project proposal

Post on 22-Sep-2015






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project proposal


Project proposalFor the Boy who lost his name project, I will take on the role of designer, along with Lauren C. Fiona W is going to take on the role of producer and director and Lauren L is going to be the modeller. We discussed together as a group which letter we wanted to go for, and we considered the robot, the UFO and the eagle. In the end we went for the eagle, as Fiona said she really wanted to do the animation for it, and as producer and director we went along with her decision. Both Lauren C and I are hoping to do some concept art for the project, and try to capture what the original book looked like while coming up with new ideas of our own to add. We will both also design the 3d backgrounds and collaborate on the colour, lighting, texture, mood and atmosphere of the final animation. I hope to get some interesting colour schemes in the backgrounds that fit the mood of the scene, as well as create some nice textures. Fiona is going to make a timetable that we will all work to, so we get the project done in time. We will all make a brief storyboard and compare them together, to choose which one is best. Then, both Lauren C and I will do concept, while Fiona and Lauren L make a final story board. Next, we will design the characters while Fiona and Lauren L make an animatic. Once the animatic is made, Fiona will get start on the animation passes, and the composition of the frames, while Lauren L rigs the eagle. Fiona will then send the rough backgrounds she made to us and we will edit them, changing the terrain, creating colour, texture, lighting, mood and atmosphere. Lauren L will model the eagle and any additional characters, such as the cow, with textures made by us. At the Same time as us making the backgrounds, Fiona will be making the first animation draft, which will be edited later to fit the backgrounds. Once we are done we will send everything to Fiona to compile together to make the final thing.

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