pro life campaign newsletter - birthright spring 2004

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  • 8/9/2019 Pro Life Campaign Newsletter - Birthright Spring 2004


    Biftirrhenewsletter f heProLifeCanpaitjn

    J'l9 - 1

    -J irI SPBING SUMMER OO4ThePro Life Campaign sa non-denominational obbygroup, drawing ts supportfroma widecross-sectionof lrish society.

    TheCampaign romotes

    f'"-life education ndddfends uman ife at allstages rom conceptionto natural death.

    It also campaigns orresources o support andassr'sf regnant womenand hose n need of

    healing fter abortion.

    5,i "s:iC?,?e.?

    ir;li lIr"r:

    lVledical GouncilAgrees NewGuidelines

    Gera ine 4artifddress 0a recenl rolf emeetng Buswell 'sotel ub .

    TheMedical ouncilecentlypprovedtslatest dition

    of A Guide o Ethical onduct, hichegulatesheconductand racticef hemedical rofessionor he erm f henew ouncil hePro-Lfe ampaign elcomedhe etention

    ofexistinguidelinesrohibitinghe eliberateestructionfhuman mbryosuringhe ssistedhumaneproductionrocess.hePLC, owever,as aised eriousoncernst he Councilsdecisiono permithe oluntaryonationf surplus"mbryosoother ouples,s hismove

    impiicitlyssumeshe egitimacyfembryoreezing,hichs ncompatibleith uman ignityand nevitablyeadso he toragefmore nd more urplusmbryos

    Incontrast,talyecentlyassedegislationrovidingroper afeguardsn he rea f assistedhumaneproduction,he ew aw llowsertllityoctorso produce nlyhree uman mbryosper ttemptl n vitro nd tipulateshat llembryos roduced ust e mplantedn he mother,givinghem ll chance f ife he aw lso rohibitshe reezlng fembryos fter xistingstored mbryosn taly re sed y heir arentsrgivenoradoption rchbishoplio grecciaVice residentf he PontificalcademyorLife, aid hatwhilehenew talianaw s mperfect,

    nonetheless,econcededtcould epraisedor ts estriclionsnpracticeseadingo hedestructionfhumanife

    Thedecision f he Medical ounciln reland o effectivelyivehegreen ighto embryo reezingisdifficulto understandn hecontext f he espect or human ife hat s he hallmark f he otherguidelinesnd llpreviousuidelinest s also nfortunatehat heCouncilook tsdecisiontatime hen therurisdictionsre ssessinghenegat've ffectsfsuch racticeshathe'etoforedid ot ake ccount f he ights f he hildrennvo ed

    WhenheCommissionnAssisted uman eproductionCAHR)ssuests ong waitedepofi

    in henear uture,here ill ean onerousesponsibilityn he Governmento bringonrvardlegislationrotectingumanife rom tsearliesttages fdevelopmentnkeeping ithlreland'sonstitutionalrotections

  • 8/9/2019 Pro Life Campaign Newsletter - Birthright Spring 2004


    My Foetus - An lmportant Milestone?

    Despitets bviousro hoicelant,he ecent hannel4ilmMyFoetus,resentedrathernterestrr.r

    and evealinganative,he ocumentaryentredoundilmmaker ulia lack nd ow he egarquestioninger iews naborlionfter ecomingregnantor he econd ime t 21 , us t fterea'ri_lr

    college he nded er rst regnancyabofton uring er econd regnancyowever,he oundt mpossibleto deny hehumanityfherunborn aby orcing er o ask undamental uestions boutheearlier bortion erpersonalourneynd trugglencomingo erms ith he bortionultureere ell ocumentedn he ilm ndall hemorenterestingivenhat lacks he aughterfDrTim lack ounderfMarle topesnternationalone f he world argest bortionrovidersrBlack lsooundedhe riginalublin ellWoman entre

    Both idesn he boft ion ebate ave easono ake ssue ith spects f he ilm Yet t's ot ntirelyurprising

    that he runt fcri|cism o a appears obe comingrom he ro-choiceide

    In he ocumentary,lack sed pectacularltrasoundmagesaken uringer econd regnancynd dmittedthat hese cans fher nborn hild ad more rofoundmpact nhe r ecisionoquestionborlionhanthe anowingmages fabortedoetuseslso sed n he ilm

    From pro'iife erspective,yFaetus as eftainlyar rom erfecttwas, owever, nextremelyripping

    and otentiallyignificantroductionn hemannertchallengedhe pro-abortionosition,rguablyor he irsttime n Britishelevsionfnothinglse thighlightedhe dvancesn3D/4D ltrasoundechnology,nd evealedhow hesemages remakinghehetoric' cnoice opearncreasinglyacuousrd radequare

    ffiw:@*wffiffi&fiww@-fu ry@w s*w&fu yq w re zsyr%ry% fuaTffifur@-fu

    Astudy f pregnancyelated eaths ublishedecentlynlheAnerican ournalofbstetrics ndGynaecologyAJOG),oundhemortalityate ssociatedith bortions 2 95 imes igher han hat

    associatedit h regnanciesaniedo erm he tudyocussedn he ntireopulationfFrnnisht,tlomenged 5 49 between1987and 000 by inkingirth nd bortionecordsodeath ertificatesFinlandsuniquenhavingomprehensiveealthecords nal l ts itizens.

  • 8/9/2019 Pro Life Campaign Newsletter - Birthright Spring 2004


    Second Look Projectr Unveiling a New Vision

    The econd ook roject an excitingew enturenvi|ngrish eopleo ake

    fresh ok t how e approach nexpectedregnancynd ther ife eated ssues

    Asa registered haritytsprimary im s o strengthen ubc awareness f he ntrinsic gni[t

    and aue feach uman ife his als or ongerterm idereachingducationalnitiativeseparaterom olitica

    and egal ampaigns he utreach nvisagedy heSecond ook rojectangesrom inema dveftisements

    and i board ampaignso nitiativesor oung eople tpost rimary vel nd tudentsn hirdeve olleges

    Tfe Second ook rolectscurrentlyoldingresentationsroundhe ountry,oshare ith uppodersome

    of he deas ehindhe roject,ha tt s ryingodo and ow t s hopedoset bout chievings goals

    For more nformation about Second Look Project ntroductorypresentations cheduled o take place n your area call:01-8727923

    -".. *ff-



    The Right to Choose Gensorship!

    As ecenty eporled Bidhrightient oN/oresa new roup rgansed heUnited tates

    to hgh ght omen's egatrvexperiencesfabortionn ecent onths hey'veosted number

    ofsuccessfuiationwideymposlaringlngogetherundredsfwomen, ho p unti owrad rdrredhe nolio^alar0rysra air laborlionlore l-ro.rdeonsecrectlrd ilerce

    As he uccess fSient o Nloreontlnuesogainmomentumhere evldenceha t he ro boftion

    movementsbecoming ore ndmore oncernedta recenteminlstalyn WashingtonC emtntgroups ucceedednpreventnglent oMorerom eing rantednofficalermittoarticipateommenting

    on he engthsome bortiondvocatesre reparedogo osuppresshe ruth bout bofion, ilent oNlore

    President eorgette orey ad: "lt's ironic hat they are marching o protect women's ight to chooseand at the same ime working to deny us our right to talk about he pain abortion caused us.

    Weare the faces of the choice hey promote."

  • 8/9/2019 Pro Life Campaign Newsletter - Birthright Spring 2004


    P)blished ty lne Fia Lile Cartpi\ltt.J,l Gaulner Slreet Uppet. Dubltn 1

    Tcl Ai 8/4809A Fil: A1 3748091Enat ptal fe@ atl ga teWebsile w,N.pralifecanpa]8n e

    Honorary residentLles analf

    Chairpersonllr Joe Nilcca(o

    Deputy hailpeconNlal Verror

    LegalAdviselProlersulllam Brci]i

    Medical dviserDrBer!Ke !

    LegalConsultantCaro e Snrons

    SecretaryJohf Be i

    Education SRN DI ButhCrllcf

    Assisting the Pro Life GamPaign

    ThePro ifeCampaigneeds ll he upporttcan et o bringtsmessageo hewider ommunity

    Perhaps ou rewillingodevote ome f your ree ime o indingew ays f bringinghepro ifemessage

    to your ommunity?erhaps ouarewillingo make small inancial ommitmento secure he mplementation

    of hePro ifeCampaignrogrammeverhenext hree ears? erhapsou ave our wn deas nhow

    you an est elphe ampaign?

    Regardtess fhow you wish o help, please ake he time o call us today

    and we will send you more details.

    Making a subscriptionlfyou wish o miQea financial ontributionolhe ProLifeCampaign, lease illin the coupon nd eturn t to the address isted elow

    Name: Adclress

    SL;bscriptiorr:]000 n 500 I 1 0 n 50 Othei':

    Cterlii ;trti)ltlittiiPlease ebit y Visa Mastercard

    ExpiryDate: I Signature

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