product guide

Post on 27-May-2015






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Product Guide of Social Enterprise Tool weConnect 2012 (Nexocial)


Product Tour


© 2012 Nexocial BV. All Rights Reserved

Nexocial and weConnect 2012 are trade marks of the

Nexocial Group of companies.

All other trademarks are of the respective companies


Contents weConnect 04 Like, share and collaborate 13

Discover en share information 05 Share and like everything 14

What are you working on? 06 Follow people and content 14

Activities 06 Create your group 14

Personalize your screen 06 Messages 14

Connect your experts 07 Search and find everything 15

Show yourself and your expertise 08 Universal Search 16

Build your own address book 08 Contextual Search 16

Connect with external experts 08 The technology 17

Create rich content 09 Go to the cloud, safely 18

Files and photos made easy 10 Cross-platform 18

Communication and expert blogs 10 Multi Language 18

Structure the unstructured 11 Requirements 18

Questions and answers 11 Complete feature list weConnect 20

Events and tasks 12

Rich text editor 12


More than 1 billion people are a member of a digital social network to-

day. For the last few years it has been the fastest growth market in the

consumer space. Having access to a breadth and depth of information,

we are connected to everybody. The explosion of social technologies,

cloud-based services, and access to web services through apps give

people powerful new ways to connect and share. These changes in the

landscape motivated the most significant changes to weConnect 2012

With weConnect we have translated this technology, using all our

knowledge of Generation-Y and our extensive knowledge about how

Enterprises operate, in a way that fits your business. We have taken all of

the fundamentals that are great about weConnect 2007 and revamped

our platform to a complete new experience, providing a more secure,

more accessible and more personalized environment for everybody.

weConnect 2012 delivers the social future of your company.


Discover and share

information Everybody communicates. Knowledge and information is shared

in a way we have never seen before. The digital revolution has

created new ways for people to express themselves and every-

body gets involved. Social technology has changed the world as

we know it. This type of technology connects people with each

other and distributes information in real time. Top down com-

munications meets bottoms up. Nobody can stop it. the real

question is: How are you going to manage it.


What are you working on?

This is the most common question asked. weConnect 2012 provides an easy

way for people to answer that question and add relevant context to it. With

short status messages now everybody can tell what they are doing. Add links,

videos, hash-tags and include others in the conversations. With automatic

trending topics, you have an easy overview of what people in the organiza-

tion are discussing and the possibility to join the conversation.

Personalize your start screen

Everybody is unique. With weConnect 2012 we empower you and your em-

ployees to provide the experience that appeals to you most. Set information

the way you want to see it, change color schemes, switch to high-contrast

reading or choose your own personal background picture. But of course, if

you prefer your corporate Visual Identity, you have the opportunity to let

your employees choose from the backgrounds that match your identity.

Micro-blogs are the most common used social tool Your activity timeline is interactive


An automatic activity stream collects a continuous flow of events, content,

and activities to provide users with relevant and timely information. You

can filter all of these activities including those from external social media

streams (e.g., Twitter, Yammer, LinkedIn), and other internal and third-party

applications. Filter activities based on context and content. Drill down on any

topic to have the most relevant information for you available.


Connect your

experts People are the most important asset of any company. Your ex-

perts are the ones that can drive the company into a more

knowledgeable company and that drives value. In the current

economy it‟s of vital importance that you not only capture the

knowledge of your experts, but also retain the knowledge of

those experts. With high-potential employees leaving the com-

pany you run the risk of losing their knowledge and their net-

work. Now you have a method to keep it all.


Show yourself and your expertise

The easiest way for anybody to show themselves is to make their profile

known within the organization. Tell your colleagues a little bit about yourself

and what your specialties, interests, education and so on are. With our easy

to use profiles you can upload a profile picture, resize it and make sure that

your profile matches you. We have even integrated advanced technologies

for you, to save you considerable time. Instead of rebuilding your profile

again, your profile is already filled with the available information from Share-

Point and Active Directory. To make it even more convenient, you can also

import your LinkedIn profile. Your profile will be ready to go within a matter

of seconds. Of course, you can customize the information in your profile the

way you want it to be, even after you have imported your profile from

LinkedIn. Your expertise will be shown through your personal badge. After

setup, the information you share and is liked will be reflected on your badge.

A company profile book has never been easier before.

Build your own address book

Making connections within the company gives you faster access to your

contacts and to the company related information of the people that are

most important to you. But that‟s not all. weConnect 2012 integrates

some smart features that make your personal address book even more

usable. Based on your connections, the signal list has automatic filters,

showing you the information from those connections. weConnect 2012

helps you reducing the information overload.

You can browse, filter, search for anybody by name or via any specialty or

keyword in the company and invite people to become your connection,

enabling you to find the right person at the right time. Click through to

their full profile and start connecting.

Connect with external experts

Have you ever wanted to find that one expert that should know the ques-

tion to your answer, but couldn‟t find the right person? Those days are

over now. weConnect 2012 has the ability to import your connections

from LinkedIn in order to not only create an extended network of people

inside your company but also of experts from the field. Whether you need

to contact that one decision maker of your customer, or you need access

to an industry expert, weConnect 2012 connects everybody now, and

provides your employees with easy access. You can search on keyword,

or browse on company. One thing is for sure: your searching for the right

person inside and outside the company has become a lot easier.

Your personalized company profile book


Create rich content

Micro-blogs, blogs, wiki, discussions, tasks, the choice is yours

what you want to create. More importantly we have made sure

that whatever you want to create, you can create it your way.

With our Office 2010 style editor with Ribbon bar, your content

will always look beautiful. Format text the way you need it to be,

insert video‟s, pictures and documents anywhere you like. You

can even browse through your SharePoint documents and at-

tach those to content you create. Beautiful content made easy.


Files and photos made easy

Files are still the most important form of content in any company. We have

made sure that uploading and sharing files is extremely easy. Share it for on-

ly you to see, with a limited group of people or with everybody in the organ-

ization. When you browse for a file, you can select one or more files at once

to save you the most time.

When you open up a document you can directly save it back to weConnect

by pushing the save button in your Office program. weConnect will keep the

file version history and you can choose any version of the document that you

like to work on. Even if you delete a document, don‟t worry. It is safely stored

for you in the recycle-bin to be retrieved when necessary.

Photos are stored and shared the same way as files. On top of that, we have

made a beautiful photo viewer, so we you can enjoy your last event pictures

or company party photo‟s.

Communication and expert blogs

Whether you are communication manager, CEO, subject matter expert, or

any other employee, your voice can be heard. With weConnect 2012 every-

body gets a blog that can be used to write information that you think is im-

portant for yourself and the organization. Capture and retain knowledge or

spread the message, it‟s now all within the tips of your finger. Add an instruc-

tion video or even a video message of the CEO. The possibilities are endless.

Comment on blogs and moderate those comments to give feedback and get

engaged with the experts. weConnect makes sure that the writer will get

your comments in their inbox, message box or signal list, two-way communi-

cations are enabled. If you really like a blog, why don‟t just give it a „like‟?

That way the writer knows you appreciated his blog.

Documents in a row


Structure the unstructured

Wiki‟s are an easy way to work together on the same piece of information. In

this way you can create for example all of the companies work instructions,

manuals and support documentation very fast in a wiki. On boarding docu-

ments are another example that easily can be created and maintained via


We‟ll make sure it looks good and that it can be found and discovered in the

most easy way you can imagine. We have added version history, editing sig-

naling and comparison to every wiki, so nothing will get lost. With an auto-

matically created threaded Table of Content people can directly jump to the

right wiki for reading, editing, commenting or liking.

Capture ideas and provide answers

Ideas are everywhere. Do you currently have the ability to capture all the ide-

as from your employees? We enable you to facilitate discussions in a natural

social way that structures them into easily accessible topics. You can give

feedback, like and contribute to discussions via different entries, ask ques-

tions, provide answers and verify those answers. We will make it very clear

which discussions have the right answer and who provided that answer.

Threaded wiki for easy up table of contents

Green is good


Calendar and tasks

weConnect 2012 provides a general calendar for the organization and a spe-

cific calendar for every group. We keep track of your employees' birthdays,

and notify people on our activity list about birthdays. It‟s always nice to re-

ceive congratulations on the right day. With the tasks option you can create,

assign and manage group tasks. weConnect 2012 provides an easy overview

of the tasks and sends notifications about the tasks to your inbox. In this way

it becomes really easy to manage the work you disperse.

Rich text editor

Creating content has never been this easy before. With our ribbon style edi-

tor you will get the same experience that people are already used to with

Office 2007 and 2010, providing you with advanced features. It has all the

editing options to make your blog, wiki, discussion look beautiful. Integrating

videos and pictures will deliver more context to your message and you can

even attach a document that is stored somewhere on weConnect or on your


With the document and picture manager, you can just browse to that one

specific document. You can copy any content and just paste the content di-

rectly into the editor. If you copy pictures into the editor, we will make sure

those pictures are automatically stored within SharePoint, even if you copied

it from an internet page. To name a few features:

Multi language spell check

Automatic formatting

7 ways of pasting content

Print and export to PDF

Developer code snippets

Full screen mode editing

Font and background color

Extensive help instructions

Creating content should be very easy, and with our new editor we have

made it easy for everybody.


Like, share,

comment and


What are weConnect users saying?

weConnect survey results revealed benefits in six key areas: team

communication, productivity, knowledge sharing, employee

onboarding, company culture and employee engagement. 84%

of the users say they feel better connected with their coworkers

because of weConnect: “Employees from one country ask a

question and employees from another country respond with real

-time information and suggestions”.


Share, like and comment everything

When we were researching and exploring social technologies, we found that

three areas are extremely important. Sharing information in an effortless way,

being able to provide comments to enable two-way communication and set

likes for specific contents. Likes have emerged as the new star-ratings. So we

have made it as social as possible for you and made sure that you can share,

like and comment literally everything. To share some feedback we had from

one of our customers: “I‟m not sure if I done it right, but my manager has

given me a like, so I‟m good to go”. It‟s a whole new world...

Follow people and content

Keep up to date about the communications and work that people do.

Whether it is your CEO, your most important subject matter expert blog or

the people in your team. Now you don‟t have to miss a thing. By following

people or content you will get notifications in your message box and in your

inbox. You can personalize your notifications and turn them off whenever

you want.

Create your group

Within a company it‟s all about team work. Working smarter, not harder.

weConnect 2012 enables you to create your own group. If you want to share

your information with everybody in the company, create a public group. If

you want to keep the information confidential, you can create a private

group. Every group has a full set of features where you can share: status up-

dates, blogs, wiki, discussions, files, photos, tasks and events. The owner of

the group can set the security for the other team members and have com-

plete control of user management for the specific group.


Everybody has his own message box to receive updates, messages, notifica-

tions, comments and more. One single place where you can read, reply and

forward your messages. We have also looked ahead and made sure that this

function is smart enough to reduce your email load. You can choose wheth-

er you just want the messages in your messages box, in your inbox or both.

Comments like and share everywhere


Search and find

everything The average information worker is searching 20% of their time to

find the right information. Reducing that amount of time is

something that lots of software companies are trying to. do Get-

ting information based on recommendations and likes of your

colleagues will enable people to filter the useful information

from the noise. Relevance is not decided by a computer system,

but by people.


Universal Search

The search box on the upper right provides a very powerful search that has

been built on SharePoint Search, but has been enhanced socially. The search

results don‟t only provide you the right content, but also retrieves the people

and all the information that is stored in their profile. We have added some

smart algorithms that determine how relevant content could be for you,

based on the number of likes, views and other attributes. That should give

you the best result on top. However, we understand that there is not one

search algorithm that gives the best match for everybody. Therefor we have

integrated also smart filters that automatically determine which content is

available and adjust themselves to that content. You will find your infor-

mation a lot faster with weConnect 2012.

Contextual Search

On every page we have integrated another search box for your convenience.

When you are on a blog page and use the contextual search box, your re-

sults will only show you blogs. When you are on a wiki page, your results will

show only wiki. Of course we have added the same advanced social algo-

rithms to provide the most relevant content for you.

Search everything and everybody Automatic search filters


The technology

Every company is different. Technology should adapt to the

company instead the other way around. No more long time

implementations, but easy add-ons to existing technology to

start quickly, painless and with low cost. That’s an old idea

becoming reality. Integrating completely into your current

investment and infrastructure, keeping your security, compli-

ancy, manageability. No new skills needed and extremely



Cloud Ready

We have built in multiple deployment options for your IT administrators

Whatever way you choose, we will always make sure that your information is

stored inside your safe Sharepoint databases. You can deploy weConnect

2012 on a webserver inside your company, connected to Sharepoint, or se-

curely in the cloud.

With weConnect 2012 we have separated the interface layer with the storage

layer. This way we have the ability to partly deploy weConnect in the cloud in

a safe way, providing your users all the flexibility of the cloud and providing

your compliance departments the comfort and security of your data.

With our hybrid approach of cloud computing we counter the problems that

arise with the American Patriot Act. The United States of America will never

be able to look in your data, or request any data from any company, as you

are the only one with access to your data, securely stored in your Sharepoint

computing environment.

Your data is your data, and that should stay that way.

Cross Platform

Everybody has their own choices. Choices about computing environments,

browsers. weConnect 2012 supports all major browsers including IE7, IE8,

IE9, Firefox 3 and 4, Safari and Chrome. Whether you use weConnect on

your PC or on your iPad, it‟s your choice. We will make sure it just works.

Multi Lingual

As we and our customers work in an international environment, we have

made our tools completely multi lingual. Accessible and readable for anyone.

Whether you have offices and people is Europe or Asia,, based on your

browser language settings we automatically set your language. However,

you can still manually choose another language if you would prefer.


Sharepoint 2007 or 2010

Active Directory or other Sharepoint compatible directory infrastructure

IIS 7 or 7.5

SQL Server 2005, 2008 or 2008R2

Sharepoint MySites / Profile Sites

SMTP or Exchange server to send email

.NET Framework 4.0


Azure for Cloud hosting


Complete feature

list of weConnect 2012


Discover and share information

Micro-blog with video and link sharing

Trending Topics

Share activities

Timeline based activity feed with filters and sort options

Personal backgrounds and colors

Company offered Visual Identity

Extended profiles with full text search

Easy customizable fields with picture editor

Linkedin profile import and import from multiple sources

Active Directory integration with auto complete on people picker

Import 2nd line connections from LinkedIn

Connect your experts

Full featured blogs with rich text editing options

Full featured threaded wiki with table of contents and version history

Full featured threaded discussion topics with verified answers

Export all content to PDF for easy printing

Rich text editor with Microsoft Office Ribbon interface

Version history on all information, including files, blogs

Recycle-bin integrated through Sharepoint

Rich text editor with Microsoft Office Ribbon interface

Create rich content


Like, share and collaborate

Full featured threaded discussions with verify options

Comments and likes on all content

Follow people and content

Personal message box

Personalized Email and message notifications

Private and public groups with user management

Each groups has a full set of tools: micro-blog, blog, wiki, discussion, files

and photos

Governance and group user management all build in Microsoft Sharepoint

Server, accessible through weConnect

Each groups has a full set of tools: micro-blog, blog, wiki, discussion, files

and photos

Full text search on all internal and external people

Search through sharepoint

Universal and contextual search

Attach documents to content

Search and find everything

Full featured blogs with rich text editing options

Full featured threaded wiki with table of contents and version history

Export all content to PDF for easy printing

Rich text editor with Microsoft Office Ribbon interface

Version history on all information, including files, blogs

Recycle-bin integrated through Sharepoint

Rich text editor with Microsoft Office Ribbon interface

Choice of hybrid cloud deployment

The technology


Nexocial B.V

Strawinskylaan 3051

1077 ZX Amsterdam

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