production logs

Post on 18-Feb-2017






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Editing Log Day 1

Once all of the footage had been filmed and was ready to edit, I rendered it out at home then I “We Transferred” it to myself. I now have all of my footage that I recorded, I started by sorting it all out into files Audio,Lobby Scenes etc. This would help me out in the future because I will now know where all of the clips will be. I started to plan out how i was going to order my trailer, and decide what clips im going to put into my trailer. I went through and picked what clips I was going use and then sorted them into the folders that they were catagorised into. I then started to put the clips in order on After Effects and made some space for inter-titles, I then needed to start adding in some effects.

Editing Log Day 2

Now that most of my clips are in order I have begun to make inter titles to put inbetween shots to help build tension, these were very easy to make as after effects has a wide selection to choose from, I attempted to make a custom one but file issues meant that it would corrupt everytime it would convert but this was not a major problem because as I said, after effects has a wide selection of choices to make your own one very fast. I wanted to add inter titles because I feel that not only do they build tension but they bring the audience in more because they have to read and interact with the trailer more than they usally would.

Editing Log Day 3

I now have begun to add effects to my trailer. There are not many but its horror so I never expected to rely on heavy effects, I used motion capture software on after effects to add a glow effect to his eyes. I had to go frame by frame making sure that the dots that are holding the effect stay on his eyes; this can take a long time depending on the length of the clip but luckily for me this was not the case. I also added in a TV glitch effect, this is a cool effect which I downloaded from a website which has lots of extra effects for Adobe software. I think these effects were simple but effective and made the parts we added them to look much better and ad more of a horror feel to the trailer

Editing Log Day 4

I left this until last because it was more important to get the initial trailer done first. I made my own introduction for my trailer on After Effects using built in software and it was very easy to do. I gave it the name of my company and it has its own animation. This is a simple intro, but it looks amazing and it matched my company name with the ice theme. I then went and found suitable music, which I added in and tested. At first none of the music seem to fit but once the correct piece was found it was used. The audio lost quality when it was converted but it wasn’t bad enough that it would be noticed.

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