prince of peace | july 2015 news

Post on 03-Oct-2021






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“When Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to

the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his custom.” – Luke 4:16

It is what he did – his custom. Jesus, our Lord, on Sabbath day found himself

in the place of prayer with all of the other faithful. It was the place of hearing

God’s word read aloud to the people and of turning hearts to God in prayer.

But in those days when our Lord was born among us, going to the synagogue

was the custom of God’s people. It was and is a custom rooted in creation and

commandments – a day of the week where we turn aside and recognize the

Holy One who creates and comes after us with a passionate love.

In his book Loving Jesus, Mark Allen Powell tells the story of a young man

who declared openly his love for the Lord. He spoke of God’s greatness and of

how he would do anything for our God. But he did not come for worship,

because frankly, “it’s boring,” he said. Why take time from doing other things

that might be more productive, worthwhile, etc.?

So Powell asked him, “Do you love Jesus?”

“Yes, I do. I love him with all my heart.”

“Would you die for him?”

“Yes, I would.”

“You would die for him, but you would not be bored for him?”

Worship is the core of what we do. From worship, everything else in the

Lord’s Church grows: the serving, learning, VBS-ing, PoPTART-ing – you

name it! Without worship, we would only be another fine service and social

club, doing good things and having a good time, perhaps for a noble cause

that makes us feel good about ourselves.

Oh, and that leads to one more thing: worship isn’t about us. It is always and

forever about our Lord – the Holy One who made heaven and earth, Who

gave his life for us that we may have life, Who strengthens us day by day in a

faith that comes only as a gift.

-Pr. Joe


PoP’s DVD Ministry

Endowment Board


Ministry & Circle Updates

Celebrate/Build News

PoP Education

Annual Health & Safety

Fair is Coming Soon!

More Summer Fun!

High School Gathering

PoP Highlights

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church

455 Missouri Avenue North

Largo, FL 33770

Tel: 727-585-9969

PRINCE OF PEACE | July 2015 News

Volume 10, Issue 7


Celebrating 10 Years!


It’s been 10 years – yes 10

years – since our video team has

been recording our early worship

service! After duplicating the

DVDs, a copy is taken to Heron

House, Royal Palm, Midway

Manor, and the Barrington. The

video is usually played on

Tuesdays at 7pm on closed circuit


PoP’s video team includes Steve

Leonard, Mark Roberts, Lee

Dreger and Erik Mathre. Each

Monday morning, Leona

Lazarchick packages a DVD along

with a Sunday bulletin, a

Celebrate with readings from

Sunday worship, and a song sheet

of the hymns for the day. Then she

mails this package weekly to the

unseen congregation – our

homebound. These same brothers

and sisters in Christ receive

communion either from clergy or

more frequently from Eucharistic


Since its inception, our DVD

ministry has been self-sustaining

without any budgeted funds. It

initially began through the Service

Commission with a gift from a

member who had a passion for the

homebound to be included in

worship in a very tangible

manner. Gifts marked for this

ministry are used to purchase any

necessary supplies. Those

receiving anxiously await the

arrival of the DVD via mail and

are able to worship along with us

throughout the week.

This ministry continues to be a

blessing to many - thanks be to

God for His work!

Endowment Board Update

Thanks to all who contributed to the ministry of the Board thus far this year:

Endowment donors, congregation members submitting award requests,

Board members, and above all, our Lord and Savior who provides all of our


The purpose of the Fund is to enhance the mission, outreach, and ministry of

the Congregation apart from its general operation. The fund was established

in order to receive gifts which will advance or support the ministry of the

gospel, locally or worldwide. We award 85% of our earnings each year and

retain 15% in order to grow the corpus.

We also encourage contributions to our Endowment Fund in order to support

the overall mission of the congregation as “proclaiming and sharing the good

news of God’s love and salvation in Jesus Christ.” The Fund was established

with that mission in mind. We give in this way, so that our Lord would be


Our activities have included a Temple Talk on Sunday May 19, and a portico

display between services on May 19th & 26th. The April Board meeting

included a review of the investment portfolio, total amount available for

distribution, discussion on each request, and determination of award

amounts (see this year’s grants in column to the left). – Royce Haddad, Chairman.


Sharing God’s Love


Summary of awards

Luther Springs


Red Tent


Lutheran World Relief


First Priority Tampa Bay


Creative Clay




Isaiah’s Inn


Your support and prayers are

sincerely appreciated!

Sharing beyond ourselves.


PoP Announcements + News You Can Use


A tithe from all bequests goes to First Fruits

Each month, the Service Commission selects organizations for Congregation

Council to assist through First Fruits. In the month of June, Council

approved gifts to:

Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches $250

Through a broad range of family-centered services, the Florida Sheriffs Youth

Ranch aims to prevent juvenile delinquency and develop lawful, productive

citizens. The Youth Ranches provide youth and family counseling, residential

care, camping, foster care, and independent living to many of Florida’s

abused, neglected, and troubled children. Our First Fruits will give a full

camp scholarship to one youth.

Gleaning for the World, WINGS Program $300

What is managed routinely in countries like the U.S. can be devastating to

young women in other parts of the world. In many developing countries,

many women and girls suffer embarrassment, harassment and life-

threatening infections surrounding the ability to manage their menstrual

cycles. WINGS provides hygiene kits which can last a woman up to three

years. With a $300 donation, we can donate 20 kits to help change the lives

of young girls and women.


No Catchy Slogans!

Don’t be “caught unawares” by the schedule changes for

the summer WELCA circle meetings! Bible studies,

sisterhood, and treats for our tummies are planned for

both July and August. We want to catch you joining us if

this is a first time or the hundredth time for you!

Emma Crossen, WELCA’s former stewardship director, has written a series

called “No Catchy Slogans.” Here’s where you can find series studies:

Monday, July 13th | 7pm

Miriam Circle hosts “Be Like the Widow”

Monday, August 3rd | 10:30am

Naomi Circle hosts “God Loves a Cheerful Giver”

If you don’t have access to the July/August issue of Gather, copies of the

materials will be available in the Church Office. Bring your Bible and yourself

– and be ready to share in meaningful study, lively discussion, and

scrumptious snacks. Contact Linda Greilick at 727.595.9623 for questions.


Give Your Home

a Rest on


Vacationing is

generally a high-impact activity,

especially when it involves air

travel. Make sure your home isn’t

using up resources while you are

hundreds or thousands of miles


Before you leave, turn off as many

appliances as possible. Clean out

the refrigerator and turn the

temperature down; turn off ice-

makers and water heaters. Turn

air-conditioning or heating

systems off or to an appropirate

temperature. If you are able, turn

off the water – a leak or burst pipe

is a terrible thing to come home to

– and a terrible waste of water!

Unplug all AC adapters and

electronics, especially those that

continue to draw power through

digital clocks and “standby”



Miriam Circle

July 13th: 7pm @ Parish Hall

August 10th: No Meeting!

Martha Circle

There will be no summer

meetings. Our next meeting will

be September 10th @ 10am.

Naomi Circle

Our next meeting dates are August

3rd & October 5th at 10:30am. We

will not meet in July or



Your Celebrate/Build! News Share


In the 1960’s, the Motown group The Four Tops had a hit single “It’s the

Same Old Song.” It is a sentiment that our Building Team has been feeling

over the past few weeks, as our architect works to negotiate with City officials

and to comply with City of Largo codes regarding landscaping and changes to

our parking lot. Before we can give final plans to construction manager Reno

Construction in order to receive a guaranteed maximum price, the City must

approve the new plans. We are hoping for their approval very soon.

Thank you for your questions and interest! Folk have been asking when we

are going to start, because they thought we were already to have started. Yes,

indeed, a June start time was what we all had anticipated. As with all matters

of mission in Christ our Lord, we pray, use the gifts the Lord has given us,

and move ahead as best we are able.


Thanks be to God for the Building and Finance Teams and their leadership

and hard work. As we have seen in each week’s bulletin, we are continuing to

receive gifts to God for this effort week by week. The original goal was

$911,421. Let’s reach past that goal! Thank you, and thanks be to God. What

blessings! (continued in margin…)



Kent Zoller, Co-Chairman

John Sandeen, Co-Chairman

Ausma Mackus

Bobby Cook

Kevin Murphy

Steve Leonard



Kim Adams

Charlie Campbell

Tom Gahan

Ausma Mackus

And in the midst of it all,

ministries continue through

weekly worship and learning,

VBS, Ruth’s Promise, plans for

the Health and Safety Fair, and

much more.

Let us pray, friends, and

continue moving out in Christ.


Adult Education


Opening the Book of Faith: The Letter to the Hebrews

Sundays, July 12 – August 16

The Letter to the Hebrews is one of the more complex New Testament

writings, written in elegant Greek by an unknown author around 70 C.E.

Speaking to people of a particular time and place – a Jewish Christian

audience raised in a Hellenistic culture – the book draws on Hebrew

Scriptures and ritual traditions, as well as Greek philosophy. The study takes

on five big questions posed by the text that are as relevant today as they were

in the First Century.

Sessions Include

1. Who is Jesus, Part 1 4. What is Faith

2. Who is Jesus, Part 2 5. How Shall We Live?

3. What Did Jesus Do? 6. What if Faith Fails?

Summer Sundays


For all ages!

At “WE” Sundays All Together, you’ll enjoy

an inter-generational approach to God’s

story. A place for all ages, we’ll gather to

experience music, drama, discussion, and

other activities that all generations can


Your Go-To Information:

When: 10:00am (Sundays through August)

Who: YOU! (Everyone ages 2 through 102)

Where: Parish Hall

“WE”: Resumes on Sunday, July 12th. Our topic: Called & Blessed.


Summer is a time when we often take off in lots of directions looking for a

change of scenery, a change of pace, and hey – some cool air! Here are two

reminders for your trip.

First, worship wherever you go. Then come back and share what you

experienced. Second, remember that Duke Energy and all of the other people

who send us monthly mail need to be compensated.

Let us remember our giving to God here at PoP in the summer months, too,

that ministries may continue to thrive. Remember, at our website, giving can be very easy.


You may have seen this odd-looking

imprint in the margin of recent

Sunday bulletins. By scanning this

“QR code” using an app on your

smart phone, you can make gifts to

God at Prince of Peace

electronically. Simple, right?


Would you like to receive

the PoP monthly

newsletter as a digital

e-mail? Simply visit

and enter your email address in the

sidebar to receive monthly and

weekly email communications from



Would you like to receive the

newsletter as a digital e-mail?

Informative PoP Classes


Christian Faith & Education


Celebrating Baptismal Birthdays!

Do you know when you were baptized? If you know the date, please contact the church office or indicate the date on the

back of the attendance card in worship so we can make sure that our information is complete.


Betty Acker Kristin Campbell Chelsea Johnson Robert Mc Laren Norbert Richter

Kimball Adams Lee Dreger Nathan Johnson Carol Millspaugh Karl Strinka

Vivian Adams Dee Frederick Louis Kish Steven Olson Frances Stutzka

Margaret Bello Gail Grebe Pauline Koberna Katherine Potter Joyce Surplus

Bill Bieltz Linda Greilick Sylvia Lehr Mark Prater Margo Walbolt

Jacqueline Blank Herta Hawkins Judy Lorenz Ron Press

Elizabeth Brauer Linda Henderson Leah Marshall Jean Quinn

DJ Brown Amanda Johnson Zachary Marshall Rev. Dr. Eric Rauch

More Need-to-Know News


Save the Date! Saturday, August 8th | 9am-1pm

As the time draws closer to PoP’s 15th Annual Back-to-School

Children’s Health and Safety Fair, there is still so much more

to do! Can you help too?

Volunteers of every age are needed in all areas about the campus (look for

the sign-up sheet under the Portico). Donate gently used books. Pray that

those who most need this day, and all that it has to offer, will find their way to

our faith home!

Free school physicals (must be accompanied by parent/legal guardian),

haircuts, school supplies, and information from over 30 providers! It’s the

perfect time to get revved up and prepped for the new school year – won’t

you join us?!

July 27th Planning Meeting

6:00pm in Parish Hall

If you’re interested, join our planning team

– and bring your BIG ideas! Have an idea,

but don’t want to join our planning team?

Then, let us know! Contact Faye Belskey or

Jane Corcoran in the Church Office:


Prince of Peace thanks Walmart for partnering with us to supply

the bulk of the necessary school supplies for this year’s fair!




July 12th

Mind, Body & Soul coffee will be

back in stock for those who have

been patiently waiting. As we have

a number of new PoP members,

we want to remind everyone that

Prince of Peace does not retain

proceeds from these sales, which

are a project of the PoP Service

Commission. Fair Trade sales are

a way of promoting Social Justice.

Equal Exchange and LWR work

together to ensure that small

farmers throughout the world are

paid fair prices for their crops.

In addition, a percentage of sales

is returned to LWR, which is used

to make improvements in the

growers’ villages – such as

schools, wells, and medical

facilities. Sales at Prince of Peace

are generally the equivalent of one

coffee farmer’s annual income.

Won’t you try some of our coffee,

tea, chocolate, honey, or olive oil?


Happenings at Prince of Peace


Saturday, July 4th | Independence Day Picnic | 5:00pm

Vivian Fruehling’s House

Together on Our Own is hosting an Independence Day Picnic! Bring your

own meat (hot dogs, hamburger, steak, chicken, etc…) and whatever you

would like to cook on the grill. Don’t forget your side dish to share! After the

picnic, we will head over to the PoP parking lot to watch the fireworks at

Largo Central Park.

Saturday, July 18th | Celebrate Together! | 5:00pm

Dinner at Roosterfish

Since we missed Vivian Fruehling at our 4th Anniversary, we’ll gather once

again at Roosterfish to celebrate!

Make sure to sign up for both activities, so we know how many we can

count on. Contact Vivian Fruehling at 727.330.6975 for more information.


July 3rd | $15.00 | 5:30pm – 8:30pm

It’s time for our annual trip to the baseball game, followed

by a wonderful fireworks show! Enjoy hamburgers, hot

dogs, chips, and drinks. There’s also a great playground to

keep the little ones busy. Join the fun – meet Faye by the

fountain at the front gate after 5:30pm.

July 11th | First Pitch @ 4:10pm

Thrivent Financial is hosting a Day With the Rays! Doors open at 2:10pm,

and the first pitch is at 4:10pm. Tickets begin at $25. Save the Date – they’ll

be playing the Houston Astros!

If you have any questions on these two summer baseball events, contact

Faye Belskey in the Church Office: 727.585.9969.


Thursday, July 23rd | Morack Hall, 6pm

This month, we will return to making a traditional basket twined with reed

and braided seagrass. We will incorporate different sizes of seagrass and use

it for weaving, lashing and covering the handle. The flexible handle will be

formed from some of the spokes rather than as an add-on. The cost of the

class is $15, payable by July 12th. New weavers may take a supply list.

Questions? Call Meredith at 727.501.6424.


Wednesdays in the Park

June – August, 5:30pm

Each week, we’ll gather at Taylor

Park for an informal picnic with

friends, fun, and fellowship. Bring

your favorite meal. The last

Wednesday of each month will be

a special day!

Children’s Health & Safety

Fair | August 8 | 9am-1pm

Free school physicals, dental

check-ups, school supplies, and

information from 30 community

agencies. Volunteers needed!

Pool Party & Picnic

August 28 | 9am-1pm

The pool is ours for the evening

for families of Prince of Peace.

Make a final splash of the summer

before heading back to school!

Just meet us at Highland Aquatic

Center near East Bay & Highland

Avenue. Friends are invited to

join us at this wonderful new

facility! Don’t forget – bring a

snack to share. Drinks will be


Contact Faye Belskey in the

Church office 727.585.9969 if

you’d like additional information.



If you are receiving PoP’s monthly

and weekly email communications

infrequently, please contact Kaye

Brown in the Church Office: or



Youth and Family Ministry


July 12 – 19

Thirteen of PoP’s High School youth and four adult

leaders will be participating in the ELCA Youth

Gathering in Detroit this month.

The triennial Gathering is designed to plunge

teens deep into the Scripture texts around which

the ministry is built – and prepare them socially

and emotionally for this pivotal moment in ther faith


Please pray for their safety as they travel and for the Holy Spirit to reach

them in a new way during the Gathering in Detroit.

For additional information, contact Randy or Barbara Holm: 727.480.1190


Living in Christ – Small Group Ministry


Help plant, trim, cut back, weed, and pick up debris on our church property.

We meet Tuesdays at 7:00am and work until 9:00am. If you are a morning

person who loves the outdoors, please join this co-ed group for a little work,

fun, and fellowship. Call Howard Acker at 727.588.0991.


Thursday Mornings @ Taylor Park Shelter 1

This is for everyone who likes to take an early morning stroll in the park, walk

at your own pace with a lively group of friends. The walk takes just under an

hour, then we’re off to Panera Bread on West Bay for bagels and coffee! Put

on your walking shoes, and join us!


Mondays at 3:00PM in Parish Hall

Maintain the best habits of proper nutrition and adequate exercise while

developing an attitude of faith and trust in the Lord our God. Join us as we

support each other in our efforts to develop a healthy lifestyle. Call Ursula at



The Homeless Emergency Project serves nearly 100

people 3 meals per day, 7 days a week. Each month, Prince

of Peace assists HEP on the 4th Saturday and serves in the

buffet line. No special skills are needed, so come along and serve with us!


Through August | 10:00am

“WE” Sundays All Together is

running full steam ahead, and

we’d like you, your family, friends

and more to join us as we explore

the story of creation.

July 12: “Called & Blessed”

Meet us each Sunday morning at

10am in Parish Hall to experience

God’s story through music and

drama. We’ll chat and learn

together through activities that

each generation will enjoy.

See page 5 for more details!


will meet at 3:00pm Thursday,

July 16th at Denny’s just north of

PoP. Folks find meaning in this

shared experience of getting

together monthly. All are

welcome. Questions? Talk with

our Parish Nurse, Jane Corcoran.


Mondays & Fridays, 10am

Join our 30-minute strengthening

workout session. This is great to

help decrease pain for those

having difficulty with neck or back

pain and more. Questions? Talk

with our Parish Nurse, Jane



Thursday, July 16th, 7pm

Let’s meet to chat about our

summer read – Pastrix. We’ll see

you at 7pm for treats and



Welcome New Prince of Peace Members | June 2015


Originally from the Bronx, New York, Dorothy has

lived in Largo since 1992. Dorothy is a full-time stay-

at-home mom; she has 4 children, 7 grandchildren,

and 2 great grands! She enjoys needlework and

reading and is looking forward to serving here at

Prince of Peace.


Don and Frankie are returning to Prince of Peace

after serving in the music ministry at the Episcopal

Church of the Ascension for the last 14 years. Prior to

that, they were members of PoP where they enjoyed

singing in the choir. Don was able to use his

mechanical and musical skills to occassionally help

with the upgrade of the previous organ, while Frankie assisted Don Rolander

by directing the youth and children’s choirs. Currently, Frankie has re-joined

the choir and Don ushers once a month. You may also see him working

around the church on various “honey do” projects! They are thankful to have

the opportunity to become members and serve the Lord once again at PoP.


Pastor Ann comes to us after 25 years as Director of

Hospital Pastoral Care in Stamford, CT. She was the

13th woman ordained in the LCA and served several

congregations before concentrating on chaplaincy.

She has lived in New York, Ohio, Illinois,

Connecticut, and Switzerland. Since moving to

Florida a year ago, she has become an observer of beach sunsets; a consumer

of biscuits, gravy and key lime pie; and a happy participant in PoP life.


Pamela resides in Clearwater and has previously

lived in the southwest – New Mexico, Utah, and

California. Pamela used to own Dog Grooming Shops

& Vans, but is now happily retired! She enjoys

gardening, sewing, and baking. She lives with her

husband Nick and has 2 stepsons and 3 grandchildren.

Haller, Dorothy

256 Sago Palm Street

Largo, FL 33778

Tel: 727.585.8232

Rogers, Don & Frankie

100 Bluff View Drive, Apt. 603A

Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770

Tel: 727.224.3026

Schmidt, Pr. Z. Ann

6399 Shoreline Drive, #4306

St. Petersburg, FL 33708

Tel: 203.918.4043

Lovato, Pamela

15666 49th Street N. #1099

Clearwater, FL 33762

Tel: 727.266.4874


Prince of Peace Summaries


June 15, 2015

All Commissions reported status of work just completed and plans for


Learned of need for roof over shed of duplex; asked for further details of


Approved allowance of expenses in Call Committee’s work when

interviews for Faith Formation position begin

First Fruits gifts approved for Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches scholarship

and Gleaning for the World and its program to help young women

Voted to compensate attorney (up to $500) for work in obtaining 501(c)3

status for our Preschool


The Call Committee for the Faith Formation Leader position has completed

the first big step in the process for recruiting a new Faith Formation Leader.

At the request of Council, we are seaking a rostered leader, either an

Associate in Ministry, deaconess, or ordained minister with a passion for

leading Youth and Family ministries at Prince of Peace.

The first step to recruit an ELCA rostered leader is the completion of a 12-

page “Ministry Site Profile” (MSP) describing our congregation and the gifts

for ministry we are seeking in the person called to this position. The draft of

the MSP document has been approved by the Congregation Council, and will

next be submitted to the Bishop’s office for review. Once approved, it will be

used by the ELCA and Synod leadership to identify candidates whose gifts

and interests may lead them to Prince of Peace. The completed MSP

document will be made available for download by church members after it is

approved by the Synod.

The process of calling a rostered leader is a special time for reflection and

prayer in the life of the congregation. We ask for your prayers as we embark

on this journey to call a new leader. Serving on the Call Committee are: Terri

Carmody, Randy Holm, Caroline Iusi, Jill Lonas, Bill Silberman, and Margo

Walbolt. Pastor Joe also meets with them. If you have any questions, please

do not hesitate to ask anyone on the committee.


General Fund

May 2015

Receipts Expense Difference Proposed Receipts

May $49,691.13 $53,857.65 ($4,166.52) $55,810.00

YTD $288,408.34 $277,487.01 $10,921.33 $299,982.00


Hospital Stays/Surgery

Agnes Bethel

Dottie Tralens

Kaye Marudas

Lou Kish

Janice Kish

Madeline Hope Rebori


Helen Skodje


There will be no Commission

meeting on July 6th.

There will be no Executive

Committee & Congregation

Council meetings on July 20th.

WELCA Board will next meet

on August 24th.

The Faith Formation Team

will next meet in August.

PoP Game Day will resume in

the fall!

The Prayer Shawl Ministry

will be taking a summer break.

Joyful Singers will be on a

hiatus for the next few months.

Craft Time will be off for the

summer and will resume in


Hunger Task Force will next

meet in September.


28 29 30 01 02 03 045:30 Wednesdays in the Park 8:00 Walking in Faith

9:00 Quilt Tying

9:00 Partners in Prayer

10:00 Strong for Life

5:30 Threshers Baseball


05 06 07 08 09 10 118:25 & 10:40 Summer Singers

8:45 & 11:00 HC

10:00 Strong for Life

3:00 Healthy Lifestyles

8:00 AA, Alanon

7:00 Gardening Angels

9:00 Staff Planning

9:30 Ruth's Promise

7:30 Sons of Norway Bus. Mtg

5:30 Wednesdays in the Park 8:00 Walking in Faith 9:00 Partners in Prayer

10:00 Strong for Life

8:00 Men's Bible Study

4:10 Thrivent Day at the Rays

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

8:25 & 10:40 Summer Singers

8:45 & 11:00 HC

10:00 "WE" Sundays Together

7:30 Compassionate Friends

10:00 Strong for Life

3:00 Healthy Lifestyles

6:00 Ruth's Promise Adv. Bd.

7:00 Miriam Circle - All Women


8:00 AA, Alanon

7:00 Gardening Angels

9:00 Staff Planning

9:30 Ruth's Promise

5:30 Wednesdays in the Park 8:00 Walking in Faith

3:00 Grief Support

7:00 Booked for Dessert

9:00 Partners in Prayer

10:00 Strong for Life

8:00 Men's Prayer Breakfast

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

8:25 & 10:40 Summer Singers

8:45 & 11:00 HC

10:00 "WE" Sundays Together

10:00 Strong for Life

3:00 Healthy Lifestyles

8:00 AA, Alanon

7:00 Gardening Angels

9:00 Staff Planning

9:30 Ruth's Promise

6:00 Preschool Board

5:30 Wednesdays in the Park 8:00 Walking in Faith

6:00 Basket Weaving Class

9:00 Partners in Prayer

10:00 Strong for Life

8:00 Men's Bible Study

11:00 Homeless Emergency

Project Service

26 27 28 29 30 31 01

8:25 & 10:40 Summer Singers

8:45 & 11:00 HC

10:00 "WE" Sundays Together

10:00 Strong for Life

3:00 Healthy Lifestyles

6:00 Health & Safety Fair


8:00 AA, Alanon

7:00 Gardening Angels

9:00 Staff Planning

9:30 Ruth's Promise

5:30 Wednesdays in the Park 8:00 Walking in Faith 9:00 Partners in Prayer

10:00 Strong for Life

Keep up with all Prince of Peace events with your

PoP At-A-Glance Calendar! Questions? Just call the

church office: 727.585.9969.

Prince of Peace High School Youth Attending ELCA Youth Gathering "Rise Up" in Detroit

ELCA "Rise Up"



We celebrate Holy Communion each Sunday at 8:45AM and 11:00AM. We have a fully-staffed childcare center

for infants, toddlers and children under 4 years old available on Sundays from 8:30AM to 12:15PM. Coffee and

fellowship follows 8:45AM worship, with Sunday School from 10-10:50AM.

Worship at Prince of Peace

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