project brief - creative group · cri pump office tamil nadu,india | corporate the headquarter...

Post on 03-Oct-2020






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The headquarter building for CRI Pumps in Coimbatore levied out a challenge to design an iconic office complex which was both inherently sustainable and vastu-complaint. The genesis of the built form was to be symbolic of the company philosophy. Sensitive to the ideology of the company, the building form derived by the architect was a reflection its core product. In-spired by the helically spiral impeller movement of the water pump, Principal Ar. Gurpreet S Shah shaped the corporate iden-tity of the office building, following which the building further was integrated with principles of vastu and sustainability. His passion for sustainable, bold and contemporary architecture reflects in the boldness of form.



“Free-flowing bold form of the office building enthralls the corporate sector”

Envisioned to create a dynamic, revolutionary form, the architect cut out a unique office building, segregated into two blocks amalgamated by a common atrium. Common to both building blocks the central atrium houses the reception on the ground floor and recreational activities such as the conference and the fitness hall on the floors above. The visitors are welcomed by a pe-destrianized bridge floating above the water body into the reception. The landscaped central courtyard, formed between the two blocks is shaded by the south high-rise block and pergolas. The zoning for the complex was etched out adhering to the vastu doctrine. The diagram of the Vastu Purush-mandala influenced the massing and blocking of the functional spaces. The South-West corner has the highest building mass whereas the North-East corner the lowest. The open spaces, thus originated from the descending mass of the blocks create terraces, acting as relief areas to the otherwise solid built-form. The entry to the complex is via the East, while thick vegetation guards the south face of the complex. Water body positioned in the North-East accentuates the entrance, and services such as transformers and generators are lined in the South-East corner of the façade.


“The contemporary office complex intelligently responds to the principles of vastu and sustainability”

Various passive measures to shade and cool the building are integrated into the building mass. The self shading form of the block on the south shades the building floor plates, as the floor overhangs shields the building from the south sun. The insulated west walls of the blocks are enriched with a green vegetated façade. The insulating green roof and water bodies minimize the heat gain in the building and the roofs acts as a living organic element with vegetation flourishing on it. Thick belt of landscaping on the south and south-west aims to minimize heat gains into the office. The use of projections and pergolas on the roof and court-yards act as shading devices and obstruct heat penetration.

The form of the building, with a “central courtyard sprouting wings” has been so designed to have the various effects of shade during the day. The vibrant sit-out spaces in the courtyard have been landscaped with water elements to have a calming effect on the mind. Water body encircling the built mass, modifies the microclimate. The prevailing north-east winds entering the complex are cooled down by fountains in its path.

Efficient planning of the building emphasizes the Principal goal to provide encouraging and healthy working conditions to the of-fice employees. The width of the building floor plate is restricted to optimize natural lighting into the building. All workstations are either oriented towards the North or East facades, ensuring optimum lighting conditions on the work desks. The North facades are completely glazed to permit glare free light.




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