professional development & training program leadership ...august 2016 . table of contents . ......

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Professional Development & Training Program

Leadership Institute

August 2016

Table of Contents

Program Summary ..............................................................................................................3

Program Outline ..................................................................................................................3

Course Outlines and Learning Objectives

Core Courses

Creating Our Culture & Climate ............................................................................................5

Generational Workings ..........................................................................................................7

Creating Your Customer Service Culture ..............................................................................8

Communication Strategies for Successful Leaders ................................................................9

Track 1: Aspiring Leaders (Beginning)

Your Professional Self ...........................................................................................................10

Knowing and Developing Yourself First ...............................................................................11

How to Follow .......................................................................................................................12

Public Speaking .....................................................................................................................13

Track 2: Management (Intermediate)

Successful Teams & Team Building......................................................................................14

Tackling Your Duties .............................................................................................................15

Everything Performance ........................................................................................................16

OMG! I Can’t Fire Anyone! .................................................................................................19

Track 3: Developing Leaders (Advanced)

LCSC Legislative, SBOE, and Budgetary Connections Panel ..............................................22

Community Networking, Connections, and Promoting LCSC ..............................................23

Leadership Styles, Coaching, and Mentoring for Success .....................................................24

Vision, Strategy, and Action Plans ........................................................................................25

Leadership Institute Program Summary

The program has 3 individual tracks and each consists of 12 courses that range from one to two hours. Each participant will choose one track. Every course is light on lecture and heavy on discussion and application. The seminar style courses will occur in a relaxed environment where all participants are expected to contribute to the active discussion and share experiences. Courses will have case studies and participants are encouraged to share real world experiences before the class or during.

The program will occur in cohorts where participants will get to know each other and form a collegiate group that respects confidentiality and is accepting of others’ opinions and views while exploring differing vantage points.

Participants will self-select to participate in the program by completing an application ( and must receive a nomination from their supervisor. The program is offered once per year and 20 participants will be chosen by the Leadership Committee from the applicant pool. All participants must commit to attend 12 courses over a period of one year which equates to an estimated 30 hours of training over a 12-month period. Participants must commit to participate in a Facebook discussion group with the purpose of asking questions and sharing ideas outside of the courses.

To create a fun and relaxed environment, each course will offer refreshments and snacks. At the end of the program, each participant will receive a PDT certificate designating them as having completed the Leadership Institute, recognition on the PDT website, a non-credit certificate through Workforce Training, completion letter sent to their supervisor, and a leadership kit.

Leadership Institute graduates receive an interview preference for campus positions in which they apply and meet the minimum required qualifications. Leadership Institute graduates are guaranteed at minimum a phone screening interview with the position’s search committee. This only applies for Leadership Institute participants who have completed the program prior to applying for a position.

Leadership Institute alumni may be asked to participate in future Leadership Institutes to share experiences with new cohorts.

Leadership Institute Program Outline

Course instructors have the discretion to tailor the objectives, and instructors are encouraged to provide or solicit experiences from participants. Leadership Institute alumni may be asked to participate in future Leadership Institutes to share experiences with new cohorts.

Core offerings in which each participate will attend:

1. Orientation & What is a Leader 2. Creating Our Culture & Climate 3. Generational Workings 4. Communication Strategies for Successful Leaders

5. Creating Your Customer Service Culture

Three tracks in which the participant will choose one track and attend all courses within that track:

Track 1: Aspiring Leaders (Beginning, future supervisors or current ones wanting to refresh skills)

1. Your Professional Self 2. Knowing and Developing Yourself First 3. How to Follow 4. Public Speaking

Track 2: Management (Intermediate, new supervisors or those wanting to refresh skills)

1. Successful Teams & Team Building 2. Tackling Your Duties 3. Everything Performance 4. OMG! I Can’t Fire Anyone!

Track 3: Developing Leaders (Advanced, supervisors who want to further enhance their skillset)

1. LCSC Legislative, SBOE, and Budgetary Connections Panel 2. Community Networking, Connections, and Promoting LCSC 3. Leadership Styles, Coaching, and Mentoring for Success 4. Vision, Strategy, and Action Plans

Elective courses in which the participant will choose three to attend:

Please see the PDT site at for course outlines and dates

Appreciating Our Differences Assessing Your Department Ethics Financial Basics Managing Projects Netiquette/Etiquette Organizational Environmental Challenges

Stressed Out! Telling the LCSC Story Online Offerings: Critical Thinking (counts as 2 electives) Inclusive Leadership (counts as 3 electives)

Creating a Working Culture

Leadership Series

Description: Explore company culture from the perspective of other companies and LCSC. Discuss and define LCSC’s culture and how to instill in new employees and teams.

Pre-reqs, please read the following:

• Reading: Enhance Your Business by Creating a Positive Culture, by Stan Silverzweig and Nicholas D’Agostino. Source:

• Google Culture: • Sprint Culture: • Disney’s Culture:

Learning Objectives:

• What is culture? o Definition: Company culture is the personality of a company and defines what a

company, from an employee perspective, is like to work for. Company culture includes the company mission, values, ethics, expectations, goals, and work environment. (

• Explore Other Company Cultures such as Google, Sprint, and Disney o Disney: There are four interconnected processes that define an organization’s

culture: employee selection, training, care and communication. Each is crucial to creating and nurturing a culture of excellence.

o Corporate culture does not come in a box. Establish a few critical cultural values that you hold consistently throughout your organization but leave room for offices to be fluid and create their own personality (

• The Key Factors in Creating a Positive Working Culture according to Silverzweig & D’Agostino: • Employee Recruitment, Employee Orientation, Training, Communication,

Recognition and Reward • Discuss and explore LCSC’s culture and departmental cultures.

o Family environment, close knit community, we treat you like family, we are all part of the LC community etc.

o History of LCSC, how we have evolved, a survival culture, in transition now.

o Personal branding

Generational Workings Leadership Series

Description: This course is designed to provide awareness of and consideration for the dynamics of a multi-generational working environment. Course Objectives:

1. What are the most common generational categories? 2. What are the characteristics of each generation? The values, norms, and

behaviors related to growing up in different eras. 3. Does everyone fit into these? 4. What are the stereotypical expectations of each generation? What are the

aspirations? What are the strengths and weaknesses? 5. What are the common irritations one generation has for another? 6. How can generations work together more effectively? Strategies for empathizing

and appreciating each other’s talents. 7. Motivations of the younger workforce, preferences, and personal needs 8. Business professional culture (cell phones, dress, behaviors, etc.) 9. Adapting to change for each generation

Audience: All leadership series participants and those interested in understanding the dynamics of a multi-generational working environment.

Creating Your Customer Service Culture Leadership Series

Description: This course is designed to walk through the process of creating a customer service culture. Course Objectives:

1. What is your department’s customer service culture? What should it be? 2. What are the primary functions of your department? 3. Who are your primary customers and in what ways do you interact with them?

a. Differentiate between the different types of customers and their needs b. Phone, in person, web, and e-mail

4. Setting customer service expectations. Expectations mean different things to different people, spell them out.

5. What goals can we create for customer service that will directly impact your primary functions?

a. Response time b. Body language c. Tone of voice d. Common greetings

6. Instilling the framework for a customer service culture 7. Encourage experimenting with different techniques and styles. Reward and share

what works and does not work. 8. Celebrate!

Audience: All leadership series participants and those interested in creating a shared customer service culture.

Communication Strategies for Successful Leadership

Leadership Series

Description: Effective communication is one of the biggest factors in successful leadership. Without good communication skills, managers often fail to gain commitment from employees, achieve business goals and develop rapport with the people on their team. Supervisors will learn how to enhance their communication skills by attending this course.

Course Objectives:

• Know when to stop talking and start listening o When emotions are high o In team situations o When employees are sharing ideas

• Facilitating or leading a conversation o Hear what is said o Integrate it into the topic at hand o Move the conversation forward

• Understand that different types of questions produce different results o Closed questions o Open questions o Personal questions

• Adopt a policy of discretion with your employees so they feel as though they can have a candid conversation with you.

o Knowing when NOT to speak is just as important as speaking o Develop trust with your employees

• Direct employees (give clear directions to them) o Used in times of confusion or when efficiency is the most important goal

• Expectations – make yourself understood


Your Professional Self

Leadership Series

Description: The purpose for this course is to learn how to improve yourself through image building, professionalism and building relationships.

Course Objectives:

• Explain why image is important and how perception impacts your image • How do others see you? • How do you see yourself? • Identify components that make up your image

o How you look, speak, behave, etc. (Writing skills, email, cell phones, etiquette) • Identify the traits of a professional

o Attitude, attire, work ethic, etc. • Discuss importance of etiquette in the workplace

o Reliability, language, technology, etc. o Demonstrate the positive traits necessary for interacting with others o Avoid negative traits that prevent you from fitting in and getting along with

coworkers o Understand supervisory and employee expectations

*Source: Personal Development for Life and Work, 10th Edition, by Masters and Wallace

Knowing and Developing Yourself

Leadership Series

Description: The purpose for this course is to learn how to develop a positive self-image, your personality style, and a self-improvement plan.

Prerequisite: Take personality and aptitude tests

Course Objectives:

• Understand the many components that make up self-image o Morals & ethics, physical appearance, values & beliefs, sense of humor, aptitudes,

special talents, etc. • Develop skills to build positive self-esteem • Define your personality style

o Discuss personality test, such as Myers Briggs o Discuss aptitude and interest tests

• Develop a self-improvement plan o Build self-confidence, visualize your future, set goals, be accountable

• Create an action plan o Determine the goal o Define every step it will take to attain the goal o Modify the personal action plan as needed o Evaluate the action plan

*Source: Personal Development for Life and Work, 10th Edition, by Masters and Wallace

How to Follow Leadership Series

Description: There is a lot you can learn about being a good leader by learning to be a good follower. Good followers are skillful, actively engaged, and appreciate the value of a team. Being a good leader starts first with being a good follower. Short pre-requisite reads:


2. Course Objectives:

1. Audience awareness- being aware of who your audience is, their needs, and learning to read people

2. Diplomacy- getting along with those who differ in opinion from your own 3. Courage- knowing when to follow and when to dissent 4. Collaboration- recognizing strengths in others to accomplish goals 5. Critical Thinking- clear and reasoned thinking and judgments. Knowing when to

stand up or to follow. 6. Following- being a part of a team, everyone follows someone, and cooperation

and collaboration Audience: All leadership series participants and those interested in exploring the art of following to be a good leader. References:


• Hour long presentation:

Public Speaking

Leadership Series

Description: Public speaking is a necessary component in a leadership role. Honing your speaking skills will help you to be more effective and confident.


• Know the room o Arrive early, walk the speaking area, test the technology

• Know the audience o Greet some of the people as they arrive o Strike up a conversation, begin the process of letting the audience get to know

you (by asking about them) o Who is the audience, what will they respond to. What will they not respond to o Humor is good, though understand which type of humor is appropriate for the

audience • Know your material

o Study it, practice it • Relax

o Learn some calming exercises • Visualize yourself successfully speaking to the group

o Realize that your audience wants you to succeed • Do Not Apologize

o Audiences typically don’t realize a simple mistake that only you are aware of • Focus on your message

o Know your message, keep with your message • Turn nervousness into positive energy and enthusiasm • Never guess when asked questions

o If you don’t know the answer, say so • Gain experience

o Experience builds confidence


Successful Teams and Team Building Leadership Series

Reading: The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High Performance Organization, (abstract), by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith, pgs. 1 – 5. Source: Google Scholar; The wisdom of teams; Creating a high performance organization [PDF] from Reference: Katzenback, John R., and Douglas K. Smith. "The wisdom of teams." NY: Harper Business (1993). Learning Objectives:

• Why teams matter • Creating high-performance teams • How great teams succeed


• Teams always outperform working groups of individuals when the teams are properly understood and supported.

• To really come together as a team, a group needs a performance challenge. • A high-performance team must have a clear, specific purpose that is distinct

from the purpose of its larger organization. • Team success depends on having the right mix of skills, not the right personalities. • Team achievement requires discipline. • Forming teams requires time; driving them to high performance takes enthusiasm. • Make team success more likely by communicating frequently and clearly. • Teams go through a natural life cycle, from separate individuals, to a coalition, to a

higher performance mode in which members care about one another. • When teams have accomplished the performance challenges they were created to

meet, let the team expire. If this same team has the ability and enthusiasm to take on new performance challenges, move forward.

Case Study (hour one), Second Case Study or Group Exercise: (hour two)

So Now You’re the Boss

Tackling Your Duties as a New Supervisor

Leadership Series

Description: Taking on the new challenges and responsibilities of an authority figure can be stressful for anyone, especially if you are moving from "peer" to "boss." Now that you are faced with the task of leading others, meeting higher expectations and making difficult decisions, learn to embrace your new role and move forward in your career. This class offers strategies for transitioning from staff to supervisor with poise and professionalism!

Course Objectives:

• Seek out a mentor who has a good reputation and get some pointers • Handle new tasks such as hiring, disciplining, and even terminating with composure and

confidence • Start early with team building • Understand the motivation of your employees • Learn to motivate employees who appear to be on your team simply “for the paycheck” • Delegate tasks firmly and fairly • Differentiate your role as a “boss” and a “friend” • Grow your employees through clear and concise feedback and professional development

that inspires confidence in them • Ask your staff for feedback and input on a regular basis

Audience: This class is targeted to new supervisors, but is open to all leadership series participants who supervise employees.

Everything Performance

Leadership Series

Description: This course is designed to walk supervisors through the process of creating job descriptions for positions in their department; How to complete performance evaluations; what to do when you have to discipline your employee; and handling conflict management in the workplace. (Ask participants to bring a copy of their job description to the class!)

Creating the Job Description

Course Objectives:

A job description should be practical, clear and accurate to effectively define your needs. Good job descriptions typically begin with a careful analysis of the important facts about a job such as:

1) Individual tasks involved 2) The methods used to complete the tasks 3) The purpose and responsibilities of the job 4) The qualifications needed for the job

Job descriptions typically include:

1) Job title 2) Job objective 3) Overall position description with general areas of responsibilities listed 4) List of duties performed 5) Required educations and experience 6) A description of physical demands 7) Essential functions of the job 8) Salary range

Completing Performance Evaluations

Course Objectives:

1) Why are performance evaluations important? 2) Different types of evaluations (360 degree; self-evaluation; etc.) 3) Guidelines for conducting performance evaluations

a. Get into the habit of giving feedback frequently b. Document the employee’s performance and add specific examples from the

previous year c. Look at the employee’s job description while writing the evaluation so you can

focus on the employee’s main duties

d. Hold the performance appraisal meeting e. Ask for feedback from the employee and include it on the evaluation f. Set goals for the employee and update the job description g. Finalize and allow employee to make his or her comments and sign off on the


Disciplining Your Employee

Progressive discipline generally includes a series of increasingly severe penalties for repeated offenses, typically beginning with counseling or a verbal warning. Such procedures also help ensure uniformity and consistency in the administration of disciplinary action, and thus minimize exposure to discrimination claims. Course Objectives:

1) List the steps to take when disciplining an employee a. Counseling and verbal warning b. Written warning

i. A formal Performance Improvement Plan may be given to employee at this time

c. Suspension and/or final written warning d. Recommendation for termination of employment e. Appeal Process f. Performance and Conduct Issues not subject to Progressive Discipline

i. Termination for cause g. The importance of documentation

Conflict Management

Workplace conflicts are very common; there are very few offices where all the employees get along. Because of this, conflict resolution is a necessary component of the workplace, and those in a leadership position must be skilled in conflict resolution techniques.

Course Objectives:

1) List the 5 methods of resolving conflict: a. Competing b. Collaborating c. Compromising d. Avoiding e. Accommodating

2) List the six (6) steps in the conflict resolution process: a. Clarify what the disagreement is

b. Establish a common goal for both parties c. Discuss ways to meet the common goal d. Determine barriers to the common goal e. Agree on the best way to resolve the conflict f. Acknowledge the agreed solution and determine the responsibilities each party

has in the resolution

OMG! I can’t fire anyone!

Leadership Series

Description: This course is designed to walk supervisors through the process of interviewing and hiring a new employee all the way to every manager’s nightmare: the dreaded termination of an employee.

Course Objectives:

Interviewing and Hiring

1. Create detailed job advertisement 2. Post advertisement in newspapers, professional journals, websites 3. Develop a list of phone screening and interview questions for the successful candidate 4. Review resumes as they are received 5. Complete phone screening on potential candidates 6. Decide on 3-4 candidates to bring onsite to interview 7. Complete onsite interviews 8. Complete background check on credit, criminal history, education, etc. 9. Make a final decision and extend the offer

Legal Awareness – As a supervisor, it is important that you know current employment laws, practices, and regulations set by federal, state and local government in order to avoid any legal liability.

1. Prevent and be aware of any form of sexual harassment in your work environment 2. Your department must be free of any discrimination or harassment of disabled applicants

or employees (The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)) 3. Become familiar with the workplace policies and state laws when it comes to substance

abuse 4. Familiarize yourself with the Family and Medical Leave ACT (FMLA) so you know

when your employees are eligible

Managing Change and Resistance in employees – Understand the most common reasons people object to change and how to handle it from the beginning

1. Employees misunderstand the need for change when the reason for the change is unclear 2. Fear of the unknown 3. Sometimes changes in the organization necessitate changes in skills and some employees

are afraid of this

4. “We have always done it this way” 5. Employees like to be consulted. They fear that they will not be consulted. 6. Poor communication: When it comes to change, there is no such thing as too much

communication. 7. When the benefits for making the change are not seen as adequate, employees will resist.

Expect resistance to change and deal with it proactively:

1. Explain why the change is occurring and point out the benefits to them 2. Ask your employees how the change can be implemented in your department

a. The more you involve employees, the more readily they will accept it

Terminating an employee:

1. Reasons for termination (definitions) a. Termination for cause b. Poor Performance c. Layoffs

2. What Documentation is needed in order to terminate an employee? a. Have on file all evaluations, reprimands (written and oral), documentation from

others, performance improvement plans, etc. 3. How do I ease the blow?

a. Offer severance Pay b. Continue insurance for a period of time c. Offer to let him/her resign instead of being terminating

4. Preparing for the Final Meeting a. Review all written documents in the personnel file b. Plan out what will be said c. Plan out where the termination will occur d. Be able to answer any questions the employee has about the termination e. Prepare a separation checklist of all company belongings that should be returned f. Remind employee about final paycheck, any vacation balances that will be paid

off, etc. g. Prepare a termination letter in advance h. Consult legal counsel if needed i. Bring in a witness to the termination meeting j. Contact Security, IT, to terminate computer access k. Arrange for employee to pack up office without colleagues around

5. Document the meeting and ask your witness to do the same.

Audience: All leadership series participants who supervise employees.

LCSC Legislative, SBOE, and Budgetary Connections Panel

Leadership Series

Description: A panel of LCSC administrators whom will help us explore how LCSC fits into our State system. This is an opportunity for question and answer following a series of discussion questions.

Course Objectives:

• Gain an understanding of how each administrator interacts within the State legislature, the State Board of Education and other state offices

• Gain an understanding of how LCSC fits into and is affected by the legislature and the State Board of Education (governed, policy affects, mission, etc.)

• Discover how our administrators stayed informed of policies and issues • Learn how LCSC is funded and who we report to with regards to funding • Explore how new LCSC administrators can network within this system

Panel guests are: VP for Finance & Administration, Dean of Community Programs and Governmental Relations, and the Budget Director

Community Networking, Connections, & Promoting LCSC Panel

Leadership Series

Description: A panel of Lewis-Clark Valley Community leaders that will help you to explore how you can network within the community. This is an opportunity for question and answer following a series of discussion questions. A discussion will follow on how you can promote yourself and LCSC.

Course Objectives:

• Explore how these community leaders have networked within the community to aid in their success as a business professional

• Discover volunteer and leadership opportunities within the valley • Gain an understanding of how you can promote yourself and LCSC

Panel guests are: Lewis-Clark Valley Chamber President Eric Justis and Chamber CEO Kristin Kemak

Leadership Styles & Coaching for Success

Leadership Series

Description: This course is designed to help you better understand your leadership style and how it affects the work environment. Having this knowledge will enable leaders to better coach and mentor their teams.

Course Objectives:

• Assess your leadership style and leadership traits: o Complete a personal SWOT analysis o How do others perceive you?

• Describe the qualities and skills common to most leaders o Compare to 4 or 5 styles

• Clearly articulate your professional standards to the members of your team and align your leadership actions with shared values:

o *Reflection Exercises o *Clarify Your Values Application o *Build and Affirm Shared Values Application

• Explain the importance of empowering others o Pitfalls & things to watch for o Goal and purpose o Ownership

• Develop the competence and confidence of team members


• Case studies

*Source: The Leadership Challenge Workbook, 3rd Edition, by James Kouzes and Barry Posner

Vision, Strategy, and Action Plans Leadership Series

Description: An exploration of LCSC’s vision, mission, strategies, and action plans. Short pre-requisite reads:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Course Objectives:

1. LCSC’s vision 2. LCSC’s mission 3. LCSC’s strategic plan (goals, objectives, and strategies) 4. Action plans- the campus together develops action plans to achieve our goals 5. How do these all tie together campus wide?

Audience: All leadership series participants and those interested in the links between vision, mission, strategies, and action plans at LCSC. Reference: Generic Outline: ___Vision (the dream, our purpose ex: Accessible education for all)

___Mission (what and how of making the vision a reality ex: Academic, PT, and Community programs)

___Objectives (how much of what by whom, specific, measurable steps to achieve mission ex: increase retention by 20%)

___Strategies (how you will meet objectives, ex: early intervention for failing students, focus groups for engagement, etc.)

___Action plans (who will do what by when ex: individualized counseling of all incoming freshmen by the CAS dept starting Fall 2014)

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