presentation/meeting title presented by name, organization date & location

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Presentation/Meeting TitlePresented by Name, Organization

Date & Location

What is the global picture?

• More than half a million women die during pregnancy and childbirth each year.

• More than 10 million children die each year before their fifth birthday, almost 40% in the first month of life.

• At least two-thirds of these deaths could be prevented.

What is The Partnership?

• New global health partnership

• With a focus on mothers and children

• Merger of 3 existing partnerships

• Launched in September 2005

• To support efforts toward achieving MDGs 4 and 5

"This is a major effort, and no one agency can do it alone. Commitment and partnership are essential.”

Ms. Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director of UNFPA

Who is The Partnership?

• Partner countries

• International organizations

• Non-governmental organizations

• Professional organizations

• Academic & research institutions

• Bilateral donors"We affirm our commitment and renew our resolve to work together for this noble cause of our sisters' and our children's life." Smt. Sonia Gandhi, Honourable Chairperson National Advisory Council

What does The Partnership do?

The Partnership aims to intensify and harmonize national, regional, global action to improve MNCH by focusing on:

•Country Support


•Effective Interventions

•Accountability "To accelerate progress, we need to integrate our efforts at the global, national and community level."

Ann M. Veneman, Executive Director, UNICEF

What does The Partnership do?

Country Support• Establish links with all major stakeholders.• Identify key activities and agree specific inputs.• Support country coordination mechanisms.• Establish links with other relevant programmes. • Facilitate the integration of MNCH into national

context.• Address human resources challenges.

What does The Partnership do?

Advocacy• Develop and promote MNCH messages.• Create tools that make the case for MNCH.• Lobby for increased resources for MNCH. • Organize high-visibility debates on MNCH.• Generate media coverage for MNCH.• Increase uptake of MNCH by civil society.

What does The Partnership do?

Effective Interventions• Draw together current knowledge on interventions.• Build consensus on proven, effective interventions. • Develop a minimum package of interventions.• Identify appropriate delivery approaches.• Identify priorities for operational research. • Support the development and promotion of key


What does The Partnership do?

Accountability• Develop a monitoring and evaluation framework.• Develop indicators/means of verification for every

milestone.• Monitor stakeholders’ delivery on commitments.• Support the development and agreement of core

indicators for MNCH.• Support the improvement of models to track MNC

mortality. • Link data on Partnership’s progress to future planning.

What does The Partnership offer?

• Greater visibility of MNCH

• Better coordination under country leadership

• Increased commitment to primary health care

• Reduced competition & duplication

• More efficient use of resources

• Shared & agreed goals "By working with countries to increase access to existing health care solutions, this Partnership has the potential to transform millions of lives." Dr. LEE Jong-wook, Director-General, WHO

How does The Partnership work?

What is the history of it?

• 1987: Safe Motherhood Initiative (SMI) and Safe Motherhood Inter-Agency Group (IAG)

• 2000: Healthy Newborn Partnership is formed• 2003: SMI and IAG form the Partnership for Safe

Motherhood & Newborn Health• 2004: Child Survival Partnership is formed• 2005: The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn &

Child Health

What are the guiding principles?

• Country-led

• Inclusive

• Comprehensive

• Flexible

• Collaborative

• Results-oriented"It is clear that the MDGs simply cannot be achieved unless the different stakeholders join together at global &, even more importantly, at country level." Dr. Mushtaque Chowdhury, Deputy Executive Director, BRAC

A country example: Cambodia

• In Cambodia, a high-level meeting held to increase political & institutional commitment to child survival.

• Consensus achieved among government/partners on set of interventions to be scaled up & monitored.

• Core partners re-aligned their programmatic & investment approaches to support delivery.

• Agreement on one national strategy, one national coordinating mechanism, & one monitoring/ evaluation framework for all partners

A country example: Tanzania

• January 2005: Ministry of Health renews resolve to reduce child mortality in Tanzania.

• April 2005: Minister of Health - Honourable Min. Anna Abdallah, MP signs the Delhi Declaration on Maternal, Newborn & Child Health.

• May 2005: Tanzania Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, & Child Survival is created.

• June 2005: Tanzania Partnership establishes its objectives & structure.

website: www.pmnch.orgemail:

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