presented by sophia palahicky, mde june 1, 2012. the invention of the syllabus

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Presented by Sophia Palahicky, MDE June 1, 2012 The Invention of the Syllabus Instructor Content Expert/Specialist Department Head Institution Students Perspective Perspective? To help me form a framework for course development. Perspective? To help me understand what is expected of me. Perspective? To help me ensure I have aligned my course objectives with my learning activities and assessments. Perspective? To help me chart out my study schedule. Perspective? To help me get my credits transferred to another program. Perspective? I know what I want you to do. I know what you want me to do. Perspective A course syllabus is a requirement A course syllabus has requirements Basic Course Information Course goals and/or objectives Teaching and learning methods Calendar and/or schedule Course requirements Course policies Course resources Perspective? Blended Identify the perspective that is presented in the following slides. Perspective Benefits of a Syllabus A Syllabus is a Contract - Though not in the legal sense, it allows you to spell out course expectations and assignments early in the semester. As a written document, a syllabus presents fewer ambiguities than a spoken presentation would (and you can refer students who missed early classes to the syllabus).Who does you refer to? Spoken presentation leads to what assumption? Central Reference for Students - Students like to refer to a central document containing detailed assignments, readings and schedules throughout a semester in order to keep themselves on track.What can you assume from the phrase in order to keep themselves on track? Effective Planning Document - A detailed syllabus stating course goals and methods can help instructors better plan the most effective presentation of course content. A poorly- written syllabus can affect student attitude, performance, civility, and may cause legal complications. Repository for Other Instructors - A strong syllabus can be used by other instructors to plan similar courses they may be teaching. Be specific - Specify specific details about upcoming assignments, readings, grading policies, attendance, course goals and other information and expectations. This can include due dates, page length, samples and more. In some cases, it may be more sensible to provide some details later, but even specifying that details are coming in the syllabus can ease student anxieties. Maintain a Friendly Tone - A syllabus should not frighten a student with excessive warnings or threats. A syllabus which clearly lays out policy but maintains a friendly tone will make students more comfortable from the beginning.. Review the syllabus on the first day of class - During your first class, you should discuss the syllabus. Even though your policies are carefully stated, they will often need clarification, and students appreciate your openness in discussing the rationale behind them. In some cases their questions may lead to a beneficial exchange about course goals and philosophies. Individual Activity (5 minutes) Review Syllabus A or B Use the checklist to determine if Syllabus A or B contains all requirements (applicable for the course) Small Group Activity (5 minutes) Discuss this question: How would you rank this syllabus? (excellent, very good, good, weak) Your Comments Large Group Sharing (5 minutes) Two Volunteers to share with the entire group Individual Activity (5 minutes) Review Syllabus C (template) Make a list of the many perspectives that you can identify while reading the template. For example, why is the information included and who does it affect? Large Group Activity (5 minutes) Two volunteers to share with the entire group abus_checklist.pdfabus_checklist.pdf fa07/documents/le_fa07_DeathSyllabus.pdf fa07/documents/le_fa07_DeathSyllabus.pdf s415_Syllabus.pdfs415_Syllabus.pdf

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