process writing overview

Post on 03-Nov-2014






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An overview of Process Writing for an EAP (English for Academic Purposes) Advanced ESL Writing class at Anne Arundel Community College.


  • 1. Process Writing:OverviewEmily WilliamsonAACC Advanced WritingFall 2014(click the speaker picture for audio)

2. Process(noun)a series of actions that produce somethingor that lead to a particular result 3. Process: Examples Cooking homemade soup Building a house ? 4. Process Writing You cant just sit down and type a goodessay. A quality essay is developed. Generally, there are seven steps. 5. The Seven StepsAdapted fromGreat Writing 4: Great Essays, 4th edition, by KeithFolse, 2014, NGL Cengage 6. All Seven1. Topic2. Brainstorm3. Outline4. First Draft5. Feedback6. Revise7. Proofread 7. 1. Topic Sometimes the teacher chooses Sometimes the students chose Be careful not to stray from your topic! 8. 2. Brainstorm Busy, stressed students (and teachers)want to skip this step. Dont skip it!It helps produce thorough work efficiently. 9. 2.5 Thesis Tells the reader what will be in the essay. Feels like a mini-outline. Concise summary of all of your content. 10. 3. Outline Choose and organize your content Benefits: No grammar! Few words to spell! Easy to see organization 11. 4. First Draft Outline sentences and paragraphs Some grammar and spelling necessary NOT time to be perfect 12. 5. Feedback About content and organization Focus / relevance? Ideas make sense? Logical order? Good essays are easy to read. Listen toyour readers points of view. 13. 6. Revise Choose what changes to make. If you make a lot of changes, maybe youwill want more feedback now! 14. 7. Proofread Seek perfection! Grammar Spelling Capitalization PunctuationWord choice Neat/typed 15. Important Notes! Your first draft will not be perfect! Your first draft and your final essay will lookvery different! Proofreading before your essay is mostlyfinished will just waste your time.

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