privacy issues and internet privacy-.pptx

Post on 12-Feb-2018






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  • 7/23/2019 privacy issues and internet privacy-.pptx


    Privacy Issues and

    Internet Privacy

  • 7/23/2019 privacy issues and internet privacy-.pptx


    Information technology

    -> Collects, stores, integrates andretrieves data and information

    Store and Retrieve information!!!

    -> a Negative impact on right toPrivacy???


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    The aility of an individal or grop toseclded themselves or information aotthemselves and therey reveal it selectively

    " personal, s#ective condition$ %neperson cannot decide for another &hat hisor her sense of privacy shold e

    Privacy is sometimes related to anonymity,the &ish to remain nnoticed or nidenti'edin the plic

    What Is Privacy?


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    .iolation of Privacy

    Compter /onitoring

    Compter /atching

    0nathori1ed Personal 2iles

    Eg. for Privacy Issues

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    3o& or PersonalInformation 4etsRevealed


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    When surfing theinternet, avoid freeoffers and protectyour information!

    Chatting guard

    your information unlessYou are 100%ure ho you arechatting ith"

    Coo#ies aren$t ustfor eating, they may&e sending yourpersonal informationto others"


    otect your passordsli#e you ould yourallet or car #eys"(a#e it complicate!

    )*mail is notsecure and shouldnever &e thoughof as private"

    +on$t evenopen pam, donloada spam &uster!

    eare of phishing,

    hich are fa#e e*mailsent to try to gainyour personal andfinancial information"

    'rotect yourprivacyon the We&

  • 7/23/2019 privacy issues and internet privacy-.pptx


    Internet Service Providers 5ISP6 al&ays 7no&yor IP address and the IP address to &hichyo are commnicating

    ISPs are capale of oserving nencrypteddata passing et&een yo and the Internet,t not properly-encrypted data

    They are sally prevented to do so de tosocial pressre and la&$

    By ISP

    ()*(+*( 8

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    /ay e inappropriately spread y theoriginal receiver

    /ay e intercepted

    /ay e legally vie&ed or disclosed yservice providers or athorities

    By Email

    ()*(+*( 9

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    "ny memer of the list or grop coldcollect and distrite yor :mail address

    and information yo post

    By Discussion groups

    ()*(+*( +

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    /ost &e ro&sers can save some forms ofpersonal data, sch as ro&sing history,coo7ies, &e form entries and pass&ord

    ;o may accidentally reveal sch

    information &hen sing a ro&ser on aplic compter or someone else

  • 7/23/2019 privacy issues and internet privacy-.pptx


    Cooiesare data pac7ets sent y a server toa &e client and then sent ac7 nchangedy the client each time it accesses that server

    Cooiesare sed for athenticating, sessiontrac7ing and maintaining speci'c informationaot sers, sch as site preferences or thecontents of their electronic shopping carts

    Cooies are only data, not programs norvirses

    What are cooies?

    ()*(+*( ((

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    ! Sample of Cooie

    ()*(+*( (=

    -->If yo type JavaScript:alert(document.cookie) into the address ar,&hen logged onto a site, it is possile to see the coo7ies &hich have

    een set from that domain$

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    Search engines have and se the aility totrac7 each one of yor searches 5e$g$ ,IPaddress, search terms, time6

    By Search Engine

    ()*(+*( (

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    "gst, 8, =)), "%@ apologi1ed for releasingsearch log data on sscriers that had eenintended for se &ith the company

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    We" "ugsD

    -> " graphic 5in a Ee site or a graphic-enaled email6 that can con'rm &hen themessage or Ee page is vie&ed and recordthe IP address of the vie&er

    #hird party cooiesD

    -> Comes from &e page may containimages or advertisements

    By indirect $areting

    ()*(+*( (

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    :mployers and school oFcials areincreasingly sensitive to the messages yoconvey in social net&or7s

    By Social %etwors& Blog 'Personal We"sites

    ()*(+*( (

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    Want to "e a hacer?

    ()*(+*( (8

  • 7/23/2019 privacy issues and internet privacy-.pptx


    By Cy"ercrime

    Spywareta7es advantage of secrity holes yattac7ing the ro&ser and forcing it to edo&nloaded and installed and gather yorinformation &ithot yor 7no&ledge

    Phishing occrs &hen a criminal lres thevictim into providing 'nancial or personal data

    Pharming occrs &hen criminals plantprograms in the victimHs compter &hich re-direct the victim from legitimate Ee sites toscam loo7-ali7e sites


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    Soltions to Protect%nline Privacy


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    Cooie Controls


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    (ther #echnical )esorts

    "nti-virs soft&are


    :ncryption tools


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    #he Platform for Privacy Preferences*P+P,

    eveloped y the Eorld Eide EeConsortim 5EC6

    " protocol allo&ing &esites to declare theirintended se of information they collectaot ro&sing sers and allo& sers tocon'gre their ro&sers or other soft&are

    tools in sch a &ay that they are noti'ed&hether &e site privacy policies matchtheir pre-set preferences


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    #he (nly #wo !"soluteChoices

    "void yorself from the Internet

    (6 Raise a&areness of privacy

    =6 @earn to safegard yorprivacy &ith a minimm sacri'ceof convenience


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