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Post on 17-Jul-2020






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P6 Numeracy: 11 th – 15 th May (Week 6) At the start of every session complete the Corbett Maths 5 a day questions.

Monday – Wednesday:

Monday: Multiplying and Dividing decimals by 10 and 100

*This is recap work from earlier in the year. All sums can be set out horizontally (Can be set out as a step sum if you want).DO NOT use a calculator even though the sheet says to .

*Remember the decimal point is fixed and does not move

X10 all numbers move one place value to the left

X100 all numbers move two place value to the left

÷10 all numbers move one place value to the right

÷100 all numbers move two place values to the right

Tuesday: Multiplication of hundredths

*Multiplying a decimal number by a whole number is the same method as whole number multiplication just remember to place the decimal point into your answer line. This can be done at the start. Carried numbers move across the decimal point to the next column.

Wednesday: Division of hundredths

*Dividing a decimal by a whole number is the same method as whole number division. Just remember to place the decimal point onto the answer line before you start. Carried numbers move across the decimal point to the next column. ing-decimals-by-whole- numbers/

Thursday – Friday:

Thursday: Conversion of millilitres and litres

*1000ml in a L

*To change millilitres to litres you ÷1000

*To change Litres to millilitres you x1000

(Ignore centilitres. We do not need to know this at the moment)

Friday: Capacity Problems

*Highlight the important information in the word problem and think carefully about what is happening.

*During the week also:

1) Practise your multiplication and division tables

2) Complete one of the 30/36 Mental Maths question sheets

3) Completed the timed Mental Maths question sheet.

*These were sent home before school closed.

Monday 11th May (Page 1 of 2)

Monday 11th May (Page 2 of 2)

Tuesday 12th May

Wednesday 13th May

Thursday 14th May

Friday 15th May

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