presentation task1

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Be able to communicate about media production

in discussions Task 1:Josh Eggerton

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is a form of communication where we use either speech, sounds or words.

We use this form of communication in every day life. Conversations, interviews, going to the shop or even coughing! There are many sounds we make to communicate.

Non Verbal Communication

We use non verbal actions sometimes to help understanding of verbal communication.

Using sign language with a blind individual is an advanced method of communication.

We make gestures everyday to show directions by pointing which way to go. It helps us visualise what somebody is thinking.

Newspaper Challenge

Verbal - This task was very difficult to proceed with because there was very limited conversing. Our group don’t associate with each other outside or inside class which made it more difficult to break the ice. Convocation was easier than not talking at all because you can be specific and direct and also elaborate on what you are trying to say. In this 5 minutes we found the shape of our tower and planned stability.

Newspaper challenge

Non – verbal – This was very hard to achieve due to lack of contact. Eye contact was maintained while somebody was trying to say something. We had to be more physical and concentrate on the actions given. This was a very weak area for my group. I know which method should have been easier but nobody could get their point across clear enough.

How did it turn out?

Awful. Just awful. Simply awful. Our group just could not communicate verbally and non-verbally. The physical side of the challenge was a nightmare. We have to know each other and understand each other before working as a team. Not helpful for later life but these things take time to get comfortable with. Our project stood 1 foot tall. Our method was the fallen-over-flat-kicked-over-tripod-of-newspaper. Not to be taken lightly. Humours.

Good Group Communication Skills

Clarity. A spokesperson must show understanding by being positive and using clear sentences.

Words can be said in differently in various tones.

Have the discussion in a clear and calm atmosphere.

Make sure everyone has shared their opinion.

Consequences of poor communication skills

False information shared. Which would be a waste of time.

Great ideas won’t we shared.

People might see laziness and the group may deteriorate.

It will send out the wrong impression of a person.

Discussion Guide:


If a place is too formal the conversation may not be taken seriously.

Also the environment must be quiet and calm.

Supporting Resources

By having resources at hand, physical presentations can be more understandable.

Discussion Ground Rules Resources:


Make sure that the point which is getting across is clear and shows understanding.

People may go off on a tangent and get sidetracked.


All points must be covered in a time which has been decided upon earlier.

Discussion Ground Rules:

1. Speak clearly.

2. Speak in a positive tone.

3. Agree on the length of the discussion.

4. Make sure everyone gets to express their opinion.

5. Have the discussion in an informal environment which is closed from the public.

6. Make sure everyone has full understanding before the end of the discussion.

7. Turn mobile phones off to minimize interruptions.

8. No eating or drinking.

9. Only one person speaks at a time.

10. Use resources to enhance understanding.

Interacting with others: The Soler theory

This theory was created by a man called Egan. His theory showed that there are micro-skills that we use as non verbal communication. It shows how a person can be naturally welcomed into a convocation when working together.

S – Face squarely. By doing this it shows that you are open to converse.

O – Maintain an open posture, never feel isolated.

L – By leaning forwards it shows interest in a convocation.

A – Maintain a strong eye contact to show that you are focused.

R – RELAX! Stay calm and don’t act nervous. It can will show you are good under pressure.

Social Media Group Debate

1. You must decide upon an opening statement. This should state your opinion, position and the arguments you will be proposing.

E.g. Censorship is wrong because everyone has the right to free speech.

Opening statement: Bullying. A powerful word that follows a powerful meaning. This should not be treated lightly which may spark your attention as I will vaguely describe why it all needs to come to a bold end.

Questioning Your Opponent

2. You should have at least 10 questions that can be asked of your opponent. These should be on separate sheets of paper or on note cards for easy reference. The questions should be specifically directed to your opponent and should be concise and clear.   1. How easy is it to make the security strong in hope to stop bullying? 2. In which way does Facebook protect those in trouble? 3. How would cyber–bullying be treated in the future? 4. Throughout the deaths associated with Facebook. What measures have been taken to stop them? 5. In which way do Facebook show care of the users? 6. How does Facebook respond to the increase of bullying in it’s existence? 7. What measures does Facebook take to ensure safety across the world? 8. Where are the rules and guidelines for Facebook users? 9. How does Facebook 10.        

Answering Debate Questions

3. You should have answers prepared which will be used to respond to your opponent’s questions. Imagine that you are from the other team and determine what questions may be asked of your team.           


4. You should have a final conclusive argument/statement drawn up which will be proposed at the end of your debate.

When you have determined who will be responsible for each portion of your team's debate, it is up to you to prepare yourself for the challenge that lies ahead. Only one team will win this debate. The winning team will: Have a solid background regarding all material. Have plenty of evidence to back up claims. Be creative/psyche out opponents. Outclass opponents/never give an answer of "uh...."

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