promotion (police officer)

Post on 14-Jan-2022






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Promotion (Police Officer)

Notice: This document has been made available through the Police Service of Scotland Freedom of Information Publication Scheme. It should not be utilised as guidance or instruction by any police officer or employee as it may have been redacted due to legal exemptions.

Policy: Resourcing

Owning Department: People and Development

Version Number: 13.00

Published Date: 22/09/2020

Theme(s): Your work and life Your career and development



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Overview ............................................................................................................. 2

Staff/Officer ......................................................................................................... 4

Manager .............................................................................................................. 9

Resources ......................................................................................................... 11


Appendix A Guidance on the Merit Line and Moderation Panel

Appendix B Appeals

Appendix C Guidance for Applicants/Line Managers

Appendix D Guidance for Assessors

Appendix E Resource Planning and Co-ordination

Appendix F Role Requirements



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1.1 What is this about?

1.1.1 This document sets out the process for promotion to all ranks up to and including Chief Superintendent.

1.2 Who is this for?

1.2.1 This is for all officers.

1.3 Key information

The Police Service of Scotland (Promotion) Regulations 2013 sets out

the qualification criteria for promotion. Promotion is open to all Officers

who meet this criteria.

Promotion processes are advertised annually using the most

appropriate method for the various audience. This may include but will

not be limited to email, news bulletins, Intranet updates or briefings.

We will support those who take personal responsibility for their career

progression by:

o Ensuring all officers have a fair, clear and consistent opportunity

to access promotion.

o Providing assessments that test job knowledge, leadership,

behaviours and values, as well as the application of police

policy, procedure and legislation.

o Providing reasonable adjustments in line with the Equality Act

(2010) and our disability in employment procedures.

Supported candidates will be given advance notice of the date they are

invited to attend the National Assessment Selection Centre (NSAC) to

assist with any necessary domestic arrangements for caring

responsibilities etc.

The final decision to promote any officer will be made by the Chief

Constable or in their absence, the Deputy Chief Constable (Designate).

We will promote and deploy officers in a way that meets our

organisational demands.



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We will consider personal preferences and personal circumstances after

organisational requirements and reasonable adjustments are


The Chief Constable has the right to promote any officer outwith this

process to ensure organisational efficiency.

The number of successful candidates will depend on the number of

projected vacancies for each rank over the next 12 months.

All aspects of the promotion process will be based around the College

of Policing Competency and Values Framework (CVF).

Candidates unable to access promotion guidance internally can ask for

copies from the National Promotions Team.

A candidate should only enter the promotion process when they

consider themselves ‘ready now’ for promotion.



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2.1 What you need to do:

You should be able to;

- demonstrate and evidence Police Scotland values and behaviours

- evidence sound legal/professional knowledge and be conversant

with current policies and procedures relevant to the rank being

applied for; and

- evidence your people skills and ability to lead, support and mentor.

Complete the application form and forward it to your line manager.

2.2 Criteria for promotion

2.2.1 The promotion process is open to anyone who meets the qualifying criteria set within the Police Service of Scotland (Promotion) Regulations 2013. To be eligible to apply for promotion you must:

have successfully completed your probation and hold either the diploma

or exams set out below; and

have completed two years substantive service in your current rank on

the date applications close. Periods of temporary promotion will not be

considered relevant to the two years.

2.2.2 Before submitting an application, you must read all the documentation relating to the promotion process. You must be objective in your assessment and where you feel you have areas for development you should have a plan for addressing these and delay your application until these have been resolved.



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For promotion to the rank of: Required qualifications

Sergeant and Inspector Elementary or

General Police Duties/Traffic/Crime or

Diploma in Police Service Leadership and



(*English, Welsh and Northern Ireland


Chief Inspector to Chief


Elementary and Advanced or

General Police Duties/Traffic/Crime or

Diploma in Police Service Leadership and


OSPRE 1 (Inspectors) or OSPRE 2 (Inspectors)

(English, Welsh and Northern Ireland


2.2.3 If you are subject to a Complaint about the Police or Misconduct Allegation, you can still participate in the promotion process if supported by your line management.

2.3 Making an application

2.3.1 Application forms will be available on request during selection periods. These periods will be determined by the Head of Recruitment and Selection and advertised annually.

2.3.2 You must discuss your readiness for promotion with your first line manager and inform them you intend to apply.

2.3.3 All the information that you need for the promotion process will be published on the Intranet. If you cannot access the Intranet this information can be provided on request by contacting the National Promotions team.

2.3.4 You are encouraged to tell us if you are disabled or have a physical or mental impairment that makes it hard for you to complete any part of the promotion process. You can do so on the application form, via your Promotion SPOC (details available from the National Police Promotions Intranet page), directly with the promotion team, or through whatever other means you are most comfortable with. We will work with you to assess your



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needs and what adjustments need to be put in place.

2.3.5 You must complete the correct application for the rank you are applying for.

2.3.6 You can use any evidence that demonstrates the qualities, skills and knowledge for promotion to the next rank.

2.3.7 It is your responsibility to provide the correct name and contact details of any supervisor or manager who can validate the statements provided by you on the application form.

2.3.8 You must sign a declaration to confirm the information you have submitted is accurate. Your application may be subject to screening by the Professional Standards Department and checked for accuracy.

2.3.9 Once complete, the application should be sent to your first line manager, or other appropriate line manager for consideration. It will then be forwarded to your second line manager and, if supported you will be invited to a National Selection Assessment Centre (NSAC), unless a sift is implemented.

2.3.10 If your application is not supported at any stage you will be told why and given a statement clearly outlining the reasons, setting out any development you may need before exiting the process. A Personal Development Plan should be created to ensure the necessary development for you over the next 12 months.

2.3.11 If successful, you will be sent an email telling you when the selection assessments will be held after the closing date for applications.

2.3.12 The Head of Recruitment and Selection can implement a limit to the number of applications from each business area or implement an application sift to fairly manage demand through to assessment, if the number of applications is expected to far exceed organisational demand. This can be done at any time before or after the start of any promotion process.

2.4 Withdrawing an application

2.4.1 If you want to withdraw from the process at any stage you must tell your Promotions SPOC, who will inform the National Police Promotion Process (NPPP) team.

2.4.2 If you withdraw from the process you must wait until the next process opens before you can reapply.

2.5 Outcomes and conclusion of the promotion process

2.5.1 You will be told the outcome at each stage of the promotion process and



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have the right to receive feedback. The process will end once the Moderation Panel has met and the merit line has been decided.

2.6 Deferrals

2.6.1 If your application has been supported by both your line managers you may have your assessment deferred until after the date of the Moderation Panel for reasons such as ill health, caring, bereavement or similar. Any request for deferral must be made through your Promotion SPOC for a decision by the Head of Recruitment and Selection.

2.6.2 If you defer, you must undertake the NSAC process prior to the opening of the next promotion process, otherwise you will need to submit a new application. If you undertake your assessment after the Moderation Panel has met, you will be successful if you achieve the merit line score that has been agreed.

2.7 Successful candidates

2.7.1 If successful you will be placed in the promotion pool and you will remain there until you are promoted. Wherever possible successful candidates will not be in the pool for more than 12 months.

2.7.2 The selection for promotion will be in merit line order, unless there is a need to fill a post within a particular geographical area or by someone with specific specialist training. If a number of successful candidates attain the same NSAC score the decision to promote a particular candidate will be based on the location of the vacancy, candidate’s skill set, experience and the candidate’s posting preferences.

2.7.3 Where "hard to fill" vacancies have been identified by virtue of geography or specialisms, the Chief Constable has the right to promote an officer, outwith a promotion process for that particular rank, to manage organisational requirements.

2.7.4 Should any situation arise which would cast doubt on your suitability for promotion, a report detailing the circumstances will be prepared by your Divisional Commander/Head of Department and forwarded to the Director of People and Development.

2.7.5 Eligibility for promotion can be removed by the Director of People and Development. If this happens, you will be told the reasons in writing and a meeting with the Director of People and Development or designate to explain the rationale will be offered.



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2.7.6 If this sanction is applied, you may appeal in writing using National Police Promotion Process (NPPP) Appeal Form (021-016) within seven days of receiving notification to the Director of People and Development, clearly stating the reason for the appeal. This will be considered by the Deputy Chief Constable People and Professionalism, within 28 days of being notified of the appeal.

2.8 Right of appeal

2.8.1 The right to appeal exists at three stages of the process:

Following the National Selection Assessment.

Following written receipt of the Moderation Panel’s decision. .

Following formal notification that you are being removed from the

promotion pool.



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3.1 What you need to do:

Talk honestly with officers about their readiness for promotion.

Verify the statements you can on any Application Promotion Forms.

Complete the appropriate sections of any Application for Promotion

Form given to you.

Record a level of support for any promotion applications sent to you and

let your officers know what support you have given and why.

Let officers on your team who are not at work know about promotion

adverts and updates.

Disregard any form of conscious or unconscious bias.

3.2 Line management review

3.2.1 You have an important role to play in the development, support and mentoring of those who would like to be promoted. You should take every appropriate opportunity to talk to them about their suitability and readiness for promotion.

3.2.2 When you get an Application for Promotion Form, it is essential that you discuss its contents with the candidate before completing your section. You must consider whether a candidate has consistently sustained a high level of performance in their current rank and is ready for promotion.

3.2.3 It is unfair and unhelpful to encourage the progression of anyone who has not demonstrated the qualities, skills or knowledge necessary for promotion to the next rank. You should discuss any doubts about an applicant's suitability openly with them in a supportive manner and detail these on the application form. A Personal Development Plan should be created to ensure the necessary development for them over the next 12 months.

3.2.4 You must be able to verify all comments made by the candidate on the application form. If you cannot do this then you should contact the previous line manager detailed by the candidate.

3.2.5 You must ensure that you have sufficient evidence to justify all comments and levels of support given about a candidate.

3.2.6 If you and a previous line manager disagree about the suitability of an applicant for promotion, you must both discuss the facts with a more senior officer (next line manager). If at this stage agreement cannot be reached,



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the more senior officer will make a decision on the application.

3.2.7 If a first and second line manager disagree about the progression of a candidate, further evidence must be sought from and provided by the first line manager before the senior officer makes their final decision.

3.2.8 If the application is unsupported at this stage, the second line manager must provide a reason for this and submit the unsupported application for noting. Candidates must be told why their application is not supported and be given details of any development that is needed, over the next 12 months.

3.2.9 Any candidate not supported will exit the process.



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Application for Promotion Form Sergeant (021–001)

Application for Promotion Form Inspector (021–043)

Application for Promotion Form Chief Inspector (021–034)

Application for Promotion Form Superintendent (021–035)

National Police Promotion Process Appeal Form (021-016)

Related Procedures

Accelerated Leadership Pathway

Diploma in Police Service Leadership and Management Disability in Employment

Grievance Procedure Recruitment

Useful Links

Competency and Values Framework for Policing

NPPP Intranet Page

Equality Act 2010

The Police Service of Scotland Regulations 2013

The Police Service of Scotland (Conduct) Regulations 2013

The Police Service of Scotland (Conduct) Regulations 2014

The Police Service of Scotland (Promotion) Regulations 2013



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Appendix A

Guidance on the Merit Line and Moderation Panel

Merit Line

The National Promotion Selection process is a merit line based promotion process

which means the number of successful candidates is dependent on the number of

projected vacancies for the rank being applied for over the next 12 months.

National Selection Assessment Centre (NSAC)

Scores from all elements of the NSAC will be considered in determining the

outcome. If candidates attain scores of either 2, 3, 4 across all categories they will be

progressed to Moderation Panel. If candidates are awarded a score of 1 in any

category they will exit the process and not progress to Moderation Panel.

Progressing to Moderation Panel does not mean you have successfully completed

the promotion process, this is only decided when the merit line is drawn.

Moderation Panel

At the conclusion of all assessments for that rank, a Moderation Panel will meet and

the ‘merit line’ will be decided.

The Moderation Panel is chaired by the DCC People and Professionalism or Director

of People and Development. Panel members can include DCCs, ACCs, Divisional

Commanders, Head of Recruitment and Selection, Superintendent Recruitment and

Selection, a member of the Promotions Team and a representative from the Scottish

Police Federation or the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents depending

on the rank being applied for.

The purpose of the Moderation Panel is to:

Review and establish if there are any common trends or anomalies.

Review scoring and feedback assessment sheets.

Consider specialist and rural requirements.

Consider learning for future processes.

Decide on Merit Line score and the number of successful candidates.

When setting the Merit Line, the Moderation Panel aims to achieve the following


To meet police promotion requirements for 12 months.



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To ensure that the majority of the pool will be promoted prior to the conclusion of the next promotion process for that rank.

To create future opportunities by considering the frequency of promotion processes.



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Appendix B


Applicants have the right to appeal at three stages of the process:

Following the National Selection Assessment Centre (NSAC)

After receiving a final written outcome after the Moderation Panel.

Following being formally notified of being removed from the promotion pool.

Appeals will only be considered for the following two reasons:

The appellant believes that the process has been incorrectly followed.

The appellant believes they have been unlawfully discriminated against.

Every effort will be made to consider appeals as quickly as possible (normally within

28 days) so that the appellant if successful can continue within the promotion


Appeals have to be made in writing to the Director of People and Development by

completing the National Promotion Selection Process Appeal Form (021–016).

This has to be done within seven calendar days of receipt of being notified, in writing,

of the outcome of one of the above three stages.

The appeal will be considered and the appellant will be informed of the outcome in

writing. The outcome of any appeal is final.

The following reasons are not considered to be grounds for appeal:

Frustration at not being successful;

Disagreement with any marks awarded;

Disagreement with any feedback provided.



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Appendix C

Guidance for Applicants/Line Managers

Step 1 – Completion of Written Application Form

Candidates will be required to complete Sections 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Application

for Promotion Form.

Section 1 asks for personal contact details; if any of these change after submission of application form, candidates must inform the Promotions Team. Section 1 also advises candidates to make contact with the Promotions Team if they require reasonable adjustments at any stage in the promotion process.

Section 3 requires candidates to provide a Personal Values Statement around how they apply the values in their work which describes why they are now ready for promotion. The Police Scotland Values by which we work are Fairness, Integrity, Respect and Human Rights. Candidates need to describe what the values mean and how they apply them at work. This section is not to discuss what candidates do at work, but how they apply and demonstrate these values in their work. The word count for this section is as follows;

o Sergeant candidates 200 words

o Inspector candidates 300 words

o Chief Inspector candidates 500 words

o Chief/Superintendent candidates 500 words

Section 4 asks candidates to provide a statement describing their development journey in the current rank, prior to or including their current role, which demonstrates readiness for promotion. Candidates are then asked to explain how they have prepared for promotion. The word count for this section is as follows;

o Sergeant candidates 500 words

o Inspector candidates 750 words

o Chief Inspector candidates 1000 words

o Chief/Superintendent candidates 1000 words

Section 5 asks the candidate to list occupational qualifications, skills and specialisms and to provide brief information on how regularly these qualifications/training have been applied in the role.

The candidate has to provide details of the line manager who can verify the details provided in Sections 3, 4, and 5.

Finally candidates are required to make a declaration at Section 6 regarding the information they have submitted. Candidates should be aware that the accuracy of information may be checked and that they may be subject to screening by Professional Standards Department. Candidates are reminded



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not to put anything in the application which is inaccurate. In addition, candidates have to provide dates on which they cannot attend a National Selection Assessment Centre (NSAC) due for example to annual leave, court attendance or a training course.

Step 2 – First and Second Line Manager Comments

Sergeant Promotion Process

With regard to the Sergeant Promotion Form, the candidate’s first line manager will

complete Section 7 and provide a clarifying statement up to 500 words as to whether

they support/do not support the candidate’s application form. The second line

manager will then consider the evidence provided by the candidate and the first line

manager from Sections 3-7b and their own assessment in Section 8. They should

append their own comments, of up to 500 words regarding the suitability of the

applicant for promotion to the next rank.

Inspector/Chief Inspector/Superintendent Promotion Processes

Line managers are required in Section 7a to verify the evidence that the applicant

behaves as they have stated and that any situations they describe are accurate.

First line managers will then complete Section 7b (Suitability for Advancement

Statement). They will consider the information provided in Sections 3-7a and decide

whether or not to support the application.

If they have selected Statement A for all of Section 3, 4 and 5 it would be expected

that they support the application.

If first line managers select Statement B or C for any of Sections 3, 4 or 5 it would be

expected that the application would not be supported, but instead candidates should

receive development in their current role.

If the application has not been supported first line managers have to provide a

clarifying statement, of up to 600 words, which clearly outlines the reasons why and

any future development required.

Second line managers will complete Section 8a by considering the evidence

submitted in Sections 3 to 5b to make their own assessment of the Values and

Competencies from the Competency and Values Framework (CVF) and if they have

been demonstrated at Level 3.

If any of the Values or Competencies have not been sufficiently demonstrated the

second line manager must provide evidence why.



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The second line manager will then consider the evidence provided by the candidate

and the first line manager from Sections 3-7b and their own assessment in Section

8a. They should append their own comments in Section 8b regarding the suitability

of the applicant for promotion to the next rank.

If the first line manager has supported the application and the second line manager

has selected all of the values and demonstrated competencies in Section 8a they too

should support the application.

If they are unable to tick all the boxes in Section 8a they should discuss this with the

candidate’s first line manager before coming to a final decision.

If in this instance, the second line manager is still of the opinion that the candidate is

not ready for promotion, they should clearly outline the reason and inform the first

line manager of the support and development required in order that they can provide

meaningful feedback. Candidates will not be supported for progression.

If the first line manager does not support the application and the second line

manager is of the opinion that the application should be supported, they will seek

further evidence from the first line manager.

The second line manager will consider all the evidence and comments provided and

make a final decision whether to support the application.

If the application is unsupported, the second line manager must provide a clarifying

statement of up to 600 words. If they are of the opinion that the candidate is not

ready for promotion they should clearly outline the reasons and inform them of the

development that is required. The candidate will not be supported for progression.

Line managers must ensure that they have sufficient evidence to justify all comments

and levels of support on a candidate's application.

Step 3 - National Selection Assessment Centre (NSAC)

Candidates supported by both line managers will be invited to attend a NSAC.

After the closing date for applications for a promotion process, supported candidates will be sent an email advising them of the dates that NSACs will run.

Candidate’s performance will be assessed using the following scoring matrix;



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4 (Exceeds) The applicant has fully answered the question. They demonstrated significant evidence of the level of experience required in consideration with the role that they are applying for and the values of Police Scotland. The applicant has demonstrated significant evidence of the area being tested.

3 (Met) The applicant has satisfactorily answered the question. They demonstrated evidence of the level of experience required for the role they are applying for and the values of Police Scotland. Overall the applicant has demonstrated more positive evidence of the area being tested.

2 (Partially Met) The applicant has mostly answered the question. They demonstrated some evidence of the level of experience required in consideration with the role they are applying for and the values of Police Scotland. The applicant’s response lacked some clarity, and/or depth of the area being tested.

1 (Not Met) The applicant did not answer the question. They demonstrated limited or no evidence of the level of experience required in consideration with the role they are applying for and the values of Police Scotland. The applicant’s response does not demonstrate the area being tested.

Prior to the date of a particular NSAC, assessors will be provided with a list of the

candidates who will be invited to attend. Assessors will be required to examine the

list of candidates and highlight any potential conflict of interests to the Promotions

Team. Reasons for conflicts of interest may be as follows:

Related to the candidate.

Friend or acquaintance .

Social link through any shared membership of a club or society.

Has been the candidate’s direct line manager in the previous 2 years.

Any other reason the assessor wishes to highlight. For example the assessor could have carried out an investigation where the candidate has been a witness/suspect/accused or the subject of a misconduct enquiry.

The NSAC will consist of three exercises and these are as follows;

Sergeant Promotion Process

Briefing exercise

Knowledge assessment – Policing Incident

Role play – Values and Behaviours



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Inspector Promotion Process

Knowledge assessment – Policing Incident

Knowledge assessment – Criminal Incident

Role play - Conduct/Values

Chief Inspector Promotion Process

Media briefing


In-tray exercise – Values and Behaviours

Superintendent Promotion Process


Scrutiny exercise

In Tray exercise – Values and Behaviours

Chief Superintendent Promotion Process

At discretion of Chief Constable

The assessors will be officers who are at least two ranks above that being applied


Each candidate will be given a candidate number, in order to attempt to mitigate

unconscious bias. No names will be known or used before, during or after to uphold

the values of fairness, integrity and respect.

During the NSAC, candidates will be assessed by different assessors in Rooms 1, 2

and 3.

Throughout the NSAC candidates will be assessed on a combination of:

we take ownership;

we are emotionally aware;

we are collaborative;

we deliver, support and inspire;

we are innovative and open-minded;

we analyse critically;




human rights.



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Assessors complete assessment sheets with regard to the candidate’s performance

as soon as the candidate leaves the room and prior to the next candidate entering.

Scores from all elements of the NSAC will be considered in determining the NSAC

outcome. If candidates attain scores of either 2, 3, 4 across all categories they will be

progressed to Moderation Panel. If candidates are awarded a score of 1 in any

category they will exit the National Police Promotion Process.

Candidates will receive one of two outcome emails from the Promotions Team which

are as follows:

Unsuccessful – Candidates have scored a 1 in any of the elements and are encouraged to obtain feedback to aid future development.

Progression to Moderation Panel – Candidate details will be forwarded to the Moderation Panel.

Candidates moving to Moderation Panel are not considered to have passed nor are they successful until the merit line is agreed.

Step 4 – Feedback

Candidates can obtain feedback on their performance at the NSAC. Candidates should reflect on the advice provided which should aid future development and learning.



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Appendix D

Guidance for Assessors

Following your attendance at Assessor training you are likely to be given at least two

months' notice of selection activities. You will be invited to attend a full day, during

which you will typically see up to 12 candidates per National Selection Assessment

Centre (NSAC). Assessment centres are typically located but not limited to:

Jackton Training Centre





NSACs will include six suitably trained senior officers who are at least two ranks

above the one being applied for. The minimum rank of assessor for each NSAC is as


Sergeant Process – Chief Inspector

Inspector Process – Superintendent

Chief Inspector – Chief Superintendent

Superintendent – Assistant Chief Constable

Chief Superintendent – Deputy Chief Constable

Volunteers will be asked to take part on each NSAC. If you have to cancel your

attendance after agreeing to assess, you are asked to find a substitute assessor and

then let the Promotions Team know about the change. This limits the impact on

substitutes who have made themselves available for last minute changes such as

sickness absence.

If you are unable to find a substitute you should advise the Promotions Team at the

earliest opportunity. Failure to find a substitute assessor could potentially lead to the

cancellation of the NSAC, which may have a significant impact on each candidate

and on our ability to provide the Force with sufficient numbers of officers for


Prior to the date of a particular NSAC assessors will be provided with the entire list of candidates who will be attending future NSAC. Assessors must examine the list of candidates and highlight any potential conflict of interests to the Promotions Team. Any identified conflict will be removed so that candidate and assessor do not meet at NSAC.



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Should a conflict be identified the Promotions Team will make the final decision as to whether the assessor should sit on the NSAC or if the candidate is to be moved to a different NSAC.

Each candidate will be given a candidate number, in order to attempt to mitigate unconscious bias. Assessors will not be given the names of candidates attending the NSAC.


A lead assessor will be identified each day, who will carry out any subsequent

feedback. Officers invest time, energy, and emotion in preparing for the promotion

process. They deserve to receive constructive feedback on their performance,

regardless of outcome. Candidates can request personal feedback after being

notified that they were unsuccessful at NSAC or after receiving their final outcome

after Moderation Panel.



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Appendix E

Resource Planning and Co-ordination

The Resource Planning and Coordination Unit (RP&CU) of People and Development (P&D) are responsible for promotion activity across Police Scotland. Where a police officer has appeared at a misconduct hearing and receives a disposal other than dismissal or requirement to resign, or where an officer receives any other warning in relation to misconduct, the RP&CU will consider the circumstances of the matter and discuss any live warnings with the Professional Standards Department.

Such warnings will be considered and risk assessed on a case-by-case basis. In some cases, promotion may still be possible whilst the warning remains live.

The following list is an example of factors which will be considered but is not exhaustive:

Time which has elapsed since the date of the incident under consideration.

An officer’s conduct and performance since the original incident or since receiving a warning.

Nature of the promoted post or post applied for.

Nature of incident under consideration.

Reputational risk to Police Scotland when considering the circumstances and the public expectation around the conduct of officers.



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Appendix F

Role Profiles

Rank/Grade: Sergeant

Role: Rank Profile

Business Area: Force wide

Role Purpose (This section summaries the key function of the role)

In this role you will be the first level of management in the delivery of Policing Services and you will be responsible for the daily supervision of Police Officers and/or Police Staff. You will optimise staff performance and co-ordinate the response to Policing demands. To maximise public safety and confidence in the Police, through a delivery of diverse policing services.

Performance Framework (This section links to the Performance Framework and the outputs the role will work towards Nationally)

The Performance Framework click here Policing Plan click here

Key Accountabilities (This section details the key responsibilities required for the role)

1. Supervise and manage staff to achieve National and Local Force objectives whilst ensuring best working practices are delivered in line with Force policies and standards.

2. Support the wellbeing and welfare of staff to promote and encourage high levels

of motivation to enable an effective Policing Service. 3. Provide relevant advice and guidance to staff to ensure adherence to

appropriate policies and legislation to achieve the best possible outcomes.



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4. Assess staff capabilities, recognise performance and identify development needs and opportunities to maximise potential, in line with the Force appraisal procedure.

5. Co-ordinate and manage appropriate responses and investigations, allocating

resources, directing activities, managing risks and reviewing progress to deliver an effective response, maximising public safety.

6. Identify and engage with appropriate internal and external partners to deliver an

effective Policing Service. 7. Ensure the effective use of resources to maximise value for money in order to

achieve force budget targets.

8. Undertake any such duties which are consistent with the nature, responsibility and rank of the post.



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Competency Values Framework (CVF)

All roles are expected to know, understand and act within the Police Scotland Code of Ethics. The Competency and Values Framework (CVF) has six competencies that are clustered together into three groups. Under each competency are three levels that show what behaviours will look like in practice.

It is suggested that this role should be operating or working towards the following levels.

Resolute, compassionate and committed

We are emotionally aware Level 2

We take ownership Level 2

Inclusive, enabling and visionary leadership

We are collaborative Level 2

We deliver, support and inspire Level 2

Intelligent, creative and informed policing



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We analyse critically Level 2

We are innovative and open-minded Level 2

Education, Qualification, Skills and Experience (outlines the skills and education and qualification requirements to be able to fulfil the role)

Relevant promotion qualification i.e. DPSLM, OSPRE II etc.

Broad experience at Constable level complying at least with minimum time in the rank as detailed in current policy (2 years’ probation).

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (outlines possible continuing professional development activities which enable the individual to maintain and enhance competence in the role) Professional Registration/Licence (outlines any ongoing registration or licensing requirements of the role)

Complete all annual and mandatory training required for the role.



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Rank/Grade: Inspector

Role: Rank profile

Business Area: Force wide

Role Purpose (This section summaries the key function of the role)

In this role you will lead and manage teams. You will carry specific legal powers to enable the maintenance of law and order. You will plan, manage and maintain an overview of deployment of resources, mitigating risk effectively in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff.

Performance Framework (This section links to the Performance Framework and the outputs the role will work towards Nationally)

The Performance Framework click here Policing Plan click here

Key Accountabilities (This section details the key responsibilities required for the role)

1. Lead, motivate and direct teams to deliver a high level of service for the public.

2. Plan and monitor activity of staff in line with policing plans to ensure best use of

available resources.

3. Manage and oversee responses in accordance with frameworks and guidance.

4. Engage with staff, promoting workforce wellbeing to uphold professional standards and enable a well performing team.

5. Assess staff capabilities, recognise performance and identify and address

development needs to maximise opportunities.

6. Identify and manage business risks reporting and escalating as required to ensure appropriate response and minimise reputational risk.

7. Ensure the effective use of Force finances and resources to provide efficient

service and value for money.



29 V13.00

8. Review performance data in order to efficiently inform workforce planning to achieve local and national priorities.

9. Assess the effectiveness of existing processes and practices in order to identify

and implement opportunities for change and innovation to transform the service.

10. Develop and maintain constructive relationships with colleagues, communities and partners to drive collaboration across policing and wider public services provision.

11. Undertake any such duties which are consistent with the nature, responsibility

and rank of the post.



30 V13.00

Competency Values Framework (CVF)

All roles are expected to know, understand and act within the Police Scotland Code of Ethics. The Competency and Values Framework (CVF) has six competencies that are clustered together into three groups. Under each competency are three levels that show what behaviours will look like in practice.

It is suggested that this role should be operating or working towards the following levels.

Resolute, compassionate and committed

We are emotionally aware Level 2

We take ownership Level 2

Inclusive, enabling and visionary leadership

We are collaborative Level 2

We deliver, support and inspire Level 2

Intelligent, creative and informed policing



31 V13.00

We analyse critically Level 2

We are innovative and open-minded Level 2

Education, Qualification, Skills and Experience (outlines the skills and education and qualification requirements to be able to fulfil the role)

Broad experience at Sergeant Level complying at least with minimum time in the rank as detailed in current policy.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (outlines possible continuing professional development activities which enable the individual to maintain and enhance competence in the role) Professional Registration/Licence (outlines any ongoing registration or licensing requirements of the role)

Complete all annual and mandatory training required for the role.



32 V13.00

Rank/Grade: Chief Inspector

Role: Rank Profile

Business Area: Force wide

Role Purpose (This section summaries the key function of the role)

In this role you will co-ordinate the work of teams within your responsibility, overseeing the delivery of policing activities to ensure organisational standards are upheld and to provide a quality public service. You will create an environment that supports officers and staff in the response to situations whilst creating and developing meaningful partnerships to deliver an appropriate and diverse service.

Performance Framework (This section links to the Performance Framework and outputs the role will work towards Nationally)

The Performance Framework click here Policing Plan click here

Key Accountabilities (This section details the key responsibilities required for the role)

1. Inspire and retain oversight of staff to ensure a high-quality service to the public,

ensuring skills gaps are addressed, performance recognised and development needs identified and addressed to maximise opportunities and potential in line with local and national priorities.

2. Influence policing plan in respect of emerging demand and available resources including through engagement with partners to ensure best use of resources.

3. Retain oversight of significant incidents and apply an appropriate level of

scrutiny to ensure sufficient trained resource availability to maximise service to the public.

4. Monitor staff wellbeing and professional standards to create a positive working


5. Ensure mechanisms exist to capture business risks with mitigation measures identified to reduce reputational risk.



33 V13.00

6. Ensure the effective use of Force finances and resources to provide efficient

service and value for money.

7. Review appropriate data in order to efficiently inform workforce planning to achieve local and national priorities.

8. Create an environment where staff are empowered to question existing

practices and processes appropriately providing an opportunity for change, innovation, welcoming the best of practice and implementation of transformation of the service.

9. Develop and maintain constructive relationships with colleagues, communities

and partners to drive collaboration across policing and wider public services provision.

10. Undertake any such duties which are consistent with the nature, responsibility and rank of the post.



34 V13.00

Competency Values Framework (CVF)

All roles are expected to know, understand and act within the Police Scotland Code of Ethics. The Competency and Values Framework (CVF) has six competencies that are clustered together into three groups. Under each competency are three levels that show what behaviours will look like in practice.

It is suggested that this role should be operating or working towards the following levels.

Resolute, compassionate and committed

We are emotionally aware Level 2

We take ownership Level 2

Inclusive, enabling and visionary leadership

We are collaborative Level 2

We deliver, support and inspire Level 2

Intelligent, creative and informed policing



35 V13.00

We analyse critically Level 2

We are innovative and open-minded Level 2

Education, Qualification, Skills and Experience (outlines the skills and education and qualification requirements to be able to fulfil the role)

Broad experience at Inspector level complying at least with minimum time in the rank as detailed in current policy.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (outlines possible continuing professional development activities which enable the individual to maintain and enhance competence in the role) Professional Registration/Licence (outlines any ongoing registration or licensing requirements of the role)

Complete all annual and mandatory training required for the role.



36 V13.00

Rank/Grade: Superintendent

Role: Rank profile

Business Area: Force wide

Role Purpose (This section summaries the key function of the role)

In this role you will be responsible for the setting of strategy, standards and day to day operational policy across portfolio responsibilities and authorising activity in line with legislative powers accorded to the rank.

Performance Framework (This section links to the Performance Framework and the outputs the role will work towards Nationally)

The Performance Framework click here Policing Plan click here

Key Accountabilities (This section details the key responsibilities required for the role)

1. Create plans to achieve national Strategies.

2. Embed and maintain internal structures to protect the reputation and integrity of

Police Scotland.

3. Provide strategic oversight and direction to ensure that delivery is in line with

Force values and public expectation by establishing, agreeing and

communicating standards of performance and behavior.

4. Advocate a culture that fosters and encourages staff wellbeing and development

through mentoring whilst ensuring standards are maintained to the highest

levels in line with force values and public expectations.

5. Develop productive and effective relationships with key stakeholders to deliver

on statutory obligations.



37 V13.00

6. Provide effective leadership by coordinating divisional resource to deliver

priorities in line with portfolio responsibilities and ensuring that public confidence

in policing is maintained.

7. Accountable for the delivery of local budget lines, ensuring best value.

8. Embed governance of operational service delivery and implementation of

appropriate command structures for critical incidents, tasking and co-ordination

of operational resources and apply an appropriate level of scrutiny.

9. Participate in a relevant on-call rota to ensure the provision of continuous

strategic direction.

10. Undertake any such duties which are consistent with the nature, responsibility

and rank of the post.



38 V13.00

Competency Values Framework (CVF)

All roles are expected to know, understand and act within the Police Scotland Code of Ethics. The Competency and Values Framework (CVF) has six competencies that are clustered together into three groups. Under each competency are three levels that show what behaviours will look like in practice.

It is suggested that this role should be operating or working towards the following levels.

Resolute, compassionate and committed

We are emotionally aware Level 3

We take ownership Level 3

Inclusive, enabling and visionary leadership

We are collaborative Level 3

We deliver, support and inspire Level 3

Intelligent, creative and informed policing



39 V13.00

We analyse critically Level 3

We are innovative and open-minded Level 3

Education, Qualification, Skills and Experience (outlines the skills and education and qualification requirements to be able to fulfil the role)

Broad experience at Chief Inspector level complying at least with minimum time

in the rank as detailed in current policy.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (outlines possible continuing professional development activities which enable the individual to maintain and enhance competence in the role) Professional Registration/Licence (outlines any ongoing registration or licensing requirements of the role)

Operationally competent with senior command qualification e.g. SIO, TFC, Event Command.

Complete all annual and mandatory training required for the role.



40 V13.00

Rank/Grade: Chief Superintendent

Role: Rank profile

Business Area: Force wide

Role Purpose (This section summaries the key function of the role)

In this role you will be responsible for the senior leadership of a

Division/Department through good governance, scrutiny and delivery of legislative

and policy requirements.

This includes wellbeing, strategy (national and local), legislative and partnership

working, health and safety, standards/COE/values, training and development,

ensuring officers are equipped for the role, diversity and equality, governance

operational delivery, tasking and delivery, resource and priority setting, and owning

and managing budgets.

Performance Framework (This section links to the Performance Framework and the outputs the role will work towards Nationally)

The Performance Framework click here Policing Plan click here

Key Accountabilities (This section details the key responsibilities required for the role)

1. Set overarching strategies within the area of responsibility in line with legislation

and PSoS policies to ensure compliance of statutory requirements of

partnership working and scrutiny arrangements.

2. Effect the establishment of robust internal structures and processes to protect

the reputation and integrity of Police Scotland.

3. Review structures, roles and processes to maximise opportunities for delivery of

continuous improvement and to assess the specific impact on people resulting

from organisational change projects and related work to ensure these aspects

are well defined within plans with risks and strategies scoped.

4. Lead, motivate and engage staff, promoting workforce wellbeing, to enable a

well performing business area.



41 V13.00

5. Ensure governance of operational service delivery and implementation of

appropriate command structures for critical incidents, tasking and co-ordination

of operational resources.

6. Manage budget and resources for the area of responsibility and act as

appropriate authority, making decisions in accordance with regulation and

legislation to deliver operations that are cost effective and are in line with

strategic objectives.

7. Represent the Force to the media and the wider public, to provide information

about investigations and initiatives, and promote confidence and trust in the

Force’s integrity.

8. Collaborate with other Forces and national bodies, identifying opportunities and

contributing to the development of innovation activities to improve the

effectiveness of evidence-based practices and to foster a collaboration to

improve the legitimacy, integrity and accountability of policing.

9. Accountable for the divisional Health and Safety assurance model to comply

with legislation.

10. Participate in a relevant on-call rota to ensure the provision of continuous

strategic direction.

11. Undertake any such duties which are consistent with the nature, responsibility

and rank of the post.



42 V13.00

Competency Values Framework (CVF)

All roles are expected to know, understand and act within the Police Scotland Code of Ethics. The Competency and Values Framework (CVF) has six competencies that are clustered together into three groups. Under each competency are three levels that show what behaviours will look like in practice.

It is suggested that this role should be operating or working towards the following levels.

Resolute, compassionate and committed

We are emotionally aware Level 3

We take ownership Level 3

Inclusive, enabling and visionary leadership

We are collaborative Level 3

We deliver, support and inspire Level 3

Intelligent, creative and informed policing



43 V13.00

We analyse critically Level 3

We are innovative and open-minded Level 3

Education, Qualification. Skills and Experience (outlines the skills and education and qualification requirements to be able to fulfil the role)

Broad experience at Superintendent level complying at least with minimum time in the rank

as detailed in current policy.

Operationally competent with senior command qualification e.g. SIO, TFC, Event Command.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (outlines possible continuing professional development activities which enable the individual to maintain and enhance competence in the role) Professional Registration/Licence (outlines any ongoing registration or licensing requirements of the role) Training to achieve operational competence in one or more ‘Gold Command’ roles such as Strategic Firearms Commander, Public Order/CBRN etc., to be capable of setting strategy for and leading major events/operations.

NB: Post Holder should have completed and be operationally competent in relevant superintendent training courses/roles, e.g. CIMplexity, Event Command, Authorising Officer, TFC etc.

Complete all annual and mandatory training required for the role.



44 V13.00

Compliance Record

Equality Impact Assessment: Date Completed/Reviewed: 03/07/2020

Information Management Compliant: 31/08/2020

Health and Safety Compliant: 25/08/2020

Publication Scheme Compliant: 14/10/2020

Version Control Table

Version History of Amendments Date

1.00 Initial Approved Version 30/08/2013

2.00 Minor Amendments 08/08/2014

3.00 Reflect Change in Process 08/10/2014

4.00 Reflect Change in Process 19/06/2015

5.00 Removal of duplication of words throughout document and appendices – no change to process


6.00 Minor amendment with no change to process. Removal of second text box under Appendix ‘D’ entitled “Promotion Process Map” as was present in error


7.00 Section 6.11/Stage 3 Clarification of rank of officers/staff at First Review Panel. Appendix F removal of contact telephone no`s due to change of location of admin of PS and PI process. Appendix G clarification on responsibilities of 2nd LM Note: for Senior Rank Process, please refer to the linked Senior Process Addendum until the SOP is fully reviewed and updated.


8.00 Update as a result of external feedback. Update to exam and qualifications eligibility when transferring from other Forces. Addition of links to Adoption, Maternity and Paternity and Shared Parental Leave SOPs.


9.00 Link to Senior Process Addendum for Senior Rank Process Added to Title Page


10.00 Section 5.5 amended to provide clarity on consideration of a formal regulation warning/misconduct disposal in relation to promotion process. Sec 6 Change in Process.


11.00 Policy Simplification Project. Procedure amended and written with customer focus to support new leadership strategy and 2026 objectives




45 V13.00

12.00 Change to guidance for applicants to align with application form. Panel make-up and appeals process clarified.


13.00 New Leadership Pathway introduced assessing candidates for promotion against the College of Policing’s Competency Values Framework. Process now includes the use of Assessment Centres to determine suitability for promotion alongside a revised set of supporting appendices.


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