project seminor

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Monitoring Voltage and Current of the load using MSP430 on Webserver By B111255 Banothu Ramesh Naik E4 ECE


Seminar on summer internship project

Company Profile


We had done this project in the Indian Institute of Science (IISc),Bengulore. Under the supervision of Dr. Haresh Dagale (Principal Research Scientist, (DESE), IISc Bangalore)



1. Motivation to Project 2. What is MSP430 ?? 3. MSP430 features 4. MSP430G2553 Launchpad Development Board 5. Blinking LED Program in CCS 6. Analog to Digital conversion 10 Bit? And its features? 7. Project Implementation 8. Circuit Diagram 9. Results 10.Real time applications

List of topics I am going to explain regarding to project

Motivation to Project


In real time monitoring signals which are generated by any circuits or devices needs a human and that human need to take action for alerting the situation. Its a time taking process and we are enable to take action with in the sort period of time. So pointing to it and here we are decided to monitor any external signals in the WEB SERVER using MSP430.

What is MSP430 ??? • The MSP430 is a mixed-signal microcontroller family from Texas Instruments. Built around a 16-bit CPU, the MSP430 is designed for low cost and, specifically, low power consumption embedded applications.

5 MSP430 kit

MSP430 G2 553

MSP430 kit 2nd Gen

Model number


MSP430 Features

Low supply-voltage Range 1.8V to 3.6V

Ultra-Low Power Consumption Active mode: 230uA Standby mode: 0.5uA

16Kb Flash Memory 512 RAM

WATCHDOG TIMER+ WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; To restart after a software problem occurs Up to 24 capacitive touch enabled I/O pins

Universal Serial Communication Interface (USCI) • UART • IrDA • Synchronous SPI • ଶCܫ

8 Channels ADC10 10Bit 200ksps

Ultra-Fast Wake-Up From Standby Mode in less than 1 us


MSP430 Launchpad Board


ADC10 Features The ADC10 module supports fast, 10-bit analog-to-digital conversions. The module implements a 10-bit SAR core, sample select control, reference generator, and data transfer controller (DTC). The DTC allows ADC10 samples to be converted and stored anywhere in memory without CPU intervention. The module can be configured with user software to support a variety of applications ADC10 features include: • Greater than 200-ksps maximum conversion rate • Monotonic 10-bit converter with no missing codes • Software selectable on-chip reference voltage generation (1.5 V or 2.5 V) • Up to eight external input channels • Single-channel, repeated single-channel, sequence, and repeated sequence conversion modes • Data transfer controller for automatic storage of conversion results ಿ

ೃ (ADC 10 bit = ଵ )


Project Implementation Circuit diagram


Project Implementation In our circuit we had taken two analog inputs and converted those two signals to digital data using Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC) using Code Composer Studio & energia software. This digital data monitored as output continuously in a serial monitor of PC. At the same time by using coolterm software these digital data stored into one text document file which is used as source file to webserver database. By using this text document file as a source file we had developed a webserver which retrieves this data and store that to a web server database using HTML, PHP, MySQL website designing languages.


Project Implementation

CCS & Energia Configure the kit and upload

the code

Coolterm Save the monitor output

data to a text file

Web Server Store the data to database

and display the output graph ( HTML + PHP + MySQL )

External device or circuit

Signals generated by device or circuits

Monitor (PC) Monitoring the signals in







Real time applications MPS430 mainly used in robot applications. The MSP430 can be used for low powered embedded devices. The current drawn in

idle mode can be less than 1 µA. The top CPU speed is 25 MHz's. It can be throttled back for lower power consumption. The MSP430 also uses six different low-power modes, which can disable unneeded clocks and CPU. Additionally, the MSP430 is capable of wake-up times below 1 microsecond, allowing the microcontroller to stay in sleep mode longer, minimizing its average current consumption.

The device comes in a variety of configurations featuring the usual peripherals:

internal oscillator, timer including PWM, watchdog, USART, SPI, I²C, 10/12/14/16/24-bit ADCs, and brownout reset circuitry.

We can apply this monitoring of signals in webserver in various fields like hospitals

observation lab, tsunami .


Thank you

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