prp and its ancestral relatives zip6 and zip10 interact with … · 2017-11-21 · transition...

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PrP and its ancestral relatives ZIP6 and ZIP10 interact with NCAM1, altering its molecular environment and post-

translational modifications during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition


Dylan Edward Brethour

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science

Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology University of Toronto

© Copyright by Dylan Edward Brethour 2016


PrP and its ancestral relatives ZIP6 and ZIP10 interact with

NCAM1, altering its molecular environment and post-translational

modifications during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

Dylan Edward Brethour

Master of Science

Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology

University of Toronto



The prion protein (PrP) was recently found to be evolutionarily linked to a subfamily of ZIP

transporters which possess a PrP-like domain. A member of this subfamily, ZIP6, is of particular

interest as separate studies have shown that morpholino knockdowns of ZIP6 or PrP in zebrafish

leads to an impairment in gastrulation, a process dependent on epithelial-to-mesenchymal

transition (EMT). Furthermore, the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM1), a known interactor

of PrP, has itself been described as a mediator of EMT. Based on these findings, we

hypothesized that both PrP and ZIP6 play crucial roles in the process of EMT by controlling the

environment surrounding NCAM. We determined that ZIP6 forms a heteromeric complex with

ZIP10 that affects NCAM1’s integration into adhesion complexes while also mediating its

phosphorylation during EMT. Meanwhile, PrP was found to have a unique role in controlling the

polysialylation of NCAM1 during EMT.



First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Gerold Schmitt-Ulms for allowing

me the opportunity to work in his lab, and for providing invaluable guidance and support

throughout my project. I would also like to thank Dr. Joel Watts and Dr. Lorraine Kalia for all of

the time, guidance, and constructive criticism they have provided me.

I would like to give special thanks to Mohadeseh Mehrabian for all of the time and hard work

that she also contributed to this project. Her assistance greatly helped with the progression of this

project, as well as with my development as a researcher. I would also like to thank my lab

members Declan Williams, Xinzhu Wang, Hansen Wang, and others for all of their assistance

and advice with my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank all of my friends and family for always supporting me, and helping

me to stay focused and positive whenever problems arose.


Table of Contents

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgments.......................................................................................................................... iii

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... iv

List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ vii

List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. viii

Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................. ix

Project rationale ...............................................................................................................................1

Background .................................................................................................................................1

Hypothesis ...................................................................................................................................3

Specific aims ...............................................................................................................................3

Scientific impact..........................................................................................................................3

Chapter 1 Effects of PrP-deficiency on the global proteome, and its role in epithelial-to-

mesenchymal transition ...............................................................................................................5

1.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................6

1.2 Materials and Methods .........................................................................................................9

1.2.1 Antibodies and transforming growth factors ...........................................................9

1.2.2 Generation of gRNA Expression Vectors ................................................................9

1.2.3 Cell Culture and Transfection ................................................................................10

1.2.4 Generation of stable knockdown cell clones .........................................................10

1.2.5 Genetic analysis .....................................................................................................10

1.2.6 Western blot analyses ............................................................................................11

1.2.7 Enzymatic characterization of post-translational modifications of NCAM1 ........11

1.2.8 RT-PCR analysis ....................................................................................................11

1.2.9 Sample preparation for comparative global proteomics analysis ..........................12

1.2.10 Nanospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry ..................................................13


1.2.11 Post-acquisition analyses .......................................................................................13

1.3 Results ................................................................................................................................15

1.3.1 Strategy of CRISPR-Cas9-based PrP knockout in three mouse cell lines .............15

1.3.2 Validation and characterization of PrP knockout cell clones ................................17

1.3.3 Workflow of global proteome comparison of PrP knockout (or knockdown)

and wild-type NMuMG cells .................................................................................20

1.3.4 The global proteome of PrP-deficient NMuMG cells............................................22

1.3.5 PrP controls NCAM polysialylation during EMT .................................................27

1.4 Discussion ..........................................................................................................................32

1.4.1 CRISPR-Cas9 generated PrP-knockout cells are a viable model ..........................32

1.4.2 Benefits of a cell-specific, mass spectrometry based approach .............................33

1.4.3 Insights into the physiological role of PrP .............................................................34

1.5 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................36

Chapter 2 A ZIP6-ZIP10 heteromer interacts with NCAM1 controlling its phosphorylation

and integration into focal adhesion complexes during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition ..37

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................38

2.2 Materials and Methods .......................................................................................................39

2.2.1 Antibodies and siRNAs..........................................................................................39

2.2.2 Cell culture and transfection ..................................................................................39

2.2.3 Generation of Slc39a6 CRISPR-knockout clones .................................................40

2.2.4 Western blot analyses ............................................................................................40

2.2.5 RT-PCR analyses ...................................................................................................41

2.2.6 Sample preparation for immunoprecipitation ........................................................41

2.2.7 Protein immunoprecipitation .................................................................................42

2.2.8 Protein reduction, alkylation, trypsinization, and labelling ...................................42

2.2.9 Nanoscale HPLC-ESI tandem mass spectrometry .................................................42

2.2.10 Protein identification and quantification ................................................................43


2.3 Results ................................................................................................................................44

2.3.1 Generation of a mammalian ZIP6 knockout EMT model .....................................44

2.3.2 ZIP6 forms a heteromeric complex with ZIP10 that interacts with NCAM1 ........46

2.3.3 NCAM1 serves as a hub for the assembly of focal adhesion complexes ..............52

2.3.4 ZIP6 influences the association of NCAM1 with specific interactors and

phosphorylation of NCAM1 at a GSK3 consensus site .........................................55

2.3.5 NCAM1 associates with integrins and actin-assembly complexes and is

polysialylated in a PrP and ZIP6-dependent manner during EMT ........................59

2.4 Discussion ..........................................................................................................................62

2.4.1 ZIP6 forms a heteromeric complex with ZIP10 that interacts with NCAM1 ........63

2.4.2 ZIP6 is critical for proper execution of EMT, presumably by facilitating

assembly of NCAM1 focal adhesion complexes ...................................................64

2.4.3 Binding of GSK3 to ZIP6 and phosphorylation of NCAM1 at GSK3

consensus sites .......................................................................................................64

2.5 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................66

Chapter 3 Future directions involving the investigation of the PrP-ZIP6/ZIP10-NCAM1

connection .................................................................................................................................69

References ......................................................................................................................................72


List of Tables

Table 1.1: Subset of proteins observed in PrP 'ko' and 'kd' NMuMG global proteomes at levels

that deviated from 'wt' levels.


List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Strategy for generation of mouse PrP knockout clones based on CRISPR/Cas9-


Figure 1.2: Generation of Prnp knockout clones in three different mouse cell lines.

Figure 1.3: Flow-chart depicting experimental strategy for comparative analyses of the global

proteomes of Prnp knockout (or knockdown) and wild-type NMuMG epithelial cell clones.

Figure 1.4: PrP deficiency generated by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout or stable

shRNA-mediated knockdown manifests in highly reproducible changes to the expression of

more than hundred proteins in NMuMG cell model.

Figure 1.5: PrP expression is upregulated during EMT, and PrP-deficiency decreases expression

levels of a subset of proteins undergoing pronounced expression levels changes during EMT,

including NCAM1 and its polysialylation.

Figure 2.1: Mouse NMuMG cell model for investigating role of ZIP6 during EMT.

Figure 2.2: The ZIP6 interactome.

Figure 2.3: Interaction of a ZIP6-ZIP10 heteromer complex with NCAM1 and GSK3.

Figure 2.4: The NCAM1 interactome.

Figure 2.5: Effect of ZIP6 on the NCAM1 interactome.

Figure 2.6: ZIP6 controls phosphorylation of the longest isoform of NCAM1 at a phospho-

acceptor site that conforms to a previously described GSK3 recognition site within members of

the Crmp protein family.

Figure 2.7: During EMT the shift of NCAM1-cytoskeletal interactions from a tubulin to an actin-

dominated environment is accompanied by its polysialylation.

Figure 2.8: Evolution of NCAM, ZIP, PrP, and polyST gene families.



4-VP 4-vinylpyridine

Aβ amyloid beta

AD Alzheimer’s disease

bp base pairs

BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy

CFC cysteine-flanked core

CID collision-induced dissociation

CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

CRISPR clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat

CWD chronic wasting disease

Dpl Doppel

EGTA ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid

EMT epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

ESI electrospray ionization

FBS fetal bovine serum

FDR false discovery rate

FFI Fatal Familial Insomnia

GO gene ontology

GPI glycosylphosphatidylinositol

gRNA guide ribonucleic acid

HCD high-energy collision-induced dissociation

HDR homology-directed repair

HMM high molecular mass

HPLC high performance liquid chromatography

HRP horseradish peroxidase

Ig immunoglobulin

IP immunoprecipitation

IPI international protein index

iTRAQ isobaric tagging for relative and absolute quantitation

kd knockdown

KEGG Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes

ko knockout

Mm Mus musculus

MS mass spectrometry

MW molecular weight

N2a Neuro2a mouse neuroblastoma

NCAM1 neural cell adhesion molecule 1

NHEJ non-homologous end joining

ORF open reading frame

PBS phosphate buffered saline

PCR polymerase chain reaction

PL prion-like

PrP prion protein

PrPc cellular prion protein

PSA polysialic acid

PSM peptide spectrum matches


PVDF polyvinylidene fluoride

RT room temperature

RT-PCR real-time polymerase chain reaction

SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate

Sho Shadoo

shRNA small hairpin ribonucleic acid

siRNA small interfering ribonucleic acid

Slc solute carrier

TALEN transcription activator-like effector nucleases

TBST tris-buffered saline and Tween 20

TCEP tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine

TFA trifluoroacetic acid

TGFB1 transforming growth factor beta 1

TMT tandem mass tag

TPEN N,N,N’,N’-tetrakis (2-pyridylmethyl) ethylenediamine

ZFN zinc-finger nucleases

ZIP Zrt- Irt-like protein


Project rationale

This project builds upon the discovery of the evolutionary descent of prion genes from a ZIP

metal ion transport ancestor gene [38]. Its objectives are to investigate the physiological function

of PrP and its ZIP counterparts through a three-pronged approach in which knockout phenotypes

are observed, key interactors are examined, and comparisons between these ancestrally related

proteins are completed


The prion protein (PrP) has been widely studied ever since its discovery as the causative agent in

mammalian prion diseases [3] such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle,

chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer, and most importantly human diseases such as

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI). Though it is best known for

its role in disease, the cellular prion protein (PrPc) is widely expressed in healthy vertebrate cells

[4] and only develops its toxic effects when misfolding converts the original protein into its

diseased, ‘scrapie’ state (PrPSc) [3], prompting investigation into the physiological function of

the native PrPc. Despite extensive research, no clear function of PrPc has been uncovered,

however there has been no shortage of molecular and physiological phenotypes to which it has

been linked [4]. There have also been two mammalian PrPc paralogs identified, Doppel (Dpl)

[119] and Shadoo (Sho) [120], but characterizations of these prion protein family members have

also not yet pointed toward a conclusive biological role of PrPc [108]. Previously, our laboratory

established that the prion gene family originates from a partial duplication of an ancient ZIP (Zrt-

Irt-like Protein) metal ion transport gene [38]. Specifically, several lines of evidence converged

to the conclusion that a ZIP5/6/10-like ancestor gene must have given rise to the PrP founder

gene. Furthermore, it was determined that ZIP6 and ZIP10 were found to co-enrich with all three

members of the prion family in a neuroblastoma cell model [32].

The ZIP family of metal ion transporters consists of multi-spanning transmembrane proteins

which are known for their role in the import of divalent cations into the cytosol [94]. There are

fourteen ZIP proteins expressed in varying combinations in cells of humans and mice, and these

are coded by members of the solute carrier family 39a gene family (Slc39a1 to Slc39a14) [95].

Within this family of ZIP metal ion transporters, ZIP6 and ZIP10, as well as their nearest paralog


ZIP5, compose a distinct sub-branch that not only contains a prion-like (PL) domain but is most

closely related in sequence to prion genes [37]. The PL domains comprise their extracellular N-

terminal domains, contain a cysteine-flanked core (CFC), and have similar orientation and

positioning to their membrane anchorage sites as PrPc [37]. Furthermore, these ZIPs contain

histidine-rich imperfect repeat motifs N-terminal within their PL domains, similar to those seen

in PrPc [37]. Consistent with the evolution of PrPc from an ancestral ZIP gene, ZIP sequences

with ectodomains related to PrP are only found in the metazoan lineage, while members of the

broader ZIP protein family are highly conserved and can be found even in bacteria and plants


PrPc and ZIP metal ion transporters share the ability to bind divalent cations [94]. As the name

suggests, it appears that the main physiological function of the ZIP transporters is transporting

these divalent cations into the cytosol [133] while it remains unclear what the physiological

significance of PrPc’s ability to bind these metals may be. It has been suggested that PrP may

have a role in cellular responses to copper-induced oxidative stress [134] as well as a key role in

maintaining zinc homeostasis [135,136]. Another intriguing similarity between PrP and ZIP

transporters represent independent observations of gastrulation defects in zebrafish caused by

morpholino knockdown of either PrP [18,19] or ZIP6 [39]. Further characterization of this

phenotype revealed that the gastrulation defect was caused by an inability to complete the

morphogenetic program known as epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) [18,19,39,98],

consistent with the interpretation that PrP and ZIP6 inherited at least a part of their functions

from a common ancestral gene.

Another protein that has been linked to EMT is the neural cell adhesion molecule 1 (NCAM1)

[36]. NCAM1 is a member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) super family [128], and is known to have

three predominant splice variants [129]: NCAM-180 and NCAM-140 which possess

transmembrane topology, and NCAM-120 which, like PrPc, is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol

(GPI)-anchored protein. The N-terminal ectodomain is conserved among all three NCAM1

isoforms, consisting of five Ig-like domains and two fibronectin type-III domains [130,131].

NCAM1 is also a known interactor of PrP [32,33,34], and of particular interest is that this

interaction stimulates neurite outgrowth [35], a process involving morphogenetic rearrangements

similar to those observed during EMT. Interestingly, a post-translational modification of

NCAM1 involving the addition of polysialic acid chain to N-glycan moieties within NCAM1’s


Ig-like domain 5 [132], leads to an altered hydrodynamic radius and embeds the respective

ectodomains in an overall negative charge cluster. These characteristics are critical for

facilitating cellular morphogenesis programs such as those associated with NCAM1 by altering

cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions. A prior investigation into the levels of polysialylated

NCAM1 in PrP-deficient mice displayed a reduction in polysialylation in the absence of PrP,

however this was attributed to altering the distribution of NCAM1 isoforms [35].


The prion protein and ZIP6 contribute to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and related

morphogenetic programs by influencing the molecular environment and post-translational

modifications of NCAM1.

Specific aims

1. Generate knockout cell lines for PrP or ZIP6 in a cellular model, such as NMuMG mouse

epithelial cells, which can be induced to undergo EMT.

2. Examine global proteomic effects of PrP deficiency in relevant models and during EMT.

3. Characterize the expression of ZIP6 and its molecular interactions in an EMT model.

4. Examine the effects of PrP- or ZIP6- deficiency on the molecular environment and post-

translational modifications of NCAM1.

Scientific impact

North America is currently experiencing a rapid spread of one of the most aggressively

transmitted prion diseases in CWD. Though it appears highly unlikely that infectious cervid

prions can be transmitted to humans [137,138,139], there is still the underlying concern of

developing a subclinical disease or other novel manifestation of prion infection. Previous

outbreaks of BSE in Canada as well as the United Kingdom greatly raised public awareness of

prion diseases, illustrating its devastating effects not only on the population it infect, in this case

cattle, but also its grave effects on society and the economy. However, we have yet to see the full

effect of these outbreaks as we await the consequences of any variant CJD cases resulting from

the consumption of infected livestock. The uncertainty of the long-term effects of these prion

outbreaks, and incomplete understanding of the mechanisms by which the disease propagates


and crosses species barriers, underscores the importance of improving our understanding of prion


PrP has also been linked to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in recent years due to the discovery that

PrP binds oligomeric amyloid beta, the key constituent of plaques in AD [9]. This emergence of

the cellular prion protein as a component of signaling cascades related to AD may present an

even more immediate need for understanding human prion biology. With AD and other

dementias becoming a growing concern for our aging population, it is estimated that in Canada

alone the costs associated with dementias will approach $33 billion a year while affecting nearly

1.4 million individuals by the year 2030 [140]. Though there is still controversy surrounding the

importance of PrP’s ability to bind amyloid beta [141,142,143], a thorough understanding of the

pathways downstream of this binding event and other interactors of PrP would clarify its

importance and role in AD.

With so many questions surrounding the prion protein remaining unanswered, this project will

contribute to the much needed understanding of the physiological function of PrP. Understanding

the function of PrP will provide insight into the pathways it affects as well as provide insight into

how these pathways are interrupted as a result of misfolded PrP. Determining the major players

in key pathways associated with PrP may elucidate novel therapeutic targets, while

understanding of how these pathways are altered in disease may clarify methods of disease

propagation and the associated phenotypic symptoms. The evolutionary descent of the prion

protein from a ZIP ancestor, as well as an apparent role during epithelial-to-mesenchymal

transition and related morphogenetic programming through its interactions with NCAM1 will

provide a number of new avenues to pursue, not only in the prion field, but also in the ZIP

transporter and NCAM fields of study. By connecting these fields of study, it will be possible to

look at the prion protein as it affects various pathways and diverse biological processes, both in

health and in disease.


Chapter 1 Effects of PrP-deficiency on the global proteome, and its role in

epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

Please note that large parts of this chapter, excluding minor modifications, were published in the

following articles [1, 2]:

Mehrabian M, Brethour D, MacIsaac S, Kim JK, Gunawardana CG, Wang, H and Schmitt-

Ulms, G. (2014) CRISPR-Cas9-Based Knockout of the Prion Protein and Its Effect on the

Proteome. PLoS ONE 9(12): e114594.

Mehrabian M, Brethour D, Wang H, Xi Z, Rogaeva E, Schmitt-Ulms G (2015). The Prion

Protein Controls Polysialylation of Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 during Cellular

Morphogenesis. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0133741. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133741.

Candidate’s role: Contributed to the generation and validation of knockout clones, and western

blot analysis.

Summary: A 1st generation CRISPR-Cas9 system was used to generate Prnp knockout cell lines

in mouse neuroblastoma Neuro2a cells, C2C12 mouse myoblast cells, and mouse mammary

gland NMuMG cells. Subsequently, deep quantitative global proteome analyses were undertaken

to begin to characterize the molecular consequences of PrP deficiency in NMuMG cells.

Expression levels for approximately 120 proteins were shown to correlate with the presence or

absence of PrP, with the majority belonging to extracellular components, cell junctions, or the

cytoskeleton. On the basis of its evolutionary link to ZIP metal ion transporters, we hypothesized

that PrP may contribute to the morphogenetic reprogramming of cells underlying epithelial-to-

mesenchymal transition (EMT). Consistent with this hypothesis, PrP transcription increased

tenfold during EMT, and PrP-deficient cells failed to complete EMT in NMuMG cells. Further

global proteomics analyses identified the neural cell adhesion molecule 1 (NCAM1) as a

candidate mediator of this impairment, which subsequently led to the observation that PrP-

deficient cells fail to undergo NCAM1 polysialylation during EMT.


1.1 Introduction

Ever since evidence mounted that the prion protein is the causative agent underlying prion

diseases [3], yet is widely expressed in healthy vertebrate cells of diverse lineages, scientists

have sought to uncover the physiological role of this protein [4]. The cellular prion protein

(PrPC) has been tied to diverse cellular activities ranging from cell adhesion to ion transport,

neuritogenesis, modulation of electrophysiological currents and circadian regulation (reviewed in

[5,6,7,8]) but the molecular mechanism of its proposed involvement in these and other activities

has remained largely enigmatic. It is a challenge to identify a prevailing theme in this body of

literature, a reality reflected in the widely held view that the role of this protein is complex,

multifaceted and context-dependent. The limitations of our current understanding of the

physiological role of PrP were further accentuated when it was proposed that PrPC plays a

critical role in a central signaling pathway in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [9]. It is to be expected

that efforts to intervene with PrP’s pathogenic role in neurodegenerative diseases would benefit

from a thorough understanding of both the cellular programs that control its expression and the

principal signaling pathways that may contribute to toxic signals emanating from PrP.

When considering the relative merits of alternative approaches for determining the physiological

role of a given protein, three methods stand out, namely, one may choose to characterize the

phenotypic consequences of disease causing mutations, including gene knockouts [10], infer its

function from the function of its molecular interactors [11,12], or deduce it from the function of

its closest evolutionary relative [13].

To begin to address the physiological role of PrP, several Prnp knockout mouse models have

been generated and closely scrutinized for phenotypes [14]. At this time, more than a dozen

relatively subtle phenotypes have been reported in these PrP-deficient mice [4], yet it has been

difficult to connect observations because the study of the molecular underpinnings of these

phenotypes is hampered by the relative complexity of the experimental paradigms in which they

were observed.

One way of reducing complexity would be to investigate cell-specific phenotypes in different

cell models. The most often used and arguably best understood cell model for studying the

cellular biology of PrP is the mouse neuroblastoma cell line Neuro-2a (N2a) [15,16]. Recently,

mouse C2C12 cells, a cell line of myoblasts origins, were reported to provide an attractive


experimental paradigm for studying the cellular biology of PrP [17]. In light of previous reports

that document a role for PrP in morphogenetic rearrangements underlying epithelial-to-

mesenchymal transition (EMT) during zebrafish development [18,19], it would further be of

interest to explore the possible involvement of PrP in signaling pathways known to play a role in

EMT in a mouse epithelial cell line. Mouse mammary gland-derived NMuMG cells exhibit

epithelial morphology when cultured in standard growth medium but convert to a mesenchymal

phenotype upon prolonged exposure to transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) and have

become a prime experimental paradigm for EMT-related studies. No PrP knockout models are

available for any of the aforementioned cell models.

Until a few years ago, genomic manipulations in mammalian cells posed a formidable challenge.

In recent years, genome editing methods such as those dependent on zinc-finger nucleases

(ZFNs) or transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) enabled the site-specific

generation of double-strand breaks. Once generated, powerful cell-encoded repair programs are

initiated that lead to the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) of breaks or to their homology-

directed repair (HDR) in the presence of a template [20]. Despite the formidable advances ZFN

and TALEN technologies afforded, both methods proved somewhat cumbersome and require

considerable investment in time. A new technology was needed that addresses these


Throughout their evolution several types of bacteria have acquired the ability to fight off

repeated attacks by the same virus by using an adaptive immunity. Whenever such a bacterium is

invaded by a virus, it deposits short genome segments of the attacking virus in a designated

location of its own genome. Should a consecutive attack by the same virus occur, the bacterium

can retrieve these virus-derived fragments not only to recognize the invader but also to direct a

molecular machine that can disarm the virus by cutting its genome [21,22,23]. Following more

than 10 years of work, during which the essential molecular components of clustered regularly

interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)-Cas9 machinery were defined, numerous reports

published in the past year documented how this adaptive immunity can be harnessed for genome

editing in a wide range of cells and organisms [24,25,26,27,28,29,30]. Utilizing this CRISPR-

Cas9 technology to generate PrP-knockout models of the aforementioned cell lines creates a base

upon which to study the physiological role of PrP in a cell-type specific context.


As previously mentioned, information regarding a protein’s physiological role can also be

elucidated by investigating its interacting partners and closest evolutionary relatives. Several

studies uncovered molecular interactors of PrPC or proteins residing in its spatial proximity

[31,32,33]. Cumulatively, these data suggest the prion protein is enriched in lipid raft membrane

domains and surrounded by several cell adhesion molecules, including NCAM1 and integrin or

non-integrin laminin receptors. NCAM1 seems particularly enriched amongst proteins residing

in proximity to PrP and this next-neighbor relationship can be captured by mild in vivo

formaldehyde crosslinking of cultured cells [32,34] or brain tissue [33]. The physiological

significance of this molecular proximity has remained largely unclear. One scenario sees PrP

cooperate with NCAM1 in its recruitment to lipid rafts and signaling to the tyrosine kinase FYN

[35]. In separate research, NCAM1 has been identified as a mediator of EMT [36].

Recently, several lines of evidence converged to reveal that the prion founder gene was derived

from an ancient ZIP (Zrt-, Irt-like protein) metal ion transporter gene [37] through a genomic

rearrangement that involved the genomic insertion of a spliced ZIP mRNA intermediate [38].

Several vertebrate genomes are known to code for more than a dozen ZIP transporter paralogs,

with ZIP5, ZIP6 and ZIP10 being most similar to PrP on the basis of their PrP-like ectodomains,

which share up to 30% sequence identity with PrP sequences in a subset of species [37]. The

morpholino-mediated knockdown of ZIP6 was observed to cause a gastrulation arrest phenotype

during zebrafish embryogenesis, characterized by a failure of cells to complete EMT and migrate

along the anterior-posterior axis [39]. Similar phenotypes of defective EMT-like cellular

migration programs, leading to perturbed gonad and trachea formation, have been reported to

occur in fruit flies deficient for a ZIP ortholog [40,41].

Due to the recurring presence of EMT as a key feature in each of these three strands of

observation, we hypothesized that PrP might play a role in EMT, and wondered if it affects the

execution of this process in mammalian cells, such as NMuMG cells.

This report describes the adaptation of this new CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology to ablate

PrP expression in N2a neuroblastoma cells, C2C12 myoblasts and NMuMG epithelial cells. To

begin to understand how PrP ablation changes the cellular proteome, a quantitative proteome

investigation of a PrP knockout NMuMG clone was undertaken, with cellular extracts from PrP

knockdown and wild-type NMuMG clones serving as positive and negative controls,


respectively. Our analysis revealed reproducibly altered the abundance levels of ∼120 proteins in

cells that exhibit no or reduced levels of PrP. A gene ontology analysis of these proteins strongly

indicates a role of PrP in cellular adhesion and differentiation and identifies a majority of these

proteins as belonging to the extracellular region, cell junction or the cytoskeleton. Furthermore,

we document that in NMuMG cells, PrP is more than tenfold upregulated during EMT and cells

deficient for PrP fail to complete EMT. Whereas wild-type cells undergo NCAM1

polysialylation during EMT, stable PrP-deficient cells fail to do so.

1.2 Materials and Methods

1.2.1 Antibodies and transforming growth factors

Immunoblotting made use of antibodies against NCAM1 (1:6666, 556324; BD Biosciences, ON,

Canada), PrP (1:2000, A03213; Bertin Pharma, France), and E-cadherin (1:4000, 3195; Cell

signaling, MA, USA).

Unless otherwise stated, cells undergoing EMT had TGFβ (240-B; R&D Systems, MN, USA)

added for 48 hrs at a concentration of 6.4 ng/ml and replenished with fresh medium after 24


1.2.2 Generation of gRNA Expression Vectors

The SpCas9 plasmid JDS246 (Plasmid 43861) and the gRNA expression plasmid MLM3636

(Plasmid 43860) were obtained from a non-profit plasmid share repository (Addgene,

Cambridge, MA, USA). Suitable CRISPR target sites within Prnp Exon 3 positive and negative

strands were identified using the ‘CRISPR Design Tool’ ( The respective

oligonucleotide pairs were obtained from Life Technologies (Burlington, ON, Canada) and were

customized to include overhangs compatible for ligation into MLM3636 linearized by digestion

with BsmB1 (R0580S; New England BioLabs, Ipswich, MA, USA), a cloning site located in this

vector on the 3′ side of a U6 promoter element. Oligonucleotides were phosphorylated with

polynucleotide kinase (EK0031; Fermentas, Ottawa, ON, Canada), annealed and inserted into the

gRNA plasmid using T4 DNA ligase (M0202S; New England Biolabs) and transformed into

Turbo competent E. coli (C2984H; New England Biolabs).


1.2.3 Cell Culture and Transfection

Mouse neuroblastoma Neuro-2a (N2a) (CCL-131) and mouse myoblast C2C12 cells (CRL-1772)

were sourced from the American Tissue Culture Collection (ATCC) (Manassas, VA, USA).

Mouse mammary gland NMuMG cells were, kindly, provided by Dr. Jeffrey Wrana (University

of Toronto, ON, Canada) but can also be sourced from the ATCC (CRL-1636). N2a and C2C12

cell lines were cultured as recommended by the ATCC distributor and NMuMG cells were

grown in Dulbecco's Modified Eagles medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% FBS

(12484028, Life Technologies), 1% GlutaMAX (35050061, Life Technologies), 10 µg/mL

insulin (I9278-5ML, Sigma-Aldrich, Oakville, ON, Canada) and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic

solution (15240062, Life Technologies). Transfection with 3∶1 (w/w) mixtures of SpCas9 and

customized gRNA plasmids were carried out with the Lipofectamine 2000 or Lipofectamine

LTX (Life Technologies) according to the manufacturer's instructions and at cell culture plate

confluencies of approximately 75%. Forty-eight hours after transfection, cells were harvested,

diluted in cell culture medium to a level of 1 cell/mL and replated. Once individual colonies

formed, these were, initially, cultured in separate wells of 24-well plates and, subsequently,

further expanded in 6-well and 60 mm plates until cell numbers were sufficient for Western blot


1.2.4 Generation of stable knockdown cell clones

The shRNA vectors (TRCN0000008471 and TRCN0000008472) against PrP were obtained from

the Thermo Scientific TRC Lentiviral shRNA Library (Ottawa, ON, Canada) and were co-

transfected into NMuMG cells using Lipofectamine LTX (Life Technologies). The selection

antibiotic, puromycin (P7255-25MG, Sigma Aldrich) was added to the medium 30h after

transfection to the final concentration of 1.1 µg/mL and medium changed every 1-2 days.

Following the selection, clonal isolation from the pool of stable cells was performed as described

above for the knockout cells. The stable cell clones were maintained and cultured with

puromycin at all times.

1.2.5 Genetic analysis

To sequence the genomic region targeted by CRISPR-Cas9-mediated Prnp editing, genomic

DNA was isolated from cells using QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (51304, Qiagen, Valencia, CA,

USA). DNA samples (20 ng/reaction) were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using



that were predicted to anneal to Prnp gene sequences flanking the CRISPR target sites. The PCR

conditions were 94°C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of 94°C for 45 s, 59°C for 45 s, 72°C for

60 s, and 7 min at 72°C. The PCR products were analyzed on an ABI PRISM 3100 Genetic

Analyzer and visualized by DNA Sequencing Analysis 3.7 (Applied Biosystems).

1.2.6 Western blot analyses

Cells were grown to near confluency in 60 mm plates. Growth medium was removed and the

cells were rinsed twice with ice-cold phosphate buffered saline (PBS) before lysis with a buffer

consisting of 50 mM Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, and Roche Complete Protease

Inhibitor Cocktail. Insoluble cell debris was removed by 5 minute centrifugation at 14,000 rpm

and 4°C. The protein levels were adjusted based on a bicinchoninic acid colourimetric assay and

equal amounts of protein were separated on 4–12% or 12% Novex NuPAGE Bis-Tris (Life

Technologies) or 7% Tris-glycine gels (cast in-house), and transferred to a 0.45 micron PVDF

membrane. The blot membranes were blocked in 10% skimmed milk and probed overnight at

4°C with the respective antibody diluted in 5% skimmed milk. On the next day, the blots were

incubated with HRP-conjugated anti-mouse (1:5000, 170–6516; BioRad, ON, Canada) or anti-

rabbit (1:5000, 170–6515; BioRad) secondary antibodies and the ECL reagent (RPN2106; GE

Healthcare, Baie d'Urfe, QC, Canada). Signals were detected with either X-ray film or the Li-

COR Odyssey Fc digital imaging system (NE, USA).

1.2.7 Enzymatic characterization of post-translational modifications of NCAM1

Cell lysates adjusted for total protein content, were incubated overnight with 4 μL of PNGase F

(P0705; New England Biolabs), 1 or 4 μl of endo-N (AbC0020; ABC Scientific, CA, USA) or 4

μl of α2–3,6,8 neuraminidase (P0720; New England Biolabs) in a total reaction volume of 10 μl

at 37°C. In each case, the reaction proceeded in the presence of buffer solutions, which were

provided by the respective manufacturers together with enzymes.

1.2.8 RT-PCR analysis

RNA preparations were analyzed by a TaqMan gene expression assay targeting mouse Prnp

transcripts. Total RNA was extracted using the RNeasy Mini Kit (74104; Qiagen, ON, Canada)


and reverse transcribed to cDNA with oligo dT primers or random primers using the

AffinityScript Multiple Temperature cDNA Synthesis Kit (200436; Agilent Technologies, ON,

Canada). RNA integrity was checked on an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (all samples were with

RIN>7). Real-time PCR analyses were then undertaken with these RNA preparations using

TaqMan Universal Master Mix II (4440038, Life Technologies) in triplicate to generate technical

amplification replicates of Hprt (Mm00446968_m1), Tfrc (Mm00441941_m1), and Prnp

(Mm00448389_m1) (Life Technologies) mRNAs. Amplification products were analyzed on an

ABI Prism 7500 system (Life Technologies). Relative quantifications were based on the qBASE

PLUS software (Biogazelle NV, Belgium) using the ddCt method after normalization to Hprt

and Tfrc mRNAs. The relative expressions of target transcripts were scaled to samples derived

from vehicle-treated NMuMG or C2C12 cells. Near-identical results were obtained with oligo

dT primers and random primers.

1.2.9 Sample preparation for comparative global proteomics analysis

For the comparative analyses of global proteomes NMuMG cell clones were employed, which

expressed wild-type levels of PrP, no PrP or stably reduced levels of PrP. For studying changes

during EMT, cells expressing wildtype levels of PrP with and without the addition of TGFβ, and

cells with stably reduced levels of PrP with TGFβ were employed. For each of these cell clones,

three 100 mm cell culture plates grown to near confluency served as starting material for

generating three biological replicates. Approximately, 5×106 cells were rapidly lysed with the

aid of 0.5 mm glass beads and a Mini-BeadBeater-8 (Biospec Products Inc., Oklahoma, USA) in

the presence of SDS-containing Lysis Buffer (2% SDS, 62.5 mM HEPES/NaOH, pH 8.0), which

had been preheated to 90°C. Following three cycles of 1 minute bead beading at

‘Homogenization Level’, samples were further incubated at 90°C to deactivate residual

enzymatic activities in the cellular extracts. Protein levels were adjusted by BCA colourimetric

assay (Thermo Scientific, Nepean, Ontario, Canada). Subsequently, disulfide bonds were first

reduced in 100 µg aliquots for 30 min at 60°C in the presence of 5 mM tris(2-carboxyethyl)

phosphine (TCEP), then alkylated for 1 hr at room temperature in the presence of 10 mM 4-

vinylpyiridine (4-VP). The samples were then acetone precipitated, the pellets washed with 90%

acetone and redissolved in 9 M urea. To ensure that the residual urea concentration did not

exceed 1.5 M, samples were diluted in Tetraethylammonium bromide buffer (TEAB) and then

digested with side chain-modified porcine trypsin overnight at 37°C. The covalent modification


of peptides with reagents from the 6-plex amine-reactive tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling kit

followed instructions provided by the manufacturer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham,

Massachusetts, USA).

1.2.10 Nanospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry

To ensure excellent proteome coverage, and to remove urea, buffer components and unreacted

TMT reagents, samples were ZipTip-purified on reversed-phase (C18) and strong cation

exchange resins. Eluents were adjusted to 0.1% formic acid and separated on 25 cm C18

nanocapillary columns (Acclaim PepMap RSLC with 100 Å pore size, 2 µm particle size, 75 µm

inner diameter) using an EASY-nLC 1100 system (Thermo Fisher Scientific). A linear four-hour

gradient of 2 to 95% acetonitrile in 0.1% formic acid was used to elute peptides and transfer

them by dynamic nanospray ionization to the ion transfer tube of an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid

mass spectrometer. The acquisition method was designed with a view to maximize

parallelization and involved three scan types. First, a survey scan of the 400–2000 m/z range at

120,000 resolution was conducted in the orbitrap with the automated gain control target set to 2

e5. Next, the most intense precursor ion carrying two or more charges was isolated, subjected to

collision-induced dissociation (CID) and its fragments detected in the linear ion trap located at

the back end of the machine. Finally, the ten most intense fragments from this MS2 scan were

synchronously sent to the ion-routing multipole for higher-energy collision-induced dissociation

(HCD). The low m/z fragments obtained during MS3 fragmentation, including the TMT reporter

ions, were detected at 60,000 resolution in the orbitrap with the automatic gain control target set

to 1.0 e5 and the maximum injection time limited to 120 ms. The combined cycle time for this

method was set to 3 seconds during which as many precursors as possible, selected on the basis

of their intensity and in the order from most intense to lower intense, were subjected to this

processing scheme. Dynamic exclusion prevented the re-analysis of any precursor mass in a 20

ppm m/z window for the duration of 300 seconds.

1.2.11 Post-acquisition analyses

For the analyses of global proteome datasets without the addition of TGFβ, the international

protein index (IPI) mouse database (Version 3.87) was interrogated by Mascot (Version 2.4;

Matrix Science Ltd, London, UK) and Sequest HT search engines embedded in Proteome

Discoverer (Version 1.4; Thermo Fisher Scientific) and by integrated proteomics software


packages Scaffold (Version Q+; Proteome Software Inc., Portland, Oregon, USA) and PEAKS

Studio (Version 6.0; Bioinformatics Solutions Inc., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada). The percolator

algorithm [42] was applied to filter all CID spectra and select the subset of spectra that exceed a

false discovery rate target of 0.5. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to

the ProteomeXchange Consortium [126] via the PRIDE partner repository [127] with the dataset

identifier PXD001301.

For the analyses of global proteome datasets with the addition of TGFβ, mass spectrometry raw

data files were analyzed by Mascot (Version 2.4; Matrix Science Ltd, London, UK) and Sequest

HT search engines embedded within Proteome Discoverer software (Version 1.4; Thermo Fisher

Scientific). All PSMs were based on queries of the mouse international protein index (IPI)

(release 3.87). Tolerance filters of 0.1 Da and 50 ppm were applied for searches of parent spectra

and tandem MS spectra, respectively (note that scatter plots depicting precursor mass errors as a

function of peptides scores indicated that observed masses of PSMs, which passed stringency

criteria, were largely within 10 ppm of theoretical masses). Database searches were configured to

allow for up to two missed tryptic cleavages. Because 4-vinylpyridine was used as the alkylating

agent, the search was configured to assume all cysteine side-chains were pyridylethyl-

derivatized. Variable modifications considered were TMT reagent modifications of primary

amines, phosphorylations of serines, threonines and tyrosines, deamidations of glutamine and

asparagine, and oxidations of methionines. For relative quantitation the low mass TMT signature

ion distributions were interpreted by an algorithm embedded in the Proteome Discoverer

software, which also generated raw data graphs depicting TMT ratios. Statistical analyses of

global proteomes were conducted with PEAKS (Version 6.0; Bioinformatics Solutions Inc.,

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) and ProteinCenter (Thermo Fisher Scientific) software packages. A

stringent false discovery rate (FDR) of 0.5% was set as the initial filter, which had to be passed

by all PSMs. Because a reliable relative protein quantitation was critical for the interpretation of

data, a subsequent filtering process eliminated all proteins, which were not identified and

quantified on the basis of at least three PSMs for which TMT signature ion distributions were

available. The application of this filter eliminated false-positive identifications by exceeding

widely applied thresholds for protein group inclusion, which typically require assignments of

two PSMs per protein group for confident identifications. Because three biological replicates of

TGFB1-treated wt NMuMG cells were common to both proteomics analyses conducted, their


global proteomes served as a reference against which the other datasets were compared. The

Kruskal-Wallis test was applied to identify whether there is significant differences in the TMT-

based relative ratios of proteins amongst the two sets of three biological replicates within each

dataset. Since we could not assume Gaussian distributions for TMT ratios, this analysis was

based on a non-parametric version of the test (IBM SPSS Statistics, version 20, NY, USA). A

Spearman correlation analysis was conducted to determine whether there is a significant

correlation between the TMT levels of the 57 proteins whose relative expression levels were

most altered during EMT and following stable kd of PrP (Fig. 1.5). The mass spectrometry

proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium [126] via the PRIDE

partner repository [127] with the dataset identifier PXD001875.

1.3 Results

1.3.1 Strategy of CRISPR-Cas9-based PrP knockout in three mouse cell lines

Any CRISPR-Cas9-based gene knockout experiment requires that consideration be given to the

choice of cell type, the reagents and strategy employed, the method for identifying positive

clones and the possibility of off-target effects. The selection of N2a cells, C2C12 and NMuMG

cells for this work was not only guided by the diverse systems biology these cell lines represent

as neuron-, muscle- and epithelial-like cell models but also by their shared murine origins

(enabling the use of identical reagents and facilitating comparative analyses across cell types)

and relative ease of transfection. Given the complex karyotype of N2a cells, which comprise

between 94 and 98 chromosomes in the stemline, and with anywhere between 59 and 193

chromosomes observed in individual subclones (American Type Culture Collection, Manassas,

Virginia), the generation of a PrP knockout in this cell line requires the concomitant genomic

editing of several Prnp copies. As of Spring 2013, the time at which this project was initiated, no

report documenting successful genome editing of this many alleles of a single gene was

available. Therefore, special consideration was given to the need to express all components of

the CRISPR-Cas9 system robustly. To this end, the two-plasmid CRISPR-Cas9 system,

consisting of plasmids for Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) and guide RNA (gRNA)

expression, was adapted from the Keith Joung laboratory (Massachusetts General Hospital, MA,

USA). This system drives the expression of a mammalian codon-optimized SpCas9 enzyme that

was engineered to carry a mammalian nuclear localization sequence from a cytomegalovirus


promoter. To further maximize the chance to produce the desired insertions or deletions (indels)

at CRISPR target sites, the genome editing step was intended to stimulate NHEJ, which is known

to proceed at a faster rate and is less cell cycle-dependent than genome editing approaches

relying on the HDR pathway [43]. For the design of gRNAs [44], consideration was given to

ensure CRISPR target sites map to an N-terminal stretch of the Prnp coding sequence within

Exon 3. Selected sites were predicted by the ‘CRISPR Design Tool’ (

hosted by the Feng Zhang laboratory (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA, USA) [45] to

possess a minimum number of off-target sites in the mouse genome, with particular emphasis

placed on avoidance of cross-reactivity toward other coding sequences. Two sites were identified

which fulfilled these criteria and also targeted opposite strands of the coding sequence.

Following gRNA vector assembly using standard cloning procedures, host cells were co-

transfected with plasmids coding for SpCas9 and one of the two gRNAs derived from the two

target sites. In the absence of a suitable reporter or selection marker, the isolation of positive

clones had to rely on single cell isolations by the serial (limiting) dilution followed by both PrP-

specific Western blot analysis and DNA sequencing of genomic PCR products encompassing the

CRISPR target sites (Fig. 1.1).


Figure 1.1. Strategy for generation of mouse PrP knockout clones based on CRISPR/Cas9-


1.3.2 Validation and characterization of PrP knockout cell clones

Whenever genomic double-strand breaks within exons are repaired by NHEJ, indels can be

generated that may shift the translational reading frame by 1, 2 or 3 nucleotides. In contrast to

single or double nucleotide frame shifts, the latter scenario most often merely gives rise to a loss

or gain of amino acids within the natural gene product, and only rarely produces translational

termination due to the insertion of a premature stop codon. Consequently, if no other limitations

would apply, no more than approximately 50% of the progeny derived from a susceptible diploid


parent clone could be expected to exhibit a complete loss of PrP expression. Perhaps not

surprisingly, the observed yield of PrP knockout progeny was considerably lower, amounting to

no more than ∼2% for C2C12 cells (1 clone amongst 44 clones tested) and ∼5% for NMuMG

cells (2 clones amongst 40 clones tested). No complete knockout of PrP was achieved in N2a

cells following a first round of transfection with the CRISPR-Cas9 plasmids and screening of 36

clonal isolates. A second round of transfection, however, led to ∼8.5% of N2a cell isolates (5

clones within 59 colonies tested) that exhibited no PrP expression by Western blot analysis (Fig.



Figure 1.2. Generation of Prnp knockout clones in three different mouse cell lines. (A)

Identification of clones that exhibit loss of PrP expression by Western blot analyses of cellular

lysates. Unspecific band are denoted with asterisks, while all other bands represent full-length or

cleaved forms of PrP. (B) Crude characterization of Prnp gene editing by genomic PCR analyses.


Note the appearance of additional slower or faster migrating PCR products in clones that exhibit

loss of PrP expression. C, control lane derived from genomic PCR analyses of cells not subjected

to CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. The asterisk identifies the NMuMG clone that was employed for

the global proteome comparison described below. (C) Detailed insertion/deletion (indel) analysis

of one Prnp-deficient NMuMG cell clone by DNA-sequencing of genomic PCR products.

Consistent with the observed loss of detectable PrP by Western blot analysis, the analysis

established the deletion of 2 and 4 nucleotides within the two Prnp alleles present in this

NMuMG cell clone.

Consistent with the intended formation of indels, genomic PCR analyses of a segment of Prnp

Exon 3 comprising the CRISPR target sites revealed that a majority of PrP knockout clones gave

rise to products that were larger or smaller than the corresponding product seen in the respective

wild-type cell clones (Fig. 1.2B). Whenever such a change in the apparent molecular weight

could not readily be observed, DNA sequencing revealed the PrP knockout to be reliant on small

indels that are not expected to change the migration of the PCR product by agarose gel

electrophoresis (Fig. 1.2C). Taken together, this phase of the project validated the generation of

8 PrP knockout clones in the three mouse cell lines. Individual clones differed from each other

with respect to the CRISPR site that was targeted and the precise nature of their indels.

1.3.3 Workflow of global proteome comparison of PrP knockout (or knockdown) and wild-type NMuMG cells

To begin to explore how the loss of PrP expression may alter cellular protein homeostasis, a

global proteome analyses was conducted with one of the aforementioned CRISPR-Cas9-

generated NMuMG cell clones exhibiting a 47-nucleotide deletion and a 5-nucleotide deletion

(i.e., a 6-nucleotide deletion and a 1-nucleotide insertion) within its two Prnp Exon 3 alleles (Fig.

1.2B). These deletions are expected to give rise to truncated 62 and 76 amino acid Prnp gene

products due to the formation of premature translation stop codons generated by the two frame

shifts. To generate biological starting material for this experiment, cells were grown in standard

growth medium, a condition under which they are known to acquire an epithelial morphology,

and were rapidly lysed in the presence of pre-heated sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Three

biological replicates were generated and as negative controls served naïve NMuMG cells. To

avoid possible confounders caused by run-to-run variance if samples and controls were to be

analyzed separately, trypsin digests of equal amounts of acetone-precipitated protein were

chemically labeled with isobaric tandem mass tags (TMT). This step ensured that all biological


replicates and controls could be combined and analyzed concomitantly. For the generation of

technical replicates, analyses were repeated three times for each of the samples. Eluates from the

separation column were directly transferred by dynamic nanospray ionization to an Orbitrap

Fusion Tribrid mass spectrometer which operated in a data-dependent fragmentation mode that

employed collision-induced dissociation (CID) to generate fragment ion spectra for the

identification of peptides and higher-energy CID (HCD) for the detection and relative

quantitation of TMT reporter ions.

A caveat of the strategy outlined above was that the secretion of N-terminal PrP fragments

derived from the expression of the CRISPR-edited Prnp gene with premature stop codons might

contribute to differences between the global proteome of PrP knockout and wild-type NMuMG

clones. Although there was a possibility that the cell autonomous nonsense-mediated decay

program [46] could recognize the respective mutated PrP mRNAs as faulty and target them for

destruction, this scenario seemed unlikely. It was dismissed largely because there is no exon-

intron boundary in the Prnp gene in 3′ proximity to the newly inserted nonsense codons, a

frequently observed requirement for triggering the nonsense-mediated decay quality control

program [47]. To nevertheless determine the extent to which changes to the global proteome

observed may have been caused by the loss of PrP (as opposed to be dependent on the abnormal

secretion of truncated PrP fragments or idiosyncrasies of the clone or knockout method) a

suitable control was needed. Note that the aforementioned caveat of N-terminally truncated PrP

constructs would also exist in other CRISPR-Cas9-derived PrP knockout clones produced by

employing the NHEJ pathway. To circumvent this confounder, an orthogonal set of three

biological samples was instead generated from an NMuMG cell clone, which had been derived

from the NMuMG parent cell line following its stable transfection with a plasmid coding for a

PrP-specific shRNA. This clone exhibited more than 75% reduction in PrP expression levels

when assessed by PrP-specific Western blot analysis, with relative band intensities measured on

a quantitative digital image scanner. As for the CRISPR-Cas9 PrP ko clone, the total proteome of

the stable PrP knockdown NMuMG cell clone was again compared to the total proteome of naïve

NMuMG cells using an identical workflow to the one described above (Fig. 1.3).


Figure 1.3. Flow-chart depicting experimental strategy for comparative analyses of the

global proteomes of Prnp knockout (or knockdown) and wild-type NMuMG epithelial cell


1.3.4 The global proteome of PrP-deficient NMuMG cells

The global proteome analyses of NMuMG cell extracts generated upward of 50,000 spectra for

each of the three technical replicates. To discriminate false positive hits from correct peptide

spectrum matches (PSMs) the percolator algorithm was used [42] and a false discovery rate

(FDR) target of 0.5% was applied, i.e., a peptide was only considered identified when it met this

stringent filter criterion. Indicative of consistent depth of coverage and data quality in PrP

knockout and knockdown datasets, a similar number of ∼33,000 PSMs passed this filter amongst

all acquired spectra in both datasets (Fig. 1.4A). For any protein to be considered for TMT-based

quantitation, more than three unique PSMs had to support its identification and provide reporter

ion profiles. Because a relatively wide isolation window of 2 m/z was applied during the

selection of parent ions and the tryptic proteome digests were of high complexity, a subset of

spectra were observed to be contaminated with fragments which resulted from co-isolated peaks.

Therefore, an additional filter was applied, which prevented PSMs from being considered for

quantitation when the intensity of an inadvertently co-isolated parent ion exceeded 30% of the

intensity of the selected parent ion. For a protein to be listed, the ratio of sample/control reporter


ion intensities further had to be consistently up or down in all three biological replicates. The

application of these criteria resulted in a total of 3254 protein groups that were confidently

identified and relatively quantified across all biological and technical replicates. Note that the

term ‘protein group’ refers to the fact that, frequently, peptides detected did not uniquely identify

a specific protein but were shared amongst several protein entries in the IPI database, which

caused them to be recorded as a single protein group. This scenario did not only arise from

protein isoforms but was occasionally also observed with gene products of paralogs or with

database entries that share highly conserved modular domains, suggesting that the true number of

proteins quantified must have exceeded the number of protein groups. Because the emphasis of

this work was not on identifying the largest number of proteins, no attempt was made to further

distinguish proteins within proteins groups, which hereafter are simply referred to as ‘proteins’.

Amongst all proteins identified in the PrP knockout dataset, 201 were consistently upregulated

(>1.1 ratio) or downregulated (<0.9 ratio) on the basis of the median ratio or their intensity levels

(PrP knockout levels/control levels). Similarly, the stable knockdown of PrP caused 200 proteins

to be shortlisted in this manner. Importantly, a majority of 120 protein groups were changed in

both of the two datasets, arguing that this subset represents the most confident candidates for

proteins whose abundance levels in NMuMG are influenced by the presence or absence of PrP

(Fig. 1.4B). Although the abundance level changes observed were modest for a majority of these

proteins, and in no instance exceeded a three-fold change, solid statistics obtained from the

recording of large numbers of reporter ions provided confidence that even smaller levels of

enrichment were real and not an artifact of the method. Furthermore, none of the proteins whose

abundance levels were observed to be changed in the PrP knockout clone relative to wild-type

cells could be matched to the list of genes that were predicted to harbor CRISPR off-target sites.

Finally, amongst the 120 shortlisted proteins the expression of only three proteins

(sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase beta-1, pantetheinase precursor and ferritin light chain

1) did not follow the same trend when knockout and knockdown datasets were directly compared

(Table 1.1).


Figure 1.4. PrP deficiency generated by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout or stable

shRNA-mediated knockdown manifests in highly reproducible changes to the expression of

more than hundred proteins in NMuMG cell model. (A) Chart depicting number of peptide-

spectrum matches versus false discovery rate (FDR). 33,132 and 33,969 peptide-to-spectrum

matches (PSMs) passed the set FDR threshold of 0.5 in PrP knockout and knockdown datasets,

respectively. (B) Venn diagram depicting overlap in proteins (peptides) whose expression was

altered in clones made deficient for PrP expression by the two aforementioned methods. (C)


Several gene ontology (GO) classifiers were significantly overrepresented when their occurrence

was compared amongst the 120 proteins whose abundance levels were consistently altered by

PrP knockout (or knockdown). The list of all 3254 mouse NMuMG protein groups detected in

this study served as the reference data set for these analyses. Colour code: dark brown, proteins

whose abundance levels were changed in both PrP kd and ko data sets; grey, subset of proteins

within reference data set assigned to a given ‘GO’ classifier.

Table 1.1. Subset of proteins observed in PrP 'ko' and 'kd' NMuMG global proteomes at levels

that deviated from 'wt' levels.



From a cursory examination of the datasets, it is apparent that the levels of several intermediate

filament proteins (e.g., cytoskeletal keratins 7, 8, 14 and 19) and constituents of cell-cell

junctions (e.g., cadherin-1, periplakin, desmoplakin, plakoglobin, catenin alpha-1 and beta-1)

were higher in wild-type than in PrP-deficient NMuMG cells. A more systematic analysis of this

protein list on the basis of gene ontology (GO) annotations revealed ‘Biological Processes’

related to cell adhesion, epithelial cell differentiation and response to inorganic substance were

significantly enriched amongst proteins whose abundance levels were altered in PrP-deficient

NMuMG cells (Fig. 1.4C). GO assignments to ‘Molecular Functions’ and ‘Cellular

Components’ overrepresented amongst these proteins further characterized the phenotype of PrP-

deficient NMuMG cells as being compromised in its cell adhesion and cytoskeletal biology.

There are other protein expression profiles that stand out in the datasets collected. For instance,

protein abundance levels of calpains were higher in wild-type than in PrP-deficient cells and,

perhaps as a consequence, the levels of calponins (i.e., calponin 2 and 3), a well-known substrate

of calpains, followed the opposite trend. Finally, the annexin protein family was represented by

several members in the list of proteins whose abundance levels were changed, yet no consistent

trend was observed amongst these annexins, i.e., expression levels of annexins A13 and A1 were

observed to be robustly upregulated and, in striking contrast, annexin A6 was observed at lower

levels in wild-type cells than in PrP-deficient cells.

1.3.5 PrP controls NCAM polysialylation during EMT

Mouse mammary gland epithelial cells (NMuMG) [48] are a widely used model for studying

EMT because this cell line responds robustly to TGFβ exposure with morphogenetic

reprogramming that bears all hallmarks of EMT [49]. Consistent with prior reports, persistent

exposure of NMuMG cells to TGFβ stimulated the expected transdifferentiation, with cadherin

levels declining as cells lose their adherens junctions (Fig. 1.5A). As early as 6 h into the time-

course of TGFB1 exposure, PrP protein levels increased and continued to climb until 48 hrs,

when a peak level was reached that exceeded levels in mock-treated cells more than 6-fold (Fig.


To investigate if EMT-associated changes in PrP levels had arisen from increases in

transcriptional activity of the Prnp gene or changes to PrP translation or turnover, real-time PCR

(RT-PCR) analyses were undertaken. A robust accumulation of Prnp-transcripts was observed


during the time-course of TGFβ treatment, with fifteen-fold higher Prnp expression after three

days of treatment compared to transcript levels in untreated cells (Fig. 1.5B).

To address if transcriptional activation of PrP is essential for EMT or represents merely a

correlative phenomenon, we next compared the execution of this program in NMuMG wild-type

(wt) cells or derivative clones whose levels of PrP expression were diminished by CRISPR/Cas9

knockout (ko) technology or stable knockdown (kd) of PrP transcripts (Fig. 1.5C). When these

alternative PrP-deficiency models were monitored before and after exposure to TGFB1, several

observations were made: (i) PrP-deficient NMuMG cells exhibited defects in cell-cell contacts

even prior to EMT-induction. (ii) Upon addition of TGFB1, PrP-deficient cells acquired a less

pronounced fibroblastoid phenotype than wt cells.



Figure 1.5. PrP expression is upregulated during EMT, and PrP-deficiency decreases

expression levels of a subset of proteins undergoing pronounced expression levels changes

during EMT, including NCAM1 and its polysialylation. (A) Western blot analysis of E-

cadherin and PrPC protein levels in NMuMG cell extracts during 72 h of exposure to TGFB1.

(B) Profound upregulation of Prnp gene transcription accounts for increased PrPC protein levels

during EMT based on a time-course RT-PCR analysis of PrP transcripts in NMuMG cells

following addition of TGFB1 to the cell culture medium. (C) Comparison of E-cadherin and PrP

protein levels in wt NMuMG cells and PrP-deficient derivative cell clones obtained by CRISRP-

Cas9-based PrP knockout or stable shRNA-based kd. The ‘negative control’ represents a cell

clone which had been subjected to identical CRISPR-Cas9-based Prnp knockout procedures but

did not result in a PrP knockout. (D) List of proteins exhibiting >20% level differences in

comparison of global proteomes of TGFB1-treated stable PrP kd versus wt NMuMG cells

(dataset II). Coverage: percentages of primary structure of covered by peptide-to-spectrum

matches; # Peptides: number of peptides matched to a given protein entry (note that instances of

the same peptide being identified with different modifications counted separately in this tally);

Count: number of TMT signature ion distributions, which passed stringent filtering criteria and

were used for relative quantitation. (E) A post-translational modification of NCAM1 is missing

in cells expressing no or low levels of PrP. Western blot analysis of selected NMuMG cell

extracts revealed increased total levels of NCAM1 in all cell clones upon 48 h TGFB1 exposure.

Whereas cells expressing wt levels of PrP give rise to a continuous pattern of NCAM1 signals,

PrP-deficient cells exhibit more distinct NCAM1 bands, whose masses correspond to the

expected masses of the three predominant NCAM1 isoforms. Note that the PrPC band pattern

observed in NMuMG cells tends to be more complex than the corresponding pattern in, for

example, the Neuro2a cell model, possibly reflecting a greater heterogeneity of its N-glycans in

these cells. (F) Stable PrP-deficiency impairs polysialylation of NCAM1 at N-glycan acceptor

sites. To characterize the post-translational NCAM1 modification lacking in PrP-deficient cells,

extracts from wt or stable PrP kd NMuMG cells, which had been treated with TGFB1 for 48 h,

were subjected to enzymatic digestion with glycosylases known to remove terminating sialic

acids (exo-N), cut polysialic acid chains (endo-N) or hydrolyze the linkage of N-glycan groups

to asparagine side-chains within ‘NxS/T’ acceptor sites (PNGase F). Note that complete removal

of N-glycans abolishes the discriminating NCAM1 modification.

To identify proteins that contribute to EMT in NMuMG cells and are affected in PrP-deficient

clones, we next conducted two comparative global proteome analyses using similar logic to that

described in Figure 1.3. Whereas the first analysis was intended to reveal proteins whose levels

are altered in wt cells during EMT (dataset I), the second analysis addressed the question which

of the proteins, present in TGFB1- treated NMuMG cells, are affected following stable

knockdown of PrP transcripts (dataset II) (Fig. 1.5D). We determined the overlap amongst the

lists of proteins whose levels were most affected by TGFB1 induction or stable PrP kd, and

identified 57 proteins that appeared in both datasets top 200 most changed. Although this

established a highly significant connection of PrP to proteins whose levels changed in EMT, the


direction of protein levels changes in cells which underwent EMT (dataset I) was not correlated

to the protein level changes caused by stable PrP-deficiency in TGFB1 treated cells (dataset II)

(Spearman correlation; ƿ = 0.419). This result suggested that stable PrP kd does not impair EMT

by shifting the cellular proteome towards a more epithelial or mesenchymal phenotype but rather

disturbs the natural balance of EMT-related proteins. Close inspection of the datasets flagged

NCAM1 as a protein of interest, because it underwent profound induction during EMT, its levels

differed by more than 20% in a comparison of TGFB1-treated wt and stable PrP kd cells (Fig.

1.5D), and the protein was a next-neighbor of PrP also in this cell model (not shown) [34].

Validating the mass spectrometry results, TGFB1 treatment of wt NMuMG cells caused a

pronounced upregulation of NCAM1 protein levels in western blot analyses. Intriguingly, high

molecular mass (HMM) bands of diffuse appearance, which were reactive to the NCAM1

antibody and intensified during the course of EMT in wt NMuMG cells, were largely absent in

PrP-deficient cells (Fig. 1.5E).

NCAM1 is known to undergo several well-characterized post-translational modifications, and is

the predominant acceptor of polysialic acid modifications in the brain. Treatment of cellular

extracts with PNGaseF completely removed the HMM smearing, consistent with it originating

from N-glycan moieties (Fig. 1.5F). Treatment with endoneuraminidase (endo-N), a class of

enzyme specific for the endoglycolysis of (2→8)-α-sialosyl linkages, reduced the most slowly

migrating HMM signals only observed in PrP-expressing cells, indicating that polysialic acids

are responsible for their presence. A less pronounced but visible reduction of the HMM smear

was achieved by 90°C heat treatment, a method known to partially remove polysialic acid

residues [50]. Finally, treatment with an exo-neuraminidase, which removes terminal sialic acid

residues but does not remove longer polysialic acid chains, had only a minor effect on the

smeared HMM component of NCAM1 signals but caused a slight shift of the most prominent

NCAM1 bands to faster migrating species in both PrP-expressing and PrP-deficient cells (Fig.

1.5F). These data established that PrP does not affect the addition of N-glycan core structures,

including the addition of short terminal sialic acids. Instead, PrP’s influence on NCAM1

glycosylation relates specifically to its polysialylation.


1.4 Discussion

This may be the first report describing the successful knockout of PrP by CRISPR-Cas9

technology. Data presented established that the methodology applied can not only achieve a PrP

knockout in diploid C2C12 myoblasts and NMuMG epithelial cells but also in cells known to

possess a highly complex karyotype, such as the N2a neuroblastoma cell model. To begin to

characterize the impact PrP deficiency has on the cellular proteome, a deep global proteome

analysis was conducted that identified more than 120 proteins whose abundance levels are

modulated by PrP in the NMuMG cell model. In concordance with proposed roles of PrP in cell

adhesion, the proteins whose levels were most affected by its knockout or knockdown are known

to contribute to the organization of extracellular matrix, cell-cell junctions and the cytoskeleton.

Further investigations into the NMuMG model and its ability to undergo EMT uncovered that

PrP-deficient cells undergo a proteome shift which affects preferentially the levels of proteins

associated with this morphogenesis program, thereby precluding its proper execution and

perturbing NCAM1 polysialylation.

1.4.1 CRISPR-Cas9 generated PrP-knockout cells are a viable model

The study made use of a first-generation CRISPR-Cas9 system that relied on stimulating the cell

autonomous NHEJ program for the repair of double strand breaks and concomitant generation of

indels. During the course of this study, a number of reports were published that investigated

specificity constraints of this system and established a risk to generate off-target effects

[45,51,52,53,54]. Several measures were taken to address this risk: (i) CRISPR-target sites were

selected by an algorithm that suggests sites with minimal risk to generate off-target effects; (ii)

individual knockout clones were generated with one of two different CRISPR target sites; (iii)

the global proteomic analyses were undertaken with clones generated by CRISPR-Cas9-based

knockout and shRNA-based knockdown of PrP expression; and (iv) a comparison of the list of

proteins whose levels deviated between CRISPR-Cas9-based PrP-deficient and wild-type

NMuMG cells with the list of predicted CRISPR off-target sites revealed no match.

The current study is not the first to have generated in vitro models for studying how PrP

deficiency affects the biology of cells. Indeed, there is no shortage of reports that use one of

several alternative approaches, including the use of primary neurons [55] or cerebellar granule

cells [56] harvested from PrP-deficient mice, and the comparison of cells that are naturally


devoid of PrP (e.g., Cos7 and CHO cells) [57,58] or express low levels of PrP (e.g., NIH-3T3

and LM-TK cells) [59] versus their derivatives following PrP overexpression. The use of

CRISPR-Cas9-derived PrP-deficient models is not expected to replace all of the aforementioned

approaches but should complement them. In particular, the PrP-deficient N2a clones should not

only facilitate efforts to study the cellular biology of PrPC but also be helpful for ongoing

research aimed at defining the constraints underlying its conversion in prion diseases. In past

studies employing this cell line, researchers frequently had no choice but to over-express

heterologous PrP constructs equipped with epitope tags [60]. Often these studies were plagued

by the presence of endogenous PrP, which might have manifested, at best, as a nuisance or

technical challenge or, worse, prevented studies altogether by contributing to species barrier

effects [61].

1.4.2 Benefits of a cell-specific, mass spectrometry based approach

Previous attempts at identifying differences in the global proteome of wild-type and Prnp

knockout cells or tissue have led to mixed results. For instance, a comparison of the relative

abundances of 1131 brain proteins by two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis revealed

no significant differences [62]. It is conceivable that existing differences between wild-type and

knockout cells may be masked when a multitude of cell types present in a tissue are

concomitantly analyzed by such a shotgun approach. A plausible scenario that could hinder the

discovery of PrP-dependent changes would, for instance, be the presence of opposite trends in

the expression of a given protein in different cell types. Similarly, a change could be masked if it

exists in only a small subset of cells. These limitations might be overcome if global proteome

comparisons are undertaken on homogenous preparations of cells. In fact, when cellular extracts

from PrP overexpressing and wild-type SH-SY5Y cells were compared, more than a dozen

changes in relative protein abundances were reported following 2D-gel electrophoresis analysis

and silver-staining of protein spots [63]. A similar number of differentially expressed proteins

were also observed in a recent comparison of the membrane proteomes of primary cerebral

granule cells derived from Prnp knockout or wild-type mice [64]. Perhaps surprisingly, there is

no overlap in the proteins whose expression was observed to be changed in these two paradigms

or in the current study. This could be attributed to cell type-specific effects of Prnp ablation or to

differences inherent to the methodologies employed.


The global proteomic analyses in this report benefited from mass spectrometry instrumentation

whose specifications exceeded experimental setups available for previous studies. It therefore is

not surprising that the current analyses afforded deeper coverage of the global proteome. It might

be expected that this mere increase in depth of coverage would lead to more candidates.

However, the higher proteome coverage alone is most likely not the reason for the relatively

large number of proteins whose abundance levels were observed to be changed in a PrP-

dependent manner in this study. This conclusion is based on the observation that a global

proteome analysis of PrP knockout mouse brains conducted in parallel and with identical

instrumentation led to a comparable depth of proteome coverage, yet failed to reveal a similar

number of differences in expression levels (not shown).

The current study avoided gel-based workflows in order to minimize the chance to introduce

inadvertent variances due to complex sample handling workflows. In contrast to 2D gel-based

approaches, which rely for relative quantitation on intensity comparisons of stained protein spots,

mass spectrometry-based quantitation offers critical advantages for quantitation, namely, (i) the

concomitant in-solution digestion of all proteins present in the cellular extract generates a

powerful reference against which the abundances of individual proteins can be compared; and

(ii) because each protein is identified on the basis of several PSMs, more than one quantitation

data point is generated per protein. As a result, even small changes in expression levels can

produce statistically significant hits when a given protein is identified and repeatedly quantified

on the basis of a large number of peptides.

1.4.3 Insights into the physiological role of PrP

The NMuMG model emerged as a promising paradigm for studying signaling upstream and

downstream of PrP in this work. For a protein whose expression has long been considered to be

under the control of ‘housekeeping’ promoter elements [65,66,67], an unexpected observation

was the more than tenfold transcriptional upregulation of endogenous PrP that accompanies

EMT in NMuMG cells. Insights into the cellular programs that govern PrP expression are

expected to provide novel angles for devising prion disease interventions [68]. Experimental

models that facilitate the dissection of these upstream signaling pathways are therefore urgently

needed. Although several transcription factors are known to act upstream of PrP in some

experimental paradigms [69], the details of the regulation of the Prnp promoter and the broader


context that drives its transcription have remained murky. Similarly, whereas the next-neighbor

relationship of PrP and NCAM had been established for some time [34], the coinciding

upregulation of their expression during EMT was not anticipated. Even more surprising is the

apparent PrP-dependent polysialylation of NCAM1 that occurs during EMT.

Though there are many functions attributed to PrP in the literature, the role of PrP in EMT has

some objective characteristics, which make it uniquely stand out: (1) Its identification was

precipitated by a research trajectory that built on insights gained from studying PrP’s relationship

to its evolutionary ancestors. (2) Its key components, NCAM polysialylation and PrP, evolved

around the same time and are restricted to vertebrates. (3) It reflects a role of PrP, which in

NMuMG cells is preceded by a more than tenfold transcriptional upregulation of its protein

levels, indicative that it might not represent a bystander phenomenon but is central to its

biological role. (4) It centers on NCAM, the predominant next-neighbor of mature PrP at the

plasma membrane. (5) Its consequences are profound, as it generates a major change to a post-

translational modification, which can by itself influence several aspects of cell biology, including

cellular migration, cell-cell adhesion, and others (discussed further below).

It is to be anticipated that the influence of PrP on NCAM polysialylation is not restricted to the

cell models or morphogenetic EMT program studied here. It is increasingly recognized that cells

put to use branches of this program also in other cell fate decisions. Prominent cellular activities

that have been associated with NCAM1 polysialylation are cell migration, neurite outgrowth

[70,71], including mossy fiber pathfinding [72], hematopoietic stem cell differentiation [73,74],

as well as AMPA [75] and NMDA receptor modulation [76,77]. NCAM1 polysialylation has

further been shown to play a role in circadian rhythm regulation [78,79,80,81,82], myelin repair

[83,84,85,86] and neurogenesis in both the subventricular zone and the dentate gyrus within the

hippocampal formation [87,88,89]. Readers versed in the literature on PrP function will

recognize that roles in all of these biological processes have also been attributed to PrP [4,90].

Careful further investigation will tell, which of the reported phenotypes will hold up upon close

scrutiny, and if the connection between PrP (and possibly other ZIPs with a PrP-like ectodomain)

and polysialylation is sufficient to explain them. Importantly, if it turns out that the ability of PrP

to regulate polysialylation is central to its function, we submit that it still would not constitute a

satisfying description of the function of PrP. In our view, a meaningful functional annotation of a

protein encompasses both the larger program its activity/presence contributes to and the


immediate molecular mechanism by which it contributes. On this account, regulation of

polysialylation might turn out to be the larger program PrP serves in several paradigms but the

detailed mechanism of its contribution remains to be elucidated.

1.5 Conclusions

It is anticipated that cell clones described in this report will be useful to a research community

studying the cellular biology of the prion and its involvement in neurodegenerative diseases. The

CRISPR-Cas9-based procedure described here can now easily be adapted for the generation of

additional PrP ko clones in other cell lines. In future studies, the risk of off-target effects could

be further reduced by employing a second generation Cas9-derived nickase for genome editing

and stimulation of the cell autonomous HDR pathway [51,52,53,91,92]. These new tools should

hopefully facilitate the identification of both the cellular function of PrP and signaling pathways

critical for neurotoxicity in AD and prion diseases. Our investigation into PrP-deficient NMuMG

cells has already proven to be a particularly intriguing paradigm for studying signaling

downstream of PrP, unveiling PrP as a mediator of NCAM1 polysialylation during EMT. With

investigations into PrP and polysialylation biology being mature fields, we hope that this

connection will stimulate progress in both fields of study.


Chapter 2 A ZIP6-ZIP10 heteromer interacts with NCAM1 controlling its

phosphorylation and integration into focal adhesion complexes during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

Please note that large parts of this chapter, excluding minor modifications, have been submitted

for publication in the following article [93]:

Brethour D, Mehrabian M, Ehsani S, Williams D, Xi Z, Rogaeva E, Schmitt-Ulms G (In prep).

A ZIP6-ZIP10 heteromer interacts with NCAM1 controlling its phosphorylation and integration

into focal adhesion complexes during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.

Candidate’s role: Contributed to the generation of knockout clones, interactome analyses, and

western blot analyses.

Summary: To investigate the mechanism by which ZIP6 affects the process of EMT, a 2nd

generation CRISPR-Cas9 system was utilized to generate a ZIP6 knockout in NMuMG cells. A

co-immunoprecipitation of ZIP6, using the knockout as a negative control, identified ZIP10 and

NCAM1 as key interactors during EMT. Knockdown studies of ZIP6 or ZIP10 further revealed

that these two transporters co-regulate each other’s expression, suggesting that a heteromer

forms within the cell. Due to its role as a mediator of EMT, and it’s binding to both ZIP6 and

PrP, a co-immunoprecipitation of NCAM1 was completed. It revealed a dramatic shift in

interactors during EMT, with interactions to focal adhesion complexes and actins increasing,

while interactions to proteins associated with microtubules decrease. Interestingly, the absence of

ZIP6 impairs NCAM1’s ability to integrate into these focal adhesions and prevents the

phosphorylation of NCAM1 on a cluster of cytosolic phosphoacceptor sites, but does not abolish

polysialylation of NCAM1. Combined with bioinformatics analyses, the data suggests a model

by which PrP inherited its ability to bind NCAM1 from its ZIP transporter ancestors, but

acquired a unique fitness advantage with its ability to control the polysialylation of NCAM1 with

the emergence of polysialyltransferases.


2.1 Introduction

ZIP metal ion transporters are an ancient family of multi-spanning transmembrane proteins

tasked with the import of divalent cations into the cytosol [94]. Humans and mice express

fourteen ZIP proteins that are coded by members of the solute carrier family 39a gene family

(Slc39a1 to Slc39a14) [95]. Beyond their role in divalent cation import, relatively little is known

about their function, regulation or protein interactions. However, two ZIP paralogs, namely ZIP6

and ZIP10, were observed to co-enrich with PrP [32]. As mentioned in Chapter 1, subsequent

multi-disciplinary analyses revealed that ZIP transporters and PrP not only bind to each other but

share a common ancestry [96,97,37]. More specifically, the PrP founder gene can be traced to an

evolutionary event that occurred during vertebrate speciation. Mechanistically, it can be deduced

to have involved the retro-insertion of a spliced and C-terminally truncated transcript of an

ancestral ZIP transporter with similarity to ZIP6 and ZIP10 [38]. Intriguingly, these discoveries

were preceded by independent observations, which indicated that both morpholino-based

knockdown of ZIP6 [39] or PrP [19] cause a similar gastrulation arrest phenotype in zebrafish

embryos. A closer characterization of the shared phenotype characterized it as a failure to fully

execute the morphogenetic program, EMT [39,98]. A parsimonious interpretation of this finding

was that ZIP6 and PrP are not only homologous but PrP may have inherited from its ZIP

ancestor at least part of its function. This led us to the work presented in Chapter 1, which

considered whether an involvement of the prion in EMT is conserved in mammalian cells. In

brief, consistent with this scenario, transcript and protein level of the prion protein are

profoundly upregulated during EMT in mouse NMuMG epithelial cells [1]. Moreover, the

CRISPR/Cas9-based knockout of PrP partially impaired EMT in this model [2]. Comparative

global proteome analyses of wild-type and PrP-deficient cells then highlighted NCAM1, a

known binder of PrP [34], as a key player in EMT, whose expression is affected in PrP-deficient

cells [2]. Closer analyses of NCAM1 revealed that PrP not only influences steady-state levels of

NCAM1 but also controls its polysialylation. Surprisingly, this effect of PrP on a key NCAM1

modification was not reliant on PrP directing the St8sia2 polysialyltransferase responsible for

NCAM1 polysialylation to its NCAM1 substrate but, instead, placed PrP upstream of a signaling

loop that controls St8Sia2 transcription [2]. Taken together, this body of work raised several

interesting questions: (1) Did PrP inherit its intimate involvement in a biology that modulates the

expression of NCAM1 and controls its polysialylation from its ZIP6-like ancestor? and, if so, (2)


are ZIP6 and PrP equivalent in this regard, or have they acquired specialized roles with respect to

their influence on NCAM1?

To address these questions, we generated ZIP6 knockout clones, investigated its functional

involvement in EMT and conducted an unbiased ZIP6 interactome analysis. We will show that

ZIP6 transcript and protein levels are dramatically upregulated upon induction of EMT.

Moreover, we observed that ZIP6 forms a heteromeric complex with ZIP10, whose predominant

interactor is NCAM1. Subsequent in-depth interactome analyses of NCAM1 revealed a critical

role for ZIP6 in the assembly of focal adhesion complexes and suggest one mechanism by which

ZIP6 may regulate the assembly of these complexes. Finally, we will document a minor

influence of ZIP6 on NCAM1 polysialylation. The data will be discussed in an evolutionary

context, highlighting how different selective pressures may have led to specialized adaptations of

ZIP6 and PrP within the same overall developmental program centered on NCAM1

2.2 Materials and Methods

2.2.1 Antibodies and siRNAs

For immunoblotting, primary antibodies for ZIP6 and ZIP10 (1:1000, generated in-house), PrP

(1:2000, A03213; Bertin Pharma, France), NCAM1 (1:6666, 556324; BD Biosciences, ON,

Canada) and PSA-NCAM1 (1:1000, 556324; BD Biosciences) were used. For transient

knockdowns, SilencerSelect siRNAs targeting Prnp (s72188; Life Technologies) and Ncam1

(s70398; Life Technologies), and ON-TARGETplus SMARTpools targeting Slc39a6 (LQ-

053529-01-0005; GE Healthcare, ON, Canada) and Slc39a10 (LQ-059712-01-0005; GE

Healthcare) were used.

2.2.2 Cell culture and transfection

Mouse mammary gland NMuMG cells (CRL-1636) were a kind gift from Dr. Jeffrey Wrana

(University of Toronto, ON, Canada), but are also available commercially through the American

Tissue Culture Collection (ATCC) (Manassas, VA, USA). Mouse neuroblastoma Neuro-2a

(N2a) (CCL-131) cells were purchased through the ATCC. Cells were cultured as recommended

by the ATCC, with 10% heat inactivated FBS (12484028; Life Technologies), 1% GlutaMAX

(35050061; Life Technologies), and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic solution (15240062; Life

Technologies) in (Dulbecco’s) Modified Eagles medium. Human insulin solution (I9278; Sigma-


Aldrich, ON, Canada) was also added at a concentration of 10 µg/mL for NMuMG cells. To

transfect cells with siRNAs, Lipofectamine RNAiMAX (13778075; Life Technologies) was used

according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

2.2.3 Generation of Slc39a6 CRISPR-knockout clones

The gRNA expression plasmid MLM3636 (Plasmid 43860) and SpCas9 plasmid JDS246

(Plasmid 43861) were obtained from Addgene’s non-profit plasmid repository (Cambridge, MA,

USA). The SpCas9nD10A nickase plasmid, provided by Louisa Wang, was generated by site-

directed mutagenesis of the original JDS246 plasmid using a Q5 Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit

(E0554S; New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA, USA) and forward and reverse primers


Compatible CRISPR nickase target sites within Slc39a6 Exon 2 were identified using the online

‘CRISPR Design Tool’ ( Respective oligonucleotide pairs were

subsequently customized and integrated into the MLM3636 plasmid as described in Chapter 1.

NMuMG cells were transfected using Lipofectamine LTX (15338100; Life Technologies) and a

6:1:1 (w/w/w) mixture of SpCas9nD10A and customized gRNA plasmid pairs. Transfections

were completed according to the manufacturer’s instructions at a cell confluency of

approximately 75%. Forty-eight hours post transfection, cells were harvested, diluted to a

concentration of 1 cell/mL of culture medium, and replated. After one week, individual colonies

were picked and cultured in separate wells of a 24-well plate before being subsequently

transferred to 6-well and then 60 mm plates, when cell numbers became sufficient for Western

blot analyses.

2.2.4 Western blot analyses

Cells were grown to near confluency, growth medium was removed, and cells were rinsed twice

with ice-cold phosphate buffered saline (PBS) before being lysed in a buffer consisting of 50

mM Tris (pH 8.0), 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, and 1× Complete Protease Inhibitor Cocktail

(11836170001; Roche, ON, Canada). Cellular debris was cleared by centrifugation for 5 minutes

at 14 000 RPM and 4°C, and protein levels were subsequently adjusted using a bicinchoninic

acid (BCA) colourimetric assay. Equal amounts of protein were separated on 4-12% or 12% Bis-

Tris (Life Technologies) or 7% Tri-Glycine (cast in-house) gels before being transferred to a

0.45 micron polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane. The blot membranes were blocked with


10% skim milk in Tris-buffered saline and Tween 20 (TBST), and incubated overnight at 4°C

with the respective primary antibody, diluted in 5% skim milk in TBST. The blots were washed

thrice with TBST and were incubated with HRP-conjugated anti-mouse (1:5000, 170–6516;

BioRad), anti-rabbit (1:5000, 170–6515; BioRad), or anti-rat (1:5000, 31476; Thermo Fisher

Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) secondary antibodies diluted in 5% skim milk in TBST for 1-2

hrs at RT. Blots were again washed thrice with TBST before being briefly incubated with the

ECL reagent (RPN2106; GE Healthcare). Signals were then visualized using either X-ray film or

a LI-COR Odyssey Fc digital imaging system (LI-COR Biosciences, NE, USA).

2.2.5 RT-PCR analyses

Real-time polymerize chain reaction was completed identical to the procedure described in

Chapter 1, with the exception that the mRNAs targeted were specific to Slc39a5

(Mm00511105_m1), Slc39a6 (Mm00507297_m1), and Slc39a10 (Mm00554174_m1) (Life


2.2.6 Sample preparation for immunoprecipitation

For comparative interactome analyses, NMuMG cell clones were employed, including control

wild-type clones, wild-type clones undergoing EMT, ZIP6 knockout clones undergoing EMT,

and siRNA knockdowns of NCAM1 undergoing EMT. For each experiment, three biological

replicates of each condition were maintained in parallel. For cells undergoing EMT, TGFβ (240-

B; R&D Systems, MN, USA) was added for 48 hrs at a concentration of 6.4 ng/ml and

replenished with fresh medium after 24 hours. After 48 hrs of control or treatment conditions,

medium was removed, cells were washed with ice cold PBS, and crosslinking was completed

with a 15 min incubation with 2% formaldehyde in PBS. The formaldehyde was removed, and

the reaction was quenched with a 10 min incubation with 125 mM glycine in PBS. Cells were

again washed with ice cold PBS before undergoing lysis in an ice cold buffer consisting of 5mM

EGTA, 10% glycerol, 1% sodium deoxycholate, 1% NP-40, 150 mM HEPES (pH 8.0) and 1×

Complete Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (11836170001; Roche). Insoluble cellular debris was

cleared by centrifugation for 30 min at 4000 RPM and 4°C.


2.2.7 Protein immunoprecipitation

Immunoprecipitation with ZIP6 and NCAM1 specific antibodies were completed with protein A

agarose (P3476; Sigma-Aldrich) and protein G sepharose (17-0618-01; GE Healthcare) beads,

respectively. Beads were transferred to a microcentrifuge tube and washed twice with ultrapure

water and twice with PBS before the addition of the respective antibody, which had been diluted

in PBS to fill the tube. The bead/antibody mixture was then gently agitated on a turning wheel

for 4 hrs at room temperature (RT), before being equally divided into fresh tubes for individual

samples. Beads were allowed to settle and the excess liquid was removed before protein samples

were added. The samples were gently agitated on a turning wheel overnight at 4°C, then washed

thrice with 5mM EGTA, 10% glycerol, 1% sodium deoxycholate, 1% NP-40, 150 mM HEPES

(pH 8.0). Detergents were removed with two consecutive washes of 10 mM HEPES (pH 8.0),

before samples were transferred to lo-bind 0.5 mL microcentrifuge tubes. Proteins were then

eluted by acidification with 0.2% trifluoroacetic acid, 20% acetonitrile (pH 2.0).

2.2.8 Protein reduction, alkylation, trypsinization, and labelling

Eluted proteins were dried to a volume of 5 µL, washed with ultrapure water, and dried once

again. Samples were then denatured by the addition of 9 M urea for 30 min at room temperature,

before having disulfide bonds reduced for 30 min at 60°C in the presence of 5 mM tris(2-

carboxyethyl) phosphine (TCEP), and being alkylated for 1 hr at RT in the presence of 10 mM 4-

vinylpyiridine (4-VP). Samples were then diluted with ultrapure water to ensure that the residual

urea concentration of each sample was below 1.5 M to allow for digestion with side chain-

modified porcine trypsin overnight at 37°C. The covalent modification of peptides with reagents

from the 6-plex amine-reactive tandem mass tag (TMT) (Thermo Fisher Scientific), or 8-plex

isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) (4390733; AB Sciex, Concord, ON,

Canada) labeling kits followed instructions provided by the manufacturers.

2.2.9 Nanoscale HPLC-ESI tandem mass spectrometry

Immunoprecipitates were purified by C18 reversed-phase and strong cation exchange cartridges

(Agilent Technologies, ON, Canada). Eluates were dried in a centrifugal concentrator then

suspended in aqueous 0.1% formic acid and applied to C18 nanocapillary columns (25 cm long

Acclaim PepMap RSLC with 100 Å pore size, 2 µm particle size, 75 µm inner diameter) using

an EASY-nLC 1100 system (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Peptide separation was performed at 300


nl/minute using a binary mobile phase gradient with mobile phases containing 0.1% (v/v) formic

acid in water or acetonitrile. Over the gradient, the organic content of the mobile phase was

increased from 0 to 30% over 180 minutes then to 100% by 240 minutes. The nano-HPLC

system was coupled by online nanoscale electrospray ionization (ESI) to an Orbitrap Fusion

Tribrid mass spectrometer. The MS data acquisition method included three scan types. Each data

acquisition cycle began with a survey scan of the 400–2000 m/z range in the orbitrap at 120,000

resolution with automatic gain control set to 2e5 counts. Next, the most intense precursor ions

carrying two to seven charges were separately isolated, subjected to collision-induced

dissociation (CID) and their fragments detected in the linear ion trap. Finally MS3 with higher-

energy collision-induced dissociation (HCD) was performed on the ten most intense fragments

from each MS2 scan. The orbitrap was used to obtain MS3 scans at 60,000 resolution with an

automatic gain control target of 1e5 counts at a maximum injection time of 120 ms. The

combined cycle time for this method was 3 seconds during which as many precursors as possible

were analyzed. Dynamic exclusion prevented re-analysis of any precursor ion within a 20 ppm

m/z window for 300 seconds.

2.2.10 Protein identification and quantification

Peptide sequencing was performed using Mascot (Version 2.4; Matrix Science Ltd, London, UK)

and Sequest HT search engines embedded in Proteome Discoverer software (Version 1.4;

Thermo Fisher Scientific). The international protein index (IPI) mouse database (Version 3.87)

was used as the protein sequence source in peptide-spectral matching. Only tryptic peptides with

two or fewer missed cleavages were considered for assignment. Isobaric tags at peptide amino-

termini and lysine residues were specified as fixed modifications. Variable modifications

specified were methionine oxidation, asparagine and glutamine deamidation, cysteine

pyridylethylation as well as phosphorylation at serine, threonine and tyrosine. For the Sequest

HT searches, the number of identical modifications and dynamic modifications were limited to

three and four per peptide respectively.

The reliability of peptide-spectrum matches was assessed using the q-value determined by the

Percolator algorithm at a false discovery rate setting of 0.05. Peptide quantification was

performed using MS3 data, in which reporter ion peaks were prevalent.

The mass spectrometry data will be able to be accessed from the PRIDE Archive once published.


2.3 Results

2.3.1 Generation of a mammalian ZIP6 knockout EMT model

To investigate if mouse NMuMG cells represent a suitable model for studying the involvement

of Zip6 on EMT, we initially induced this morphogenetic program in wild-type NMuMG cells

by the addition of TGFB1 and measured transcript levels of ZIP6 and its closest paralogs ZIP10

and Zip5 (Fig. 2.1a) [37]. Reminiscent of the previously reported transcript and protein profile of

PrP in the same cell model [1], ZIP6 transcript levels increased five-fold upon exposure of cells

to TGFB1 during a 72 hour time window. The corresponding transcript profiles for ZIP10 and

ZIP5 gave rise to a more complex profile, with ZIP10 transcript levels undergoing a dramatic

drop during the first few hours following EMT induction, but then continuously recovering, and

eventually exceeding original levels. ZIP5 transcript levels, in contrast, were relatively low

throughout EMT progression and did not exhibit a consistent trend-line. Having established that

ZIP6 expression is induced during EMT, consistent with its potential involvement in this cellular

program, we next generated ZIP6 knockout clones by a 2nd generation CRISPR/Cas9 knockout

strategy (Fig. 2.1b). More specifically, NMuMG cells were co-transfected with an expression

construct coding for point-mutated Cas9 D10A nickase and a pair of guide RNAs that directed

the nickase to off-set target sites on opposite DNA strands within Exon2 of the Slc39a6 gene.

Using this strategy, the successful generation of nearby nicks led to a double-strand genomic

break, which triggered the cell-autonomous non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) program.

Following clonal isolation by the dilution method, a western blot-based screen identified several

heterozygote and homozygote ZIP6 knockout clones. In this and subsequent experiments, the

detection of ZIP6 relied on an in-house ZIP6-directed polyclonal antibody raised against a

twelve amino acid ZIP6-specific sequence within the PrP-like ectodomain of this transporter

(Fig. 2.1c). The subsequent western blot analysis of wild-type NMuMG cells and a ZIP6

knockout clone led to the expected increase in ZIP6 protein levels upon TGFB1 treatment in

wild-type cells and confirmed the complete absence of this transporter in the ZIP6 knockout

clone (Fig. 2.1d).


Figure 2.1. Mouse NMuMG cell model for investigating role of ZIP6 during EMT. (a) ZIP6

transcript levels are more than five-fold increased during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition

induced in NMuMG mouse epithelial cells upon exposure to TGFB1. (b) CRISPR-Cas9-based

knockout of ZIP6 protein expression in NMuMG cells following Cas9-D10A nickase-mediated

single-strand cleavages of Slc39a6 Exon2 at non-overlapping target sites. (c) Schematic of ZIP6,


indicating epitope of polyclonal antibody used in this work. (d) Evidence of ZIP6 protein level

increase in NMuMG cells upon 48 hrs exposure to TGFB1. The arrow indicates the ZIP6

specific band, while asterisks denote unspecific bands.

2.3.2 ZIP6 forms a heteromeric complex with ZIP10 that interacts with NCAM1

We next employed wild-type NMuMG cells that had been treated with TGFB1 for 48 hours as

biological source material to generate a first ZIP6 interactome dataset, with ZIP6 knockout

NMuMG cells serving as negative controls (Fig. 2.2a). To avoid the inadvertent breaking of

ZIP6 protein-protein interactions during cell lysis, cells were in vivo crosslinked by mild

formaldehyde crosslinking prior to their harvest [32]. ZIP6 and proteins covalently crosslinked

or loosely associated with it were subsequently co-immunoprecipitated with the aforementioned

anti-ZIP6 antibody, denatured in urea and trypsinized. To minimize run-to-run variance and

facilitate the direct relative quantitation of peptide levels, the analysis made use of a previously

established work-flow that relies on the isobaric labeling of peptide mixtures with tandem mass

tags (TMT) followed by the concomitant analyses of three biological samples and controls in a

six-plex format [2]. Tandem mass spectrometry analyses of peptide mixtures were undertaken on

a Thermo Orbitrap Fusion instrument using a configuration for the sampling of TMT signature

ion spectra and downstream data analysis we had previously reported [2]. Confirming successful

and reproducible immunoprecipitation of ZIP6, the analysis unequivocally identified ZIP6 in the

co-IP eluates derived from wild-type but not ZIP6 knockout cells (Fig. 2.2b and c) (note that

well-known restrictions on the dynamic range of the quantitation method [99] limited in this

experimental design the ability to distinguish enrichment ratios that exceeded eight-fold).

Interestingly, this analysis identified ZIP10 as a key interactor of the ZIP6 bait (Fig. 2.3a).

NCAM1 (Fig. 2.3b) and calreticulin were the only two other proteins in the dataset whose

detection appeared to strictly depend on ZIP6. However, several other proteins were also

identified in ZIP6 co-IP eluates at levels that exceeded their quantities in negative controls

samples, yet did not share the striking enrichment observed for the aforementioned binders. The

latter distribution is characteristic for proteins that bind not only to the co-IP bait and its

interactors but also to the affinity matrix itself, thereby leading to lower TMT enrichment ratios.

Pre-existing annotations of candidate ZIP6 interactors, which fell into this category identified

most of them as belonging to relatively abundant cellular pathways or protein complexes,


including (i) the endoplasmic reticulum-resident protein folding and quality control machine

composed of calreticulin (CALR), calumenin (CALU), protein disulfide-isomerase A3 (PDIA3)

and 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (HSPA5), (ii) enzymes associated with the glycolytic

pathway, (iii) subunits of microtubules, (iv) a subset of highly abundant heat shock / chaperone

complex proteins, and (v) abundant dehydrogenase complex subunits. Additional ZIP6

interactors identified in this experiment, which shared relatively low enrichment levels, but

cannot readily be classified as highly abundant proteins, were a small number of membrane-

embedded transporters (ATP2B4, SLC25A5 and SLC1A4), tetraspanin-6 (TSPAN6), galectin-1

(LGALS1) and glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha (GSK3A) and beta (GSK3B). The ability to

confidently assign even small differences in relative abundance levels increases in this

methodology with the statistical power inherent to the number of peptides quantified and

matched to a given protein. Thus, although GSK3A and GSK3B levels in the ZIP6-specific co-IP

eluates exceeded the levels of these proteins in the negative control sample by only ~20% (Fig.

2.3c), this difference was significant and distinct from the distribution of ATP synthase coupling

factor 6 (ATP5J), a mitochondrial protein, which was observed at equal levels in samples and

negative controls, presumably, because it bound to the affinity matrix exclusively through non-

specific interactions (Fig. 2.3d).



Figure 2.2. The ZIP6 interactome. (a) Chart depicting workflow of ZIP6 interactome analysis.

(b) Relative quantitation of ZIP6 levels in ZIP6 co-immunoprecipitations (co-IPs) from in vivo

formaldehyde crosslinked wild-type and ZIP6 ko NMuMG cells. Box plot depicts in log2 space

enrichment ratios of individual ZIP6 peptides used for quantitation, as well as the median peptide

ratio and Inter Quartile Range (IQR). (c) Truncated list of proteins enriched in ZIP6-specific co-

IPs. Colors identify proteins with related function and/or localization.


Figure 2.3. Interaction of a ZIP6-ZIP10 heteromer complex with NCAM1 and GSK3. (a)

Relative quantitation of ZIP10 levels in ZIP6 co-IPs from in vivo formaldehyde crosslinked

wild-type and ZIP6 ko NMuMG cells. Box plot depicts in log2 space enrichment ratios of

individual ZIP10 peptides used for quantitation, as well as the median peptide ratio and Inter


Quartile Range (IQR). See Fig. 2.2b for full legend. (b-d) Relative quantitation of neural cell

adhesion molecule 1 (NCAM1), glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha (GSK3A) and ATP synthase

coupling factor 6 (ASCF6). Note the direct correlation between the ability to confidently detect

small differences in protein levels and the number of peptides quantified. (e) ZIP6 and ZIP10

regulate each other’s expression and maturation. Transient knockdown of ZIP6 or ZIP10, or both

zinc transporters in mouse neuroblastoma cells causes profound reduction of ZIP6 and ZIP10

protein levels. In contrast, knockdown of PrP affects maturation of ZIP6 but exerts no effect on

protein levels of ZIP6 or ZIP10. Note that the arrows indicate ZIP6 or ZIP10 specific bands,

while the asterisks denote unspecific bands. (f) Addition of copper or zinc to the cell culture

medium mimics siRNA-based knockdown with regard to its effect on ZIP6 protein levels. In

contrast, chelation of divalent cations by exposure of cells to TPEN causes an increase in steady-

state ZIP6 protein levels.

Several recent studies have revealed similarities and functional relationships between ZIP6 and

ZIP10 [100,101,102], suggesting that these two zinc transporters may interact. To further clarify

their relationship, we investigated if reciprocal effects on expression and maturation of these

proteins can be observed if the expression of one of them is transiently reduced (Fig. 2.3e). This

experiment was undertaken in the mouse neuroblastoma Neuro2a cell model, which expresses

both transporters at higher steady-state levels than NMuMG cells. Protein levels of ZIP6, ZIP10

and PrP were quantified by densitometric quantitation of western blot signals. The experiment

revealed a robust and significant reciprocal effect of ZIP6 and ZIP10 on each other’s expression,

evidenced by a more than 50% reduction in protein levels and higher mobility—possibly

reflecting incomplete maturation—of ZIP6 when ZIP10 expression was diminished by ZIP10-

specific siRNAs. In contrast, siRNA-mediated depletion of PrP did not significantly affect total

ZIP6 levels but also affected ZIP6 band migration, albeit in a less complete manner than ZIP10

depletion. To further explore the functional relationship of ZIP6 and ZIP10, we capitalized on

our earlier observation that exposure of cells to elevated Cu2+ concentrations, rather than Zn2+, in

the culture medium caused a pronounced reduction in ZIP10 protein levels [103]. If the

expression and maturation of ZIP6 and ZIP10 proteins is co-regulated, we would expect a similar

inhibition profile also for ZIP6. Indeed, the presence of Cu2+ caused the same profound

diminution of ZIP6 levels that we had previously observed for ZIP10 under identical

experimental conditions (Fig. 2.3f). Taken together, these data are consistent with the

interpretation that ZIP6 and ZIP10 form a functional heteromeric complex that interacts with

NCAM1 and whose expression is tightly co-regulated, possibly involving critical interactions

with calreticulin and other members of the ER-resident protein folding machinery.


2.3.3 NCAM1 serves as a hub for the assembly of focal adhesion complexes

To better understand the relationship between ZIP6 and NCAM1, we next undertook three

separate NCAM1 interactome analyses using essentially the same experimental design as

outlined above for the ZIP6 interactome analysis (Fig. 2.2a). The three NCAM1 datasets

investigated (i) the NCAM1 interactome in TGFB1-treated NMuMG cells with and without prior

knockdown of NCAM1, thereby revealing binders of NCAM1 in this differentiation state

(Dataset I), (ii) the influence of ZIP6 knockout on the NCAM1 interactome in TGFB1-treated

NMuMG cells (Dataset II), and (iii) changes the NCAM1 interactome undergoes in cells shifting

from an epithelial to a mesenchymal phenotype (Dataset III) (Fig. 2.4a). To facilitate the direct

comparison of samples contributing to analyses I and II, we made use of an 8-plex labeling

scheme based on isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitations (iTRAQ) [104] that

afforded the ability to concomitantly obtain quantitation values for individual peptides from

iTRAQ signature ions of three wild-type, three ZIP6 knockout and two NCAM1 knockdown

samples (Fig. 2.4b). To gauge the reproducibility of biological replicates in this experiment, we

computed the correlation coefficient of protein ratios by pair-wise comparisons of samples that

gave rise to Datasets I and II (Fig. 2.4c). Indicative of high technical and biological

reproducibility these correlation coefficients were consistently >0.900 for pair-wise comparisons

of biological replicates. However, correlation coefficients dropped to values between 0.635 and

0.816 in pair-wise comparisons of protein ratios observed in NCAM1 co-IP samples observed

from Dataset I and II, suggesting that with regard to its influence on the NCAM1 interactome the

ZIP6 knockout does not simply mimic an overall reduction of NCAM1 and its interactions (seen

in Dataset I) but affects the NCAM1 interactome in a more complex way. Consistent with prior

knowledge of NCAM1 biology, the subsequent gene ontology (GO) ‘Cellular Component’

analysis of Dataset I indicated that the NCAM1 interactome is highly significantly enriched in

proteins that map to ‘focal adhesion’ complexes, ‘cell projections’ and the ‘plasma membrane’

(Fig. 2.4d). Perhaps less expected, the respective GO ‘Biological processes’ analysis of Dataset I

indicated also a significant enrichment of proteins with known roles in ‘glycolytic processes’ and

‘protein folding’. A meta-analysis of ZIP6 and NCAM1 interactomes generated in this work,

which made use of Cytoscape software to analyze and highlight shared features, revealed

considerable overlap but also differences in the composition of these two interactomes (Fig.

2.4e). More specifically, whereas the interactome of NCAM1 is consistent with its role as a hub


protein, which organizes proteins that are embedded in the plasma membrane or exist in its

proximity, the ZIP6 interactome comprised only relative few interactors not shared by NCAM1.

Notable exceptions to this trend were the exclusive interaction of GSK3A and B with ZIP6, as

well as a more pronounced representation in the ZIP6 interactome of the aforementioned ER-

resident proteins with known roles in protein folding and the quality control machinery.


Figure 2.4. The NCAM1 interactome. (a) Design of three multi-plex NCAM1 comparative

interactome analyses conducted in this study. Dataset I: identification of NCAM1 interactors in


TGFB1-treated NMuMG cells; Dataset II: effect of ZIP6 ko on NCAM1 interactome; and

Dataset III: effect of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition on NCAM1 interactome. (b) The

experimental design followed the workflow outlined in Fig. 2a. However, eight-plex iTRAQ

labeling was employed to be able to generate Datasets I and II in one combined analysis. (c)

Comparison of interactomes generated in Datasets I and II by Pearson correlation analysis. Note

that biological replicates within Datasets I and II generated a Pearson coefficient near 1,

indicating excellent biological reproducibility of interactomes. A direct of comparison of

Datasets I and II also returned Pearson coefficients >0.5, indicating a direct correlation, which

suggests that the presence of ZIP6 promotes NCAM1 binding to a subset of its natural

interactors. (d) A Gene Ontology analysis of Dataset I indicated a highly significant enrichment

of ‘Cellular component’ categories ‘focal adhesion’, ‘cell projection’ and ‘plasma membranes’.

A similar query of ‘Biological processes’ categories revealed that proteins known to contribute

to ‘glycolytic process’, ‘protein folding’ and ‘biological adhesion’ were enriched in this dataset.

(e) Schematic depiction of ZIP6 and NCAM1 interactomes. The figure was originally generated

in Cytoscape but nodes were subsequently rearranged to indicate the known predominant cellular

compartments in which interactors reside. Grey shading was used to indicate relative enrichment

levels of interactors. Rectangular and oval node shapes identify NCAM1 and ZIP6 interactors,

respectively. Rectangular shapes with rounded edges were used to indicate the presence of a

given interactor in both NCAM1 and ZIP6 interactome datasets. Nodes with green boundaries

identify NCAM1 interactors whose presence in the NCAM1 interactome was most affected by

the presence or absence of ZIP6.

2.3.4 ZIP6 influences the association of NCAM1 with specific interactors and phosphorylation of NCAM1 at a GSK3 consensus site

A close comparison of enrichment ratios of individual proteins in NCAM1 interactome Datasets

I and II led to the following observations regarding the effect of ZIP6 knockout on NCAM1 and

its interactors (Fig. 2.5): (i) In wild-type NMuMG cells, NCAM1 levels observed were

approximately 50% higher than in ZIP6 knockout cells derived from them. (ii) The ZIP6

knockout affected primarily NCAM1 interactions with its key interactors (note the similar

overall trend in shading intensity for protein ratios observed in Datasets I and II). More

specifically, the ZIP6 knockout had a particularly pronounced effect on NCAM1 interactions

with enzymes that play a broader role in glycolysis and the cellular energy household, as well as

peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIA), profilin (PFN1), heat shock 10 kDa protein 1

(HSPE1), protein S100-A6 (S100A6), and a subset of integrins. In contrast, interactions of

NCAM1 with ezrin (EZR), polyubiquitin (UBC), annexin A2 (ANXA2), and neuropilin-1

(NRP1) were to a lesser degree affected by ZIP6 knockout than what would expected if the

deficiency of this ZIP transporter affected NCAM1 interactions observed in wild-type NMuMG

cells equally.


Figure 2.5. Effect of ZIP6 on the NCAM1 interactome. Subset of interactome data from

Datasets I and II. NCAM1 interactors shown are sorted to reflect the influence of ZIP6 on the

interactome, i.e., interactors, whose co-enrichment with NCAM1 was most affected in a direct

comparison of NCAM1 interactome data generated from wild-type and ZIP6 ko are listed before

NCAM1 interactors influenced to a lesser degree by the presence or absence of ZIP6.


Because Dataset II led to 1,785 peptide-to-spectrum matches, which were assigned to the longest

isoform of NCAM1, cumulatively covering 68% of its sequence, it afforded the identification

and relative quantitation of several NCAM1 post-translational modifications. One of them was a

phosphorylation on the NCAM1 peptide (residues 945-974) with the amino acid sequence

‘ASPAPTPTPAGAASPLAAVAAPATDAPQAK’, which was repeatedly assigned to more than

a dozen independent tandem mass spectra both in its phosphorylated and unphosporylated state

(Fig. 2.6a-c). Intriguingly, in contrast to other NCAM1 phosphorylation sites observed in the

dataset, including a peptide which maps to a nearby stretch of amino acids with the sequence

NPPEAATAPASPK (residues 995-1007), phosphorylation of the 945-974 peptide within

NCAM1 was dependent on the presence of ZIP6 (Fig. 2.6d-f). The peptide harbors several

phospho-acceptor sites, of which as many as four might have been phosphorylated (there was

some ambiguity due to gaps in the y- and b-ion series of backbone fragments). Closer inspection

of the respective sites characterizes them as being four, two and six residues apart and embedded

within an amino acid sequence stretch rich in prolines and alanines that also harbors two lysine

residues (Fig. 2.6g). Clusters of nearby phosphorylation sites are also known in other proteins.

Amongst the known kinases, GSK3A and B are notorious for their ability to transfer phosphates

to sites of this nature, in particular, once a priming phosphate has been attached to the most C-

terminal acceptor site within such a cluster. We therefore compared the NCAM1

phosphorylation cluster both to the GSK3 substrate consensus sequence S/T-x(3-4)-S(P)/T(P) [105]

(Fig. 2.6h) and to validated GSK3 substrates. Surprisingly, a known GSK3 substrate sequence

within the family of collapsin response mediator proteins [106] showed striking similarity in

both its overall amino acid composition and sequence to the NCAM1 cluster identified in this

work, sharing with NCAM1 the core sequence A(S/T)PAP(S/T (Fig. 2.6i). Taken together, these

data are consistent with a model whereby GSK3 kinases contribute to NCAM1 phosphorylation

within this cluster, and the aforementioned co-enrichment of GSK3A and B with ZIP6 accounts

for the ZIP6-dependence of the observed phospho-occupancy at this site.


Figure 2.6. ZIP6 controls phosphorylation of the longest isoform of NCAM1 at a phospho-

acceptor site that conforms to a previously described GSK3 recognition site within

members of the Crmp protein family. (a) Extracted ion chromatograms of a specific NCAM1


peptide and its phosphorylated derivative that were repeatedly identified and quantified in

Datasets I and II. The relative peak intensities suggest that approximately 15% of the peptide was

phosphorylated. Panels (b) and (c) depict tandem mass spectra underlying the identification of

the non-phosphorylated and phosphorylated NCAM1 peptide, respectively. Note the

characteristic 40.5 mass shift observed in a subset of doubly-charged fragment ions of the b-

series, which identify the phosphorylation. (d) Phosphorylation of NCAM1 at the specific site

depends on the presence or absence of ZIP6. iTRAQ signature ion trace of tandem mass

spectrum depicted in panel (c). (e) Plot depicting the enrichment ratios of repeated analyses of

the phosphopeptide depicted in panel (c), documenting four-fold higher phospho-occupancy

levels for this peptide in NCAM1 co-IPs from wild-type cells than in ZIP6 ko cells. (f) Relative

levels of an unrelated NCAM1 phosphopeptide that may serve as an internal negative control,

because its phospho-occupancy levels are to a lesser degree dependent on ZIP6 than those of the

phosphopeptide quantified in panel e. Note that the two-fold higher levels of the phosphopeptide

in wild-type over ZIP6 ko cells only marginally exceed the relative ratios of non-phosphorylated

NCAM1-derived peptides, which were also observed at approximately 1.5-fold higher levels in

wild-type than in ZIP6 ko cells (see Fig. 2.5). (g) Multiple alignment of NCAM1 sequence

stretch encompassing the ZIP6-dependent phosphorylation site. The sequence stretch comprises

a cluster of candidate phospho-acceptor sites that conform to a GSK3 substrate consensus motif,

depicted in (h), which maps to a cytoplasmic insertion coded by Exon 18 present only in the

longest NCAM1 isoform. (i) The ZIP6 dependent NCAM1 phosphorylation site bears striking

resemblance to a previously reported GSK3-phosphorylation site present in a subset of Crmp


2.3.5 NCAM1 associates with integrins and actin-assembly complexes and is polysialylated in a PrP and ZIP6-dependent manner during EMT

We next investigated changes to NCAM1 interactions during EMT by generating the

aforementioned NCAM1 interactome Dataset III (Fig. 2.4a) based on wild-type NMuMG cells

before and after 48 hour exposure to TGFB1. The analysis was undertaken at a smaller scale than

the NCAM1 interactome analyses underlying Datasets I and II and made use of six-plex TMT-

tags for relative quantitation of three TGFB1-treated biological replicates and three vehicle-

treated wild-type NMuMG negative control samples. The workflow for sample preparations, as

well as mass spectrometry analyses and data processing followed the steps outlined before for

generating the ZIP6 and NCAM1 interactome analyses. As expected for bait proteins in

successful co-immunoprecipitation experiments, NCAM1 was again identified on the basis of the

highest number of peptide-to-spectrum matches, and its levels were observed to increase

approximately two-fold during EMT (Fig. 2.7a). Interestingly, as NMuMG cells underwent

EMT, interactions of NCAM1 with tubulin beta-2A (TUBB2A) and alpha-1C (TUBA1C)—

presumably reflecting its interactions with the microtubule-based cytoskeleton—were reduced


and replaced by interactions with the actin cytoskeleton. The latter was evident by consistently

higher levels of actin (ACTB) itself, but also of moesin (MSN), integrins beta-1 (ITGB1), alpha

V (ITGAV) and alpha-2 (ITGA2) and cofilin (CFL1) in the NCAM1 interactome from wild-type

NMuMG cells of mesenchymal morphology, when compared to NMuMG cells of epithelial




Figure 2.7. During EMT the shift of NCAM1-cytoskeletal interactions from a tubulin to an

actin-dominated environment is accompanied by its polysialylation. (a) Relative quantitation

of NCAM1 interactions before and after exposure of NMuMG cells to TGFB1. Changes in the

relative levels of proteins which co-immunoprecipitated with NCAM1 are depicted as ratios. (b)

Time-course study depicting increases in total NCAM1 levels and polysialylated NCAM1 during

EMT. (c) Western blot depicting ablation of NCAM1 polysialylation in PrP-deficient cells that

have underwent EMT. (d) Schematic depicting relative levels of NCAM1 and polysialylated

NCAM1 during EMT in wild-type, ZIP6-deficient, and PrP-deficient NMuMG cells.

To assess if ZIP6 deficiency exerts a similar effect on NCAM1 polysialylation as PrP deficiency

[2], we next harvested wild-type and ZIP6 knockout NMuMG cells at distinct time intervals

following the addition of TGFB1 to the cell culture medium and analyzed cell lysates by western

blot analyses with antibodies directed against total NCAM1 or its polysialic acid (polySia)

modification (Fig. 2.7b). This analysis revealed that ZIP6 deficiency reduces the overall amount

of NCAM1 in NMuMG cells but, unlike PrP deficiency (Fig. 2.7c), does not prevent NCAM1

polysialylation. In contrast, despite reduced overall NCAM1 protein levels in Zip6 knockout

cells, the intensity of PSA bands was increased in the absence of ZIP6. Taken together, these

data suggest that the presence of ZIP6 exerts, like the presence of PrP [2], a positive effect on

total NCAM1 levels but, whereas PrP deficiency abolishes NCAM1 polysialylation in this

model, Zip6 deficiency promotes it (Fig. 2.7d).

2.4 Discussion

This study set out to undertake a hypothesis-free investigation of the ZIP6 interactome in a

widely used mammalian cell model for studying EMT. It uncovered that ZIP6 forms a

heteromeric complex with ZIP10 that predominantly interacts with NCAM1. This discovery

triggered a 2nd set of interactome analyses, which first produced an in-depth analysis of the

molecular environment of NCAM1 in the same cell model, and next explored how the knockout

of ZIP6 affects NCAM1 interactions. The study established prominent interactions of NCAM1

with integrins and focal adhesion complexes but also revealed that ZIP6 critically influences

their assembly. Following up on the observation of a ZIP6-dependent phosphorylation of a

specific NCAM1 peptide, we identified a cluster of phospho-acceptor sites in the cytoplasmic

domain of the longest isoform of NCAM1, which conforms in its composition and core sequence

to a known GSK3 substrate cluster within the family of collapsin-response mediator proteins.


Finally, we documented that ZIP6—like its PrP cousin—promotes an increase in steady-state

NCAM1 levels during EMT but—unlike PrP—serves to limit NCAM1 polysialylation that

occurs during the execution of this morphogenetic program.

2.4.1 ZIP6 forms a heteromeric complex with ZIP10 that interacts with NCAM1

The ZIP6 interactome dataset generated in this work may represent the first investigation of

molecular interactions of any ZIP metal ion transporter that employed a mass spectrometry-based

discovery workflow. It has been known for some time that ZIP6 and ZIP10 co-purify under

certain conditions [32], are co-regulated in some paradigms [100,101,107], and share functional

similarities [101]. The functional relationship between these ZIP transporters was particularly

evident in the latter study, which documented that during meiotic maturation transcript levels of

ZIP6 and ZIP10 were correlated and exceeded transcript levels of other zinc transporter six- to

tenfold. The authors went on to show that the targeted disruption of maternally-derived ZIP6 or

ZIP10 during meiotic maturation perturbed intracellular zinc levels and resulted in cell cycle

arrest. The first evidence that ZIP6 and ZIP10 may, in fact, bind directly to each other emerged

recently from a functional analysis of ZIP10 in the zebrafish gastrulation paradigm [102]. Not

only mimicked ZIP10 knockdown in this recent work a previously reported gastrulation arrest

phenotype observed with ZIP6-deficient zebrafish embryos [39] but the two proteins were seen

to form an intimate interaction on the basis of proximity ligation assay data and co-

immunoprecipitation analyses. The current study corroborated these prior observations and

added to this body of research by showing that in the cell models we used (i) ZIP6 interacts with

ZIP10 but not with other ZIP transporters, (ii) ZIP6 and ZIP10 are not only co-regulated but

influence each other’s expression reciprocally, a property often observed amongst subunits of

functional protein complexes, and (iii) ZIP6 and ZIP10 share a rapid suppression of their steady-

state protein levels in cells exposed to increased copper. Currently unanswered remain questions

regarding the precise stoichiometry of the ZIP6/ZIP10 heteromer and the spatiotemporal

dynamics of its assembly. Rather than exhibiting perfect co-localization, our preliminary data

suggest that the cellular distribution of ZIP6 and ZIP10 is only partially overlapping in some

cells, consistent with a model that sees them cooperate only in specific cellular contexts and



2.4.2 ZIP6 is critical for proper execution of EMT, presumably by facilitating assembly of NCAM1 focal adhesion complexes

A central finding of this study was the highly reproducible and selective enrichment of NCAM1

in ZIP6 co-IPs. To our knowledge, NCAM1 had not been described to associate with any ZIP

metal transporter before. Yet, this discovery was not surprising for anyone aware of both (i) the

evolutionary relationship of ZIP zinc transporters and PrP, and (ii) the fact that NCAM1 has

repeatedly been shown to not only interact with PrP [33,34,35,108,109] but represented the only

prominent in vivo crosslinking partner of PrP in the neuroblastoma cell model [34]. The latter

study not only provided evidence for a direct interaction of PrP and NCAM1 but also identified

on the basis of in vitro binding data a tentative binding interface that encompassed Helix A and

the adjacent loop domain within PrP and β-strands C and C’ in the two fibronectin type III

(FNIII) domains within NCAM1. In light of the predicted structural similarity between PrP and

ectodomains of ZIP5, 6 and 10 [37,110] one may speculate that the interaction between the

ZIP6/ZIP10 heteromer involves a homologous binding interface but this question remains

unaddressed at this time. Consistent with the view that ZIP6 is not merely a bystander in

NCAM1-related cell biology, ZIP6 knockout cells did not only express lower levels of NCAM1

but were observed to exhibit profound and reproducible impairments in NCAM1 interactions

during EMT. In particular, the ability of NCAM1 to interact with glycolytic enzymes,

components of the actin cytoskeleton, integrins and 14-3-3 proteins was impacted in ZIP6

knockout cells. It will be of interest to resolve if the ZIP6-ZIP10 heteromer affects these

NCAM1 interactions in a manner that is dependent on the divalent cation import capabilities of

these ZIP transporters or operates independent of them.

2.4.3 Binding of GSK3 to ZIP6 and phosphorylation of NCAM1 at GSK3 consensus sites

Two independent observations placed a spotlight on GSK3 kinases in this work: First, the ZIP6-

ZIP10 heteromer was observed to co-immunoprecipitate with both GSK3 paralogs. Second, we

discovered a ZIP6-dependent phosphorylation site within the cytoplasmic domain of the longest

isoform of NCAM1 that bears striking similarities to a previously known GSK3 substrate. Our

data place GSK3 paralogs in proximity to the site of ZIP6-ZIP10-mediated zinc influx—

presumably one of only few cytoplasmic locations at which free zinc ion concentrations may

exceed the generally very low levels of free zinc in the cytoplasm. This observation may be


relevant in light of prior work by others which documented that the ability of GSK3 to

phosphorylate its substrates is inhibited in the presence of free zinc [111]. The authors

documented that there is specificity to this zinc-mediated GSK3 inhibition by showing its

reliance on zinc, as opposed to other divalent cations, and by establishing that the zinc inhibition

characteristic does not extend to CDK2, a closely related kinase. Putative sites for GSK3 binding

to the ZIP6-ZIP10 heteromer are found in a cytoplasmic loop connecting transmembrane

domains 3 and 4 (amino acids 453-667 and 518-688 in ZIP6 and ZIP10, respectively). Similar to

known docking sites of GSK3 on axin 1 (AXIN1) and 2 (AXIN2) [112,113], these cytoplasmic

loop segments within the two ZIP transporters are enriched in charged residues and C-terminally

flanked by a histidine-rich segment. It has long been known that NCAM1 can be phosphorylated

within its intracellular domain by casein kinase 1 (CK1) and GSK3 [114]. Subsequent attempts

to map the underlying NCAM1 phospho-acceptor sites highlighted initially a domain in

juxtaposition to the inner face of the plasma membrane but also mentioned a putative serine 761

phospho-acceptor site that conforms to the GSK3 consensus motif [115]. The design of the latter

phospho-site mapping experiments precluded the detection of phosphorylation sites observed in

this study. This was because analyses were limited to a truncated NCAM1 expression construct

comprising the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of NCAM1 but lacking the Exon 18

coded alternatively spliced insertion that is only present in the longest NCAM1 isoform.

However, a more recent global phospho-site analysis of developing mouse brain samples

independently mapped amino acids 946 and 958 (NCBI accession number: NP_001106675) as

NCAM1 phospho-acceptor sites [116]. These sites are identical to the first and fourth NCAM1

phosphorylation sites within phosphorylation cluster (amino acids 945-974) that was repeatedly

sequenced and quantified in this study. What might be the functional consequences of the GSK3-

dependent phosphorylation of NCAM1? One commonly observed scenario would see phospho-

occupancy at this site alter NCAM1 interactions with phospho-serine/threonine (pSer/Thr)

binding modules on other proteins. In fact, binding of NCAM1 to 14-3-3 proteins, the first

signaling molecules recognized to engage in pSer/Thr-dependent interactions with other proteins,

was also observed to be ZIP6-dependent in this study, making them excellent candidates for this

scenario. While the broader physiological consequences are not known, a previous report

established that inhibition of GSK3 can prevent NCAM1-induced neurite outgrowth [117].


2.5 Conclusions

The discovery of the evolutionary relationship between ZIP transporters and PrP a few years ago

[37] raised the possibility that the study of ZIP transporters may provide a promising angle for

uncovering the elusive function of PrP. Indeed, similarities in gastrulation defects in ZIP6- or

PrP-deficient zebrafish embryos precipitated a productive line of research, which revealed that

PrP modulates the expression of NCAM1 and controls its polysialylation during EMT [2].

Observations uncovered in this study remind us that relationships can work in more than one

direction. Prior knowledge of NCAM1 as the key interactor of PrP in several paradigms, placed

the discovery of NCAM1 as the most prominent ZIP6 interactor in a special light. Foremost, it

suggests that PrP inherited its NCAM1 binding properties from its ZIP ancestor. This conclusion

is consistent with bioinformatic evidence, which indicates that NCAM and ZIP transporters

carrying a PrP-like ectodomain go back in evolution approximately one billion years but the

emergence of the prion gene family and polysialyltransferases required for NCAM1

polysialylation represent more recent evolutionary inventions that occurred early during

vertebrate speciation (Fig. 2.8). Our data reveal the existence of an intricate relationship that sees

ZIP6 control the expression, post-translational modification and interactions of NCAM1 in the

context of larger morphogenetic rearrangements executed at various stages during development

and in cancers. It is tempting to speculate that the prion gene owes its survival to an adaptation

that allowed it to modulate the same overall NCAM1-centric biology but provided a fitness

advantage in form of its control of NCAM1 polysialylation.



Figure 2.8. Evolution of NCAM, ZIP, PrP, and polyST gene families. Schematic depicting

the number of paralogs of NCAM, ZIP, PrP, and polyST gene families for a range of species.

Figure provided by Gerold Schmitt-Ulms and Mohadeseh Mehrabian [118].


Chapter 3 Future directions involving the investigation of the PrP-

ZIP6/ZIP10-NCAM1 connection

Summary: This chapter outlines research angles that might represent a natural progression of

work described in this thesis and would expand on the PrP-ZIP6/ZIP10-NCAM1 connection

described in the previous chapters.

The previous two chapters have described an intricate relationship between PrP, ZIP6, ZIP10 and

NCAM1 in the context of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. We determined that PrP and a

ZIP6/ZIP10 heteromer both have previously unrecognized functions during the morphogenetic

rearrangements that underlie EMT, acting on this program by modulating the molecular biology

of both NCAM1 itself and its environment. Specifically, PrP was observed to control the

polysialylation of NCAM1 (Chapter 1), while the ZIP6/ZIP10 heteromer controls the

phosphorylation of NCAM1 and its inclusion into focal adhesion complexes (Chapter 2). It will

be of interest to investigate if these proteins, and other proteins containing PrP-like domains,

fulfill this and related roles also in cellular models not tested in this study. Furthermore, it will be

instructive to learn to which extent their influence on the cellular biology underlying EMT has

been adapted for related morphogenetic programs (e.g., neuritic extension and cell migration) in

order to more fully and universally characterize the scope of their influence.

One intriguing avenue of investigation would be to determine if the mammalian paralogs of PrP,

Doppel (Dpl) [119] and Shadoo (Sho) [120], exhibit similar, or opposing, functions with regards

to EMT and NCAM1 polysialylation. The Dpl protein is predominantly expressed in the male

reproductive tract and resembles the carboxy-terminal globular domain of PrPc [119,121], while

Sho is predominantly expressed in the brain and encompasses most conspicuously the central

hydrophobic disordered domain within PrPc [120]. As may be expected from its location in the

male reproductive tract, Dpl seems to play a role in spermatogenesis [121,122]. Similar to EMT,

spermatogenesis is a form of cellular morphogenesis. Determining if this process involves

modification to cellular adhesion molecules, such as the polysialylation of NCAM1, and whether


this process is dependent on Dpl would broaden the scope and importance of the PrP family of

proteins. To date there is some evidence that NCAM polysialylation coincides with mammalian

spermatogenesis [144,145], though the molecular mechanisms behind this process have yet to be

investigated. Furthermore, ectopically expressed Dpl in the brain leads to neurotoxic effects that

can be recovered with expression of PrPc or Sho [108]. Though the function of Sho is not well

understood, these observations combined with its expression in the brain suggest redundant and

protective roles of PrPc [108]. Investigating the precise roles of Dpl and Sho in the context of

cellular morphogenesis and polysialylation relative to PrP could shed light on the functional

significance of shared domains and interactions amongst these proteins.

Similarly, it would be useful to further investigate ZIP5, the closest paralog of ZIP6 and ZIP10,

in the context of EMT. Of the three ZIP transporters with PrP-like ectodomains, ZIP5 is the only

one not identified in the neuroblastoma cell model as an interactor of PrP through co-

immunoprecipitation [32]. However, ZIP5 has similar sequence identity to PrP as its molecular

cousins [110]. Of potential relevance, ZIP5 also has been independently linked to the bone

morphogenetic protein (BMP)/TGFB1 pathway [123], making it all the more intriguing to study

in this context. We did not observe the same increase in ZIP5 transcript levels during TGFB1

treatment of NMuMG cells as we did with ZIP6 and ZIP10 (Fig. 2.1a) and, in fact, expression

levels of this protein seem low in this model. It therefore might be necessary and instructive to

study ZIP5’s role on EMT following its siRNA-based knockdown or CRISPR-Cas9 knockout in

an experimental paradigm known to express this protein, including bone cells, enterocytes and

acinar cells [123,146]. Based on the well-established codependency and role of ZIP6 and ZIP10

in this model, characterizing ZIP5 in this manner would clarify for this subbranch of ZIP

transporters the scope of their involvement and level of specialization in cellular programs

described in this thesis.

Another intriguing and potentially rewarding avenue for further investigation would utilize the

PrP knockout models generated in C2C12 myocyte and N2a neuroblastoma cells described in

Chapter 1. To date, our lab has performed global proteomics on these knockout clones [124] and

investigated how PrP-deficiency in these cell models affects NCAM1 levels and its

polysialylation [2], furthering our understanding of the physiological function of PrP. Analogous

experiments in C2C12 and N2a cell models might not only reveal the degree to which

observations made in the NMuMG model are transferable to other models but would also open


up the possibility to study how signaling downstream of PrP is affected by prion infection. Both

cell models have been shown to be useful models for studying infection with the misfolded,

disease causing form of PrP, scrapie (PrPSc) [15,16,17].

Investigations in the C2C12 and N2a paradigms could be extended to explore more fully the

roles of ZIP transporters in the disease. Preliminary studies could be conducted with siRNA and

shRNA knockdown experiments to determine if there are any obvious effects caused by ZIP

deficiencies, or could be pursued directly with CRISPR-Cas9 based ZIP knockout clones

deficient for one or more transporter. This would provide a wider scope for determining the

physiological functions of the ZIP transporters, and allow examination into whether they have an

effect on prion disease propagation. The C2C12 model would be of particular interest not only

due to its ability to undergo cellular differentiation to myotubes [17], but also due to its

transformative response to treatment with members of the BMP/TGFB1 family [125].

Our data are consistent with prior data, which linked ZIP transporters and PrP to cancer biology.

Specifically, ZIP6 and ZIP10 and PrP have independently been found to be upregulated in a

subset of cancers and seem to play a role in metastasis [98,147-152]. Breast cancer seems to be

one of the most studied cancers with regard to ZIP transporters and PrP, which emphasizes the

importance of the findings from the NMuMG model as it is derived from mammary glands.

Understanding the roles that ZIPs and PrP have in healthy cells undergoing EMT may shed light

on the mechanisms involved with cancer metastasis. Further investigations into how metastasis

mechanisms in cancerous cells relate to those utilized during EMT could explain the role of ZIPs

and PrP in cancer and lead to novel therapeutic targets to interfere with these mechanisms.

In conclusion, our data are consistent with a model in which PrP has inherited and retained its

ability to bind NCAM1 from ZIP proteins containing a PrP-like domain, but developed a unique

subspecialization in its control of NCAM1 polysialylation. The model strongly points towards

physiological functions of PrP and ZIP transporters in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and

related morphogenetic programs. It is hoped that future work will more fully uncover the

molecular mechanisms by which PrP and ZIP transporters contribute cellular programs centering

on NCAM1.



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