process of education

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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Welcome Presented

By: Muzahid

Hossen Roll: 11135

Educational implication of basic philosophical ideas on: Process

of EducationIdealism



A series of actions,

techniques or steps taken in

order to achieve a particular

educational objective.

Process of Education

According to idealism, class-room is a temple   of spiritual learning, a meeting place of human minds- a place for self education.

Teaching-learning process: Learning   through readingTeaching through lecturing Learning   through discussion Learning   through imitation The process will student oriented.                      


PragmatismTeaching-learning process:The whole emphasis of method of teaching in Pragmatism is on

child, not the book, or the teacher, or the subject.The duty of the teacher to teach his pupils to do, rather than to

know.Pragmatist’s suggests Project method, consisting of purposeful

activity carried out in a social environment, pupils learns by doing.

Methods like problem solving, play-way, experimental, project and laboratory techniques which follows the principles of learning by doing.

 Pragmatism regards teacher as a helper, guide and philosopher. In the pragmatism process the teaching-learning process will



Teaching-learning process: Education should proceed from simple to complex

and from concrete to abstract.Realist suggest learning by doing.Examples of teaching will reflect our daily life. Students to be taught to analyze rather than  to

construct.Teaching methods will select with the view of

Realism like- problem solving, analyze, synthesize, presentation, inductive, deductive etc.

NaturalismTeaching-learning process:Students will learn according to their capability, age

and experience.Teaching methods will student oriented. Methods will enjoyable like co-curricular activities.Students gain natural knowledge by learning by

doing. Education should proceed from simple to complex

and from concrete to abstract.


Teaching-learning process:Methods have to be logical.Materialist regards teacher as a helper and guide.Examples will reflect real life situation.Methods will student oriented. Techniques that related to real environment are

use like- presentation, role play, case study, problem solving etc.

EssentialismEssentialism ensures that the accumulated wisdom

of our civilization as taught in the traditional academic disciplines is passed on from teacher to student.

Teaching-learning process:The teacher must interpret essentials of the

learning process, take the leadership position and set the tone of the classroom

Methods like lecture, presentation, discussion are use.

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