promises jesus made to luisa - book of...

Post on 18-Jun-2018






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V1 – “…the faster I make you cross the stormy sea, the sooner you will reach the port of safety; the harder the trials to which I will submit you, the greater the graces I will give you.” V1 – “…I, Jesus, want your goodwill - whatever you, Luisa, want, I will give to you." V1 – “The thing that an adversary army fears the most is to see courage, strength, and the way in which one challenges the most dangerous fights, without fearing anything. So the demons are; there is nothing they fear more than a courageous soul who, all clinging to Me, with a strong spirit, goes into their midst, not to be wounded, but with the firm resolution of wounding them and exterminating them. The demons are frightened, terrified, and would rather flee; but they cannot, because they are bound by My Will, and they are forced to stay, to their greater torment. Therefore, do not fear them, for they can do nothing to you without My Will. And then, when I see that you can no longer resist and are about to fail, if you are faithful to me, I will come immediately, I will put everyone to flight, and I will give you grace and strength. Courage, then, courage."


V1 – “…My Love wanted to win over the heart of man at any cost; and in seeing that after seven excesses of My Love, he was still reluctant, he played deaf, he did not care about Me and did not want to give himself to Me, My Love wanted to push itself further. It should have stopped; but no, it wanted to overflow even more from within its boundaries; and from the Womb of My Mama, it made My Voice reach every heart with the most insinuating manners, with the most fervent prayers, with the most penetrating words. And do you know what I said to them? ‘My child, give Me your heart; I will give you everything you want, provided that you give Me your heart in exchange. I have descended from Heaven to make a prey of it. O please, do not deny it to Me! Do not delude My Hopes!’ V2 – May 7, 1899 - "My Person is surrounded by all the works that souls do, as by a garment; and the more purity of intention and intensity of love they have, the more splendor they give Me, and I will give them more glory; so much so, that on the Day of Judgment I will show them to the whole world, to let the whole world know how My children have Honored Me, and how I Honor them." V2 – June 8, 1899 - My adorable Jesus still continues to make Himself seen all benignity and sweetness. This morning, while I was together with Him, He repeated again: "Tell me, what do you want?" Immediately I said: ‘Jesus, my Dear, what I would really want is that the whole world would convert.’ (What a request out of proportion!) But still, my Loving Jesus told me: "I would content you if all had the good will to be saved. And yet, to show you that I would gladly grant everything you have said, let us go together into the midst of the world, and all of those whom we will find with the good will to be saved, as evil as they may be, I will give to you, Luisa." V4 – November 16, 1900 – “…Here inside this Heart there are All the Treasures of My Graces that human nature can arrive at containing." At that moment He enclosed it inside His Most Holy Heart, adding: "Your heart has taken possession within My Heart, and I will give you My Love as heart, which will give you Life." V4 – October 3, 1901 - ‘My most beloved Jesus, I offer You my heart for your satisfaction and in eternal praise of You; and I offer You all of myself, even the tiniest particles of my body like as many walls to be placed before You in order to block any offense which might be given to You, accepting them all upon myself if it were possible, and for your pleasure, until the day of judgment. And since I want my offering to be complete and to satisfy You for all, I intend for all the pains which I will bear by receiving upon myself the offenses given to You, to repay You with all the glory which the Saints who are in Heaven were supposed to give You when they were on earth; that which the souls in Purgatory were supposed to give You, and that glory which all men, past, present and future, owe You. I offer them to You for all in general, and for each one in particular.’ As I finished speaking, all moved by this offering, blessed Jesus told me: "My beloved, you yourself cannot understand the great contentment you have given Me by offering yourself in this way. You have soothed all My


Wounds, and have given Me a satisfaction for all offenses, past, present and future. And I will take it into account for All Eternity like a most Precious Gem which will Glorify Me Eternally; and every time I will look at it, I will give you New and Greater Eternal Glory. V4 – September 3, 1902 - "My daughter, everything I deserved I gave to all creatures, and in a special and superabundant way to one who is victim for love of Me. Behold, anything you want I give you - and not only you, but to whomever you want." And I, remembering the confessor, said to Him: ‘Lord, if You take me, I pray You to content father.’ And He: "Indeed He has received some recompense for the charity he has done for you; and since he has cooperated, as you come to Me into the Sphere of Eternity, I will give him yet more recompense." V6 – August 15, 1904 - “Do you think that the Triumph of the Church is far?” And I: ‘Yes indeed – who can put order in so many things that are messed up?’ And He: “On the contrary, I tell you that it is near. It takes a clash, but a strong one, and therefore I will permit everything together, among religious and secular, so as to shorten the time. And in the midst of this clash, all of big chaos, there will be a good and orderly clash, but in such a state of mortification, that men will see themselves as lost. However, I will give them so much Grace and Light that they may recognize what is evil and embrace the Truth, making you suffer also for this purpose. If with all this they do not listen to Me, then I will take you to Heaven, and things will happen even more gravely, and will drag on a little longer before the longed-for triumph.” V6 – April 14, 1904 - : “My daughter, if in addition to the Food of Love you give Me the bread of your patience - because patient and Suffering Love is a more Solid, more Nourishing and Fortifying food, for if Love is not Patient, it can be said that it is empty, light love and with no substance, and therefore it can be said that the necessary materials in order to form the bread of patience are lacking - …so, if you give Me this, I will give you the Sweet Bread of Grace.” V7 – August 10, 1906 - "My daughter, for every slightest pleasure of which the soul deprives herself in this life for love of Me, I will give her one more paradise in the next life. So, one contentment less here, one paradise more there. Imagine a bit how many privations you have suffered in these twenty years of bed because of Me, and how many more paradises I will give you in Heaven." V7 – November 12, 1906 - "Ah, My daughter, in time you give a dwelling to Me, and in eternity I will give it to you; and be well content and sure that the One who dwells in you has the power to maintain your dwelling fortified and free of any danger." V8 – November 21, 1907 – “…I will just tell you that each thought, heartbeat and movement of yours, each member of yours, any suffering bone of yours, are as many


lights that come out from you; and as they touch Me I melt them for the good of all, while I send back to you, tripled, as many other lights of grace; and in Heaven I will give them to you of glory. V8 – August 19, 1908 - "My goodness is so great that great wrong is done by those who make Me known as severe, very demanding and rigorous. Oh, what an affront they give to My Love! I will ask for no other account but of the little field given to them; and I will ask for an account for nothing but to give them the Fruit of their Harvests. I will give it to the intelligence, for the more it has comprehended Me in life, the more it will comprehend Me in Heaven; and the more it will comprehend Me, the greater the joy and beatitude with which it will be inundated. To the mouth I will give the Harvest of the different Divine Flavors, and its voice will harmonize above all the other Blessed; to the works I will give the Harvests of My Gifts; and so with all the rest." V8 – January 22, 1909 – “…In fact, these debts which I make with you, while being debts for Me, will be Pledges and Treasures which I will keep in My Heart for Eternity, and which will give you the Right to be Loved by Me more than others. This will be one more Joy and Glory for Me, and you will be Repaid for even a breath, a minute, a desire, a heartbeat; and the more pressing and greedy you will be in demanding, the more Pleasure you will give Me, and the more I will give you. V10 – October 10, 1911 – (Jesus’ Promise to Luisa concerning souls who she saw in war): “I will save all those who are disposed, therefore do not cry. I will give you their souls – be content.

V11 – April 10, 1913 - "My daughter, I will not look at these Hours as your things, but as things done by Me. I will give you the same merits, as if I were in the act of suffering my Passion. In this way, I will let you obtain the same effects, according to the dispositions of the souls. This, while on earth - and I could not give you a greater thing from My Own. Then, in Heaven, I will place these souls in front of Me, flashing them with lightnings of Love and Contentment for as many times as they did the Hours of My Passion - while they will flash to Me as well. What a Sweet Enchantment this will be for all the Blessed!" V11 – October 1914 - "My daughter, as a reward for having written the Hours of My Passion, for each word you have written, I will give you a Kiss - a soul." And I: ‘My love, this is for me; and what will you give to those who will do them?’ And Jesus: "If they do them together with Me and with My Own Will, I will give them a soul for each word they will recite, because the greater or lesser Effectiveness of these Hour of My Passion is in the greater or lesser Union that they have with Me. In doing them with My Will, the creature hides inside My Volition; and since it is My Volition that is acting, I can produce all the Goods I want, even through one single word. This, for each time you will do them."


V11 – July 28, 1915 - "My daughter, one who does My Will is so identified with Me, that her heart and Mine form one single heart. And since all souls who are saved, are saved through this Heart, and as Its Heartbeat is formed, they take off toward Salvation coming out from the Mouth of this Heart - I will give to the soul the Merit of these saved souls, since she wanted together with Me the Salvation of those souls, and since I used her as the very Life of My Own Heart."

V12 – April 12, 1917 - "My beloved daughter, beloved daughter of Mine, rest in Me. And your pains, do not keep them with you, but send them up to My Cross, so that they may become the Cortege of My Pains, relieving Me, and so that My Pains may be the Cortege of your pains, Sustain you, Burn with the same Fire, and be Consumed together. I will look at your pains as if they were Mine; I will give them the same Effects and the same Value; and they will perform the same Offices which I did on the Cross, before the Father and before souls.”

V12 – October 16, 1918 - All nations have some black stains, and all of them deserve humiliations and crushings. There will be a general uproar - confusion everywhere. I will renew the world with the sword, with fire and with water, with sudden deaths, and with contagious diseases. I will make new things. The nations will form a sort of tower of Babel; they will reach the point of being unable to understand one another; the peoples will revolt among themselves; they will no longer want kings. All will be humiliated, and peace will come only from Me. And if you hear them say ‘peace’, that will not be True, but apparent. Once I have Purged everything, I will place My Finger in a surprising Way, and I will give the True Peace. Then, all those who are humiliated will return to Me. Germany will be Catholic; I have great designs upon for her. England, Russia, and all the places where blood has been shed, will rise again to Faith, and will be incorporated into My Church. There will be great triumph and union among peoples. Therefore, pray - and it takes patience, because this will not be so soon, but it will take time." V12 – December 25, 1918 - ‘My Love, there are certain times in which my life becomes bitter, especially because of the conditions in which You put me.’ And Jesus, knowing what I wanted to say to Him, added: "What do you fear? I will take care of everything; and when one directs you I give My Grace to him; when another does, I give Grace to the other. And then, it is not you whom they will assist, but Me; and I will be generous with them according to how they will appreciate My Work, My Sayings and My Teachings." And I: ‘My Jesus, the Confessor appreciated very much what You said to me. He cared very much about it, and he worked very hard to make me write. What will You give to him?’ And Jesus: "I will give him Heaven as recompense, and I will consider his office as that of Saint Joseph and of My Mama, who, having assisted My Life on earth, had to go through hardships in order to nourish Me and assist Me. Now, since My Life is in you, I consider his assistance and sacrifices as though My Mama and Saint Joseph were doing them again


for Me. Aren’t you happy?" And I: ‘Thank You, O Jesus." V12 – January 8, 1919 - ‘Ah, my Jesus, what pain it is to hear You speak about these blessed chastisements! And the peoples? How will they do without Priests? They are already few enough - and You want to take away more of them? Who will administer the Sacraments? Who will teach your laws?’ And Jesus: "My daughter, do not afflict yourself too much. The scarce number is nothing. I will give to one the grace and the strength that I give to ten, to twenty; and one will be worth ten, or twenty of them. I can compensate for everything. And then, the many Priests who are not good, are the poison of the peoples; instead of good, they do evil, so I will do nothing other than remove the prime elements who poison the peoples." V12 – May 22, 1919 - "My daughter, all of My Works are Complete; therefore, the Glory that the creature Must give to Me will be complete. The last day will not come until the whole Creation has given Me the honor and the glory which I Myself wanted and established, and what some do not give Me, I take from others; in these I redouble the graces which others reject from Me, and from these I receive double love and glory. To others, according to their dispositions, I reach the point of giving the graces which I would give to ten; to others, those which I would give to a hundred; to others, those which I would give to a thousand. Sometimes, I give the graces which I would give to cities, to provinces, and even to entire kingdoms. And these love Me and give Me glory for ten, for a hundred, for a thousand, etc. In this way My Glory on the part of Creation is completed. And when I see that the creature cannot make it, in spite of her good will, I draw her into My Will, in which she finds the Virtue of Multiplying one single act as many times as she wants, giving Me the Glory, Honor and Love which others do not give to Me.

This is why I AM preparing the Era of the Living in My Will; and for all that creatures have not done in the past generations, and will not do, in this Era of My Will they will complete the Love, the Glory, the Honor of the Whole Creation, and I will give them astonishing and unheard-of Graces. This is why I AM calling you to Live in My Will, and I whisper into your ear: ‘Jesus, I lay at Your Feet the Adoration, the subjection of the whole human family; I place in Your Heart the "I love You" of all; on Your Lips I impress my kiss in order to seal the kiss of all generations; I clasp You with my arms in order to clasp You with the arms of all, to bring You the Glory of all the works of all creatures...’ And I feel in you the adoration, the ‘I love You’, the kiss, etc. of the whole human family. How could I not give to you the love, the kisses, the graces which I should give to the others?

Now, know My daughter, that what the creature does on earth is the capital that she forms for Heaven. Therefore, if she does little, she will have little; if much, she will have much. If one loved Me and glorified Me for ten, she will receive ten more Contentments, corresponding to as much glory, and will be loved by Me ten times as much. If another Loved Me and Glorified Me for a hundred and for a thousand, she will receive Contentments, Love and Glory for a hundred and for a thousand. In this way I will give to the Creation all that I have decided to give, and the Creation will give Me all that I


must receive from them – and My Glory will be completed in everything." V12 – March 12, 1921 - "My daughter, Luisa, you will provide to Me the straw in order to form the ear, in which I will be the grain. I will give My Will as Food to Nourish all the souls who will want to eat of It. You will be the straw which will preserve the grain." V13 – January 11, 1922 – “…Now, see how these souls who Live in My Will are Necessary to Me. Since I have destined them to be like skin to the body of my Church, and like circulation of life for all the members, they will be the ones who will give the proper growth to the members which have not grown; who will heal the wounded members, and who will restore the freshness, the beauty, the splendor of the whole Mystical Body by their continuous living in My Will, rendering it fully similar to My Head, which will sit in full majesty upon all those members. This is why the end of days cannot come if I do not have these souls who live as though dissolved in My Will - they interest Me more than anything. What impression would this Mystical Body make in the Celestial Jerusalem without them? And if this is what interests Me more than anything, it must interest you also more than anything, if you love Me. From now on, I will give to your acts done in My Will the Virtue of Circulation of Life for the whole Mystical Body of the Church. Just like the blood circulation in the human body, your acts, extended within the immensity of My Will, will extend over all and will cover these members like skin, giving them proper growth. Therefore, be attentive and faithful."

V14 – September 15, 1922 – “…Oh, how many effects are still suspended, both in Creation and in Redemption, because My Will is not known and does not have Its true Kingdom in the creature! And since It does not reign, the human will remains always the slave of itself. Do you think that others will interest themselves in it after your death? Oh, how many things which I have manifested to souls are buried for lack of those who would interest themselves in My Works! But if I have tolerated this with other things, I will not tolerate it with My Will. I will give so much Grace to those who will put themselves at work, that they will not be able to resist Me. But the most interesting and essential part I want from you." V15 – April 14, 1923 – “…since the Work of Redemption was to be so great as to overwhelm all generations, I wanted for many centuries the prayers, the sighs, the tears, the penances of so many patriarchs and prophets, and of the whole people of the Old Testament. And I did this in order to dispose them to receive a good so great, and to move Me to centralize in this celestial creature all the goods which everyone was to enjoy. Now, what moved this people to pray, to sigh, etc.? The Promise of the future Messiah. This Promise was like the seed of so many supplications and tears; had there not been this Promise, no one would have given it a thought, no one would have hoped for salvation.

Now, My daughter, let’s come to My Will. Do you think it is a Sanctity like the other sanctities? A good, a grace, almost like the others which I have given for many centuries to the other Saints and to the whole Church? No, no! This is about a new era - about a good


which must serve all generations; but it is necessary that I first centralize all this good in one creature alone, just as I did in Redemption by centralizing everything in My Mama. Take a look at how things proceed in a parallel way: in order to make Redemption come and to dispose souls for It, I made the Promise of the future Messiah, so that, by hoping for Him to come, they would not only dispose themselves, but find, they too, their own salvation in the future Redeemer. Now, in order to dispose souls to live in My Will, to let them partake in the goods It contains, and to make man return to the path of his origin, just as he was created by Me, I Myself wanted to pray as the first, making My Voice resound from one end of the earth to another, and even up high in Heaven, saying: ‘Our Father, who art in Heaven’. I did not say ‘My Father’, but I called Him Father of the whole human family, so as to engage Him in that which I was going to add: ‘May all hallow your Name, so that your Kingdom may come, and your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’. This was the purpose of Creation, and I asked the Father that it be fulfilled. As I prayed, the Father surrendered to My Supplications, and I formed the seed of a good so great; and so that this seed might be known, I taught My prayer to the Apostles, and they transmitted it to the whole Church, so that, just as the people of the future Redeemer found salvation in Him and disposed itself to receive the Promised Messiah, in the same way, with this seed formed by Me, the Church might pray and repeat My very prayer many times, and might dispose Herself to receive the good of recognizing and Loving My Celestial Father as their Father, in such a way as to deserve to be loved as children and receive the great good that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. V19 – May 13, 1926 - “My daughter, I AM the heartbeat of all Creation. If My Heartbeat were missing, Life would be missing to all created things. Now, I Love so much one who Lives in My Will, that I do not know how to be without her, and I want her together with Me to do whatever I do. So, you, Luisa, will palpitate together with Me, and among the many Prerogatives I will give you, I will give you the Prerogative of the heartbeat of all Creation. In the heartbeat there is life, motion, heat; so, you will be with Me, giving Life, Motion and Heat to everything.” As He was saying this, I felt myself moving and palpitating in all created things, and Jesus added: “One who Lives in My Will is inseparable from Me, and I do not know how to be without her company. I do not want to be isolated, because company renders the works one undertakes more pleasant, more delightful, more beautiful. Therefore, your company is necessary to Me, in order to break My isolation, in which the other creatures leave Me.” V21 – March 5, 1927 - “So, My coming upon earth was bond of reunion of times; it was remedy in order to form this bond, so that the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat might return into the midst of creatures; it was model made for all, so that, modeling themselves, they might be tied within the bonds formed by Me. This is why, before speaking to you about My Will, I spoke to you about My coming upon earth, of what I did and suffered, in order to give you the remedies and the model of My own Life; then I spoke to you about My Will: it was bonds that I formed in you, and in these bonds I formed the Kingdom of My Will; and, as sign of


this, there are the many knowledges I have manifested to you about It, Its sorrow because It does not reign with all Its fullness in the midst of creatures, and the goods It Promises to the Children of Its Kingdom.” V21 – April 8, 1927 - “…calling Abraham to a Promised land flowing with milk and honey, making him the owner of that land, a land so fecund as to be enviable and aspired to by all other nations—everything was symbol of what I would do with the children of My Will. V23 – January 18, 1928 - “Here is the utility of the many things I have manifested to you, the many surprising truths, the Promises of the so many goods that I must give to the children of the Fiat Voluntas Tua: they will be the Gospel, the basis, the inexhaustible fount from which all will draw the Celestial life, the terrestrial happiness and the restoration of their Creation. Oh! how happy they will feel—those who, with yearning, will drink in large gulps from these founts of My Knowledges; because they contain the virtue of bringing the life of Heaven, and of banishing any unhappiness.” V23 – January 27, 1928 – “…I looked at the centuries as one single point, and I found you, the chosen one, and even from that time I directed and deposited My Acts in you, in order to dispose My Kingdom. And just as for the Kingdom of Redemption I spared nothing—neither toils, nor pains, nor prayers, nor graces, and not even death—so as to be able to give to all sufficient and abundant graces and means so that all might be saved and sanctified, even though I placed and secured everything in the Celestial Queen—the same for the Kingdom of My Will: even though I secure everything in you, I AM giving so much, I AM sparing nothing—neither teachings, nor light, nor graces, nor attractions, nor Promises—in such a way that, if all want to receive the great good of My Will to let It reign within themselves, all will find superabundant means and helps in order to live a good so great. V23 – February 5, 1928 - So, while I was thinking about the Kingdom of the Divine Will, and Its reigning upon earth seemed as though difficult to me, my Beloved Jesus, coming out from within my interior, told me: “My daughter, as Adam sinned, God made him the Promise of the future Redeemer. Centuries passed, but the Promise did not fail, and the generations had the good of Redemption. Now, as I came from Heaven and formed the Kingdom of Redemption, before departing for Heaven, I made another Promise, more solemn, of the Kingdom of My Will; and this was in the ‘Our Father.’

“And so as to give it more value, and to obtain It more quickly, I made this formal Promise in the solemnity of My prayer, praying the Father to let His Kingdom come, which is the Divine Will on earth as It is in Heaven. I placed My very Self at the head of this prayer, knowing that such was His Will, and that, prayed by Me, He would deny Me nothing; more so, since I prayed with His very Will, and I asked for something that was wanted by My Father Himself.


“And after I had formed this prayer before My Celestial Father, certain that the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth would be granted to Me, I taught it to My Apostles, that they might teach it to the whole world, so that one might be the cry of all: ‘Your Will be done, on earth as It is in Heaven.’ A Promise more sure and solemn I could not make. Centuries are like one single point for Us, but Our words are accomplished acts and facts.

“My very praying to the Celestial Father: ‘Let It come—let Your Kingdom come; Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven,’ meant that with My coming upon earth the Kingdom of My Will was not established in the midst of creatures; otherwise I would have said: ‘My Father, let Our Kingdom, that I have already established on earth, be confirmed, and let Our Will dominate and reign.’ Instead, I said: ‘Let It come.’ This meant that It Must Come, and creatures must await It with that certainty with which they awaited the future Redeemer, because there is My Divine Will, bound and committed, in those words of the ‘Our Father’; and when It binds Itself, whatever It Promises is more than certain. More so, since everything was prepared by Me; nothing else was needed but the manifestation of My Kingdom—and this I AM doing. V25 October 10, 1928 - Now I move on to say that my Sweet Jesus seemed to be waiting for me here, in this house, near His tabernacle of love, to give start to priests’ coming to a decision to prepare the writings (the 36 Volumes Luisa wrote of the Divine Will) for publication. And while they were consulting with one another on how to do it, they were reading the nine excesses of Jesus, that He had in the Incarnation, that are narrated in the first little volume of my writings. … “to those priests who want to occupy themselves with removing this nightmare from Me by Making Known My many Secrets, by publishing them, I will give so much surprising Grace, Strength in order to do it, and Light in order to Know, themselves first, what they will Make Known to others. I will be in their midst, and will guide everything.” V27 – October 7, 1929 - “If it wasn’t that the Eternal Word offered His foreseen merits of the future Redeemer, as He offered them to preserve the Immaculate Virgin from original sin, everything would have gone to ruin: the heavens, the sun, would have withdrawn into Our source; and as Our Divine Will withdraws, all created things would lose life. But the Word Humanate presented Himself before the Divinity, and making present all of His foreseen merits, all things remained in their place, and My Fiat continued His creating and preserving work, waiting for My Humanity in order to give it as legitimate gift, that I deserved; so much so, that the solemn Promise was given to man, after his fall, that the future Redeemer would descend to save him, so that he would pray and dispose himself to receive Him. V33 – March 26, 1933 - “Indeed, what merit did man have that We Created the sky, the sun, and all the rest? He did not exist yet, he could not say anything to Us. In fact Creation was a Great Work of Marvelous Magnificence, all Gratuitous of God. And the Redemption, do you believe that man merited It? Indeed it was all Gratuitous, and if he prayed to Us, it


was because We made him the Promise of the future Redeemer; he was not the first to say it to Us, but We were. It was Our all Gratuitous Decree that the Word would take human flesh, and it was completed when sin, human ingratitude, galloped and inundated the whole earth. And if it seems that they did something, they were hardly little drops that could not be enough to merit a Work so great that gives of the incredible, that a God made Himself similar to man in order to place him in safety, and that additionally man had made Him so many offenses.

“Now the great Work of making known My Will so that It could Reign in the midst of creatures will be a Work of Ours completely Gratuitous; and this is the mistake, that they believe that it will be the merit and on the part of creatures. Ah yes! it will be there, as the little drops of the Hebrews when I came to Redeem them. But the creature is always creature, therefore it will be completely Gratuitous on Our Part because, abounding with Light, with Grace, with Love to her, We will overwhelm her in a way that she will feel Strength never felt, Love never experienced. She will feel Our Life Beating more vividly in her soul, so much so that it will be sweet for her to let Our Will Dominate. V33 – April 29, 1933 - - “Now in Heaven, in My Celestial Fatherland, there are no labors, neither on My part, nor on the part of creatures. One who enters into these Celestial Regions puts down her burden and says to herself: ‘My labor is finished, what I have done is done, nor can I add even one comma more to My labor, to My sanctity.’ And I cannot make New Conquests in their souls, because death says Confirmation, nor can they take one step more. Therefore there are no labors in the Celestial Fatherland, but everything is Triumph and Glory. I can say that all the display that I do of giving New Joys, New Happiness and continuous Beatitudes, such that I keep all Heaven enraptured, is all on My part, because it is not given to Me to acquire anything more on their part. This is why they please Me even more, because the Conquests, the Labors, the Enjoyments that I find in these terrestrial Heavens of the human volition, cannot be where all is Triumph and Glory, not even in the regions of My Divine Fatherland. Therefore be attentive and never go out of My Will, and I Promise you to never stop My Divine Labors in your soul.” V33 – June 6, 1935 - “You Must Know that I always Love My children, My beloved creatures. I would eviscerate Myself in order to not see them stricken, so much so that in the mournful times that will come, I have placed them all into the hands of My Celestial Mama. I have entrusted them to Her, so that She keeps them secure for Me under Her mantle. I will give to Her all those that She will Want, death itself will not have power over those who will be in the Custody of My Mama.” V35 – August 29,1937 - My flight in the Divine Volition continues. Its attractions and Its charming modes become more insistent. Its Desire to Live in the soul is such that It assumes the attitude now of prayer, now of supplication, now of Promise; to the extent of promising to the creature New Gifts, more Beautiful and unexpected, if she lets It Reign. Only the ungrateful could resist so many attentions.


V36 – July 30, 1938 – “…Moreover, what I will give to those who Lived in My Will on earth will be so Great that all the Blessed will enjoy Doubled Happiness.” V36 – December 28, 1938 – “…the whole of Heaven prays and anxiously waits for the Divine Will to be Known and to Reign. Then, the Great Queen will do to the children of My Will what She did for Her Jesus, and Her Maternity will have Life in Her children.

“I will give My own Place in Her Maternal Heart to those who Live in My Will. She will Raise them for Me, guiding their steps and hiding them in Her Maternity and Sanctity. Her Maternal Love and Her Sanctity will be Impressed in all their acts; they will be Her True Children, being like Me in everything. O! how I would Love everyone to know that if they want to Live in My Will, they have a Queen and a Powerful Mother who will compensate for all they lack. She will Raise them on Her Maternal lap, being with them in everything they do, molding their acts as Her own; to the extent that they will be Known as the children Grown, Kept and Educated by the Loving Maternity of My Mama. These will be the ones who will make Her Happy, the ones who will be Her Glory and Honor.”

Paragraph 715 - III. God’s Spirit and Word in the Time of the Promises 715 The prophetic texts that directly concern the sending of the Holy Spirit are oracles

by which God speaks to the heart of his people in the language of the promise, with the accents of “love and fidelity.”85 St. Peter will proclaim their fulfillment on the morning of

Pentecost.86 According to these promises, at the “end time” the Lord’s Spirit will renew the hearts of men, engraving a new law in them. He will gather and reconcile the scattered and divided peoples; he will transform the first creation, and God will dwell there with men in

peace. (214, 1965)

Paragraph 705 - III. God’s Spirit and Word in the Time of the Promises 705 Disfigured by sin and death, man remains “in the image of God,” in the image of the

Son, but is deprived “of the glory of God,”66 of his “likeness.” The promise made to Abraham inaugurates the economy of salvation, at the culmination of which the Son

himself will assume that “image”67 and restore it in the Father’s “likeness” by giving it again its Glory, the Spirit who is “the giver of life.” (410, 2809) CCC

Paragraph 1817 - II. The Theological Virtues 2086-2094, 2656-2658

1817 Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ’s promises and relying not on our

own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit. “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.”84 “The Holy

Spirit... he poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life.”85 (1024) CCC


Paragraph 1821 - II. The Theological Virtues 2086-2094, 2656-2658 1821 We can therefore hope in the glory of heaven promised by God to those who love

him and do his will.92 In every circumstance, each one of us should hope, with the grace of God, to persevere “to the end”93 and to obtain the joy of heaven, as God’s eternal reward for the good works accomplished with the grace of Christ. In hope, the Church prays for

“all men to be saved.”94 She longs to be united with Christ, her Bridegroom, in the glory of heaven: (2016, 1037) CCC

Acts of Apostles 2:39 - For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all that are

far off, whomsoever the Lord our God shall call.

Romans 9:8 - That is to say, not they that are the children of the flesh, are the children of God; but they, that are the children of the promise, are accounted for the seed.

Herews 10:36 - For patience is necessary for you; that, doing the will of God, you may

receive the promise.

1 John 2:25 - And this is the promise which he hath promised us, life everlasting.

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