progressive economic narrative 2013

Post on 11-Jul-2015



News & Politics



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An America

that works for

ALL of us

“… the real gap we face today is one of opportunity inequality.”

Republican response to 2014 State of the Union Address.

“Opportunity is who we are.”

President Obama in 2014 State of the Union Address.

Working people are being crushed

400 richest have more than 150 million Americans

If our economic growth was shared fairly, the average family would take home $23,000 more a year.

Shipping jobs overseas

Lobbying for tax breaks

2010 Profits - $14.2 Billion2010 Tax bill - $0

Working people and the middle class are the engines of the economy.

An Economy

that works for

ALL of us

Not just CEOs!

A Full time minimum wage earner makes only $14,500 a year.

Invest in good jobs

Invest in renewable


A Government

that works for

ALL of us

Not just the wealthy!

Opportunity for all starts with good

public schools

Obama's Economic Stimulus Program Created Up to 3.3 Million Jobs, CBO Says –

Bloomberg News 8/24/10

A Democracy

that works for

ALL of us

Not just corporate lobbyists!

A Nation

that works for

ALL of us

A road map for aspiring citizens

It’s up to us to work together to build an America that works for all of us

Liberty, justice and prosperity for all

An America that works for all of us

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