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Established 1914

Volume XVI, Number 156 7th Waning of Tawthalin 1370 ME Sunday, 21 September, 2008

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round develop-ment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation in termsof technical know-how and investments from sources insidethe country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in thehands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Con-

stitution* Building of a new modern developed nation

in accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

9.9-meter-high tradi-tional palace lanternornament, the main

part of the decoratingparterre, is trans-

ported to theTiananmen Square inBeijing, China, on 19Sept, 2008, to deco-

rate the square as theNational Day Holiday

approaches.(XINHUA PHOTO)


NAY PYI TAW, 20 Sept —Prime Minister of theUnion of Myanmar General Thein Sein received Deanof the Diplomatic Corps Cambodian Ambassador tothe Union of Myammar Mr Hul Phany, who had com-

Prime Minister General Thein Seinreceives Cambodian Ambassador

pleted his tour of duty, at the Government Office, here,this evening.

Present also at the call were Deputy Ministerfor Foreign Affairs U Maung Myint, Director-Gen-

eral Col Thant Shin of the Government Office andDirector-General U Kyaw Kyaw of the Protocol De-partment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Prime Minister General Thein Sein receives Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Cambodian Ambassador Mr Hul Phany at theGovernment Office in Nay Pyi Taw. — MNA

Those who have committed destructiveacts due to their lack of viewing prevailingconditions of the nation correctly shouldhave realized there is nothing in the worldbetter than their motherland and people oftheir own race, and they should have joinedhands with the people in the process toachieve the goal of democracy.

If you really lovemotherland …


21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:46 AM1

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireSunday, 21 September, 2008

Myanmar is growing more than 20 millionacres of monsoon and summer paddy. Theagricultural sector plays a tremendous part notonly in national economic growth but also inexports. The government, therefore, is taking allnecessary measures to improve the agriculturalsector.

Particularly, requirements are beingfulfilled such as land reclamation, establishmentof special agricultural zones, ensuring per-acrehigh yield and cultivation capacity and minimizingloss and wastage. A lot of dams, reservoirs andsluice gates have also been built all over thenation based on geographical conditions in orderto supply irrigation water and prevent farmlandsfrom being flooded.

Every region of the nation has had self-sufficiency in food contributing to theimprovement of the local people’s socio-economy.Farmers will gain more benefits by reclaimingmore land, extending cultivation and growinghigh yield paddy strains with the use of moderncultivation methods.

Now a special agricultural zone is beingestablished in Dagon Myothit region with lots ofvacant lands in Yangon Division. So, relatedministries, national entrepreneurs and localpeople are required to actively take part in thezone establishment.

Irrigation water is being supplied by thesluice gate that has been built at NgamoeyeikCreek near Sitpintaung Village in Dagon Myothit(East) Township, and more than 5000 acres ofsummer paddy can be grown annually. Moreover,the farmlands can be prevented from the inflowof salt water by closing the sluice gate.

With the increasing demand in rice in someregional countries, Myanmar needs to try togrow more rice and export the surplus. All in all,the establishment of special agricultural zoneswill meet success through the assistance ofresponsible persons from the agricultural field,the help of national entrepreneurs and the use ofmodern agricultural methods.

Strive for establishment ofspecial agricultural zones

YANGON, 20 Sept —Yangon DivisionSupervisory Committee for Ensuring Secure andSmooth Transport held its coordination meeting atYangon Command Headquarters, here, yesterday. Chairman of Yangon Division SupervisoryCommittee for Ensuring Secure and Smooth TransportCommander of Yangon Command Brig-Gen Win

Yangon Division Supervisory Committee forEnsuring Secure and Smooth Transport meets

Myint and officials inspected natural gas-poweredmeter taxis. Next, the chairman of the committeedelivered a speech. Officials concerned reported on traffic rules androad safety arrangements for pedestrians and travellingpublic. The commander fulfilled the requirements.


YANGON, 20Sept—To mark the 40th

Anniversary Foundationof ASEAN, the openingceremony of ASEAN

ASEAN Corner openedin Yangon

Corner took place at theNational Museum inDagon Township, here thismorning.

The ceremony wasopened while theschoolboys and girls ofNo. 1 Basic Education HighSchool of Dagon Townshipwere singing the song“ASEAN We are One”.

The ambassadors ofASEAN nations cut theribbon to open theceremony.

Chairman ofNational ASEAN Culturaland InformationCommittee U Sann Winspoke on the occasion andSecretary Daw NandarHmoon gave an accountof opening the ASEANCorner and the attendeeslater viewed the booththere.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 19Sept—Minister for Hotelsand Tourism Maj-Gen SoeNaing, accompanied bydistrict and township leveldepartmental officials ofPyapon, looked intoconstruction of new schoolbuilding in No. 2 BEMS inPyapon on 16 September.

The minister also

Pyapon Tsp gets new school buildingslooked into constructionof new school building inNo. 5 BEPS donated byAggamaha ThiriThudhamma Theingi DawMyat Myat Ohn Khin. Helater inspected roadworkson Pyapon-Bogale roadand encouraged membersof Pyapon and Bogaletownship Union Solidarity

a n d D e v e l o p m e n tAssociations who were

giving hand in repairingof the roads.—MNA

Commander Brig-Gen Win Myint inspects CNG-run meter taxis.—MNA

Ambassadors of ASEAN countries to Myanmar formally open the ASEAN Corner. — MNA

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:46 AM2

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008 3

Iran’s top leader firms up backing forAhmadinejad

Rockets hit NATO base, killing four civilians in E Afghanistan

TEHERAN, 20 Sept —Iran’s top authority toldpoliticians on Friday to stopsquabbling that was under-mining the government, ina fresh sign of support forPresident MahmoudAhmadinejad and his cabi-net before the 2009 elec-tion.

Supreme LeaderAyatollah Ali Khameneitends to stay above the frayof day-to-day politics. Butthis was the second time inless than a month he had

clear plans.Addressing worship-

pers in a Friday prayerssermon, Khamenei did notmention the president byname but warned againstdestructive and unfair criti-cism of Ahmadinejad’sgovernment.

Public divisions in Irancould be used by those“who oppose the system ofthe Islamic Republic,” hesaid in the sermon, whichwas broadcast by state me-dia.—Internet

made a speech backingAhmadinejad and his gov-ernment, under threat ofmore UN sanctions as theUnited States and its West-ern allies seek to isolateIran over its disputed nu-

KHAR, ( Pakistan), 20Sept — Pakistani sol-diers killed at least 16 Al-Qaeda linked militants infierce gunbattles in a res-tive tribal area borderingAfghanistan, officialssaid on Saturday.

The fresh clasheserupted late Friday in theBajaur tribal districtwhere Pakistani troopslaunched a major offen-sive against militants lastmonth.

The operation involv-ing helicopter gunshipsand artillery has left morethan 800 people dead,

Military kills 16 Al-Qaeda linkedmilitants in Pakistan

Iran’s supreme leaderAyatollah Ali


KABUL, 20 Sept —Rockets targeted a base ofthe NATO-led Interna-tional Security AssistanceForce (ISAF) on Friday,killing four civilians ineastern Afghan provinceof Paktika, saidan ISAFstatement.

Insur gents fired

rockets targeting anISAF base in Zirok dis-trict of Paktika Province.But the rockets landed ina field where localwomen and childrenwere working, the state-ment said. “The attackkilled four, including achild,” it said. “Fol-

lowing the attack, ISAFresponded with artilleryfire directed at the enemyfiring position,” it added,“an investigation into theincident is ongoing.”However , it did notdisclose if there is anycasualty on ISAF.


Czech Republic sells security for radarPRAGUE, 20 Sept — The

Czech government hassold the security of its ownpeople for a new toy, theanti-missile defence sys-tem, Russian ambassadorto NATO Dmitry Rogozintold the Czech newsagency CTK in an emailon Friday. “The Czechgovernment just sold thelong-term safety of its verypeople for a brand new toy

— air defense system,”Rogozin said.

If the US anti-missileradar base is established inthe Czech Republic, Rus-sia will have to react to thestep, Rogozin said, adding

that Russian missilescould be aimed at the base.Rogozin said he regret-ted Russia being draggedinto new arms races, ac-cording to CTK.


An Afghan man andfamily members are

seen on their bike at theside of the road as aGerman ISAF patrolpasses by in armored

vehicles on the outskirtsof Kunduz, northernAfghanistan, on 19

Sept, 2008.INTERNET

Iraqis burn a placard

and an effigy symboliz-

ing a US flag in Bagh-

dad’s Sadr City

on 19 Sept, 2008.


N Korea preparing torestart nuclear reactor

PANMUNJOM (Korea),20 sept — North Korea,accusing Washington ofbreaking a nuclear disar-mament deal, said onFriday it is working torestart its atomic reactorand no longer wants USconcessions promisedunder the pact.

“We are making thor-ough preparations to re-store (nuclear facili-ties),” said foreign min-istry official Hyon Hak-Bong.

“You may say we havealready started work torestore them to their origi-nal status,” he told report-ers at the border truce vil-lage of Panmunjom be-fore the start of talks be-tween the two Koreas onenergy aid.

The US State Depart-ment confirmed NorthKorea was moving“closer and closer” to re-starting the plutonium-producing plant, andurged the regime to pullback.—Internet

mostly militants, and also

displaced 260,000, offi-

cials said.Residents said

that a large number of

fresh troops and tanks

had arrived in Bajaur.

Five militants were

killed in a gunbattle early

Saturday near Shakai vil-

lage, a security official

told. The other deaths oc-

curred overnight in

nearby villages, the offi-

cial said.The casualty fig-

ure could not be inde-

pendently verified.Internet

Car bomb kills 3, wounds 23 inNorthern Iraq: police

Baghdad, 20 Sept—

A suicide car bomber

killed three people and

wounded 23 others in an

attack next to a sports

ground in the northern

Iraqi town of Tal Afar

on Saturday, police said.

The three dead were

two off-duty policemen

and one off-duty

soldier. Tal Afar, 420

km (260 miles)

northwest of Baghdad,

and the nearby city of

Mosul have been the

target of numerous

attacks by suspected al

Qaeda militants in

recent months.

Earl ier on

Saturday, a bomb blast

outside Iraq’s national

journalists’ union in

Baghdad wounded the

union’s head and three



A huge explosion ripped through part of theheavily guarded Marriott Hotel in Pakistan’s

capital, killing dozens.—INTERNET

At least 55 dead in suicide attack in PakistanISLAMABAD, 20

Sept— A huge truck bombdevastated the MarriottHotel in Pakistan’s capitalSaturday, creating a cha,fiery scene as rescuecrews searched forsurvivors. At least 55people have been reportedkilled and more than 120injured.

The blast left a 30-foot deep crater in front ofthe main building, whereflames poured from thewindows and rescuersferried a stream ofbloodied bodies from thegutted building ó whichwas in danger ofcollapsing. The five-floorMarriott in Islamabad is afavorite place forforeigners as well asPakistani polcians andbusiness people to stayand socialize, despiterepeated militant attacks.It served as the de facto

back office for theinternational mediaduring the 2001 waragainst the Taliban inneighing Afghanistan.

Two hospitals said10 foreigners wereamong those in theirtreatment, including oneeach from Germany,Saudi Arabia, Moroccoand Afgh-anistan. Senior

Police Official AsgharRaza Gardaizi said theblast, which rever-berated throughout Is-lamabad, was caused bymore than 2,204 poundsof explosives.

The attack camehours after new PresidentAsif Ali Zardariaddressed Parliament forthe first time.—Internet

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:46 AM3

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008

Arizona collegian convictedof killing roommate

IMF predicts 2009 recoverydespite financial turmoil

WASHINGTON, 20 Sept—The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has predictedthe world’s advanced economies would stage a slow recovery by 2009 even asmany US financial firms are facing potential bankruptcy.

Financial markets face a protracted period of restructuring, but the globaleconomy is likely to weather the storm, IMF Deputy Managing Director JohnLipsky said in Washington on Thursday.

The IMF predicts global growth of about 4 percent this year, and slightly lowergrowth for 2009.


Thousands of North Koreans turn coloured cards to form the symbol for theatom as gymnasts perform on the field below during a ‘mass games’

performance at a stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea on 19 Sept, 2008.The section of the performance highlighted various forms of technology and

science. —INTERNET

TUCSON, (Ariz), 20 Sept— A 19-year-old womanwas convicted on Fridayof murdering her room-mate in their University of

Arizona dorm room bystabbing her 23 times.

Galareka Harrisonmade no expression as thejury’s verdict was read in

Apple to replace iPhone 3G poweradapters due to shock risk

The new iPhone 3G isdisplayed at the Apple

store at The Grove whereit went on sale in July2008 in Los Angeles,


Pima County SuperiorCourt. She was convictedof first-degree murder inthe death of 18-year-oldMia Henderson, a fellowNavajo tribal memberfrom northern Arizona.She was also found guiltyof three counts of forgeryand one count of identitytheft. After court recessed,she gave a wan smile,stood up and put on ablack coat before beingled out of the courtroomby jailers.—Internet

Stardust evidence pointsto planet collision

This artist’s rendering, released on 19 Sept, 2008,shows a planetary collision in the constellation


Toshiba to go in redfor first half

TOKYO, 20 Sept — Japan’s Toshiba Corp said onFriday it expected to go in to the red for the first halfof the financial year as its computer chip business ishit by lower prices and weak demand.

Toshiba also said a slowdown in the global economyand the turmoil in financial markets would dent theperformance of the company, which has enjoyedbumper profits in recent years.

Toshiba said it now forecast a net loss of 50 billionyen (468 million dollars) in the six months to Septem-ber, compared with a previous expectation of a 15billion yen profit.

It would be a sharp fall from the net profit of 45.7billion yen Toshiba posted in the same period a yearago.—Internet

WASHINGTON,20 Sept— Masses of dust float-ing around a distant bi-nary star system suggestthat two Earth-like plan-ets obliterated each otherin a violent collision, USresearchers reported onFriday.

“It’s as if Earth and Ve-nus collided with eachother,”Benjamin Zu-ckerman, an astronomerat the University of Cali-fornia Los Angeles, who

worked on the study, saidin a statement.

“Astronomers havenever seen anything likethis before; apparentlymajor, catastrophic, colli-sions can take place in afully mature planetarysystem.”

Writing in theAstrophysical Journal, theteam at UCLA, TennesseeState University and theCalifornia Institute of

Technology said it spottedthe dust orbiting a starknown as BD +20 307,300 million light-yearsfrom Earth in the constel-lation Aries.

A light-year is the dis-tance light travels in ayear, or about 6 trillionmiles. So the observationsare, in essence, lookingback in time 300 millionyears.


Indonesia state oil firmrevises up profit target JAKARTA, 20 Sept — Indonesian state-owned oil

and gas company Pertamina revised up the target ofthis year’s profit from 25.4 trillion rupiah (2.71 bil-lion US dollars) to 27.6 trillion rupiah (2.97 billionUS dollars), the Jarkata Post reported Saturday.

The new target is 12.6 percent higher than thatof last year. “But it will depend on oil prices, shouldthe price continue to fall, then the realization couldbe lower,” Finance director of the companyFrederick Siahaan was quoted by the report.

The net target is based on an average oil price of100 US dollars a barrel. The price of oil has beendown 54 percent from its peak of 147 US dollars abarrel, in July this year. —Internet

New York City’sjobless surge inAugust due to

flagging economyNEW YORK, 20 Sept —

The unemployment ratesfor New York City andState shot up in August asthe rapidly spiraling eco-nomic downturn left morepeople without jobs, theDepartment ofLabor ofNew York State has said.

The city’s unemploy-ment rate rose to 5.8 per-cent from 5 percent in July— the largest monthly in-crease in more than 30years — as about 5,200private-sector jobs wereeliminated, The New YorkTimes quoted the depart-ment as saying on Friday.

Many of the layoffs re-portedly came in the tum-bling financial sector,which is one of the city’sbiggest employers and theprovider of nearly one-fourth of its annual wagesand salaries.

In the last 12 months,employment in the finan-cial realm has reportedlydeclined by 5,300 jobs, ac-cording to James Brown,an analyst with the LaborDepartment.—Internet

Six killed in Pakistan suicide bombingISLAMABAD, Pakistan,

20 Sept — A suicidebomber crashed into amilitary convoy in north-western Pakistan on Sat-urday, killing six people.

The attack happened at11:30 am (2:30 am ET) in

North Waziristan, a part ofPakistan near the Afghanborder that is home tothousands of Islamic ex-tremists.

The convoy was carry-ing fuel and supplies fromBannu to Miranshah

when a car coming fromthe opposite directioncrashed into the convoyand exploded, accordingto Murad Khan, a spokes-man for the Pakistanimilitary.


SAN FRANCISCO, 20Sept —Apple said on Fri-day it will replace poweradapters sold with itspopular iPhone 3G mo-bile telephones becauseof a risk prongs will snapand cause people to bejolted by electricity.

“We have received re-ports of detached bladesinvolving a very small

percentage of the adapt-ers sold, but no injurieshave been reported,” theCalifornia company saidon a Web page providingadapter exchange details.

The part Apple is offer-ing to replace is an“Ultracompact USBpower adapter” reportedlyincluded with iPhone 3Gmodels sold in Japan,Canada, Mexico, theUnited States and a halfdozen South Americancountries.

“Customer safety is al-ways Apple’s top priority,and therefore we havevoluntarily decided to ex-change every Ultra-com-pact power adapter for anew, redesigned adapter,free of charge,” Applesaid.—Internet

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:46 AM4

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008 5

Brazilian expertsees China’s

development assuccessful model

BRASILIA, 20 Sept —Over the past 30 yearssince its reform and open-ing-up, China has showedits ability to overcomepoverty and has set a“successful model” in de-veloping a balancedeconomy, a Brazilian ex-pert said.

In a recent interviewwith Xinhua, ArgemiroProcopio, professorof in-ternational relations pro-fessor at Brasilia Univer-sity, lauded China’s re-form and opening-updrive initiated by late Chi-nese leader DengXiaoping, saying it hasnot only lifted the overalllife quality of its own peo-ple but has a far-reachingimpact on the entireworld. Domestically , ac-cording to the professor,more than 400 millionChinese have been en-riched by the country’seconomic development,more than doubling theBrazilian population.


Venezuela expels activists of US human rightsorganization

Venezuela signs gas project with eighttransnational companies

South China city unveils world’slargest sci-tech museum

Turkmenistan-China natural gas pipelineto go into operation on schedule

A chef cooks the beefsteak during 2008 Autumn/Winter Food Fair in Shang-hai, China on 17 Sept, 2008. Some 150 chefs participated in the fair to show

their unique cuisine. —XINHUA

Visitors walk below an aquarium at the CaliforniaAcademy of Sciences building in Golden GatePark in San Francisco, California on 18 Sept,

2008. —XINHUA

Models display the “Shenzhou-7 souvenir jade medals” at a press conferenceheld at the China Millennium Monument in Beijing on 19 Sept, 2008. —XINHUA

GUANGZHOU, 20 Sept —China’s better-off south-ern city of Guangzhou onFriday night unveiled asci-tech museum, the larg-est of its kind in the world.

W ith a floor arealarger than Beijing’sTian’anmen Square, thesteel-structured main

building of theGuangdong ScienceCenter features a bloom-ing kapok flower.

The museum seatson Xiaoguwei Island,known as the universitytown of Guangzhou, capi-tal of Guangdong Prov-ince.

T o be officiallyopened to the public on 27September, the center of-fers eight exhibition areas,four science cinemas, twoopen laboratories and adigital “family experi-ence” hall.

Outside the mainbuilding, there is an80,000-square-meter arti-ficial lake for water-themeexhibitions and an out-door sciencesquare.

The museum cost1.9 billion yuan (279.4million US dollars), all ongovernment funding, tohave been built over fiveyears, said Zhang Ming,deputy head of theGuangdong science andtechnology bureau at thecenter's unveiling cer-emony on Friday night.


CARACAS, 20 Sept —The Venezuelan govern-ment on Friday expelledtwo activists of a US hu-man rights organization,accusing them of “ille-gally interfering in thecountry's matters.”

Venezuelan ForeignMinister NicolasMaduro said the two ac-tivists of the HumanRights Watch (HRW)

ezuela's decision was anattempt to intimidate thecivil society. The US-based HRW describes it-self as an independentorganization to defendhuman rights, but Ven-ezuelan President HugoChavez said it is an allyof Washington to over-throw him.— Xinhua

Jose Miguel Vivancoand his assistant DanielWilkinson were ex-pelled for violating theConstitution and “weretaken to the interna-tional airport SimonBolivar of Maiquetiaand put in the soonestflight.”

Vivanco said Ven-

Ballet in the arena :Spanish matador ElJuli falls when perform-ing a muleta pass on aDaniel Ruiz’ fightingbull on the second dayof the Bullfighting wineharvest feria in Nimes,

southern France.INTERNET

ALMATY, 20 Sept —Turkmen PresidentGurbanguly Berdy-mukhamedov has said thepipeline designed to trans-port Turkmenistan’s natu-ral gas to China would gointo operation as scheduled,

according to news reportsfrom Ashgabat on Friday.

Berdymukhamedovmade the remarks Thurs-day when inspectingthe pipeline project,Turkmenistan’s state newsagency reported. Turk-

menistan and China, withtheir leaders in closer con-tacts over the past years,have expressed their will-ingness to broaden mutu-ally-beneficial cooperation,especially in the energyfield, he said. —Xinhua

All items from Xinhua News Agency

CARACAS, 20 Sept —The Venezuelan govern-ment signed agreementson Friday with eighttransnational companieson the exploitation of thecountry’s rich natural gasresources.

Venezuelan PresidentHugo Chavez, along withpresident of Petroleos deVenezuela (PDVSA)

Rafael Ramirez, attendedthe signing ceremony atthe Miraflores Palace, seatof the national govern-ment. The Delta CaribeOriental project aims tonearly double the coun-try’s gas production from6 billion to 11.5 billioncubic feeta day by 2012.

Venezuela will build amixed company to pro-

duce liquefied natural gaswith the US companyChevron, Qatar Petro-leum, Japan's Mistubishi,Mitsui and Itochu, Rus-sia’s Gazprom, Italy’sENI and Malaysia'sPetronas. — Xinhua

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:46 AM5

6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008

If you really love motherland …Hnin Oo Khin

Myanmar sees anthropoid primate fossils that dateback about 40 million years along with utensils of theStone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, which constitutecompelling evidence that the nation is home to variousnational races. The number of the national races is morethan 100 due to climate patterns, different geographicalfeatures and different languages and dialects. Beingnational brethren, they have been living in the motherlandsince time immemorial. National races remain united intimes of emergency. They defend and safeguard thenation at risk to life. Once, Myanmar fell under alienrule, following the aggressive wars. However, the nationalbrethren managed to regain independence through thestrength of national unity.

Now, the government is working hard withtenacity to achieve the State’s seven-step Road Map,upholding Our Three Main National Causes: Non-disintegration of Union, Non-disintegration of nationalsolidarity, and Perpetuation of sovereignty.

The people have voted in favour of the StateConstitution (2008) of the Republic of the Union ofMyanmar to express their aspiration to buildingup a discipline-flourishing democratic nation withdevelopment. The State constitution (draft) wasadopted with the record public support of 92.48per cent of more than 27 million eligible voters. So,the State Constitution (2008) has come into force.

That means the people have expressed their trustand support for the government. The anti-governmentgroups and internal and external saboteurs with a shyand reluctant attitude made demands forimplementation of the 1990 election results again.

However, according to the results of the previouselections, NLD could not represent the people. It wonthe support of just more than seven million voters ofthe total electorate of 20 million, so I do not think itis reasonable to say that it represents the people byjust winning the support of seven of every 20 voters.To be blunt, the people no longer accept the 1990election results. The results have elapsed more than18 years. In fact, the results have expired since 1994.

At the beginning of the National Convention,NLD representatives took part in the discussions withother representatives. However, they left the NationalConvention in compliance with the decision of DawSuu Kyi alone. So, it was doubtful whether NLD wasa democracy party or a party of a particular person.The National Convention that had been adjournedtemporarily was resumed on 17 May 2004. Thegovernment showed its benevolent attitude to NLDby inviting it to the National Convention. At first, theparty said that it would attend, but when the NC wasdrawing near, it responded that it would not attend. Inspite of the situations, the government reconvenedthe National Convention with representatives fromthe other parties and representatives-elect totaling1086. Now, the State Constitution (draft) consistingof the fundamental principles and detailed basicprinciples adopted by the NC has been adopted througha referendum in May 2008.

The party’s behaviours indicated itssanctimonious attitude and contained an implicitobjection to the drawing of the State constitution, anational duty. In addition, internal and externaldestructive elements including NLD launched a varietyof movements and persuaded the people to vote “no”in order to disrupt the referendum. The people of

today have been capable of distinguishing betweenright and wrong and no longer accept whateverthey say, and have showed their massive supportfor the government. Being shocked by the results,NLD and anti-government groups turned violent byintensifying subversive acts, while demandingrecognition of 1990 election results.

Today, the world has come under a constant streamof tricks of neo-colonialists. The colonialists havecome to keep national traitors of the targeted countriesby providing them with prizes and funds and installingthem in the governments of the nations concerned withthe intention of establishing spheres of influence. Theyresort to all possible suppressive means to installpuppet governments in the nations that are equippedwith strong anti-colonialist sentiment.

In the process, they try to interfere in the internalaffairs of the targeted countries, using internationalorganizations such as the World Bank, European Unionand Human Rights Commission.

The people are rather fed up with the broadcastsdesigned to incite protests and violation of the Law.Certain foreign radio stations are airing under thepretext of democracy and human rights.Simultaneously, internal axe-handles are calling forinternational economic sanctions against Myanmar,dissuading the international community from givingassistance, making investments and visiting the nation.Some countries complied with the demands of the axe-handles to the liking of the colonialists. With thethought that if so, Myanmar people would beimpoverished, and when poverty was intolerable, thepeople would stage demonstrations, and then theywould come to power, they hand in glove with externalsaboteurs are trying to destabilize the nation and disruptthe development tasks.

As a public member, I would say they should havegiven up committing sabotage acts receiving meagresums from their alien masters. If they really want toserve the interest of the nation and the people, theyshould choose honest ways, instead of showing hostility

at the instigation of alien countries.NLD is indeed a west-looking party that has

opposed internal strength and thought highly ofwestern countries throughout its existence. What ithas done is nothing other than destructive actsdesigned to trouble the nation and the people such asconfrontation, defiance of orders, utter devastation,and four cuts. It is known to all that there was anoffer that Head of State Senior General Than Shwewould receive Daw Suu Kyi. Nonetheless, the offermet her categorical decline, so the people haverealized that she wants to do nothing beneficial tothe nation and the people.

Now, the government and the people are workingin collaboration to transform the nation into a modern,developed and discipline-flourishing democratic one.In that case, there has been the State’s seven-stepRoad Map, which has won the support of massmeetings held in the states and divisions, and nationalrace armed groups that have returned to the legal fold.Moreover, ASEAN countries, many world countriesand the UN have recognized the seven-step RoadMap as the most suitable programme for Myanmar’sdemocratic progress.

The entire people aspire to democracy, andrecognize that the government has placed emphasison process to democracy. So, they abhor any attemptsto disrupt the seven-step Road Map, and reliance onalien nations which are disruptions to democratictransition process. Opposing the elections due to beheld in 2010 is “opposing the people and their desire”.

The people are in favour of stability and peace,but opposed to riots, internal armed insurgency,protests and 88-like incidents. Any attempts to destroythe already-restored peace and stability are absolutelyunacceptable to them.

Every patriotic citizen is happy withdevelopment of their country and progress of thepeople, not with any situations in which the peoplelive in below the poverty line.

(See page 7)

Now, the government and the people are working incollaboration to transform the nation into a modern,developed and discipline-flourishing democratic one.In that case, there has been the State’s seven-step RoadMap, which has won the support of mass meetings heldin the states and divisions, and national race armedgroups that have returned to the legal fold. Moreover,ASEAN countries, many world countries and the UNhave recognized the seven-step Road Map as the mostsuitable programme for Myanmar’s democraticprogress.

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:46 AM6

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008 7

Objectives of the 16th MyanmarTraditional Cultural Performing

Arts Competitions1. Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation

and safeguarding of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

2. Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation3. Keeping genuine patriotism based on national solidarity

alive and dynamic4. Turning out younger generation who will continue to

safeguard the national culture and character

NAY PYI TAW, 20Sept —Chairman of BagoDivision Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of SouthernCommand Brig-Gen HlaMin met the militaryofficers and other ranksand their families ofShwekyin Station atMyawady Hall of thestation on 12 Septembermorning. Next, thecommander and officialsvisited the nine-acreplantation of Hsinthwelatpaddy strain of farmer UMaung Win in Shanvillage-tract and viewedthe scattering of fertilizersand weeding.

The commanderattended the prizepresentation of the 16th

Myanmar TraditionalCultural Performing ArtsCompetitions of BagoDivision at the city hallof Bago. He alsoaddressed the

Prize-presentation for Bago DivisionPerforming Arts Competitions

celebration of the WorldFirst Aid Day. On theoccasion 500 newmembership applicationsof Red Cross Society

were presented. Later,outstanding participantsin Red Cross skills wereawarded.


Vice-Mayor looks into tax-freemarkets in Yangon

YANGON, 20 Sept—Vice-Chairman ofYangon City Develop-ment Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa,accompanied by officialsconcerned, went to the tax-free markets in DagonMyothit (North), DagonMyothit (South),Thakayta and Tamwaytownships here thismorning and inspectedsales of rice, edible palmoil, vegetables, fish andprawn, and personal goodsat reasonable prices.

Col Maung Pa gavenecessary instructions to

the officials concerned.MNA

Man wounded in mine blastin Kyaukkyi TownshipNAY PYI TAW, 20 Sept — U Saw Shar Ti of

Ywahaung Village in Kyaukkyi Township, BagoDivision stepped on a mine planted by insurgents at11.15 am yesterday while he was collecting bambooin the forest.

He lost his left foot and his right leg waswounded in the blast.

He was taken to hospital and arrangements arebeing made for treatment in Mone Hospital.


Commander Brig-Gen Hla Min presents prizeto a member of Red Cross Society.


If you really lovemotherland …

(from page 6)Besides, the people want to enjoy

freedom of activities in line with theLaw. They want to live under theprotection of the Law and improve theirliving conditions. The people lead apeaceful life under the rule of thegovernment that has worked hard for thepeople to enjoy those rights.

When informed with the news onthe press conference held on 7 September2008, the people further realized thatanti-government groups were usingfunds provided by certain foreigncountries on the pretext of democracyand human rights on anti-governmentmovements, schemes to provoke riots,and terrorist acts. And they are exploitingeach other at the same time. I doubt ifthey will make sacrifices for democracyand human rights because they cannotbe trusted even in money matters.

It was shockingly alarming thatthere had been an offer of K 10 millionfor blasting the City Hall, K 7 millionfor a centre, K 5 million for agovernment office, K 2 million for aTownship Peace and DevelopmentCouncil office, K 1.5 million for aUnion Solidarity and DevelopmentAssociation or Yangon CentralRailways Station, K 1 million for abusy traffic lights, K 500,000 for ajunction of roads, and K 200,000 foran ordinary place. Hearing the news,the people who were in favour of peaceand stability further abhorred thosehatching explosives plots and thosebehind the schemes.

Many people expressed theirthanks and placed more reliance onthe government for the seizure ofexplosives, saving many people fromdeaths and injuries, and preventinggovernment offices and buildingsfrom bomb attacks.

The military power that is bullyingother countries under the pretext ofdemocracy and human rights invadesa targeted nation, giving one excuse oranother. Then, it installs a puppetgovernment in the nation. However, itnever thinks of withdrawing its troops,as supported by the fact that it hasoccupied Afghanistan for seven years,and Iraq for more than five years, butit has not yet pulled out its troops fromthe victim countries.

It has been long the invader has hadtotal disregard for the exhortation ofthe UN, the international communityand the peoples and parliaments fromthose countries to recall the troops.

The world people are heart-rendingto note the deaths of innocent people inIraq. In the time of the Saddam Hussein

government, it invaded Iraq with theaccusations that Iraq had weapons ofmass destruction such as nuclear bombs,chemical weapons and biologicalweapons. However, it has not foundany such weapons as yet.

It was said that in the time ofSaddam Hussein, Iraq did not facedeaths of hundreds of thousands ofinnocent people, bomb attacks,exploitation of its oil, and over fivemillion Iraqi people did not flee toother countries. So far, hundreds ofthousands of Iraqi people have died, alarge number of houses have beenravaged, and state-owned oil isexploited. The number of Iraqi refugeeshas increased to more than five million.

The US accused Iraq of keepinginsurgents and Al-qaeda troops.Giving lame excuses of having armedguerillas, it launched bomb attacksand missile attacks, thus killing manyinnocent civilians including childrendaily. So, for the country, the powerfulnation's use of the term “suspicion”is like a licence to kill innocent people.

The people are to be aware thatneo-colonialists use national traitors,axe-handles, lackeys and cohorts ofthe targeted countries concerned toimplement clandestine schemes.

Furthermore, certain powerfulcountries are airing distorted newsstories designed to get our countryinto various crises, without taking theinterests of the people, for the sake ofthe interest of a particular person.

Therefore, the national brethrenare to do their bit in implementingthe State’s seven-step Road Mapthrough national solidarity in orderto achieve the goal of building up apeaceful and prosperous democraticnation. Despite a stream ofdestructive acts, Myanmar peoplehave made remarkable progress innation-building tasks. The processfor transition to democracy hasproved successful to a certain degreethanks to the government’s correctleadership and its fine traditions ofperpetually serving interests of thepeople.

Those who have committeddestructive acts due to their lack ofviewing prevailing conditions of thenation correctly should have realizedthere is nothing in the world betterthan their motherland and people oftheir own race, and they should havejoined hands with the people in theprocess to achieve the goal ofdemocracy.

Translation: MS*******

Hnin Oo Khin

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:46 AM7

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008

YANGON, 20 Sept – A16-bed station hospitalwas opened inKyinigyaung Village,Kayan Township thismorning. The openingceremony was attendedby Chairman of YangonDivision Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of YangonCommand Brig-Gen WinMyint and CEC memberof USDA KayanTownship in-chargeMinister for Livestockand Fisheries Brig-GenMaung Maung Thein. Next, USDA CECmember Brig-Gen

People in Kayan Township enjoybetter health care services

Maung Maung Thein,Deputy Director-Generalof Health Department DrWin Myint and Secretaryof Yangon DivisionUSDA U Aye Myintformally opened thearchway of the hospital.The commander thenformally unveiled thesignboard of the hospital. The commander,USDA CEC memberBrig-Gen Maung MaungThein and DeputyDirector-General ofHealth Department DrWin Myint spoke on theoccasion and presentedprovisions to the localpeople.

USDA CEC memberBrig-Gen Maung MaungThein presented relateddocuments to Head ofYangon Division HealthDepartment Dr HlaMyint. The commander andparty went round thestation hospital.—MNA

YANGON, 20 Sept –Chairman of YangonCity DevelopmentCommittee Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Linaccompanied by officialslooked into progress ofresurfacing of East RaceCourse Road being

YANGON, 20 Sept –The opening of 14th Inter-State/Division SepakTakraw Tournament 2008was held at the gymnasiumin Aung San Stadium thisafternoon.

Minister for Sports

Mayor inspects upgrading of roads inTamway, Hlinethaya Tsps

carried out byEngineering Department(Road/Bridge) of thecommittee near BasicEducation High SchoolNo. 3 in TamwayTownship this morningand attended to the needs.

Next, the mayor

inspected upgrading ofMandalay Road beingbuilt by members ofHlinethaya TownshipUnion Solidarity andDevelopment Asso-ciation at Ward 14 in thetownship and fulfilled therequirements.—MNA

14th Inter-State/Division Sepak TakrawTournament kicks offBrig-Gen Thura AyeMyint opened thetournament afterdelivering an address.

Next, the players ofSelected Myanmar SepakTakraw team who willtake part in forthcoming

Asian Beach SepakTakraw Tournamentdemonstrated their skills.

The tournamentwill be held up to 26September. A total of16 men and n inewomen Sepak Takraw

teams are taking part inthe contest.


YANGON, 20 Sept—Minister for EducationDr Chan Nyein and party visited No. 2 BasicEducation High School in Sangyoung Townshipthis morning.

He met with township education officer andschoolhead, teachers and discussed academic matters,improvement of students’ education and all-roundeducation development and morale.

The minister and party also visited BEHS No.1in Sangyoung, BEHS No.1 in Dagon, BEHS No.1 inPazundaung, BEHS No. 5, BEMS No. 4 and BEPSNo.6 in Kyimyindine Township. The minister inspectedproficiency of the students.

The minister and party went to BEHS No. 4 andNo.5 in Ahlon Township and discussed matters relatingto high pass rate in the matriculation examination.


High pass rate in thematriculation examination

discussed in Yangon

Commander Brig-Gen Win Myint opens signboard of Kyinigyaung station hospital inKayan Township.—MNA

Education Minister Dr Chan Nyein visitsNo. 6 Basic Education Primary School in

Kyimyindine Township.EDUCATION

Prime MinisterGeneral Thein Seinshakes hands with

CambodianAmbassador Mr Hul

Phany.(News on page 1)


21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:46 AM8

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008 9

NAY PYI TAW, 20 Sept –Minister for InformationBrig-Gen Kyaw Hsaninspected Myanma Radioand Television relaystation in Nyaunglebin,Bago Division (East)yesterday. The minister waswelcomed by DeputyDirector-General ofMRTV U Thein Aung,officials and members ofTownship Peace andDevelopment Council. The minister inspectedthe TV relay station andgave instructions on fulloperation of the machines,proper care of theequipment, maintenance,fire preventive anddisaster preparedness

MRTV relay stations inspectedmeasures and plans toprevent against saboteurs. The minister inspectedMRTV relay station in

Bago and met officialsconcerned and staff andgave instructions.


YANGON, 20 Sept –Women’s Chapter ofMyanmar MedicalAssociation organizededucative talks on healthat Basic Education HighSchool No. 3 at ward 2in Mayangon Townshipthis morning.

It was attended byWC Patron Dr Daw KhinHsan Nwe, ChairpersonDr Daw Khin Mar Aye,Secretary Dr Daw Myat

Educative talks organizedLay Kyin and the joint-secretaries, specialists,general physicians anddentists, the townshiphealth officer, thetownship educationofficer, officials, teachersand students.

First, specialistsand general physiciansprovided health care to90 school children anddentists performedmedical treatment to 180

school children.Next, WC

Chairperson Dr DawKhin Mar Aye andSecretary Dr Daw MyatLay Kyin gave talks onpersonal hygiene.

Afterwards, WCPatron Dr Daw Khin HsanNwe and party helddiscussions with schoolchildren on personalcleanliness.


YANGON, 20 Sept—The Microbiology Society,Myanmar Medical Association will hold a symposiumon “Current Concepts; Traumatic Wound Infection”on 27 September, 2008 (Saturday), 9:00 am to 12noon at Auditorium (A), Myanmar MedicalAssociation, Theinbyu Road.

All those interested are invited to attend.Registration can be made from 10 am to 4 pm at theDepartment of Microbiology, University of Medicine(1), Lanmadaw Township of the Department ofMicrobiology, University of Medicine (2) and theDepartment of Microbiology, Defence ServicesMedical Academy, or on-site on the day of thesymposium.—NLM

“Current Concepts:Traumatic Wound Infection”

Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan inspects MRTV relay station inNyaunglebin.—MNA

Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Than Htay speaks at USDA annual generalmeeting in Thayawady District.—ENERGY

Health educative talks in progress.—YCDC

YANGON, 20 Sept – Theannual general meeting ofThayawady District UnionSolidarity and Develop-ment Association was heldat its office in BagoDivision (West) thismorning. CEC member of USDA

AGM of Thayawady DistrictUSDA heldDeputy Minister forEnergy Brig-Gen ThanHtay spoke. the Secretaryof District USDAsubmitted the report of theExecutive Committee. The CEC member andofficials presented prizesto outstanding students in

the matriculationexamination.

Next, CECmember and wellwishersdonated the cash forregional development.

The second sessionof the meeting continuedin the afternoon.—MNA

Cash donation for storm survivorsYANGON, 19 Sept

—Wellwishers fromabroad and at home aremaking donation to stormsurvivors.

Chairman ofFinancial SubcommitteeDeputy Minister forFinance and Revenue ColHla Thein Swe acceptedK 2,340,940 donated byMon State Peace andDevelopment Council, K11646700 by Kayin StatePDC, K 580550 bymembers of Loikaw,Dimawhso and PruhsoTownship USDAs, K3324300 by the Ministryof Energy, K 7 millionby U Kyaw Zeya andDaw Nanda Dewi, K 60million by GoldenFlower Co Ltd forconstruction of 100houses in LabuttaTownship, K 100,000 byKyar Nyo Pan Veterinary

Clinic in South OkkalapaTownship, K 600,000 byProfessor/Head Dr DawWin Win Mya and partyfor construction of ahouse, K 30 million byBholai General ServicesCo Ltd for constructionof 50 houses and 50000

baht by Mitsubishi motor(Thailand) from 10 to 19September.

A to ta l o f K145,592,490 and 50000baht had been ac -cepted from 10 to 19September.


21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:47 AM9

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008

Nowadays, infor-mation technology isdeveloping with mo-mentum in the interna-tional community. Thenumber of IT enthusi-asts is on increase dayafter day. As a result,seminars, exhibitionsand computer gamesconcerning IT have beenorganized in Myanmarone after another.

A computer gamewill be held at the build-ing of Myanmar Info-Tech soon. To cover thenews related to the game,an interview was madewith Ko Min Wint Oo,Chairman of MyanmarGamers Club.

Ko Min Wint Ooexplained, “The DotaCyber Games will beorganized with the aimsof contributing to theenhancement of infor-mation and communica-

Fox Conn Cup 2008: Dota Allstars CyberGame 2008 at Myanmar Info-Tech

Article: Maung Maung Myint Swe; Photos: Tin Soe (Myanma Alin)

tions technology, realiz-ing the e-sports by trans-forming the computergames into the sportsevents, developing thecomputer science of youthgamers and enabling theyouth gamers to have thegaming career.”

Myanmar GamersClub has been staging theyearly computer gamessince 2005. Soon,

Myanmar Gamers Clubwill cooperate with RoyalAyeyawady Company tohold the coming compu-ter game.

He said, “The com-ing game has been namedas Fox Conn Cup 2008:Dota Allstars Cyber Game.It will be organized at themeeting room of MyanmarInfo-Tech in Hline Town-ship from 23 to 26 Sep-

tember. The game can al-low the participation of 40gamer teams.”

The plan is underway to hold the compu-ter game as a sportsevent. A gamer teammay be formed with oneteam leader, fourgamers, two substitutesand one team manager,totalling eight.

Ko Min Wint Oo

said to the news crew ofthe Myanma Alin Daily,“There is no age limit forthe competitors. But, theyoung gamers under 16years old must have thepermission of their par-ents or guardians. Eachcontestant must submitthe application to be at-tached with two licencesize photos, photo copyof the national registra-tion card or that of stu-dent identity card to thecompany, not later than22 September.”

For further informa-tion, those wishing to takepart in the cup may dial510870 during office hours,and applications may besubmitted to the companyat No. 54 on the secondfloor on Mingala Street inSangyoung Township.

Ko Min Wint Ooadded, “Prizes will beawarded to all the con-

tending teams that haveovercome the groupmatches. As cashawards, K 500,000 willbe presented to the firstprize winning team, K300,000 to the secondand K 100,000 to thethird. Moreover, the bestgamer award, the bestfirst blood award, thebest hero kill award, thefairplay award and thespecial prize will begiven to the respectivewinners.”

In the near future,the IT enthusiast youthhave a chance to happilytake part in the Fox ConnCup 2008: Dota AllstarsCyber Game 2008 with50 computers at themeeting room ofMyanmar Info-Tech.

*****Translation: TTA

Myanma Alin:17-9-2008

“Computer game will be transformed into a sports event.”Ko Min Wint Oo, Chairman of Myanmar Gamers Club.

YANGON, 20 Sept—The Mechanic Course 15/2008, conducted by theFire Services Departmentunder the Ministry of So-cial Welfare, Relief andResettlement, concludedat the head office of FSDon Okponseik Road in

FSD produces newmechanics

Mayangon Township yes-terday morning.

Director-General UMyint Tun of the depart-ment delivered an address.

Altogether 30 train-ees attended the six-weekcourse from 11 August to19 September.— MNA

YANGON, 20 Sept— Leader of Social andCulture Working GroupDr Daw Sanda Aung ofthe Myanmar Women’sAffairs Federation,Secretariat member DrDaw Thet Thet Zin,Deputy Leader Dr DawHtoo Htoo Aung andleaders of education sub-working group and theculture sub-workinggroup heard reports onfunctions of thecommunity learningcentre and tasks forincreasing income oflocal people presented byLeader of EducationGroup Daw May Thazinof Yangon North DistrictWAO, at the communitylearning centre in Ward 6of Shwepyitha Townshipyesterday morning.

MWAF donates publications to communitylearning centre in Shwepyitha

Leader Dr DawSanda Aung explained thepurpose of providing as-sistance to the centre.Member of the education

sub-working group Daw SiSi Aye discussed durabil-ity of the centre.

Dr Daw SandaAung and party met with

local women and viewedtheir tailoring works.

Later, they pre-sented publications to thecentre.— MNA

The best time to plant a

tree was 20 years ago.

Second best time is now.

Leader of Social and Culture Working Group Dr Daw Sanda Aung ofMWAF donates publications to community learning centre in

Shwepyitha Township.—MNA

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:47 AM10

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008 11


Authorities: burglar wakes men with spice rub

What are the odds? son getssame dorm room as dad

Following in his father’s footsteps atMichigan State University is one thing.But moving into in the same dorm roomhis dad did three decades ago has been acoincidence like no other for Mike Robell.

The Dearborn Heights freshman hasmoved into B310 Emmons Hall—the sameroom occupied by 50-year-old Rich Robellin 1978. What are the odds? The EastLansing university has about 8,000 rooms.

Rich Robell told The Detroit News hesuspected it was his old room, and thesame broken window latch offered someevidence. The proof came from a universityarchivist, who located a 1978 studentdirectory. Housing complex manager TimKnight said it's the first time in his 37-yeartenure that he's aware of a parent and childhaving the same room by chance.

Oregon man captures6-foot-long lizard in his yardAn Oregon man playing in the yard with

his toddler sons captured a 6-foot-longlizard capable of killing pets and injuringhumans. Ryan Nelson said he thought itwas a crocodile when he first spotted theNile monitor by the rose bushes.

He was able to capture it and wrestleit into a large metal dog cage with thehelp of Dalton Brown from MB Reptiles,a pet store in Grants Pass.

No report on missing lizards has beenfiled recently with either the JosephineCounty sheriff's office or Grants Passpolice. But officials say whoever lostthe lizard should have immediatelyreported it because the Nile monitor'steeth and claws make it dangerous topets and people.

A gray squirrel somehow found a wayto get into a bird feeder full ofsunflower seeds in Hibbing, Minn.

An Egyptian camel seller pulls a camel,at the Birqash Camel Market justoutside Cairo. Every Friday hundredsof camels are brought in from Sudanand Somalia and are prepared to besold. In Egypt, camels sell for between2,500 and 12,000 Egyptian pounds($450-$2,100) depending on the animal’s age and health.

A Monarch butterfly feeds in a field ofwildflowers in Chisolm Creek Park inWichita, Kan. The annual 2,000-milemigration of Monarchs from Canadato central Mexico may prove hazardousto the butterflys’ population if droughtconditions in Oklahoma and Texaspersist, said Chip Taylor, KansasUniversity biology professor and director of Monarch Watch.

Euan, an Asian elephant, celebrateshis 2nd birthday by heading andkicking a big ball given to him by hiskeepers, at the Whipsnade Zoo, Northof London, as a birthday gift. Euan was born at the zoo.

Authorities say they've arrested a manwho broke into the home of twoCalifornia farmworkers, stole money,rubbed one with spices and whacked theother with a sausage before fleeing.

Fresno County sheriff's Lt. IanBurrimond says 22-year-old AntonioVasquez was found hiding in a field

wearing only a T-shirt, boxers and socksafter the Saturday morning attack.

He says deputies arrested Vasquezafter finding a wallet containing his IDin the ransacked house.

The farmworkers told deputies thesuspect woke them Saturday morningby rubbing spices on one of them andsmacking the other with an 8-inchsausage.

Burrimond says money allegedlystolen was recovered.

Torrential rains kill 16 in northern India

Flood-affected Indian villagers. At least 16 peoplehave died as torrential rains and high winds lashednorthern India, toppling trees and houses, officials

said on Saturday.—INTERNET

LUCKNOW, 20 Sept — Atleast 16 people have diedas torrential rains and highwinds lashed northern In-dia, toppling trees andhouses, officials said Sat-urday.

All the deaths occurredin Uttar Pradesh state inthe past 48 hours, regionalrelief commissioner G KTandon said.

“We’re still assessingthe extent of the damage,”he said in Lucknow asrains and high-velocitywinds buffeted the statecapital.

Officials said the deathswere caused by the col-lapse of flimsily built

homes and other rain-re-lated accidents.

Pounding rains trig-gered landslides in moun-tainous Himachal Pradesh,police said in state capital

Shimla. Highways to thesummer resort state wereblocked by fallen trees, theofficials added, but re-ported no casualties.


First frozen embryo baby born in BangladeshDHAKA, 20 Sept — A baby from a fro-

zen embryo was born in Bangladesh’scapital Dhaka on Friday, the first one inthe country, private news agencybdnews reported.

Opshora, the baby girl, was bornby caesarean at Modern Hospital in thecity in the afternoon, after being in themother’s womb for 37 weeks.

“Opshora is doing well. At birth,her weight was 3.2 kilograms,” DrRashida Begum, who led the caesareanoperation, said at a press conference here

on Friday.The assistant professor of

gynecology and obstetrics department ofDhaka Medical College Hospital said thebaby’s parents have been married for fiveyears and decided to take a baby throughtest tube last year. But the first attemptfailed.

The first frozen embryo baby wasborn in Australia in 1984 while in Asiathe first such baby was born in Singa-pore in 1987.


New dwarf planet named Haumeafor Hawaiian goddess

HONOLULU, 20 Sept — A newly discovered dwarf planet in the solar system hasbeen given a Hawaiian name: Haumea (how-MAY’-ah), after the Hawaiiangoddess of earth and fertility.

Haumea’s name was approved Wednesday by the International AstronomicalUnion in Paris.

It is the solar system's fifth dwarf planet, in the same category and region asPluto.—Internet

WASHINGTON, 20S e p t — D e m o c r a t i cpresidential nomineeBarack Obama gave a nodFriday for the RepublicanAdministration’s responseto the financial downturn.

“I support the effortof Secretary Paulson andFederal ReserveChairman Bernanke towork in a bipartisan spiritwith the Congressionalleadership to find a

Obama nods US govt.’s responseto financial turmoil

systemic solution to ourdeepening crisis,” he saidin a statement.

“And I will closelyexamine the specifics oftheir effort and theopportunities for swiftaction,” Obama added. The Senator from Illinoishad intended to issue hisown plan on Friday, but inlight of the fast-movingactivities by federalofficials, campaignadvisers cautioned that hewill hold off for now untiladministration officialsannounce their latestresponse to the crisis.

Obama said he hadasked his advisers to delayissuing details of his own

plan. “It is critical at thispoint that the markets andthe public have confidencethat their work will beunimpeded by partisanwrangling, and thatleaders in both partieswork in concert to solvethe problem at hand,” hesaid.

Obama’s statementstressed that, while hesupports what federalofficials are doing toconfront the meltdown inthe financial industry, hebelieves broader stepsmay be needed to deal withtheimpact on families,rather than just bigfinancial institutions.


Say noto drugs

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:47 AM11

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008

Haitians walk withwater to use for cookingin the town of Gonaiveson 19 Sept, 2008. Haiti

has been blasted byfour storms - Hurri-

canes Gustav and Ikeand Tropical Storms

Fay and Hanna - sincemid-August, killing

hundreds and destroy-ing homes and crops.




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(((((a))))) Server & Hardware (Data Base Server) - 1 No(b) Server & Hardware (Maintenance Service) -12 Nos(c) P4 Special Pc with Mouse Pen Tablet -31 Nos(d) System Software (e-PSR System Software) - 1 No

2. Pallet Truck (2 Tons) - 5 Nos 3. Welding Transformer (10 KVA) - 1 No 4. Air-Conditioner (Window Type 1.5 HP) - 5 Nos 5. Exhaust fan 18" -11 Nos 6. Multimedia Projector 2000 ANIS

Lumens XGA Resolution (1024x768) - 1 No 7. Tripod Screen 70"x 70" - 1 No 8. Plain Paper Copier A3 - 2 Nos 9. Computer P4, with 17" LCD monitor - 9 Nos10. Laser Jet printer A3 - 1 No11. Laser Jet Printer A4 (All in One ) (Copier,

Scanner and printer) - 1 No12. Printer A4 - 1 No13. Fax Phone (Plain Paper) (3 in 1;

Telephone; Fax Copier) - 2 Nos14. Scanner A4 - 1 No15. Copy Printer, B4 300x300 dpi Computer

Interface (Option) - 1 No16. Laminating Machine A3 - 2 Nos17. Paper Cutter A3 - 1 No18. UPS (600 VA) - 2 Nos

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Ten killed as milyaircraft lands


MOGADISHU, 20 Sept —Ten civilians have beenkilled and more than fifteenothers wounded Fridayafter shells were exchangedbetween insurgent fightersand African Unionpeacekeepers at the airportfollowing the arrival ofan aircraft carrying suppliesfor the peacekeeperslanded, local media andspokesman for thepeacekeepers said.

“A plane carryingsupplies for our forcesarrived at the airport thenseveral mortar shells werefired against the airport,”Barigye Ba-Hoku,spokesman for the AfricanUnion Mission forSomalia (AMISOM) toldXinhua. “We respondedto these attacks sincewehave the right to selfdefence.” A number ofshells landed in differentneighbourhoods in thesouth of the capital whereten people have beenseparately killed whilefifteen others werewounded, local mediareported. Islamistinsurgents have this weekthreatened to targetairplanes coming to theMogadishu airport whichthey say is being used bywhat they described as“enemy forces”.

No commercial planehas since landed at theairport. The military planefor AMISOM is the firstto use the Airport sincethe insurgent issued theirwarning on a websiteposting. Ba-Hoku said thatnone of their troops werehurt in the attack and thatthe plane safely landed.



Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTATAMPAN VOY NO (209) are here by notified that thevessel will be arriving on 21.9.2008 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Russia says new-style OPEC link “interesting”MOSCOW, 20 Sept —

Russia is consideringrenewed ties with OPEC,a minister said on Friday,a move that could rattlenerves among energyconsuming nations.

Energy MinisterSergei Shmatko saidMoscow will send a high-

level delegation to theOrganization of thePetroleum-ExportingCountries’ next meeting

in Algeria on 17December.


21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:47 AM12

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008 13

500,000 women die in pregnancy,childbirth

Childhood conditionslinked to adult asthma

PARIS, 20 Sept — A chronic runny nose, takingparacetamol in infancy, and wheezing as a child are allconditions linked to the onset of adulthood asthma, atrio of studies reported on Friday.

Babies who took the over-the-counter pain relieverparacetamol in the first year of life were fifty percentmore likely to show symptoms of asthma by the timethey were six or seven years old, according to one ofthe studies.

Based on data collected on more than 200,000children in 31 countries, the study also showed anincreased risk of asthma symptoms in young childrenwho had used the medication within the previous year— the more frequently it was taken, the higher the risk.

Rates of eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis —inflammation of the eye due to allergies — alsoincreased, according to the research, led by RichardBeasley of the Medical Research Institute in NewZealand and published in the British journal TheLancet.

A second study, also published in The Lancet,found that the first-time onset of asthma in adults aged20-44 was closely linked to both rhinitis — typicallya runny nose caused by inflammation — andallergies.—Internet

Studies show more links betweenvitamin D and MS

WASHINGTON, 20 Sept — Childrenlater diagnosed with multiple sclerosishad far lower levels of vitamin D thanother youngsters, Canadian researchersreported on Friday in studies showingmore links between the “sunshine”vitamin and disease.

These were the first studies to showthe effects in children, although othershave shown that adults who live innorthern latitudes, who get less sunexposure, may have a higher risk ofMS.

They also support a growing body ofstudies that link low vitamin D levelswith disease, including breast and coloncancer, heart disease, diabetes andtuberculosis.

Multiple sclerosis is a nervous systemdisease caused by damage to the myelinsheath that protects nerve cells. It affects2.5 million people globally and can causesymptoms ranging from vague tinglingto blindness and paralysis.

Vitamin D, made when skin is exposedto sunlight and found in fatty fish likesalmon, is added to milk and other foodsin many countries. Evidence suggests ithelps lower blood pressure, reduceinflammation and boost the immunesystem.

Several studies presented at a meetingon MS in Montreal showed that childrenhad low levels of the vitamin when theybegan to show evidence of the disease.


GENEVA, 20 Sept—More than half a millionwomen still die each yearin pregnancy andchildbirth, often bleedingto death because noemergency obstetricalcare is available, theUnited Nations Children’sFund (UNICEF) said onFriday. Despite modestprogress, particularly inAsia, the global maternalmortality toll remainsstubbornly stable due to alack of financial resourcesand political will, it said.

More than 99 percent

of the estimated 536,000maternal deaths worl-dwide in 2005 occurred indeveloping countries, halfof them in sub-SaharanAfrica, it said in a reportentitled “Progress forChildren: A Report Cardon Maternal Maternity.”“One of the criticalbottlenecks has alwaysbeen access to highlyskilled health workersrequired to deliveremergency obstetricalcare, particularly caesariansections,” Peter SalamaUNICEF’s chief of health,

told a news briefing.Around 50 million births

in the developing world,or about 4 in 10 of all birthsworldwide, are notattended by trainedpersonnel, according to thereport.

Hemorrhaging is theleading cause of maternaldeath in Africa and Asia,causing one in three deaths,it said. Infections,hypertensive disorders,complications of abortion,obstructed labor or HIV/AIDS are other causes.


Exercise reduces fat in livers of diabetics

A volunteer collects garbage along Manila Bay during International CoastalClean-up Day on 20 Sept, 2008.—INTERNET

WASHINGTON, 20 Sept —Regularmoderate exercise helps people withdiabetes to reduce fat in their livers, inturn potentially preventing liver failureand heart disease, US researchers saidon Friday.

People with type 2 diabetes, the mostcommon form of the disease and oneclosely tied to obesity, often haveelevated liver fat levels and are at highrisk for a condition called nonalcoholicfatty liver disease.

Diabetics who did a six-monthprogram of cardiovascular exercise andweight lifting three times a week cut thefat in their livers by about 40 percent inthe study by researchers at Johns HopkinsUniversity in Baltimore.

They said the study, which usedmagnetic resonance imaging scans, isthe first to show exercise can get fat out

of the livers of people with type 2 diabetes.The condition, also known as hepatic

steatosis, can lead to cirrhosis of theliver, liver failure, liver cancer and ahigher risk for diabetes-related heartproblems.

Seventy-seven men and women withdiabetes, most of whom were overweightor obese, took part in the study.

About half were assigned to moderateexercise including 45 minutes of runningon a treadmill, using a stair-climbingmachine or riding a bicycle for 45 minutesthree times a week, along with 20 minutesof lifting weights.

The others were not placed in anyformal fitness program, and most gotlittle physical activity. At the end of sixmonths, they had no improvement inliver fat.


NATO to haltAfghan operations

for Peace DayKABUL, 20 Sept — NATO’s top general in

Afghanistan has ordered all international troopshere to halt offensive operations Sunday in honorof a UN-backed day of peace. Even the Taliban ispledging to lay down their weapons for a day.

The order follows an announcement by PresidentHamid Karzai that Afghan troops would observePeace Day by not taking part in any operations. Healso called on armed militant groups to observe theday and “stop destroying their country.”

“I advised Afghan troops that they should respectthis holy Peace Day, and they shouldn’t conductany operation or fire unless they come underattack,” Karzai said in a statement Friday. “I advisedthe same thing to the international forces.”

NATO said its 48,000 troops will continue toguard personnel and military outposts but that itwill not engage in offensive operations frommidnight Saturday until midnight Sunday.


Russian rocket sendsCanadian satellite

into spaceMOSCOW, 20 Sept —

Russia launched a Proton-M space vehicle earlySaturday to send aCanadian communicationsatellite into orbit, the Itar-Tass news agencyreported.

The carrier was la-unched at 01:48 Moscowtime (2148 GMT) fromthe Baikonur cosmodromein Kazakhstan, saidAlexander Bobrenev,Press Secretary of theKhrunichev State Rese-arch and Production SpaceCenter.

The rocket wasscheduled to orbit theCanadian satellite onFriday, but was postponed

over a malfunction of thelaunch control system.

The satellite Nimiq-4weighs 4,850 kg and isexpected to work for 15years. It is developed bythe European companyEADS Astriumfor TelesatCanada, a satellite com-munication operatorwhich provides datatransmission and tele andradio broadcastingservices for NorthAmerica.

The Proton-M launchvehicle and the Briz-Mbooster are made by theKhrunichev center. Therocket has three stages andthe launch weight is about700 tons. —Xinhua

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:47 AM13

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008


ACROSS 1 Thrift 5 Adudible yearnings 8 Friendship 9 Falling behind10 Ecstasy12 Sailor13 Attempts14 Guard17 Before18 Putting together20 Disgusting21 Silly23 True24 Deviate

DOWN 1 Precise 2 Japanese sash 3 Greek epic 4 Cowardly 5 Vision 6 Innocent 7 Sweetened11 Asceticism13 Timeless15 Resounding16 Relax18 Plunder19 Appears22 Mimic


Scolari lights the fuse onUnited showdown

Man City fans made to waitfor overnight success

Harry Redknapp

Kuznetsova to face Safinain Pan Pacific Open tennis final

TOKYO, 20 Sept — Dinara Safina and SvetlanaKuznetsova set up an all-Russian final with crushingwins at the Pan Pacific Open tennis tournament onSaturday.

Safina enjoyed her first victory over compatriotNadia Petrova 6-1, 6-0, while Kuznetsova brushedaside Slovenian qualifier Katarina Srebotnik 7-6 (7/5),6-2. Kuznetsova, who beat Serbian top seed JelenaJankovic in the quarter-finals, got off to a sluggish startby losing her service in the opening game.

But the 2004 US Open champion forced the tie-breaker and cashed in on her second set point with aforehand volley.—Internet

MANCHESTER, 20 Sept— Harry Redknapp mayadmit to glancing envi-ously at Mark Hughes'spending power but Man-chester City are still wait-ing for their new-foundriches to translate into sig-nificant success on thepitch.

Hughes was handed hisseemingly limitless

budget on transfer deadline day when the Abu DhabiUnited Group announced their planned takeover of theclub. That left the manager with just enough time tobreak the British transfer record by spending 32.5million pounds on Real Madrid's Robinho and after theenforced international break, the Brazilian finally madehis debut last week against Chelsea.

The subsequent 3-1 defeat was a chastening experi-ence for Hughes and his players but at least they had theexcuse that Chelsea played like potential champions.

Against Omonia Nicosia five days later City had nosuch excuse as they stuttered their way to a 2-1 victoryin Cyprus in their UEFA Cup first round first leg tie.

Prior to Robinho's arrival, Hughes had already spentambitiously to bring in Jo, Shaun Wright-Phillips,Vincent Kompany, Pablo Zabaleta and Tal Ben Haim

And the upbeat mood around the club means thatresults are now quickly expected to improve in theleague starting with victory over Redknapp's Port-smouth side at the City of Manchester Stadium onSunday.—Internet

LONDON, 20 Sept — Luiz Felipe Scolari has lit thefuse on Chelsea's explosive Premier League showdownwith Manchester United by admitting he could make amove to sign Cristiano Ronaldo.

The first meeting of English football's two super-powers since last season's Champions League final wasalready packed with combustable elements, but Scolarihas added his own gunpowder to the mix.

He plans to share a bottle of wine with Sir AlexFerguson after Sunday's clash at Stamford Bridge, butthe Brazilian is in for a taste of the United manager'shairdyer treatment instead after giving Ronaldo an openinvitation to join him at Chelsea.

Ferguson spent most of the close-season fending offReal Madrid's attempts to prise Ronaldo from OldTrafford and he won't take kindly to Scolari's tongue incheek comments.

With Scolari hogging the headlines it would be easyto forget that Sunday's match represents a potentiallydefining moment in the title race.

Chelsea's unbeaten start is a marked contrast to theerratic form of United and a win for the hosts would openup a nine point lead over the reiging champions.

Just as importantly it would exact a measure ofrevenge after Chelsea were pipped to the Premier Leagueand Champions League by Ferguson's side lastseason. However, if United become the first team towin a league game at the Bridge for 85 matches theywill move to within three points of Chelsea with agame in hand and deliver a serious psychological blowto their title rivals.


AFC chief calls for improve-ment in refereeing standards SINGAPORE, 20 Sept — Asia's soccer chief is calling

for the region's system of training and appointingreferees to be overhauled in a bid to boost the standardof match officials.

Declaring 2009 "AFC Asian Referees Year", Presi-dent of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC)Mohamed Bin Hamman proposed a revamp to preventbias in the choice of officials and to ensure only thebest referees take control of important matches.

"What happened in the past was that some people,and I'm not saying everyone, but some would say 'Iprefer him or I don't prefer him' and the appointmentsof referees would not always be the best choices," BinHamman told the AFC's website.

"Also, for the most important matches, clubs andnational teams spend a lot of money on hiring the bestcoaches and organizing training camps to prepare asbest as they can.

"So, it is our responsibility to make sure that wegive them the best referees. The best people should bein charge of the best matches."

Bin Hammam said poor refereeing at the 2004Asian Cup in China prompted him to create the Elitereferees panel, which features the top FIFA-accred-ited referees who would be available for the bigmatches in Asia.


Benitez hails Gerrardas world’s best midfielder

LIVERPOOL, 20 Sept — Liverpool boss Rafael Benitezhas described Steven Gerrard as "the best midfielder inthe world" ahead of a weekend which could see theReds skipper lead his side to the top of the PremierLeague.

With current leaders Chelsea not in action untilSunday's showdown with champions ManchesterUnited, Liverpool will pull clear at the top for at least24 hours if they beat top flight newcomers Stoke Cityat Anfield on Saturday.


Sunderland 2-0 MiddlesbroughBlackburn 1-0 FulhamLiverpool 0-0 Stoke CityWest Ham Utd 3-1 Newcastle UtdBoltan 1-3 Arsenal


Liverpool’s Steven Gerrard (C) is challenged byStoke City’s Richard Cresswell (L) and Salif Diao

during their English Premier League soccermatch at Anfield in Liverpool, northern England,

on 20 Sept, 2008.— INTERNET

Bolton Wanderers’Kevin Davies (R) chal-lenges Arsenal’s CescFabregas during their

English Premier Leaguesoccer match at theReebok Stadium in

Bolton, northern Eng-land, on 20 Sept, 2008.




Luiz Felipe


21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:47 AM14

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 21 September, 2008 15


Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr MST:During the past 24 hours, weather has been partly cloudy inKayah State and lower Sagaing Division, rain or thunder-showers have been isolated in Kayin State, scattered in Kachin,Shan, Chin and Rakhine States, fairly widespread in Mon State,lower Sagaing, Mandalay, Yangon and Ayeyawady Divisionsand widespread in the remaining States and Divisions withlocally heavyfall in Mon State and isolated heavyfall in Man-dalay Division.The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recordedwere Ye (6.38) inches, Kyeikkami (3.15) inches, Tatkong (3.07)inches, Dawei (2.36) inches, Shwegyin (2.00) inches, Belin(1.65) inches, Mandalay (1.06) inches and Magway (0.78)inch.

Maximum temperature on 19-9-2008 was 84˚F.Minimum temperature on 20-9-2008 was 71ºF. Relative hu-midity at (09:30) hours MST on 20-9-2008 was 96%. Totalsunshine hours on 19-9-2008 was (1.8) hours (approx).

Rainfall on 20-9-2008 was (Nil) at Mingaladon, (Tr) atKaba-Aye and (1.10) inches at Central Yangon. Total rainfallsince 1-1-2008 was (93.03) inches at Mingaladon, (104.21)inches at Kaba-Aye and (121.57) inches at Central Yangon.Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (4) mphfrom Southwest at (18:30) hours MST on 19-9-2008.

Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in the North Bayand monsoon is generaly moderate in the Andaman Sea andelsewhere in the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 21-9-2008: Rain or thun-dershowers will be isolated in Kachin, Shan, Kayah and KayinStates, scattered in Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway Divi-sions, fairly widespread Rakhin,Chin States and AyeyawadyDivision and widespread in the the remaining States and Di-visions with likelihood of isolated heavyfall in Rakhine, MonStates and Ayeyawady Division. Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar wa-ters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood of unset-tle conditions in East Central Bay.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for21-9-2008: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree of cer-tainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for21-9-2008:Some rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for21 -9-2008: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree of cer-tainty is (80%).

Saturday, 20 September, 2008

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

Sunday, 21 SeptemberView on today

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7:25 am 2. To be healthy

exercise7:30 am 3. Morning news7:40 am 4. Nice and sweet song7:55 am 5. lOp\r˙a;pMu�pc\sit\ep¥a\rWc\lOp\r˙a;pMu�pc\sit\ep¥a\rWc\lOp\r˙a;pMu�pc\sit\ep¥a\rWc\lOp\r˙a;pMu�pc\sit\ep¥a\rWc\lOp\r˙a;pMu�pc\sit\ep¥a\rWc\8:05 am 6. At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´At^;�pioc\p∑´8:15 am 7. 2008KuNs\ (16) Âkim\e�mak\2008KuNs\ (16) Âkim\e�mak\2008KuNs\ (16) Âkim\e�mak\2008KuNs\ (16) Âkim\e�mak\2008KuNs\ (16) Âkim\e�mak\

�mn\ma.Riu;rayU\ek¥;mO ASiu'�mn\ma.Riu;rayU\ek¥;mO ASiu'�mn\ma.Riu;rayU\ek¥;mO ASiu'�mn\ma.Riu;rayU\ek¥;mO ASiu'�mn\ma.Riu;rayU\ek¥;mO ASiu'Ak' Aer;' At^;�pioc\p∑´'Ak' Aer;' At^;�pioc\p∑´'Ak' Aer;' At^;�pioc\p∑´'Ak' Aer;' At^;�pioc\p∑´'Ak' Aer;' At^;�pioc\p∑´'�pioc\p∑wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\(eKt\AÂkik\et;qK¥c\;m¥a;)(eKt\AÂkik\et;qK¥c\;m¥a;)(eKt\AÂkik\et;qK¥c\;m¥a;)(eKt\AÂkik\et;qK¥c\;m¥a;)(eKt\AÂkik\et;qK¥c\;m¥a;)(wåqnar˙c\ (dutiytn\;(wåqnar˙c\ (dutiytn\;(wåqnar˙c\ (dutiytn\;(wåqnar˙c\ (dutiytn\;(wåqnar˙c\ (dutiytn\;ASc\.) (Am¥io;qa;)ASc\.) (Am¥io;qa;)ASc\.) (Am¥io;qa;)ASc\.) (Am¥io;qa;)ASc\.) (Am¥io;qa;)

8:30 am 8. International news8:40 am9. Musical programme11:00 am 1. Martial song11:10 am 2. Roung up of the

week’s internationalnews

11:20 am 3. Tk\�mk\ep¥a\rWc\Tk\�mk\ep¥a\rWc\Tk\�mk\ep¥a\rWc\Tk\�mk\ep¥a\rWc\Tk\�mk\ep¥a\rWc\

Aim\eTac\rc\Aim\eTac\rc\Aim\eTac\rc\Aim\eTac\rc\Aim\eTac\rc\11:40 am 4. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´


12:30 pm 5. {nt\w iva√ \ss \Sc \er;}{nt\w iva√ \ss \Sc \er;}{nt\w iva√ \ss \Sc \er;}{nt\w iva√ \ss \Sc \er;}{nt\w iva√ \ss \Sc \er;}

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siu;miu;Âkv\'eA;wt\rv\eqac\;'siu;miu;Âkv\'eA;wt\rv\eqac\;'siu;miu;Âkv\'eA;wt\rv\eqac\;'siu;miu;Âkv\'eA;wt\rv\eqac\;'siu;miu;Âkv\'eA;wt\rv\eqac\;'wiuc\;suKiuc\qin\;) (dåRiuk\ta-wiuc\;suKiuc\qin\;) (dåRiuk\ta-wiuc\;suKiuc\qin\;) (dåRiuk\ta-wiuc\;suKiuc\qin\;) (dåRiuk\ta-wiuc\;suKiuc\qin\;) (dåRiuk\ta-emac\emac\√^;) (sNiu;wiOk\)emac\emac\√^;) (sNiu;wiOk\)emac\emac\√^;) (sNiu;wiOk\)emac\emac\√^;) (sNiu;wiOk\)emac\emac\√^;) (sNiu;wiOk\)

4:00 pm 1. Martial song4:10 pm 2. Musical programme4:25 pm 3. �mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑ y√\ek¥;mOAk�mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑ y√\ek¥;mOAk�mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑ y√\ek¥;mOAk�mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑ y√\ek¥;mOAk�mø;�mø;Âk∑Âk∑ y√\ek¥;mOAk4:35 pm 4. Song to uphold

National Spirit4:45 pm 5. Song of national

races4:55 pm 6. Am˙t\ (3) Ae�KKMpvaAm˙t\ (3) Ae�KKMpvaAm˙t\ (3) Ae�KKMpvaAm˙t\ (3) Ae�KKMpvaAm˙t\ (3) Ae�KKMpva

√;s;@an' rn\kun\tiuc\;Ae�KKM√;s;@an' rn\kun\tiuc\;Ae�KKM√;s;@an' rn\kun\tiuc\;Ae�KKM√;s;@an' rn\kun\tiuc\;Ae�KKM√;s;@an' rn\kun\tiuc\;Ae�KKMpvaek¥ac\;m¥a;pvaek¥ac\;m¥a;pvaek¥ac\;m¥a;pvaek¥ac\;m¥a;pvaek¥ac\;m¥a;wt\r∑t\�pioc\p∑ ´ ´ (pTmSu)wt\r∑t\�pioc\p∑ ´ ´ (pTmSu)wt\r∑t\�pioc\p∑ ´ ´ (pTmSu)wt\r∑t\�pioc\p∑ ´ ´ (pTmSu)wt\r∑t\�pioc\p∑ ´ ´ (pTmSu)(ATk (2)(ATk (2)(ATk (2)(ATk (2)(ATk (2) lqa) (lqalqa) (lqalqa) (lqalqa) (lqalqa) (lqartnawt\Aqc\;)rtnawt\Aqc\;)rtnawt\Aqc\;)rtnawt\Aqc\;)rtnawt\Aqc\;)

5:15 pm 7. 2008KuNs\ (16) Âkim\e�mak\2008KuNs\ (16) Âkim\e�mak\2008KuNs\ (16) Âkim\e�mak\2008KuNs\ (16) Âkim\e�mak\2008KuNs\ (16) Âkim\e�mak\

�mn\ma.Riu;rayU\ek¥;mO ASiu'�mn\ma.Riu;rayU\ek¥;mO ASiu'�mn\ma.Riu;rayU\ek¥;mO ASiu'�mn\ma.Riu;rayU\ek¥;mO ASiu'�mn\ma.Riu;rayU\ek¥;mO ASiu'Ak' Aer;' At;�pioc\p∑'Ak' Aer;' At;�pioc\p∑'Ak' Aer;' At;�pioc\p∑'Ak' Aer;' At;�pioc\p∑'Ak' Aer;' At;�pioc\p∑'�pioc\p∑´wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑´wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑´wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑´wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\�pioc\p∑´wc\m¥a;el.laNiuc\Âkrn\

(eKt\AÂkik\et;qK¥c\;m¥a;)(eKt\AÂkik\et;qK¥c\;m¥a;)(eKt\AÂkik\et;qK¥c\;m¥a;)(eKt\AÂkik\et;qK¥c\;m¥a;)(eKt\AÂkik\et;qK¥c\;m¥a;)(wåqnar˙c\ (dutiytn\;(wåqnar˙c\ (dutiytn\;(wåqnar˙c\ (dutiytn\;(wåqnar˙c\ (dutiytn\;(wåqnar˙c\ (dutiytn\;ASc\.) (Am¥io;qa;)ASc\.) (Am¥io;qa;)ASc\.) (Am¥io;qa;)ASc\.) (Am¥io;qa;)ASc\.) (Am¥io;qa;)

5:30 pm 8. Sing and enjoy6:00 pm 9. Evening news6:30 pm10. Weather report6:40 pm11. lnt\Ns\lts\rs\slnt\Ns\lts\rs\slnt\Ns\lts\rs\slnt\Ns\lts\rs\slnt\Ns\lts\rs\s

erWnt\etac\Sraeta\erWnt\etac\Sraeta\erWnt\etac\Sraeta\erWnt\etac\Sraeta\erWnt\etac\Sraeta\6:50 pm12. Musical programme7:05 pm13. lp∑t†a�mio.ny\' sl¨¨Sip\lp∑t†a�mio.ny\' sl¨¨Sip\lp∑t†a�mio.ny\' sl¨¨Sip\lp∑t†a�mio.ny\' sl¨¨Sip\lp∑t†a�mio.ny\' sl¨¨Sip\

ek¥;r ∑a ' m i u ;spå;AT¨ ¨ ;ek¥;r ∑a ' m i u ;spå;AT¨ ¨ ;ek¥;r ∑a ' m i u ;spå;AT¨ ¨ ;ek¥;r ∑a ' m i u ;spå;AT¨ ¨ ;ek¥;r ∑a ' m i u ;spå;AT¨ ¨ ;T∑n\yk\siuk\p¥io;er;T∑n\yk\siuk\p¥io;er;T∑n\yk\siuk\p¥io;er;T∑n\yk\siuk\p¥io;er;T∑n\yk\siuk\p¥io;er;

7:15 pm14.N i u c \ c M � K a ; z at \lm \ ;t ∑ ´N i u c \ c M � K a ; z at \lm \ ;t ∑ ´N i u c \ c M � K a ; z at \lm \ ;t ∑ ´N i u c \ c M � K a ; z at \lm \ ;t ∑ ´N i u c \ c M � K a ; z at \lm \ ;t ∑ ´


8:00 pm15. News16. International news17. Weather report18. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´


At least six died as floods affecthalf of Thailnd

Bomb found outside Philippineelementary school

BANGKOK, 20 Sept —Floods which have sweptthrough many provincesacross Thailand haveclaimed at least sixpeople’s lives by Friday,said Anucha Mokkhavesa,Director-General of thecountry’s DisasterPrevention and MitigationDepartment on Friday.

In northeasternprovince Mae Hong Son,sudden torrent of watersspilled from a creek in MaeSariang District, sweepingaway a couple who wereriding on a motorcycle,Thai News Agency said.

While in Wangkrotmunicipality, PhichitProvince, a 72-year-oldwoman died when she washit by a flash flood fromPhetchabun hill when shetried to move herbelongings under herhome.

According to localreports, four deaths innortheastern provinceNong Bua Lamphu andtwo others were dead inthe North.

The floods havecaused damages worth686 million baht (20million US dollars) in 36

provinces, caretakerAgriculture MinisterSomsak Prissananan-thakul said on Friday.

He said floodsaffected 13 northernprovinces, 12 north-eastern provinces, fourcentral provinces, sixeastern provinces and asouthern province.

A total of 724,931 rai(115,989 hectares) offarm land were inundatedand a 2.7 million of farmanimals were affected,said the caretakerminister.


MANILA, 20 Sept—Philippine security forceshave defused animprovised bomb plantedoutside an elementaryschool inthe southerninsurgency-rife provinceof North Cotabato, amilitary spokesman saidon Friday.

Lieutenant-ColonelErnesto Torres, Jr,spokesman of the ArmedForces of the Philippines,told a Press briefing that

the improvised explosive

device was found by

police in a sack near

thegate of Northwest

Elementary School in

Carmen Town at around

9:30 pm on Thursday.

Police immediately

alerted the Army’s

explosives experts, who

defused the bomb hours


Turkey, Russiaagree on solution

to trade rowISTANBUL, 20 Sept—

Turkey and Russia haveagreed to resolve a traderow that Ankara says hascost its exporters morethan one billion US dollarsin lost revenue, state-runAnatolian quoted a seniorTurkish official as sayingon Friday.

Turkish exportersbegan suffering delayslate last month at Russianborder crossings afterAnkara allowed two USships to pass through theIstanbul Bosphorus Straitto provide aid to Georgiaafter Moscow’s militaryaction there.


Singapore advises recall ofChina-made yoghurt barsSINGAPORE, 20 Sept — Singapore advised retailers

on Friday to remove a brand of China-made yoghurtbars from shelves after a Hong Kong food safety panelfound low levels of melamine contamination.

In China, 6,244 children have become ill, with fourdead and 158 suffering “acute kidney failure” afterconsuming milk powder tainted with melamine, abanned chemical used in making plastics.

Singapore’s Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority(AVA) asked importers and retailers not to sell “Yilibrand Natural Choice Yogurt Flavoured Ice Bar withReal Fruit” and advised consumers who bought theproduct not to eat it.

“AVA is conducting tests on other imported milkand dairy products from China for melaminecontamination,” the food safety watchdog said in astatement. —MNA/Reuters

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:47 AM15

7th Waning of Tawthalin 1370 ME Sunday, 21 September, 2008

* At the age of eighteen I am,Having cast vote at referendum,I love my motherland, Myanmar,With renewed confidence and vigour.

* Things changing for better,Thus needed to discard outdated matters,The results of long long ago,Have been left behind since yore.

* A prosperous future to chart,A new nation to be built up,The people, the Tatmadaw in concert,Work hard to achieve fruitful results.

Min Chan Myae (Myanaung) (Trs)

Thought of a Young Man

IT enthusiast youth keenly competing in the computer game.

Fox ConnCup 2008:


2008 atMyanmarInfo-Tech



(Byline on Page 10)

YANGON, 20 Sept —The opening ceremony ofthe 24th Defence ServicesCommander-in-Chief’sTrophy U-21 Tatmadaw(Army, Navy and Air)Football Tournament 2008was held at Youth Train-ing Centre (Thuwunna),here this evening.

On behalf of theCommander-in-Chief ofDefence Services, Adju-tant-General Maj-GenThura Myint Aung at-tended and addressed it,saying that the tournamenthas been held since 1985.Improvement of sportstandard can uplift theprestige of the nation andsport victory can reflectthe uplift of dynamism ofpatriotic spirit of the citi-zens. In the past, Myanmarfootball team including theTatmadawmen had glori-ous victories in ASEANand Asian football tour-naments many times. Atpresent, the national foot-ball team has achievedsuccess in the regionaltournaments. Therefore,the Tatmadawmen are tomake efforts to be selectedin the national team. Sport-

24th Defence Services Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy U-21 Tatmadaw(Army, Navy and Air) FootballTournament 2008 commences

ing spirit and good disci-pline play a key role inachieving success in thesports and in turning outthe qualified athletes. TheTatmadawmen are tostrive for improvement ofsport standard as a nationalduty and for becoming se-lected national players, heurged.

In the openingmatch, South-West Com-

mand team beat North-West Command team 4-2.

Also present on theoccasion were Com-mander of Yangon Com-mand Brig-Gen WinMyint, military attaches offoreign missions, the offi-cials of the Ministry ofSports, servicemen andfamily members, socialassociation members andfootball fans.—MNA

YANGON, 20 Sept —Lt-Gen Myint Swe of theMinistry of Defence pre-

Cash and provisions to 66 monasteries in Lanmadaw Townshipsented alms and cash to 66monasteries in ThayatawMonastery precinct in

Lanmadaw Township do-nated by families ofTatmadaw (Army, Navy

and Air) and wellwishersat Pariyatti Ale Tawyamonastery in the townshipthis afternoon.

Today’s donationtotaled 114 bags of rice,110 viss of edible oil, 728viss of iodized salt, 138tubes of toothpaste, 2744

bottles of traditional medi-cine, 176 viss of gram, 81bottles of medicines, 432tubes of Laser brand tooth-paste, 500 packets ofBokesonma brand chillypowder and 320 packetsof Godzilla mosquito coiland K 9,342,800.—MNA

The Shenzhou-7 manned spaceship, the Long-March II-F rocket and the escape tower are

vertically transferred to the launch pad at theJiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestChina’s Gansu Province, 20 Sept, 2008. The

transfer finished at 3:15 pm on Saturday, marking the final stage of the launching


Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thura Myint Aung addresses the opening ceremony of U-21 Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air)Football Tournament 2008.—MNA

21-9-08 (FINAL) NL 8/1/18, 5:47 AM16

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