project management risk and quality

Post on 08-Jan-2018






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Quality – Initial Thoughts Identify a quality product you own or would like. Why do you associate this product with quality? How was the quality of the product checked and when?


Project Management

Risk and Quality

Quality – Initial Thoughts

Identify a quality product

you own or would like. Why do you

associate this product with

quality?How was the quality of the

product checked and


Garbage In Garbage Out

Project Quality Management

Creating and following policies and procedures in order to ensure that a project meets the defined needs it was intended to meet.

Recall Quality Theme to define and implement the means by which the project will create and verify products that are fit for purpose:• Satisfying stated stakeholder needs• Conforming to necessary standards

Quality Management Processes

Quality Planning – define the quality criteria for each product of the project, the quality methods and the quality responsibilities of those involved.

Quality Control – operational techniques, monitoring project results/products to determine if they comply with quality requirements/acceptance criteria.

Quality Assurance – evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that project will meet quality requirements.

Project Quality Plan

• Customers’ Quality Expectations

• Acceptance Criteria

• Quality Responsibilities

• Applicable Standards

• Quality Control & Audit Processes: Quality Tools

• Change Management/Configuration Management

Project Acceptance/Quality Criteria

A list of measurable definitions of the attributes required for products to be acceptable to the ….?Example Quality Criteria?

Prioritised – eg MoSCoW Technique

Project Acceptance/Quality Criteria

A list of measurable definitions of the attributes required for products to be acceptable to the stakeholder(s).Example Quality Criteria

- Major functions- Development costs- Reliability- Security- Accuracy- Performance- Ease of use- Appearance

Prioritised – eg MoSCoW Technique

Quality Control Tools• Appraisal Methods/Checks

» Reviews» Inspections» Tests/Performance Tests» Audit

• Statistical Methods» Tally Sheet (eg number of errors)» Pareto Chart» Scatter Diagram» Fishbone Diagram (Cause and Effect)» Control Charts – With Upper and Lower

Allowable Limits• Quality Standards

» ISO9000, PRINCE2, PMI, H&S, Company Standards

Quality Register

Quality Activity Id

Product ID

Product Quality Method Producer Reviewer Approver Target Review Date

Actual Review Date

Result Target Approval Date

Actual Approval Date


1 1 Web Page

Inspection … … Project Board

… … Fail

2 1 Web Page

Performance Test

… … Project Board

… … Pass … … Pass

3 2 Audit Report

Inspection … … Project Board

… … Pass … … Pass


9 1 Web Page

Inspection … … Project Board

… … Pass … … Pass

A log of the quality events planned and undertaken, e.g. reviews, inspections, testing, and audits.As the project progresses and records of quality activities are received, the Quality Register is updated to reflect the actual results from the quality activities

Risk – Initial Thoughts

What determines the severity

of a risk?

Think of a risk to your

project. How serious a risk is it?

Risk Management• Projects are enablers of change and change introduces

uncertainty, hence risk.• A risk is an event that, should it occur, will have an effect

on the achievement of the project objectives. We need to assess the probability of a perceived threat or opportunity occurring, and the magnitude of its impact on the project

• Risk Management is a continual activity, performed throughout the life of the project, it is the proactive identification, assessment and control of risks that might affect the delivery of the project objectives.

Risk Management Cont.• Identify the Risks – How?

• Assess – how serious?• Plan Responses – Assign Risk Owner, Cost approved, Mitigate• Monitor and Control

» Update Risk Register regularly» Close risks which have disappeared» Escalate serious risks

Risk Management Cont.• Identify the Risks – How?

» Info from previous projects – Lessons learnt» Experience» Brainstorming» Organisation’s environment» External Factors/Organisations/Relationships

• Assess – how serious?• Plan Responses – Assign Risk Owner, Cost approved, Mitigate• Monitor and Control

» Update Risk Register regularly» Close risks which have disappeared» Escalate serious risks

Capture in a Risk Register

Risk Assessment• Probability - High - very likely that this risk will happen in

the current circumstances

- Medium - the risk is likely to happen

- Low - It is very unlikely that this risk will happen• Impact - High - If it does happen it will prevent the

successful delivery of the project

- Medium - If it happens the project delivery will be adversely affected but the project will still deliver

- Low - Should it occur the risk will not prevent the project from delivering

Risk Assessment Cont.

Which risks to largely ignored?

Which risks to act on?

Which risks to monitor closely?

Which risks to keep under review?

High impact AND High probability

Medium impact AND/OR Medium probability

High impact OR High probability

Low impact AND Low probability

Match up!

Risk Probability/Impact Map





Major 4 H H H H H  



e3 M M H H H  

High Risk - control action must be a priority

Minor 2 L L M M M  

Medium Risk - control action to be taken as a matter of routine


1 L L L L L  

Low risk - No control action required, but will need to be monitored

1 2 3 4 5

Rare Unlikely Possible Probable Almost Certain


Risk Mitigation

• Prevention – Take preventative action to avoid risk

eg alternative action

• Reduction – Reduce the risk, eg by adding


• Acceptance – Accept risk eg if low probability

• Contingency – Back up plan for if risk occurs

• Transfer – eg subcontract work and risk

Risk RegisterRISK LOG

Project: Status / Version:  

Author: Date:  Distribution:       

Ref. Date Raised

Risk Description Probability (P) Impact (I) Risk


Managed Response

Action / Countermeasure Responsibility Review Date

Status / Review


1 01/07/13 Risk 1 1 1 Low     01/09/2013  

2 01/07/13 Risk 2 2 2 Low     02/09/2013  

3 01/07/13 Risk 3 3 3 High     03/09/2013  

4 01/07/13 Risk 4 4 4 High     04/09/2013  

5 01/07/13 Risk 5 5 5 High     05/09/2013  

6 01/07/13 Risk 6 1 5 High     06/09/2013  

7 01/07/13 Risk 7 2 4 High     07/09/2013  

8 01/07/13 Risk 8 3 3 High     08/09/2013  

9 01/07/13 Risk 9 4 2 Medium     09/09/2013  

10 01/07/13 Risk 10 5 1 Low     10/09/2013  

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