process layout

Post on 25-Nov-2014






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Plant LayoutBy: Shobhit Kumar


Provide enough production capacity. Improve productivity Reduce accidents Full utilization of resources Smooth supervision Minimize material handling and transportation Optimum utilization of men, machine, space and equipment. Smooth flow of material towards plant. Effective Planning and Control over equipments and process. Provide health and safety for the employee.

Principles of Plant LayoutPrinciples of Plant Layout

Principle of Minimum Travel. Principle of Sequence. Principle of Usage Principle Of Flexibility Principle of Safety and satisfaction. Principle of Minimum Investment. Principle of Compactness

Factors Affecting Plant LayoutFactors Affecting Plant Layout

Material Machines Equipments Human Manufacturing Process Characteristics of Building Transportation

Types Of LayoutTypes Of Layout

Product LayoutProduct Layout

Also called as straight line layout, layout for serialized manufacture

If the nature of layout depends upon the type of product and quantity of production then the layout is known as Product Layout.

In this type of layout the machines are arranged in a straight line, depending upon the sequence of the operations.

In this layout the output of the one machine becomes the input of the other machines.

This layout is suitable for the continuous production. It is used for the mass production of a single product. Special purpose machines can be used

Application of Product LayoutApplication of Product Layout

Automobiles, Chemical industries Bottling Plant, Petroleum products Paper Industries, Cement factories Sugar Industries, Rolling mills

Advantages of Product LayoutAdvantages of Product Layout Better utilization of machines Avoid bottle neck production Shorter processing time Cost of production is less Production control is simple and easier Early detection of mistakes Greater incentives to the workers to raise their

level of performance. Effective coordination can be achieved

Disadvantages of Product Disadvantages of Product LayoutLayout

Expensive Inflexible Difficulty in supervision Expansion is difficult Not suitable for variety if the products Breakdown can stop the whole production system. Requires trained workers Factor of absenteeism in labors

Process LayoutProcess Layout Also called as functional layout, batch production layout,

Job shop layout. It involves a grouping together of like or same machines

in one department. In this type of layout machines which are performing

same types of operations are installed at one place. In other words we can say that in this type of layout

machines are arranged in a systematic manner so that similar jobs can be perform at a particular work station.

This type of layout is used in engineering industries, furniture industries, television industries, garment industries, shoe making industries.

Advantages of Process Advantages of Process LayoutLayout

Greater flexibility in production Scope of expansion Full utilization of equipment Easy to handle the break downs General purpose machines are used Greater incentives to the individual workers Variety of the products can be made. Workers become specialized in the performance and

they know the equipments and the operations Effective supervision Economical to produce the variety of products

Disadvantages of Process Disadvantages of Process LayoutLayout

Movement of material is difficult. Requires much floor space Difficulty in production control Routing and Scheduling are difficult Highly skilled labor is required More frequent inspection Material handling and transportation cost are high

due to manual handling.

Fixed Position LayoutFixed Position Layout

Also called as static layout, stationary layout. As the position of the job is fixed that’s why it is called fixed

layout. In this layout complete job is done at a fixed place with men,

materials, machines. It involves the movement of men, machines, materials to the

product which remains fixed. This type of layout is used for complex products. In this the movement of men, machines, material to the product is

advisable because the cost of moving them would be low rather than the cost of moving a bulky product.

The main stress is on the principle of motion economy and principle of minimum distance travelled

Application of Fixed Plant Application of Fixed Plant LayoutLayout

Locomotives Ships Aircrafts Boilers Generators Submarines Turbines

Advantages Of Fixed plant Advantages Of Fixed plant LayoutLayout

Better utilization of space Better Economy of motion Investment is small Production control is easier, faster and cheaper. Application of variety of job production Workers identify themselves with the product and

takes pride when the work is completed.

Disadvantages Of Fixed plant Disadvantages Of Fixed plant LayoutLayout

Movement of machines and equipment to the production center may be costly and time consuming.

Highly skilled workers are required Can be used for limited quantity of jobs. Very costly, sophisticated jigs and fixtures


Fixed Position LayoutFixed Position Layout





All the resources are moving toward a specific place

Process LayoutProcess Layout


Turning Grinding Fitting Inspection

Stores Tools Store Stock Room Labeling Packing

Product LayoutProduct Layout

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