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Proteome-Wide Structural Biology: An Emerging Field for theStructural Analysis of Proteins on the Proteomic ScaleUpneet Kaur,† He Meng,‡ Fang Lui, Renze Ma,‡ Ryenne N. Ogburn,‡,§ Julia H. R. Johnson,‡,∥

Michael C. Fitzgerald,*,‡ and Lisa M. Jones*,†

‡Department of Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0346, United States†Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, United States

ABSTRACT: Over the past decade, a suite of new mass-spectrometry-based proteomics methods has been developed thatnow enables the conformational properties of proteins and protein−ligand complexes to be studied in complex biological mixtures, fromcell lysates to intact cells. Highlighted here are seven of thetechniques in this new toolbox. These techniques include chemicalcross-linking (XL−MS), hydroxyl radical footprinting (HRF), DrugAffinity Responsive Target Stability (DARTS), Limited Proteolysis(LiP), Pulse Proteolysis (PP), Stability of Proteins from Rates ofOxidation (SPROX), and Thermal Proteome Profiling (TPP). Theabove techniques all rely on conventional bottom-up proteomicsstrategies for peptide sequencing and protein identification.However, they have required the development of unconventionalproteomic data analysis strategies. Discussed here are the current technical challenges associated with these different dataanalysis strategies as well as the relative analytical capabilities of the different techniques. The new biophysical capabilities thatthe above techniques bring to bear on proteomic research are also highlighted in the context of several different applicationareas in which these techniques have been used, including the study of protein ligand binding interactions (e.g., protein targetdiscovery studies and protein interaction network analyses) and the characterization of biological states.KEYWORDS: thermodynamics, protein folding, proteomics, mass spectrometry


Over the past decade, a new toolbox of mass-spectrometry-based techniques has been established for probing theconformational properties of proteins on the proteomic scale.These techniques have involved different combinations ofprotease digestion, chemical modification, protein precipita-tion, chemical denaturation, and thermal denaturationstrategies with quantitative mass-spectrometry-based proteo-mics platforms. This new toolbox of proteomics techniques hasenabled the study of conformational properties of proteins andprotein−ligand binding interactions on the proteomic scaleusing a whole-cell approach.For many years, protein structure and protein−ligand

binding interactions have been studied using purified systems.Such studies have revealed a vast amount of information onprotein folding, structure, and protein−ligand bindinginteractions. However, the environmental differences betweendilute solutions and the densely packed cellular environmentraise the question as to whether these in vitro studies providephysiologically relevant structural and functional information.1

Macromolecular crowding in the cell, for example, plays amajor role in protein interactions exerting influence onconformational distributions, protein stabilization, specificityof interactions, and diffusion of molecules.2−4 It is alsobelieved that even weak/nonspecific interactions of proteins

with various components of the densely packed cellularenvironment (e.g., other proteins and small molecules) canalter the different conformational states that proteins populatein the cell.5,6 These interactions are not present in the purifiedprotein systems that have been extensively used to studyconformational properties of proteins using traditionalbiophysical methods (i.e., circular dichroism, fluorescence,nuclear magnetic resonance) or even using a more recentmethod, hydrogen−deuterium exchange coupled to massspectrometry (HDX−MS) and other mass spectrometry-based methods. The growing number of studies documentingthe effects of the cellular environment on protein structure andfunction underscores the importance of using a whole-cellapproach to study proteins.5,7,8

Highlighted in this Perspective are a series of sevenexperimental methods for characterizing the conformationalproperties of proteins on the proteomic scale using a whole-cellapproach. The methods, which are divided here into twodifferent families, have created a new field of proteomicsresearch that we coin proteome-wide structural biology. Onefamily of methods driving this new field is composed of limitedproteolysis and covalent labeling strategies that involve the use

Received: May 18, 2018Published: September 17, 2018

Perspective This: J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17, 3614−3627

© 2018 American Chemical Society 3614 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00341J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17, 3614−3627








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of either a low concentration of or no protein denaturant(Figure 1). Included in this family of methods are the chemical

cross-linking (XL−MS),9 hydroxyl radical footprinting,10,11

Drug Affinity Responsive Target Stability (DARTS),12 andLimited Proteolysis (LiP)13,14 techniques. These techniques allprobe the local structural features of proteins and proteininteractions of proteins. The second family of methods drivingthis new field of proteome-wide structural biology includes thePulse Proteolysis (PP),15−18 Stability of Proteins from Rates ofOxidation (SPROX),19,20 and Thermal Proteome Profiling(TPP)21 techniques (Figure 2). The techniques in this secondfamily of methods utilize a protein denaturant and probe theglobal unfolding/refolding reactions of proteins.Common to all of the techniques highlighted here is their

exploitation of conventional bottom-up proteomics methods.However, their unique experimental workflows have requiredthe development of unconventional proteomic data analysisstrategies. These strategies and the different data analysischallenges associated with each technique are discussed here,as are the new biophysical capabilities that the abovetechniques bring to proteomic research. The goal of thisPerspective is to educate the reader on the differences andsimilarities between the different approaches and to introducethe new field of proteome-wide structural biology that thesetechniques have created. Thus also highlighted are representa-tive studies illustrating the advantages, disadvantages, andexisting challenges of the different techniques and severaldifferent application areas including the study of protein−ligand binding interactions (e.g., protein target discoverystudies and protein interaction network analyses) and thecharacterization of biological states, such as those associatedwith normal biological processes and different diseases.

2. EXPERIMENTAL WORKFLOWSDescribed below are the different combinations of proteasedigestion, chemical modification, protein precipitation, chem-ical denaturation, thermal denaturation, and bottom-upproteomics strategies that are employed in the experimentalworkflows of the seven different methods covered here.Summarized in Table 1 are several important technical featuresassociated with each experimental workflow. Summarized inTable 2 are the different types of biophysical information that

Figure 1. Schematic representation of experimental workflows utilizedin native state approaches highlighted here including the XL−MS,HRF, DARTS, and LiP techniques.

Figure 2. Schematic representation of experimental workflows utilizedin the SPROX, PP, and TPP techniques that utilize denaturant toprobe the more global unfolding/refolding properties of proteins.

Table 1. Summary of the Technical Features of the SevenExperimental Methods Highlighted in This Perspective

aPseudomonas aeruginosa cells from ref 112. bEscherichia coli cells fromref 38. cMouse heart tissue from ref 110. dVero cells from ref 42.eU87-MG cells (human glioblastoma) from ref 44. fYeast cells fromref 13. gEscherichia coli cells from ref 18. hMDA-MB-231 cells from ref67. iK562 cells from ref 51.

Journal of Proteome Research Perspective

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00341J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17, 3614−3627


each technique generates and the applications in which theyhave so far been used.

Native State Approaches

XL−MS. XL−MS has been applied to a number of purifiedproteins and protein complexes over the last severaldecades,22,23 and it was one of the first covalent labelingapproaches for protein conformational analyses to be used onthe proteomic scale.24−26 The experimental workflow in XL−MS experiments (Figure 1) involves treating the proteinsample with a chemical cross-linking reagent containing two ormore protein-reactive functional groups (e.g., thiol-reactivemaleimides, carboxyl group reactive diazoacetate-esters, oramine reactive N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) esters) that areconnected by a linker region. Ultimately, the sites of inter- andintraprotein cross-links are defined using the cross-linkedpeptides detected in a bottom-up proteomics analysis of thesample. Cross-linkers containing various reactive groups andlinker lengths have been developed and used to achieve spatialinformation on proteins and protein−protein complexes.27−31

In recent years, there have been an increasing number of invivo XL−MS applications studying protein interactions in thenative cellular environment.27−32Several recently developedXL−MS approaches, including the protein interaction (PIR)technology,33 the incorporation of photoreactive cross-linkers

into proteins during translation in cell culture,32 and the use ofdisuccinimdyl dibutyric acid (DBSU),34 have greatly improvedthe detection and identification of cross-linked peptides inproteome-wide XL−MS experiments.9,35−38

HRF. Another covalent labeling method for studying proteininteractions is hydroxyl-radical footprinting (HRF). Thismethod utilizes hydroxyl radicals to oxidatively modifysolvent-accessible sites in proteins (Figure 1). The changesin solvent accessibility resulting from ligand binding or from astructural change induced by a different biological state can beused to identify interaction sites and regions of conformationalchange. Multiple methods have been used to generate hydroxylradicals including synchrotron radiation,39 laser photolysis ofhydrogen peroxide,40 and UV irradiation.41 Two laser-basedmethods for generating hydroxyl radicals, fast photochemicaloxidation of proteins (FPOP)11,42 and nanosecond laserphotolysis,43 have proven especially useful in HRF applicationsto proteins in intact cells. Ultimately, the sites of modification,which can include the side chains of 17 of the 20 amino acids,are identified using a bottom-up proteomics analysis.

DARTS. The DARTS approach is a limited proteolysis-based strategy that was originally developed to identify proteintargets of small molecules.12 It is based on the premise thatdrug binding induces conformational changes in proteins that

Table 2. Biophysical Information, Applications, and Limitations of the Seven Techniques Highlighted in This Perspective

Journal of Proteome Research Perspective

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00341J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17, 3614−3627


either increase or decrease the susceptibility of the protein toproteolytic digestion with a nonspecific protease (e.g.,thermolysin or proteinase K). In the original DARTSworkflow, proteins with different cleavage patterns in thepresence and absence of ligand were identified using a gel-based proteomics readout (Figure 1).12 More recently severalgel-free LC−MS/MS-based proteomics approaches have beenproposed and successfully demonstrated with DARTS.44,45

The LC−MS/MS approaches in DARTS (whether they aregel-based or gel-fee) are protein-centered. That is, the bottom-up proteomics data generated in the LC−MS/MS analyses areused to generate quantitative information about the proteins towhich they map.LiP. The LiP experiment46 is fundamentally similar to

DARTS. As in DARTS, the LiP experiment involves treatingthe protein samples under study (e.g., a cell lysate in thepresence and in the absence of a test ligand) with a nonspecificprotease (e.g., thermolysin or proteinase K) under solutionconditions in which the proteins in the sample are in theirnative state. The nonspecific proteolysis reaction is quenched,and the differential cleavage pattern observed between theprotein samples is determined using bottom-up proteomicsmethods. In contrast with DARTS, the LC−MS/MS readoutin the bottom-up proteomics analysis is peptide-centered. Thatis, the differential cleavage patterns are directly ascertainedfrom the tryptic (and semitryptic) peptides identified andquantified in the bottom-up proteomics analysis (Figure 1).Spectral counting,46 SRM,46 and SILAC14 have all beenemployed in LiP experiments to quantify the relative amountsof fully (and semi-) tryptic peptides generated in the testprotein samples.

Denaturation-Based Approaches

PP. PP is also a limited proteolysis-based approach.However, it is conceptually different than the DARTS andLiP techniques. In PP, the chemical denaturant dependence ofa nonspecific proteolytic digestion reaction is used to evaluatethe thermodynamic properties of a protein’s folding reaction.47

The PP protocol involves incubating the protein sample in aseries of buffers containing increasing concentrations of ureaand then treating the samples with a nonspecific protease (e.g.,thermolysin) to selectively digest the unfolded proteinpopulation in each urea-containing buffer (Figure 2).Proteome-wide applications of PP have utilized severaldifferent mass-spectrometry- or gel-based readouts to quantifythe relative amount of intact protein in each proteinsample.15−18 These readouts have included: (i) the use of a2D gel electrophoresis strategy for the differential analyses ofgel band intensities;15 (ii) the use of a fractionation strategyprior to the use of 1D gel electrophoresis;16 (iii) the use of aSILAC quantitation strategy using 1D gel electrophoresis;17 or(iv) the use of a filter-assisted sample preparation (FASP)protocol in combination with tandem mass tags (TMT)labels.18 An important step in all of the above PP workflows isthe separation of the digestion products (i.e., proteinfragments) from the intact proteins in the denaturant-containing protein samples, which must be must be doneprior to subjecting them to bottom-up proteomics analysis.Also, as in DARTS, the quantitative bottom-up proteomicsanalysis in PP is protein-centered.SPROX. SPROX is a covalent labeling technique that

involves protein oxidation like HRF. However, the oxidationreaction conditions in SPROX are significantly milder than

those used in HRF. The SPROX technique utilizes a chemicaldenaturant in much the same way as PP. However, in SPROX,it is the chemical denaturant dependence of a highly selectivemethionine oxidation reaction involving hydrogen peroxidethat is used to report on the thermodynamic properties of aprotein’s folding reaction.48 The SPROX protocol involvesequilibrating the protein sample in a series of bufferscontaining increasing concentrations of a chemical denaturant(e.g., GdmCl or urea) and then treating the samples withhydrogen peroxide using reaction conditions under which theprimary site of oxidation is the thioether group in the sidechain of methionine residues that become solvent-exposed asproteins in the denaturant-containing buffers are unfolded(Figure 2). Proteome-wide applications of SPROX haveutilized either isobaric mass tags48 or SILAC20 to quantifythe extent of methionine oxidation as a function of chemicaldenaturant. This is accomplished using standard bottom-upproteomics methods and ultimately measuring the relativequantity of unoxidized methionine-containing peptides (oroxidized methionine-containing peptides) in the differentdenaturant-containing protein samples. To facilitate thedetection and quantitation of methionine-containing peptidesin quantitative LC−MS/MS analyses of SPROX samples, amethionine-containing peptide enrichment strategy can beincorporated into the SPROX protocol.49

TPP. In TPP experiments, the temperature dependence of aprotein aggregation reaction is used to report on the thermaldenaturation properties of proteins.50,51 The TPP protocolinvolves incubating the protein sample at a series of differenttemperatures for a given time (typically 3 min) (Figure 2).After cooling the samples to room temperature, the proteinsthat are unfolded at a given temperature aggregate, and theaggregated proteins at each temperature are separated from thesoluble (folded) proteins in an ultracentrifugation step. Thesoluble proteins recovered at each temperature are quantifiedin a quantitative bottom-up proteomics analysis using isobaricmass tags.51 The aggregated proteins that are removed fromsolution during the ultracentrifugation step can also bequantified in a quantitative bottom-up proteomics analysisalso using isobaric mass tags.52 The TPP approach has alsobeen combined with a differential in-gel electrophoresis(DIGE) readout to identify differentially stabilized proteinsin two different samples (e.g., cells incubated with and withoutdrug).53 The quantitative bottom-up proteomics strategiesused in TPP experiments are protein-centered (i.e., datacollected on the peptides in the LC−MS/MS readout are usedto quantify the precipitated protein).


The above techniques all rely on standard bottom-upproteomics methods for peptide and protein identificationand quantitation. Therefore, all of the current limitations andchallenges associated with using bottom-up proteomicsmethods are at play in each technique. For example, peptideand protein coverages in the different techniques are all limitedby the speed and sensitivity of existing mass-spectrometryinstrumentation. Fundamentally, the protein-centered readoutsin TPP, PP, and DARTS are similar to those used inconventional bottom-up proteomics analyses. However, asdiscussed below, the SPROX, LiP, HRF, and XL−MStechniques have additional limitations and challenges asso-ciated with their peptide-centered readouts. All of the

Journal of Proteome Research Perspective

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00341J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17, 3614−3627


techniques have unique data analysis strategies with differentchallenges, which are also highlighted below.

Peptide Detection

The SPROX, LiP, HRF, and XL−MS techniques all rely on thedetection of specific peptides in the bottom-up proteomicsexperiment. The SPROX technique requires the detection ofmethionine-containing peptides. The LiP and HRF techniquesrequire the detection of specific peptide(s) that include thesites of proteolysis or oxidation, respectively, and the XL−MStechnique requires the detection of the specific peptides thatare cross-linked. On the one hand, this means that the SPROX,LiP, HRF, and XL−MS techniques can provide site-specificinformation about the location of a detected conformationalchange in a protein. On the other hand, this makes the bottom-up proteomics analysis in these experiments especiallychallenging because the specific peptides that need to bedetected typically represent only a fraction of the peptidespresent in the bottom-up proteomics samples generated inthese techniques. Thus the detection of these specific peptidesis difficult using shot-gun proteomics methods, and ultimatelythe scope of these techniques can be limited by high false-negative rates.Strategies to enrich for the methionine-containing peptides

in SPROX and the cross-linked peptides in XL−MS have beendeveloped and found to significantly increase the scope ofthese techniques.9,49,54 Enrichment strategies for the proteo-lyzed peptides in LiP and the chemically modified peptides inHRF would also help expand the scope of these techniques andlower false-negative rates. However, no such enrichmentstrategies for the proteolyzed and oxidized peptides generatedin LiP and FPOP, respectively, have been reported to date. In arecent nanosecond laser photolysis-based HRF experiment,immunoprecipitation was used as an enrichment strategy.However, Western blot analysis showed a decrease in proteindetected after the pull down. This observation was consistentwith a decrease in binding affinity upon oxidation, and ithighlights the difficulty in using enrichment strategies withHRF methods.43

Peptide Identification

The peptide-centered readouts in XL−MS and HRF present aformidable challenge from a bioinformatics perspective. Thecross-linked peptides generated in XL−MS and the chemicallymodified peptides generated in HRF can be difficult to identifyusing conventional bottom-up proteomics methods for dataacquisition and analysis. The PIR technology developed forXL−MS experiments not only helps overcome the “needle in ahaystack” problem with the low abundance of cross-linkedpeptides but also facilitates data analysis (Figure 3). Using anMS method termed ReACT, precursor ions are subject to alow-energy fragmentation event that releases the two cross-linked peptides as well as a reporter ion of specific mass.55 Inthe resulting MS2 spectra, the summation of the mass of thereporter ion plus the two released peptides is searched in realtime. The released peptides are then fragmented further viaMS3 analysis. For each MS2 spectra, two MS3 spectra arerecorded, one for each of the cross-linked peptides. Databasesearching is then performed on the resulting MS3 spectra forthe identification of cross-linked peptides.56 For other types ofcross-links, specialized software has been developed to identifycross-linked peptides.56 These include StavroX57 and XlinkAnalyzer.58

In HRF experiments, many different amino acids can bemodified, and several residues can undergo multiple mod-ification types. This not only increases the complexity of thedata but also increases the search space for peptideidentification. Several platforms have been used for dataanalysis of in vitro data including commonly used softwaresuch as Mascot,59 Proteome Discoverer,60 and Byonic.61 Otherplatforms, such as ProtMap MS,62 were specifically developedfor analyzing HRF data. For IC-FPOP, the search space isfurther increased owing to the large number of peptidespresent in the cell lysate. A multilevel strategy with stringentfilters is typically used to reduce search times and limit false-positives.42 In this strategy, unmodified peptides are searchedin the first level. In subsequent levels, different modificationsare searched (e.g., +16 modifications in level two and +14modifications in level 3). Using the multilevel strategy reducesthe data search time for IC-FPOP while still searching theentire complement of possible modifications.Peptide Quantitation

The peptide-centered readouts in the SPROX and LiPtechniques create a unique challenge for the quantitative dataanalysis strategies used with these techniques. In both SPROXand LiP experiments, the quantitative LC−MS/MS data from asingle peptide are used for hit selection. This is in contrast withmore conventional, quantitative bottom-up proteomics anal-yses (e.g., protein expression level analyses) as well as the TPPand PP techniques, in which the quantitative LC−MS/MSdata from multiple peptides derived from the same protein canbe used for the analysis. Using the quantitative LC−MS/MSdata from a single peptide for hit selection in SPROX and LiPmakes these techniques especially vulnerable to the pitfallsassociated with quantitative bottom-up proteomics analyses(e.g., isomass peptide interferences in isobaric mass taggingstrategies). This can adversely impact the false-positive andfalse-negative rates of these techniques. To help differentiate

Figure 3. PIR structure. (A) Conceptual design of cross proteininteraction reporters (PIRs). (B) Examples of fragmentation patternsof PIR-labeled peptides. Adapted with permission from ref 9.Copyright 2010 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Journal of Proteome Research Perspective

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00341J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17, 3614−3627


false-positive from true-positives in LiP and SPROX experi-ments, the number of biological and technical replicates can beincreased, or consistent hit behavior can be required betweenwild-type and oxidized methionine-containing peptide pairs inSPROX and between tryptic and semitryptic peptide pairs inLiP.

Data Analysis

The quantitative data analysis strategies used for hit selection(e.g., the identification of protein conformational changes) inDARTS, LiPs, HRF, and XL−MS require evaluating therelative amount of a given peptide in two different samples(e.g., one in the presence of ligand and one not). Thedifferential amounts of specific peptides (e.g., those that arenonspecifically digested with a protease in DARTS and LiPsand those that are chemically modified in HRF and XL−MS)directly report on the different conformational properties ofthe proteins to which they map (e.g., more or less solventexposed in the DARTS, LiPs, and HRF experiments and cross-linked or not cross-linked in the XL−MS experiment). Thequantitative proteomics strategies employed in the DARTS,LiPs, HRF, and XL−MS (e.g., spectral counting, stable isotopelabeling, and label-free methods) are fundamentally verysimilar to those used in conventional bottom-up proteomics,although they have some unique challenges (see above).The quantitative data analysis strategies used for hit

selection in SPROX, TPP, and PP are notably different fromconventional bottom-up proteomics methods. In traditionalquantitative bottom-up proteomics analyses the expectedchange in protein concentration from sample to sample isunknown. However, the expected data structure in SPROX,TPP, and PP experiments is known. The protein denaturationcurves generated using these techniques are sigmoidal (seeFigure 2) because the protein folding reactions on which theyreport are cooperative. Ultimately, the chemical denaturantconcentration (in SPROX and PP) or the temperature (inTPP) at the transition midpoint (see Figure 2) is extractedfrom the denaturation curves generated in SPROX, TPP, andPP. In SPROX and PP this chemical denaturant concentrationcan be used to calculate thermodynamic parameters such as aprotein folding free energy or the dissociation constant of aprotein−ligand complex.47,48,63−65

The expected structure of SPROX, TPP, and PP datafacilitates the determination of transition midpoints. For

example, because the general structure of the data is known,outliers in the data can be more easily identified and dealt withthan in conventional bottom-up proteomics experiments. Italso means that the precision of the data points defining theprotein denaturation curves generated in these techniques canbe increased using normalizations based on global analyses ofthe data. For example, in SPROX, the isobaric mass tag datagenerated on the methionine-containing peptides can besubject to a normalization based on the non-methionine-containing peptides, which are not expected to change fromdenaturant sample to denaturant sample.48,66 “Super denatura-tion curves” generated using all of the data from all of theproteins in a sample have also been used to normalize thedenaturation curves generated for individual proteins in TPP.51

Proteome Coverage

The peptides identified in the bottom-up proteomic readoutsemployed for all of the techniques highlighted here ultimatelyreport on the conformational properties of the proteins towhich they map. Thus a high number of identified peptidesand proteins is required for in-depth proteome-wide structuralinformation. TPP is perhaps the most comprehensive of themethods (see Table 1) because the proteomic coverage is onlylimited by the usual constraints of bottom-up proteomics,whereas other methods have more unique limitations. Asdescribed above, SPROX relies on the detection ofmethionine-containing peptides, LiP relies on the detectionof tryptic (or semitryptic) peptides covering the specific site ofproteolytic cleavage, HRF relies on the detection of trypticpeptides containing the site of modification, and XL−MS relieson the detection of the specific cross-linked peptides in thebottom-up proteomics experiment. No one technique affordsfull proteome coverage. To date, there have been only a fewdirect comparisons of the proteomic coverages obtained usingthe above techniques.14,67,68 Table 1 includes a “rough”comparison of the proteomic coverages that can be obtainedusing the different techniques. The comparison is “rough”because the cell lines from which the samples were derived aredifferent, as are the mass-spectrometry instrumentation andmethods used to acquire the data.Because of the unique nature of the bottom-up proteomic

readouts in each technique, even the techniques that probesimilar conformational properties in proteins are expected tothe provide some complementary information. For example,

Figure 4. IC-FPOP flow cell schematic. Optimal conditions were observed with a 10:1 sheath buffer to cellular analyte ratio (capillary in dark blueand window for laser light in light blue). Single-cell flow after exit from the cross is depicted in the inset. Adapted with permission from ref 42.Copyright 2016 American Chemical Society.

Journal of Proteome Research Perspective

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00341J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17, 3614−3627


whereas the SPROX, TPP, and PP techniques are expected togenerate some overlapping hits in protein target discoveryexperiments, each technique is also likely to assay some uniqueproteins. The same is also likely to be true of the DARTS andLiP techniques.

4. EX VIVO VERSUS IN VIVOAll of the techniques highlighted here can be applied tounpurified protein mixtures such as cell lysates. However, onlythe TPP, HRF, and XL−MS techniques have so far beenapplied to protein in cells.10,27,51 In-Cell FPOP (IC-FPOP)capitalizes on the fact that hydrogen peroxide readily crossescellular membranes. This permeation is not limited to just theplasma membrane but extends to the organelle membranes, aswell, leading to modifications of proteins in various cellularcompartments such as the cytoplasm, nucleus, and mitochon-dria, among others.42 Cell viability assays have demonstratedthat IC-FPOP probes live cells. For example, it has been shownthat in the time frame of the IC-FPOP experiment, >70% ofVero cells were still viable in the presence 20 mM hydrogenperoxide.11 Also, critical to the success of IC-FPOP experi-ments was the development of a single-cell flow system (Figure4) to limit cell clumping and provide equal exposure of cells tolaser irradiation.42 By optimizing the laser frequency and flowrate in IC-FPOP experiments, it has been possible to detectoxidative modifications on over 1300 proteins within the cell.Another attractive feature of IC-FPOP is that the proteinmodification reactions can be performed on a very fast (i.e.,microsecond) time scale. IC-FPOP currently shows greatpromise for in vivo applications as well using transparentanimals such as C. elegans, where laser irradiation can penetratethe organism. Currently, the main hurdles are hydrogenperoxide diffusion in the animal, leading to a limited number ofmodified proteins.XL−MS on whole cells has also been demonstrated using

both exogenous cross-linkers (e.g., PIR technology)37,38,69,70

and photoreactive cross-linkers36,71 incorporated into proteinsduring protein translation in cell culture. Critical to thesuccessful use of exogenous cross-linkers is cross-linkersolubility and cellular penetration, both of which aredependent on the size of the cross-linker. Cross-linkers witha lower molecular weight tend to have better solubility andcellular penetration, which are crucial for in-cell studies. Thepenetration of a given cross-linker can also vary depending onthe cellular surface, which ultimately increases the variability ofcross-linker concentrations in the cell.9 This becomes alimitation of XL−MS, where not all proteins are equally ableto be cross-linked due to cross-linker concentration variability.However, like IC-FPOP, XL−MS experiments on whole cells,especially those involving photoreactive cross-linkers,30 havethe advantage that they can be performed on a relatively fasttime-scale, creating the possibility to probe more transientprotein−protein interactions.The TPP approach is also amenable to in vivo analyses. TPP

is especially attractive for in vivo analyses of proteins in intactcells because it does not involve the introduction of anyexogenous chemical reagents, as is the case in IC-FPOP andXL−MS experiments. The TPP approach has been used in anumber of in vivo applications including studies to identify theprotein targets of drugs51,72−75 and even more recently toinvestigate protein−protein interactions.76 In TPP, the testcells are typically heated for 3 min at the desired temperatures,cooled for 3 min at 4 °C, and lysed, and the cell lysate is

subjected to a centrifugation step that takes ∼20 min. Whereasthe folding properties of the proteins in the cells are mostlycaptured during the initial heating and cooling step, the timerequired for these steps is relatively long (i.e., on the order ofminutes) compared with that required to capture the foldingproperties in IC-FPOP and XL−MS experiments (i.e., on theorder of microseconds). This has the potential to compromisethe ability of TPP to capture more transient protein−proteininteractions present in the cell.Whole-cell analysis is advantageous because it provides an

opportunity to interrogate the quinary structure of proteinsthat can be perturbed once the plasma membrane is disturbed.Quinary structure resulting from transient protein−proteininteractions has been shown to be important for many cellularfunctions, and tools that can analyze these structures aregreatly needed.5 Although it has yet to be determined whetherTPP, IC-FPOP, or XL−MS methods can effectively probequinary structure, their demonstrated capabilities in whole-cellanalysis provide the possibility. Two of the techniques, IC-FPOP and XL−MS methods with photoactivated cross-linkers,have an added advantage that they can be used on relativelyshort time scales (microsecond time scale). This makes thesemethods especially well-suited for studying weak, transientinteractions like those found in quinary structures.


Thermodynamic Parameters

The DARTS and LiP techniques provide largely qualitativeinformation about the thermodynamic properties of theprotein conformational changes induced by ligands. Forexample, regions of protein structure that become more orless susceptible to proteolytic digestion in the presence ofligand are generally interpreted as being more or less stable,respectively. The XL−MS and HRF techniques can providesimilarly qualitative information based on the differentialreactivity of specific regions of protein structure in thepresence and absence of ligand. However, the XL−MS andHRF techniques can provide more quantitative informationabout the structural properties of proteins (see below).The SPROX, PP, and TPP techniques provide the most

quantitative information about the conformational propertiesof proteins and protein−ligand complexes. The transitionmidpoints extracted from the protein denaturation curvesgenerated using these techniques (Figure 2) can be used torank the relative stabilities of different proteins and the relativestability of a given protein under two different biologicalconditions (e.g., in the presence and absence of ligand) or intwo different biological states (e.g., normal cells and cancercells). The SPROX and PP techniques have the advantage overthe TPP technique, that they can be used to evaluatethermodynamic parameters associated with protein foldingand ligand binding interactions including protein folding freeenergies (ΔGf values), binding free energies (ΔΔGf values),and dissociation constants (Kd values).47,48,63−65 The evalua-tion of these thermodynamic parameters using SPROX and PPis possible because (i) the chemical denaturation of proteins isgenerally reversible, which means the protein samples in thedenaturant-containing buffers are truly at equilibrium, and (ii)the relationship between the folding free energy of a proteinand chemical denaturant is well established.77 This is incontrast with the TPP experiment where (i) the thermaldenaturation of proteins is not generally reversible, so the

Journal of Proteome Research Perspective

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00341J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17, 3614−3627


thermally unfolded proteins are not truly at equilibrium, and(ii) there is no general relationship between a protein’s meltingtemperature and its ΔGf value.

51 This also complicates theevaluation of ligand binding affinities using TPP. Even themagnitude of a protein’s Tm shift upon ligand binding does notalways correlate with the ligand binding affinity.51

The different readouts (i.e., peptide- vs protein-centered) inSPROX, TPP, and PP also mean that the thermodynamicparameters generated using each technique are associated withdifferent conformational properties. For example, the thermo-dynamic parameters generated in SPROX are generally thoseassociated with the specific structural domains to which thedetected methionine-containing peptides map. This is incontrast with the PP and TPP techniques where thethermodynamic parameters generated in these techniques arethose defined by the aggregate biophysical properties of theentire protein.

Structural Modeling

Information gained from both XL−MS and HRF can be usedas constraints in molecular modeling and structural predic-tions. In XL−MS, cross-linkers, which have a defined length,provide quantitative information on the proximity of proteins,and these data can provide distance constraints for molecularmodeling. One caveat, however, is that structural constraintsare not completely translational to topology because the lengthof the cross-linker represents the maximum distance, whereasthe actual interaction may exist closer than the cross-linkerlength.33 An additional caveat is that the conformationalflexibility of proteins may bias the generation of cross-linkedpeptides for one conformational state. Despite these caveats,XL−MS constraints have been used to aid modeling studies ofthe binding interface of proteins in vitro.78 XL−MS constraintshave also been used for de novo modeling of proteins.Kahraman et al. constructed a partial de novo full-length modelof human IgBPI using 65 intraprotein cross-links combinedwith distance restraint data.79 Five models with the lowestRMSD with respect to the N-terminal domain of the templatestructure of mouse IgBPI were chosen as the best models forIgBPI.To date, HRF methods have mainly provided qualitative

information about the structural properties of different proteinconformational states. However, the use of HRF data asconstraints for molecular modeling is an emerging field. Onechallenge in such an HRF application is that the varyingreactivity of residues with hydroxyl radicals can limit theamount of information obtained from the experiment. Forexample, highly reactive residues may be more highly modifiedrelative to their more solvent-accessible but less reactiveneighbors. To overcome this challenge, Huang et al. developedan algorithm to correlate the measured footprinting rate to aprotection factor based on residue reactivity with hydroxylradicals.80 This protection factor provides a structural viewbased solely on solvent accessibility providing morequantitative information on the structure. This type ofnormalization has facilitated the use of HRF data as constraintsfor molecular modeling. Xie et al. demonstrated the ability touse HRF data to distinguish molecular models of high and lowaccuracy.81 Aprahamian et al. recently demonstrated thatatomic resolution models of proteins can be obtained whenHRF-derived protection factors are used as a score term inRosetta to predict tertiary structures.82


Applications of traditional bottom-up proteomics methodshave largely focused on protein expression level analyses.Indeed, mass-spectrometry-based protein expression levelanalysis have been widely used over the past two decades tocharacterize a range of different biological states83−97 and drugactivities,98−100 as evidenced by the tens of thousands ofpublications in this area over the last two decades. Whereasdifferential protein expression profiling studies can providesome insight into the cellular pathways and potential proteinplayers associated with a biological state or activity of atherapeutic agent, the biological significance of proteins withaltered expression levels in different biological states or inresponse to drug treatments is often dubious because aprotein’s expression level is not directly tied to its function.Functionally relevant proteins with the same expression levelsin different biological states also go undetected using thecurrent paradigm of expression level profiling to characterizesuch states.The seven techniques highlighted in this Perspective create a

new paradigm for characterizing biological states and drugaction. This new paradigm, which is based on proteinconformational analyses, has the potential to uncover proteinbiomarkers and therapeutic targets of disease that are morebiologically significant than those currently generated usingprotein expression level analyses. The close connectionbetween protein folding stability and function was recentlyillustrated in several SPROX studies, including one on thethermodynamic effects of phosphorylation on the proteins inan MCF-7 cell lysates101 and another on the proteins in cancercell lysates.102 Highlighted below are several application areaswhere these new proteomics methods are beginning to makingan impact.

Protein Target Discovery

A major driving force for the development of many of thetechniques described above has been the need for bettermethods for protein target discovery. The utility of DARTS,SPROX, PP, LiPs, and TPP for identifying the protein targetsof drugs and other small-molecule ligands, such as enzymecofactors, has been well-established in proof-of-principleexperiments using a number of different model sys-tems.12,48,49,51,63,65,103−105 These techniques are also beingused in more and more studies to identify the protein targets ofpotential therapeutic agents with less well understoodmechanisms of action. For example, The PP and SPROXtechniques were both used to assay over 1000 proteins in aMDA-MB-231 cell lysate grown under hypoxic conditions forinteractions with manassantin A, a natural product that hasbeen shown to have anticancer activity in cell-based assays buthas a currently unknown mode of action.67 This workidentified a total of 28 protein hits with manassantin-A-induced thermodynamic stability changes. Of particular notewas that two hits (filamin A and elongation factor 1-alpha)were identified with manassantin-A-induced stability changesusing both experimental approaches.The ability to corroborate the hits obtained using one

technique with another technique is useful for differentiatingtrue-positives from false-positives. In this regard, the SPROXand PP approaches are especially useful, as they report on thesame chemical-denaturant-induced equilibrium unfoldingproperties of proteins, albeit with different proteomic-readouts.Along these lines, the DART and LiP approaches are expected

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to be similarly useful for corroborating the hits obtained usingone technique with the other. Both approaches rely on asimilar limited proteolysis reaction to identify hits; however,the proteomic-readouts employed in each technique areoperationally different.

Biological States

The characterization of biological states including thoseassociated with normal biological processes (e.g., aging) anddisease (e.g., cancer) is not only fundamentally important butalso can facilitate the discovery of novel biomarkers that can beexploited in drug therapies and disease diagnoses. The SPROXmethodology was one of the first techniques highlighted hereto be applied to the analysis of biological states. Summarized inFigure 5 is the experimental workflow used in these SPROXexperiments on biological states, which included thoseassociated with a mouse model of aging and cell culturemodels of cancer. For example, the SILAC-SPROX techniquewas used to assay ∼800−1000 proteins for changes in theirprotein folding behavior in five different cell-line models ofbreast cancer, including the MCF-10A, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, BT474, and MDA-MB-468 cell lines.14,102,106 Between 10and 40% of the proteins assayed in different comparativeanalyses displayed thermodynamic stability changes in the celllysates from the different cell lines. The “hit” rates were allsignificantly higher than the false-positive rate of peptide hitdiscovery of ∼3% established for SILAC-SPROX.104 Thethermodynamic analyses enabled the benign MCF-10A breastcancer cell line to be differentiated from the MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, BT474, and MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cell lines.

The protein hits with altered stabilities in the different breastcancer cell lines encompassed those with a wide range offunctions and protein expression levels, and they included asignificant fraction (∼50%) with similar expression levels in thecell line comparisons. One MCF-7 cell-line-specific protein hit,calpain small subunit 1 (CAPNS1), was shown to have greaterthermodynamic stability and increased catalytic activity in theMCF-7 cell line, despite no significant change in its expressionlevel.102

A number of the identified protein hits in the above breastcancer cell-line comparisons were known from otherbiochemical studies to play a role in tumorigenesis and cancerprogression. This not only substantiated the biologicalsignificance of the protein hits identified using the SILAC-SPROX approach but also helped elucidate the molecular basisfor their dysregulation or dysfunction in cancer. In some cases,the hit proteins created novel molecular signatures of breastcancer and provided additional insight into the molecular basisof the disease. For example, the hit proteins in the MCF-7versus MDA-MA-231 comparison were enriched in hydrolases,adding to the growing evidence that hydrolases are importantfor cell growth and invasiveness.107−109 Significantly, suchinformation could not be gleaned from protein expression leveldata.102

In another biological state analysis, the SPROX method-ology was also used to profile the thermodynamic stability ofover 800 proteins in brain-cell lysates from mice, aged 6 (n =7) and 18 months (n = 9).110 The biological variability of theprotein stability measurements was low and within theexperimental error of SPROX (∼0.1 to 0.2 M GdmCl). In

Figure 5. Schematic representation of the experimental workflow employed in several recent applications of the SPROX methodology to thecharacterization of biological states including those associated with a mouse model of aging110 and cell culture models of cancer.102,106

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this work, a total of 83 protein hits were detected with age-related stability differences in the brain samples. Remarkably,the large majority of the brain protein hits were destabilized inthe old mice, and the hits were enriched in proteins that haveslow turnover rates. Of particular significance was that a largefraction of the peptide hits (32 of 89) mapped to proteinsknown to have post-translational modifications, specificallycarbonylations or oxidations, related to aging or a neuro-degenerative disease with aging as a risk factor. Furthermore,70% of the hits have been previously linked to aging or age-related diseases. These results help validate the use ofthermodynamic stability measurements to capture relevantage-related proteomic changes and establish a new biophysicallink between these proteins and aging.

Protein Interaction Network Analysis

The XL−MS experiment is especially well-suited for theanalysis of protein−protein interactions in cells.38,69,111,112 Fora more quantitative approach, Chavez et al. coupled the PIRtechnology to SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids incell culture) to perform quantitative XL−MS (qXL−MS) forstudying large-scale protein structural changes and interactionsin cells (Figure 6).113 The addition of SILAC allows for acomparison between a drug-resistance cancer cell line and adrug-sensitive parental cell line. This technique allowsquantification of cross-linked peptide pairs by either MS1-based or targeted MS2-based (parallel reaction monitoring(PRM)) methods (Figure 6). In a recent report, this qXL−MSapproach was employed to study the inter- and intramolecular

protein−protein interactions of Hsp90 upon treatment with aknown Hsp90 inhibitor, 17-N-allylamino-17-demthoxygelda-namycin (17-AAG).69 Interestingly, there were differences inthe conformational properties of the 17-AAG/HS90B complexformed in vitro and in vivo based on the comparison of in vivoand in vitro cross-linking data.Cell culture studies of protein-interaction networks can

provide structural information on proteins within their nativeenvironment where cellular crowding effects protein structureand interactions. However, they do not provide significantinformation on organ-level disease states. In a recent study,XL−MS was applied to proteins in mouse heart tissue samplesto identify protein−protein interactions and to provide insightinto how protein complexes exist in the context of the mouseheart.111 This study revealed insights into multiple conforma-tional states of sarcomere proteins as well as interactionsamong oxidative phosphorylation complexes, suggesting super-complex assembly. This result highlights how the complexcellular environment can play a critical role in forming proteinconformations and interactions that are not observed withpurified proteins and complexes.

7. CONCLUSIONSThis Perspective highlights seven new mass-spectrometry-based technologies used to study protein structure on theproteomic scale. These methods provide information onprotein conformations and interactions in the context oftheir native cellular environment, which is crowded withmacromolecules. Although there are similarities between the

Figure 6. Experimental workflow for in-cell XL−MS. Cells are cultured in isotopically light/heavy SILAC media, followed by the addition of PIRcross-linker to the cells in 1:1 mixture of light/heavy cells. The cells are lysed and the cross-linked peptides are enriched via strong cation exchange(SCX). LC−MS analysis by ReACt is used to identify cross-linked peptide pairs, followed by MS1-based quantification of light/heavy-cross-linkedpeptides. The selected cross-linked peptides are analyzed by targeted PRM. The resulting data are used to map the cross-linked peptides and furthermap the proteins that have been cross-linked. The cross-linked data are then compiled into a protein interaction network, and the cross-links areanalyzed in the context of existing structural information of the proteins.

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methods, including the use of bottom-up proteomic strategiesfor data analysis, each method has its own unique data analysischallenges. The methods also provide different types ofinformation from qualitative structural data, quantitativethermodynamic information, to structural constraints formolecular modeling. In some cases, using two methods incombination can provide complementary information. In othercases, the use of multiple methods can help increase theproteomic coverage and capture different types of conforma-tional changes (e.g., more global versus more local effects onprotein folding and stability). These methods provide access tonew application areas for mass spectrometry, including in vivointeraction networks and protein target discovery that is notsolely reliant on protein expression changes. As thesetechniques are further developed and utilized, their applica-tions will be further extended.


Corresponding Authors

*M.C.F.: E-mail: Tel: 919-660-1547. Fax: 919-660-1605.*L.M.J.: E-mail: Tel: 410-706-3380.Fax: 410-706-7670.


Michael C. Fitzgerald: 0000-0002-6719-4722Lisa M. Jones: 0000-0001-8825-060XPresent Addresses§R.N.O.: Burt’s Bees, Inc., Durham, NC 27701.∥J.H.R.J.: Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130.


The authors declare no competing financial interest.


This work was supported in part by a grant from the NationalInstitutes of General Medical Sciences at the NationalInstitutes of Health 2R01GM084174-08 (to M.C.F.) and agrant from the National Science Foundation MCB1701692 (toL.M.J.)

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Journal of Proteome Research Perspective

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00341J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17, 3614−3627


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Journal of Proteome Research Perspective

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.8b00341J. Proteome Res. 2018, 17, 3614−3627


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