progressives change america. 1890 to 1917 “progressives were reformers who attempted to solve...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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  • Progressives CHANGE AMERICA
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  • 1890 to 1917 Progressives were reformers who attempted to solve problems caused by industry, growth of cities and laissez faire.
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  • Progressives were White Protestants Middle class and native born. College Educated Professionals Social workers Scholars Politicians Preachers Teachers Writers
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  • Reform = Progress Always possible and good Progress not inevitable but blocked by ignorance and corruption Everyone / everything can be improved Traditions = automatically suspect Experts can ALWAYS find one best way Education & Purity always = progress. Mission = Progress for world
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  • When did the movement begin? Farmers organize during the 1870s The Grange1867---local level Farmers Alliance---state level Populist Party--national level Peoples Party
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  • Adopt Populist Ideas Move away from laissez faire with government regulating industry Make US government responsive to the people (voting) Limit power of the political bosses. Improve workers rights, conditions for poor and immigrants Clean up the cities End segregation and Jim Crow
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  • Populists vs Progressives Populists---rural Progressives---cities Populists were poor and uneducated Progressives were middle-class and educated. Populists were too radical Progressives stayed political mainstream. Populists failed Progressives succeeded
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  • Areas to Reform Social Justice Political Democracy Economic Equality Conservation
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  • Social Justice Social Justice Improve working conditions in industry, regulate unfair business practices, eliminate child labor, help immigrants and the poor
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  • Muckrakers were journalists and photographers who exposed the abuses of wealth and power. They felt it was their job to write and expose corruption in industry, cities and government. Progressives exposed corruption but offered no solutions. MUCKRAKERS
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  • They believed that if the public could only see or read for itself.. There would be an outcry and people would want to help make conditions better.. Or demand the government to make reforms. Digging up the dirt = Digging up the dirt = Investigative Journalism
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  • social reality Plessy vs. Ferguson, 1896 Supreme Court legalized segregation throughout the nation. Separate but Equal as long as public facilities were equalSeparate but Equal as long as public facilities were equal Problem: Black facilities never equal to White facilitiesProblem: Black facilities never equal to White facilities
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  • Upton Sinclairs, The Jungle, exposed the filthy, unsanitary working conditions and corruption in a meatpacking company in Chicago
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  • President Roosevelt proposed legislation to clean up the meatpacking industry after reading The Jungle. Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act President Roosevelt proposed legislation to clean up the meatpacking industry after reading The Jungle. Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act
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  • John Spargo The Bitter Cry of the Children Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives
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  • John Spargo: The Bitter Cry of the Children
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  • Decided who was worthy of help Wanted immigrants to adopt American, middle-class standards. Offered charity and justice to societys problems. Sought to apply the gospel teachings of Christ. Preached salvation through service to poor Moved into poor communities settlement housesTheir settlement houses served as community centers and social service agencies. Hull HouseHull House, founded by Jane Addams a model settlement house in Chicago, offered cultural events, classes, childcare, employment assistance, and health-care clinics. The Charity Organization Movement The Social Gospel Movement The Settlement Movement Social welfare reformers work to relieve urban poverty
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  • To provide a center for higher civic and social life; to institute and maintain educational and philanthropic enterprises. To investigate and improve the conditions in the industrial districts of Chicago. To help assimilate the immigrant population To provide a center for higher civic and social life; to institute and maintain educational and philanthropic enterprises. To investigate and improve the conditions in the industrial districts of Chicago. To help assimilate the immigrant population To provide a center for higher civic and social life; to institute and maintain educational and philanthropic enterprises. To investigate and improve the conditions in the industrial districts of Chicago. To help assimilate the immigrant population To provide a center for higher civic and social life; to institute and maintain educational and philanthropic enterprises. To investigate and improve the conditions in the industrial districts of Chicago. To help assimilate the immigrant population RUN BY COLLEGE EDUCATED WOMEN provide educational, cultural, social services send visiting nurses to the sick help with personal, job, financial problems
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  • Hiram Johnson---Governor of Calif. Workers compensation State insurance supported workers injured on the job. Robert La Follette---Gov. of Wisconsin Wisconsin Idea = La Follette Plan Taxes on incomes and corporations Hiram Johnson---Governor of Calif. Workers compensation State insurance supported workers injured on the job. Robert La Follette---Gov. of Wisconsin Wisconsin Idea = La Follette Plan Taxes on incomes and corporations
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  • 16 th Amendment: Income Tax (1913) Progressive income tax assigned higher tax rates to people with higher incomes.
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  • 18 th Amendment: 18 th Amendment: Prohibition (1919) Banned manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages Movement begins at the local, state levels and eventually effects the national level.. WCTU or Womens Christian Temperance Union founded in 1874 in Cleveland, Ohio Frances Willard Carrie Nation Anna Howard Shaw Anti-Saloon League
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  • Most successful and well known WCTU reformer was Carrie Nation. She would march into a bar and sing and pray, while smashing bar fixtures and stock with a hatchet.
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  • Between 1900 and 1910 she was arrested some 30 times, and paid her jail fines from lecture-tour fees and sales of souvenir hatchets. Changed her name to Carry A. Nation and referred to herself as A Home Defender.
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  • Political Democracy Political Democracy Give the government back to the people, get more people voting and end corruption with political machines.
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  • Caucus Caucus---small group of individuals who would choose a candidate Convention Convention---members from the political parties nominate a candidate Direct Primary Direct Primary---allow registered voters to participate in choosing a candidate Which of these nominating processes would be the most democratic way to nominate candidates and narrow the field of candidates for the general election? 1790 to 1828 1828 to 1900 Current System Used electoral
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  • 17 th Amendment: Direct Election of Senators (1913) Increased voters power and reduced corruption in Senate
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  • Preparing the Way for Suffrage Seneca Falls Convention American women activists first demanded the right to vote in 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York. The movement eventually split into two groups: The National Woman Suffrage Association fought for a constitutional amendment for suffrage. The American Woman Suffrage Association worked to win voting rights on the state level. Wyoming In 1890, Wyoming entered the union and became the first state to grant women the right to vote. In 1872, in an act of civil disobedience, a suffrage leader, Susan B. Anthony, insisted on voting in Rochester, New York. She was arrested for this act.
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  • Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, leaders of the suffrage movement, died without seeing the victory of womens suffrage. At the turn of the century, Carrie Chapman Catt became the leader of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). She led the movement from 1900 to 1904 and again after 1915. In March 1913 Alice Paul and Lucy Burns organized a parade of 5,000 women in Washington, D.C. A New Generation Womens Suffrage
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  • Fairness and opportunity in the work world, regulate unfair trusts and bring about changes in labor. Demonstrate to the common people that U.S. Government is in charge and not the industrialists. Progressive Presidents Theodore Roosevelt 1901 to 1909 William Howard Taft 1909 to 1913 1912 Election1912 Election Woodrow Wilson 1913 to 1921
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  • Thomas Nast was the artist for Harper's Weekly in the late 1800s. "He has been called, the Father of American Caricature." Nast's campaign against New York City's political boss William Tweed is legendary Nast's cartoons depicted Tweed as a sleazy criminal Tweed was known to say, "Stop them damn pictures. I don't care what the papers write about me. My constituents can't read. But, damn it, they can see the pictures."
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  • Begins in 1906 in a meeting at Niagara Falls, Canada in opposition to Booker T. Washingtons philosophy of accepting segregation. 1.Encourage of Black pride 2.Uncompromising demand for full political and civil equality 3.No acceptance of segregation----opposed Booker T. Washingtons gradualism. 4.Gain acceptance of white reformers. 5.Formation of the NAACP in 1906 with Dubois as the editor of the NAACPs journal, The Crisis 6.Other Black groups formed to support Dubois, National Urban League in 1911
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  • Improving Conditions for African Americans Lynching Ida Wells The Red Record.
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  • Souths Backlash1 0 to 20 20 to 60 60 to 100 100 to 200 200 or more Lynchings of Whites/Blacks
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  • Economic Justice Fairness and opportunity in the work world, regulate unfair trusts and bring about changes in labor. Demonstrate to the common people that U.S. Government is in charge and not the industrialists.
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  • CONSERVATION Preserve natural resources and the environment
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  • Square Deal TR believed in the capitalistic system but believed that the system must be regulated by US Govt. TR was a Hamiltonian but for the betterment of the common man as opposed to benefit the elite. Square Deal TR believed in the capitalistic system but believed that the system must be regulated by US Govt. TR was a Hamiltonian but for the betterment of the common man as opposed to benefit the elite. TR believed the U.S. Government was running the country and not the rich and corrupt industrialists. U.S. Government involvement with regulatory agencies.Similar to checks and balances
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  • Square Deal Reforms of the Progressives start with President Roosevelt. Areas which he wanted to reform and use the bully pulpit of the Presidency were the following: Bad Trusts vs. Good Trusts Take the side of labor Railroads Limiting corruption in the workplace Conservation Square Deal Reforms of the Progressives start with President Roosevelt. Areas which he wanted to reform and use the bully pulpit of the Presidency were the following: Bad Trusts vs. Good Trusts Take the side of labor Railroads Limiting corruption in the workplace Conservation
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  • TR, the Trustbuster Department of Labor Bureau of Corporations Filed more than 40 anti-trust suits using the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Northern Securities Standard Oil Swift Beef
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  • Anthracite 1903 Coal Strike Union wanted shorter days and higher wages and owners would not negotiate. Winter, nation needed coal to heat homes. TR calls a White House Conference. TR threatens to send in troops to run mines Owners back down and TR becomes the hero of the common working man. Importance:Importance: First time US Govt. took the side of labor in a dispute.
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  • Reading The Jungle, TR brought about reform in proposing and signing into law the Meat Inspection Act, 1906 All meat sold must inspected Must be marked by Federal inspectors and graded. Meat industry cleaned up. Fish is regulated. Reading The Jungle, TR brought about reform in proposing and signing into law the Meat Inspection Act, 1906 All meat sold must inspected Must be marked by Federal inspectors and graded. Meat industry cleaned up. Fish is regulated.
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  • Pure Food and Drug Act, 1906 Federal inspection to all packaged foods and drugs. Labels with medicine as well as food. Contents of food and drug packages must be listed All additives/chemicals must be listed on labels. FDAFDA today or Food and Drug Administration Pure Food and Drug Act, 1906 Federal inspection to all packaged foods and drugs. Labels with medicine as well as food. Contents of food and drug packages must be listed All additives/chemicals must be listed on labels. FDAFDA today or Food and Drug Administration
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  • Railroad Reforms to boost the Interstate Commerce Commission. Elkins ActElkins Act Anti-Rebate Act or Anti- Kick Back Act Regulates common carriers of people and freight, UPS, Greyhound, Amtrak, etc. Hepburn ActHepburn Act Regulates rates for passengers and freight Air travel cost controls Air freight price controls
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  • TRs Conservation Policy 125,000 acres in reserve National Reclamation Act 1902 25 water projects Founding of the National Park System
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  • Federal Childrens Bureau Creation of a Dept. of Labor 8 hr. workday Mann-Elkins Act Aligns with Conservative Republicans and splits with Roosevelts Progressives. Goodness gracious, I must have been dozing
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  • TR runs against Taft for the Republican nomination. TR is not nominated for the Republican nomination because the Conservatives supported Taft. Ballinger-Pinochet quarrel, Sec. of the Interior Ballinger opened public lands in Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska to development Angered TR's pro-conservation stand.
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  • TR forms his own party called the Progressive Bull Moose Party.. As a result, TR splits the Republican Party and Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) will be elected.
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  • The Progressive Party & Theodore Roosevelt
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  • GOP Divided by Bull Moose Equals Democratic Victory!
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  • Roosevelts Campaign Slogan New Nationalism: Favored an active government role in economic and social affairs. Good vs. bad trusts which were regulated by the U.S. Govt. Continuation of his Square Deal policies. Direct Election of Senators Tariff reduction Presidential primaries Regulation of monopolies End child labor Womens suffrage
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  • No Third-Term Principle
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  • New Freedom Goal: Favored an active role in economic and social affairs. Favored small businesses and the free functioning and unregulated and unmonopolized markets. triple wall of privilege Tackle the triple wall of privilege : the tariff, the banks, and the trusts. 1.Similar to Roosevelts New Nationalism. Goal: Continuation of his Square Deal which were reforms to help the common man. Favored a more active govt role in economic and social affairs. 1.Good trusts vs. bad trusts 2.Direct election of senators 3.Tariff reduction 4.Presidential primaries 5.Regulation of monopolies 6.End child labor 7.Initiative and referendum 8.Womens suffrage New Nationalism
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  • Wilsons Slogan New FreedomNew Freedom: restore the free competition and equal opportunity but not through big government. triple wall of privilegeTackle the triple wall of privilege: the tariff, the banks, and the trusts. Wilsons Slogan New FreedomNew Freedom: restore the free competition and equal opportunity but not through big government. triple wall of privilegeTackle the triple wall of privilege: the tariff, the banks, and the trusts. Wilson passes quite a bit of legislation which was similar to Roosevelts New Nationalism. Federal Trade Commission 16th Amendment Underwood Tariff Bill Federal Reserve Act Clayton Anti-Trust Act Keating-Owen Act Wilson passes quite a bit of legislation which was similar to Roosevelts New Nationalism. Federal Trade Commission 16th Amendment Underwood Tariff Bill Federal Reserve Act Clayton Anti-Trust Act Keating-Owen Act WWI Progressive Movement ends in 1917 with US entrance into WWI WWI Wilsons time is devoted to the WWI instead of the Progressive Reforms.
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