primary source set colonial america … ·...

Post on 23-Apr-2018






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European exploration and colonization of America precipitated changes in the new as well as the old world. Old world powers, realizing what the dis-covery of new land could mean in terms of their power and influence, rushed to claim as much land as they could. Colonists who occupied this land ranged from conquistadores to Quakers, people of fame and fortune to people looking for their fame and fortune. The new world to many people was a new start and a place where they could make their mark.

For others the discovery of the new world was not so optimistic. The Atlantic Slave Trade boomed as colonies in America increasingly relied on forced labor to meet the demand that indentured labor could not fill. Native Americans faced deadly dis-ease and encroachment as a result of European arrival in America. Outlier religious groups faced discrimination from more mainstream institutions. Their hardships and perseverance play a large role in the history of Colonial America.

SUGGESTED LINKS Colonial America (1492-1763) Exploring the Early Americas Colonial Settlement, 1600-1763

Thanksgiving Primary Source Set Colonial America: TPS Newsletter

American Indians Primary Source Set (TPS) ALSO SEE: Colonial Williamsburg

Tennessee 4 Me Teach Tennessee History : Exploration and

Colonization Native American Dolls– Lesson Plan


Teaching with Primary Sources — MTSU



The pilgrims signing the compact, on board the May Flower, Nov. 11th, 1620 / painted by T.H. Matteson ; engraved by Gauthier. [1859]


Enclosed in this primary source set are a wealth of great Colonial America sources taken from the Library of Congress Web site. Included in this collection is the first recorded map of the Ameri-cas in 1550, a Quaker book of discipline, a treaty with Native American signatures from 1713, and a 1746 image of a slave factory in Nigeria. The sources in this primary source set are great exercises in determining author’s purpose as well as comparing and contrasting. For authors pur-pose, have the students examine a source like the above picture or the image of Mary Dyer on page 5. Have them think about why the author depicts the characters in the images like they are and what the author hopes to accomplish. For more exam-ples of author purpose, see our August 2016 newsletter. For compare and contrast, have the students examine the various maps on page 2 and compare them with modern maps of the same area. Use our Teacher’s Guide: Analyzing Maps to assist you. As an extension, have the students recreate a map of the community they live in and see how their map compares with the real thing.

Old Church at Jamestown, Virginia. [c. 1902]

Pocahontas [c. 1900-1912] (For more on Pocahontas, see this website)

The generall historie of Virginia, New Eng-land & the Summer Isles : together with

The true travels, adventures and observa-tions, and A sea grammar / [1907]

Thomas Mathew, 1705, The Begin-

ning, Progress and Conclusion of Bacon's Rebellion

in Virginia. . . . [1705]

Plan du terrein à la rive gauche de la rivière de James vis-à-vis Jamestown en Virginie ou s'est livré le combat du 6 juillet 1781 entre l'armée américaine commandée par le Mis. de La Fayette el l'armée angloise aux ordres du

Lord Cornwallis. [1781]

A declaration of the General Court of the

Massachusets holden at Boston, in New-

England, October 18, 1659. Concerning

the execution of two Quakers ... [1659]

A Quaker Book of Discipline [1763]

Mary Dyer led to execution on Boston Common, 1 June 1660. [n.d]

New-England’s Spirit of Persecution Trans-mitted to Pennsilvania and Pretended Quaker Found Persecuting the

True Christian-Quaker. [1693]

All Slave Keepers that Keep the Inno-cent in Bond-age . . . . [1737]

John Eliot preaching to the Indi-ans [1856]

The Holy Bible: Containing the Old Testament

and the New. Translated into the Indian Lan-guage. [1663]

The history of Virginia, in four parts. [1722]

Treaty be-tween Wil-liam Penn and the Indians [n.d]

Indian treaty signed at Portsmouth, New Hamp-shire, 13 July 1713, and addendum signed at same location, 28 July 1714. [ 1713-1714]

Atlas maritimus or, the sea-atlas [ ca. 1700?]

Verbindnis eines Lehrjungen (indentured serv-ant form) [1776]

Sales contract between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for an indentured servant's remaining

term, 19 April 1809. [1809]

[Slave factories, or compounds, maintained by traders from four European nations on the Gulf of Guinea in what is now Nigeria] / N. Parr, sculp. [1746]

Stowage of the British slave ship Brookes under the regulated slave trade act of

1788 [ ca. 1788?] (For more on the Atlan-tic Slave Trade, see this website)

CITATIONS Teachers: Providing these primary source replicas without source clues may enhance the inquiry experience for students. This list of citations is supplied for reference purposes to you and your students. We have followed the Chicago Manual of Style format, one of the formats recommended by the Library of Congress, for each entry below, minus the access date. The access date for each of these entries is 5/6/15. Matteson, Tompkins H, artist. “The pilgrims signing the compact, on board the May Flower, Nov. 11th, 1620 / painted by T.H. Matteson ; engraved by Gautheir.” Photograph. New York: W. Schaus, c1859. From Library of Congress, Popular Graphic Arts. Homann, Johann B. Virginia, Marylandia, et Carolina in American septentrionali Britannorum. Map. Norimbergæ: 1759. From Library of Congress. General Maps. Moll, Herman. This map of North America. Map. [S.I.]: 1715. From Library of Congress, Mapping the National Parks. Hawks, Francis L. A relation of Maryland : reprinted from the London edition of 1635. Book. New York: J. Sabin, 1865. From Library of Congress, Capital and the Bay: Narratives of Washington and the Chesapeake Bay Region. Churchman, John. This map of the peninsula between Delaware & Chesopeak Bays, with the said bays and shores adjacent drawn from the most accurate surveys. Map. Philadelphia: 1778. From Library of Congress, Rochambeau Map Collection. Münster, Sebastian. Die neuwen Inseln, so hinder Hispanien gegen Orient bey dem land India ligen. Map. Basel: Sebastian Münster, c.1550. From Library of Congress, General Maps. Detroit Photographic Co. “Old Church at Jamestown, Virginia.” Photograph. c 1902. From Library of Congress, Photochrom Prints. Smith, John. The generall historie of Virginia, New England & the Summer Isles : together with The true travels, adventures and observations, and A sea grammar. Book. New York: Macmillan, 1907. From Library of Congress, Capital and the Bay: Narratives of Washington and the Chesapeake Bay Region, 1600-1925. Thomas Mathew, 1705, The Beginning, Progress and Conclusion of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia…. Manuscript. 1705. From Library of Congress, The Thomas Jefferson Papers at the Library of Congress: Series 8: Virginia Records Manuscripts. 1606 to 1737. Desandroüins, Jean N. Plan du terrein à la rive gauche de la rivière de James vis-à-vis Jamestown en Virginie. Map. 1781. From Library of Congress, Rochambeau Map Collection. Brook, Richard N, artist. “Pocahontas.” Photograph. c1900-1912. From Library of Congress, Detroit Publishing Com-pany. Pocahontas. Website. From the Library of Congress, America’s Story from America’s Library. Highsmith, Carol M. “Plymouth Rock, Plymouth, Massachusetts.” Photograph. 1980-2006. From Library of Con-gress, Highsmith (carol M.) Archive.

The vvhole booke of Psalmes faithfully translated into English metre. Book. Cambridge: S. Daye, 1640. From Library of Congress, Rare Book/Special Collections Division. Des Barres, Joseph F. W. Chart of Plymouth Bay. Map. London: 177-. From Library of Congress, American Revolution and its Era: Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies, 1750-1789. The Book of the General Laws of the Inhabitants of the Jurisdiction of New-Plimouth. Book. Boston: Samuel Green, 1685, From Library of Congress, Library of Congress Law Library. Williams, W.L., artist. “Plymouth in 1622 / W.L. Williams.” Photograph. Plymouth: A.S. Burbank, c1901. From Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. “Mary Dyer led to execution on Boston Common, 1 June 1660.” Photograph. 19th Century. The Granger Collection. Massachusetts Colony General Court. A declaration of the General Court of the Massachusetts holden at Boston, in New Eng-land, October 18, 1659. Book. 1659. From Library of Congress, American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and other Printed Ephemera. Lay, Benjamin. All Slave Keepers that Keep the Innocent in Bondage . . . .. Book. Philadelphia: 1737.From Library of Congress, Rare and Special Collections Division. A Collection of Christian & Brotherly Advices Given forth from time to time By the Yearly-Meetings of Friends For Pennsylvania & New-Jersey. Book. c1763. From Library of Congress, Manuscript Division. Beverly, Robert. The history of Virginia, in four parts. Book. London: B. and S. Tooke, 1722. From Library of Con-gress, Capital and the Bay: Narratives of Washington and the Chesapeake Bay Region, 1600 to 1925. Indian treaty signed at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 13 July 1713, and addendum signed at same location, 28 July 1714. Manuscript. From Library of Congress, Manuscript Division. “Treaty between William Penn and the Indians.” Photograph. From Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Divi-sion. “John Eliot preaching to the Indians.” Photograph. 1856. From the Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Divi-sion. Eliot, John. The Holy Bible: Containing the Old Testament and the New. Translated into the Indian Language. Book. Cam-bridge: Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1663. From Library of Congress, Rare Books and Special Collections Division. Sales contract between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison for an indentured servant's remaining term, 19 April 1809. Manu-script. From Library of Congress, Manuscript Division. “Stowage of the British slave ship Brooks under the regulated slave trade act of 1788.” Photograph. 1788.From Li-brary of Congress, American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera. https://

“Verbindnis eines Lehrjungen.” Photograph. 1776. From Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Thornton, John. Atlas maritimus or, the sea-atlas. Map. London: John Thornton, 1700. From Library of Congress, General Maps. Parr. Nathaniel, engraver. “[Slave factories, or compounds, maintained by traders from four European nations on the Gulf of Guinea in what is now Nigeria] / N. Parr, sculp.” Photograph. 1746. From Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

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