prophecy journal ii by ben brown

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Prophecy concerning revival in America and reformation in the Church


Prophecy Journal II

by Ben Brown

Prophecy Journal II

January 10, 2008

For some time, I have been receiving fleeting images of things that are not pleasant to see or know, but not always with any understanding of what they mean. All these things follow up on the last word I received in 2007, and do not bode well for the church or us from now on, for they keep getting stronger and more intense of things to come. While I was given the word "2008, year of judgment," I have no further understanding of all that that means for the church and this nation in the days to come. Whether what am being given is time specific (i.e. for 2008) or for things that will begin in this year and progress over time, I do not know — only God knows.

While we were in prayer on Tuesday night, it became clear to me, that what I am receiving is to be written down in this new journal. I am seeing that the time is near when the Lord will call us to appear before His judgment seat and make an accounting of ourselves — both within the church universal, and in our personal lives. The days of taking His bountiful blessings and gifts for granted and expecting to continue to coast along on these past blessings and spirits is closing down, and we will be expected to turn our backs on the past and follow Him on this new and unexplored path, or find ourselves cast into the outer darkness far from Him and His kingdom.

This new path, we are required to travel on, bears no resemblance to the old familiar and comfortable one we have known in the church, but is much narrower in what we can do within His church, more unpredictable to our flesh and obsession to be in control, and has no guarantees for us other than being in His presence. We do not know where it leads, nor can we comprehend — try to project in our own intelligence and logic — where He wants us to be, for we are being required to surrender everything we have known in the church and our personal expectations to follow Him without reservation. We are being required to give up control over everything we have expected in the church in the past and allow the past to be buried along the wayside so that we can receive His "New Thing" for us and all that He wants to give us to prepare us in these last days.

The church, as an institution we have always known, is to die so that the Lord can do His "New Thing" without impediment or obstruction of all those things that have crept into His church over the centuries that are — in reality — of our own making. They are things we have introduced into the church to take away — or try in our feeble human way to diminish — from Almighty God His dominion and authority over His church. He is now returning to take back what is His, and we — the caretakers — have an accounting to do to Him for what we have done to His church and His flock. How will we measure up?

In the days ahead, there will be no bed of roses for us or anyone who follows Him. All we have to look forward to is trial, tribulation, and death to ourselves. If we refuse His call upon us and His "New Thing" for His church and insist upon clinging on to our old familiar spirits we have always known in the church, then there will be a price to pay for our rebellion to the Great I AM. By the consequences of our actions, we will find ourselves being removed from His presence, and we will still see the wholesale dis-integration of the prized institutions we have worshiped for so long, for He


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will not tolerate us placing other gods before Him any longer. Either we embrace the Lord's "New Thing" and follow Him, or we will become stagnant unto death in our spiritual walks until we can no longer discern His one and true spirit from the many and lying spirits of the age. We will find ourselves wandering farther and farther from Him and His truth to justify our old institutions and way of doing "church," and the tragedy is that by focusing upon ourselves and our wants instead of Him and His desires for us we will never know the difference.

The end of days is near, and He is returning to us and His church — whether we want Him or not. Are we willing to hail Him as King Triumphant and Victorious in His own church — His "New Thing" — or will we remain entrenched in our fleshly and ungodly ways of doing church and continue to try to keep Him out? He is returning regardless of our desires.

At His Second Coming, will we run to Him praising Him and embracing all that He has for us, or will we run from Him cursing the darkness of our own making and Him?

January 22, 2008

We see through a Mirror Dimly

For a long time the Lord has consistently given me the word that He was going to do a "New Thing" in His church, and we are to abide in Him, until He begins to reveal it. We have abided and gone where He has sent us with His new message to those who are open to hear and receive His word without much understanding of what is to happen or less of what His "New Thing" is to be.

Tonight I realized that the Lord is doing His "New Thing" among us — or at least the beginning of it — for the scriptural teachings Bishop Sykes gave to us this week and last week are opening up the word of God on a new and higher plane of spiritual understanding far beyond any I have experienced before. These new revelations are breathing new life into the word of God for us. For the first time I realized that what I had been taught in the past is, at best, a shallow interpretation that barely scratches the surface of what the Lord wants to tell us. We all realized that the Holy Spirit is opening us to not only hear and read the word of God as we have always done, but He is now breathing new life into it for us and shining a new light upon it. Our understanding of the word of God is coming directly from Him and His Holy Spirit — even more than ever — and not from ourselves any longer.

As we discussed this new revelation among us with a renewed excitement, I began to receive an image of a thick fog all around us, and we could see through it with difficulty. At moments we could make out an object — or part of one — and try to make determinations as to what it is with some visual knowledge and a lot of speculation on our parts. Based upon our past knowledge and experience we could be quite accurate or far from the truth, but we could not tell if we were correct as long as the fog lasted. Not until the sun rose high in the morning sky and the temperature rose did the fog lift so


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that we can see far and wide all that is around us. Finally, we could see what was, at best, a speculation on our part in the fog.

With this new revelation from the Lord about His holy word, I realized that the Son is rising above us and He is dispelling the fog in our hearts and minds that have kept His Holy Word partially locked up and distant from us. I now understand that most of our past interpretation of scripture has been based upon a limited and incomplete knowledge of what the Lord is saying to us that we have based upon our even more limited understanding of things eternal. Therefore, most of our interpretations have been largely fleshly based and not necessarily spiritually based according to the Holy Spirit speaking to us — at least according to what I understand now.

In the past, even with experience in reading and studying the Word of God we — with our education and teaching — were able to interpret its meaning. Most of the scriptures are self-explanatory and clear to preach and teach upon to the faithful. However, there are always some words and portions that seem to be out of place or, at best, puzzling to our intellects and limited human understanding, and they need further revelation. Most times, these portions were overlooked or explained away using our intellectual arguments as unimportant. However, as the Lord reveals a new level of understanding of His word to us in His "New Thing" it is now clear that all the words in the scripture have purpose and meaning to the Great I AM.

My new understanding gave me a solid understanding of what St. Paul says in First Corinthians 13:12,"for now we see through a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood." With this new revelation this is how I felt about understanding the word of God, and a whole new world of understanding is being opened up to me.

A passage in the Book of Revelation 22:19 came to mind that needs to be re-iterated here: "I warn every one who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if any one adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if any one takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book." I know that the Lord gave this to me, not to be read only as a warning about the Book of Revelation, but for all His Holy Word. It is a warning to those who want to extract portions of scripture out of context to push their agendas and arguments. We are to embrace the full measure of God's word as written and take heed of the full and complete message to us as He speaks to us.

We have known for some time that the Lord is revealing the hearts of all men — whether good or bad — and that this new revelation on the word of God would not be received by men unless they are desperate for the presence of the Great I AM among them and are willing to die to self and surrender all to Him. Those who choose to continue along the same path they have always known and only expect, or are willing to receive, from the Lord only what they want to hear, cannot begin to comprehend the Lord's "New Thing" among us, and they will still see and hear only the superficial things in the Lord's word and not His deeper spiritual message to us all. Their hardened hearts will expose their shallowness and lack of understanding, for they are not willing to let go of


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their sacred cows or spiritual booths they have finely constructed to keep the church focused upon themselves and not the Great I AM.

In these last days, those who are desperate for more of the Lord and less of "church as usual" will find themselves not only hearing from the Lord, but being given a deeper understanding of what He wants to say to us all. All that we surrender to Him will come back in powerful and more complete revelations for the faithful remnant. We will find ourselves being used by the Lord in new and incomprehensible ways that we have never experienced before — if we stay the course and not allow ourselves to be distracted and tempted by the fleshly and demonic storms around us that try to tempt us into wandering down one of the many offshoots away from the straight and narrow road He has placed us upon.

February 12, 2008

Evenly Yoked

The Lord gave me an image tonight as we gathered in prayer. I saw a pair of the proverbial "dumb oxen" pulling a plain unpretentious work cart, and they were wearing the traditional rigid and unmovable wooden yoke. They were slow but methodical and reliable beasts of burden who did what was commanded of them to do. They did not think; they just did as their master ordered them to do. Each ox was harnessed in and they bore their burden with ease. The lead ox would move one way, and his team mate moved the same way at the same pace. The second ox was ever attuned to each subtle action and move of his yoke mate, and was waiting for the next command without complaint. They were a perfect team working in harmony everywhere they went at the command of their master.

The Lord then gave me the image of a pair of horses that were powerful, swift, and spirited in their actions. They were proud animals who have been given a place of importance in the hierarchy of domestic animals and could be pampered and given special privileges over the other animals, for they gave man a position of importance over their peers because of their majestic appearance, speed, and agility. When they were harnessed together, it was with flexible leather harnesses that still required them to work as a team. But the harness still gave each of them some latitude to move as long as they reached their destination. However, in a crisis, if the horses are spooked and panic, they can be out of control and not work as a team but at cross purposes and be the cause of destruction and death.

The Lord amplified this image and revealed to me that this is the way His children respond to Him. We think of ourselves as the leaders in His church and know what He wants in His church without ever asking Him. We are like brash and spirited race horses who think too highly of ourselves to be expected to do the work of beasts of burden. We will tolerate — give lip service to — the horse harness that still gives us some latitude to move and react, but we rebel at any rigid authority being placed over us. If we want to be in charge and control the circumstance around us — especially His


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church — then we will be out of sync with His every move and create confusion and dis-harmony in His body. Our self-centered actions will cause the destruction of His cherished church, and the death of many in His flock.

The days of "being in charge" in His church are over, and He is coming back to yoke His beasts of burden to do His will. He does not want fine horses of any breed or type that can be unpredictable and rebellious and always want to second guess Him. Instead He wants His "dumb oxen" who do not consider themselves to be important in this world, and who are ready and willing to await His every call and word for them without impatience, pride, and rebellion — who only want to abide in Him.

March 16, 2008,

The Great Shaking

The Lord reminded me an image He had given to me before, only, this time, He presented it in a different manner. I saw God standing before me towering above the earth, and He is wearing a great and majestic coat of office that reaches to the ground. From a distance the coat looks to be made of rich fluffy fur. But, when one moves closer one realizes that it is not fur but looks more like finely woven thick tassels. Again, upon moving close enough to God to see the fine details of His coat, one can see that it is not woven tassels covering the body of the coat but millions upon millions of little churches of every size, denomination and theological fine point one can find in the churches. Each one is clinging onto the Lord's great coat with one hand. As long as the Lord stands there in peace, each of the churches can easily hold onto Him with one hand and still continue to hold onto other things that they hold even more near and dear to themselves — such as their theological differences, denominational identity, church property and possessions, congregations, prosperity, and personal ministries and programs that have made them successes in the eyes of the world.

However, the day comes when God is activated to move and act in His churches, and He proceeds to jump, shake, jerk, and flail His arms and legs in every direction as if fighting a great battle. All this moving and shaking causes the individual churches to also shake violently. The churches attached to Him shake so much that they can barely hold onto the Lord. As He increases His shaking many of the churches fall off into oblivion never to be seen again. Those that have let go of the Lord do not fall to the ground, but, instead, they float away without any weight for they have no substance in them other than air — they have no solid foundation, and does not matter how rich, large, or powerful any of these churches appear to be when attached to the Lord's Great Coat. It seems as if the shaking and jumping go on for an interminable amount of time, and when the Lord finally stops, very few of the churches are still attached to God's Great coat.

It turns out that those who survived the great shaking are those churches who are willing to let go of everything else they hold in their free hand that they have considered near and dear to them. For the


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only way they can continue to hold tight to the Lord's coat is to let go of anything that conflicts with the Lord and His Holy Word and steadfastly hold on with both hands to Him at the expense of everything else.

March 16, 2008

The Curse of the Cult of Men

The Lord gave me another word during the service today. He told me:

"Beware the Curse of the Cult of Men."

I understand this to mean the reliance all too many churches and denominations have placed upon the pastor or priest or leading lay people — great preachers, teachers, prophets, and gifted praise leaders — in the respective churches who exert great power and authority over individual churches and denominations. In the past, great men of God have held sway over the actions and direction of churches and congregations, and many began as Godly men anointed and led by the Holy Spirit. But, over time, many of these men, who began under God's authority (or the generations that came after them and now claim their spiritual inheritance), lost sight of the holy vision and instead have created personal empires in the church and have tended to lose focus on His message and begin to preach their own counter gospel. Even without realizing it, their focus has been changed (it only ever slightly at first) from the Great I AM to themselves and their spiritual gifts — as if they now claim ownership of them.

In the long run, these men and their churches rely not upon the Great I AM as their foundation, but now turn to the world to sustain them and their ministries. The same thing happens to their flocks who follow and worship these "new messiahs" instead of the Great I AM — men and women who tickle our ears and tell us what we want to hear. The life-saving gospel message of repentance and confession of sin before God has been replaced with the prosperity gospel — God wants to shower blessings (worldly) upon you if you give to this special ministry — and the generic "everybody will go to heaven regardless of life style or actions." There are no longer any Godly absolutes, but situational ethics and relativism — "I'm O.K. you're O.K."

By ever so twisting the absolute message of the Great I AM to suit our selfish interests, we have wandered far from Him and instead have become apostles of the Prince of this World who teaches a different message. There is no need to repent of sins for the Word of God is only relative and obviously does not have the modern world's enlightened intellectual understanding. Man is the center of the universe and man can do anything he wants to for he is in control.

Most churches, especially in this nation, fall into this mind-set to some degree. Most are not this obvious in their rebellion against God's word, but there are those that are this extreme. Regardless of


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the degree a church preaches this false message, they have changed His word enough to be preaching their own gospel and not His. As long as we set our denominations, and personal theologies over and above all of His Holy Word and proceed to re-interpret His words to suit our agendas, we are all guilty of blasphemy against Him — whether it be the smallest country church or the greatest urban mega-church. We are called to follow Him only and not any man as our rock and foundation.

What the church has done is to replace the Great I AM as our Lord and savior and the only way to salvation with new gods of our own making. Take heed and beware churches. He is a jealous God who wants all our worship to be centered on Him and Him only and not on any one man, denomination, theology, or church. He will not share His glory with anyone who considers themselves His equal.

March 27, 2008

The Last Battle

As we gathered tonight to begin the Re-Eagle Conference, I began to focus upon the words the Lord has given to me over the past several days. At first, I thought He was just reminding me of an earlier image He had given me some time ago. But, as I let Him continue to speak to me of this image, I realized that — even thought the primary components of the image were the same as previously given to me — He was speaking to me in a different way and with a deeper understanding of the earlier image He had given me under the title "The Great Shaking." This time the image has an even more ominous tone for us.

Again, I saw God, the Great I AM, standing (towering) above and all around me. However, instead of the great formal coat of state I saw Him wearing earlier, covered with all the churches as if they were tassels, I now saw Him dressed in shiny armor prepared for battle. His body was covered with a garment covered in millions of metallic shiny plates or scales that covered Him from head to toe — His protection in the upcoming battle. Each plate was one of His churches much like the earlier image of the tasseled great coat. Each plate was attached to the heavy fabric backing of the garment, and the plates were laid down much like the shingles on a roof, each one supporting and partially overlapping the other ones giving the coat of armor maximum strength and protection. This method of laying the metal scales down prevents the easy penetration of arrows, spears, or swords through the armor and give the wearer maximum protection to deflect the enemies attacks. It also gives the wearer greater flexibility to move about in any direction and respond to every need and emergency in the heat of battle.

Again, each church that made up the plates was holding onto the fabric of the Lord's protective coat. And, again, they each held in their free hand other things of value and importance to them above and beyond their relationship with the Great I AM. As long as the Lord stood there at attention on the ramparts ever vigilant and watching for the enemy, there was no concern for the churches. They


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were to be His armor when the Great Battle was to come.

But, the day came when the last trumpet was sounded and the battle cry was given, and the Great I AM was prepared to do battle with His churches as His armor. However, the strenuous actions required of the Lord in the battle to attack the enemy and defend the faith caused great stress to the fabric of the armor and especially to the plates attached to it, and in the violence that is war many of the plates fell off or were quickly knocked off in the attack and were of no value to the Lord at this time of great peril and danger when He needed them.

When the plates fell off, they left dangerous gaps in the armor giving the enemy easy targets to cause great damage to the Lord and His church in this virtually defenseless position. Again, those churches that chose to stubbornly hold onto their personal agendas and possessions and refused to drop everything and securely hold onto the Great I AM, only, at this time of severe trial caused them to fall away from the Lord and become a major encumbrance to Him when He needed them the most. Only those few remnant churches who held steadfast to the Lord remained with Him to carry on the fight to provide protection for Him.

This deeper image that He gave me showed me how many of the churches have failed the Lord in the pursuit of their own wants and desires at the expense and sacrifice of the church universal. If we in the church continue to turn our backs on the Lord and insist on doing our own thing for personal gain and selfish motivation, we shall surely perish in the Last Battle by our own devices and will suffer the consequences of our actions and rebellion against Him. On that terrible day, will there be anyone left with faith?

March 27, 2008

God's New Thing

Since 2002, the Lord has consistently been telling me that He was going to do a "New Thing" in His church that would not resemble anything seen in the church before. This is to be His Revival — the ultimate Revival unlike any seen in the church before — and to this day He has continually given me these same words as His promise to the church.

For the same amount of time, the worldly church has usurped the Lord's words as their own and declare their rebellious actions and heresies their "new thing." They say "the spirit is doing a new thing." But everything they proclaim as good and holy and claim it as God's doing in the new "progressive" church includes everything that is anathema to the word of God. We know that the enemy (the Prince of this World and his minions) continually uses godly language and words — at least a select limited number of them — in their deceptions to lead the flocks astray with an ever so slightly twisted meaning to His words. These are counterfeit words that are easily and readily accepted by those who do not know the Word of God or are not willing to look carefully at what is


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really being said — those who have no spiritual discernment to distinguish between God's Holy Spirit at work and the lying words of demonic spirits.

I do not question their statement that "the spirit is doing a new thing." However, which spirit do they bow to? It is certainly not the Holy Spirit in the trinity, but a false demonic spirit that tickles their ears with what they want to hear.

God has said that He is going to do a "New Thing" in His church, and we must anticipate His every move to receive it. To do so means we must relinquish control of His church to Him only and get our flesh and preconceived ideas of how to run a church out of His way. Contrary to what the worldly in the church today call a "new thing," I know that whatever God will do will not contradict His written word to us. He is continually faithful to His Word and the promises He made to us in His Words.

His "New Thing" will not be new to Him but will be to us who have — at the very least — a limited human understanding of the workings of God and His trinitarian nature. Our worldly limitations make us want to codify and box God into a mold of our own making to give us comfort in trying to understand things eternal — always within our twisted and fallible human abilities.

He will do His "New Thing" when the time comes, and we can do nothing but be ever vigilant and anticipate His every move so that we do not miss Him when He returns. It has nothing to do with our intellect and human understanding. Nor does it have anything to do with our assumptions and expectations of the churches or denominations that we are comfortable and familiar with in our daily lives. To recognize and embrace His Revival requires an act of faith on the part of the faithful remnant awaiting His return to us to step out of the box of denominational thinking we want to place God into.

April 2, 2008

The Final Revival

I thought the the Lord was giving me powerful images before that relate to His Revival. However, all that I had received before now was only a warning and a precursor of things to come. During the night, the Lord was giving me a new revelation about His Great Revival and what it will entail. Now, He began to flesh in some of the details of it to me that He has not given to me before. Most of what He was telling me was given as the contrast between what we as humans expect from the church and our relationship with the Great I AM (as filtered through too many human filters) and what He as the Great I AM will do in His Revival — the two have virtually nothing in common. He spoke to me in what seems to be contradictions:

"The time is short. My Revival is coming, and there will not be any stopping Me. I am


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returning to My people in full measure and with all My glory and not in a limited and partial revelation of Myself to you as you have expected in the past, for you could not accept and were not willing to take all of Me and My promise to you."

"This time I come not as a casual visitor to receive your hospitality under your authority and bring some limited blessings upon your house as I have done in the past. This time I come, not as a visitor but as the master of the house — return in full glory — to set up permanent house keeping with My people and take back My own house from those who have defiled it. I come to dispense blessings and judgment upon My beloved who welcome My return. Can you take Me? Will you be ready for Me?"

"My Revival is not a time to carry on the partying and self absorption you have become accustomed to do in your churches. My Revival is not your human oriented emotional event that you plan without every asking Me into your presence. My Revival is not your 'business as usual' approach to create tingles and an emotional high in your denominational flocks that you schedule expecting Me to come and respond to your personal beck and call. My Revival is not to boost your churches size or position. Your pep rallies that you claim are for Me discuss Me, for you have forgotten Me and no longer realize it."

"My Revival is for keeps and requires all in the church — those in spiritual offices in the church such as apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors; and those in official capacities in the church such as pastors, priests, bishops, worship leaders and other lay leaders — to submit to Me and come into My presence. I AM no respecter of persons and welcome all — regardless of position or station — into My presence to enter into worship and praise without worldly expectations or limitations."

"It is a time to get serious with Me and fall on your faces in conviction of your sins. It is a time of gnashing of teeth and much wailing. It is a time to see, confess, and repent of your sins to prepare yourselves to be in My presence, or you will surely die. It is a time to recognize that all mankind has sinned before Me and needs to feel the conviction I bring upon them to draw them close to Me — woe is me I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips."

"Rejoice, for I AM the God of mercy and love as you have been told from time immemorial who wants to bundle you up as My beloved children into the folds of My garment to hold you close to Me and be your protector. But, I also bring the light of truth to shine upon everyone and everything, and therefore judgment is also an inseparable part of Me. This is not the time to be worldly minded when My eternity is staring you in the face. Will you be found wanting by Me when I call in your accounts?"

"If you have any flesh or willful sin in you, you will find yourself consumed in the ensuing refiners fire and become nothing more than a pile of ashes that will be blown from hither and yon to oblivion, for I will have nothing to do with you. Now is the time to surrender all of you — body, mind, and spirit —to Me so that I may purify you and make you whole and righteous before Me. You must be willing to trust Me to save you. You cannot do anything in your own intellect, will or flesh to prepare yourselves before Me."


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"A broken and contrite heart I will not despise. Let Me into My church again so that you may be saved. Do not turn your back on Me again when I have the promise of eternal salvation for you. Let Me be your shield and buckler. Put no trust in institutions of man — either in the world or the church as it now stands — that say they speak for Me, for I do not hear them."

"Those who want to bask in the limelight in My church to the exclusion of Me from the church already have their reward and will find themselves cast into the outer darkness by their willful and selfish motivations and actions. Whatever gifts I have bestowed on them in the past — even if they were used at one time in powerful ways on My behalf — will now find themselves rejected by Me for their dis-obedience to the spirit of My full Word to bring all My people to salvation in Me. Your days of twisting My words and gifts to promote yourselves and lead My flocks astray down the path of false idols of your own making are at an end, and there will be an accounting."

"In My Revival, I will bring back My church without spot of wrinkle as I want it to be. Will you come with Me, or will you choose to follow your own devices away from Me?"

April 6, 2008

Jewel of Great Price

During the service today and the sermon, I received the image of a magnificent prized jewel of great size. It was unique and the only one like it. It was gigantic towering high above us — as big as a mountain and just as immovable and eternal in date — with a distinctive sparkling color that was impossible to describe. It was covered with many perfect facets with each facet of the same size and shape and highly polished. The jewel was the same from every angle regardless of from where you examined it . It shone like the rising sun and its miraculous purity drew all to it for its beauty. It was impossible to miss and was easily accessible from every direction.

If you asked people to describe and give its color, you would find that no two could agree on its color with every color under the rainbow declared as the absolute color of the jewel. No one could identify what type of stone it was — some said diamond, others said ruby, while others said emerald or sapphire. All answers were correct and all answers were wrong, but it did not matter for the brilliance of the stone attracted all to it regardless of what it was.

From inside of the stone a mysterious light emanated that shone upon all who looked upon it, and the light gave comfort and peace to all in its presence. Those who were near it were satisfied to be in the presence of the stone, and while there they received a peace and sense of blessing within their soul without question. They were satisfied to stand from afar to gaze upon the stone to see all of its beauty and properties for that was the best vantage point to see all of it. The precious stone was accessible to all without question. All they had to do was come.


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There were others whose curiosity overcame them, and they (scientists, geologists, chemists, gemologists, and all other academics of every type of credential) were determined to find out what it was and analyze it like any object in the universe — even though there was no comparable stone like it in the universe. But, they considered themselves the experts and they had to have an answer that they could rationalize in their intellect and flesh. They cordoned off the great jewel from the peering eyes of the unknowing public and erected a huge scaffold around the jewel to better access part of it for their study. They then set up special cameras to photograph it and brought other technical equipment to record their data about it. With these preparations, they carefully measured, weighed, and tested it with their complicated and expensive equipment and machines in place. For it was too heavy and impossible to move from its sight. They checked its density, crystalline character, and chemical composition. They tried to chip off a piece of it, scrape off a surface sample, and even to drill into it for a core sample to test, but to no avail. It proved to be the hardest material any of them had seen, and there was nothing made by man that could even create a minor surface scratch on it — not even to dull its highly polished and shiny surface. Then, these experts gathered together with the leading distinguished scientific and intellectual colleagues to catalog and classify it according to their worldly knowledge, and present their theories about it.

They were so consumed in keeping the rare stone to themselves and breaking its code to their satisfaction, that they forgot its unique character and qualities. However, none of them could agree as to what it was or what made up its parts. In their numerous disagreements about its character, quality, color and type, each group of specialists focused upon and examined single facets — those that appealed to them according to their liking — to come up with answers about the unique stone that fit their mindsets and preconceived arguments. However, each separate group of specialists would come up with different and contradicting answers to the same questions according to which facet they each studied — a facet to their liking.

When they all came together, there were major arguments and disagreements that led to serious divisions and divided camps of answers according to that camps self-serving answers. There was the diamond camp, the ruby camp, the sapphire camp, and emerald camp, the outer space camp, and so on ad nauseum. They squabbled among themselves so much, that none of the people wanted to have anything to do with any of them or their beliefs. All the people wanted was to be near the jewel and admire it for what it was. But the experts declared the precious stone off limits to common people. In their wisdom they decided that it may be harmful to people and everyone needed to be quarantined from its presence — just in case it was dangerous.

The Lord let me know this is how His church has separated Him from His people and have created this gigantic wall between Him and us — a wall of our own making. It is a wall of divisions, denominations, and theological knit picking that has made the church devoid of God's presence and power among His people. It has made the church a tool of man and his corrupt flesh and a burden to His people. The church we see today in the world has chosen to betray God. Instead, they choose to


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serve the Prince of this world and lead His helpless and wandering flocks into the slaughter house instead of the Kingdom of God. We preach self and death and not life and salvation. We have forgotten that the Great I AM is multifaceted and beyond our human understanding whose character and makeup cannot be analyzed, classified, or boxed in according to our faulty human abilities. He is the unique precious jewel, and we must take in all of Him and not just a particular facet to our liking. All He want is for His people to come near, worship Him in love and unity, and receive His blessings.

April 8, 2008

Familiar Spirits

Tonight I was reminded of how easily we can fall back into old familiar patterns in our faith walks and how destructive to the Lord's work they are. One primary characteristic the Lord has been revealing to me that I need to constantly recognize in me (and in all Christians) is our desire for comfortable things around us — our spiritual comfort foods. We choose a particular denomination as a way to express our worship of the Lord that appeals to us. In doing so, we also choose to exclude any other way to worship the Lord as expressed by other Christians that is just a equally acceptable to the Lord — whether we like it or not.

In these last days, the Lord has been consistently commanding us to shed our denominational ways and come together as one body to give Him, and Him only, our worship and praise — as long as it is from our hearts and brings spiritual harmony to His body. He is shaking all the churches these days without exception, and any church that stubbornly chooses to hold onto their ways of doing church as a way of separating themselves from the whole body excludes themselves from being part of His whole body and will find themselves outside of His covering and protection — with severe consequences.

Alas, we are so entrenched in our denominational ways of thinking and acting that we do it instinctively and automatically not even recognizing when we fall back into it, for we want to be in the know as to what is happening and want to be in control of the church and worship. Anyone who has a denominational or religious spirit — and all of us have it to some degree — is possessed of a "familiar spirit" that can subtly maneuver us into thoughts and actions contrary to the Great I AM. While doing this, we seriously think we are doing His will and do not recognize that we are moving out of His will for us.

Familiar Spirits feed our impatient desire to be the center of attention in the church, and they entice us into thinking our fleshly actions (done in the name of the Lord, of course, and done with the best of intentions) will produce tangible results in numbers and power — as if God needs our help. We gage our success according to what the world accepts. We look at the increased numbers brought into our churches by our great worship and fine tuned messages with the resulting increased revenues


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— always done in the name of the Lord. With this added influence, we plan worldly programs — not to glorify and worship the Lord — to puff us up with our peers. We think we have accomplished some great spiritual action by our own actions and, obviously, without the Lord, for He needs our help.

In these last days with the Lord close at hand, the enemy is ratcheting up (big time) it attacks upon the church and our spiritual foundations and leadership in the vain hope of delaying the Lord's return and to entrap as many of the flock as it can into its deceptive webs. However, these attacks can no longer be blatant or overt as they have been in the past. They are becoming very subtle and covert against the saints, and are leading many faithful prayer warriors, intercessors, and leaders into their deadly traps — no matter how God focused, anointed and spiritually gifted they may be in the church.

These demons come disguised as angels of light and saintly followers of the Lord. They come to infiltrate the ranks of the faithful to create confusion, division, and dissension among us. They come as one of us — pastors, apostles, prophets, evangelists, and teachers — with "spiritual gifts" and speaking the right spiritual language that appeals to our familiar spirits and comfort zones we have always known in our churches. They even display "spiritual (or counterfeit) gifts" that look legitimate to the eye of one without the important gift of discernment of spirits, and does not recognize the differences between godly and ungodly spirits in this world.

They come to bring low those called by the Lord to lead His Great Revival and to derail His Revival with the same old familiar ways — "familiar spirits" — we have done church in the past. They come with numerous good works and mighty programs to appeal to our desire to be in control and show success in "our ministries." However, the more we become entrapped in these good things in the church, the more the Lord's return is delayed and His revival is put on hold. The more we become diverted from His whole purpose to instead pursue these diversions, fewer people are seriously brought to the Lord that only His Revival can accomplished. The enemy knows our weaknesses and the things that will cause us to stumble, and he will use all of them against us without hesitation. It will take no prisoners in this last battle.

We are called to follow the Lord, only, at this time and not our old ways of doing church. We are called to abide in Him and await His next word to us as to when to act and what to do. We are called to be His facilitators for His Great Revival, only, and not to be led astray into other "good works" and mighty programs being instigated by many churches that come along the way and have no meaning to Him anymore. The old comfortable "familiar spirits" we have lived with for so long must be extinguished by us, so that we can follow Him where ever He leads us without exception. That is the only thing that matters to Him anymore.

Without His Great Revival, there is no hope for the churches or nation anymore. Let us keep our eyes on Him only and not ourselves.


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April 12, 2008

Booth Builders

I received an image from the Lord today, that became clearer and clearer to me as Bo and I talked. I saw a series of foothills surrounding a huge and very tall mountain. These foothills are increasingly taller and taller until one reaches the base of the great mountain. These foothills are easily climbable by men. Even the highest of them is not inaccessible to men climbing on it.

The foothills all have one common denominator. As you travel over each foothill, there is a booth, or in some cases, many booths, built on the peak of the hill constructed in stone and other permanent materials of varying qualities and magnificence of design. The lower hills have smaller booths of simple detail, and the taller hills have booths of greater detail and size. As you come closer to the base of the mountain and the foothills become increasingly higher than the previous one, these booths become increasingly grander and grander. Not only that, but there is seldom more than one booth built on the higher hills — a significant contrast to what one finds on the lower hills with several booths built on them.

However, at the end of the last foothill there was a crevice between them and the great mountain that creates a great divide not as easy to cross by men as are the foothills, but not totally inaccessible to those determined to reach the mountain. Once the base of the mountain starts evidence of man's presence and the booths stop. While each of the foothills has at least a booth built upon it, the great mountain is pristine of any evidence of man setting foot on it, and there are no signs of booths built on it.

The Lord told me that the foothills represent the spiritual walk of His flock and the level to which they have ascended with Him — or at least as far as they are willing to go with Him. When members of His flock achieve a certain spiritual high with Him, they are prone to stop at that spot and celebrate the event — their personal mountain top experience — by building a booth to remind them of what they had experienced. This is where they tend to stop in their walk with Him. Those that were willing to go further with Him achieved a higher spiritual level with Him where they then build their booth — always short of reaching the mountain.

The presence of the Lord in the foothills is determined by their proximity to the base of the Great Mountain and the height of the hill to ascend. Therefore, we have been willing to ascend certain of the foothills according to what we are willing to take of the powerful presence of the Lord. Unfortunately, the overpowering presence of the Lord on the mountain is more than any man is willing to experience. We are not willing to pay the price or make the sacrifice necessary to be in His Holy presence knowing we are required to offer all of ourselves daily to Him at a great personal sacrifice to all they we consider important in us.


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The sad thing to the Lord is that no one (not one of us) is willing to make the sacrifice — whether personal or spiritual — to try to ascend unto the mountain with Him. We are all satisfied to stay where we are spiritually and bask in the glow of our one spiritual high regardless of where that is. None of us want more of the Lord or are willing to sacrifice anything of ourselves to be closer to Him even though the spiritual rewards are far greater than any we have witnessed before.

In these last days, the Lord is calling each of us to forgo our previous spiritual high with Him — no matter how powerful it may have been for us — and be willing to enter into a new, higher, and unfamiliar place with Him to experience all of Him and the blessings He wants to give us. We can only achieve this by being willing to die to ourselves and allow Him to purify us by sending us through the refiners fire.

The days of building booths to our past experiences is over. He no longer will honor our past idolatry we have practiced in His name, but will only receive those willing to focus totally upon Him and not the manifestations of His presence we have experienced before.

May 9, 2008

To Sow — To Sew

Today, Bo and I went over to Cape Henry on the anniversary of the first landing of 1607 to hear what the Lord has to say to us, and He spoke volumes to us. In particular he gave me a phrase to ponder: "To Sow — to Sew." At first it meant very little to me, but as we prayed and the Lord began to go deeper and deeper within us, I began to hear what He wanted to tell me about this.

"I have called all those who follow Me to sow, and I will harvest. But, My people have forgotten what sowing really is. I am calling you to sow My seed and Word so that a harvest of new souls — those who have never known Me and those who have rejected Me because of the abuses done in My church — are brought into My kingdom and can receive My grace and blessings. To be a sower for Me is to die to self daily and allow yourselves to be an open vessel for Me to use as I choose. You must be willing to go through the refiners fire daily and also be willing to go into the fiery furnace for My sake to bring the lost to Me. You must take up your cross and follow Me wherever I lead you, and it will not be an easy thing to do. To do so means you must be willing to set aside your own assumptions of church and Me and be willing to go outside your comfortable walls into the totally unfamiliar and unfriendly regions — the highways and byways — to bring those to Me whom you overlook, who repulse you, and have nothing to offer you. I am calling My followers to seek humility and servant-hood and be more concerned with saving My lost sheep than with their own comfort and lofty theological and denominational mindsets that you use to divide and rent My body asunder to suit yourselves and exclude those whom you reject."

"In the church today, I do not see sacrifice of self and humble servant-hood high on the list of


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priorities of pastors and church leaders no matter what gifts I have bestowed upon you. I am seeing those who call themselves My people be more concerned with the outward and shallow show of church and questionable spiritual things as they run from hither to fro — wherever the uncertain and self-serving winds of this world blow — running after these shallow and meaningless 'signs and wonders' thinking they are Mine, instead of seeking a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Me or My Word. But, I tell you that what you seek after and see are not from Me. You seek after things that tickle your spiritual fancies and what is the newest spiritual fashion — the latest spiritual 'du jour' — but you have forgotten Me and no longer serve Me, but you choose to satisfy your own insatiable appetites at the expense of doing My work."

"Today the leaders in the church use My words to serve their own gain. Now the call to sow given in a church is used to fleece My flock to line the pockets of those who say they serve Me but, in reality, are useless ministers who promote their even more useless programs in the church. They deceive My people into running after signs and wonders and thinking these 'miracles' are a sign of My presence among them. They have forgotten Me and My words to them and do not have the spiritual understanding nor wisdom or discernment of what they are experiencing to be able to recognize the true source of what they see, and you are moving farther and farther from Me. Even when the signs and wonders come in abundance and I show mercy to people who are actually healed, no one is truly saved in My name nor brought into My kingdom. All that these people want are to be entertained and get things — a healing or blessing — for themselves. Once they receive what they want, they leave for the next spiritual 'du jour' at the next popular church. Those who are the leaders in this latest spiritual movement then abandon the flock to go and lead another 'revival' for their own gain."

"They have forgotten that being in My presence requires everyone to take stock of themselves and be willing to be purified and made ready to receive Me, for I Am Holy and cannot abide sin. When I do return it will be a time of gnashing of teeth and much wailing for those who truly seek Me and understand that My Revival is a time to confess sins and repent of your sins so that you may receive My blessing and the true signs and wonders that come to My people who come to be with Me and not to justify their own selfish actions and motives."

"In the these last days, I Am calling My followers — My faithful remnant — who still follow Me and abide in My every Word to not sow anymore for that has become a perversion of My word and is used to divide My flock and separate them from Me. Instead of sowing My life-giving seed to increase My kingdom, the Churches and their leadership have chosen to mix My life-giving seed with the poisonous and deadly tares of the enemy — division, death, greed and other perversions — into My body so that it is unhealthy and broken."

"Instead of sowing division and sickness in My body, I Am calling you to now sew in My name — to bring unity and wholeness to My body. I Am calling you to mend the torn and sick fabric of My body together and to become a healer and unifier instead of a divider of the body and loser of souls."

"My true sowing cannot be done if the body is so divided and torn that you cannot fully hear or


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understand My words to you without filtering Me through your broken filters — thereby causing distortion, mis-understanding, and outright perversion of My Words. Let Me be your sewer to mend and heal you and bring back all My broken and scattered remnants together in harmony with Me and My Word."

"The time is short and all need to come to Me as their provider and nurturer. This is your last chance to come to Me and receive My full blessing. Do not continue to be so distant from Me and keep Me so far from you."

May 27, 2008

The Blood of Jesus

As we gathered to pray tonight, I received an image from the Lord that He constantly amplified for me over the weeks.

I saw the cruel, crude, and coarse cross planted solidly into the uninviting stone mount called Golgotha. This mount was the center of a landscape that stretched for miles in every direction as far as the eye can see. As time passed, since the resurrection and ascension of our Lord, the mount that is Golgotha became enclosed by a ring of towering stone formations that protruded violently out of the surrounding landscape encapsulating and surrounding the mount and cross and preventing easy access to it. These are formidable and uninviting formations of solid stone like a mountain range. Beyond this mountainous barrier and out of sight and reach of the cross is an uninviting landscape composed of barren and sterile ground devoid of any life.

The cross is standing there without our Lord's body hanging from it for His resurrection and ascension had already occurred. But I saw that His blood was still pouring down the sides of the cross onto the hard solid ground around it. What began at first as a few drops of blood became a trickle of blood. This trickle of blood became a flow that then accelerated into a gush of blood. The blood increased in volume and continued to flow ceaselessly and ever abundantly down the cross and began to pour over the hard impervious stone into which the cross was planted, and then began to cover the ground around it. There is so much blood that it created rivulets and channels into the ground — even carving gorges into some of the smaller hard impervious rock masses over which it also flowed. However the blood's flow was not confined to the valleys and crevices in the landscape. The flow is so great that it acted more like a river overflowing its banks into the flood plain running everywhere. It knows no bounds or borders to confine it.

While this was His blood He shed for us at His death, the deep red and ever flowing stream of blood poured down the cross and began to cover the landscape all around it in every direction — both soil and rock. However, once this raging river of blood came upon the chain of towering stone formations that surrounded it, creating a solid barrier between it and the landscape outside of it, the flow of blood slowed to a trickle with few opportunities to pass beyond the stone wall.


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However, the volume of blood continued to grow and increase creating a mighty force against the stone barrier by carving into it, by shear power, crevices and gorges through it that the stone could not prevent. In time, the raging river of blood bore a channel through the stone and began to flow like a torrent over the barren, sterile, and dead soil outside, for the power it exerted cannot be stopped by any barrier no matter how formidable it may seem to our earthly eyes.

Everywhere the blood flowed over the landscape and was able to be soaked into the sand and soil — regardless of the sterile and lifeless nature of it — the blood gave new life to the dead ground and life abounded abundantly. Suddenly, the dead desert of death was being transformed into an inviting oasis and lush garden of life and the living overcame the dead.

The only exceptions to this blessing were with the chain of protruding stone formations that towered in the circle around the cross whose basic density and impenetrable formations made them virtually impervious to the life-giving blood's transformation. Where the blood could not soak in or was rejected the landscape remained formidable, dead, and deadly. The presence of the circle of stone tried to prevent the continuing flow of the life-giving blood to the soil and sand nearby that desperately needed and wanted it. The deadly stone formations are a stumbling block to the spread of the Lord's life-giving blood.

The Lord told me that the barren and sterile soil represents His lost and abandoned flock starved of spiritual nourishment and dying without any hope. The encircling stone formations are the church today who tower above all with a superiority born of vanity and selfishness. These pillars of spiritual authority have tried to keep the life-giving blood contained and away from those who need and want it, for they have declared themselves the arbiters of truth and spirit in the church and will not harbor anyone — not even the Great I AM — from interfering with or obstructing their well laid plans.

They prance around like peacocks strutting around on a stage concerned more with their importance than for the care of His sheep. They promote their theologies as if only they can hear directly from God, and they keep His sheep bound to them and their denominational mindsets so that they can better control the flock and keep God out of the church. They take what is holy and sacred and defile and pervert it for their own selfish gains and call themselves Men of God.

They are more concerned with their titles and position within their many and splintered churches and denominations than in the humility He calls all of us to abide in to be His servants. They constantly divide and splinter the body of the church for their own gain. The church we see today is broken into so many useless pieces that the Great I AM cannot recognize it as being any part of Him.

But not even their diabolical and devious plans will prevent the Great I Am from returning to claim His church and bringing His life-giving blood to those who still call Him Lord and are still desperate to hear His still small voice and follow Him wherever He leads us.


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Those who continue to hold up behind their false religiosity and worldly ways of doing church; of promoting themselves and their personal fleshly theology with their useless denominations; and keeping His flocks bound in darkness and death and far from Him will find that their hardness of heart and impenetrable mindsets of their own making will find themselves being bypassed by His river of blood that flows over the vast and barren landscape bringing life and abundance to all those who follow Him without reservation.

June 19, 2008 (with major amplifications until June 24)

The Three Stranded Robe — Revealed at a Deeper Level

For several years, the Lord had given me the image of the three strands being intertwined together to make His perfect rope of His church. We have always understood that He is calling the three major expressions of the faith — liturgical, evangelical, and pentecostal — to be brought back together in harmony as they had been in the days of the apostles. He wants the divided and splintered parts of His church to be brought back together in harmony with Him. We have traveled from church to church sharing with them the vision the Lord has given us and offering the opportunity to work together to implement His revival as He wants it with very little positive reception from the pastors or churches.

There have been several churches and pastors who have been called to be part of His movement in the church, but, alas, as time passes and the Lord leads us into a deeper and higher relationship with Him those who value their personal ministry, denominations, or control issues in the church have chosen to stay where they were instead of risking all to follow the Lord wherever He leads us. They prefer to settle for what is familiar to them and allows them to do church as they have always done instead of risk coming closer to the Lord and be willing to go through the refiners fire to be further purified by Him.

At first, I made the assumption (in my own flesh) that this image referred to three distinct churches from each of the faith expressions coming together. However, as we went for one church and pastor to another whom we knew the Lord was calling, we found that these churches and their pastors were more concerned with their agendas and not with the great calling from the Lord, and we would find ourselves going elsewhere.

Alas, we have discovered that no church or pastor we have approached is willing to go the whole way with the message the Lord is giving us, and we have been forced to come back to Him for direction as to where to go and what to do. This course correction has occurred before, but each time we discover a deeper understanding from the Lord as to His direction for us.

When we we come together in prayer, we still receive the core message in the vision of the cords making the rope. That is the one consistency in this vision from the Lord. We, in our flesh, have


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made assumptions what that means and how it is to be accomplished. But, as the Lord continues to refine us and we continue to allow Him to stretch and grow us, we understand that our limited human understanding has been getting in the way of His purpose for His Great Revival.We have always understood that there are three different strands to the rope and that there would be other spiritual partners He would send to us to implement the Great Revival.

As time has passed and denominations, pastors, churches, and spiritual leaders have continually refused to believe and hear the message we have been called to give, we are slowly beginning to realize that the Great Revival will not be accomplished by the conventional methods we have been assuming — in one particular denomination, church, or pastor or bishop or any group of them. Instead, He has let us know that we are relying too much on the present form of the church around us and not listening to what He wants us to do in His Name.

The Lord recently gave me a deeper understanding and refinement of the three stranded rope vision that does not negate His original vision to me, but does take it to another plane far from any I had assumed in the past. Instead, He is showing me how He is revising it according to the reaction of the churches and pastors in the region to whom we have talked who seem more interested in their vested interests to preserve their power base in their churches over the call from the Lord.

Recently the Lord sent to us a mighty man of God whose gifts from the Lord mirror those we have, and more importantly, complement our gifts, for he has been receiving the same message from the Lord that has been given to us over the years. Once we gathered in prayer with him, we finally realized the depth of the vision and calling the Lord has given to us, and he is the missing link whom we have been waiting for for so long the Lord has promised us. With his added gifts we recognize that we are to enter into a deeper relationship with the Lord and His call upon the three of us in ministry to implement the Great Revival and the depth of spiritual warfare we will face — far beyond any we have seen so far.

What the Lord is now giving to us is a very different image of the rope that is telling of how the church is rejecting His message. I saw the three strands, but instead of being bold and robust fibrous strands of substance being intertwined together as before, all I see are three single paltry threads without any value or substance. They are really three discarded strands of hair from different individuals that He then winds together, and as He winds them they become stronger than their individual parts. To the eyes of the worlds they are insignificant and unimportant, but to the Great I AM, they are mighty and powerful.

As the three strands continue to surrender themselves to the Great I AM and His refiners fire, they become even more intertwined and like one solid mass even more powerful and stronger than any of their separate parts. This small and insignificant "rope of hair" is then covered by three bold and heavy strands of great substance and strength that encircle it to make a mighty cable as strong as steel and as big as a cable on a suspension bridge. They surround the strands of hair and are its protector, but the hair rope is still the core of the entire configuration before me.


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The Lord then began to speak to me what He is saying:

"For along time, I have been calling My church to receive all of Me and follow Me into My Revival but they refuse. I call the denominations to receive all of Me and follow Me into My Revival and they refuse. I call the pastors and bishops in the churches to receive all of Me and follow Me into My Revival and they steadfastly refuse. I then call the individual churches to receive all of Me and follow Me into My Revival and they also refuse. I even call individuals in My flock — who say they want to follow Me — to receive all of Me and My Revival, and they also refuse. Instead they all prefer to chop Me up into small pieces of their own liking to take what they want from Me and discard the rest of Me as if I AM a piece of meat purchased at a butcher shop. No one in the churches want all of Me and My Revival. When I return, will there be anyone left on earth who believes?"

"Therefore, those who, in their worldly wisdom and intellect, choose to reject Me in any part shall not receive any of My free gift to them. I AM turning My back on all who refuse to receive all of Me and follow Me and enter into My Revival — all those more concerned with their own agendas instead of Me. I will use the foolish things of this world to confound these 'wise ones filled with worldly wisdom,' for I will not be thwarted in My call to those who still follow Me."

"I will bring My Great Revival into being — whether they want Me and it or not — and I will use the least of all these in this world and in My church so that no man, church, or person of exalted position or authority can claim any part of Me or My Great Revival."

"Those few, but faithful remnant, who are despised, ridiculed, ignored and rejected by the powers that be in the many denominations and churches who claim they worship Me will be My new foundation upon which I will build My church. Those who have nothing to call their own — official ministry, leadership positions, or any status in the church —but have a burning desire and desperation to come close to Me and know Me more will I use to implement My Great Revival, for they have no hidden agendas. They understand the cost of discipleship for those who follow Me and have paid the price for Me. They have known pain and loss and will suffer more for Me. The have suffered for My sake by upholding the truth of My word in the face of severe and violent criticism from the officials — pastors, priests, bishops and elders — who claim My mantle of authority but serve their own selfish desires."

"When I do return and bring My Revival as a gift to My faithful and obedient remnant still seeking Me and not the shallow and fleeting things of this world, then My people who call Me by name shall know that I AM in the midst of them, for they have confessed and repented of their sins. They will know My still small voice and will follow Me, for they still reverence Me with all due awe and respect."

"I have sent My chosen apostles and prophets to them and they receive them not. Therefore I shall turn these whitewashed tombs filled with filth over to their own devices as they so choose,


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for they cannot distinguish between My voice and the siren voice of the enemy and deceiver of the brethren. Woe be to those who do not want to know all of Me and come into My presence, for they shall see at the last day what they reject, and it will be too late for them. Their mighty earthly empires they have set up in My churches to glorify themselves shall crumble into dust around them, and they shall know My wrath against them for leading My flock astray and far from Me. "

June 24, 2008

The Last Warning

We had a serious issue to address tonight that has been building for a long time, and we had no answers for it for we realized that we had reached a spiritual impasse that is beyond our abilities, and we need His direction for us. We each took it to the Lord in prayer. For a long time, I was not receiving any understanding or word from Him until late in the afternoon when I laid down to rest. At this time He gave Me a clear and audible word for us about our troubles before us and what He wants us to do.

He has this to say to us:

"Guard MY Revival; Honor MY Revival; Reverence ME!"

He is making it very clear to us that we are not to let anything in this world (whether it be things secular or thing spiritual) to detract us from our primary and only mandate from the Lord — to work toward implementing His Revival. We are not to allow the present structure of denominations, churches, pastors or bishops, theological spins, or worldly programs that have crept into and taken over the churches and are deceiving and taking His flocks away from Him and leading them into the abyss toward Satan and the other fallen angels, or any other seemingly good thing in the churches — supposedly done for Him — to deter us from our mission. We are to keep our eyes fixed and locked forward only upon Him and the narrow road upon which He is calling us to take and not upon those things of the world around us committed to lead us away from our prime and only mission. We are not to think like the world or the churches that rely upon the world and are far from the Great I AM for their foundation, sustenance and inspiration.

We are to guard (protect, defend) His Revival against the attempts of the worldly churches trying to usurp the Lord's Revival and make it their own, and we are to steadfastly hold on to His promise as our rock and be uncompromising of the world that has consumed the church and those who want us to parse the word of the Lord to suit their own agendas.

We are not to give the enemy one iota no matter how harsh and unfriendly it sounds to the ears of the world and the worldly churches around us. If we do — by even the smallest particle — we are


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compromising His word and call to us thinking we can woo the worldly church back to Him by our worldly gifts of persuasion and diplomacy. Instead, we find ourselves dialoging with the devil, who will always win the debate over our "superior human intellects." By our reliance upon worldly ways of doing things we automatically have surrendered the battle to the enemy for we have given it credence, respectability and the right to exist in the battle on equal terms with the Great I AM.

We are to give all honor and glory to the Lord and His Revival — and only Him — for we are only His tools available for Him to implement it, and we have to be willing to decrease so that He may increase. He is jealous of what is His and will not share any of His glory with anything of man. All things come from Him and He is the beginning and the end — the Alpha and the Omega. Therefore, what man thinks he can claim as his own is only fleeting, transient and a shallow imitation of what the Great I AM wants to accomplish on this earth and far removed from the spiritual Godly reality He wants to give us. We are to follow Him only — even if it means we do it without any support or agreement from the churches, pastors, and spiritual leaders around us. He is our only shield and comforter in the upcoming battle.

In all of this upcoming Great Revival, we are to give Him total reverence, worship and awe for His Great Revival. We cannot claim any part of it, and we are not to worship the Great Revival, but only the creator of all. If we take our eyes off of the Great I AM for any reason, we will continue to be led astray by the worldly (and every increasingly demonic) things in the church, and they are there in abundance under that thin veneer of holiness that God is daily stripping away to reveal the depth of deception, disease, and death masquerading as the church in Newport News and throughout the nation. Once the veneer is removed all you see is decay and rotten pulp-like wormwood filled with maggots and every other filth from the enemy that is repulsive to the Great I AM and not fit to be revived. Therefore why do we think we can bring back to life what the Lord rejects?

Are we with Him to the ends of the earth, or do we succumb to the agreeable nature and compromises the church around us has surrendered to for so long — blending into the various and forgettable tints and shades of gray that make up the church today indistinguishable from the world around us?

July 1, 2008

Samuel and Elijah

As we prayed tonight, I was being given a deep and uncompromising understanding about the call of a prophet for the nation and to the church — especially in these last days — and I am convicted of my temerity. He gave it to me in two parts to show the contrasts around us, and He revealed characteristics about the callings of both Samuel and Elijah and how they reflect their parallel roles for today's prophets.


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The Lord first showed me Samuel, the Lord's great prophet who led Israel in the days of Saul — when prophets were held in high esteem by the people and their position as the Lord's mouthpiece was unquestioned among men. At the insistence of the people — who wanted a king like the other nations around them — the Lord called Samuel to anoint Saul as the king of Israel to lead the nation for Him. Instead Saul forgot that it was the Lord who was his shield and umbrella and let his earthly title and position go to his head. He all too quickly forgot the Lord, his relationship with the Lord and his role in Israel, and he began to take credit himself at the expense of the Lord. When he turned his back on the Lord, the Lord removed His covering from off Saul and then commanded Samuel to go to the house of Jesse, and He would lead Samuel to the one He is calling to become the king of Israel from among Jesse's sons.

The great prophet was a mighty man of the Lord and also wise in the ways of the world, for he knew that his obedience to the Lord's command placed him at the mercy of the king's wrath — a dangerous place to be — and he was afraid. He was reluctant to risk obedience to the Lord's command over currying the praises of men or incurring the anger of the king. The Lord then allowed Samuel to use a ruse that would allow him to go to Jesse and do His will, and this would not cause men to be suspicious of Samuel. While there he was told to anoint David as the new king of Israel, which he did in secret.

The Lord then showed me Elijah in Samaria confronting Ahab, the king of the Northern Kingdom and his evil queen, Jezebel — when prophets of the Lord were despised and being killed by command of the king and his pagan and demonic queen. It was not a safe time for men of the Lord to speak His truth, and most of those who stood up for the Lord were killed or fled for their lives.

Even so, Elijah — fully understanding the price he may have to pay — obeyed the Lord and regularly confronted Ahab and Jezebel with their wickedness and bringing the worship of Baal into the Northern Kingdom of Israel that is Samaria. He did not sugar-coat any of the words of the Lord nor try to deflect them. He was constantly living under a death threat requiring him to often flee to safety — but always under the Lord's umbrella and with His authority.

Never-the-less, when the time had come, the Lord commanded him to return to Samaria and confront the many prophets and priests of Baal on Mount Carmel to determine in the sight of the people who was all powerful — whether the Lord God of Israel or Baal. He did so at the greatest risk to his life. By his total and unwavering obedience to the command of the Lord, the Lord gave him a powerful and complete victory over Baal and its prophets and priests — a victory that all the people could witness and respond to. Under Elijah's instruction they proceeded to kill all the false prophets and priests of Baal, for the people had seen the power of the Lord over Baal.

The Lord then said to me:

"The days of easy ministry and comfortable words spoken in My name are over, for My name is no longer respected or honored any more among men in the church or this world and neither is


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yours . We are now reviled among men and the church for the uncomfortable words I command you to speak, and the Words I will give you to speak will get more and more uncomfortable to their ears and inflame their hearts against you and Me. Those whom I call to be My prophets and apostles will suffer as I did and be the visible targets of the church leadership and all others who claim authority in the church."

"I am calling My prophets to be like Elijah and be willing to stand up and speak boldly as I give them utterance to do and risk all for My name. The days of being subtle, diplomatic and trying to ease My message into the church in the vain hope that you can reason with them and they will listen are over, for all they want are words that tickle their ears and give them approval for their wanton and rebellious actions and they will destroy anyone who confronts them with their sins and abominations against Me."

"They reject Me and and those whom I send, but the time for My return is fast upon you and this wicked generation. Therefore, I now require the full brunt of the all consuming fire and full intensity of My words to be spoken without hesitation or any hint of compromise. Listen carefully to all the words I give to you and rightly discern My message to you. Speak only what I give to you and nothing more. Then, deliver all My words to stir the hearts of all men that they may hear My words and respond to Me and know that I Am the Lord thy God. Do not fret or worry about the impact of My words, for I am with you. Those who do not deliver all My words but prefer to temper My words for the world's tickling ears — in the mistaken idea delivering only part of My message instead of the whole message is acceptable to Me — only want part of Me and are not worthy to be in My presence."

July 8, 2008

King Saul

As we prayed tonight, the Lord gave me an image of King Saul and an overview of his reign as king of Israel. The Lord had chosen him to be the king the people desired to rule over them, and he fit the bill of what a king should be — at least according to the dictates of men. He was tall and handsome, brave and strong, and a leader of men. When the Lord chose him he still had a reverence and awe of the Lord and His prophet, Samuel, and humility. He was king for forty years and successfully beat back the Philistines and all the enemies of Israel and prevented them from conquering Israel.

In time, his successes on the battlefield, and the adoration of the people went to his head, and he forgot who really was he sword and shield delivering victory after victory to him over his enemies — the enemies of God and Israel. He began to take the credit for the successes and thought that he could do no wrong, for he was king and all powerful. He began to reply upon past successes and ways of doing things that have always worked for him instead of remaining open to the Lord and being ever vigilant to the Lord speaking through Samuel and directly to him.

When Saul began to think that he knew better that the Lord and Samuel and made the choice to


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quantify the word of the Lord and His prophet, and he started to pick and choose — to rationalize and justify — what he would do or not do, he rapidly descended into a pit of his own choosing. The last straw was when he did not obey the command of the Lord through Samuel to destroy the Amelikites; their king; their cattle and flocks; and all that they owned. He chose to obey only part of the word of the Lord that suited him, for he wanted to look good in the eyes of men. When Samuel brought him up short on how he had disobeyed the Lord's command to him, the king chose to justify himself and his actions according to the acceptable ways of the world.

At this point, he slipped out from underneath the Lord's protection and umbrella and became more and more open and vulnerable to the attacks and temptations of the enemy, and he never realized how far he had removed himself from the Lord and His word, for he had no spiritual discernment.

By his disobedience to the word and commands of the Lord, the Lord removed His hand from off of Saul and gave him over to his own devices and deceptions, and he began to slip quickly. He was no longer victorious on the field of battle as he had been earlier, for now he was operating only in his own flesh without divine guidance. He had sold out to the enemy still thinking he was acting in the favor of the Lord. He still expected that the old, tried but true ways of doing things that had always worked for him could still be done as a formula for success.

When the Lord turned His back on Saul, He sent His prophet Samuel to anoint a new king over Israel from among the sons of Jesse. David — the least of all the sons of Jesse and the youngest who was without any outward attributes that anyone could see for a mighty king — became to be the chosen one of God. His innocence and deep abiding faith propelled him, even as a small youth, to greatness among the Israelites. His heart was surrendered to the Lord, and He constantly gave all due honor and praise to the Lord as his shield and protector. As David became more and more popular among the people, and Saul was slipping more and more from their favor, the king became jealous and fearful of the little shepherd boy, and in his rage and madness he tried to kill David many times.

For the remainder of Saul's kingship over Israel, he descended deeper and deeper into madness and further from the Lord. Where, once he listened to the Lord and His prophet for his support and power, he became desperate to retain his power and influence in Israel to the point that he would do anything — even resort to sorcery — to regain his power. The last straw for Saul was when he visited the witch of Endor to foresee the future of the upcoming battle, and she brought back the ghost of Samuel from the dead at the king's command. Saul sealed his fate, for the ghost of Samuel condemned Saul to die for his abominations and resorting to sorcery against the commandments of the Lord. At the battle the next day, the army of Israel was badly defeated by the Philistines; Saul's sons were killed; and the king committed suicide rather than be captured by his enemies. The reign of Saul as king over Israel came to an ignominious end with the nation at the mercy of the same enemy who threatened them when Saul was first proclaimed king.

Then, the Lord spoke to me, and He has this to say to us:


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"The church in this nation is just like Saul, for they run after past signs, wonders, and miracles to please themselves and reap a bitter harvest to line their own pockets at My expense. I call My people to come to Me confessing their sins and repenting of their sinful ways so that you may know Me and experience My grace. Instead, you seek after the supernatural — signs and wonders — without any understanding of what you seek, for the Prince of this world is capable of counterfeiting My actions to those who lack wisdom and discernment to know what they see."

"I have this to say to you, your days are numbered, and I Am coming back to collect My due, and you will be found very wanting and in poverty of your own making. Your abominations and perversions that you have spewed all over My church, that have polluted anything that was pure and holy and continually corrupt Me and My word to tickle your ears and shine the light upon yourselves, will be exposed for their deceit and lies masquerading as the church. I will bring down your house of cards around you and bring back My holy word to speak to My flock without you. You have no part of Me."

Even though Saul had been chosen by God — at the insistence of the people for a king to rule over them like the others nations around them — he forgot where his authority and power rested and thought he could claim ownership over things provided to him by the Lord to steward His nation and people for Him. But it did not rest in him or his many gifts and talents provided to Him by the Lord. All power and authority rests only in the Lord, and we are just His servants — His empty vessels for Him to fill and use — called to obey Him in all that we do. Just as Saul became cursed by his own actions against the word and will of God, so can we — as we see daily happening among the leadership of churches and ministries all around us.

Saul's life and example is now being repeated in the church by most of those who claim to be His apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and pastors, and He is ready to clean house. The leadership in the churches has largely forgotten that the Lord God is sovereign over all and is not to be slighted by our arrogance, rebellion, and self-centeredness we say we do in His name. Whether He has anointed and gifted us with mighty and powerful abilities to do His will in the past, if we forget from where our blessing come and begin to think we can claim and own them as our own, then we will fall just as far and hard as Saul did — regardless of what our position was in the church; what holy actions we have done in His name; or what great signs or miracles we have experienced for Him in the past.

If we think we can mix that which is sacred and holy with that which is fleshly and satanic — as the churches are doing at this time — than we will find ourselves following the devils and demons into the fiery pits of hell to their delight, and they will delight in dragging us down with them. We must always remember that nothing is guaranteed to us a followers of Christ. As fallen and sinful people, we will always be one step from falling from grace and into a pit of fire of our own making, and the Lord will not stop us from following our own devices if we forget Him and continue to pervert and twist His words to suit our seeker friendly churches devoid of life and meaning to Him.Today's empty messages of love, peace, joy, prosperity, and fun times is as far from the Lord's


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message as one can get. He calls us to confess our sins, come back to Him and repent so that He may bless us. His message is simple and absolute — either we come back to Him with broken and contrite hearts recognizing that we are sinners before Him and that we can do nothing without Him, and asking for forgiveness; or He will remove Himself from among us leaving us to our own selfish devices to be condemned to outer darkness far from Him. The decision of ours to make, and there is no latitude for us to tarry or think we can spin His message to us to our liking any more.

July 12, 2008

"You will know..." — signs of the Great Revival

In these last days, there are numerous apostles, prophets, and evangelists in the church who are proclaiming to have the 'holy anointing' from God; claim to manifest spiritual gifts to people; and are announcing the beginning of the revival of the Lord with their theatrical productions. They do this to draw crowds to them and line their pockets, and they do draw many people seeking more of the Lord — or at least outward manifestations such as signs, wonders, and miracles that they assume come from Him. It has gotten to the point that the plethora of self-proclaimed apostles and prophets are permeating the churches of all sorts — whether liturgical, evangelical, or pentecostal — and the churches, ministers, and Godly led leaders over the past years are following suit. It has become so confusing and not always easy to discern the true apostles and prophets from the false ones, and what the Lord's Revival is to be, for we are being bombarded from all sides by this "new teaching" or that "new revelation" the are leading all too many people astray and into questionable spiritual terrain not from the Lord.

I was resting this morning and began to wonder over these things, when, suddenly, I received a clear word from the Lord about His Great Revival — straight from His mouth — and I realized that I needed to transcribe it immediately. He has this to say to us:

"You will know when My Revival comes for outward signs, wonders, and miracles that you expect in the church today will not be prevalent, for I come to purify, cleanse, and complete My faithful remnant. You will know when My Revival comes for there will not be joyous and loud celebratory music playing with crowds clapping, dancing, or jumping about in wild abandonment on an emotional high thinking they worship Me, for I see into the hearts of men and reject their empty self-centered shows. You will know when My Revival comes for there will not be wordy, but empty and meaningless, sermons on peace, happiness, prosperity or self-fulfillment coming from the pulpits, podiums, and theatrical stages to tickle the ears of men, but My fiery words that will pierce their hearts."

"You will know My Revival, for in My presence no one will be left standing, for there will be broken and contrite hearts, gnashing of teeth, tears, renting of clothes and ashes as a sign of repentance from My people that they seriously want more of Me and not just the outward manifestations you see today. You will know My Revival for there will not be bands loudly


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playing, preachers preaching platitudes, or public displays pretending to be for Me but in reality coming from the theater and flesh of men, for all men will be silent as they realize the depth of their sin and rebellion against Me and will know they have nothing to celebrate."

"You will know My Revival for men will either flee as far from Me in fear and loathing as they can get, or run straight to Me knowing they have sinned against Me and only want Me. You will know My Revival for you will recognize and know in your hearts how far you have strayed from Me and fallen into idolatry and given into your own flesh, and you will desperately want to surrender all to Me and be willing to sacrifice all of your flesh — to go through My refiners fire — to be in My presence. You will know My Revival for you will fall on your faces in tears begging forgiveness of your sins, for you will recognize your rebellion against Me, how woefully inadequate you are as humans in My presence, and that you can do nothing in yourselves or your flesh to earn a place in My kingdom, except what I give freely to you who acknowledge you sins before Me."

"You will know My Revival for you no longer seek after the loud, boisterous, and flashy things that consume churches today, but seek to be in My presence to hear My still small voice speaking to you and be willing to be silent and still and know that I Am the Lord. You will know My Revival for the tingling flesh and emotional high you receive during today's fleshy stage productions done 'in My name' will become like an empty gong or a clanging cymbal to you, for you will realize and understand that I come to bring eternal life for those who want all of Me and not just a momentary high to satisfy your flesh or affirm your sinful ways. You will know My Revival for you will realize how 'me' centered is the massage of today's church leaders and their worldly productions and shows they produce to the exclusion of Me from their services."

"You will know My Revival for it will not follow your denominational traditions and expectations of worship, for I bring My 'New Thing' that you will not recognize — if you choose to remain so rigidly locked into your old, divisive denominational ways of thinking of Me. You will know My Revival for I will throw out many things you expect in church and bring new things into it from all the holy expressions of My faith — not just what you want or will accept as from Me — all that I hold dear to My heart and want to preserve in My church. You will know My Revival for I will not contradict My own word to you — My holy writ that you must study to rightly know and discern Me from the sea of counterfeits all around you."

July 15, 2008

"...To Stand!"

As we prayed tonight, I found myself frustrated at the continual and on-going onslaught of the enemy against us and the works of the Lord. It is not that I do not understand what is happening or why, for we are intercessors and prayer warriors called to fight the great fight without ceasing. But the search for those called by the Lord to be united with us, and the continual understanding that


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most of those whom we know have been called by the Lord eventually want to fall back upon that which they are comfortable within the church and are not willing to step out in faith with the "New Thing" the Lord wants to do in us, has been discouraging to me. I find myself wondering if there are any others out there who hear the same call from the Lord as we hear.

As the Lord was speaking through Bo, He reminded me of the famous passage in Ephesians 6: 1-20. In particular one verse stood out for me: "13 Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." For the first time I began to fully understand what the Lord is saying to me.

We fully understand that the Prince of this World wants to retain his false claim to this earth taken by him under false pretenses and claim all of us as his property, and there are enough of us willing to be his slaves to do his bidding. Time after time, we find ourselves battling with this demonic angel and his minions in many different forms finding ourselves wearying of the constant onslaughts against us.

The Lord told us from the beginning — when He was still on earth with us — that to be His followers was to be willing to suffer the slings and arrows of the enemy and the world for His name. There would always be a battle to serve Him until He returns to this earth at the Last Judgment. Even knowing this, I found myself wondering, until the Lord spoke through Bo that the attacks — both subtle and now overt and bold — would continue and increase against His faithful remnant without ceasing far beyond any we have seen so far. What Paul says in Ephesians now speaks clearly to me.

We are His faithful warriors in this great battle that is in full swing now, but will increase in intensity as we come closer to the Lord's return to us on the Last Day. To paraphrase Paul's line "Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand,..." to stand, to stand, and to stand again, and again, and again until He returns — for as long as it takes.

This is not a single battle — win or lose — with a clear beginning and end, but a perpetual fight fought on many fronts "against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Our call as His faithful but surrendered servants and warriors in this battle is to persevere, endure, and stand against the attacks of the enemy in whatever form they may rear their ugly heads against us and the Lord until we are the last ones standing on the battlefield.

The war is not won by sheer numbers of troops and equipment or strategic advantage of our forces in a location of our own choosing, but by determination, discipline, obedience, and focus in the face of unimaginable odds arrayed against us — a demonic army who wins battles by wearing down the faithful remnant and picking them off one at a time when we have our heads turned off of the enemy. It will be won by the clear deep abiding knowledge that the battle belongs to the Lord and


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not us — as long as we continue to listed for His still small voice directing us and abide in Him only.

We are defenseless without the whole armor of God, and must be ever vigilant, purified, fortified, and prayed up with and through Him or we also will fall as have so many good people that the Lord has called over many years and generations before us — a falling away that is now accelerating around us as He comes closer to returning to us to reclaim His kingdom and His sheep as His own.

July 20, 2008


For some time I have been troubled about what to do with a serious issue that has been evolving for some time in a ministry matter we have been participating in. Because of the direction this ministry was taking, I knew that the Lord wanted us to back off from it and stay clear of it, but we also understood that we were to stay until He spoke to us as to what to do and when to act. We have seen a gifted pastor whom we have known for some time and has been called by the Lord to be part of His Great Revival. In the beginning, we clearly saw major spiritual movement in this person and many members of his church who welcomed the opportunity to work with us.

Unfortunately, as the Lord has been taking us to higher levels with Him and revealing more word to us about His Great Revival, we have seen the pastor move further and further from the clear message the Lord have given us, for he was surrounded by people firmly entrenched in denominational ways of doing church. In time we have recognized the movement around the church and into it of unhealthy and demonic spirits hovering and claiming territorial rights around his church. We recognized that he and his church were primary targets of the enemy who will do anything to stop the movement and actions of the Holy Spirit in him and his church, and we saw from week to week a regular stream of unhealthy spirits parade through the church with varying rates of success at thwarting the progress of the Great Revival.

Unfortunately, the strong pull of denominational spirits and the human desire to be in control, coupled with fear of the unknown were a strong pull on him, and he retreated back into the familiar patterns and formulas that had worked for him in the past. He was more concerned with success and proving that he could make a ministry succeed, than in listening and following the divine direction from the Lord. As troubling as this was to us, we continued to encourage him and those in his church we clearly could see were led by the holy spirit and were true holy people.

But attending this church became an unpredictable event — like riding a roller coaster up and down. One week the holy spirit was so strong that we were moving freely with Him, and He spoke to us and blessed us. However, the next week could be the exact opposite with powers, principalities, and demons of all sorts hovering creating distractions, confusion, and anything else to derail the forward movement in the Great Revival. On most nights — especially over the past few months and weeks


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— we found ourselves backsliding at a rapid pace. But the Lord still wanted us to be there — at least for the time being.

In His time, a new brother in Christ came to this church, whom the Lord called to attend, and once we met him we recognized that he is the missing link — the third partner the Lord has promised to us for so long — to complete us and be joined with us for His Great Revival.

As the three of us bonded together, the pastor saw our close relationship as a threat to him, and he began to try to take back control of the meetings by reverting back into familiar ways of controlling the prayer time. It got to the point that even more demonic activity was occurring during the meetings and prayer time. In the last few weeks that we attended his church meetings, we were witnessing more and more overt activity of the Prince of this World among certain people in his church — some members and many outside people coming in expressly to cause distraction and division. What was most distressing to us was that he seemed to welcome them into our midst. He had no spiritual discernment to differentiate between holy and unholy spirits, for any spiritual actions must be from the Lord.

The final straw came only a few weeks ago, when we were at a crossroads in our relationship with him, and the Lord spoke loudly and clearly to us "Why are you still here?" We immediately departed that night without ever going inside, and proceeded to renew the prayer time among the three of us. But, we still thought we needed to plan a meeting with the pastor to tell him what the Lord is saying to us and to warn him of the dangerous things around and in his church. However, the Lord never released us to go back to talk to him.

Last week, while I was still asleep (in the early morning hours) I had an image of this pastor, and I was angry with him, for I realized what he had tried to do to me at our last meeting in his church when he prayed over me. All I could say was "you tried to place a curse on me," and that was all the Lord gave me. Even though these were words of anger, I felt no anger rise up in me. This Sunday, during our service, the Lord was speaking to me loud and clear about what really transpired at that last meeting, and for many weeks before.

He gave me the image of King Saul, great and victorious king of Israel who had been chosen by the Lord to lead the people. In his latter days, when he let the blessings the Lord had bestowed upon him as king be taken for granted and thought he had won all those many victories by himself, he had become so desperate to retain power and control in Israel over the the Lord's anointed, David, that he even disobeyed one of the cardinal laws of God and went to a witch to conger Samuel back from the dead. Once Samuel was back, he acted with righteous indignation and was furious with Saul for his evil actions. In spite of the answer Saul expected to hear from Samuel, the prophet proclaimed death upon the king and his family at the upcoming battle. The anger I felt that night was really the anger of Samuel in his righteous indignation at the abomination committed by Saul — the same abomination done over me by this pastor.It was then that I realized that the pastor, with whom we had worked for so long towards praying for


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and obeying the call of the Lord upon us to implement the Lord's Great Revival, even resorted to witch craft to try to retain control over us and control over the Great Revival — at least a revival of his own making. I now fully understand that we are not to have any more dealings or communication with him for he is now outside of the Lord's protection or blessing. To think we could bring him back into a spiritual understanding in alignment with what the Lord is telling us is futile at this time any more that the apparition of Samuel brought back from the dead by Saul was anything but blunt and to the point with Saul for his unforgivable sin.

As I was writing this, the Lord gave me the title to use to convey the seriousness of the actions taken. It is a word that He only gave me once before, but it still fits — Ichabod.

July 20, 2008

O America! America!

This morning, the Lord was speaking to me about the nation. This is not necessarily a new word, but it is a harsher word with a deeper meaning for us to digest and a more dire word for us to heed.

He gave me a passage from Matthew 23:37 — a passage He has given to me before: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!"

I know that He has given me these words in the past that carry a heavy meaning for the church and this nation. But this time, He gave me His version of this passage as it relates to all of America — political, economical, educational, culturally, and spiritually — in these last days. But I heard His urgency in these words this time, for the time is near for the His return to take an accounting of each one of us and this nation:

"O America, America, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!"

I understand that this lamentation is how the Lord sees this nation at this time, for we are a nation that has lost its bearings and moorings to the rock of our foundation. We are like a great ship whose rebellious crew has mutinied and taken over the ship; killed the captain; tossed the crew and helmsman overboard; destroyed the rudder; and cut the moorings to the pier — our only safe harbor, our only protection in stormy weather — for they will not accept any authority over them or any discipline or structure that does not allow them the "freedom" that they want to indulge themselves in whatever they want to do. We are cast adrift of our own doing on a violent and stormy sea, and are being tossed from to and fro without any way to protect or save ourselves from our own actions or guide ourselves to safety and protection. We are heading full speed ahead against the immovable rocks on the dangerous shoreline that will crush and destroy us, unless we open our eyes


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to what we have done and are doing to ourselves and will repent or our rebellion and sins.

By denying the Lord His rightful place as the foundation upon which this nation has been founded the political, commercial, and cultural powers that be in this nation, and also (in particular) those among the churches, we have left ourselves open and vulnerable to the attacks from the enemy who is shooting his fiery darts, and casting his stones at us with glee and no effort, for we have made ourselves defenseless without any defences.

We have discarded our shield and sword of the Lord and replaced Him with greed, personal comfort, selfishness, and decadence on a scale not seen in history since pagan Rome — another proud and powerful empire that also fell in a mighty and bloody way from their lofty pedestal. We are heading that way at a suicidal pace, and if we do not return to the Lord with broken and contrite hearts and confess our sins against Him in this nation, we also will be crushed and cast aside under the boots of the enemies of God — just as Jerusalem and Israel were wiped off the face of the earth by the mighty and fierce Babylonian army of Nebuchadrezzar the first time around in the days of Jeremiah, and later by the Roman army as the Lord foretold in the gospels.

Just as Jesus spoke these words as He overlooked Jerusalem for the last time — knowing what faced Him in the city — the Lord is lamenting this fallen nation. He also knew what the fate of the holy city was to be for their stubborn resistance at rejecting Him and not receiving the Word He brought from the Father to them. They resented His interference, for they were the powers that be. All spiritual and temporal power resided in the temple priests and scribes — not in some backwater prophet trying to disrupt and challenge their power and authority in worship and leadership among the people. Just as the Lord foretold to His disciples, within forty years, the magnificent city with its spectacular temple would be a pile of rubble and ash with nothing left to salvage — having fallen under the bloody sword of the mighty Roman army. If we continue along the present path we have chosen for ourselves, we will also face the same fate, and we will have no one to blame but ourselves, for we have been warned.

July 25, 2008

"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"

This morning, I was awakened by the Lord (something He has been doing regularly lately) who gave me a passage: Romans 3:23 "Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." As I listened to His words to me, I began to receive a deeper understanding of what He is telling me. Paul is speaking to all mankind, for we cannot achieve anything in our own right (our own righteousness), for we are all sinners before God, and there are no exceptions. We can do nothing in our own self, or in our own righteousness, to earn the right to come near the glory of God or His throne, for we are unworthy to be in His presence by our fallen and sinful natures. Until the Son of God came to earth as man made flesh and willingly offered Himself as a living sacrifice — the ultimate Passover Pascal


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lamb for the sins of the whole nation (mankind, past, present, and future) — we were without hope and bound as slaves to our sins. When Jesus came to earth; died on the cross; was buried in the tomb; raised on the third day; and ascended into heaven, we were redeemed by His blood and sacrifice to be able to enter into God's presence as a new creation — for all those who proclaim Him as the Son of God and our Lord and Savior, and are we willing to come before Him bowed down recognizing our sins, confessing them, and (more importantly) repenting of them to become a new creation through Him.

While we are still sinners by our corrupted flesh and fleshly desires, we are saved as long as we remember Who our redeemer and savior is, and are willing to come back to Him — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — to be renewed and cleansed of our sins that we confess with a "Broken and contrite heart."

The Lord then gave me another level of understanding of this passage from Romans, and it is not personal to us as individuals, but it is for all of His church. He is emphasizing to me that this passage is even more so for His churches — regardless of denomination, affiliation, theological fine points, size and influence, or leadership. No church or denomination can claim to be complete or perfect — no matter how theological correct is their stance or form of worship (at least according to our insular and self-centered way of thinking). For all are fallen and reject part of the wholeness of God to proclaim their own gospel apart from Him.

Not since the days of the Book of the Acts has the church been united under one God, one Son, one Holy Spirit without division. But, even from the beginning the enemy has tried his best to usurp it, splinter it and create confusion and dissension many times. In the generations that followed (after the death of the original apostles), the enemy was able eventually to establish a permanent foothold in the church — when questionable teachings, leaders, and theologies began to abound in the church under men who coveted leadership, power and authority without seeking holy spiritual discernment and wisdom, who, instead secularized the church so that the state could establish its imprint on the church on the model of the world. Therefore, the true spirit in the church was supplanted by new forms and concepts added to the Holy Writ of God as if it was of equal value to the original word of God making the church into their own image and without divine power and authority in the world. The seeds of division and splintering were laid, and in quick order denominations began to spring forth in the church, as they still do.

It matters not whether we are Catholic, Episcopalian, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Assembly of God, Church of God, Non-Denominational, or any of a thousand other splinters of denominations, none of us have all the truth of the word of God. Each of us does have part of the truth that we cherish like a great jewel. But each of us has also discarded many other great jewels from the Lord to add to it things of this world (worthless rocks, pieces of colored glass and other shiny and glimmering things that appeal to our flesh but have no value) that are anathema to the Great I AM and need to be purged from His body so that we can return His church to Him purified and spotless.


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We have chosen to cut up His word — cut up His Body —to suit our personal likes and theologies, and we embrace with equal fervor those things that are from God with those things in our flesh that He reviles — some that even come straight from Satan. We do not even recognize (nor do we want to) how we want to control the church and all that goes on in the services. We have become "little gods" in the church and the people are prone to worship us and not the Great I AM. For our preference is to feed our flesh and stroke our sins than be willing to hear the hard words of the Lord that will bring us back to Him on our faces in tears with broken and contrite hearts.

Therefore, it is not the whole body of Christ that we proclaim, but part of the truth. As such, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

July 29 through August 2, 2008

The Great Winnowing

The images I am being given tonight during prayer are not comforting, and they have been getting more intense each day this week. The Lord gave me a specific phrase, "The Great Winnowing," and as time is passing, He is revealing — birthing and bringing to fullness — to me on a deeper level what He wants to say to us. Just as the physical birthing process is painful, what He is telling me is spiritually painful to hear and just as painful to speak.

He has this to say to us:

"The time for My return is near, and I will bring judgment upon My church and call them to account to Me for their actions — both done and undone. I will expect all those who follow Me to go through the Great Winnowing, and it will begin with the churches and their leaders whom I have given authority to tend to My flocks."

"As the farmer takes the freshly harvested wheat crop — with the nourishing kernels of wheat and the useless chaff mixed together — He tosses all into the air for My wind to blow through it and disperse the light and empty chaff into oblivion and far from His valuable crop. All that has substance and value to the farmer will not be affected by the blowing wind and will fall into the basket to be processed as His crop — My yield."

"My question to you is, how much of a harvest will I see? Will there be a bountiful yield of My crop to be My testament to the world in these last days? Or, will there be mostly useless chaff that has crowded out and consumed the life out of My kernels of grain? What will survive My Great Winnowing when I return?"

"When I return no one will be spared the winnowing process, for I will put to the test all those


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who call Me Lord to see who will follow Me to the end. Those who only want to use Me for their own gain will find themselves blowing in the wind into a vast emptiness far from Me to be consumed in the fiery furnace. Your empty words will be your undoing and will expose you as the liars you are, for you only want to claim the glory, power, and anointing I have bestowed upon My church as your own for your own gain. You do not want Me as your Lord. You want to set yourselves up as god in My place, and you serve another master."

"Those who truly want to follow Me will be doers of My word and not just empty mouthpieces who have no spiritual substance and are spouting worthless cliches and meaningless sound bites to appeal to the base nature of men and attract attention and worship upon yourselves."

"My sheep, who call Me by name, will know My voice and will respond to Me and My word. They will be willing to abandon that which I call an abomination and follow Me where I now lead them. They will be expected to be stretched by Me, to grow in their faith, and go through the refiners fire so that I may purify them for My upcoming work."

"Not everything you have considered holy or spiritual from your past experiences in the church — whether it be your denominations, rigid theologies, spiritual gifts, signs and wonders, worship practices, or other familiar spirits within the churches — will make it through the winnowing process. Like the chaff, they also will be blown away by My wind. What in you falls into this category?"

"There will be a major shaking loose of unholy things in the church that I will remove from before Me, and I will reclaim My church so that you may return to Me and the church what I called forth in the days of the Apostles — in the days of Peter, John, James, and Paul — when the faithful came together to worship Me only and pray in unity so that I may bless them with power and authority from above to be My witnesses to the ends of the earth."

"Be careful that you do not try to hold onto that what I call an abomination in the church — those resident familiar spirits lurking in churches that have perverted and defiled Me and My holy word, and who keep My people far from Me and keep them self-possessed. Be willing to go through a regular self-examination and come to Me so that I may speak to you and reveal what in you is not of Me and will need to be removed to that you may come before Me spotless and without blemish. Do not be afraid of My refiners fire as I expose those things in the church and within you that do not give Me honor or praise. I come to bring correction and not condemnation upon My people. I come to gather My flock back to Me as their Great Shepherd."

"As I have said repeatedly to you, I AM doing a 'New Thing' that you will find fearful and strange to your familiar ways of doing church. You will not recognize it when I bring it upon you and My church, and many churches, denominations, and pastors and bishops will reject it and declare it to be from Satan, for I will threaten their positions of power and authority in the church — just as the priests, levis, pharisees and sadducees in Jerusalem and the Temple were threatened by Me many centuries ago. By rejecting My 'New Thing' you will be rejecting Me. Do not turn your backs on Me again at this time or you will find yourselves outside of Me and


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far from My protective covering for the last time."

"Embrace My 'New Thing' for I will never contradict My word, and I will bring all of it to fruition. But, be careful that you do not accept anything presented to you as from Me just because it is spiritual and looks miraculous, for the enemy is good at counterfeiting My gifts to deceive you. Be sure to test whatever comes your way so that you will know My actions to be true. Remember that I do not contradict My own words."

"Embrace the refiners fire and the Great Winnowing as My gift to you to prepare you for My return. Be willing to shed yourselves of that which is now dead and useless to Me in the churches — no matter how special and comforting it has been for you in your past church experiences — and open your eyes to the higher calling I am offering to you. To enter into My Great Revival is to be willing to lay yourself before Me on My altar of truth to be willing to sacrifice all of yourselves — body, mind, and spirit — to enter into the revival."

These words are alarming for the church, and do not bode well for those who consider themselves appointed to positions of leadership in any church — regardless of denomination, theological correctness, size of structure or organization, or leadership levels (whether they be elders, deacons. pastors, priests, theologians, or bishops), or have spiritual callings (pastors, teachers, evangelists. prophets, or apostles). He will not spare any of us His words in these last days. Nor will He spare, or shield, any of us from our own devices and corruption of His word or calling to us to utilize for personal gain and profit.

The Lord told us some time ago that He was going to reveal the hearts of all men, and, as time has passed (and is still passing) we see His words come to fruition in ugly and shocking ways that distress the hearts of the faithful. He is revealing the hearts of the fleshly-minded leadership in this world and in this nation in terrifying ways. But His major wrath is focused upon the fleshly-minded leadership in the church. Here we are seeing denomination after denomination, pastor after pastor, spiritual leader after spiritual leader, even prophet after prophet and apostle after apostle be exposed for their sins seeking after the things of this world over and against the word of God. We are seeing them stumble and fall in mighty ways from their lofty pedestals of their own making into the quagmire, into the bottomless pit and stench of this world and far from the true calling the Lord has called them to be — as exemplars for Him in a fallen world.

Churches are divided, divisive, and becoming more and more self-centered and worldly minded. The lost are flocking after self-seeking creature comforts in the churches and not after the outward going true word of God. Pastors, priests, and bishops have become pawnbrokers of the faith setting up their tables in the fore court of the temple to make a profit off of people's pain, fears, avarice, and ignorance of the things of God to peddle their own wares — money, power, fame, control — at great profits to themselves. They now claim to be the true arbiters of the word of God and the gate keepers of the only way to heaven — if you have the price of admission. But the price of their wares that they peddle is death and destruction to those who want to enter the Kingdom of God.


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Even those giants in the faith who, in the past, had a divine calling from the Lord and were His true apostles and prophets acting in mighty and powerful ways for the Lord have all too quickly become lulled by the accolades of this world to fleshly things, and they have turned the focus of their ministries away from the Lord and upon themselves and their "special" gifts and talents that they now claim as their own to use and dispense as they please — as the sole self-proclaimed possessors and arbiters of God's gifts and blessings in the church.

They have allowed the worldly acclaim given to them by their congregations and the camp followers — who run after them for the next "miracle du jour" and next popular fashionable program — to puff up their heads and inflate their egos, and they have set themselves up above and apart from the people and act as gods to those who flock around them awaiting for these "men of God" to dispense divine honors and gifts upon them. There people who once were gifted and blessed by the Lord to do His work are now far from that which is true and holy in the Lord, and they do not always realize how far they have drifted from their true spiritual moorings. What once was holy and sacred and to be revered and feared by them is now looked upon by them with contempt and with an eye as to how they can profit from it.

We are in the last days, and all these things were foretold to us many generations ago in the scriptures. All of these revelations from the Lord are distressing to us. But, we were warned by the Lord that it was coming soon, and He is continuing to reveal more of it to us day by day. However, as we come closer to the last days, the pace at which it is happening seems to be accelerating and more and more is being revealed on higher and higher levels in the denominations, churches and ministries — both those that are small and local churches and ministries, and those that are mega churches and world-wide mega-ministries — around us. None are being spared, and one will be spared.

What is most distressing in these days is not just the corruption, lies and deceit in the church that is being exposed daily by the world, but the accelerating pace at which the pastors, priests, bishops and all others who claim a calling and position of authority from the Lord now act in brazenness and on a level with a haughtiness and recklessness unparalleled in the church before. They are bold in justifying and excusing their questionable and false teachings, and ungodly actions to the large crowds who flock to see, hear, and follow them, and they are without any concern for truth or what is holy or sacred for they now seek after and worship other things not from the Great I AM.

However, His words and warning are not just for those who are blatant in their sin and rebellion against the word of God that we see every day being exposed in the church — those who practice the obvious ones such as pride, lust, avarice, witchcraft, envy, wrath, theft, and lies. We are seeing them fall and exposed more and more as time passes — whether people in the churches want to know or admit to it or not.

But His words go deeper than the obvious sins we see around us. They are for all of us for we are all sinners and are not blameless before the Great I AM, regardless of the seeming insignificance or


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relative "unimportance" of our actions — at least according to our way of thinking or rationalizing our actions and thoughts.

We must be careful that our theological orthodoxy and guardianship of the word do not lead us to become like the pharisee who stood on the corner to pray to God in a loud voice "thanking God that he was not like other men, such as this tax collector. For he prayed regularly, tithed, fasted, and did all that was required of the law." As long as we compare ourselves to other men and churches around us, we will always come up looking far better and more holy than out wayward neighbor — who is obviously a sinner. But, we all still have sins within us that we need to address and expose to the light that are not as obvious to us who are part of the faithful remnant.

Our sins are sins of omission — that tend to be well hidden and overlooked by us in the face of so much blatant sin — but, nevertheless, still sins against God. We must be willing to allow them to be exposed by Him so that we may confess them and repent of them so that we may continue to be His faithful remnant and obedient prayer warriors and intercessors.

To start with we are guilty of being silent in the face of lying spirits and teachings and not speaking the true word of the Lord to bring correction for we do not want to stand out and go against the popular movement. We are guilty of appeasement and compromise by being willing to "get along" with heresy and demonic spirits in the church and not willing to separate ourselves from sin and heresy in the church. We are guilty of not standing up for the absolute standards and morals in scripture in the face of the situational ethics and valueless and amoral relativity being proclaimed in the churches that say He is not the unique and only way to heaven. We are guilty of not speaking up against universalism that says that all will get to heaven without confession and repentance of sins just as we are. We are guilty of being silent in the face of those who deny the Great I AM and His sovereignty and omnipotence in any way so as not to offend men, and by not standing on His word for the church against these heresies and others.

It goes even further and in a more subtle way in us, such as in the little ways we hold onto idols of our own making within our churches thinking — or at least rationalizing and justifying them as part and parcel of our faith experience — we are worshiping the Great I AM, but, in reality, we worship our churches, denominations, church experiences, pastors, and ourselves and have elevated our feelings and intellects over obedience to Him. We can easily forget out true focus in many churches — to worship the Lord thy God and Him only —and find ourselves being lead astray into flesh, emotionalism, self-centeredness, and self-affirmation of our sinful ways instead of only upon the Great I AM. This sin is the greatest one we commit against Him, and we practice it all the time in our churches and denominations.

We are all contributors to the sins of the church and the nation, and we must all be willing to go through the "Great Winnowing" of the Lord to be refined, and purified before Him. There are no exceptions.


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The questions He asks us are:

"Will you still be standing with Me after the Great Winnowing to be My faithful remnant — My fruitful kernels — in the last battle? Or, will you find yourselves removed from Me — like the empty and useless chaff — being blown in the wind far from Me to be consumed in the fire? Where do you stand?"

August 9, 2008

The summer Christian and the sunshine pastor

For some time, I have been mulling over a phrase I remember from my study of history, and it keeps coming back to me. At first I did not understand why I was being constantly reminded of it, for it was history and not related to the spiritual understandings and insights the Lord has been giving to me so far — or so my intellect kept telling me. However, I realized that I need to add it to my prophetic journal, for the Lord wants to speak to us through its deep spiritual truths that are the same underlying foundational roots for both the church and the nation.

It refers to events in earliest days of the Revolutionary American history and were written by Thomas Paine in 1776. Paine, a British subject who came to the colonies in 1774 on the eve of the revolutionary activities, was not a man known to be religious or very Christian in his day. He is best known as a reactionary who could write powerful words and pen eternal truths in his writings — hard words that cut to the quick of the matter and get under the skin of the powers that be and do not compromise beliefs.

His first pamphlet — the one that established his reputation is also his best know work — Common Sense, was written in January 1776 in the heady days before the major events had unfolded when the colonies and colonists were ready and willing to end the debating and to take the ultimate step to declare independence from the crown and government of Great Britain and to go commit to a full-fledged war. Here he set the tone of his style and helped to persuade the cause for independence from britain before the Declaration of Independence.

His ideas have been immortalized as being the philosophical underpinning for our revolution, and they are words that everyman can read, understand, and accept — not just the lofty esoteric words composed among many of the well educated and aristocratic leaders who only wrote for the highly educated and intellectual among them. The power of his words carried our new nation through the darkest of days of the long hard struggle and through the lowest ebb of our fragile existence in the face of impossible odds. His words inspired us and lifted our spirits to think that we, a paltry rag-tag band of upstarts could even think of taking on the greatest military machine in history, the super power of eighteenth century Europe, the British Empire.

At the end of the same year in which he had written Common Sense, in December of 1776 — when


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the harsh realities and consequences of war were coming home to the former colonies — Paine wrote a pamphlet called The Crisis at our lowest point. The halcyon days of the inspired writing and public proclamation of the Declaration of Independence in July 1776 were over, and the seriousness of their cause was beginning to sink in, for real fighting was in full force and we were woefully ill prepared for the upcoming long term war. Washington and his under-trained, under-sized, and ill equipped army — composed mostly of ill trained troops and undisciplined volunteer militias — had been forced to flee from New York, and race across New Jersey into Pennsylvania barely ahead of the advancing British and Hessian soldiers while his troops were deserting. The morale of Washington, his troops, the continental congress in Philadelphia, and the citizens of the new nation were at the lowest point in the war, and many (even the the new government) were questioning whether independence and the war were the right action to take.

Even Washington thought that the end was near, for most of the remaining troops in his voluntary army — composed mostly of farmers, tradesmen, and others without any previous military experience — were close to having their one-year enlistments be up by the end of the year. At which point virtually all the army would cease to exist as they all were free to return home to their farms, businesses and families. Then Washington would have no army with which to fight, and the cause would be lost.

At this darkest hour in our revolutionary history, Paine penned in The Crisis, some of his most famous works. It did not map out the historical, political, and natural rights of the issue as were needed in Common Sense. Instead it dealt with the nature of a fight and the truth behind the price of fighting. What is the true price for liberty and freedom?. While Common Sense laid the theoretical historical foundation and justification for independence, The Crisis laid the spiritual roots as to why we fight and why we must sustain it and persevere. In the opening part of his pamphlet, dated December 23, 1776, he wrote these immortal words that ring with a deep spiritual truth in them beyond the political and military engagements occurring around the nation:

These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

These powerful words inspired our founding fathers to stay the fight even against the seemingly insurmountable odds of fighting the world's superpower. On Christmas eve, Washington, in a final act of desperation, had his army ferried across the frozen and dangerous Delaware River in a raging snow storm to advance upon Trenton where the Hessian Army (German mercenaries who were paid allies of the British) were encamped and celebrating the holiday. In a surprise strike at dawn, Washington and his army caught the enemy off guard and undefended. They virtually all


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surrendered. A great victory was won that showed that the American army was not dead. This small event in the whole scheme of the Revolution helped boost the courage and morale of the continental congress and the fledgling nation. It gave confidence to Washington's troops. Most chose to re-enlist to keep the army intact and viable to fight another day.

But there would be more traumas, setbacks, severe challenges and even lower points for Washington and his army, the continental congress, and the nation to face over the next five years. This new nation will experience the pain and price for liberty and freedom and know the cost of standing up against the powers that be — a costly price both personally and spiritually that will test their mettle and resolve to stand up and fight.

While the leadership of this new nation was composed of intelligent, upstanding, and religious men — such as Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and Washington — who knew and understood something of the level of the consequences of their actions, few fully understood the severity of the level of sacrifice that was going to be required to themselves, their property, fortunes, and spirits. Nor did they fully understand the turmoil and level of commitment they would be required to make in this most severe trial and test. But, in spite of the costly sacrifices that the war would inflict on them, most persevered until the end and victory, although some did not live to see the final victory nor have the worldly resources they once had to enjoy them. But, they never lost their resolve to continue the fight and be willing to make the necessary sacrifices to stay the fight.

While I can relate the historical events behind Thomas Paine's famous words, it was not until I was writing this portion of the journal did I understand what the Lord was wanting to tell me, and it is not a flattering word to His church.

He is saying to us:

"I no longer recognize My church, for they have become filled with summer Christians and sunshine Pastors who have long ago forgotten My message and call to them to follow Me. They look upon Me as their great benefactor in the sky whose sole purpose is to bless them and give them anything their hearts desire without any cost or effort on their part. All they have to do is 'name it and claim it,' and I will oblige them as a free will offering on My part. To them My church is a playground to keep them amused and out of harm's way without any commitment on their part."

"You do not study My word. You do not take My word into the highways and byways to bring in the lost sheep. You do not want to be taken out of your comfort zones to know Me. You only want to attend churches that appeal to your sensual pleasures and entertain you and look more like the world than a reflection of Me. You think you have arrived and do not need to be stretched or grow in Me and My word. You think your salvation is assured because you once received Me and called Me by name, but your shallow faith and worldly ways carry no weight with Me."


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"When your faith is attacked, and you are persecuted for My name's sake, will you be found still standing for Me, or will the weights and excesses of the world that you have brought into My church make you witnesses for this world against Me? When the enemy unleashes its full brunt attacks against you — and they will come — will you stand and fight for me, or will you bend like a fragile reed in the face of the raging storm? Will you still know Me at that time?"

"When I return to My rightful place in My church, will there be anyone left with faith? Where are the faithful laborers to toil in My fields? Where are the broken and repentant hearts who rush to Me for forgiveness of sins? Where are those who are willing to pay the price of being My followers in a world sold out to sin and flesh? Where are those willing to go through the refiners fire to be purified and prepared to be My faithful remnant in a world that reviles you and Me?"

As distasteful as it is, He is likening us in His church to those in the American Revolution who did not understand or did not care to know what the cost of freedom would be. For we do not really understand, or care not to know, what the cost of discipleship really is to be one of His followers. Church is not just a fun and uplifting time to gather among friends with mutual likes and interests to sooth and stroke each other. If we want a country club, there are numerous other avenues to join one outside of the Lord's House. Church is were we re supposed to gather to offer Him all of our praises, offerings and thanksgivings. Our attention is to be on the Great I AM and not ourselves.

We in this country have forgotten the price our forefathers paid for us to enjoy the benefits, rights, and privileges of our freedoms and blessings. Those in the churches are in the same boat as their ancestors during the Revolution of being blind to what price we are required to pay to follow Him. We are more than willing to rest upon our laurels in the church and take all that He has done for us for granted, for we live in a selfish cocoon of our own making believing that nothing will happen to us in this nation since the struggles of our ancestors to protect our rights from tyranny of the unrighteous and enemies of the Lord are our protection and guarantee, and they do not need to be constantly replenished or guarded. To us, the fight is over, and we need not be vigilant any more — empty words for a mindless generation consumed with themselves.

While we think we are being tested in these days, the real test is coming soon upon us, when the world and even those in this nation will turn totally away from the Lord and His followers, and they will be emboldened in their attacks and will openly and viciously ridicule, revile, persecute, and even kill us for His name's sake. Will we be willing to pay the price necessary to stand for Him, or will we all too quickly surrender and succumb to the fiery darts and slings and arrows of this world and the demons they worship to get along and not be discomforted? Are we the "summer Christians and sunshine pastors" whose faith — all-be-it shallow and without depth from atrophying by not being stretched and used — is "strong" when there are no challenges thrown against us, or will we crumble into nothing at the first sign of adversity against the word of God and sink back into oblivion to save our worthless skins and the possessions we have built up for ourselves? Will we be like Peter who denied the living Christ to save his own neck when he was faced with fear and danger?

Will we ever again be exemplars of His word in this nation, or do we continue along the same


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self-centered and success oriented path we have set our churches upon and be examples of what not to do in a church — the proverbial "do as I say, not as I do" mentality? Is our witness to the world to be one of hypocrisy and worldly ways consuming our churches so that no one can tell the difference between us and the world — ways that are totally at odds with the word and commands of the Lord?

August 16-24, 2008

Newport News Revisited — Binding and Loosing

What I write in this section is not a chronicle of what happened during our prayer walk on Saturday the 16th. Nor does this piece reflect the thoughts, discernments, or understandings of my brothers in Christ with whom I am paired. They are my own observations and spiritual understandings and are not a full record of all that was said or done at this time. When we first went to downtown Newport News on Saturday the 16th, I was given much to digest, but I was not given a release to write. I understand that I did not have all the information necessary to write yet. Something was missing, and I was to abide until I was given the last piece. Not until our Sunday the 24th service was I given a fuller understanding of what began on Saturday the 16th, but not completed for me until Sunday.

On Saturday, August 16, we gathered to prayer walk without any clear direction as to where we were to go. I had no clear understanding where we were to go, unless it was to downtown Newport News again to face the major stronghold of the enemy, but I did not feel prepared to go there other than as a reconnaissance of the site. However, as the three of us began to pray, the Lord made it clear to me and to us all through His words to us that we are to go back to Newport Park (mistakenly called Huntington Park by us in earlier prophetic words in the journal because of the presence of the statue of Huntington that is the center piece of the park) in downtown Newport News for a return visit — the location of the high altar of Molech and the seat of this major principality of the demonic world that has kept this whole region in a stranglehold of fear, death, poverty, and despair for generations.

But as we continued to pray, and the Lord continued to speak to us, I began to realize new things about the site that took it to a deeper level of understanding for me of what we were facing. We had been there at least two other times. The first time was our discovery of what is here spiritually as revealed by the Lord to us. The second visit was an attempt to take spiritual authority over the demonic forces resident here, but with mixed results at best, and we had not seen any real change in the spiritual direction of East End or downtown Newport News. Then the Lord began to download new information into me about the spiritual reality of what we had been facing down there and why our "results" were minimal at best.

First, He reminded me of a certain pastor who has a church near the park — a charming pastor who spoke the right words to us and a person with whom we thought we could work to change Newport News and break the spiritual bonds covering the entire region. But, we quickly realized that this person was more concerned with gaining power and control than in following the directions of the


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Lord — a person who can lull one into a sense of defenselessness who delves into witchcraft to gain and retain power and control. They had even told us that they had already prayed over the region and in the park so that it was no longer necessary to go down there, for the demonic powers and principalities resident in the park had been cleaned out and the region was freed of the demonic forces who previously resided there. But we realized that our recent visit to the site contradicted these words to us.

A later visit there to confront the powers and principalities resident there produced much loud prayer and right sounding spiritual words from the pastor of another local church with whom we had been praying and working with for some time and a man that we know was called by the Lord for such a time as this, but unfortunately, there were no lasting spiritual results, for he was a man locked into his denominational ways of acting and thinking and as not willing to allow the Lord to speak to us and direct us as to what to do and say in this circumstance. He was more concerned with his position and title and wanted to be in control. We discovered later that he was not adverse to using witchcraft — whether knowingly or unknowingly is immaterial for practising witchcraft in any form is anathema to the Lord — in his own way (at least according to accepted practices in his church from generations past). Also he was a man who chooses to live outside of the area and, therefore, can not claim any residential authority over the region.

We have always known that we — being from outside of East End — could claim no direct spiritual authority in the region for we did not live there to claim ownership. We understand that to do effective spiritual warfare we needed someone with the proper credentials — a long-time resident of East End Newport News who also had the right spiritual authority the Lord wanted at this time. We continued to abide and look for that person. We also understood from our first visit that there are multiple and complicated levels of things going on at the site that will require us to make several repeat visits to the site to accomplish our spiritual task — as the Lord will lead us to do.

In our prayer time, the Lord revealed to me that the first pastor with whom we thought we could work who is the pastor of the church in downtown Newport News near Newport Park is actually the high priestess of Molech, and her job is to guard and protect the high altar and its surrounding precinct from any godly intruders. Her duty is to distract, charm, and confuse the holy from their appointed duty to serve the Lord in Newport News. As we continued to pray, the Lord revealed to me that her church id the site is one corner of a demonic triangle that is the unholy spiritual control center for the heart of Newport News.

The second corner of the triangle encompasses the city halls of justice not too far away in what is considered the heart and business district of downtown — the center of the injustice and corruption that permeates the local city government from the top most judge to the lowest level policeman and magistrate and those who serve them. It is a system that has thwarted and frustrated even the most honest man among us and has led to the corruption and downfall of many who started out righteous and true but became entrapped in its tangled deadly web.


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The third corner of the triangle is the focal point of it all — the site of the high altar of Molech in Newport Park overlooking the James River. If you look eastward out of the park you can almost see the other two corners that are in easy walking distance. This is the unholy triangle — the heart of the demonic stronghold that has placed a deadly stranglehold over the region for centuries. All demonic spiritual forces converge on this site. From this original triangle a continuing web of triangles radiates outward from here to entangle and strangle one neighborhood after another all over Newport News like a gigantic spiderweb with a network of satellite control centers for the great principality resident down there.

We discovered that the second pastor with whom we prayed on our second visit, lacks the depth of spiritual discernment to understand or fully know what powers and principalities we have to face, and he (at best) blustered his way through denominational formulas left over from his church practices that carry no spiritual weigh against the forces resident down there — Jesus I know, Paul I know, but who are you? In the final analysis, he chose to follow after those who practice witchcraft to elevate himself and gain control for his ministry instead of relying upon the Lord for his strength and authority. We realized later that his interest in our ministry was based more upon what he could gain from it to justify himself, and not to surrender all to the Lord to lead him as the Lord's called shepherd to the lost in East End.

Finally — through the pastor of the most recent church — the Lord brought to us the right man who lives in the region, and has the proper spiritual authority to face the powers and principalities who claim ownership in East End. He is a man without a church to call his own or a denomination to fall back upon for support. He is a man willing to follow where the Lord leads him to even the most unlikely of fellow wanderers. But he has a full understanding of the demonic powers resident around us and understands the proper commands from the Lord to battle them for the Lord — talents he has had to make use of for the Lord for a long time. We are now ready. This is the time to return to Newport Park with a fuller understanding of what we are facing and what we must do.

We prayed and discerned what the Lord has to tell us about the site and obeyed the Lord as to what he commanded us to do. We understood that the Lord did mighty things down there through us as His emptied vessels and willing mouthpieces. But, as time passed, we all experienced a certain level of personal question as to how effective we were or how much happened, for there were no strong spiritual signs or wonders for us to clearly know what is happening — things that the world expects from spiritual warfare. The only thing I could discern is that a major breakthrough had occurred, but that more would follow. But I did not know when, what, or how.

As I write this, I only now understand that our ministry is to listen to the still small voice of the Lord when He speaks to us and obey His every command to us, and what He has to say to us may not relate to anything we have experienced in our spiritual walks before — as long as what we hear is affirmed in scripture for He will never contradict Himself.

We are not to rely upon our past experiences with Him. Our actions are to be done in blind faith


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and not by what we see, feel or can figure out in out intellects, or we are no different than the worldly churches that have taken over the Lord's kingdom here on earth — churches full of empty piety and meaningless words and gestures who are totally clueless to know the differences between the holy and unholy and are more willing to listen to the flashy pleasing and lying words of demons than to the still small true voice of the Lord. We are not to reply upon old ways of knowing the Lord that are familiar and comforting to us.

He is doing His "New Thing" and that means we are to step out in faith into waters unknown and unfamiliar to us and to be willing to act the fool in the eyes of the world ways of thinking. Any questions or doubts that may have entered our thoughts in recent days come from our flesh that Satan knows all too well how to push our buttons to distract, diminish and deflect us from the Lord's call upon us. He will every means he can to stop and destroy us and prevent us from fulfilling our God appointed mission in these last days.

During our Sunday service on the 24th, I was given another — and for me the critical — piece of the puzzle. While we bound the strong man on Saturday the 16th, as He commanded us to do, we realized that we had not completed our mission, and we are to loose the Lord's spirit to operate and act in Newport News — to fill the spiritual void left by the binding. As the sermon was being given, I understood that our actions at Newport Park that Saturday were as complete as they were to be for that site — to bind the strongman from operating over the region. I finally understood that our next step is to to loose the Lord's Holy Spirit and His Revival to come into the region, but it is to be at King-Lincoln Park and not in Newport Park.

The Lord revealed to me that Newport Park — the site of Molech's high altar and the original center for the political, economic, and social power of Newport News for so long — was the control center of the enemy and his minions here on earth to control and cast a spell over the entire region keeping all in darkness and bondage to poverty, fear, death, and despair. Once the strongman was bound in his command center, nothing can stop the Lord from moving in with His Spirit and Revival — once we invite Him in.

He revealed to me that King-Lincoln Park is the complete opposite to downtown. It is the least part of the city and as far removed from power, control, and authority as any part of the city can be from what downtown represents. This — the most neglected and despised part of the city — is the site the Lord revealed to me in a vision several years ago that is to be where He brings His revival — like an atomic bomb being dropped on the park and the power of the spiritual forces of the Lord radiating out at the speed of light from that core point of the Revival to the far reaches of Newport News, Hampton Roads, The Peninsula, across the state and the nation. This is where it will begin when He tells us to return there.

In my earlier vision, not until the full power of the Lord was revealed down at King-Lincoln Park — like a powerful explosion — were the people desperate enough and wanting to come down there to see, experience, and receive the Lord in all His glory and power among us. Either they will come


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down there by any means they can to experience the presence of the Lord, or they will run as far from there as they can. There will be no middle ground of us on that "Great and terrible day." All will experience the presence of the Lord in one form or another, and they will either run to Him with tears and wailing begging forgiveness of their sins so that they may be in His presence. Or they will run the other away with wailing and gnashing their teeth because they choose to serve the Prince of this world and his servant Molech and want nothing of holiness and truth.

September 4, 2008

For Such as Time as This

Tonight, as we gathered to hold a service we could not hold on Sunday because of conflicts, I received an understanding from the Lord (for me) about the prophetic word, and what it is to be versus what we in this world and the churches assume it to be — a holy purpose from God He calls us to do, or the fleshly abuse of the word opposed to everything God stands for. The phrase He is giving to me is "for such a time as this."

I reflected on it, and slowly a fuller and deeper understanding came into me of what He is saying to me. Whenever he has spoken to me in the past and is still speaking to me now — regardless of what the words are or what context they are given in (whether for an individual or the church universal) — His words are given for the moment and present time, and not necessarily to be projected into a future event or time. We are not called by Him to interpret them or their meaning. We are to let His words speak for Him only and not ourselves.

I am not called to be a soothsayer or fortune teller predicting things that will happen in the future, for then I will be delving into witchcraft and wanting to claim it and the limelight for myself. I am not even to interpret or comment on what the words given to me mean, for then I fall into the fleshly trap Satan wants to pull me and every other person called who speaks the Word of God into — to think we can speak in our flesh for God and not let Him speak for Himself.

When He has given me words to write, they can have many different purposes only He knows. I am only to be a scribe for Him and not claim any special gift or talent within me for all gifts come from Him to glorify Him and His Church. Most importantly, I am not to claim ownership of the gift or anything I write that comes from the mouth of God.

If I let my flesh (my emotions) or human talents (my intellect) come between me and what the Lord wants to tell me, then I am no better than all too many so called "holy people" — witches and warlocks dressed up as godly prophets and apostles prancing around like showy peacocks to impress people of their spiritual powers and importance — out there who claim special gifts from God (but which god?) that they use to fool, manipulate, lead astray, and destroy the Lord's elect.


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He expects me to only write what He tells me and nothing more, and most of what He gives me is well beyond my human understanding. It may be only for this moment in time and to a specific person, only. It may be for a larger purpose to proclaim to the church universal for now and for the future. Sometimes the words I have written may have seemed only for this time and for a special case, but time has shown it to be for a distant time and a greater purpose than any of us could see when first written. We will never know how His words are meant to be used by Him at the time we speaks them.

I have realized than many (if not most) of the words the Lord has given to me to write start out for now but become — over time — a foundation for the future that we could not even imagine when we first heard them. As with any word from the Lord, all are to be tested regardless of the witness of the scribe who writes them, for we are all too human and can be led astray — even in innocence.

He is telling me:

"Let Me speak for Myself. Be content to be My faithful scribe and abide in Me. Let not the flattery and the accolades of the fleshly and corrupted world and its equally fleshly and corrupted churches turn your head so that you will be tempted to take your eyes off of Me, for then you will surely fall and become another sacrifice the world can claim for itself on its altar of death and destruction to the god they truly worship — a god of their own making straight from the pit of hell — the Prince of this World."

His words are not just to me, but to all of us called by Him to serve Him in these last days. There are perilous times for the faithful remnant who are still willing to proclaim Him The one and only true Lord and Savior over us — as opposed to the fallen world and the worldly church we see all around us who choose to reject the Great I AM as the Lord of us all.

We see and hear the warning He is giving to all of us about His church. We know where the church and the nation are headed, if we continue on this destructive path, and we feel helpless to do anything about it. That is correct to feel, for we cannot do anything in and of ourselves to turn it around. All we can do is rely upon Him — lean on Him as our rock and foundation — for He is our only source of power and direction, as long as we stay close to Him and under His umbrella for protection.

We are to let Him fight the battle as long as we do His bidding and follow His commands to us, for He is the only commander-in-chief we are to follow in this battle. To do so means we must to die to self daily and be willing to go through the refiners fire to be daily purified and stretched (tested) by Him so that He may use us. We must be willing to sacrifice on His altar our fixed notions of what a church is and how it is to be run. Our denominational (familiar) spirits through which we have always thought of church in the past need, also, to be offered up as a sacrifice to Him so that He may reclaim His church — a church He can call His own "without spot or wrinkle."


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September 9, 2008

Heavenly Banquet

The Lord gave me a vision tonight of the "Heavenly Banquet." Except what I was seeing was the churches practice of it in today's churches and not what the Lord wants to give us.

I saw every church, every denomination, every expression of the faith that is considered by the world to be Christian (even if the world does not know not want to understand what being a disciple of Christ really means) represented. There were Catholics, Baptists, Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Orthodox, Pentecostals of every description, those who call themselves Non-denominational, and numerous others among us. There was no difference among them, and it was difficult to tell the difference between the believer and unbeliever in any of the churches, for there was very little difference in what all of them said.

Each church was bringing a dish to the banquet that was special to them — the proverbial covered dish famous in all churches — and there were thousands of churches bringing thousands of dishes. Each church set their precious dish in its special container to attract the eye and draw attention to that church onto the great banquet table that stretched to the horizon — as far as the eye can see. By the time the dishes were all placed on the table there was no room for anything else on the table — a bountiful feast of delights that appealed to our eyes, our taste pallets, or tongues. All looked so inviting.

Once all was ready, the trumpet was sounded calling the sheep of His flock to partake of the feast. There were thousands upon thousands of starving souls so hungry for spiritual nourishment to be fed the life-giving bread of the Father that will sustain them, and they descended upon the table and devoured all that was before them, and there was plenty for all. They were so desperate to be fed that they were oblivious to what they were eating, and they ate ravenously without any understanding of what was before them. It was brought by the churches, therefore it was right — or so we reason not realizing that the wolves are dressed in sheep's clothing to deceive us and lead us astray. They are there not to protect the flock, but to lie, steal, destroy and devour the flock. It matters not how religious they act or how pleasant is their manner and words, for they do not work for the Great I AM but for the Prince of this world.

The only thing about this image was that there are plenty of pies, cakes, puddings, candies, pastries, sweets, and ice creams to tickle the palate of everyone — plenty of desserts to appeal to our baser natures. But all is filled with empty calories that may stave off the outward hunger pangs in a starving person to deceive them into thinking they are being fed and also with dangerous levels of fats and carbohydrates to make us fat and lazy with our arteries dangerously clogged to bring us nearer to death. All that is before us is to keep us from being healthily nourished in mind, body, and soul and to keep us from growing properly but to make us fat and self-centered.


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But the disconcerting thing was there there are no healthy foods at the banquet, that although they may not appeal to our self-serving taste buds, but are still important and necessary to provide both substance and sustenance for the body — whether spiritual or physical. There are no meats, fowl, fish, egg, dairy, cereals or bread, or any healthy foods that we all need to keep us alive and growing and be alert and sharp so that we may be able to do the Lord's work.

What each church and denomination chooses to do was to bring what they do best in the church, and that was to cater to the the lowest common denominator for them to appeal to the base nature of people to bring them into their churches with no interest in saving souls for the Lord. Their only interest is to appeal to our desire to be entertained in church and kept self-centered and not be challenged in our faith walks in the ever popular seeker churches. In other words, the life-giving message of salvation was replaced with an anything goes and all will go to heaven populist message — that there are no requirements to get to heaven and all will make it regardless of what we believe or how we live.

The lost souls — who have been fed this deadly diet for so long — do not even realize that they are dying both physically and spiritually for they had never been given any life-giving spiritual nourishment in the church to sustain them, not any God focused teaching in their churches to guide them along the way to salvation. They know not the difference between life and death, for they have never been given the true and complete message in the church for them to respond in any other way.

September 21, 2008

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Christians

A couple of nights ago (or very early in morning) I was given a thought that, at first, I was not sure it was from the Lord. Over time, I realized that it is from the Lord and I also understand it is to be written down.

I was reminded of the Robert Louis Stevenson story, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." It is a psychological thriller, a story of opposites and contrasts in us, and how we attempt to resolve troubling issues in our lives. In short, Dr. Jekyll — a respected and upstanding scientist and member of the community — also understands he has his very dark side that he finds he succumbs to all too often, and he knows it is sinful and he has remorse and guilt every time he gives into it. He, as we all do, cannot admit his flaws to others and is not even willing to give it to God for healing and correction. He chooses to rely upon his human understanding and intellect to solve the problem himself.

He creates a potion in his laboratory he thinks will solve his problem, and he takes it without any testing or any safeguards. In the process, he is physically transformed into a misshaped and hideous person that is his alter-ego, Mr. Hyde — the total antithesis in body, mind and spirit to himself. Where Dr. Jekyll has a conscience and knows what is right and wrong — whether or not his flawed


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human nature will obey — Mr. Hyde has no conscience or moral code to guide or restrain him. He can and will do what he wants — no matter how heinous or beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior — without any regrets or guilt. He is totally amoral to anything but himself and his pleasures.

Dr. Jekyll was not expecting the total contrasts in his behavior — one good but flawed and the other totally amoral and evil — for he thought his potion would correct the flaws in his personality and make a clear separation of the good from the bad that he could control.

However, the good doctor began to succumb to the temptation he created and found that he liked becoming Dr. Hyde to live out his fantasies — not matter how wanton and sinful — without remorse or guilt. He had no problem occasionally delving into this dark world, for he had control over it through his potion — or so he thought.

But the day came when he found himself being transformed into Mr. Hyde without taking the formula and without warning. He panicked and realized that he no longer had control over it or himself. Instead he had become a slave to it and could no longer know when he would be transformed or what his actions would be once he was changed into Mr. Hyde, for Mr. Hyde's actions were becoming more and more violent and abhorrent. His total lack of conscience and moral code gave him free reign to sink lower and lower into evil, for there were no restraints on him. He cared not what he did or who knew what he did, and Dr. Jekyll could not hide his actions any more from the eyes of society.

In the end, Dr. Jekyll was killed by Mr. Hyde. He had succumbed to his pride and hubris — thinking he was in control of his world, and that the intellect of man can solve any problem and issue without the divine presence of the Great I AM to be his guide.

The Lord began to speak to me about this story and the church today. He has this to say to us:

"I AM the Alpha and the Omega and the center of all creation. I AM the God who knows all, and the source of all. Those who call Me by name and come to Me as their comforter and healer and want to know Me more and more will reap all the blessings I want to bestow on you — if you will let Me be God."

"Yet My church and their leadership has splintered and divided so much that the names of the various churches and denominations have become as plentiful as the grains of sand on the shoreline and as effective for Me as the sand — with no substance or influence against the raging waters and just as easily carried away by the sea. My body is so splintered and broken that there is no sinew or muscle left in My church to do anything but be self-centered and protective of the little empires and spheres of influence in the church you have carved out of Me for you own selfish purposes and gain."

"You say you want more of Me as you come together weekly in services and prayer meetings,


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but your words and prayers are token and empty to Me for you are no better that Dr. Jekyll who wants to keep Me compartmentalized in your churches and lives. You only want to bring Me out when you want or need something from Me — the whistles and bells that give you tingles down your backs to entertain you — and once your wants are satisfied you then put Me back out of sight so that you may then may have license to sink lower and lower into the pit of the world around you to satisfy your baser nature. But the ways of the world have now consumed you as Mr. Hyde finally consumed Dr Jekyll, and no one can tell the difference between you and the world."

"You cannot worship Me on Sunday and then be partnered with the world, playing the wanton harlot, the rest of your time. Those who follow Me are to be Mine seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Anyone who wants to change My call on them to allow them to revel in the world instead of Me has no part of Me, and I spew them out. I will not allow Myself to be tainted by anything in this world, and I call My followers to abide by the same rule. If you love Me, follow My commandments — ALL of them."

"To be one of Mine is to spend all your time with Me and My word and not sink into the pit of division, denominationalism, and fleshly ways that now permeate all portions of the church. To be one of Mine means you cannot speak for Me as My prophets, apostles, evangelists, pastors, or teachers in one breath and then sink into the vilest ways of the world the next. Either you worship Me with all your body, mind and spirit and steer away from the world's corrupted ways around you, or you become one with the world. There is no middle (or neutral ground) with Me."

"If you choose to follow your own fleshly ways and expect Me to bless them, you do not know Me and you do not serve Me. I AM not here to bless your ways, your political agendas — whether in the church or the nation — or your social or cultural ways of thinking or acting. I AM not here to bless, justify or excuse past sins or behavior patterns as an entitlement for bad choices. I AM the Great I AM, and no man speaks for Me."

"Do you love Me? Then feed My sheep. I said these words to Peter, and I say them to you. Do you love Me more than yourself? Do you love Me more than your denomination and church experiences? Do you love Me more than your spouse and family? Do you love Me more than your position (or title) in the church or the gifts I give you? Do you love Me enough to trust Me to do what is right for you and not what you think you want for yourself? Do you love Me enough to let Me be God in your life, or do you still want to take over from Me? Do you love Me more than your obsession to be in control of everyone around you and also Me? Do you love Me more than your desire to be approved or liked by the world?"

"If you love Me more than all these, then let Me be your shield and comforter in these last days. Lean on Me and abide in Me only as your rock and foundation. You cannot fall back upon old ways of acting or doing church if you want to follow Me into My 'New Thing.'"

"If you insist in seeking after familiar spirits from your past church, family or cultural


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experiences, then you will find yourself outside of My protection and umbrella and ripe for the enemies taking. You cannot serve Me and Mammon at the same time, and you must make a choice."

"Live with both feet firmly planted on My foundation for you and abandon the ways of this world found in all churches today. I will no longer honor or approve of My church being the playground for satan's minions it is now. Nor will I give credence to past practices and behavior done in the church to tickle the ears of dis-obedient pastors and churches. My hand of judgment is upon the church, and you see daily church after church, pastor after pastor, prophet and apostle after prophet and apostle fall from grace and be exposed for their wanton worldly actions in My church. There will be more for those who still think they can do church as they have always done church — to take the focus off of Me and put it upon the pastor, church, denomination, or manifestation of the gifts and miracles — and they will also fall and be removed from My presence."

"Those who persist in following the tried and true patterns of their denominations and church traditions over following and listening to Me when I speak to them — those who want to keep Me at a distance from them and fear My presence among them — will find that the old formulas that have worked so well for them for so long no longer will work, and they will fail. Those whom I call to follow Me and I want to bless, will be required to go through the refiners fire I put before them. These are times of testing and tempering of My followers to see who will allow themselves to be tempered, and strengthened by Me in the fiery furnace. Those who reject My fiery furnace, reject Me."

"Let go of controlling witchcraft spirits where you think you can conjure My presence among you to manipulate others to do your bidding. Let go of prideful "having arrived" spirits that keep My flock away from Me thinking they know it all and do not need any more of Me. Let go of divisive denominational spirits that are the bane of My church where one portion of My body rejects the rest of Me that does not fit their narrow image of Me. Let go of unforgiveness that keeps My church and flock in bondage and far from Me and at the mercy of the enemy. Let go of all too many other demonic spirits that have taken over and destroyed most churches, denominations, and all too many divinely inspired ministries that once served Me. For I reject all that they stand for."

"Those whom I call to follow Me in these end times, when I return to reclaim My church, must re-think what I really want in My church and not fall back upon old ways of thinking, doing or acting in the church. I have told you before that My Church will be without spot or wrinkle. Therefore why do you still want to hold onto and bring back into My new church all those spotted and tainted things I AM destroying and purifying out of My true church? Trust Me to know what I want in My church. Just be willing to listen to Me and abide in My word and be ready when I call you."

September 21-23, 2008


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"First Apostles, Second Prophets,..."

For some time I have been agonizing over certain issues before me, wondering what is the answer. All that I know is that the Lord will provide the answers when the time is right, and I must abide until then. Since Sunday, the Lord has been speaking to me — in carefully measured stages as I can receive it — on theses issues, and He has been continually revealing to me more and more of what He wants to say to me through early this morning what I began to write it down. He really is putting all in focus. At first, much of this seems to be a repeat of other words from Him, but each time He speaks to me, He adds another dimension, angle, or deeper insight for me that gives me a new and a clearer understanding that makes it new to my stubborn and hard-headed way of thinking and responding to situations around me.

Ever since we first heard from the Lord that He is going to do His "New Thing" and will bring His Great Revival upon the land, we have wondered when and how He is going to act. All we have known is that He is calling us to be His tools to help implement His Word among His people, and that East End is one of the primary sights for the Great Revival. These past several years has been a time of growing, stretching, refining, remolding, and re-learning (several times over and over) what all of His message is for us — a time of great tribulation, pain, and emptying on our parts that is, and will always be ongoing for us.

Every time we have been humbled by His words and regularly are reminded that we can do nothing without Him, and we must be carefully listening to what He wants to say to all of us. Many times, I wondered in despair whether I am really called by Him to do this impossible task, and whether I am on the right path. But He always comes through to humble me with how powerful is His word and the fruit it produces — as long as we who are in service to Him remain closely and tightly connected to Him as our shield and rock. We are to rely only upon Him and not upon our human frailties.

Only recently have I realized the greater depth He is calling us to go with Him. But over the years we have regularly found many whom we know were also were called to serve the Lord in this mission of bringing the Great Revival. Alas, we come to realize and find that those to whom we are sent are more concerned with building up their own ministries instead of that of the Lord, and do not want to step out into the unknown with the Lord. We have been mislead and disappointed by many whom we know the Lord was calling to come to a higher place with Him but who prefer to fall back on the known and refuse to go forward into the unknown.

I have felt betrayed and used so many times (as much by my reliance upon my own human expectations of people than by what the Lord expects of me), until I found myself becoming more cautious as to whom I would approach — until I had a chance to better know and understand from where they come. I was holding back from some to test them even though the Lord has been speaking to me of those whom He is calling — my corrupted flesh entering in creating interference in things holy.


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In our mission to bring together those whom the Lord is calling to lead His Great Revival, we find ourselves agonizing over trying to find and to keep the right people the Lord is calling into ministry with us. But I realized that we all too often become more concerned with keeping certain people within the circle and on track with what the Lord is saying to us that we begin to compromise (by our silence in the face of questionable words and actions) what the Lord is calling us to do just to keep harmony in the group — lest we offend someone's belief system who comes from a different cultural context from us and does not fully understand from where we are coming. We fall into the trap of trying to teach them the things the Lord is teaching us with the anticipation they will hear, digest, and accept the message we are called to deliver — in other words, assuming that they are just as as concerned as we are to listen and follow the Lord into His "New Thing" and abandon past church and denominational experiences and practices. In patience we have done this several times, and each time our reluctance to boldly address the disruptive issues and to correct false teaching and troubling actions that keep creeping in around us eventually lead to a critical mass stage that explodes in our faces creating the great fire storm we have been trying to avoid all along.

But each time, the Lord lets us know where we failed Him, and each time He sends us on our way to serve Him by sending us to the next one called by Him — expecting us to have garnered His wisdom from the experience. I realized that we have been relying too much on our worldly skills and experiences of how to act with people — patience, persuasion, diplomacy and subtlety — to do God's "New Thing" instead of relying upon Him to lead us into His "New Thing." It is the phrase He gave us from the beginning, "New Thing," that is speaking to me now. His "New Thing" is totally alien to our old thing in the church. In other words, He is creating His "New Wine" for His church unlike any seen in the church before, and we are still trying to make use of — adapt or alter — our old worn out wineskins for His new gift to do His "New Thing." But they are two mutually exclusive spiritual concepts in this new era of His church.

If we expect to respond to churches, ministers, and people according to the old churches and world's ways of acting, we will only have failure and disappointment in our ministries. In other words, we are not trusting the Lord to use us as His instruments if we continue to rely upon our old ways of thinking and responding to problems when we really only come back to Him at a time of crisis of our own making. We become anxious and vexed by the precarious circumstances being thrown in our path thinking we can sidestep it and still be doing the Lord's work.

We have often heard from other reliable prayer warriors, intercessors, and prophets, as a confirmation (repeatedly and consistently) the same word we have heard — that the Lord's appointed and called apostles and prophets are to lead this Great Revival and not those chosen by men and churches. We also know that His Great Revival is not to be like any seen in the church before, so that no earthly formula or precedent can be used to know (outwardly simulate) the mind of the Lord to try and replicate past great experiences and movements of the Lord — in other words, no booth builders and new denominational creations will be allowed by the Lord in His "New Thing." We fully realize and understand that we are far from being the suitable candidates to be


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called by the Lord for such a monumental task — far beyond any of our worldly abilities.

Why the Lord called us is regularly questioned by those whom we approach for we are not successful in the church and find ourselves regularly viewed as outsiders in the churches and among the pastors and ministries we encounter — we do not fit the proper and acceptable official qualifications for church ministry. The best we can say for ourselves is that we are the laughing stock of the local churches, ministers, and programs in the region — despised and rejected by men. As Paul said "the Lord uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise," and we fit that bill.

Early this morning (Monday), the Lord gave me a passage from scripture that is the key to our calling — one of two key words he gave me as I am writing this. 1 Corinthians 12:28 "And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers,..." This is the beginning of the delineation of the primary spiritual gifts as outlined by Paul, and all of the five gifts — apostle, prophet, teacher, evangelist, and pastor — are the rock-bed foundation of any church surrendered to the Lord. But the ones that stand out for me, at this time, are the first two that Paul prioritized — apostle and prophet. We understand, on a certain level, what these gifts are expected to be in scripture — versus how the churches have twisted and made them contrary to God's word to cash in on them to build successful programs to elevate men. But have we fully lived into the promise of these gifts according to what the Lord wants from us?

I began to examine what the epistles say apostles and prophets are with Paul being the best example. Whenever he went out, he boldly proclaimed the Lord's message to those who would listen and numerous new churches were established all around the Mediterranean basin from Jerusalem to Rome. Two instances of his ministry came to mind. The first was his trip to Athens, which turned out to be his one significant failure. Where he spoke to them according to their way of hearing — as philosophers and stoics. In other words, he catered his message to them (compromised his message based upon their cultural background) instead of allowing the Lord to use him in a way that would bring them to Him. As such, while there were great words said that tickle the ears of learned men, there was little fruit produced for the Kingdom of God on this mission trip.

One of his most famous missions was to the Greek based pagan city of Corinth where a thriving church was established. However, turmoil soon entered into the ranks in the church necessitating some of Paul's most famous epistles to bring correction to the wayward thinking and actions in this church. Even though he was a correctly trained Jew in his upbringing, and he was bringing the Lord's message to a people originally steeped in an alien pagan culture, he did not compromise his holy message nor temper his admonitions to the pagan based culture out of Corinth — he did not temper nor compromise the spiritual authority the Lord gave to him in order to appeal to the totally different cultural framework familiar to the gentile Greeks of Corinth.

The bottom line of what I am seeing is that to be an apostle or prophet for the Lord in these last days is to die daily to self and rely only upon the Lord to lead us along the path He has prepared for us. In order to do this, we can only be His and no one else's. We must put aside the trappings of this world


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and those in the worldly church — elevated and lofty positions and titles in the church; positions of hierarchical authority and rank that the church values; adherence to any denominational mind set or selective thinking that ours is the only "One true church;" or focus upon gifts and talents (signs and miracles or whistles and bells) that all too many churches now worship instead of the Great I AM.

In the Lord's church you cannot claim a worldly title or position and still serve Him as one of His apostles or prophets. If we are His then He will not share us with anything else, and we must be willing to sacrifice those things in this church and world we esteem equal to or even above Him — servitude to Him. In others words we cannot serve God and Mammon at the same time. Those of us called to be His apostles and prophets are held to a higher example in His eyes, and we cannot pretend to reply upon the world's ways or mindsets to still be His faithful and obedient servants. Otherwise we send a mixed and dangerous message to those who watch or listen to us as His mouthpieces in this world.

As He was pulling all this about apostles and prophets together in the journal, on Tuesday, I realized that He is speaking to me again about the "New Wine and Wineskins" in a more emphatic way, and He has this to say: "I AM bringing My 'New Thing' My Great Revival, upon you, and I want to shower the land with My New Wine. But you still want to hold onto your old wineskins expecting these old and worn vessels to hold My New Wine. I cannot, nor will I, shower My New Wine down upon you if you choose to squander My gift to you, for your old vessels cannot contain My gift nor will they last. But they will burst and become nothing if you try to fill them with My new gift. Let go of your old ways and listen to My still small voice as I speak to you of all that I require in My 'New Thing.'"

The question to us is: do we fear the Lord more than we fear losing the approval of men in the church and in this world? If we fear the Lord more, then we are called to trust Him to lead us along the path and trust Him to give us the words to speak that He wants us to say. If we hesitate from fulfilling His call upon us (try to second guess His word) — lest the church and the world think less of us — then we are relying upon our old and familiar obsolete wineskins as our foundation, and they will burst and be nothing. These are the days of His "New Wine" being prepared for our New Wineskins to receive His "New Thing" — His Great Revival. We can continue to put aside — surrender all to Him — those old things that are familiar and comfortable to us and follow and obey Him and be His faithful servants, or we can stubbornly hold onto those things of our past and find ourselves left along the wayside without the Lord with nothing to call our own not any part in His Kingdom.

October 7, 2008Troubling Times — Times of Testing

During our prayer time tonight, I found myself being more concerned with the uncertainty and foreboding about the future of this nation, with the uncertainty and forboding over the upcoming election, and the appalling and fearful news from the financial markets and from the national


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government than with resting in the Lord as my protector and shield. With turmoil on every front — the stock market, banks, politics and the election, national security, etc. — I find it all too easy to look inward to what tomorrow will bring instead outward upon the promises He makes to us. As I continued to reflect on the signs of the times and those things troubling me that I can discern are coming upon this nation regardless of who leads us — terrible and disturbing things of our own doing — I began to hear a personal word from the Lord that shook me:

"If you fret over the signs of the times around you, you do not trust Me to do the right thing for you and your nation. Let go and let Me lead you. I have never abandoned you in your darkest times when you had nowhere to go or any guarantees from this world to provide for you. I always provided all that you and your family needed (not what you wanted), and I will continue to be your shield and protector in these present troubling times to come. Do not be concerned with the things you see around you in the economy and in the government, for I AM in charge of all things. But I will act according to what is asked of Me. Do you not trust Me to be your protector in the upcoming trials I AM sending upon your nation?"

As we continued and were consumed in prayer and the Lord was speaking to all of us, I found myself becoming more focused upon what the Lord wants to tell me about this nation, and I found myself reflecting mainly upon the history of this nation, and — in particular — upon Abraham Lincoln at a very crucial moment during the Civil War. I was brought back to the divinely inspired and immortal words of his Gettysburg Address he delivered in 1863 and especially upon his opening words:

"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forward upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

What stood out was the opening time frame of eighty-seven years. It was the same time frame from the start of the Revolution in 1776 up to that day at Gettysburg. I realized that this window, from seventy to ninety years, is about that same amount of time following the Civil War that this nation again faced its next great crisis — the great depression that commenced in 1929. The terrible times that this event ushered in led to the Second World War as a terrible outgrowth.

The one consistency in this time frame with all the historic periods it represents is that it ushered in major, and in most cases, severe and costly — both in terms of finances, life-style and even lives — changes in society and how we respond as a people to the circumstances we have to face. Do we look to ourselves and other inward answers to our questions and troubles, or do we look outward to the Great I AM and listen to Him for our answers?

The eve of the American Revolution saw the first major set of radical changes for us as a people. We were moving from the stability of monarchial British government for a group of people familiar and largely comfortable with it into un-chartered social, economic and governmental paths that led to the foundation of this nation and its constitutional government without the security and safety net of Britain to support us. However brilliant, glorious and pioneering were our forefathers in establishing this new nation they were ever mindful that our success in the war was solely due to the hand of the


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Lord over us and not to any great abilities we had — those who were considered no more than a tiny pinprick in the British Empire by the great powers in Europe. However, in the aftermath of the Revolution and the quest to politically unite the thirteen diverse and contentious states into a new nation would require us to be willing to come together and overcome tremendous personal, regional, and cultural differences to create a national government agreeable to all. This led to our great national constitution.

However, in our obsession to be united at all costs, we were willing to compromise our foundational beliefs, for it was more important to be in unity than stand for what is right and true. Therefore, as a result, a major and severe flaw in our foundation was planted that would sow the future seeds of destruction for the nation — in this case confirming the institution of slavery as a right and entitlement to a particular group of people. But this attempt at unity and agreement led to increasing divisions and political turmoil as the nation grew and increased in size with no easy resolution to the thorny problem staring us in the face. By 1861 these seeds of destruction came to fruition and produced a bumper crop of death and destruction that paved the way for the wholesale death to a way of life and thinking for the nation and especially for the old South who held tenaciously to that vile institution as their right and entitlement. But in these terrible times the trials it produced brought most people back to the Lord as our defender and protector.

The end result of that terrible time, when hundreds of thousands of our young men on both sides paid the price of their lives making it the deadliest war to this nation, was an opportunity to correct past sins and wrongs and pave the way forward for a Godly led nation. While we still had leaders in this nation willing to rely upon the Great I AM to lead us, once Abraham Lincoln was killed, all hopes for reconciliation and spiritual healing were killed with him. And, once again, the devil came in to plant new seeds of destruction across the land instigated by the powers that be in the nation who were more interested in self gain and retribution than in reconciliation and healing, and they chose to follow their own selfish desires instead of the Great I AM for this nation.

Beginning in the early nineteenth century and increasing at a rapid pace during the war, this nation had made the major transition from a rural farm based economy centered on the family and self-sufficiency to the beginnings of the major rise of the industrial powers and corporations in this nation centered on dehumanizing people and families and turning them into machines to the corporate empires. The power shift was now complete, and those who benefited from this new system introduced greed to a level never seen in this nation before, and they transformed the work force — both poor whites and immigrants and the former slaves — into economic slaves to their system and broke the back of our previous self-worth and self-sufficiency as a people. While much "progress" was made in industry, technology and development of the nation into one national consciousness making us into one of the major international players on a par with the British, French, and Germans, and the other great industrial nations in Europe, the deep divisions between the abjectly poor and extremely wealthy became as intense as among the France aristocracy on the eve of their Revolution, with as much resentment and explosive response.


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The eventual by-product of our unbridled ambitions and greed was the total downfall of the nation's economic base starting in 1929 when the seeds of greed and wild abandonment of the foundations of this nation came to fruition. However, all in the nation and around the world paid the price. With the financial underpinnings that people relied upon to advance themselves now largely abandoned, we in this nation found ourselves relying upon and expecting the government to solve the problems and provide for us, thereby establishing the roots of the welfare state that is solidly planted in the minds of this nation today.

What began as a proper and humanitarian temporary solution to get us through the momentary crisis as a nation, became entrenched and deeply rooted in the peoples minds as their right and entitlement, with all too many politicians and government funded bureaucrats willing to make use of this mind-set to establish their power base among disadvantaged and helpless people. In essence, making them the new slaves to the entitlement programs the government can provide — provided they vote for these new "people oriented" politicians and their new government programs "who only want to help them" — to remain dependant upon them and their handouts. However well intended they were, none of these new government programs were successful in ending the depression across the land.

After several years of economic downturn around the world, nations began to turn to any solution to solve the problem even to some of the worst dictators in history. The end result was the second World War when millions of people — both military and civilian — died on a scale not witnessed in the world before. But, in spite of all our actions and mis-actions in this crisis, we were still a nation focused upon the Great I AM as our Lord and savior and did not deny Him as our protector over this nation.

We now come to the next eighty-ninety year cycle (in which we live) that has seen the greatest era of prosperity and wealth in our history since the war. But this over abundance of easy wealth and power quickly began to erode all of our foundational beliefs upon which we were founded as a nation. As long as we had everything we wanted, we did not need God, patriotism, honor, respect, humility, or servant-hood — things from the past that drag us down and keep us from being successful in the world — for we are now the masters of the world. This same mind-set equally infected our economic, business, entertainment and governmental structures with deadly results for this nation.

Now, instead of market successes and financial gains we are now daily hearing of severe financial failures among the biggest names in business, industry and banking in this nation — all fueled by greed, self-serving promotion, and our national mind-set of entitlement. People who planned ahead in their lives with savings, investments, and other retirement benefits are now finding themselves unsure and uncertain of what lies ahead of their years of planning and investing according to previous tried and true formulas for success. In other words, the perpetual promises of good times and prosperity everyone has been spouting all these years — equally by the government, media, and churches — is now coming home to roost, and the devil is calling in his chips from those who gambled on greater successes in the market and higher profits for their pocketbooks.


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The Lord began to speak to me of these events, and He has this to say:

"Be very careful for what you wish, for I will give you your heart's desires whether you realize what you ask or not. Every time you choose to rely upon yourselves and not Me, I will back away and let you have your wish. When you as a nation turn to Me as your foundation and protector, I will be there to shield you. But each time that you turn from Me and I give you the opportunity to return to Me, you circumvent Me and choose to do your own thing at great costs to your souls and nation. But many of you in generations past find those times of trial and trouble you have experienced to be the time to return to Me and My saving grace, so that I have continued to show mercy to your nation, and I have not forgotten you when you did."

"At this hour, when you face this new crisis of your own making, will you return to Me as your Lord and Savior to lead you to salvation in Me only, or will you choose to stubbornly go your own way again sinking further into the quagmire of your own making? You will go through these trying times, for you have chosen this path to follow, and I will not bless or smooth over the troubles you have brought upon yourselves — those are the consequences of your actions — and your actions will bring much hardship upon many innocent people for which you will bear the burden."

"These times will be terrible to those who want the status quo and still seek prosperity and worldly security — those who rely upon unprincipled and greedy politicians and the government to bail them out (not only the greedy banks and businesses but also every other self-centered group that has its hand out to the government) and give them handouts for which they have not earned but expect and feel entitled to as their right. The only thing that you are entitled to, as one of My own, is to worship Me only and nothing else in this world."

"But, as I have said many times, I AM doing a 'new thing' that will contradict everything you have experienced before in both the church and in the nation. You will not be able to use past road signs to lead you along this unknown road, for I AM the only guide you will need to traverse it. There is no other. However, it will require you to abandon all that you have always worshipped and hold precious in your own eyes."

"These will be times to assess who you are and whether you will want to follow Me instead of the world. In the past, when you have gone through crises, there have been many who still followed Me and My words for this nation. But, at this time, is there anyone left with faith in your nation who still believes in Me to bring peace and everything they need versus what they want? The severity of the trying times of the past have always been determined by the level of response of My people who returned back to Me to sustain them through their hardships. What will be your answer to Me?"

In the days of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and even in the days of Franklin Roosevelt during the Great Depression and World War II, we were a nation who knew who our Father and Lord is and continued to keep our focus on Him as the foundation for this nation. In our darkest


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hour we always turned to Him to comfort and protect us and not to the government. In those days our government was the responsible servant of the people with a clear focus and understanding of our spiritual foundations that were their guiding light even in the darkest of days.

In this century, and especially since the end of the second World War, we have moved farther and farther from our roots and foundation and seem to forget — if not deny, reject and resent — our roots and godly foundation. Today, our government — or at least our elected representatives who view themselves as guardians of the public feeding trough — has become the master of the people always making empty promises and telling lies to tickle the ears of a people just as self-centered and unprincipled as they. These same leaders are just as unprincipled and willing to sell our birthright for easy immediate gain and personal satisfaction to gain votes from people willing to surrender to greed and personal gain — in other words, to sell themselves to the highest bidder. Corruption and sin is the bane of all humanity and a sign of our fallen state from the grace of God, but must we justify and condone it in our leaders as long as they tell us what we want to hear?

No longer do we as a nation put our faith in the Lord and His eternal word to us. Instead we have stubbornly and willfully rejected the Great I AM as our Lord, Savior and protector over us to, instead, sell ourselves to be slaves to creature comforts and self satisfaction in this present corrupted world of our own making. In our obsession to provide for ourselves at the expense of others, we have given unbridled license to the basest of people to lead and advise us in this nation, and we then give them license to rape our resources and morals and values all for the worship of gain and self, and we glorify these people in spite of knowing their many vices and evils.

We no longer want principled and honest people to lead us, and we do everything to destroy anyone who believes in God, honor, responsibility, and sacrifice — to the point that no one with any true moral values or honesty is willing to run for national office lest they and their loved ones be destroyed by malice and unfounded innuendo. We want our elected officials to mirror our own morals and values, and elect them accordingly. Then, we wonder why there are so many troubles in this nation and around the world, and then we are more than willing to believe what these politicians say is the cause of the problem — always pointing the finger of blame elsewhere than at themselves and the people who elected them.

They know us too well and will flatter our egos and avaricious natures knowing we are just like them, and they do not fear judgment from the people for they can produce results for these same people at the expense of truth and moral values — continually going to the government's well siphoning off precious and finite resources of the people to create programs and funds for equally selfish and greedy people who elect them. They know us too well, for they understand we are more concerned with what we can get from them and their government handouts than the desire to do the right thing as our ancestors were known to do. They know us too well that we will look the other way at sin and corruption instead of being willing to admit the corruption and greed in our nature that we have encouraged in the government and in our leaders — as long as we get what we want, and it matters not who we are, for just as may dollars go to unscrupulous poor as to the unscrupulous rich and


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businesses in this nation. Greed is greed and all levels of our society are guilty of wallowing in our own selfish motivations expecting to feed at the government's "endless trough of goodies." But that trough or endless well is running dry, and the days of endless goodies being given away without earning them are coming to an end.

By our reliance upon ourselves and not the common good of the nation we have almost killed the goose that lays the golden eggs, and still we expect more. In 1961 the newly elected young president of this nation, John F. Kennedy — a man from the previous generation who knew and understood what duty, honor, and sacrifice meant — made his most famous remark from his inaugural speech: "Ask not what you country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." To today's generation we have reversed that saying and continually expect the government to provide for us:"come, let us feed upon the body of this nation, for there is more than enough to go around. But first let me get my share." There you see all types of people: the bankers, corporate executives, politicians and their hacks, churches, schools, unscrupulous welfare recipients, students, parents, labor unions, state and municipal governments and the list is endless.

We have even come to the mind set that we glorify and esteem greed, deception, and corruption over truth, and we see them equally and proudly proclaimed by the national media and entertainment industry as honorable and acceptable for us to emulate — where right is declared to be wrong; where good is declared to be bad; where truth is declared to be lies; where death is declared to be life; where Satan is declared to be God; where God is declared to be non existent.

Once, we were a nation of selfless givers. Now we have become a nation of selfish "gimme's." Will we continue to be like the Israelites who demanded from the Lord's prophet Samuel a king like the worldly and pagan people around them instead of being willing to come under the sovereignty and authority of the Great I AM? If so, we will go the same way of these people who also relied upon themselves instead of the Great I AM.

October 21, 2008

Broken Pipes

Tonight, while we were in prayer, I was receiving an image of a field that reaches to infinity. But I was not looking at the ground itself, but instead, I was looking under the surface to the water pipes buried below. Instead of one great professionally laid cast iron or ceramic conduit designed to operate at maximum efficiency — to provide one easy and steady flow of water into every house and building providing all the people with fresh water — there with many very differently sized and oddly shaped types of gerry-rigged and less than professionally laid forms of water pipes buried under the ground mostly in parallel trenches but very haphazardly placed without any rhyme or reason.

There were dozens of them. All of them were old and most were outdated and, more often than not,


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cracked and even springing leaks. They had lain so long in the ground without proper supervision or maintenance that they were all clogged with generations of built-up silt and sludge and thick layers of mineral encrustations that lined the old pipes so much that most of them only had, at best, a pinhole sized opening left for any of the water to flow through. Where once they may have carried great volumes of water to their appointed destinations, now they produced (for most of them) only a tiny trickle of water in cracked and rusted pipes that were of little value to the people.

These pipes represent the many denominations in the church of every name and description — Catholic, Episcopalian, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist (of every theological difference and description), Assembly of God, Church of God, Church of Christ, Orthodox (also of every theological difference and description), and every type of the numerous "non-denominational" churches out there who seem to hold onto their own particular form of theological interpretation. They represent every church group that claims to worship the trinitarian god-head — God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit — and each has their own separate pipe — made to their special specifications according to their personal spiritual beliefs — to supply them their water that could (or at least is supposed to according to their advertising) supply all the life-giving water needs for the people.

Each pipe considered itself to be the one and only true conduit of the life-giving water, and each was careful to keep themselves distinct and at a distance from the others lest they be contaminated by sources of questionable water sources. But no pipe — regardless of its size or condition — produced any more water than the other ones that they compared themselves with, and all were and tasted the same. In reality, all were sorry conduits of clean, fresh, and life-giving water. The best they could produce now is stale and stagnant water that — because of years and generations of neglect by the church leaders that produced built-up pollutants that have accumulated in the water — is potentially deadly to the people who drink of it, for it was difficult to distinguish their old and stale water from the equally old and leaking sewage pipes leaching their foul fluids into the same field that are found adjoining the water pipes.

Since these pipes were so ancient and poorly maintained from years of neglect, they were all falling apart and springing more and more leaks. At first these leaks were small drips and trickles, but over time — as the volume of the water backed up into the narrow pipes, pressure began to force it through the old pipes until the fragile and obsolete configuration of the pipes burst open allowing the water to flow out in every direction. It did not take long for these tiny trickles to start flowing into gushes of water that eventually broke through the surface of the ground to flow over the landscape unimpeded. These individual trickles increased in size and volume and then began to merge with the other flowing rivulets of water until they quickly became powerful torrents of water running everywhere. As the power of the water increased all these streams of water continued to meld together so that no one one can tell whose water was flowing where, for they are all one mighty force now.

As the pressure increased on what was remaining of the old and broken pipes, the water became —


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not just a small easily manageable stream anymore — but instead became a mighty rushing stream that flowed down into the the great living river. Now, this river became a formidable great river running through the countryside. Its tremendous power was carving valleys and canyons in the once serene landscape, for there was no stopping it now. The water was formidable, turbulent, and a very active force to deal with. Those old and ancient water pipes that had provided the life-giving water to millions upon millions of faithful for so long is now obsolete and even deadly to the people. Their day have passed to the "New Thing" the Lord is now doing in His church that cannot and will not be contained within the human confines of any one church or denominational pipe.

I know this image represents the state of the church in theses last days — a church that is so fragmented into dozens of denominations and even more contentious and divisive factions that greatly weaken the power and authority of the church universal in this worldly society who generally see the church as an archaic and useless relic from the distant past. It is a church that has clung tenaciously and stubbornly to its traditions and old ways of conducting worship, and they have refused to listen to the life-giving words from the Lord for His church. Instead they have chosen to carry on as usual with their supposed mission — to justify their self-centered denominational existence in a world falling apart around their proverbial ears. Because of their self-centered ways, the world no longer sees it as alive, relevant, or having any power or authority to transform people or make any impact upon events in this world. The best the church can expect in these last days is contempt or even disdain from the world around them.

But, a new day is coming for the church, and the Lord is breaking open and demolishing these ancient, archaic, obsolete, and decrepit denominational pipes so that any life-giving water remaining in them can be separated from the stale and stagnant water they have been producing can be drained off into the sewers, and this new water can then flow freely to all those who need it. All this denominational thinking will be crushed by the Great I AM so that His church can return its focus upon Him and His life-giving message for all His people.

This is the beginning of His "New Thing" that will usher in His Great Revival to save His people from sin and death — the critical elements of His message that were lost long ago by most of the present churches who have chosen to follow the lead of this world instead of His truth. All these obsolete and ancient pipes and the limited thinking they produced in the church will be erased — to be crushed into many tiny pieces and then dug up out of the ground to be discarded — from the face of the earth, for in the Great Revival people can come directly to the Lord and be in His presence to worship and know Him as the Great I AM. No longer will His people "who call Him by name" be excluded from all of His life-giving living water that, in the past, had been selfishly parsed out by the powers that be in the old churches to maintain control over the church and the flocks to serve themselves and not the Great I AM.

October 28, 2008


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Childish Things

Tonight, I was given a verse from scripture: "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.; when I became a man, I gave up childish things," I Corinthians 13:11.

As I reflect upon these words from Paul, I am reminded of the different stages we go through as people and also as Christians. When we are small children we must be carefully guarded from the dangers in this world of which are are oblivious. We consider ourselves the center of the universe and everything revolves around us — as least in our small world where life is one big party.

As we grow, and discover a world outside of ourselves, we begin to mature to assume some levels of responsibility in our world. We now see we are only a part of the world, and we begin to see beyond ourselves to be willing to share with others and begin to bear some of our portion of life's burdens. But we do not always consider the consequences of our actions as we interact with those in our peer groups around us, for we consider ourselves invincible and impervious to what lies beyond our vision — again we see ourselves as the center of the universe.

Once we are old enough to leave our homes and go out into the world — usually after graduation from high school and upon entering college — we are expected to assume more and more responsibility for ourselves and our lives, for we are now making decisions for ourselves that can impact our futures and those around us. But, these years are still — to our mindsets — focused primarily on ourselves and on our creature comforts. We think we know all there is to know and display an air of confidence far beyond our level of maturity or worldly experiences, for we have not learned how unforgiving the world can be, and we are easily led astray and fall into many worldly traps set out there for us.

With age and experience can come maturity and — hopefully — wisdom when we know the sting of defeat and rejection from the world. We see far beyond our childlike eyes and know, all too well, that there is a world out there populated with many other people who hope and desire for the same things we had always considered our private reserve, and we begin to reach outward from ourselves to others who need our help. We finally recognize that we are only one other soul in search of comfort, peace, and security among many.

At this stage of our lives, we are expected to take responsibility for ourselves and out actions and begin to become productive, useful, and responsible citizens in society. Unfortunately, not all of us make a successful transition through each stage. Some often become stuck in one stage that they cling onto with a sense of desperation — that one shining moment in their lives where they were the king of the hill, the top dog and center of the attention of those around them. How often have we seen people whose chronological age would indicate they should be far more mature and wise than what they practice — reliving a past glorious high school experience or college activity that reflects our desire to still be the center of the universe, and we want to recreate as if it were yesterday?


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That each of us can and is willing to retreat into our past comfort zones where we were once protected, peaceful, and taken care of by others is unquestionable. But when I was a man, I gave up childish things. The time for looking inward upon our selfish desires has come to an end and we are expected to grow up and accept responsibility for ourselves and our actions, and not expect others to bear the burden for our selfishness — especially our children and grandchildren.

The Lord is speaking to me of these words and how the church today reflects this same mind-set. He let me know that we (the church) still want to hold onto our childish ways of thinking about Him and His church, and we stubbornly refuse to grow up into the mature Christians all of us are called to be. We still want to do things our way, just like any two-year old who is totally self-centered.

In our spiritual immaturity we refuse to rely upon Him and trust Him to lead us to be our shield and protector, and the church in this nation is paying the price for our selfish worldly ways. We still want to cling desperately to our past spiritual highs — the whistles and bells, the mountain top experience we are stuck in, or any of a multitude of comfortable and familiar events we have experienced in church that keep us focused on ourselves and not on Him — and stay stuck in our past instead of be willing to grow and mature with Him into our future to become His responsible and enlightened witnesses in his church. Instead, we choose to betray Him and sell His church to line our pockets and promote ourselves instead of giving Him our total selves — in body, mind and spirit.

November 5, 2008

Looking Through a Muddied Window

Tonight, as I found myself being at peace and rejoicing in the presence of the Lord on a new level I have never experienced — or ever allowed myself to do before — He gave me another passage from scripture, and it is a continuation on the one He gave me last week and one He has given to me before. But, this time it has a new meaning to me and purpose for me.

I found myself going to: "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood," I Corinthians 13: 12.

With this scripture passage I saw — not a mirror into which we look to see our reflection — but, instead, I was in room with a huge plate glass window that looked out over the outside world and a vast garden. However, the room I was standing inside was — even with lamps turned on — dim and dark even with the large picture window looking out, for very little light was coming in through the window. Because of this, the view to the outside looked to be always gloomy and stormy and was not inviting to me to want to go out into it. I prefer to stay inside where I can be comfortable and safe. I have accepted the the limitations and conditions in which I live as the norm.


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The problem is that what I could see through the window was not the true condition of the outside world and garden but, instead, was caused by a glass smeared with layers of dirt, mud, filth, and many years of neglect that kept me from seeing the truth state of the outside world. Based upon what I could see from where I sat, there was little to attract me to go outside after it, but I would rather stay inside with what I could see and know.

What was different about the condition of the muddied glass is that all the dirt and obstructions on the glass were not from the obvious outside source where wind, rain, and daily grime would be expected to accumulate, but, instead, came from the inside where I sat — covered with my fingerprints. My view of the outside world and the garden is based upon my pre-conceived ideas of what is out there predicated upon false and corrupted information I was receiving — information that fitted my world view. In reality, the outside world and the garden were bathed in sunlight, warm temperatures, and a very inviting experience for those willing to go outside of their experiences — a far cry from what I see from inside.

I cannot see clearly out the window to the truth for I have smeared and muddied the glass myself by my desire to be in charge and safe within my own notions of how He works. I am willing to accept what my eyes see — and want to see — instead of being willing to walk in faith with Him and leave my safe harbor into which I always retreat when a storm comes upon me — even though I say I trust Him. I realized how shallow my words are and how much of a hypocrite I am, and that my actions — or lack thereof — belie any words I say or write.

January 19, 2009


For some time I have been receiving images and words from the Lord that I have neglected to transcribe. That I am dating this today belies that fact that they are words that date back several weeks. I have allowed myself to be distracted by other things, but I was admonished by words from the Lord yesterday, that I must continue to transcribe what I am receiving, even though many of these words and images have ominous meanings for this nation and the church. One of the words given to me from the Lord — like a loud and clanging cymbal in my ears — is "priorities," and I understand what He is saying to me.

For generations past, this nation was founded on Godly principles and the Word of God as our foundation. Our fathers and grandfathers knew where their priorities lay — firstly with God, secondly with the nation, thirdly with their families, and lastly with ourselves. Today our priorities have been turned upsidedown — first with ourselves, secondly with our families, thirdly with our politics (instead of the nation), and fourthly (if at all) with God.

I recognized some time ago that the crisis upon this nation in its politics, finances, security, faith, etc.


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is only beginning to deepen and will reach a level of personal crises for many of us that has not been seen in this nation since the 1930's. It is like looking at the far horizon line in the distance on a warm, bright and sunny summer day, and everything is safe and there is not a care in the world for we have everything at our disposal and at our fingertips. But on the horizon, we see a dark cloud forming in the far distance — a cloud that is getting bigger and bigger and darker by the minute and with it is coming a cold blast of a severe winter storm that one one is prepared for — but we are oblivious to the seriousness of the coming cloud and the storm it will bring, for we are so self-absorbed by our possessions, creature comforts, and indulgent lifestyles to recognize (or even care about) the impending violent storm "a coming" upon us. We think we are still in control of our lives and destinies and are impervious to the effects of any storm. We are deluded that we can solve any situation that comes our way by our intellects, personal will, and past formulas of living. But the day is coming when all our fleshly abilities will come to nought, and we will be brought low by our vanity, self-centeredness, and pride in ourselves and our abilities.

We are being tested by the Lord to see where our priorities lie — whether with and in Him or in ourselves. By the dedication and deep levels of faith of our ancestors, we have been blessed by the Lord for many generations, by those who have remained faithful to Him and His word. But, with those Godly blessings has come prosperity and success in the world that has given us the desires of our hearts with comforts and possessions our ancestors could not even image having.

In times of prosperity, peace and plenty, we accumulate creature comforts around us that can easily distract us from what is of true importance, and they make us dumb and ignorant to what is going on around us. We become lulled into a false sense of security by our possessions and abundance and the personal power we possess over others and events. We think we are invincible, and it will last forever, for we earned them and deserve them. As we gain success in this world, we become obsessed with accumulating these things and then become possessed by our things and think they are a vital and integral part of us and our lifestyle, and we become lazy and ostentatious. In reality they possess us and not us them, and we adjust our thought processes in our dependence upon them away from what is truly valuable and important. In other words we are willing to sell our spiritual birthright from the Lord for a mere bowl of porridge — the fleshpots of this world.

In the process of our descent into this flesh market we focus upon ourselves and increasingly insulate ourselves from compassion, duty, honor, loyalty, and a deep abiding faith that goes far beyond ourselves to the rock-bed foundation of the values of this nation and our God. We take on the values of the world around us and move farther and farther from what is truly important, for we now think we are gods on earth. We have moved from the eternal absolute truth of God's word for us as a people and nation into the nebulous and quixotic world of relativity in thought. There are no absolutes but only degrees of relative truth for each individual to determine for themselves — or so says the conventional wisdom of this world and their fleshly ingrained leaders.

This is just as true of the institutions we build around us — the government in all forms of leadership (from the president, the congress and courts to our state and local leaders), politics and


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laws, commerce and business, entertainment, news and culture, education, and even our religious institutions — especially the church in these last days. All these institutions reflect our personal values (and lack thereof) and not the immutable absolute truth that is the foundation of God's word to us. Our selfish desires corrupt all that we see and touch, for do not want to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. Instead we expect our institutions to re-enforce our selfish desires to be in control of our lives and surroundings.

As the financial and economic realities sink in for all of us, we begin to realize — whether or not we want to — that our creature comforts and possessions will not save us. If we have our eyes open to the reality around us, we find ourselves being forced to re-evaluate what is truly of value that deserves to be valued and preserved, and it is not our lifestyles or things. Instead, it is a deep abiding reliance upon the one true God and the faith once delivered that has sustained our ancestors and fathers for generations long before our technology and intellects over-ruled common sense, humility and truth, and servant-hood.

The severe trials and tribulations our forefathers in the past and those our grandfathers and fathers faced in the Great Depression forced them to re-examine what was important, and what was necessary and important to sustain them. The critical times demanded that they set new priorities from what they had known before, and that led them back to the Lord and their faith as their only salvation. Today, we are being required to do the same radical self-examination for each one of us in this nation, and we will have to make some major decisions where our priorities lie as a people and a nation — whether with the Lord or in our selfish ways.

Will we stubbornly cling onto the ephemeral things of this fleeting world that allow us to be self-centered and indulgent, or will we take stock of what is of true merit and importance to us as a people and nation? In other words, are we willing to bite the bullet and forgo selfishness and be willing to sacrifice the temporal for the eternal?

Are will willing to come before the Great I AM and confess our sins against Him and His people, and repent of our actions — for those of our ancestors and for ourselves — to bring this nation back into His saving grace before it is too late for us? Or will we continue to stubbornly think we can do it ourselves without the Lord, but by our personal might and will and the corrupted institutions we have set up around us — all to maintain our personal agendas and selfish desires?

The Storm has only begun and will continue to intensify around us regardless of what we do in our flesh, and none of the earthly institutions we have set up around us — whether government programs and laws, politicians and political parties, educational institutions, or even the churches — can save us for all have sold out to the world and revile the Word of God. All we need to do is return to our spiritual roots as a people, confess our sins and helplessness before the Lord, and relinquish our control (or delusion of control) and turn back to Him as our rock and savior and be willing to face the storm — a storm of our own making — with His help. He is the only port in the upcoming storm to which we can turn for safety.


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The "Perfect Storm"

Another image He gave me one Tuesday night, shortly after the above word, was of a large military ship — on the lines of a state-of-the-art modern battleship — cruising in the middle of the ocean in balmy weather and on calm seas. It has a full complement of fully trained and equipped crew and officers to man the ship with the Captain over all. Each man knows his station and duty on the ship and can automatically follow orders in his station. The Captain gives orders to the officers under him and they, in turn, deliver specific orders to each of the crew as necessary. When all things run smooth and there are no serious issues confronting the ship and its crew — as in a war or severe un-predicted dangerous weather — everyone follows orders as given for they know the Captain and the officers know all the circumstances, and everyone must work together as a well oiled machine to survive, or else they will perish.

But, over time, this well trained and equipped war machine has been sailing peaceful and calm seas without any serious threats or dangerous weather to confront, and they have become relaxed in their duties to the point that they have become more and more centered upon their privileges and pleasures than on the seriousness of their obligations as sailors and officers. In time, they know how to work around the Captain to do what they want, and not get caught — they know how to work the system for their own gain, and they support each other in a deadly game of "don't ask don't tell" to protect each other at the expense of the safety of the whole ship. They become more focused on their personal wants and desires of their hearts than on the seriousness of their responsibilities as the officers and crew of this warship under the Captain. Self-sacrifice for the common good of the nation and the ship is supplanted by selfish survival at any cost — every man for himself. In these times of peace and safety, they have accumulated tons of the things of this world to laden down the ship that can place the ship and crew in peril in a crisis.

I see the seemingly unimportant storm in the far distance suddenly, and without any warning. changing course and speed, and it is now barrelling down on the ship at breakneck speed — the "perfect storm." Even when they could see the storm in the far distance, no one could predict this sudden change in the weather, and the Captain — who had been keeping an eye on the actions and course of the storm — knows the danger the ship is in, for they have no nearby safe harbor or port to which they can go in time.

Once the news have been delivered to the Captain, he has two courses of action: he can allow his emotions to take over and take the easy way out and try to outrun the storm and attempt to reach a safe harbor — knowing that to try to do so would be a futile action guaranteed to lead to their destruction, for the storm is faster than his ship can sail; or he can make the tough and seemingly suicidal choice and decide to face the deadly storm — in other words to bite the bullet. To do so means they must batten down the hatches on the ship and turn the ship around to sail — full speed ahead — into the raging weather knowing that they must face the storm as their only chance to


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survive. This would require all on the ship to throw overboard any extraneous and un-necessary equipment, gear, and personal items to guarantee the survival of the ship, the officers, and crew. That would include all the luxuries and selfish things they acquired at the expense of the operations of the ship. Only the Captain knows the dangers and has all the information and the insight and experience in this circumstance to make the command decision for his ship.

Once his order has been given, the officers and crew must set aside their personal opinions of the Captain and his command, or their own personal thoughts as to the proper actions to take — as if they have any better understanding or experience to bring to the decision — and follow their orders to the fullest to give them any chance of surviving the coming storm. If they doubt the Captain's decisions or ability to lead them through the coming storm, then the ship is not united or working as one body for their own survival. Instead, they have chosen to mutiny and take over the ship leading to the splintering of the body and guaranteeing their destruction by their selfish actions, and they will surely perish in the storm. If they allow their flesh and selfish desires to get in the way of the common good for all of the officers and crew of the ship, then the ship will go down to the bottom of the sea never to be seen again.

The Lord made it clear to me that this scenario is the story for this nation at this time. We, as a people and nation, have chosen to ignore and rebel against the Captain of the ship and take over control for our own selfish purposes. The officers of this ship are the authorized leadership in this nation who are the government, the church, business, education, and entertainment leaders in this nation. The crew are the people of this nation who have chosen the leadership we want for the sole purpose of satisfying our selfish desires and flesh. HE — the Great I AM, the Lord of Lords, and the Alpha and the Omega — is the Captain of this ship, the United States of America, and we, the crew and officers, have chosen to rebel against His authority to our own destruction as a nation and indigenous people. We know the storm is heading straight for us, and we will all need to made severe personal sacrifices to survive.

But we continue to want to outrun the storm thinking that by doing so we will avert the storm and still be able to keep our things and continue in our selfish and divisive ways of living. Instead of uniting together into one harmonious body under the Lord for our common good and survival — both now and for eternity — we continue to bicker and be divisive and playing politics and pursuing selfish gain over recognizing and proclaiming His Lordship over this nation. We still think we are in control in this nation, and we continue to marginalize Him to our own death — both fleshly and spiritual.

March 2, 2009

Pillars of Ice

Last night in my sleep, I was given an image from the Lord about today's church, and it is not


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flattering to any of us.

In the beginning, I saw three tall and slender columns towering high into the sky sitting on a prominent rise in the ground. They are provided by the trinity of God through the Holy Spirit. They are crafted from the finest marble and covered in precious stones. Each column is equal in size and importance to the other two. They are majestic and beautiful to see and are so tall that no one can miss them. They are close together, although separate entities, but are meant to be seen together as a group — the three cords. Individually, no one column by itself can support the weight they support. But collected together, they possess a powerful and massive strength to easily support the weight placed upon them. These three columns represent the separate, but vitally connected, expressions of the key elemental and foundational principals of the faith — with the their names carved in gold across the top of each column respectively liturgical, evangelical, and pentecostal — that, when united create an imposing presence to all around who see them. Their beauty attracts us to them, and we easily understand their corporate meaning to us without requiring an interpreter. We are drawn together to the three expressions of the faith by the three columns to know and inwardly digest all that each has for us, and we know that, if we take from each column its importance message in the faith each one has for us, they will there to lead us to the Holy Trinity. They do not exist to be worshipped by us — whether a single column or collectively — but exist to keep us balanced and only focused upon the Great I AM.

But, the day came when tectonic changes occurred in the earth that created a traumatic shifting and rending asunder of the earth. In the process, these three interconnected columns became further and further separated until each one is totally divided from the other two imperilling the stability of the individual columns to support the weight on them. They are now at a great distance from each other and are no longer visible to each other. At the same time, the earth's climate radically shifts also.

Before these changes came, the sky was clear and the bright sun shone down upon the earth creating blessings and comfort for us all. On the day the earth moved and shook, a thick layer of dark ominous clouds covered the earth like a deadly pall. They blocked out the life-giving warmth of the sun's rays to the earth and ushered in by a sharp and bitter wind. For the next tens of centuries the earth is covered with a perpetual winter without a respite or hope for anyone.

As time passed people lost their remembrances and understanding of the meaning of the three clustered columns and began to focus only upon one of the three columns — the only one visible to them — to the exclusion of the other two. As the earth's temperatures continued to fall and stay in the sub-zero range for centuries, the columns accumulated layer upon layer of thick ice on them mixed with dirt, filth, and garbage so that the true core of the columns is obscured from our view. The original beautiful and slender columns were increased in width by a much as ten to a hundred fold over their original intended size by the ice and junk to become ugly, squat and un-welcoming things to behold. In time grew accustomed to what we saw and accepted what was in front of us as all there was to know, and we began to ornament the large tall ice covered monstrosities and worship this new false thing as if it were the original. In the process, and we became even more divided from


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each other and exclusive in our thinking about each other for we now worshipped the one true column and not the false ones that others (obviously ignorant and mis-guided people) worshipped.

In time any true understanding of the purpose and meaning of the three columns was completely lost to us, and we assumed that what we have in front of us is all there is to know — we have arrived — therefore there was no need to seek after any other truth or need to grown spiritually. Based upon what we see in front of us — thick layers of dirty encrusted ice that cloud any clear visibility of the true column inside — we make our own understanding of what the columns mean to us and delegate to others (much more wise in these holy things than we could ever be) to interpret what is in front of us. We, therefore, have created our own god — in our own image — to justify our actions.

For century upon century, this is the norm for us — our familiar spirits — and we create our own denominations (hundreds of them) of like mind to uphold the sacredness and rightness of our one true column over the falseness of the other two columns, and we fight among ourselves for the honor of our column. The day comes when there is no one alive who remembers the original three columns and their true meaning in their cold and frigid world covered in snow and ice — in our hearts as well as on earth.

But, as His word promises to us, the Day of the Lord is coming when the Lord God, through His Son, will return to us on earth to reclaim His kingdom and His children, and He break though the thick dark mass of cold and ominous clouds that surround the earth — scattering it into a million pieces. For the first time in a century of centuries the bright sun will shine again on earth and the climate warm up dramatically. In short order the frozen ice-clad layers on the columns will begin to melt away into a vast puddle of dirty, filthy and foul smelling water unfit for human consumption — our denominations, divisiveness, pride, false theologies, prosperity, familiar (and their partner religious) spirits, worldly churches and its wayward leaders, etc. — that is then consumed in a refiner's purifying fire.

All that remains are the original tall, slender and beautiful columns that re-appear for all to see as God intended them to be — without spot or wrinkle. God, with a stroke of His hand, seals the divisive rift in the earth and moves the three columns back into their original locations as He intended them to be from the very beginning — in close proximity. We can now see clearly His ways and totally understand the purpose and meaning of the three columns without needing outside interpretation, and we now see through all the false teachings and doctrines we had been taught from century upon century for what they are — things that had been added by men to the true word of God to lead us astray and bind us to false gods.

He is returning to His earthly kingdom and is reclaiming all that is His — whether we welcome and embrace Him or not. It is up to us to receive and welcome Him and all His word for us or find ourselves like the filthy and foul water the He consumes in a fiery blaze — lost forever by our rebellion and self-seeking ways. Are we so entrenched in our spiritual ways of doing church and worship that we will lock ourselves out of the Kingdom of God, or are we willing to come before His


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throne with broken and contrite hearts recognizing that we have erred in our ways and screwed up and be willing to repent of our sinful ways — without equivocation of justification — to Him? Are we willing to be led by the Great I AM only as our provider and teacher instead of by our fleshly desires?

Our fleshly approaches to His church — the bane of His existence for centuries — will be swept away by Him in His return. Instead, He will institute His "New Thing" that He has repeatedly been telling us for so long is coming. Will we be ever vigilant and alert to what He is telling us about His church and recognize that our old ways of doing church — no matter how right, good and successful they may have been in the past — will be be swept away by Him into the consuming fire? Or will we stubbornly hold on — with closed minds and clinched fists — to everything in the church that He has; is now; and will ever reject as having any part of Him? Our denominational (familiar) spirits, fixed formulas of doing worship and prayer, and wayward and selfish theological points that we hold onto so dearly will only lead us away from Him and further into the arms of the Prince of This World — the promoter and purveyor of familiar spirits and "churchyness." It is our choice.

March 10, 2009

Deadly Regatta

Tonight, as the Lord is speaking to us, I am receiving clear images for the even clearer words He is speaking. I see a vast and wide river, and I am standing on the north shore. At first, I think I am alone, but I eventually realize that I but one of many standing on the shore looking across to the opposite shore. The opposite shore is far away — many, many miles across at this point — and barely able to be seen. I am standing many miles upriver and far enough away from the mouth of the river that the steady and churning waters run in front of me down river, and it is choppy and not welcoming to be on. The skies overhead are cloudy, but not stormy, and the wind is blowing steadily increasing almost to a gale force — not a welcoming place to be sailing upon. However, in spite of the adverse weather conditions around me and the distance across the river, I can clearly see a figure standing on the far shore line beckoning me to come over to Him — the Lord in His radiant garments beaming like a bright beacon through the dismal weather. I can see clearly into His radiant face and eyes, and He is beckoning me over to Him.

However, there are no boats or other earthy way to joint Him. Instead, I see Him step onto the river and begin to walk on the churning and violent waters over toward me and I am astounded. He is still calling me to come to Him, and I realize that I am being called to step out in faith to join Him where I have never been before. However, as I gaze into His eyes, I find that I am overcome by a comforting stillness and peace within me that I have not experienced before, and I begin to faithfully step onto the water to join Him. As I step out in faith I realize that by only focusing upon Him and not the circumstances around me will I be able to do what He is calling me to do. Then I realize that I am not the only one stepping out and walking on the water, for there are many others hungry for


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the Lord. In spite of the stormy conditions of the waters, I find I still have the peace that transcends my flesh and earthly logic to explain. We are so far apart that we each walk for a long time and still do not meet each other.

All of a sudden, in the midst of our walk, I see a vast flotilla of hundreds and if not thousands of colorful and flashy ships, boats, and every other type of sailing vessels sailing down the river through and past us heading down the river to its distant mouth. The vessels range in size from mighty behemoths as big as ocean liners and fancy luxury yachts; moderate sized vessels like cabin cruisers; to those as swift and sleek as speed boats and hover craft; and even as small and unassuming as row boats and rafts — just to name a few. They represent the entire range of sizes, types, and qualities of vessels available, but the one thing they all have in common is that they are decked out for a river party — a regatta. They have thousands of flags, banners, bunting, and colorful streamers flying on them advertising themselves to the world.

They represent the churches in this nation of every denominational description, or theological definition — whether rich or poor, big or small, ancient or new, young or old, worldly-minded or Godly-minded. They are there to promote themselves and celebrate their existence in a great floating party. They have decked themselves out with their personal flags, banners, streamers, and flashy decorations to attract attention to themselves in a competition with the various other churches to proclaim their unique and distinctive position in the Lord's Kingdom (at least according to themselves), and they all display every type of outward symbol of the faith I have ever seen in a church — crosses, crucifixes, doves, lambs, fishes, Alpha and Omegas, flames of the Holy Spirit, etc . that we have automatically associated with the church all our lives.

But, in spite of the plethora of outward showy symbols of the church that each one displays on their vessel, the most prominent sign — that no one can miss seeing — on each and every vessel is their personal flag (bigger than every other flag and symbol) with their denominational and church name emblazoned in large and bold lettering to proclaim to everyone who they are. In addition to these eye-catching flags and symbols, each vessel has an extravagant party going on with all types of celebrations and festivities whether the the individual churches can afford it or not. They do it in the vain hope of attracting people from the shoreline or drawing followers from the other vessels to their boat — the one true church.

These bastions of the faith of various denominations and sizes are so caught up in attracting more bodies into their denominations and individual churches with all types of outward symbols and worldly attractions to their particular vessels that they all have lost tract of their holy mission as stated in the Great Commission — to bring the salvation message to those who do not know the Lord; to baptise them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and to disciple them. Instead they have become caught up in creating little empires to promote their own message and preserve their own turf at the expense of the Lord's message.

As they sail down the river through the choppy and turbulent waters, they are oblivious to the


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changes in weather or water conditions around them for they are all sturdy and sea worthy vessels — according to their own reckoning of their status — but continue to party, for they are invincible. They are so keen to compete with the various other vessels around them, that none can see beyond their own party and motives, and they sail around and past the Lord standing in the midst of the waters among them.

This sudden rush of so many vessels coming between us creates a great and violent wake in the water that impedes us from walking with any ease on the water and also impedes our ability to keep our focus upon Him. I find myself beginning to turn my attention off of Him unto the sudden precariousness of the even choppier waters and on the wild displays and actions around me, for I realize that some of these vessels are familiar to me and my past church associations — familiar spirits.

At this time I see others walking on the water with me succumb to the sudden turbulence in the waters and begin to sink into the river never to be seen again for they become distracted by the show in front of them. Or, otherwise, they are lured by this show of vessels to board one of them thinking they will save them — for they are frightened by the sudden violence of the waters and lose faith in the Lord to save them. They chose, instead, to rely upon the flotilla of vessels in front of them to save them. But I realize what is happening, and I return my attention upon Him, for if I do not keep my focus upon Him I will sink into the churning waters.

While I found myself being momentarily distracted by these vessels sailing between us, none of the leadership on board any of these vessels — pastors, priests, bishops, deacons, elders, etc. or any other laity or clergy of every description and all decked out in their finest church vestments and symbols of their authority — are willing to look overboard to acknowledge the wreckage they are creating in people's lives or even willing to recognize the Lord in the middle of them. They choose to either ignore His existence among them; are so consumed in their own actions and selves as to not see anyone else in their midst; or go so far as to see Him and do one of two things — either they wave to Him with familiarity and recognition but keep on going with the flow; or they see Him but still deny His authority over them and even cast aspersions upon Him, for they see Him as a stumbling block to their personal goals.

Nevertheless, in spite of their actions, He is still calling to them to come to Him with a sense of desperation, for He knows their eventual destination. But, to their eternal judgment, very few see or hear Him (or want to) due to the noise and distractions each church is putting on to keep themselves the center of attention on their own vessel. Those who are aboard any of these vessels curry the favor of men and are afraid of being left out if they acknowledge the Lord.

However, in spite of the noise and distractions around them, there are a few souls — faithful prayer warriors and intercessors — who are more desperate for more of the Lord then the outward shallow shows in the churches around them, that they clearly recognize, see and hear Him and respond by climbing out (or even jumping out) of the vessels they are on to walk on the water to Him. To do so


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was often dangerous for them to do for those on board these vessels who are in charge are not going to stop to let them off in a vain attempt to keep them on board. But these faithful followers care nothing for the earthly riches or supposedly spiritual security in these worldly churches. They only see the Lord and only want more of Him.

As the regatta sails by us down the river, there are few souls who depart from the ships and come onto the water with the Lord, and these who make up the faithful remnant have already forgotten what vessels they climbed out of to come to Him. Once we are in His presence we could care less from where we have come. We all join Him in the middle of the river becoming one with Him, and we forget about the regatta that had just passed by, for we cannot see or hear them any more. Being in His presence is all that matters now, and we all walk with Him to the opposite shore.

However, I see in my mind's-eye a vision of the regatta that continues their parties sailing to the mouth of the river. Unfortunately the mouth of this river ends not with a great bay in which to sail but with a great unseen dangerous waterfall. As the vessels come closer and closer to the edge of the falls, the speed of the river's current increases and the turbulence of the waters become more violent until none of the vessels — no matter how big or small, old or new, rich or poor — can navigate with any safety or have control anymore over their circumstances. By the time they realize what is happening to them, it is too late and they all slip over the edge of the waterfall to their doom and destruction onto the rocky violent water below that then consumes them in a whirlpool of twirling water that sucks them down until there is not longer any trace of them in existence to be remembered.

This is to be the state of the church today if we continue on the path we now follow, for the Lord will do His "New Thing" with or without us. If we persist in standing in His way in these last days, He will bypass us and give us over to our fallen ways. Our shiny, fancy, large vessels of state that we have navigated for so long in the waters will become our tombs to our eternal destruction. He wants us to follow Him closely in these end times to be His servants to bring the lost back to Him — whether in the church or in the world.

March 22, 2009


During today's service, I was given a word from the Lord: Foundations. That word was confirmed during the sermon, and He amplified its meaning to me throughout our service. As I prayed at the beginning of the service, I was led to seek for humility and servant-hood, for we are nothing without Him. I was led to seek being part of His foundation of His Revival and "New Thing" and not be visible to the world in any way. I understand that we can claim no part of His gifts or talents He has given to us to be His vessels to proclaim His word, but this time He was giving me a detailed understanding of what that means to those called to be His faithful remnant.


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I received the image of a great and beautiful cathedral that reached high in the sky towering over everything around it. It had no equals among the many other various types of buildings around it, and it can be seen for miles away as the visible symbol of the Lord's presence among His people. Any great church, basilica or cathedral we see has to be carefully planned and built upon a deeply laid foundation if it is intended to stand for the ages. Even among the great cathedrals in Europe that were begun centuries ago and took as many centuries to build they had to dig all the way down to bedrock before they could begin to lay the foundation stones — as deep as thirty to fifty feet or even deeper down. Otherwise, their efforts would come to naught, for all that they would build would come tumbling down around their ears having been constructed on unstable and shifting ground.

Therefore, a properly planned and laid foundation is imperative for the solid and permanent building to rise above it, and it takes a tremendous amount of time to accomplish it — equally as much, if nor more, than that required for the visible superstructure rising above it. However, the depth of the foundation prevents it from being seen or noticed to those who view the greatness and beauty of the towering cathedral. The foundation is expected to be invisible — to receive no credit or acclaim from those who view the building above — for most people are only concerned with the beauty of the superstructure in which they can take pride.

Also, the preparations to lay the foundation — excavating the cellar hole all the way down to the bedrock; transporting, preparing, and dressing the foundations stones; laying the stones properly by a qualified stone mason to guarantee stability and permanence — takes a great amount of time that is vital for the construction of the building to stand securely and permanently. But, in doing so, these preparations are not seen by the people awaiting the building who care not for the necessary preparations that need to be done or impatiently assume nothing is being done, for all the work at this stage is underground and out of sight — work that is not flashy or that appeals to our desire for prettiness and ornament over substance.

To be His perfect and humble servants and vessels we are called to be part of His foundation to be laid deep within the ground and not visible to anyone — lest we try to claim any part of His gifts or His "Great Revival" for ourselves as the worldly churches want to do. We — His unseen humble intercessors, prayer warriors and all others who care not for titles or positions but only His presence among us — are to be His solid and faithful remnant firmly laid on His rock to uphold His "Great Revival" to his church, and our work is tedious and unimpressive "grunt work" to most people and churches who want credit, recognition and instant results for "their great work" — regardless of the final consequences of their impatient actions.

Contrary to the worldly church's mind-set, we are called to abide in Him only and await His every word to us when He chooses to give it. In other words, we are to act only when He commands us to move, if we want to be His faithful instruments to implement His "Great Revival." When His right time comes to move, He will give the word and not before. Our task — our only task at this time of preparation — is to pray, listen, hear, and abide. Nothing more is required by Him of His unseen


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and invisible foundation stones.

For the Revival to spread we must assume "invisibility" to the churches and world around us and be content as part of His unseen and overlooked foundation. We need to keep our focus only upon Him and His word — day by day — and not let our flesh and human impatience try to dictate His plan or schedule for the Great Revival. In other words, we are not to "help" Him in our worldly "wisdom."

When His "Great Revival" explodes upon us, and we all find ourselves low before Him recognizing our sins against Him, we will only be concerned in seeking his forgiveness. In His "Great Revival" the only thing we will want is more of Him, and all the preparations that precede the advent of His "Great Revival" — the tedious and time consuming work to lay the foundation — will be meaningless to us who now experience His overwhelming and majestic presence among us. In His "Great Revival" there is no credit other than that we give to the Great I AM among us, for all that we have done is what He expects of us and nothing more. Therefore, we cannot expect to receive any recognition or credit for our faithfulness as His obedient and humble servants.

Anyone — be it pastor, priest, bishop, denomination, or church — who wants to claim any part of His "Great Revival" for themselves or to toot their own horn for the part they think they played for it to come will find themselves locked out of the Lord's Throne Room when the great banquet begins in His "Great Revival." If we expect recognition or acclaim for our past actions, programs, ministries, personal "revivals," gifts, or accomplishments done "in His name" we already have our reward, and our vanity and obsession to be the center of attention will consume us in our pride and cast us far away from Him.

March 31, 2009

Clean Slate

As I am giving the opening prayer at our meeting tonight, I am conscious that the Lord is giving me a specific phrase: "A Clean Slate." As our prayer time progresses, I recognize that this is not an isolated phrase, but the beginning of an image, that as we pray, He is building up within me into a complete new understanding for me.

I am standing in front of a gigantic slate blackboard that towers in the sky, but, in spite of its enormous size, I can clearly see and read all of it. Etched on the slate surface in brightly shining gold are the very words of God as given by Him to his faithful servants in the canon of scriptures — pure and unadulterated by any of our worldly flesh. These are the very words God spoke directly to His prophets and apostles through the Old and New Testaments, and the very words of our Lord and savior when He was on earth with us — nothing more and nothing less. In spite of their antiquity the gold etched words still shine as brightly as the day God wrote them on our hearts — they have


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never, nor never will, ever tarnish or lose their pristine brightness to us.

Following the days of the apostles — when our Lord walked the earth — there are added additional solid and foundational words written on the blackboard. But, in spite of the original gold lettered words of the Lord filling the slate that still stand out, they do not obstruct or obscure the truth of His words to us. There are millions of these later words written from the foundation of the church until today and they express the spiritual wisdom of the church since the time of the apostles. These are words that amplify and enhance the original words, and they fill the margins and interlines of the original words with voluminous notes until the original words of God seem almost lost among them. But, still they do not take away from them, although they can keep us distracted and more focused upon the new teachings than upon the original words — a dangerous distraction to any who are not steeped in the original foundational words first. Still the original gold letters shine brightly through to us.

As I am looking at it, I recognize the rock bottom foundations of the faith expressed by those given authority from the Lord to speak for Him — words that have from the beginning and still do to this day, speak the solid truth of the faith once delivered. With care and time, one can clearly read all that the faithful apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and pastors — accorded that right by the spirit — have to say about the immutable and absolute truth of the word of the Lord to us over the ages.

However, as time has passed, many others — who also claim the right to speak for the Lord as self-appointed apostles and prophets but who only operate in their flesh and in their "new understanding" — have scribbled on the blackboard and have even tried to write over top of the sacred truths with the intent to negate them and deny the clear and truthful words written by the faithful from the beginning. Over the ages, layer upon layer of scribbling (graffiti)have covered so much of the foundational words from the Lord (with repeated attempts to erase the falsities and heresies thereby creating a confusing mess to try and read and make sense from), that few can see, read or understand what the Lord has to say to His people to know the solid truth of what he wants to say to us. The blackboard is now a mishmash that creates confusion and frustration in those who want to read it, and it is difficult to easily differentiate between the true word and the many heresies masquerading as the truth — at least according to the popular notions of what is truth in all their worldly relativeness.

To compound the confusion, each generation since these have added their own "wisdom and insight" over top of these early foundations in their belief they can add (as if equal to if not better than the original words) conventional "wisdom" according to their own ages concept of the word of God. However, layer upon layer of scribbling — wisdom and fashion for the present day — has been written over top of the original sacred words obscuring the intent of the original words to an even greater degree than earlier examples. No longer are they written as carefully select annotations and marginal notes written only to amplify and keep focus upon the original brightly shining gold lettered words of God and that can clearly be discerned from the original words of the Great I AM, and they now create even more confusion and distraction to the faithful and are leading them further


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and further astray from the real meaning of God's words to us.

These so-called new apostles, prophets and diviners of the truth of God's words to us are thereby creating their own forms and notions of faiths and denominations anathema to the very words of God in scripture, and they pick and choose from the original words in scripture what they like to reinforce in their new theologies to justify themselves and their new churches, and if they cannot find it in the scriptures, they superimpose their new thinking over top of the word of God to try and obstruct and even expunge it from the word once delivered.

As I look up at the blackboard, I am in despair over trying to make sense of it and try to read the underlying foundational truthful words buried underneath these many later day distortions and lies masquerading as "godly wisdom"— as proclaimed by these later day apostles and prophets with their "new understanding."

I find myself wanting to remove that which I recognize is not from the Lord, and I pick up an eraser to wipe the board clean of the aberrations written there. However, so much false material has been added to and overtop of the truth of God's words that the best that I can do is to superficially remove only the smallest miniscule portion from the top most layer of scribbling, but it still leaves a visible — ghost — residue of the falsehoods shining through and alongside of the original words of God and the divinely given later written but true words from the divinely appointed church leaders in the early days of the church. The best I can do is to leave a pronounced and all too visible spot on the board that is totally lost in the vast sea of distortions and falsities that still attracts people to it over the faithful truth of the Lord's words underneath — to the point that very few, if any, of the original bright and shining gold lettered words of God can be seen or recognized for what they are or what they truly say anymore.

They, unfortunately, because of the abutting of the latest false words up against the true theological words written by the early church fathers (among others divinely appointed by God), the two still overlap and merge together all too easily. At any rate, all these later words — whether divinely written by the early church fathers and later God-led men or the new false teaching being promoted in these last days to lead people away from the Lord — now obscure, if not hide the original golden words God wrote on the slate in the beginning. All this is overwhelming to us who want the unvarnished true word of God.

At this time of total frustration, I see a giant hand coming out of the sky and wiping — with one bold stroke of His hand — the entire slate blackboard clean of all that has been written on it since the days of His original and divinely appointed canon. He does it in an instant and all the many centuries of layers of later "teachings and theologies" — in whatever form they may take — that have accumulated in His church over the ages have now been erased revealing only the original gold lettered words He first wrote on the blackboard with His own hand. For the first time in ages, the church only has His original words to rely upon for Him to speak to us and not the many later teachings and questionable understandings written down over the centuries to lead us astray from


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Him and His word.

I understand that when He returns to us soon, He will wipe the slate clean of all that He has not directly given to us as revealed in the canon of scriptures. Any other writings claimed to be done in His name — those that promote and justify denominations and other divisions in the body of Christ, personal theologies, numerous heresies, personal programs and ministries other than what He calls us to do in His name, to name just a few — over the ages are not to be accorded anything resembling canon to us. He closed the canon of scripture centuries ago, and we have no authority to add to or remove anything from it.

April 26, 2009

Curse of "Revival"

As the sermon was being given this Sunday, the revelations in the scripture readings and the words in the sermon came together for me, and I recognized that the Lord was down-loading into me a fuller and deeper understanding of what He has been saying to us for so long. As we were reading and digesting the spiritual meat that is the Book of Micah, suddenly one phrase jumped out to me —"' Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob; that He may teach us His ways and we may walk in His paths.' " — and I realized that we are called to be willing to make the arduous journey go up to the mountaintop with Him to be on a level none of us have ever experienced before in our walks with Him. I realized that these eternal words from the Lord require us to look beyond ourselves and our past experiences as to how to worship the Lord and look with new eyes — His sacred vision for us — into the completion of His words for us as His faithful remnant prayer warriors, intercessors, apostles, prophets, etc.

Once we reach the mountaintop and receive from Him all that He wants to impart to us at each visit with Him, we are not to stop there and revel in the moment that He has provided for us — no booth building. This is only the beginning step on a perpetual journey with Him not the conclusion as so many of us have done in our spiritual walks. He has made use of many of us whom He has called over the generations — those who listened and followed Him when He spoke — but we all too often stopped along the way once we received that "mountaintop experience" He gave to us thinking that is all there is or that we cannot take anymore of Him — in other words we have arrived.

In our feeble attempt to codify (formulize), explain, and claim ownership of the moment we have actually thwarted and negated the true mountaintop experience to satisfy ourselves and our desire to be the center of attention — whether that be by individuals, pastors, priests, bishops, apostles, prophets, churches or denominations. What we say to the Lord is that this is as far as I will go and no farther. In the process we create a plethora of denominations and as many splinters from the true trunk, that, at best, are only a miniscule and pale reflection of His whole word to us as His people that we now want to claim as our own.


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We admire the tall imposing great tree trunk that is solidly planted and its tap root that is solidly planted and runs deep into the ground to maintain and stabilize the great tree. But we continually loose our focus away from the magnificence of the great tree to focus upon the numerous surrounding patch of minor weedy saplings and suckers that sprout up everywhere without rhyme, reason, or any serious purpose other that to draw strength from the great tree and its tap and to distract us from keeping our eyes only on all of Him. Instead of seeking the deeper relationship with the Lord He wants for us, we prefer to seek after the outward symbols familiar to us of a shallow faith experience to build ourselves up — the signs and wonders, whistles and bells, smoke and mirrors, and tingles and emotions of our flesh that we call worship for it makes us feel good. On the so called "higher level" of our worldly worship we call it "revival" for it feeds our desire to satisfy our flesh and emotions under the pretense of bringing down the fire of the Lord in our midst — the mainstay of all too many churches and denominations. This by itself smacks more of witchcraft than faithful, humble, and obedient worship of the Great I AM. While the Lord does make His presence know if we want to discern His presence among us, for He is merciful to His children in spite of our antics and attempts to conger Him up in our midst. He only, at best, will share a small part of Himself knowing that none, if any, really want His full presence among us. But that is not His desire for us.

If we do not experience emotional highs and tingles down our spine, then the Lord did not come — or so our flesh and denominational mindsets have taught us to believe. By basing our spiritual experiences only upon our feelings and emotions in worship we tend to loose sight of when the Lord really is among us and all too often miss Him. Instead, we focus upon the outward signs — miracles, signs and wonders, etc. — that can all too easily by counterfeited by other "spiritual" powers and principalities working counter to God. However, when the Lord is present among us, it is important that there be discernment and confirmation to insure that the experience is from the Lord and not from our flesh or an even more evil source to lead us away from Him.

The one phrase the Lord has consistently given to us these past several years has not been the term "revival" but, instead "His New Thing." I understood that "His New Thing" transcends our traditional ways of doing church services and worship of Him regardless of church or denomination, but I assumed that "His New Thing" is the equivalent to "His Revival" — but far removed from anything like it in the churches today. I recognize that He considers all denominations as they exist in the church today are anathema to Him for they all strengthen division and shattering of the body to further the cause of division and dissension — that men may build their personal empires on His body. They all supplant the spiritual God-Head of the true tree and trunk and instead choose to focus upon the various broken and rotten limbs and useless weedy suckers — the discards from the living mighty tree — as their source and authority.

What I now realize is that He will not bring any form of "revival" in "His New Thing," — at least not what any church, denomination, or pastor in today's church calls revival. He is not interested in giving validity to our fleshly ways in His Church that we call "revival."


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He wants to bring His lost sheep back to Him, and the only way to do that is to go to the mountaintop with Him. In "His New Thing" to call it "revival" in any form we think in our flesh is to not understand what true revival is. When we experience a "revival" today in any church, it is at best a momentary high — whether spiritual or emotional — that, once it passes we put it aside to go back to the world to live our lives separated from Him. It is another booth we build along our spiritual path in the present church — another souvenir to display on our spiritual mantel (been there done that). But it does not last, for it is man-made and designed to build us up instead of elevating the Great I AM in our presence. Our pep rallies do not amuse Him.

I now recognize that to go to the mountaintop with Him is to experience what Moses saw and felt being in the presence of the Lord on Mount Sinai. A worldly "revival" is based upon rigid man-made formulas created by churches from past experiences that have worked, but they only invite His presence for a moment among us and no more and always on our terms. It is not an event that will necessarily make us want to grow in Him and change us to only desire Him among us and nothing else — not churches, pastors and other worldly church leaders, or any denomination in this present generation. When we go to the mountaintop of the Lord we go not as casual temporary visitors who go for personal gain and may be willing to give an hour or two to Him at best. Those who go to receive from Him then go back down into the world to live our fleshly lives as before — our present-day churchly "revival" experience with Him.

Our journey does not end once we are on the mountaintop with Him. It only begins, for we have not arrived but have only received another revelation new to our way of thinking from Him to carry us further down the road to the next new and unknown revelation to us just as different for us as the last one — one among many more to come if we continue to stay on that mountaintop with Him and abide in Him. We go to be deeper into His presence and learn more from Him. As Micah says: "that He may teach His ways and we may walk in His path."

I now understand that to be in His presence on the mountaintop — a perpetual event to the faithful remnant in His church — is what He calls "My New Thing" or "My Revival." It is the true revival that He will provide for us, and it has nothing to do with our emotions, intellect, signs and wonders, or any past familiar experiences any of us know from our previous church lives. To be on the mountaintop of the Lord is to transcend the earthly experience with Him — our worldly churches shallow imitation of "revival" — to be willing to step out in faith and to go beyond all that we have known or experienced with Him to allow Him to lead us above ourselves and out of our fleshly ways of thinking and acting into the heavenly realms to hear and receive more directly from Him without earthly or fleshly filters to distract or deceive us. What He is saying to us is: "Come up onto the mountaintop to be with Me and stay to enter into My presence and listen to Me that I may teach you more and more of My New Thing." To enter into His presence, that is the true Revival and nothing else. Anything else we do only keeps Him at a distance from us.


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May 5, 2009

Curse of Patterns and Fleshly Ministries

As the Lord was speaking to us tonight during our prayer time, He reminded us of how even Moses — the chosen one of the Lord to lead His people out of bondage in Egypt to the Promised Land, the one considered the greatest among the prophets and law givers of Israel — was not allowed to enter the Promised Land because, in one brief moment, he let his spiritual guard down (took his focus off of God and moved out of the presence of His kairos time) and slipped back into his flesh (world and me-centered chronos self). He allowed the unbelief and base flesh of the Children of Israel in their constant bickering and complaining to him distract him from giving his total focus upon the Lord. The incident that was his downfall was him not obeying the Lord's command to him at Kadesh to speak to the rock and not strike it. The story is familiar to us in Numbers 20:2-13, and it clearly shows us how even the greatest servants of the Lord can be led astray by our flesh and desire to be important or think we can claim any small part of the Lord's glory for ourselves.

As I reflected on this familiar story, I was reminded of how Moses was led astray to disobey the Lord, for in an earlier episode with these same Children of Israel at Meribah in Exodus 17:1-7 — when they also complained bitterly about the lack of water to drink in the wilderness — Moses was commanded by the Lord to strike the rock from which streams of fresh water flowed for all the people. In the later water episode at Kadesh, the Lord gave him a different command from His earlier word to Moses and, this time he was told to not "strike the rock" — as he had been commanded to do earlier by the Lord — but instead the Lord told him to do a "New Thing" to "speak to the rock."

However, Moses allowed himself to be pulled back into his flesh by the people instead of remain in the presence of the Lord, and he chose to revert back to a familiar and successful method he experienced through the Lord earlier. This time he — in his flesh based upon past successes — chose to strike the rock as he had done earlier, and the water still flowed as before. By doing this act of disobedience the greatest of the prophets in Israel thought he knew better than the Lord and wanted to claim a small part of the glory and credit for himself. While it did not cost him his salvation with the Lord; or cast him out of the presence of the Lord; nor took away from him all the powerful work he accomplished for the Lord, it did prevent him from entering the Promised Land to partake of its riches.

I realized that his sin was his act of falling back upon tried and true past formulas and patterns he had learned from the Lord to operate for the Lord instead of listening and obeying the command of the Lord in the moment — to remain in the presence of the Lord in kairos time and thereby be finely tuned to the Lord's words for him at this time. In other words, he was backward looking upon the successful past events from the Lord and not willing to allow the Great I AM to show him another and different way to serve Him.


Prophecy Journal II

The constant refrain we have been getting from the Lord is He is doing "His New Thing" and we are to abide in Him and in His kairos time to implement it — whatever or whenever that may be for Him. We may be doing His will one way under His authority; but the next time He may choose to change His way of implementing His "New Thing" — always disconcerting to our fleshly ways of wanting a consistent pattern to fall back upon instead of be willing to step out into new spiritual territory for us. We must not be slaves to our human desire for familiar and tested patterns and ways of doing ministry and be locked into past experiences of these ministries if we want to continue to follow the Lord along the path He is setting before us. To be so locked into past experiences to do the Lord's ministry is to want to be in control and claim some of the Lord's glory for ourselves.

But the Great I AM is not beholden to us mere fleshly mortals other than as His vessels and hand servants to always be ready and obedient to do His will. It is always up to Him to command us and not for us to decide when, what, or how that may be accomplished. Our only duty is to abide and listen — listen and not talk or try to explain His words in our flesh — to every Word He has for us and act according to His command. We — in our very limited fleshly ways of acting and thinking — have no earthly idea what we are doing or where will be called to go. We are his vessels who exist to do His bidding only and not our own.

As I look around to the various churches, I realized that we all rely too much upon past successful formulas and tried and true patterns to do ministry for the Lord instead of replying only upon the Great I AM to guide us as to what He wants us to do. In the process, denomination upon denomination has been spawned from the one true church creating a mess of conflicting and contradictory and even heretical messages from the churches and their spiritual leaders. But we cloak our fleshly desires in Godly language as we proclaim in all piety that what we do we do always in the "name of the Lord."

But, in reality, all we do is continually divide the body into even more splinters and fragments severed off from the original body that are no longer recognizable as His body anymore. In other words, we want to dwell in our fleshly chronos time with which we are familiar and comfortable — where we can claim some of His glory for ourselves as ministers, denominations, or churches — than surrender all of ourselves to the Great I AM and abide in His kairos time. It is only to Him to whom all glory and honor belongs. We can claim nothing for ourselves, nor should we expect any.

Our message to the lost sheep is too garbled, distorted and so water down from His true word that we cannot claim to be His faithful shepherds or churches any more, for all too many of us want to claim part of His glory for ourselves where we can dwell in our chronos time — continue to justify our sinning ways. That is why we are willing in our flesh to fall back on old tried and true patterns and formulas to do ministry even though He no longer — if He ever did — will honor our "me" earthly and fleshly based ministry and worship practices in the church.


Prophecy Journal II


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