prospectus 2014 1 - kent-teach prospectu… · prospectus 2014 1. contents welcome 3 ... still have...

Post on 19-Feb-2018






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ContentsWelcome 3 Vision & Ethos 5How is Jubilee Primary School different? 7 Our curriculum 13Parental Involvement 15Admissions 17

Welcome 3

Jubilee Primary School is a Free School set up under government legislation and will open in September 2014.

Our school is a mainstream primary with a faith ethos and will be open equally to children of all backgrounds, regardless of faith. Initially there will be two Reception classes and possibly Year 1 depending on demand and adding an extra yearly intake thereafter.

We aim to develop the character of every child and equip them for lifelong learning through a broad and balanced education with the 4 key values: purpose, community, skilled for life and nurture. These

aspects coupled with a strong work ethic and an enriching, inspiring learning environment make us confident that every child will achieve their best.

Our passion is to foster an excitement and love for

learning across all areas of the curriculum, drawing out and developing each child’s individual gifts and talents.

At the core of our vision is the premise that the quality of relationships experienced by a child during their primary schooling has a deep and lasting impact on their future development. Our core values define the way we will care for, enrich and teach every child at Jubilee Primary School.

If you are looking for a new approach to Primary Education that will deliver an inspirational, innovative and nurturing learning experience for your child, then Jubilee Primary is for you.

“A school should not be a preparation for life. A school should be life.” Elbert Hubbard

Jubilee Primary School believes that all children deserve an excellent education which equips them for life.

Our intention is that Jubilee Primary is judged to be an outstanding school by education professionals and parents alike.


• have a love for learning

• feel safe and valued

• feel empowered to take ownership of their learning

and behaviour

• develop the utmost respect for self and others

• form positive memories

• have a strong sense of purpose

• be a responsible citizen within their local, regional and national communities

• exceed national expectations


• an enthusiastic, dedicated and empathetic staff team

• a safe environment where learning is fun and meaningful

• an enriching curriculum superbly resourced, including access to woodlands

• an emphasis on Creative and Performing Arts

Vision & Ethos


• excellent pupil attendance and behaviour

• extensive parent participation

• above average results

• an oversubscribed school

Excellence in Education Equipped for Life




• Children will be grouped based on age, however Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant will keep their class group for at least two years to forge strong relationships amongst parent, teacher and child. It also means that all our teachers know their pupils in depth and can set high expectations that are achievable.

• Teachers will develop their own specialist area by teaching a specific subject in the afternoons to many year groups. This will not only provide expert subject knowledge but also teachers who are passionate and enthusiastic about the subject they teach.

• We will have additional members of staff specifically trained for small group interventions for literacy and numeracy. These are aimed at accelerating learning for those underperforming or not showing the progress we expect but also for those excelling who need additional challenge.

• We aim to offer enrichment activities every week for children to explore and develop their own gifts and talents, for example: photography, choreography, drama, cooking etc. These sessions will take place in mixed aged groups so that pupils will have a chance to mix with children from across the school and learn how to teach others younger than themselves.

How is Jubilee Primary School different?


We are extremely passionate about the contribution that the Arts can make to an individual’s self esteem and confidence. When a pupil is happy and has a sense of worth and purpose, their effort and enthusiasm in all subjects grows, as does their achievement. Therefore we aim for every child to:

• Plan and partake in an annual Arts festival and/or school production.

• Learn to play a musical instrument during school time at no extra charge.

• Take part in a weekly enrichment activity to explore and develop their own gifts and talents, for example in photography, cooking or website design. These sessions will take take place in mixed aged groups so that pupils will have the opportunity to mix with children from across the school and learn how to teach others younger than themselves.

• Participate in intra-school sports activities with additional opportunities for inter-school events. We also offer a wider range of sports activities available to all genders, including swimming.

How is Jubilee Primary School different?



We are extremely fortunate to have access to Rutland Woods in Bearsted, an enclosed area of just over 9 acres of mature woodlands with a lake! Presently under construction is an Iron Age roundhouse where the children can experience an ‘outdoor classroom’. We are very excited about the potential for Jubilee Primary School to use the woodlands for a wide range of cross curricular activities including:

• pond dipping and the study of the habitats of wildlife and insects

• team work, orienteering, building shelters etc.

• creative writing and art

• walks for exercise and enjoyment


Jubilee Primary School will be a resource to the locality; a place of support and training for pupils and the wider community. We therefore aim to provide workshops for Parents/Carers. These may include ICT skills, cooking, finance and tips on supporting with reading and homework. We will also provide parent forums, social times and practical parenting workshops to support parents and families.


We want our pupils to set their aspirations high. One way of achieving this is with the input of highly skilled and talented professionals. With this in mind, we plan to collaborate with design and marketing agency ‘Wonderful Creative’. Over the course of their time in school, pupils will benefit from video production, website design, internet and online media education and the creation of multi-media displays.

We will also be working with the ‘Creative Arts Academy’ in Maidstone to develop our Arts curriculum and enrichment activities. 11

How is Jubilee Primary School different?


School dates will be aligned with those provided by Kent County Council with two exceptions; the academic year will finish a week later; and the October half term will be two weeks, rather than one. This is to help reduce the slippage in children’s levels over the summer holidays and allows a longer break after an often busy first term back in September.

Five days across the year will be used for staff training with advance warning given to parents.

Learning will be holistic, impacting the child’s whole development, with a staff team who are passionate about teaching.

We will teach the same subjects as any other mainstream school but with the addition of weekly, timetabled enrichment activities, a greater emphasis on the Creative and Performing Arts, and optional afterschool activities.


Reading, phonics and writing will be taught daily through the bespoke Read, Write, Inc programme, across the whole school. Children will be streamed across all year groups according to reading ability to provide highly tailored provision. This programme also has a high focus on language development which we feel is integral to being ‘skilled for life‘.


Jubilee Primary will follow a numeracy programme that uses real-life objects, active learning and special vocabulary as a highly enjoyable and effective way of providing children with solid foundations in mathematics.


All pupils in KS2 will learn Spanish.

Our curriculum


CURRICULUM: Children will study a new topic each term, incorporating many different subjects of the curriculum and enriched with trips and visits.

After school activities will be from 3:15-4:15pm and include a wide range of sports, arts and other activities.

Jubilee Primary School views the partnership with Parents and Carers as a vital key to learning and progress. We encourage active participation in the life of the school in a variety of ways:

• parental workshops and skill sessions (as mentioned previously)

• reading/literacy assistance in the classroom

• encouraging and supporting their children by attending productions and events

• attending a ‘move up’ information afternoon/evening to become informed about the expectations for the next academic year and meet the teaching staff

• attending Parent-Teacher consultation evenings to discuss their child’s progress and next steps

• being part of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) to organise and run fundraising and social functions for the school

• volunteering to be elected as parent governor for the school

Parental Involvement


Applications for places at Jubilee Primary School for the September 2014

intake will be received from November 2013.

The children due to be admitted during academic year 2014/15 will be

those born between 1 September 2009 and 31 August 2010.

Application forms will be available from the school upon request by telephoning 01622 808873 or by email at You can also apply directly through our school‘s website at

For September 2014 entrants only, Jubilee Primary

School will be administering its own admission

arrangements and will not be participating

in Kent County Council’s (KCC) coordinated

admission arrangements. Consequently,

parents and carers are:

A Asked to apply direct to Jubilee Primary

School for a place; and

B Advised to apply to KCC in parallel

expressing preferences for other schools

in the locality.


What do I do next?


Parents will need to complete a Reception Common Application Form

(RCAF) which will be available from the school or online at https://ola. The RCAF is to be completed and

returned either to KCC or to the school by no later than the published

closing date.

Parents/carers may therefore hold two offers of school places - one from

Jubilee Primary School and one from KCC. In the unlikely event that

Jubilee Primary School is unable to open in September 2014, parents will

still have a school place for their child via KCC.


For a KCC application








T: 01622 808873 E:

Jubilee Primary School, Registered in England, No. 082211258. A company limited by guarantee.

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