promotional package of favourite genre · 2014-10-12 · action genre. this is simply because, in...

Post on 19-Jun-2020






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Promotional Package of My Favourite Genre By Angie Reda-Kahila

My Favourite Genre

Personally, my favourite genre of all time has to be the Science-Fiction Action genre. This is simply because, in order to make a film to surround the genre of sci-fi, the story line base must be creative, adventurous and original. However, you can’t have a sci-fi film with out a little of action and adventure in it, hence by incorporating the action genre with in the films as well, it gives it that extra ‘kick’ that really brings the film to life. Not only

this, but normally sci-fi action films are always produced by major institutions since they have the money to use creative editing and produce crazy stunt, therefore I’m guaranteed to have an enjoyable experience at

the cinema when I go watch a Sci-Fi Action film.

The Avengers Trailer

Trailer Analysis We are given a wide shot of the roads of New York being destroyed and vandalized by the exploding cars. You can instantly tell that a lot of CGI and special effect would have been used with in this film, which exemplifies to the audience how this is a high budget film therefore more time and money would have been spent to give greater quality towards the film, therefore the audience can be reassured about the fact that this will be a visually appealing film. The explosions screams to the audience how there will be a lot of action with in the film, therefore sticking to it genre of being an action film, the audience now braces themselves for spectacular scene in the cinema.

During the beginning of the trailer, we are presented with the films production company… Marvel. With out even having to further continue watching the trailer, the audience would instantly know that this film will be based around super heroes therefore its genre would be surround the sci-fi, action and supernatural beings and events. Additionally, the fact that it is marvel that is producing this film, the audience would know from the past films produced by the company that this will be a high budget film since this is a major company owned by Walt Disney which is a major film institution, hence this company would be able to afford big, A-List actors with in the film, which would capture the audiences attention to goa and watch the film.

Trailer Analysis During the beginning of the trailer, we can here a voice saying how S.H.I.E.L.D wants to bring a group of ‘remarkable people’ to fight the battles that ordinary people can not. It is during this part of narration that we are introduced to familiar faces of a collection of super heroes from past marvel films. This gives a hint to the audience about the potential story line this film may have. The fact that S.H.I.E.L.D requires not one, but all the super heroes they can get there hands on, indicates how the problem they are facing is absolutely huge and that there will be an epic battle. This intrigues the audience about what the story is behind all of these people being collected together and what they will be facing, hence the audience would go and want to watch the film.

This extreme close up of Loci shows an agitated, furious face. The eyes simply tell the audience how he is devising a secret, evil plan to the rule the world. This suggest to us how he will be the main evil character to watch out for and that’ll its be him who the super heroes will be battling including his brother Thor. This is where it confuses the audience since Thor will be going against his brother, hence the audience would be intrigued to know that would happen to their relationship due to this problem that is arising. Also, the fact that it is multiple superheroes that are going against one evil villain, suggests how Loci is an extremely strong character and that will be a hard and long difficult battle, which excites the audience as they would now be at the edge of their seats to find out what happens.

Poster A-List actor, after A-List actor after another. This film is over whelmed by the number of A listers who are in this film suggesting how this is a high budget film distributed by a major company. Also, since they are A – listers, the public are more fond of these A-listers hence they may go and watch the film literally due to them.

Tony Stark’s building seems to be target by a powerful, potentially dangerous light from the sky. This causes the audience to become worried about Starks company and Stark himself. Since the light is targeting his building ti may suggest how with in the film the main focus of Loci emitting his rage and power upon is stark since he may be his biggest obstacle over ruling the world. Fans of the Iron Man films would therefore be intrigued to what is going to happen to him, hence the would go and watch this film. The fact that there are multiple heroes with in this film suggest how they will all produce a great and hopeful triumphant win that can not be missed, since they will collaborate all their powers to defeat the evil plot with in the film. Also, the viewers of this poster can clearly see the faces of these actors which are infarct A-List actors, hence when the realise who is acting with in this major film, they will wan to go and watch the film if they are a fan of any of the actor in this film.

The background of this film poster is mainly rubble and explosions. This instantly sets the scene for anyone who is viewing this poster, and can depict themselves being with in this exhilarating scenario. It also gives an insight to the audience how there will be destructions with in his film hence complimenting the action genre. Also, the background is washed down with low key lighting with foreshadows some of the seriousness and darkness of this film.

The poster boldly indicates how this is a Marvel film hence indicating to the viewers of this poster that this will be based around super natural event since marvel is based around that them and aspect, and also how this will be a high budget film hence special affect will be used and therefore it will be visually exciting to watch, reassuring the audience that they will have a good experience at the cinema.

The title of the film is in a metallic font with bold capital letter which can foreshadow the bold and courageous moves and events that will occur in the film. The use of white, makes it contrast well against the dark background, suggesting how these heroes will be emitting light and hope to the people of world to save them from darkness that Loci intends to do. The date of the film is large between the credits of the film to imprint it to the audiences mind when the can go to watch the film.

Magazine Cover South Park is an extremely successful American Cartoon series, hence it will only be published and be promoted on the ‘best’ magazine. Also, because they are celebrating its 15th anniversary, fans of the show would want to buy the magazine, hence they will also be seeing information about the film ‘The Avengers’ which may cause them to become interested to go an watch the film.

The edges and curves of the background is a dark, navy blue colour which represent the dark, and evil action that will take place form the film, however the navy blue is washed out to a white glow in the centre where the main superheroes are at, suggesting how they are hope and light to save the people from evil.

The use of dangerous weaponry exemplifies the danger and violence that will occur in the film. Furthermore, she is holding two guns which hints how the fight against evil will be hard and long, hence they will need all the weapons they can get there hand on to gain victory. Scarlet Johansson is also holding the guns tightly which gives an insight to the audience about her character on how passionate and determined she is to defeat Loci. The phrase ‘ultimate super hero movie’ could quickly grip any superhero movie fan to buy the magazine which would encourage them to go and watch the film. The word ‘ultimate’ exemplifies how this will be an epic film hence why Entertainment weekly published the magazine as they know that Marvel film are extremely successful.

The main title of the film is in bold white. The bold capital letters leaves an impact on the audience as you can not divert your eyes away form something that is bold. It can also foreshadow how these superheroes will be doing courageous, bold moves in the film hence the audience would be intrigued to go and watch the film. The white however, juxtaposes the action and adventure the film is about which confuses the audience and therefore they would be even more intrigued to go and see for themselves what happens in the film.

The determined expression ‘Hulk’ has, quickly implies how he is determined to fight evil and that he will unleash the monster with in if he has to despite him hating that state of his. This gives and insight to the audience about his character, and are therefore intrigued to fin out more, hence the would go and watch the film if they’re interested.

Captain America is once again holding his famous shield, hence the audience immediately know that there will be action with in the film or else he would be wearing his suit and holding his shield. The audience are now excited to go and see the epic adventure the film holds.

Social Networks

Social networks are an amazing way of reaching out to the public and helping the producers to promote their film even further. In this day and age, a large percentage of people have some form of social network in order to allow them to interact and share interests with people in an easier manner. It is normally the people who have a form of social network that are usually the potential target audience for the film being produced. Since it is very easy to now share thing such as on Facebook and Twitter, the film it self set its own page on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr etc. and therefore can present new information on its page on a regular basis to inform the audience with its latest information about the film. Therefore the audience have a quick and easy access to find out more about the film, and if they like the information they read, it may result them at the end to go and watch the film.


Anyone who was still interested to find out more about the film after watching it, they could have searched up the film on Facebook to find out the latest news about the film, also since the first thing the audience see is the cover photo, they are immediately informed how there is a squeal to the film, causing to audience to become excited and intrigued about what the next film olds in store with in it.

People who haven't seen the film yet and decide to go this page, they would be able to access short clips and photos to get a taste of what the film is about and what potential events can occur in the film. If they like what they see, they may then decide to and go and watch the film since the movie clip an ideas have would have intrigued them and got them excited about the film.

On there Facebook page as well, not only do they inform us about the latest news about the film and its sequel, but the are also promoting their merchandise. Hence, this Facebook page is extremely successful, as it is not only promoting the film but also their products as well. Hence Marvel would make a larger sum of money as well as the companies that it worked with to produce these toys.

Twitter The black cover photo immediately set the tone of the film as a dark film where a lot of evil is present, hence it make it clear to the audience what kind of film this may be, hence the correct target audience would be intrigued to find out more of the film.

This mini synopsis of the film, gives a clear and concise summary of what the films story line is based on about. It also makes it clear to the audience what film genre this is. The phrase ‘super heroes’ instantly exemplifies how this is a sci-fi film and it would be of a greater interest to an audience who are interested in magical things where a lot of danger would be present or else super heroes would not be needed in this film. As th audience now know that there will be action and danger in the film they would be intrigued to find out what the major evil plan is and whom is behind it, hence they would go and watch the film.

Despite the film being based around all the superheroes from the past Marvel films, its twitter page still promotes the other marvel films that is based around one of the superheroes form the Avengers film. Here you can see how Captain Americas film is being promoted on the Avengers twitter page. This is because the target audience for the Avengers film would be the same aa the target audience for the Captain America films, hence they can further promote their film to a larger audience who also view this twitter page.

Interviews To help promote the film, the actors of

the film attend interviews in order to talk about the film they are starring in to allow the audience to gain a greater insight about what’s in store for them when the go and attend to watch the film. This is potentially the best way to reach out to the audience, since the interviews are available on YouTube which is easily accessed by the public, hence if they go and watch interviews by the cast of ‘The Avengers’ and they like the actors and think that the description of the film described personally by the actors themselves, then they will show interest and go and watch the film.

Click on the image to watch

the interview

Merchandise Before ‘The Avengers’ came out,

films, films specifically about each of the heroes were created and so the audience already had some background knowledge about each characters. If they liked the characters, (particularly the kids) they would have wanted some form memory or gift from the film hence they would have brought a toy about them from the toy stores. After ‘The Avengers’ came out, people were continuously talking about it and were on a hype, so marvel decided that they should further promote the film and gain more money for the company by producing more toys related to the film. This is known as synergy since the Marvel worked together with other toy companies to help produces the toys and so that they can make a profit out of it.

Even more promotion… Despite the magazine Empire published a magazine that portrayed all the characters on one cover of the magazine, Empire still published another 4 magazines dedicated to specific characters in the film The Avengers as they knew that the film will be that successful that people will buy anything related to the film. Each super hero had their own characters solely published on the cover promoting the film ‘The Avengers’. And so, not only will there be a bigger promotion for the film it self but the magazine Empire would gain a lot of money to, hence they obviously took this chance and published as many magazines related to the film as possible. Also, since there are different superheroes, if one is hesitant about a certain superhero that might not like, there’s other superheroes available in the film which may appeal more to them, hence through magazine the film is being promoted to larger audience, therefor will gain a larger box office.

Anyone who watched the trailer and was intrigued to find out more about the film, there was/is a website available that has all the details and put who is staring in it, wo their characters are and their background. Hence, for anyone who was hesitating to watch the film or not, they can gain more information an insight about the film which should result them into becoming even more intrigued about the film, hence they would go and watch the film.

Target Audience Demographic:

The age range I would say this films target audience is roughly between 12 – 30 year old. This is because the youngster would like the action the film holds with in, and they would also be interested in the ‘cool’, special effect the film has.

This would typically appeal to western countries since the film is set in America, and also the fact that the film contains American stars, it would appeal more to an audience who are familiar with these actors such as people form the U.S and U.K. However, it would also appeal to a larger world wide audience such as Japan because Japan is know for its advancement in technology and how people there are really into super natural things that are always being portrayed in the anime’s and manga's being produced over there.

The film, would appeal more towards the male race since there is a lot of action and explosion which stereotypically, boys like more, hence the target audience would be more aimed to the male population, however there is also a discreet love story in the film which would also appeal to females, hence there are also targeted as well but in a much discreet manner.


This film would be of a greater interest towards the mainstreamers. This is because the mainstreamers are the ones who are always ‘in’ for the latest new things that are coming out and always want to be on top of everything. Hence, in this era and age, sci-fi has been taken to a new level and it those films that are always doing big in the box office, therefore it would be the mainstreamers who would want to go and watch the latest films that would be the talk by every magazine possible.


After conducting this research upon the promotional film package ‘The Avengers’ it has made it really clear to me what things are needed in order to create a successful film package. Through out the film promotional package, convention of the sci-fi genre and action genre have been repetitively used in

order to make it clear to the audience that this film will have a science fiction story line to it which will be jam packed with

thrilling action. By doing this task, it has enlightened me with what convention I should incorporate in my own promotional package in order to make it to its best standards as possible.

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