prophets. a prophet is a person who spoke for god and who communicated god’s message courageously...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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A prophet is a person who spoke for God and who communicated God’s message courageously to God’s chosen people.

Characteristics of a Prophet

1. Prophets are people who speak on God’s behalf.

Receive their call directly from God, their authority came from God alone and speak with authority of the Holy Spirit

By experience, hear, receive and speak God’s words and plans

They did not have any special qualifications and appeared from all walks of life (rich, poor, unruly, etc…)

2. Prophets are called critics who see injustice and suffering in the world and are deeply moved

Speak of a new plan and challenge people in power

They are unaffected by human biases and criticism

They became quite dramatic and acted out their message thus making themselves a spectacle

3. Always defend the poor and voiceless persons in society

They become the voice of

the voicelessness

4. Obey only God and are not influenced by power, personal glory or possessions.

Some prophets were called for a lifetime, while others spoke briefly and no more.

5. Prophets posses courage and conviction in speaking out against oppressive situation.

Ensured they did not intimidate others nor sound threatening.

6. Prophets have visions and are the conscience of the community

Prophet receives the message via –dream, Angel, or a vision.

7. Prophets are always persecuted and are mocked as being out of touch with reality

Their success comes after their death.

The importance of Biblical prophets for us today is that they address problems concerning the fidelity of Israel to the covenant, which are still prevalent today.

They still speak to us in the same manner they spoke to the people of that time (the Bible lives; God’s message to us has not changed)

They interpreted the history of the Jewish people, which carries a religious message that God wants us to hear.

It is often a critique of what is wrong with our present life, how we have taken a selfish road of our own will and desires, rather than the one God wants for us.

Prophecy calls us to make a decision for the future, to change our life – conversion

However it is important to note that many scholars deny that prophecy includes the prediction of future events – but the fulfillment was in fact the test of a prophets genuineness

Themes of Prophecies

1. Warning against idolatry (The Holiness and greatness of God)

Constant temptations for the Israelite people was idolatry, the worship of false gods – especially when false gods promised some kind of material benefit

Prophets were appalled at this behaviour and continuously stressed the greatness and uniqueness of God.

2. Warnings to Act Justly and to treat the poor fairly

Under kings David and Solomon, Israel became rich and powerful – when Israel divided the attitude of the people carried over

Prophets message dealt with the injustices that seem to be infectious in an affluent society

Ex. Evils found within the development of a government bureaucracy; uneven land distribution; enslavement of people (which are still found today)

The possibility of money and power makes us disregard the human rights of others – these evils fly directly in the face of the covenant (we are not slaves, but free people; there is no preference with God)

Prophets call for repentance and a return to the true ideals of the covenant

3. Attempts to deep the understanding of God’s love and mercy

The prophets constantly call on the people to have trust in God as He will look after them as promised and God is always faithful to His promises

The prophets call for a return to steadfast love and kindness, trust and fidelity

God is revealed as freely giving a total love and fidelity out of complete goodness, graciousness and generosity, not out of obligation

“To do Justice” – a plea not only to act justly with sincerity and integrity in our own lives, but also to eradicate injustice in all its forms, which injures those who are poor and powerless.

“To love kindness” – to reach out to others to spend ourselves in the service of others to do our faith. “To love kindness” – to reach out to others to spend ourselves in the service of others to do our faith.

“To walk humbly with your God” – to recognize God, who is always with us, to accept in our hearts that this God loves us, to trust our God and to live humbly in this faith and trust.

4. Promise for hope for the Future (Messianism)

Messiah means anointed one – coming of the Messiah was a deep and constant theme for the prophets

Jesus is the promised Messiah of God (important aspect of our faith)

The hope for a Messiah was to deliver the people from the misery of colonial and pagan exploitation

History of Israel seen as a kingdom – around King David as he made it a great nation

The Israelites understood that it was the work of God, but as a result of the king. Therefore, the king was seen as God’s instrument for fulfilling his promises to make Israel a great nation.

However, out of this experience of kingship arouse the notion of a messianic kingdom ~ a kingdom that God would use to accomplish his promises.

Peace and prosperity would be achieved; God’s laws would be followed and respected; the covenant would be faithfully kept; all hatred would disappear; and all living things would live in harmony.

The kingdom of David became divided and eventually destroyed – thus doubt in David grew and a result the notion that a new king would come from the line of David and would be filled with power of God and would bring fulfillment of God’s promises.

The structure of a

call story

1. Confrontation with God (Begins with an encounter with God…each is different)

2. Introductory Speech (God speaks first and makes a self-announcement and an assurance ~ a promise of God with you)

3. Imparting on a Mission (prominent phrase….I send you)

4. Objection by the prophet-to-be (struggle to get out of their calling as the prophets are aware that their mission will set them apart from the people)

5. Reassurance by God (God reassures the prophets as they receive their mission ~ the prophet’s words are taken over by the Lord’s word.

6. The sign (Not always clear; however it is there – even through devastation)

What is your


Therefore, like Moses and all the prophets, you also have a vocation, and your vocation identifies who you are. Your vocation touches you at the point where you are most yourself.

For example, perhaps you can think of a teacher who is a teacher to the bone. For this person, teaching is not just a means of bringing home a pay-cheque, it is a vocation. This person’s identity is expressed through teaching.

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