psych-ed 2018

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Psych-ED 2018 Answer Key: Online Round

(Please note, the order in which the questions were presented to each school were randomized during the quiz. The questions below therefore might follow a different order from the one your school attempted. The questions, however, were the same for each team)

1. Psychology is the study of which of the

following? Answer: Mind and behaviour

2. A form of aggressive behavior in which

someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort is known as? Answer: Bullying

3. __________ is the part of the mind

which is inaccessible to the conscious mind but which affects behaviour and emotions. Answer: Unconscious

4. The World Health Day theme of 2017

was? Answer: Depression, Let’s Talk

5. The ability to ‘put oneself in another’s shoes’ is called?

Answer: Empathy 6. In the history of psychology, a major topic has been the relative influence of nature and

nurture. Nature is to nurture as Answer: Biology is to experience

7. The emotional response you are likely to experience when you see a tiger in the jungle

is called? Answer: Fear

8. Researchers have found a correlation between low self-esteem and life problems. This

finding proves Answer: Nothing-correlations allow predictions, but they don't prove cause and effect.

DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES An integrated mental health care system consisting of a team of psychiatrists, clinical and counselling psychologists, arts-based therapists, psychoanalytical psychotherapists, special educators, occupational psychologists, psycho-oncologists, sport psychologists and organizational behaviour experts. The Fortis National Mental Health Program, under the aegis of Dr. Samir Parikh comprises a team of 80 mental health experts across 9 cities in India.

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9. What was the code name given to the CIA’s controversial mind-control program during the cold war? Answer: Project MKUltra

10. A psychologist who treats emotionally troubled adolescents at the local mental health agency is likely to be which of the following? Answer: Clinical psychologist

11. You wish to take an accuratepoll in a certain country by questioning people who truly represent your country's adult population. Therefore, you need to make sure the people are ______________. Answer: A random sample of the population

12. From the very first weeks of life, some infants are intense and

anxious, while others are easygoing and relaxed. These differences are usually explained as differences in which of the following? Answer: Temperament

13. The word psychology is derived from the Greek word psyche, which means

_____________ Answer: Soul

14. Being exposed to life-threatening events such as an earthquake, war or a car accident

may lead to the development of ___________. Answer: Post-traumatic stress disorder

15. An extreme and irrational fear of an object or situation is known as?

Answer: Phobia 16. The statement “people who wear glasses are intelligent” is an example of which of the

following? Answer: Stereotype

17. Infants are most attached to a caregiver who provides which of the following?

Answer: Warmth and comfort 18. Before the age of 9 years, children would obey rules such as not hitting another child

because ______________________. Answer: If you hit someone, you will get punished

FORTIS SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM A platform to promote psycho-social health and well-being of school aged children. This program is dedicated to providing state of the art therapeutic, preventive and rehabilitative services with specialised life skills-based initiatives for children and adolescents. As part of this initiative, we carry out workshops and intervention programs for students, parents, school counsellors and educationists.

19. By age 65, a person would be most likely to experience a decline in which of the

following abilities? Answer: Remember all the items on a grocery list

20. The feeling that "I've been here

before" is known as? Answer: Deja vu

21. Which of the following is not a good suggestion for improving your memory? Answer: Cram just before a test rather than spacing out your studying

22. Waitresses receive on average 26%

higher tips from male customers when they wear which of the following colour? Answer: Red

23. Children may be accurate eyewitnesses if ________________.

Answer: An interviewer asks non-leading questions in words the child can understand

24. In Greek mythology, this man fell in love with his own reflection in the pool. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, he stared at it till he died. Answer: Narcissus

25. Every time a child uses swear words at home, his parents hit him as punishment. Which

of the following is not a likely outcome of this punishment? Answer: The child will understand that it is wrong to swear and will stop swearing in the future

26. Which of the following disorders is Albert Einstein known to have suffered from?

Answer: Dyslexia 27. Last year, 3597 people lost their lives due to potholes, while 803 people died from

terrorist attacks. Yet, we tend to be a lot more afraid of terror attacks. This is due to? Answer: Availability heuristic

28. When inventing the lightbulb, Thomas Edison quoted “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found

ten thousand ways that don’t work”. What form of problem solving does this statement reflect? Answer: Trial and error

PSYCH-ED: NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY QUIZ FOR SCHOOLS A unique approach to learning psychology and enjoying being tested and competing with students from across the country.

29. How old is an individual who uses two words to communicate a full sentence (e.g. want juice) likely to be? Answer: Two years

30. Emotionally intelligent people are characterized by?

Answer: Self-awareness

31. People in different cultures are most likely to differ in their interpretations of Answer: Gestures

32. Which of the following factors is most likely to be associated with happiness?

Answer: Close friendships 33. Which of the following is a genetically disposed response to food?

Answer: A preference for sweet and salty foods 34. Derived from the Buddhist tradition, this term refers to the psychological process of

bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the present moment Answer: Mindfulness

35. Which of the following is true of people

in a group? Answer: They tend to make more extreme decisions than those of its individual members

36. Continued use of a psychoactive drug

produces tolerance. This usually means that the user will Answer: Need to take larger doses to get the desired effect

37. Personality tests are best at predicting

Answer: A person's average behavior across many situations

38. The concept of the “right time” to

complete education, get a job, get married, have children and retire refers to the Answer: Social clock

39. Which is the single largest illness in the world?

Answer: Depression

FORTIS PRO SOCIAL PEER MODERATOR PROGRAM An application-based life-skills program designed to equip students with the skills required to navigate through the range of psychosocial influences that come their way. The program utilizes intensive workshops wherein students themselves become peer trainers and positive role models, in turn helping other children in their schools learn healthier forms of coping. Modules:

• Study and exam skills

• Aggression management

• Risk behaviour management

• Media literacy

• Gender sensitisation.

40. Erik Erikson contended that each stage of life has its own special psychosocial task or challenge. The primary task during adolescence is to Answer: Search for an identity

41. Which of the following is NOT a quality of an effective leader?

Answer: Focusing on people's weaknesses to fix the problems 42. Which of the following is NOT a factor of attraction?

Answer: Having completely opposite characteristics and interests

43. Who among the following would be associated with the school of behaviourism? Answer: John Watson

44. ____________ was the founding father of psychoanalysis. Answer: Sigmund Freud

45. Solomon Asch (1951) conducted an experiment to investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform using a __________ Answer: Line judgment task

46. Eysenck proposed a theory of personality based on ________, arguing that individuals

inherit a type of nervous system that affects their ability to learn and adapt to the environment. Answer: Biological factors

47. A is very ambitious and works long hours. He becomes easily impatient with delays at

work and unproductive time. Which of the following personality types is he most likely to be? Answer: Type A

48. Henry Murray developed the __________ as a measure of personality.

Answer: Thematic Apperception Test 49. _________ are fundamental and generalized beliefs that people hold about

themselves, others, the world, and/or the future. Answer: Core beliefs

50. Free association is a technique which is used as a part of __________.

Answer: Psychoanalysis


A prevention and intervention programme to combat bullying in schools. Bully to Buddy is a comprehensive approach engaging relevant stakeholders, creating school wide policies and rules, building a safe environment, and creating anti-bullying squads to target the problem behaviour and provide the right systems for individual intervention to help the bully and the bullied.

51. Narrative Exposure Therapy is recognised as a treatment for ___________. Answer: Trauma-related disorders

52. What part of the brain is the fight or flight system triggered in?

Answer: Amygdala 53. “If I’m not perfect, that means I have failed.” Which thinking error is this an example

of? Answer: Black and white thinking

54. Seligman's test which involved shocking the floor, dogs were standing, on was to test

which concept? Answer: Learned helplessness

55. Which of the following is NOT a basic emotion

according to Ekman’s theory? Answer: Jealousy

56. In the Little Albert experiment, a 9-month-old

infant was used to show that classical conditioning could be used to create a phobia in an individual. Who was this experiment conducted by? Answer: John Watson

57. Which chemicals are responsible for the "runner's high" and important for controlling

pleasure and pain properties? Answer: Endorphins

58. Children are surrounded by models, such as parents, characters on TV and teachers at

school. These models provide examples of behaviour that at a later time they may imitate. This illustrates which of the following? Answer: Social learning theory

59. Which of the following was the first defense mechanism that Freud discovered?

Answer: Repression 60. K tries to learn list A, then he tries to learn list B, but finds that he can no longer recollect

list A. K is experiencing ____________ . Answer: Retroactive inhibition 61. According to Baumrind, which of the following styles of parenting is associated with

the most socially and academically competent children? Answer: Authoritative

A SPORT PSYCHOLOGY APPROACH TO STUDY SKILLS A 45-minute workshop utilizing the latest techniques from sport psychology to help students learn new skills, zone-in to improve focus, inculcate discipline, minimize distraction, cope with pressure and enhance performance.

62. The ‘cognitive triad’ is made up of negative thoughts about the _____________________. Answer: Self, the world and the future

63. Inconsistency between one’s beliefs

and actions results in ______________. Answer: Cognitive dissonance

64. According to Freud, the _____

operates on the pleasure principle. Answer: Id

65. Which area in the brain is

responsible for controlling the body’s response to stress? Answer: Hypothalamus

66. What is the full form of DBT, a treatment popularly used for individuals with Borderline

Personality Disorder? Answer: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy 67. A person writes a witty passage and does not realize that he was quoting from some

passage he has seen elsewhere, rather than writing something original. Name the phenomenon Answer: Cryptomnesia

68. The word ‘cerebellum’ comes from Latin which means __________.

Answer: Little brain 69. Mr. X reports experiencing nightmares. Which stage of sleep would he be experiencing

these in? Answer: REM stage

70. The Myth of Mental Illness was written by ______________.

Answer: Thomas Szasz 71. Which of the following is a method of qualitative research?

Answer: Unstructured interviews 72. The psychologist Daniel Kahneman was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2002 for

_____________. Answer: Economics

SUMMER INTERNSHIP FOR SCHOOL STUDENTS A week-long summer internship for students of psychology to get first hand exposure to a mental health set-up and interact with experts from various sub-fields of mental health and behavioural sciences.

• Orientation to Clinical disorders and


• The Clinical Interview

• Health and Psychology

• Careers in Psychology

• Understanding the self

• Project presentation

73. Run by the Government of India, which program ensures provision of basic mental health care services at the community level?

Answer: District Mental Health Program 74. A 95% chance of success appears more favorable than a 5% failure rate.

The above example illustrates __________. Answer: Framing effect

75. Another name for social anxiety is ____________. Answer: Glassophobia

76. The first woman President of American Psychological Association was ________________. Answer: Mary Whiton Calkins

77. The term 'inferiority complex' was coined by? Answer: Alfred Adler 78. Homer's epic poem, The Odyssey, opens with Odysseus wanting to return home to his wife. Even after 20 years of separation, his attachment to her is just as strong as it was when he last saw her. Which part of his brain would be involved in such a long-term romance? Answer: Prefrontal cortex

79. Compliance refers to a change in behavior that is requested by another person or

group. What assumption does the ‘Foot in the Door Technique’ of compliance work on? Answer: Agreeing to a small request increases the likelihood of agreeing to a second, larger request

80. While you are preparing for a test, you are also thinking about whether it will be

difficult to remember everything you have studied. This is an example of ________________. Answer: Metacognition

81. During a committee meeting, you are the last to cast your vote on a new policy. You

are leaning towards voting ‘no’, however all the other members vote ‘yes’ and therefore you decide to vote ‘yes’. Which of the following best explains your change? Answer: Conformity

82. S forgot to prepare for his class discussion, however he developed a viewpoint based

on the discussion being held by others. This was possible because of his ____________.

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Answer: Working memory 83. Crystallized intelligence refers to the ___________________.

Answer: Application of knowledge and experience 84. Who among the following is called the Napoleon of Neurosis? Answer: Jean-Martin Charcot 85. ___________ refers to an emotional release which brings about renewal of the self or

relief from anxiety. Answer: Catharsis

86. Which of the following is true according to Alfred Adler’s birth order theory?

Answer: The order in which you are born to a family inherently effects your personality

87. According to Allport, every person has a small number of specific traits that

predominate in his or her personality. He called these a person’s _________traits. While these traits contribute to the make-up of personality, he also argued that occasionally one of them becomes an apparent dominant force. He called this a person’s _________ trait. Answer: Central, cardinal

88. Which of the following is an after-effect of consuming caffeine?

Answer: Feeling anxious


89. ____________ tests are designed to assess intelligence without relying on cultural knowledge. Answer: Culture-fair

90. Which of the following would NOT be classified as a stressor at work?

Answer: Feedback mechanism 91. David Wechsler developed two intelligence scales. The one for adults is known as the

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and the one for children is known as _________________. Answer: The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)

92. According to the World Health Organization, what is the second leading cause of death

among 15–29-year-olds? Answer: Suicide

93. A student failed his exam. He believes this is because: "the teacher hates me, there is

nothing I can do about my future, and these things always happen to me”. He is likely to have an _________ locus of control. Answer: External

94. In the famous experiment by Stanley Milgram, subjects were asked to shock

confederates for giving the wrong answer. Which of the following was an ethical issue that arose following the experiment? Answer: Full blown seizures were observed for 3 participants

95. Which one of the following responses results from the action of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system? Answer: Increased heart rate

96. Which of the following holds true for cognitive behaviour therapy?

Answer: It allows the client some control over their therapy 97. Which of the following is a strength of using questionnaires in research?

Answer: They can be replicated easily to check for reliability 98. According to Carl Rogers, a child has which of the following two basic needs?

Answer: Positive regard from other people and self-worth

99. A person’s ideal self may not be consistent with what actually happens in life and experiences of the person. Hence, a difference may exist between a person’s ideal self and actual experience. This is called ________________. Answer: Incongruence

OUR REACH (2017-18) In the last one year, our team has reached out to over two million students from 1207 schools.

100. Which of the following is not a stage according to Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development? Answer: Confidence vs. Shame

101. According to Carl Jung, what is the “persona archetype”?

Answer: Outward face we present to the world which conceals our real self 102. The case of Anna O marked a turning point in the career of Sigmund Freud and even

went on to influence the future direction of psychology as a whole. What condition was she diagnosed with?

Answer: Hysteria

103. Understanding difficult handwriting is easier when reading complete sentences than when reading single and isolated words. This is because the meaning of the surrounding words provide a context to aid understanding. This is an example of which of the following?

Answer: Top-down processing 104. In the famous study by Rosenhan, ‘pseudo-patients’ were employed to gain

admission to psychiatric wards across the United States of America. Name this study. Answer: Being sane in insane places

105. Which of the following platform was used by Microsoft to identify the indicators in

linguistic styles, engagement and emotions which can help predict depression? Answer: Twitter

106. Online shopping leads to the release

of _________ in the brain, which might result in an addiction towards online shopping.

Answer: Dopamine 107. When you are older and go grocery

shopping, you tend pick the same brands as your mother used to. Which of the following is this an example of?

Answer: Mere exposure effect 108. We develop an understanding of another person’s thoughts and intentions, and using

this, understand how to navigate the social world. This is referred to as the _______________. Answer: Theory of mind

109. “I label the beating of my heart as fear because I evaluate the situation as dangerous.” Which theory accounts for the above statement? Answer: Schachter’s Two-Factor theory

110. R and A have the same IQ of 120. R is two years younger than A. If A is 12 years old,

then the mental age of R will be ________. Answer: 12 years

111. The first sense of the human body to develop is the sense of ___________.

Answer: Touch 112. You feel your phone has vibrated but on checking you realise it hasn't. This

phenomenon has been identified as ___________. Answer: Phantom vibration syndrome 113. Which famous psychologist was recruited by the American government to create a

psychological profile of Adolf Hitler? Answer: Henry Murray 114. In 1944 during World War II, B.F. Skinner sought funding for a top secret project which

involved __________________. Answer: Training pigeons to guide bombs

115. Pablo Picasso was gifted with _______ intelligence. He enjoyed drawing, painting and sculpting, and often expressed his feelings and moods through art. Individuals like him may also be good at reading diagrams and maps and enjoy solving mazes and jigsaw puzzles. Answer: Spatial

116. ________ is a psychological response whereby a captive begins to have positive

feelings towards and identifies closely with their captor and their agenda. Answer: Stockholm syndrome

117. In 1964, several neighbors witnessed Kitty Genovese being murdered in Queens, New

York, but not one called the police for help. This case later become famous for the _____________.

Answer: Bystander effect 118. In 2018, the World Health Organization announced that the ICD-11 includes which of

the following disorders? Answer: Gaming addiction


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119. Most offenders commit crimes in near vicinity of their homes, and as the distance from a perpetrator’s home increases, there is a decrease in criminal activity. This phenomenon has been named ________.

Answer: Distance decay 120. Which of the following is not a condition that strengthens conformity?

Answer: One’s behaviour is not observed by the group 121. When you see another person yawn, you end up yawning too. Social scientists have

termed this phenomenon as _________________. Answer: Behavioural contagion 122. Participants in an experiment are asked to answer the following questions:

What do we call a funny joke? Joke. What sound does a frog make? Croak.

What is an another word for cape? Cloak. What do you call the white of an oak? Yolk.

The correct answer to the last question is “albumen”. 85% of the participants gave the wrong answer, because it rhymed with the previous answers. What phenomena does this experiment illustrate? Answer: Action Slip

123. Genie, the feral child, was raised in social isolation and finally rescued at the age of 13.

Working with a team of rehabilitation experts, she learnt to dress herself and also experienced progress in moral development. She also learnt a few words but was unable to use grammar. Her case provides evidence of which of the following? Answer: Critical period of language development

124. The combination of ideas in a novel or unique way is called _______________ Answer: Creativity 125. ________________ are the ways

that an experimenter can accidentally influence a participant through characteristics such as their appearance, expectations or behaviour.

Answer: Experimenter effects


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