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Software Installation and Licensing

Written for Lock-Based Legacy Licensing, and for PSCAD X4: Version 4.5 (v4.5.0 to v4.5.5) and Version 4.6 (v4.6.0) November 30, 2015 Revision: 7

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015


1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 DETERMINING YOUR INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL ............................................................................................................................... 7

2. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND LICENSING CONFIGURATION (MUL) ............................................................ 8

2.1 SERVER: INSTALLING SOFTWARE .......................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 SERVER: CONFIGURING THE LICENSE MANAGER ................................................................................................... 21 2.3 SERVER: INSTALLING THE LICENSE ...................................................................................................................... 24 2.4 CLIENT COMPUTER: INSTALLING SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................ 25 2.5 SERVER AND CLIENT: ACTIVATING A LICENSE ........................................................................................................ 34

3. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND LICENSING CONFIGURATION (SUL)............................................................ 38

3.1 INSTALLING SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................................... 39 3.2 INSTALLING AND ACTIVATING A LICENSE .............................................................................................................. 47

4. INSTALLING PSCAD ...................................................................................................................................... 50

5. INSTALLING THE LICENSE MANAGER ........................................................................................................... 51

6. INSTALLING GFORTRAN .............................................................................................................................. 52

7. INSTALLING LIVEWIRE ................................................................................................................................. 56

7.1 INSTALLING LIVEWIRE (LICENSED EDITION) ......................................................................................................... 56 7.2 INSTALLING LIVEWIRE LITE (UNLICENSED EDITION) ............................................................................................... 59

8. INSTALLING AND ACTIVATING A LIVEWIRE LICENSE .................................................................................... 62

8.1 INSTALLING PERMANENT LICENSING ................................................................................................................... 63 8.2 ACTIVATING A PERMANENT LICENSE................................................................................................................... 64 8.3 OBTAINING A TRIAL LICENSE ............................................................................................................................. 67

9. INSTALLING SENTINEL DRIVERS ................................................................................................................... 73

9.1 ALONGSIDE PSCAD PRODUCTS ........................................................................................................................ 73 9.2 SEPARATE INSTALLATION – INSTALLSHIELD WIZARD .............................................................................................. 74 9.3 SEPARATE INSTALLATION – SILENT ..................................................................................................................... 75

10. SILENT INSTALLATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 76

10.1 BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................................ 76 10.2 AVAILABILITY ................................................................................................................................................. 76 10.3 WINDOWS ADMINISTRATIVE PRIVILEGES REQUIREMENT ........................................................................................ 77 10.4 UNATTENDED INSTALLATION WHEN INSTALLING FROM WRITEABLE MEDIA ................................................................ 78 10.5 UNATTENDED INSTALLATIONS WHEN USING READ-ONLY MEDIA .............................................................................. 79 10.6 END-USER CUSTOMIZED UNATTENDED INSTALLATIONS ......................................................................................... 80

11. SWITCHING BETWEEN LEGACY AND CERTIFICATE LICENSING ................................................................. 81

11.1 DESCRIPTION OF LICENSING METHODS ............................................................................................................... 82 11.2 CHECKING YOUR LICENSING CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................... 83 11.3 SWITCHING TO LEGACY LICENSING ..................................................................................................................... 85 11.4 SWITCHING TO CERTIFICATE LICENSING ............................................................................................................... 88

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015

12. ADDING OR REMOVING SOFTWARE ....................................................................................................... 89

12.1 PSCAD INSTALLATION PACKAGE ....................................................................................................................... 90 12.2 WINDOWS CONTROL PANEL ............................................................................................................................. 92

13. MOVING THE LICENSE TO ANOTHER COMPUTER .................................................................................... 93

13.1 A LICENSE MANAGER IS USED ........................................................................................................................... 94 13.2 A LICENSE MANAGER IS NOT USED ..................................................................................................................... 95

14. INSTALLING OR REPLACING A LICENSE .................................................................................................... 96

14.1 USING THE PSCAD APPLICATION ...................................................................................................................... 96 14.2 USING THE LICENSE UPDATE UTILITY ................................................................................................................ 100

15. RESOLVING ISSUES................................................................................................................................ 103

15.1 SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ISSUES ..................................................................................................................... 103 15.2 ISSUES WITH CONFIGURING THE STANDALONE LICENSE MANAGER ......................................................................... 104 15.3 ISSUES WITH INSTALLING A LICENSE USING THE LICENSE UPDATE UTILITY ................................................................. 105 15.4 ISSUES WITH INSTALLING OR ACTIVATING A PSCAD LICENSE ................................................................................. 106 15.5 ISSUES WITH ACTIVATING A LIVEWIRE LICENSE ................................................................................................... 107 15.6 DETECTING YOUR PSCAD VERSION AND LICENSE NUMBER .................................................................................. 108 15.7 CONTACTING THE SUPPORT DESK .................................................................................................................... 110

APPENDIX A: LICENSING ACROSS NETWORKS ............................................................................................... 111

APPENDIX B: RESOURCES FOR NEW USERS ................................................................................................... 115

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Scope

This manual provides installation and licensing instructions for PSCAD and associated

software. These instructions cover new installations; if you are updating existing

installations, refer instead to “Updating PSCAD”, available at the following link:

Instructions for the following software are included:

All PSCAD X4 releases for v4.5 and v4.6 (4.5.0, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3, v4.5.4, v4.5.5,

v4.6.0), for both the Professional and Educational Editions

Standalone Licence Manager releases v1.31 to v1.41 (also known as simply

“Licence Manager")

The License Manager is installed only when running a Multi-User license which

has multiple PSCAD seats and/or is being shared with client machines over

the Internet.

GFortran compilers v4.2.1 and v4.6.2

LiveWire 2.3 and LiveWire Lite

Sentinel Drivers 7.150.10

Pre-requite software (Microsoft Visual C++ and .NET Framework)

This manual covers “Lock-Based Licensing”, which is part of “Legacy Licensing”, for both

Multi-User and Single-User licences. Lock-Based Licensing uses a combination of USB lock

and license database file to validate licensing.


1. This manual does not cover certificate licensing. If you are using certificate

licensing, refer instead to the guide “Managing MyCentre” for the Free Edition,

or to “How to Install a Trial License” for a trial certificate license. Both manuals

are posted on the following link:

2. This manual does not cover lockless trial licensing. If you are using lockless trial

licensing, refer instead to the guide “How to Install a Trial License”, posted at

the above link.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 2

Licensing configuration instructions for the following products are included:


Expanded mode (see Appendix A for more information)

LiveWire Pro


GFortran and LiveWire Lite (a limited-feature edition) do not require any licensing


1.2 Determining Your Installation

It is recommended that you determine which products to install prior to beginning the

installation. The products will depend on the type of license you have, Multi-User license

(MUL) or Single-User license (SUL). For an MUL, this is further broken down to installations

on the Server and PSCAD Client computer. Table 1-1 may be used to help determine

software and hardware requirements. Following the table are product descriptions.

License Type



PSCAD License File



alone License












Expanded Mode

USB Lock


license (MUL)

(Network License)

PSCAD License Server

Opt Yes Yes[2] Opt[3] Opt[4] Opt Opt[1] Opt[1] Yes

PSCAD Client

Computer Yes No No Opt[3] Opt[4] Opt Opt[1] No No


license (SUL)

Computer running

PSCAD and License

Yes Yes No Opt[3] Opt[4] Opt Opt[1] No Yes

Legend: Yes = Installation is required No = Installation is not recommended Opt = Optional to install, not required 1May be installed, but requires licensing 2Typically installed; refer to the description, below, to see when not to install this 3Install this on a computer running PSCAD v4.5 or v4.6 if you do not own a commercial compiler 4Install this on a computer running PSCAD v4.6 if you do not own a commercial compiler

Table 1-1. Determining Your Installation

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 3


PSCAD (Power Systems Computer Aided Design) is a powerful and flexible graphical user

interface to the world-renowned, EMTDC electromagnetic transient simulation engine.

PSCAD enables the user to schematically construct a circuit, run a simulation, analyse the

results, and manage the data in a completely integrated, graphical environment. Online

plotting functions, controls, and meters are also included, enabling the user to alter system

parameters during a simulation run, and thereby view the effects while the simulation is in


PSCAD comes complete with a library of pre-programmed and tested simulation models,

ranging from simple passive elements and control functions, to more complex models, such

as electric machines, full-on FACTS devices, transmission lines, and cables. If a required

model does not exist, PSCAD provides avenues for building custom models.

GFortran 95 Compiler

A FORTRAN compiler is required for building a PSCAD project in order to view the simulation

results. As such, the GFortran v4.2.1 compiler is included as part of the evaluation package

for all PSCAD v4.5 and v4.6, and the GFortran 4.6.2 compiler is also included with PSCAD

v4.6.0 and better. These compilers comply with the American National Standards Institute,

ANSI 95.

If you own a Professional or Educational PSCAD license, it is recommended that you use the

Intel® Fortran Composer XE 2015 compiler. When compared with GFortran, Intel® Visual

Fortran Composer is faster, has superior debugging, and is more frequently updated. As

such, Intel is recommended over GFortran when running larger PSCAD cases, as typically

found in commercial and educational environments. For purchasing details, please contact

our sales desk (

A commercially available compiler, Intel Visual Fortran, may be used instead, and is

considered superior to GFortran for the following reasons:

Widely used, so many shared libraries are built with and compatible with Intel

Simulation speeds are two to three times faster

Compatible with Matlab, whereas GFortran is not

Visual Studio debugging environment is fantastic for debugging custom code

Bug fixes and enhancements are constant because Intel is a commercial product

Backwards compatibility, newer versions of Intel can work with libraries created with

earlier versions

Better at producing meaningful errors when users custom code is erroneous.

Intel Fortran may be purchased through our sales desk (


LiveWire is a data analysis program that visualizes and analyzes data, and is not required

for using PSCAD. There are two LiveWire packages available for installation:

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 4

“LiveWire Lite (Demo)” is a free, unlicensed, limited-feature edition of LiveWire.

There is no expiry associated with this edition.

“LiveWire” is the fully-featured edition, which may be licensed via either a

temporary trial or permanent license.

Multi-User License

The Multi-User license (MUL) is typically used to share one or more PSCAD seats with Client

computers over a network. A license host (Server) hosts both the license and the software

(License Manager) that manages the license. For example, for an MUL with five seats, the

License Manager may issue licensing for up to five instances of PSCAD, either locally or on

other computers over the network.

Single-User License

The Single-User license (SUL) is used to run one instance of PSCAD on the computer on

which the license is installed. Licensing is managed by a self-licensing feature within the

PSCAD software. The Standalone License Manager (see below) should not be installed with

this type of license.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 5

Standalone License Manager

The standalone License Manager (also known simply as License Manager) is installed on a

Server, and manages the PSCAD seats for a Multi-User license. These seats are typically

issued to Client computers over a network. Each time a Client computer opens or closes

PSCAD, it requests or relinquishes its seat, respectively.


For a Single-User license, licensing is not managed using the License Manager.

Instead, it is managed through self-licensing, a feature in PSCAD itself.

There are two conditions under which the License Manager should not be installed, as


On a computer running a Single-User license.

Or, on a computer running a Multi-User license when the following three conditions

are met:

The license contains only one PSCAD seat, and

The license will be hosted on a Client computer, and

The license will not be shared with other Client computers across a network.

Licensing Files and USB Lock

A license database file and USB lock (or dongle) are used jointly to validate licensing. They

are encoded with the terms of the product as follows:

The type of product (PSCAD, LiveWire, expanded mode (for MULs))

The type of license:


Professional or Educational

The number of PSCAD seats (for MULs)

The product expiry (if applicable)

The license database file is generated and saved to the license host by running a license.txt

file in the licensing utility. There is a standalone licensing utility (License Update Utility), and

a utility built into PSCAD.

Licensing is hosted as follows:

For an MUL, the licensing will typically reside on the Server. The Client computer is

issued a PSCAD seat from the Server over the network. However, an MUL may be

hosted on a Client computer instead, and might share the licensing with other

computers over the network.

For an SUL, the licensing resides locally on the computer that is running PSCAD.

The USB lock is a device that plugs into a standard USB port.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 6

Expanded Mode

Expanded mode is a special feature added to a license, and is provided to approved

organizations whose Client computers reside on a different network than the Server. Please

refer to Appendix A to determine whether this licensing is required for your networking



If you require assistance with determining your requirements, please forward your

networks to our Support Desk as per Section 15.7.

1.3 System Requirements

Version 4.5 is supported on:

Microsoft® Windows Vista 32 SP1

Microsoft® Windows Vista 64 SP1

Microsoft® Windows 7

Version 4.6 is supported on:

Microsoft® Windows 7 64

PSCAD v4.6 is not supported on Windows XP.

Although not officially supported, the following operating systems might also work with


For v4.5: Windows XP and Windows 8

For v4.6: Windows 8

Requirement of one USB 2.0 port for the hardware (USB lock). The lock is part of the

licensing validation process. Refer to Section 1.2 for a description.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 7

1.4 How to Use this Manual

Prior to beginning software installation and licensing, it is recommended that you determine

which products to install as per Section 1.2, then proceed as follows:

If you have a Multi-User license, proceed to Section 2 for software installation

and licensing instructions. These instructions are applicable for both the Server

and Client computers.

Section 2 provides instructions for conventional (attended) installation on the

Client computers using the InstallShield Wizard (Section 2.4). For v4.5.4 and

later, silent (unattended) installations may be performed as per Section 10.

If you have a Single-User license, proceed to Section 3 for software installation

and licensing instructions.

Additional resources are available as follows:

Installing PSCAD (Section 4)

Installing the License Manager (Section 5)

Installing GFortran (Section 6)

Installing and licensing LiveWire (Sections 7 and 8)

Installing Sentinel Drivers (Section 9)

Silent installations for PSCAD (for v4.5.4 and later) and GFortran (Section 10)

Configuring Lock-Based Licensing (Section 11)

Adding or removing software (Section 12)

Moving the license to a different computer (Section 13)

Installing or replacing a license (Section 14)

Resolving software installation or licensing issues (Section 15)

Overview of networking requirements when using a Multi-User license

(Appendix A)

Listing of resources for new users (Appendix B)

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 8

2. Software Installation and Licensing Configuration


This section provides instructions for installing and licensing your software, and is applicable

to licenses containing the following features:

The license is Professional or Educational, and

The license is considered to be Multi-User, in which:

A license will be shared with one or more client machines over a network,


The license has two or more PSCAD seats.

If your license does not meet the above requirements, do not follow the instructions in this

section. Refer instead to Section 1.2 to determine the appropriate set of instructions.

Instructions include all required installations and configurations, and should be completed in

the order presented:

Install and configure your License Manager software on the host machine. This

software will be used to manage the activation of the PSCAD seat/s.

Install the license on the host machine.

Install PSCAD software (v4.5 or v4.6) on the client machine/s, and activate a


Install all prerequisite software as required, as well as any optional software

(GFortran compilers and LiveWire).

The instructions for the Professional and Educational licenses are very similar; any

differences are as noted.

Before proceeding, verify that the Client computers are on the same network as the Server,

as described in Appendix A. If any of the client computers are on a different network, your

setup may require expanded mode. Please contact if you have any


Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 9

2.1 Server: Installing Software

This section provides instructions for installing software on the Server using the InstallShield

Wizard, and includes the following software (for a description of these products, refer to

Section 1.2):

Microsoft Visual C++ (required)

Microsoft .NET Framework (required)

License Manager (required – ensure to select this option when prompted)

Sentinel Drivers (required, for reading the USB lock)

PSCAD (optional)

GFortran compiler (optional - a compiler is required for compiling your projects.

Install GFortran only if PSCAD is also installed, and if a commercial compiler such

as Intel® Fortran Composer will not be installed)

LiveWire (optional; this is the fully-featured version, requiring a professional or trial


LiveWire Lite (Demo) (optional; this is a limited-feature version, with no licensing


The following is provided with a license:

The software installation files (on a compact disk (CD)).

A USB lock. The USB lock is plugged in on the Server. It is used in combination with

a license file to activate a PSCAD license, and must remain plugged in to retain the


The license text file. This file contains your licensing specifications, and is saved on

your installation CD. It is used to install the license database file on the Server.

Note the following prior to this procedure:

If operating on Windows Vista or later, ensure that you have Windows

administrative privileges on your computer prior to beginning the installation.

On a computer running the 32-bit Windows operating system, only the 32-bit

version of PSCAD will be installed. The 32-bit version may be launched using the

automatically generated link in the Windows Start menu.

On a computer running the 64-bit Windows operating system, both the 32-bit and

64-bit versions of PSCAD will be installed. The 64-bit version may be launched

using the automatically generated link in the Windows Start menu.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 10

Proceed as follows:

a. Launch and configure the installation as follows:


If you encounter any installation issues, refer to Section 15.1.

b. Launch the installation:

On Windows Vista and later: In the installation files, right-click on “setup.exe”,

and select “Run as administrator”, or

On Windows XP: In the installation files, double-left click on “setup.exe”.


If you downloaded the installation files, ensure that they are saved to and being run

from a local drive rather than from a network drive.

c. On Windows Vista and later, the “User Account Control” dialog box may display to

inquire whether you want to allow “setup.exe” to make changes to your computer.

This message is a standard warning to protect your computer when an executable

file is detected. Select “Yes” to begin the installation.

d. The InstallShield Wizard will launch and display the following screen if any required

prerequisite software must be installed. Select “Install” to proceed. This step may

several minutes.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 11

e. Select “Next” to continue.

f. If you agree with the software license agreement, select “I accept the terms of the

license agreement”, then select “Next”.

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©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 12

g. Review the default destination folder for the program files. To install to a different

folder, set the file path with the “Browse” button. Select “Next”.

The default directories are as follows:

PSCAD v4.5: C:\Program Files (x86)\PSCAD45

PSCAD v4.6: C:\Program Files (x86)\PSCAD46

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©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 13

h. Select all required programs, then select “Next”. Normally, only the “License

Manager” is installed on a Server.


1. PSCAD will also automatically be installed.

2. To select a product for installation, left-click on the checkbox to place a


3. To display a description of a product in the “Description” field, click on the

product name.

4. If GFortran will be installed, ensure to log out and log in to (or restart) your

computer following this installation, prior to running a PSCAD case with

GFortran. This is required to apply the changes to your computer.

5. You may install or remove a product at a later time, in accordance with

Section 12.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 14

i. Proceed as follows:

For v4.5.0 to v4.5.3

Select “PSCAD will use a License Manager on

this machine”.

Select “OK” to continue

For v4.5.4

Select “PSCAD will use a License Manager on this machine”.

Select “Next” to continue.

For v4.5.5 and v4.6.0

Select “License Manager on this machine”.

Select “Next” to continue.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 15

j. If the following message is displayed, then the License Manager was not selected for

installation. The License Manager is required when sharing a license over a network

or for running more than one instance of PSCAD on a machine. Select “OK” to install

the License Manager.

k. The “Information” screen will list your system resources. Select “Next”.

l. The “Setup Status” screen will display, and PSCAD will be installed.

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m. The License Manager installation will proceed. Select “Next”.

n. If you agree with the software license agreement, select “I accept the terms of the

license agreement”, then “Next”.

o. Read the “Pre-Installation Information” screen, then select “Next” to continue.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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p. The “System Information” screen will display. Select “Next”.

q. Review the default destination folder for the License Manager program files. To install

to a different folder, set the file path with the “Browse” button. Select “Next”.

The default directory is as follows:

C:\Program Files (x86)\HVDC Lmgr

r. Select “Next”. The License Manager will be installed.

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s. If applicable, notification that the Sentinel drivers will be installed (or repaired) will

be displayed. These drivers are required for reading the USB lock. Unplug all Sentinel

USB locks from your computer, then select “OK”.

t. The following message is a reminder that if the Client computers are on a different

network than the Server, expanded mode is required. This is determined as

described in Appendix A. Select “OK”.


If you require assistance with determining your requirements, please forward a

listing of your networks to our Support Desk as per Section 15.7.

u. The License Manager “Setup Tool” utility will display. Proceed to Section 2.2 to

configure the License Manager using this utility, then return to Step (v) below.

v. When prompted, select “Yes – install/update product licenses”, then select “Next”.

This will display the “License Update Utility”. Go to Section 2.3 to install the license

on the Server, then return to Step (w) below.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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w. Select “Finish”.

x. The following screen will indicate that the License Manager has been installed and

configured, and recommend that you restart your computer. Select "Finish".

y. If you also chose to install GFortran on the Server, go to Section 6 for this

installation, then return to Step (z) below.

z. If you also chose to install LiveWire or LiveWire (Lite) on the Server, go to Section

7.1 or 7.2 respectively for this installation, then proceed to Step (aa) below.

aa. If prompted, unplug your Sentinel USB locks, then select “OK”. The InstallShield will

install or repair your Sentinel drivers.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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bb. Select whether to restart your computer, then press “Finish”.

cc. This concludes the installation and configuration on the Server. The License Manager

will be ready to issue licenses to the Client computers.

dd. If PSCAD was installed on the Server, go to Section 2.5 to activate the license on the

Server, then proceed to Step (ee) below.

ee. Go to Sections 2.4 and 2.5 to install software and configure the licensing on the

Client computers.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 21

2.2 Server: Configuring the License Manager

The License Manager “Setup Tool” is used to configure networking between the License

Manager and Client computers for sharing licenses. Or, it may be used locally for managing

multiple seats on one client machine.

Configure the License Manager as follows:


1. If you encounter any issues, refer to Section 15.2.

2. When configuring the Setup Tool, further references may be viewed in the

Setup Tool “Help” menu.

a. Display the “Setup Tool” by one of the following methods:

If this is a continuation from Section 2.1, the Setup Tool will automatically display

during the installation of the License Manager, or

If the License Manager software was previously installed, the Setup Tool may be

displayed from the Windows “Start” menu (All Programs | PSCAD | License

Manager | Setup Tool), or

Download the utility from the following link, extract the files to a different folder

on your local drive, and run the “SetupTool.exe” file.

b. For Expanded Mode Only: If your license includes expanded mode, configure the

“Networks” tab as specified by our support desk.


1. If eligible, expanded mode may have been included as part of your license if any

Client Machines are on a different network than the Server.

2. The expanded mode will be included as part of the “License.txt" file, and is

installed as per Section 2.3.

3. See Appendix A for more information on expanded mode.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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c. In the “Adapters & IPs” tab, select the network on which the Server computer and

the Client computers will communicate. There are two methods for configuring the



This step is applicable for all Multi-User licenses when sharing a license with client

machines over the Internet, regardless whether your license includes expanded

mode or not. If your license does not include expanded mode, this tab permanently

sets the network communication between the Server and Client computers. If your

license does include expanded mode, this tab sets the default network

communication between the Server and Client computers if the expanded mode


The preferred method for setting the network is to lock communication to a

specific network, which lists the specific IP address. Proceed as shown.


The IP address may not be selected.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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The second method of configuring the networking is to lock to an adapter type,

such as wired or wireless, as shown. The License Manager will lock to the first

detected adapter of the type selected. This is not the preferred method of setting

the networking, as the IP address can vary depending on which adapter type is

detected first. Proceed as shown.

d. If required, the networking permission that was set in the “Adapters & IPs” tab may

be relaxed or restricted by configuring the “Override” tab. Use the up and down

arrows to restrict or loosen permission in the “Class” field. For more detailed

information on networking permissions, see Appendix A.

e. The License Manager will be configured. Save settings and close the utility by

selecting “Save Settings and Exit” in the “Actions” menu.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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2.3 Server: Installing the License

The license may be installed on the Server using either of the following two methods:

Use the “License Update Utility” as per Section 14.2 (preferred), or

If PSCAD is installed, use this application to install the license as per

Section 14.1.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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2.4 Client Computer: Installing Software

This section provides instructions for installing software on the Client computers using the

InstallShield Wizard.


For v4.5.4 and later, if PSCAD (and GFortran) is to be installed on numerous

computers, you may prefer instead to perform the installations using one of the

three “silent” (unattended) methods in Section 10.

This installation includes the following software (for a description of these products, refer to

Section 1.2):

Microsoft Visual C++ (required)

Microsoft .NET Framework (required)

PSCAD (required)

Licence Manager (optional, and NOT recommended; ensure to de-select this

option when prompted)

GFortran compiler (optional - a compiler is required for compiling your projects.

Install GFortran alongside PSCAD only if a commercial compiler such as Intel®

Fortran Composer will not be installed)

LiveWire (optional; this is the fully-featured version, requiring a permanent

license or trial license)

LiveWire Lite (Demo) (optional; this is a limited-feature version, with no licensing


Sentinel Drivers (required)

The following is provided with a license:

The software installation files (on a compact disk (CD)).

A USB lock. The USB lock is plugged in on the Server. It is used in combination

with a license file to activate a PSCAD license, and must remain plugged in to

retain the license.

The license text file. This file contains your licensing specifications, and is saved

on your installation CD. It is used to install the license database file on the


Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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Note the following prior to this procedure:

If operating on Windows Vista or later, ensure that you have Windows

administrative privileges on your computer prior to beginning the installation.

On a computer running the 32-bit Windows operating system, only the 32-bit

version of PSCAD will be installed. The 32-bit version may be launched using the

automatically generated link in the Windows Start menu.

On a computer running the 64-bit Windows operating system, both the 32-bit and

64-bit versions of PSCAD will be installed. The 64-bit version may be launched

using the automatically generated link in the Windows Start menu.

Install software on the Client computers as follows:


If you encounter any installation issues, refer to Section 15.1.

a. Launch the installation:

On Windows Vista and later: In the installation files, right-click on “setup.exe”,

and select “Run as administrator”, or

On Windows XP: In the installation files, double-left click on “setup.exe”.


If you downloaded the installation files, ensure that they are saved to and being run

from a local drive rather than from a network drive.

b. On Windows Vista and later, the “User Account Control” dialog box may display to

inquire whether you want to allow “setup.exe” to make changes to your computer.

This message is a standard warning to protect your computer when an executable

file is detected. Select “Yes” to begin the installation.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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c. The InstallShield Wizard will launch and display the following screen if any required

prerequisite software must be installed. Select “Install” to proceed. This step may

take a few minutes.

d. Select “Next” to continue.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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e. If you agree with the software license agreement, select “I accept the terms of the

license agreement”, then select “Next”.

f. Review the default destination folder for the program files. To install to a different

folder, set the file path with the “Browse” button. Select “Next”.

The default directories are as follows:

PSCAD v4.5: C:\Program Files (x86)\PSCAD45

PSCAD v4.6: C:\Program Files (x86)\PSCAD46

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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g. From the “Product Listing” screen, select all required programs, then select “Next”.

Version 4.5 Version 4.6


1. Do not select “License Manager”.

2. To select a product for installation, left-click on the checkbox to place a


3. To display a description of a product in the “Description” field, click on the

product name.

4. If GFortran will be installed, ensure to log out and log in to your computer

following this installation, prior to running a PSCAD case with GFortran. This is

required to apply the changes to your computer.

5. You may install or remove a product at a later time, in accordance with

Section 12.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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h. Proceed as follows:

For v4.5.0 to v4.5.3

If you know the server name or IP address,

select “PSCAD will use a License Manager on another machine on your network”, and enter the server name or IP address in the field provided.

Or, if you do not know the server name or IP address, select “PSCAD will use self-licensing”. You will be prompted for this information

during license activation (Section 2.5).

Select “OK” to continue

For v4.5.4

If you know the server name or IP address, select “PSCAD will use a License Manager on

another machine on your network”. You will be prompted for this information in the next step.

Or, if you do not know the server name or IP address, select “PSCAD will use self-licensing”. You will be prompted for this information during license activation (Section 2.5).

Select “Next” to continue.

For v4.5.5 and v4.6.0

If you know the server name or IP address, select “License Manager on another machine”. You will be prompted for this information in

the next step.

Or, if you do not know the server name or IP address, select “Certificate or lock-based self-licensing”. You will be prompted for this information during license activation (Section 2.5).

Select “Next” to continue.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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i. For v4.5.4 and later: If prompted, enter the Server name or IP address in the field

provided, then select “Next”.

j. For v4.5.4 and later: If incorrect information is entered in the above dialog box, an

error message will display. Proceed as follows:

To retry entering the License Manager host information, select “No”, then return

to Step (h).

To continue the installation without the License Manager host information, select

“Yes”, and proceed to Step (k). You will be prompted for this information during

license activation (Section 2.5).

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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k. The “Information” screen will list your system resources. Select “Next”.

l. The “Setup Status” screen will display, and PSCAD will be installed.

m. If you also chose to install GFortran, go to Section 6 for this installation, then

proceed to Step (n) below.

n. If you also chose to install LiveWire or LiveWire Lite, go to Section 7.1 or 7.2

respectively for this installation, then return to Step (o) below.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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o. When prompted, unplug any Sentinel USB locks, then select “OK”. The InstallShield

Wizard will install (or repair) your Sentinel Drivers.

p. This concludes the installations on the Client computer. Select “Finish”, then proceed

to Section 2.5 to activate a licence on the Client computer.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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2.5 Server and Client: Activating a License

Once the software installation, configuration and licensing have been performed on the

Server and Client machines (Sections 2.1 to 2.4), activate a license to run PSCAD as



If you encounter any licensing issues, refer to Section 15.4.

a. On the Server, ensure the USB lock is plugged in and the license was installed as per

Section 2.3.

b. Launch PSCAD according to your Windows operating system, licensing type, and

PSCAD version:

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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c. The following dialog box will display if a license is not available. Select “OK”.

d. If not automatically displayed, display the “System Settings” dialog box from the

“PSCAD” start button.

e. Proceed as follows:


PSCAD must be configured for “legacy licensing” so that lock-based licensing (USB

lock and license database file combination) may be used. If the wrong licensing

configuration is set (“Certificate”), this must be switched.

If set correctly to “License” (left view above), proceed to Step (f).

Or, if set incorrectly to “Certificate Licensing” (right view above), switch the

configuration to legacy licensing as per Section 11.3, then go to Step (f) below.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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f. Activate a license as follows:

(1) Enter the following information:

On a Server: Enter the text: localhost 2053

On a Client Machine: Enter the server name or IP address

(2) Select “Apply”.

(3) Select license from the drop-down menu.

(4) Select “Activate”.


The “Lockless” trial licensing configuration (see below) was removed from the

System Settings dialog box as of v4.5.4.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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g. If the license has successfully been activated, the type of license (“Professional” or

“Educational”) will be displayed in the application heading. Close out of the System

Settings dialog box.

h. PSCAD will be licensed to use.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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3. Software Installation and Licensing Configuration


This section provides instructions for installing and licensing your software, and is applicable

to licenses containing all of the following features:

The license is Professional or Educational, and

The license is considered to be Single-User, in which:

The license contains only one PSCAD seat, and

The license will be installed on a Client computer, and

The license will be used locally, and not shared with other Client computers

over a network.

If your license does not have all of the above features, do not follow the instructions in this

section. Refer instead to Section 1.2 to determine the appropriate set of instructions.

Instructions include all required installations and configurations, and should be completed in

the order presented:

Install PSCAD software (v4.5 or v4.6).

Install all prerequisite software as required, as well as any optional software

(GFortran compilers and LiveWire).

Install and activate a license.

The instructions for the Professional and Educational licenses are very similar; any

differences are as noted.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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3.1 Installing Software

This section provides instructions for installing software using the InstallShield Wizard, and

includes the following software (for a description of these products, refer to Section 1.2):

Microsoft Visual C++ (required)

Microsoft .NET Framework (required)

PSCAD (required – ensure to select this option when prompted)

Licence Manager (optional, and NOT recommended; ensure to de-select this

option when prompted)

GFortran compiler (optional - a compiler is required for compiling your projects.

Install GFortran alongside PSCAD only if a commercial compiler such as Intel®

Fortran Composer will not be installed)

LiveWire (optional; this is the fully-featured version, requiring a professional or

trial license)

LiveWire Lite (Demo) (optional; this is a limited-feature version, with no licensing


Sentinel Drivers (required; for reading the USB lock)

The following is provided with a license:

The software installation files (on a compact disk (CD)).

A USB lock. The USB lock is plugged in on the Client machine. It is used in

combination with a license file to activate a PSCAD license, and must remain

plugged in to retain the license.

The license text file. This file contains your licensing specifications, and is saved

on your installation CD.

Note the following prior to this procedure:

If operating on Windows Vista or later, ensure that you have Windows

administrative privileges on your computer prior to beginning the installation.

On a computer running the 32-bit Windows operating system, only the 32-bit

version of PSCAD will be installed. The 32-bit version may be launched using the

automatically generated link in the Windows Start menu.

On a computer running the 64-bit Windows operating system, both the 32-bit and

64-bit versions of PSCAD will be installed. The 64-bit version may be launched

using the automatically generated link in the Windows Start menu.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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Install the software as follows:


If you encounter any installation issues, refer to Section 15.1.

a. Launch the installation:

On Windows Vista and later: In the installation files, right-click on “setup.exe”,

and select “Run as administrator”, or

On Windows XP: In the installation files, double-left click on “setup.exe”.


If you downloaded the installation files, ensure that they are saved to and being run

from a local drive rather than to a network drive.

b. On Windows Vista and later, the “User Account Control” dialog box may display to

inquire whether you want to allow “setup.exe” to make changes to your computer.

This message is a standard warning to protect your computer when an executable

file is detected. Select “Yes” to begin the installation.

c. The InstallShield Wizard will launch and display the following screen if any required

prerequisite software must be installed. Select “Install” to proceed. This step may

take several minutes.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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d. Select “Next” to continue.

e. If you agree with the software license agreement, select “I accept the terms of the

license agreement”, then select “Next”.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 42

f. Review the default destination folder for the program files. To install to a different

folder, set the file path with the “Browse” button. Select “Next”.

The default directories are as follows:

PSCAD v4.5: C:\Program Files (x86)\PSCAD45

PSCAD v4.6: C:\Program Files (x86)\PSCAD46

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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g. From the “Product Listing” screen, select all required programs, then select “Next”.

Normally, “PSCAD” is selected, along with the GFortran Compiler if you do not have a

commercial compiler. Additionally, the following software may be installed: “LiveWire

Lite (Demo)” (a free limited-feature version), and “LiveWire” (a fully-featured version

that is licensed using either a trial or permanent license).

Version 4.5 Version 4.6


1. Do not select “License Manager”.

2. To select a product for installation, left-click on the checkbox to place a


3. To display a description of a product in the “Description” field, click on the

product name.

4. If GFortran will be installed, ensure to log out and log in on your computer

following this installation, prior to running a PSCAD case with GFortran. This is

required to apply the changes to your computer.

5. You may install or remove a product at a later time, in accordance with

Section 12.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 44

h. Proceed as follows:

For v4.5.0 to v4.5.3

Select “PSCAD will use self-licensing”.

Select “OK” to continue.

For v4.5.4

Select “PSCAD will use self-licensing”.

Select “Next” to continue.

For v4.5.5 and v4.6.0

Select “Certificate or lock-based licensing”.

Select “Next” to continue.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 45

i. The “Information” screen will display your system resources. Select “Next”.

j. The “Setup Status” screen will display, and PSCAD will be installed.

k. If you also chose to install GFortran, go to Section 6 for this installation, then

proceed to Step (l) below.

l. If you also chose to install LiveWire or LiveWire Lite, go to Section 7.1 or 7.2

respectively for this installation, then return to Step (m) below.

m. When prompted, unplug any Sentinel USB locks, then select “OK”. The InstallShield

Wizard will install (or repair) your Sentinel Drivers.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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n. This concludes the installations. Select “Finish”, then proceed to Section 3.2 to install

and activate the license.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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3.2 Installing and Activating a License

Install and activate a license to run PSCAD as follows:


If you encounter any issues, refer to Section 15.4.

a. Ensure the software has been installed (Section 3.1) and the USB lock is plugged in.

b. Install the license using one of two methods, as follows:

Recommended: Use the “License Update Utility” as per Section 14.2, then

continue from Step (c) below to activate the license.

Use the PSCAD application as per Section 14.1, then continue from Step (e)

below to activate the license, or

c. Launch PSCAD according to your Windows operating system, license type, and

PSCAD version.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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d. The following dialog box will display if a license is not available. Select “OK”.

e. If not automatically displayed, display the “System Settings” dialog box from the

“PSCAD” start button.

f. Proceed as follows:


PSCAD must be configured for “legacy licensing” so that lock-based licensing (USB

lock and license database file combination) may be used. If the wrong licensing

configuration is set (“Certificate Licensing”), this must be switched.

If set correctly to “License” (left view above), proceed to Step (g).

Or, if set incorrectly to “Certificate Licensing” (right view above), switch the

configuration to legacy licensing as per Section 11.3, then go to Step (g) below.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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g. Activate a license as follows:

(1) Enter the following text: localhost 2053

(2) Select “Apply”.

(3) Select license from the drop-down menu.

(4) Select “Activate”.


The “Lockless” Trial licensing configuration (see below) was removed from the

System Settings dialog box as of v4.5.4.

h. If the license has successfully been activated, the type of license (“Professional” or

“Educational”) will be displayed in the application heading. Close out of the System

Settings dialog box.

i. PSCAD will be licensed to use.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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4. Installing PSCAD

This section refers the reader to the PSCAD installation instructions corresponding to your

license type and setup.

PSCAD may be installed using one of the following manners:

If you have a Multi-User license which will be used in either of the following ways,

then go to Section 2.1 for the host computer installation, or Section 2.4 for the

Client computer installation:

The license will be hosted on a Server or Client computer, and will be shared

with one or more clients over a network, or

The license contains more than one PSCAD seat, and will be hosted on a

Client computer, and will be used to run more than one instance of PSCAD on

that same computer.

If you have a Multi-User license which will be used in all of the following ways, then

go to Section 3.1 for this installation:

The license contains only one PSCAD seat, and

The license will be installed on a Client machine, and

The license will be used locally, and not shared with other Client computers

over a network.

If you have a Single-User license, then go to Section 3.1 for this installation.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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5. Installing the License Manager

This section provides an overview of the methods for installing the License Manager on a

Server that will be hosting the PSCAD license.

There are two manners in which the License Manager may be launched from the PSCAD

installation package:

From the PSCAD installation package, directly in the main folder:

On Windows Vista and later: Right-click on “setup.exe”, and select “Run as

administrator”, or

On Windows XP: Double-left click on “setup.exe”.

Proceed to Section 2.1 to continue this installation.

Or, from the PSCAD installation package, browse to the “License” folder:

On Windows Vista and later: In the installation files, right-click on

“setup.exe”, and select “Run as administrator”, or

On Windows XP: In the installation files, double-left click on “setup.exe”.

Continue this installation starting from Step (m) of Section 2.1.

The License Manager may also be provided as a download that is separate from the PSCAD

installation package. In the downloaded files:

On Windows Vista and later: In the installation files, right-click on “setup.exe”, and

select “Run as administrator”.

On Windows XP: In the installation files, double-left click on “setup.exe”.

Continue this installation from Step (m) of Section 2.1.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

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6. Installing GFortran

This section contains instructions for installing the GFortran compiler. A FORTRAN compiler

is required for running PSCAD cases; therefore, the freeware GFortran compiler comes

bundled with the PSCAD installation package. Alternatively, a commercial compiler (e.g.

Intel® Visual Fortran Compiler or Compaq Visual Fortran 6) may be used instead.

Two versions of GFortran are made available, depending on your version of PSCAD:

GFortran v4.2.1: This version is compatible with PSCAD v4.5 and v4.6.

GFortran v4.6.2: This version is compatible with PSCAD v4.6.


If precompiled files (.obj, .o, or .lib files) will be linked to within a project, the project

must be run using the same compiler. Specifically, the following combinations will run:

GFortran 4.2.1 → may run files precompiled with GFortran 4.2.1

GFortran 4.6.2 → may run files precompiled with GFortran 4.6.2

Intel® Fortran (any version 9 through 14) → may typically run files precompiled

with that specific version of Intel Fortran or earlier

Compaq Visual Fortran 6 → may run files precompiled with Compaq Visual

Fortran 6 (supported with PSCAD v4.5)

Install GFortran as follows:


For v4.5.4 and later, if there are numerous computers on which GFortran is to be

installed, you may prefer instead to perform the installations using one of the

“silent” or “unattended” methods as outlined in Section 10.

a. The GFortran installation may be initiated in one of the following manners:

If selected for installation on the Server (per Section 2.1).

If selected for installation on a Client computer using a network license (per

Section 2.4).

If selected for installation on a Client computer using a local license (per

Section 3.1).

As an individual installation, from the PSCAD installation package, browse to


On Windows Vista and later: In the installation files, right-click on

“setup.exe”, and select “Run as administrator”.

On Windows XP: In the installation files, double-left click on “setup.exe”.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 53

b. If GFortran is already installed, the following dialog box will display. Select “Finish”.

This completes the installation of GFortran.

c. If GFortran is not already installed, proceed as follows.

d. If prompted, select “Next”.

e. If you agree with the software license agreement, select “I accept the terms of the

license agreement” and “Next”.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 54

f. Review the default destination folder for the software files, then select “Next”.

The default directories are as follows:

GFortran v4.2.1: C:\Program Files (x86)\GFortran\4.2.1

GFortran v4.6.2: C:\Program Files (x86)\GFortran\4.6


To install to a different folder, use the “Change” button to set the file path.

g. Review the instructions in the “Start Copying Files” screen, then select “Next”.

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h. GFortran Setup will configure your software installation.

i. This completes the installation. Select “Finish”.


Ensure to log out and log in to (or restart) your computer following this installation,

prior to running a PSCAD case with GFortran. This is required to apply the changes

to your computer.

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7. Installing LiveWire

This section contains instructions for installing LiveWire. LiveWire is optional software, and

is available as two separate editions:

LiveWire: This is the fully-featured licensed edition, and is used with either a

time-limited trial license or a permanent license. For this installation, go to

Section 7.1.

LiveWire Lite: This is a free limited-feature, non-licensed edition. For this

installation, go to Section 7.2.

7.1 Installing LiveWire (Licensed Edition)

This section provides instructions for installing the fully-featured, licensed edition of

LiveWire. This edition may be licensed using either a permanent license or a time-limited

trial license.

Install the licensed edition as follows:

a. This installation may be initiated in one of four ways:

As part of an installation on the Server (per Section 2.1). “LiveWire” would have

been selected for installation.

As part of an installation on a client computer using a network license (per

Section 2.4). “LiveWire” would have been selected for installation.

As part of an installation on a client computer using a local license (per

Section 3.1). “LiveWire” would have been selected for installation.

As a separate installation: From the PSCAD installation package, browse to

LiveWirePro, right-click on "Setup.exe", and select "Run as administrator" if

operating on Windows Vista or later (or select “Run” if operating on

Windows XP).

b. If the following dialog box displays then LiveWire is already installed. If this occurs,

select “Repair” and Next”. When notified that the repair has been completed, select

“Finish”, and proceed to Step (f).

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c. The InstallShield Wizard will display. Select “Next”.

d. If you agree with the software license agreement, select “Yes”.

e. Review the default destination folder for the software files. To install to a different

folder, set the file path with the “Browse” button. Select “Next”.

The default directory is as follows:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Z Systems Inc\LiveWire 2.3

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f. LiveWire will be installed. When the installation is complete, select “Finish”.

g. LiveWire may be licensed as follows:

For a permanent licence, install it as per Section 8.1, then activate it as per

Section 8.2.

For a free trial license, go to Section 8.3.

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7.2 Installing LiveWire Lite (Unlicensed Edition)

This section provides instructions for installing the limited-featured, unlicensed edition of

LiveWire. Proceed as follows:

a. This installation may be initiated in one of four ways:

As part of an installation on the Server (per Section 2.1). “LiveWire Lite (Demo)”

would have been selected for installation.

As part of an installation on a client computer using a network license (per

Section 2.4). “LiveWire Lite (Demo)” would have been selected for installation.

As part of an installation on a client computer using a local license (per

Section 3.1). “LiveWire Lite (Demo)” would have been selected for installation.

As a separate installation: From the PSCAD installation package, browse to

LiveWireLite, right-click on "Setup.exe", and select "Run as administrator" if

operating on Windows Vista or later (or select “Run” if operating on Windows XP).

b. If the following dialog box displays, then LiveWire Lite is already installed. In this

case, select “Repair” and “Next”. When notified that the repair has been completed,

select “Finish”, and proceed to Step (f).

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c. The InstallShield Wizard will display. Select “Next”.

d. If you agree with the software license agreement, select “Yes”.

e. Review the default destination folder for the software files. To install to a different

folder, set the file path with the “Browse” button. Select “Next”.

The default destination directory is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Z Systems Inc\LiveWire 2.3 Unlicensed

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f. LiveWire will be installed. When the installation is complete, select “Finish”.

g. LiveWire Lite may be run from the Windows Start menu – go to “LiveWire 2

Unlicensed”. No licensing is required.

h. A dialog box will display to indicate the limitations of this version. Select “OK” to

close out of this dialog. The software will be ready to run; no licensing is required for

this edition.

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8. Installing and Activating a LiveWire License

This section provides instructions for installing and activating LiveWire Licensing, and is

applicable for both permanent and trial licenses for the fully-featured edition.


The free limited-feature edition (i.e. LiveWire Lite) does not require licensing.

The LiveWire license may come separately or bundled with a PSCAD license. If the LiveWire

license is bundled with PSCAD, then LiveWire will already have been installed if the PSCAD

licence was installed (i.e. as per Section 2.3, Section 3.2, or Section 14).

LiveWire licensing may be installed and activated as follows:

Install Permanent Licensing: To install a permanent LiveWire license, go to

Section 8.1. Following this procedure, activate the license as per Section 8.2. This

section is applicable for the following:

Licensing installation on a Server, which will grant licensing to Client

computers over a network.

Licensing installation on a Client computer, which will host the license itself,

and run LiveWire locally.

Activate Permanent Licensing: To activate a permanent LiveWire license, go to

Section 8.2. This section is applicable if the license has already been installed (per

Section 8.1), and will perform the following:

Activating the license on a Client computer that will obtain the licensing from

the Server over a network.

Activating the license on a Client computer that is hosting the license itself.

Install and Activate Free Trial Licensing: To request, install and activate a trial

license, go to Section 8.3.

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8.1 Installing Permanent Licensing

This section provides instructions for installing a permanent LiveWire license.

The following is provided when a license is purchased:

The software.

A USB lock. The USB lock is used to activate a license, and must remain plugged

in while running the software.

The license text file. This file contains your licensing specifications.

The license text file will contain the license for running LiveWire, as well as

PSCAD and expanded mode as applicable.

Install a permanent LiveWire license as follows:


1. If you encounter any licensing issues, refer to Sections 15.3 and 15.5.

2. Before proceeding, ensure that you have Windows administrative privileges on

your computer.

a. Save the License.txt file your desktop.

b. Perform the steps in Section 14.2 to install the license.

c. Activate the license to run LiveWire as per Section 8.2.

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8.2 Activating a Permanent License

This section provides instructions for activating a permanent LiveWire license. These steps

are performed once the software has been installed (Section 7.1) and the license has been

installed (per Section 2.3, 3.2, or 8.1).

Proceed as follows:


1. If you encounter any licensing issues, refer to Sections 15.3 and 15.5.

2. Before proceeding, ensure that you have Windows administrative privileges on

your computer.

a. Launch LiveWire from the Windows Start menu.


If running on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8: LiveWire must be launched

with Windows administrative privileges to enable the licensing. This is performed

from the Windows Start menu: Go to “All Programs”, right-click on LiveWire 2, and

select “Run as administrator”.

If running on Windows XP, LiveWire is launched without Windows administrative

privileges (from the Windows Start menu go to All Programs | LiveWire 2 | LiveWire


b. A dialog box will indicate that a license is not available. Select “OK”.

c. The “LiveWire License Manager” will display (if it does not display automatically, it

may be displayed by selecting “License Manager” from the “Edit” menu).

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d. Activate the license as follows:

To activate the license on the same computer that is hosting the license:

Or, on the Client computer that is not hosting the license (i.e. the Client is obtaining

licensing from a Server):

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e. Select “OK”.

f. Restart LiveWire from the Windows Start menu.


If running on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8: LiveWire must be launched

with Windows administrative privileges to enable the licensing. This is performed

from the Windows Start menu: Go to All Programs, right-click on LiveWire 2, and

select “Run as administrator”.

If running on Windows XP, LiveWire is launched without Windows administrative

privileges (from the Windows Start menu go to All Programs | LiveWire 2 | LiveWire


g. LiveWire will be licensed to run.


LiveWire should always be launched with Windows administrative privileges

hereafter if operating on a machine running Windows Vista or later.

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8.3 Obtaining a Trial License

This section provides instructions for obtaining a trial license for LiveWire. Perform these

steps once the software has been installed (as per Section 7.1).


Before proceeding, ensure that you have Windows administrative privileges on your


There are five steps to this procedure, as follows:

Configure your environment – Section 8.3.1

Display the LiveWire License Manager – Section 8.3.2.

Request the trial license – Section 8.3.3.

Install the trial license – Section 8.3.4.

Activate the trial license – Section 8.3.5.

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8.3.1 Configure your Environment

If you are generating a LiveWire trial license request file on a Windows 64-bit platform, your

environment must first be configured as per the steps below.


Step 8.3.1 is not required when operating on Windows 32-bit; instead, proceed to

Step 8.3.2.

On a Windows 64-bit system, use the Fortran Medic utility to configure your environment,

as follows:

Download the latest “Fortran Medic” from our website:

In the downloaded zipped file, run the FortranMedic.exe file.

Click on the “Actions” menu and select “Start”.

After the utility is done retrieving information, scroll down to the following error

message, right-click on it, and select the option to repair it:

Proceed to Step 8.3.2.

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8.3.2 Display the LiveWire License Manager

This procedure is used to display the LiveWire License Manager, and is required in

Sections 8.3.3, 8.3.4, and 8.3.5. Perform as follows:

a. Launch LiveWire from the Windows Start menu.


If running on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8: LiveWire must be launched

with Windows administrative privileges to enable the licensing. This is performed

from the Windows Start menu: Go to All Programs, right-click on LiveWire 2, and

select “Run as administrator”.

If running on Windows XP, LiveWire is launched without Windows administrative

privileges (from the Windows Start menu go to All Programs | LiveWire 2 | LiveWire


b. A warning dialog box will display. Select “OK”.

c. The “LiveWire License Manager” will display (if it does not display automatically, it

may be displayed by selecting “License Manager” from the “Edit” menu).

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8.3.3 Request the LiveWire Trial License

Request the trial license as follows:


If running on Windows 64-bit, configure your environment as per Section 8.3.1

before proceeding with this step.

a. Display the License Manager as per Section 8.3.2.

b. Select “Generate”.

c. When prompted, enter a file name (e.g. LivewireTrial.txt) and select a folder in which

to save the file.

d. When the “Trial Request” dialog box displays, enter information in all fields, then

select “Send”.


The auto-send feature will not forward your request; this must be performed

manually as per Step (e).

e. Attach the file created in Step (d) to a new e-mail, and forward it to our Sales Desk



Do not upgrade your operating system, change your system clock, or change any

hardware configuration (e.g. hard drives, motherboard, etc.) while awaiting your

trial license.

f. Proceed to Section 8.3.4 to install the trial license.

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8.3.4 Installing a Trial License

Once the Trial.txt file has been received from our Sales Desk, following submission of a trial

license request in Section 8.3.3, install the trial license as follows:


Before proceeding, ensure that you have Windows administrative privileges on your


a. Display the License Manager as per Section 8.3.2.

b. Save the Trial.txt file to your desktop.

c. Install the license as shown:

d. The trial license will be installed.

e. Proceed to Section 8.3.5 to activate the license.

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8.3.5 Activating a Trial License

Once the trial license has been installed (Section 8.3.4), activate it as follows:


1. If you encounter any licensing issues, refer to Section 15.5.

2. Before proceeding, ensure that you have Windows administrative privileges on

your computer.

a. If not displayed, display the License Manager as per Section 8.3.2.

b. Activate the license as shown:

c. Select “OK”.

d. Restart LiveWire. It should be licensed to run.

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9. Installing Sentinel Drivers

This section provides instructions for installing Sentinel Drivers.

Sentinel Drivers are required for detecting the PSCAD USB lock that is used to license

PSCAD, LiveWire and expanded mode.

There are several methods for installing the Sentinel Drivers, as follows:

Alongside the installation of PSCAD products (see Section 9.1)

As a separate installation using the InstallShield Wizard (see Section 9.2)

As a separate installation without using the InstallShield Wizard (i.e. silent

installation) (see Section 9.3)

9.1 Alongside PSCAD Products

The Sentinel Drivers will be installed automatically when PSCAD or the License Manager is

installed as per Section 2.1, Section 2.4, Section 3.1, Section 4, or Section 5.

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9.2 Separate Installation – InstallShield Wizard

There are three manners in which the Sentinel Drivers may be installed separately from

PSCAD products using the InstallShield Wizard.

9.2.1 From the PSCAD Installation Package

Install the Sentinel Drivers from the PSCAD installation package as follows:

a. Ensure that the installation package is saved to a local directory (e.g. desktop).

b. Browse to the “USBDriver” folder.

c. Right-click on "Setup.exe", and select "Run as administrator" if operating on

Windows Vista or later (or select “Run” if operating on Windows XP).

d. The Install Shield Wizard will display, and you will be prompted through the


9.2.2 From a Separate Download

Install the Sentinel Drivers from a separate download as follows:

a. Download the installation files from the following website:

For v4.5.0 to v4.5.1:

For v4.5.2 and later:

b. Unzip and save all downloaded files to a local directory (e.g. desktop).

c. Right-click on "Setup.exe", and select "Run as administrator" if operating on

Windows Vista or later (or select “Run” if operating on Windows XP).

d. The InstallShield Wizard will display, and you will be prompted through the


9.2.3 From the PSCAD Installed Program Files

If PSCAD is installed, the Sentinel Drivers may be installed as follows:

a. Open a browser, and go to the program files folder, similar to the following path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\PSCAD45\USBDriver

b. Right-click on "Setup.exe", and select "Run as administrator" if operating on

Windows Vista or later (or select “Run” if operating on Windows XP).

c. The Install Shield Wizard will display, and you will be prompted through the


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9.3 Separate Installation – Silent

There are two manners in which the Sentinel Drivers may be silently installed separately

from PSCAD products.

9.3.1 From the PSCAD Installation Package

The Sentinel Drivers may be silently installed from the PSCAD installation package as


a. Ensure that the installation package is saved to a local directory (e.g. desktop).

b. Browse to the “USBDriver” folder.

c. Right-click on "Install.bat", and select "Run as administrator" if operating on

Windows Vista or later (or double left-click on “Run” if operating on Windows XP).

d. The installation will be performed silently.

9.3.2 From the PSCAD Program Files

If PSCAD is installed, the Sentinel Drivers may be silently installed as follows:

a. Open a browser, and go to the program files folder, similar to the following path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\PSCAD45\USBDriver

b. Right-click on "Install.bat", and select "Run as administrator" if operating on

Windows Vista or later (or double left-click on “Run” if operating on Windows XP).

c. The installation will be performed silently.

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10. Silent Installations

10.1 Background

In an unattended, or silent, installation, an installation is run in “record” mode, in which all

responses are logged by the installer and saved in a response file. When the same

installation is run on another computer in silent mode, with the response file present, the

installation will run in total silence, with NO dialogs being displayed. This then allows an

organization to use automation tools to deploy (install) a product on multiple computers

without any manual user intervention.

This section provides instructions for performing silent installations in three different


When the installation files are being run from a writeable media

(Section 10.4)

When the installation files are being run from a read-only media

(Section 10.5)

Customized (Section 10.6)

Review the availability and requirements prior to beginning this process (Sections 10.2 and


Following the installation, licensing may be installed and configured as follows:

For a Multi-User license, install the license on the Server as per Section 2.3, and

activate the license on the Client machine/s (and Server if applicable) as per

Section 2.5.

For a Single-User license, install and activate the license as per Section 3.2.

10.2 Availability

Unattended (silent installations) are supported for the following products:

PSCAD v4.5.4 and later

GFortran v4.2.1 and v4.6.2


If GFortran will be installed, ensure to log out and log in to your computer following

this installation, prior to running a PSCAD case with GFortran. This is required to

apply the changes to your computer.

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10.3 Windows Administrative Privileges Requirement

Windows administrative privileges are required for running the silent installation. There are

three methods for performing this.


With all three methods, Windows administrative login credentials will be required.

10.3.1 Obtain Administrator Credentials

Log in on the computer with Windows administrative credentials.

10.3.2 Run the batch file with Windows Administrative Privileges

Run the specified file with Windows administrative privileges. This may be done by right-

clicking on the file, and selecting “Run as administrator”. You will be prompted to enter

Windows administrative privileges login credentials.

10.3.3 Log in to the Command Prompt with Windows Administrative Privileges

Start the Windows Command Prompt, log in using Windows administrative privileges login

credentials, and then launch the installation, as follows:

Browse to the command prompt from the Windows Start menu, and run it with

Windows administrative privileges:

Change the directory (i.e. cd) to the folder containing your installation files, then

run the required batch file. See the following screenshot for an example:

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10.4 Unattended Installation when Installing from Writeable Media

This method may be used when installing from shared folders or writeable USB devices.


You require Windows administrative privileges to perform this; refer to Section 10.3

for instructions.

Generate the response file on the first computer as follows:

a. Ensure that the product is not already installed; otherwise the generated response

file will be incorrect.

b. Browse to the product’s installation folder on the media.

c. Run the “RecordSilentInstall.bat” command batch file.

d. The installer will launch, and you may then configure the software installation


e. All of your responses will be recorded to a response file called setup.iss located in the

same folder.

f. Copy the entire installer folder, which now also contains the response file, to an

accessible shared folder, or to a USB stick.

For all other computers:

a. Open a File browser and browse the installation folder on the shared folder or USB


b. Run the “RunSilentInstall.bat” file.

c. The installation will proceed, and the batch file will exit when done.

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10.5 Unattended Installations when using Read-only Media

This method may be used when installing from a CD-ROM or a write-protected USB device.


You require Windows administrative privileges on your computer to perform this;

refer to Section 10.3 for instructions.


If possible, copy the installer files and folders to a shared folder or a writeable USB

device, then follow the instructions in Section 10.4 (preferred method).

Generate the response file on the first computer as follows:

a. Ensure that the product is not already installed; otherwise the generated response

file will be incorrect.

b. Insert the media, and browse to the product’s installation folder on the media.

c. Run the “RecordSilentInstallToTempFolder.bat” command batch file.

d. The installer will launch, and you may then configure the software installation


e. All of your responses will be recorded to a response file called


f. When the installation is complete, it will tell you where the response file is located.

g. Copy the response file to an accessible shared folder, or to a USB stick.

For all other computers:

a. Insert the media.

b. Open a command prompt and browse to the product’s folder on the media.

c. Type in the following, and press “Enter”:

RunSilentInstallUsingSpecifiedResponse.bat <absolute path to response file>.

d. The installation will proceed, and the batch file will exit when done.

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10.6 End-User Customized Unattended Installations

This method may be used when customizing a silent installation.


You require Windows administrative privileges on your computer to perform this;

refer to Section 10.3 for instructions.

Generate the response file on the first computer as follows:

a. Ensure that the product is not already installed; otherwise the generated response

file will be incorrect.

b. Open a command prompt and browse to the product’s installation folder on the


c. Type in the following, and press Enter:

Setup.exe /r /f1Absolute_Path_And_Name_Of_Response_File

d. For example:

Setup.exe /r /f1"D:\Installer\setup.iss"

For all other computers:

a. Ensure that the product is not already installed; otherwise the generated response

file will be incorrect.

b. Open a command prompt and browse to the product’s installation folder on the


c. Type in the following, and press enter:

Setup.exe /s /f1Absolute_Path_And_Name_Of_Response_File

d. For example:

Setup.exe /s /f1"D:\Installer\setup.iss"

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11. Switching Between Legacy and Certificate Licensing

This section provides instructions for ensuring that PSCAD is configured to legacy licensing.

The legacy licensing configuration is required for using a combination of USB lock and

license database file (i.e. lock-based licensing). The other licensing configuration

(certificate) is not covered in this manual.

These procedures are applicable only to v4.5.3 and later, since certificate licensing was

made available as of this version.

Proceed as follows:

For a brief description of the two licensing configurations, refer to

Section 11.1.

To determine the current configuration, whether it is set to certificate or lock-

based licensing, refer to Section 11.2.

If the configuration is set to certificate licensing, switch it to lock-based licensing

as per Section 11.3.

If required, the licensing may be switched back to certificate licensing as per

Section 11.4.

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11.1 Description of Licensing Methods

PSCAD may be set to two different licensing configurations, Legacy Licensing or Certificate


Legacy Licensing

Legacy licensing (also known as Intranet Licensing) uses two different licensing types, Lock-

Based and Lockless.

Lock-based licensing refers to using a combination of USB lock (dongle) and license

database file to authorize licensing. This is the configuration that is covered in this manual.

Lockless licensing refers to licensing PSCAD without the use of a USB lock. In this

configuration, a license file is installed on a PSCAD computer, and remains locked to that

computer. Lockless licensing is typically used for a temporary evaluation (trial) of our fully-

featured software, and is applicable to v4.5.0 to v4.5.3.


For more information on lockless licensing, refer to the guide “How to install a Trial

License”, available on the following webpage:

Certificate Licensing

Certificate licensing (also known as Advanced Licensing or Internet Licensing) is available as

of v4.5.3 and later, and is not covered in this manual. This licensing uses login credentials

in a web tool, MyCentre, to authorize licensing. When licensing is authorized, a certificate is

issued to the computer running PSCAD. The certificate may be retained on the computer for

future use, or returned to MyCentre so that it is available for activation on a different

computer. This method is currently used for temporary licensing: Lease-licensing and

evaluations (trials). Once it is officially released, it will also be available for permanent


Two different PSCAD editions are available with certificate licensing: Fully-featured or

limited-featured. A certificate trial license will run a time-limited, fully-featured edition, for

example PSCAD v4.5.5. For further information, refer to the guide “How to install a Trial

License”, available on the following webpage:

Certificate licensing is also used to run our limited-feature edition, the PSCAD Free Edition.

The license for this edition is not time-limited, and is available to users through their

MyCentre user account. For more information on this edition, refer to the manual “Managing

MyCentre”, available on the above webpage.

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11.2 Checking your Licensing Configuration

If you do not know which licensing configuration that PSCAD is set to, this may be

determined as follows:

a. Launch PSCAD according to your Windows operating system, version, and type of


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b. If not automatically displayed, display the “System Settings” dialog box from the

“PSCAD” start button.

c. The licensing tab will display:

PSCAD must be configured for “legacy licensing” so that lock-based licensing

(USB lock and license database file combination) may be used. If the wrong

licensing configuration is set (“Certificate”), this must be switched.

If set correctly to “License”, (left view, above), then go to Step (d).

Or, if set incorrectly to “Certificate Licensing” (right view, above), switch the

configuration to legacy licensing as per Section 11.3, then go to Step (d) below.

d. Proceed as follows:

To install a license using the PSCAD application, go to Section 14.1.

To activate a license, go to Section 2.5 or Section 3.2 as applicable.

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11.3 Switching to Legacy Licensing

This procedure switches the licensing configuration from certificate to legacy licensing. The

legacy licensing configuration is required in order to use lock-based licensing (USB lock and

license database file combination).

If it has been determined that the licensing configuration is set incorrectly to Certificate

Licensing (per Section 2.5, Section 3.2, Section 11.2, or Section 14.1), switch the

configuration as follows:


This procedure is not applicable for the following versions: PSCAD v4.5.2 and

earlier, the Free Edition, or any unreleased editions.

a. Launch PSCAD according to your Windows operating system, licensing type, and

PSCAD version.

b. Close out of all automatically displayed dialog boxes.

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c. Display the “Application Options” dialog box (from the PSCAD Start button, select


d. Select the “Advanced” or “Certificate” licensing page from the drop-down menu, as


e. Review the “Startup Behaviour – Licensing Service”::

f. If the above field is not set to “Legacy Licensing”, perform the following:

Click on the drop-down menu.

Select “Legacy licensing (intranet)” when the menu is displayed.

Select “Ok” to apply the change.

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g. The licensing configuration will now be set to legacy licensing, and thereby permit

lock-based licensing (USB lock and license database file combination).

h. Proceed as required:

Go to Section 14.1 to install the license.

Go to Section 2.5 or 3.2 to activate the license.

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11.4 Switching to Certificate Licensing

Configure PSCAD to use Certificate Licensing as follows:


1. The certificate licensing configuration is not used in this manual; these

instructions are included here only for your information. Refer to Section 11.1

for applications of this licensing.

2. This procedure is not applicable for PSCAD v4.5.2 and earlier.

a. Perform Steps (a) to (d) of Section 11.3.

b. Locate the “Startup Behaviour – Licensing Service” field:

c. If the above field is not set to “Advanced licensing” or “Certificate licensing”, perform

the following:

Click on the drop-down menu.

For v4.5.3 and v4.5.4, select “Advanced Licensing (internet)” from the menu.

Or, for v4.5.5 and later, select “Certificate Licensing (internet)” from the menu.

Select “Ok” to apply the change.

d. The licensing will now be configured to Certificate Licensing.

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12. Adding or Removing Software

This section provides instructions for adding or removing the following software:



License Manager

LiveWire Lite (Demo)


Sentinel Drivers

Microsoft Visual C++

Microsoft .NET Framework

Section 12.1 provides instructions for installing software using the PSCAD installation


Section 12.2 provides instructions for removing software from the Windows Control Panel.

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12.1 PSCAD Installation Package

The following software may be added using the PSCAD installation package:



License Manager

LiveWire Lite (Demo)


Proceed as follows:

a. Exit all instances of PSCAD, LiveWire/Lite as applicable.

b. Stop the License Manager if running if applicable:

On a Server running Windows Vista or later, from the Windows “Start” menu,

right-click “Stop License Manager Service”, then select “Run as administrator”.

On a Server running Windows XP, double left-click on “Stop License Manager

Service” in the Windows Start menu.

c. Launch the installation:

On Windows Vista and later: In the installation files, right-click on “setup.exe”,

and select “Run as administrator”, or

On Windows XP: In the installation files, double-left click on “setup.exe”.


If you downloaded the installation files, ensure that they are saved to and being run

from a local drive rather than from a network drive.

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d. Select “Modify” and “Next”.

e. Select all software to be retained or added:

Ensure that all software to be retained is selected. All software that is

deselected will be uninstalled.

f. Log out then log in to your computer to apply the changes.

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12.2 Windows Control Panel

The following software may be removed using the Windows Control Panel:



License Manager

LiveWire Lite (Demo)


Sentinel Drivers

Microsoft Visual C++

Microsoft .NET Framework

This is performed as follows:

a. On Windows XP:

Display the Windows Programs and Features dialog box (from the Windows Start

menu, go Control Panel | Uninstall a program).

When the software listing is displayed, left-click on the program to be removed.

When the software is highlighted, select “Uninstall”, and proceed through the

removal screens.

b. On Windows Vista or Windows 7:

Display the Windows Programs and Features dialog box (from the Windows Start

menu, go Control Panel | Programs and Features).

When the software listing is displayed, right-click on the program to be removed.

Select “Remove”, and proceed through the removal screens.

c. Log out then log in to your computer to apply the changes.

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13. Moving the License to another Computer

This section provides instructions for moving a license from one computer (Computer A) to

another computer (Computer B). Also included are instructions for installing the License

Manager, PSCAD, GFortran, or LiveWire/Lite on Computer B as applicable.

Proceed as follows:

When the License Manager is used with a Multi-User License, refer to Section


When a License Manager is not used with a Multi-User License, or when using a

Single-User license, refer to Section 13.2.

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13.1 A License Manager is used

When the License Manager will be used with a Multi-User license, proceed as follows:


Windows administrative privileges on your computer are required to perform this


a. Install and configure the License Manager on Computer B as per Section 2.1 and

Section 2.2.


1. At Step 2.1 (v), select “No – don’t install/update my licenses”.

2. Required prerequisites will also be installed during this process.

3. PSCAD, GFortran, and LiveWire/Lite may also be installed during this process if


b. Plug the USB lock in on Computer B.

c. Browse to the following two locations on Computer B, and delete the “lmgr-hvdc” file

from these locations as applicable:


C:\Users\Public\Documents\Manitoba HVDC Research



The “lmgr-hvdc” file is a PSCAD license database file that contains a license for

PSCAD (and LiveWire and expanded mode if applicable).

d. Install the license on Computer B in one of the following manners:

If available, move the “lmgr-hvdc” file from Computer A (from one of the

following two locations) to Computer B (into both of the following two locations):


C:\Users\Public\Documents\Manitoba HVDC Research


Do not change the file paths or the file name.

Or, install the license using the PSCAD application as per Section 14.1 (requires

that PSCAD is installed and requires the License.txt file).

Or, install the license using the “License Update Utility” as per Section 14.2

(requires the License.txt file).

e. On all Client computers that will be obtaining licensing from Computer B through the

network, configure the software installation and licensing as per

Sections 2.4 and 2.5.

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13.2 A License Manager is not used

When the License Manager will not be used with a Multi-User license, or when using a

Single-User license, proceed as follows:


Windows administrative privileges on your computer are required to perform this


a. Configure the software installation on Computer B (PSCAD, GFortran, and

LiveWire/Lite as applicable) as per Section 3.1.

b. Plug the USB lock in on Computer B.

c. Browse to the following two locations on Computer B, and delete the “lmgr-hvdc” file

from these locations as applicable:


C:\Users\Public\Documents\Manitoba HVDC Research


The “lmgr-hvdc” file is a PSCAD license database file that contains a license

for PSCAD (and LiveWire if applicable).

d. Install the license on Computer B in one of the following manners:

If available, move the “lmgr-hvdc” file from Computer A (from one of the two

following locations) to Computer B (into both of the following two locations):


C:\Users\Public\Documents\Manitoba HVDC Research


Do not change the file paths or the file name.

Or, install the license using the PSCAD application as per Section 14.1 (requires

that PSCAD is installed, and requires the License.txt file).

Or, install the license using the “License Update Utility” as per Section 14.2

(requires the License.txt file).

e. Configure the software installation and licensing on Computer B as per Sections 3.1

and 3.2.

Omit Step (b) of Section 3.2; the license was already installed in the above


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14. Installing or Replacing a License

This section provides instructions for installing or replacing a license, and is applicable for

both a Single-User and Multi-User license.

There are two methods for installing or replacing a license:

Use the PSCAD application (see Section 14.1)

Use the “License Update Utility” (see Section 14.2)

14.1 Using the PSCAD Application

Use the application to install or replace the license as follows:


1. Windows administrative privileges on your computer are required to perform

this procedure.

2. PSCAD must be installed prior to performing this procedure.

3. This procedure requires the “License.txt” file corresponding to the new license,

supplied by our Sales Desk.

4. This procedure is not intended for updating a license from V4 (v4.2) to X4 (v4.3

or later). For that procedure, refer instead to the “Updating PSCAD” manual,

available from the following page:

5. If you encounter any licensing issues, please contact our Support Desk as per

Section 15.7. Ensure to attach the log files from Section 15.4, as applicable, to

your support request.

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a. Save the License.txt file corresponding to the PSCAD license to your desktop.

b. Ensure that the USB lock is plugged in.

c. If applicable, shut down all instances of PSCAD.

d. If applicable, delete the current PSCAD license database file “lmgr-hvdc” from the

following two locations:


C:\Users\Public\Documents\Manitoba HVDC Research


e. Using the following table, launch PSCAD according to your Windows operating

system, license type, and PSCAD version:

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f. Close out of all dialog boxes, and display the “System Settings” dialog box (from the

PSCAD Start button, select “System Settings”).

g. The licensing tab will display:

PSCAD must be configured for “legacy licensing”, so that lock-based licensing

(USB lock and license database file combination) may be used. If the wrong

licensing configuration is set (“Certificate Licensing”), this must be switched.

If set correctly to “License” (left view above), then go to Step (h).

Or, if set incorrectly to “Certificate Licensing” (right view above), switch the

configuration to legacy licensing as per Section 11.3, then go to Step (h) below.

h. For versions 4.5.0 to 4.5.4, install the license as shown below. The license will be


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i. Or, for version 4.5.5 and later, select “Install”, and continue from Section 14.2, Step (g)

to install the license:

j. The license must be activated before PSCAD will run (Section 2.5 for a remotely hosted

license or Section 3.2 for a locally hosted license).

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14.2 Using the License Update Utility

The License Update Utility may be used to install or replace a license for PSCAD or LiveWire

as follows:


1. Windows administrative privileges on your computer are required to perform

this procedure.

2. This procedure requires the “License.txt” file corresponding to the new license,

supplied by our sales desk.

3. This procedure is not intended for updating a license from V4 to X4 (i.e. from

v4.2 to v4.3 or later). For that procedure, refer instead to the “Updating PSCAD”

manual, available on the following webpage:

4. If you encounter any licensing issues, refer to Section 15.3.

a. Save the License.txt file corresponding to the software license to your desktop.

b. Ensure that the USB lock is plugged in.

c. If applicable, shut down all instances of PSCAD or LiveWire.

d. If applicable, stop the License Manager service as follows:

If operating on Windows XP: From the Windows Start menu, browse to and select

“Stop License Manager Service”.

If operating on Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Window 8: From the Windows Start

menu, browse to and right-click on “Stop License Manager Service”, then select

“Run as administrator”.

e. If applicable, delete the PSCAD license database file “lmgr-hvdc” from the following

two locations:


C:\Users\Public\Documents\Manitoba HVDC Research


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f. If the “License Update Utility” is not already displayed (i.e. per continuation from a

previous section), it may be displayed in one of five ways:

If available, browse to and run the “Enter License Key” from the Windows Start

menu (PSCAD or the License Manager must be installed).

At v4.5.5, this utility may be displayed in the PSCAD application, from

Tools | License Keys:

At v4.6, this utility may be displayed in the PSCAD application, from

Utilities | License Keys:

At v4.5.5 or later, in the System Settings dialog box, select the “Install” button.

The licensing must be configured to “legacy” for this step (as per Section 11.3).

Download the utility from the following link, extract the files to a local folder, and

run the “LicenseUpdate.exe” file:

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g. In the License Update Utility, select “Delete license databases” from the “Actions”

menu (this option is available at License Update Utility v1.36.0.0 and later):

h. Select “Enter license keys” from the “Actions” menu.

i. When prompted, browse to and select the “License.txt" file that is saved to your

desktop, then select “Open”.

j. The license will be installed. Close the utility.

k. The license must be activated before PSCAD will run (Section 2.5 for a remotely

hosted license or Section 3.2 for a locally hosted license).

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15. Resolving Issues

Refer to the following sections if you encounter any issues:

See Section 15.1 for software installation issues

See Section 15.2 for issues when configuring the Standalone License Manager

See Section 15.3 for issues when using the License Update Utility to install a


See Section 15.4 for issues when installing or activating a license for PSCAD

See Section 15.5 for issues when activating a license for LiveWire

See Section 15.6 for instructions on detecting your PSCAD version and license


See Section 15.7 to contact our support desk

15.1 Software Installation Issues

If you encounter any software installation issues, you may troubleshoot them using the

“Resolving Installation Errors” manual, available on the following page:

If you are still unable to resolve the problem, please contact our support desk as per

Section 15.7. Ensure to include as much information as possible to describe when the

problem occurred and screenshots of any error messages, as well as a “Get Info” log file,

which is generated as per Step 15.4 (a).

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15.2 Issues with Configuring the Standalone License Manager

If you encounter any issues when using the Setup Tool to configure the Standalone License

Manager, proceed as follows:

a. Select “Save Messages As” in the “Actions” menu.

b. When prompted, specify a folder in which to save the messages. The message log

file will be named “Setup Tool”, followed by the date and time.

c. Forward the saved log file to our support desk as per Section 15.7, along with any

relevant details.

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15.3 Issues with Installing a License using the License Update Utility

If you encounter any issues with installing a license using the License Update Utility,

proceed as follows:

a. Select “Save Messages” in the “Actions” menu.

b. When prompted, enter a file name and browse to a folder in which to save the

messages. The messages will be saved as a log file.

c. Forward the following to our support desk (Section 15.7):

A description of the issue.

The Setup Tool log file.

The log files as specified in Section 15.4.

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15.4 Issues with Installing or Activating a PSCAD License

If you encounter any issues with installing or activating a PSCAD license, please forward the

following log files as applicable to our support desk as per Section 15.7 to determine the


a. GetInfo.txt file: This file is available on computers running the Standalone License

Manager or PSCAD, as follows:

Download the Get Info utility from the following link and save to your computer:

Select the “GetInfo32.exe” file to run the utility.

The generated file will be saved to your computer and opened on your desktop;

the file location will be displayed.

b. PscadLmgr.txt file: This file is available on computers running the PSCAD

application. The location of this file is related to your Windows operating system, as


On Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\LicenseManager\PscadLmgr.txt

On Windows Vista, Win7, Win8 (send all as available):

C:\Users\All Users\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\LicenseManager\PscadLmgr.txt

C:\Users\<Your User ID>\AppData\Local\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\LicenseManager\PscadLmgr.txt

C:\ProgramData\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\LicenseManager\PscadLmgr.txt

c. Lmgrd-log.txt file: This file is available on computers running the Standalone

License Manager. The location of this file is related to your Windows operating

system, as shown:

On Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\LicenseManager\Lmgrd-log.txt

On Windows Vista, Win7, Win8 (send all as available):

C:\Users\All Users\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\LicenseManager\Lmgrd-log.txt

C:\Users\<Your User ID>\AppData\Local\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\LicenseManager\Lmgrd-log.txt

C:\ProgramData\Manitoba HVDC Research Centre\LicenseManager\Lmgrd-log.txt

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15.5 Issues with Activating a LiveWire License

If you are unable to activate a permanent or trial LiveWire license, please forward the

following log files as applicable to our support desk as per Section 15.7 to determine the


a. GetInfo.txt file: Obtain this log file in accordance with Step 15.4 (a).

b. ZSystemsLmgr.txt file: This file is available on computers running the LiveWire

application, and is located as follows:


c. Lmgrd-log.txt file: This file will be available on computers running the License

Manager, and is located as per Step 15.4 (c).

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15.6 Detecting your PSCAD Version and License Number

When requesting technical support from our Support Desk, your PSCAD version and license

number are required. These may be detected in a few different manners.

15.6.1 Using the PSCAD Application

Proceed as follows:


The application may only be used to detect the license number if the license is activated.

If the license is not already activated, refer instead to Section 15.6.2.

a. Launch PSCAD and close out of any automatically displayed dialog boxes.

b. Ensure the license is activated (as per Section 2.5 or 3.2 as applicable).

c. Display the “About PSCAD” dialog box:

d. The PSCAD version and license number will be displayed:

If the license number is not displayed, then it may instead be determined as

per Section 15.6.2.

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15.6.2 Using the Get Info Utility

The Get Info utility may be used to detect the license number of the USB lock. It may also

be used to detect any installed versions of PSCAD and the license number associated with

the license database file if installed.

Proceed as follows on the machine that is hosting the license:

a. Ensure the USB lock is securely plugged in.

b. Download our latest “” utility from the following link:

c. Save the file to a local directory (e.g. desktop).

d. Run “GetInfo32.exe”from the download files. When prompted whether to test

shortcuts, select “No”.

e. The Get Info utility will gather information about your system.

f. Once the utility has finished running, scroll to “PSCAD info: Installed:”. All installed

versions will be displayed.

g. Scroll to “Lock Info (direct access)”. If detected, the licensing information related to

the license database file and USB lock will be displayed, as shown in the following


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15.7 Contacting the Support Desk

If you are unable to resolve any installation or licensing issues, you may submit a support

request to our support desk as discussed below.

15.7.1 Relevant Information for a Support Request

Ensure to include all relevant information in your support request to expedite assistance,


Your PSCAD version and license number (determined as per Section 15.6)

A detailed description of the issue

Any log files as specified in Sections 15.2 to 15.6

Screenshots of any error messages (if applicable)

15.7.2 How to Submit a Support Request

Contact the support desk in one of the following two manners, ensuring to include the

relevant information outlined in Section 15.7.1:

1. Send an e-mail to

2. Or, submit the support request through the PSCAD application as described in the

manual, “Requesting Support”, available on the following webpage:

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Appendix A: Licensing Across Networks

This appendix provides information about licensing software across networks, and is used to

determine the appropriate configuration for your networking system.

For Multi-User licenses (MULs), the License Manager resides on a Server and issues licenses

remotely to Client computers across the networking system. There are two modes available:

Default Mode: This is the standard configuration, in which the License Manager

will only permit licensing to Client computers that are on the same network as

the Server.

Expanded Mode: This is a special configuration that is added to a license.

Expanded mode allows the License Manager to license to Client computers that

are on the same or different network than the Server.

Default Mode

This section provides the background on network classes, and how the License Manager

applies them for issuing licenses. This information may be used to determine whether your

networking system supports the default mode. If it does not the default mode, proceed to

the section on expanded mode to support your networking requirements.

The Standalone License Manager adheres to networks as defined according to RFC-960.

Classes and class levels of networks are shown in Table 1.

Network Class

Start Address End Address Class Level

A 126. 0. 0.0 ↑ Higher class

B 191.255. 0.0


D ↓ Lower class

Table 1. Network Classes and Class Levels

(Source: Internet Protocol Standards, page 2)

Four network classes, from A to D, are listed in Table 1. Each network class possesses a

range of network IP addresses.

The four network classes are ranked according to their networking restrictions, as shown in

the “Class Level” column. The higher the class level, the lower the networking restrictions.

Networking restrictions are more fully explained using Table 2. This is the same table as

Table 1, with the addition of the “IP Mask” column.

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Level IP Mask

A 126. 0. 0.0 ↑ Higher class 255. *. *. *

B 191.255. 0.0 255.255. *. *

C 255.255.255. *

D ↓ Lower class

Table 2. Network Classes and IP Masks

For each network class, the “IP Mask” column specifies the IP address configuration that is

required for a computer to reside on a particular network. The digits “255” represent those

digits in the Client computer’s IP address that must be exactly the same as the

corresponding digits on the Server’s IP address in order for the Client computer to reside on

the same network as the Server. The “*” is a wild card, and represents the digits in the

Client computer’s IP address that do not have to match the corresponding digits on the

Server’s IP address in order for the Client computer to reside on the same network as the


Table 2 demonstrates the limitations of a Class D network. A Class D network requires all

four sets of digits to be the same for the Server and Client computer. Therefore, a Class D

network may only network to itself, and thus may only issue a license to itself. This network

is typically not used, except in a very uncommon situation, in which a Multi-User license

with two or more seats is installed, with the result that multiple instances of PSCAD may be

run on a single computer, and not shared with other computers over the network.

The License Manager may be configured to alter the IP Mask restrictions in Table 2. In this

manner, certain network classes may be artificially elevated or lowered to a different class.

Elevating a class is useful for lowering the restriction, thereby permitting more computers to

network to that Server. Lowering a class is useful for increasing restriction, thereby

restricting the access of Client computers.

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©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015 Page 113

Table 3 lists all of the available re-configurations for classes A to C. Table 3 assumes a

License Manager version 1.30 or later and NET Framework 4.0 (or better). The latest

version of License Manager may be obtained by contacting the support desk (Section 15.7).

Original Configuration Re-Configuration After Re-Configuration

Network Class

Example of IP Address

IP Mask IP Address Network Class

A 12. *. *.*

No Change→

Increase Restriction→

Increase Restriction→

12. *. *.*

12.11. *.*





B 132.11. *.*

Lower Restriction→

No Change→

Increase Restriction→

132. *. *.*

132.11. *.*





C 192.11.21.*

Lower Restriction→

No Change→

192.11. *.*




Table 3. Re-Configuring Network Classes

The following may be observed from this table:

In all classes, the first set of digits must always match.

Class A may remain Class A, or be lowered to Class B or Class C.

Class B may remain Class B, or be either raised to Class A or lowered to

Class C.

Class C may remain Class C, or be raised to Class B.

If you have determined that the Server and Client computers are on different networks after

reviewing your configuration against Table 3, then the License Manager will refuse to issue a

license if it is configured for default mode. In this case, expanded mode may be required.

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Expanded Mode

Expanded mode must be obtained if the PSCAD Client computer is on a different network

than the Server. This is determined by reviewing the section on Default Mode.

Expanded mode permits the License Manager to issue licenses to Client computers that

reside on the same or different networks than the Server. To request approval for this

license, please forward the following information to our support desk as per Section 15.7:

Your license number.

Your networking configuration (the networks on which the Server and Client

computers reside).

If approved, we will provide a license containing time-limited expanded mode along with

installation and configuration instructions.

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Appendix B: Resources for New Users

The following resources may assist new users to become familiar with PSCAD:

User guides, application notes, tutorials, and example cases are available at the

following link:

Instructional videos are available on the MyCentre “Home” and “Videos” tabs of

the following website:

The PSCAD On-Line Help system provides detailed information and instructions

on the PSCAD tools and features. This is available by selecting “Help” from the

“PSCAD” Start button.

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There are three tutorials in the online help for designing PSCAD cases:

Examples and tutorial projects to view and run are available through the “PSCAD”

start button.

Software Installation and Licensing (Lock-Based Licensing, and PSCAD X4 v4.5 and v4.6)

©2015 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre a division of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. Rev.7, Nov. 30, 2015


Rev. Description Date

0 Initial 07/Dec/2012

1 Generalized to cover v4.5.0 to v4.5.2; Amalgamated license

activation for Server/Client computers; Revised support desk

contact information; General corrections and improvements


2 Minor updates and improvements for v4.5.2 14/Jun/2013

3 Removed an outdated installation screenshot 03/Jul/2013

4 Minor updates for v4.5.3 release and Intel 13 support;

minor corrections; updated title page


5 Updated the title; general improvements and reorganizing;

new info re v4.5.4 release and Advanced Licensing;

new Sections(1.3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15.6)


6 Updated to v4.6.0 release 20/Apr/2015

7 Updated to v4.5.5 release; Added Appendix B and new sub-

section in Section 8.3


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