about male or female role behavior.


The process by which a young child adopts characteristics, beliefs, attitudes, values, and behavior of the parent of the same sex.

Gender Constancy Awareness that one will always be male

or female.

Gender Identity- Awareness developed in early childhood that one is male or female.

Gender Stability- comes when a girl realizes that she will grow up to be a woman, and a boy that will grow up to be a man.

Gender Consistency- The realization that a girl remains girl remains girl even if she wear pants and has a short hair and boys remains boy even if he has a long hair cut and earrings.

Biological Approaches Key processes: Genetic, neurological,

and hormonal activity Basic Beliefs: Most of behavioral

differences between the sexes can be traced to biological differences.

Psychoanalytic ApproachPsychosexual Theory

Major Theorists: Sigmund Freud Key Processes: Resolution of

unconscious emotional conflict Basic Beliefs: Gender Identity occurs

when child identities with the same sex parent.

Cognitive ApproachCognitive-developmental theory

Major Theorists: Lawrence Kolhberg Key Processes: Self – Categorization Basic Beliefs: Once a child learns she is

agirl or he is a boy, child sorts information about behavior by gender and acts accordingly.

Gender Schema Theory

Major Theorists: Sandra Bem, Carol Lynn Martin & Charles F. Halverson

Key Processes: Self –Categorization based on processing of cultural information

Basic Beliefs: Child organizes information about what is considered appropriate for a boy or a girl on basis of what a particular culture dictates and behaves accordingly. Child aorts by gender because the culture dictates that gender is an important schema.

Play Is the work of the young and it

contributes to all domains of development.

Through play, children stimulate the senses, learn how to use their muscles, coordinate sight with movement, gain mastery over their bodies and require a new skills.


Functional Play

Play involving repetitive muscular movements

Constructive Play

Play involving with the use of objects or materials to make something.

Pretend Play

Play involving imaginary people or situations; also called fantasy play, dramatic play or imaginative play

Parten’s Categories of Social and

nonsocial play

Unoccupied Behavior

The child does not seem to be playing but watches anything of momentary


Onlooker behavior The child spends most of the time

watching other children play. The onlooker talks to them, asking

questions or making suggestions, but does not enter into play.

Definitely observing particular groups of children rather than anything happens to be exciting.

Solitary Independent Play

The child plays alone with the toys that are different from those used by nearby children and makes no effort to get close to them.

Parallel Play

The child plays independently but among the other children, playing with toys like those used by the other children but not necessarily playing with them in he same way.

Playing beside rather than with the others, the parallel player does not try to influence the other children’s play.

Associative Play The child play with the other children.

They talk about their play, borrow and lend toys, follow one another, and try to control who may play in the group.

All children play similarly if not identically; there is no division of labor and no organization around any goal.

Each child acts as she or he wishes and is interested ,ore in being with the other children than in the activity itself.

Cooperative or Organized Supplementary Play

The child plays in a group organized for some goal- to make something, play a formal game, or dramatize a situation.

One or two children control who belongs to the group and direct activities. By a division of labor, children take on different roles and supplement each other’s efforts.

How Gender Influences Play

Gender differences in children’s play provide practice for adult behaviors important for reproduction and survival.

Boys rough-and-tumble plays mirror adult males competition for dominance and status. While girls “playing house” prepares them to care for the young.

Most of the time boys and girls play differently. Most boys like active, forceful play in large groups while girls are inclined to a quieter, more harmonious play with only one playmate.

But when boys and girls play together, they usually play with “masculine toys” or the male’s toys such cars, trucks and blocks because boy’s play references are more stereotyped than girls.

the process of raising and educating a from birth, or before, until adulthood.


Forms Of Discipline

*Reinforcement and Punishment*

Parents sometimes punish children to stop undesirable behavior, but children usually learn more from being reinforced for good behavior.

Corporal punishment

“the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain, but not injury, for the purpose of correction or control of the child’s behavior”.

Power Assertion, Induction, and

Withdrawal of Love

Looking at the reinforcement and punishment alone mat be an oversimplification of how parents influence behavior.

Power Assertion

Disciplinary strategy designed to discourage undesirable behavior through physical or verbal enforcement of parental control.

Inductive Techniques

Are designed to encourage desirable behavior (or discourage undesirable behavior) by reasoning with a child.

Withdrawal of Love

May include ignoring, isolating, or showing dislike for a child.

Psychological Aggression

Verbal attacks that may result in psychological harm.

Authoritarian Parents

In Baumrind’s terminology, parenting style emphasizing control and obedience.

Permissive Parents

In Baumrind’s terminology, parenting style emphasizing self-expression and self-regulation.

Authorative Parents

In Baumrind’s terminology. Parenting style blending respects for a child’s individuality with an effort to instill social values.

Cultural Differences in Parenting Style

Baumrind’s categories reflect the dominant North American view of child development and may be misleading when applied to some cultures or socioeconomic groups.

Promoting Altruism and Dealing with Aggression

and Fearfulness

Prosocial Behavior Any voluntary behavior intended

to help others.


Behavior intended to help others out of inner concern and without expectation of external reward; may involve self-denial or self-sacrifice.

Instrumental Aggression

Aggressive behavior used as means of achieving a goal.

Hostile Aggression

Aggressive behavior intended to hurt another person.

Overt Aggression

Aggression that is openly directed at its target.

Relational Aggression

Aggression aimed at damaging of interfering with another person’s relationship, reputation, or psychological well-being; also called covert or indirect aggression.

Relationship with other children


Children’s growing sense of Capability to master challenges and achieve their goals.

Sibling Rivalry

Is not the main pattern between brothers and sisters early in life. It exist as well and affection, interests, companionship and influence.

The Only Child

These children do better because their parent spend more time and focus more attention on them.

Playmates and Friends

At about age 3, children begin to have friends; they learn that being a friend is the way to have a friend.

Features of Friendship

Doing things together Liking and caring for each other Sharing and helping one another Leaving nearby or going to the same


The end

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