presentation on shirk

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Haj. Amina Y.S.Adamu

Shirk in Arabic means to associate something with another.

In Islam it means to associate with Allah another object in worship.

That is to worship another object or person or anything.

In Islam regards Shirk as an unforgivable sin.

Allah can only forgive a Mushrik (a person who associate another object with Allah)

If he gives up shirk and repented to Him.

In Islam , a muslim is taught to believe that Allah is One.

There is no any other god beside Him. Therefore no One or any object

deserves to be worshipped.

It is Shirk to worship human beings, animals or objects.

A good Muslim does not worship any human being no matter his position.

He does not worship animals or Objects.

Buddhist Temple in IndiaThis statue of Buddha towers above a Buddhist temple in Buddha Gaya, India.

This Buddha figure was carved in northern India many centuries ago..

A creature, therefore does not take the position of Allah.Allah as our creator wants to depend on Him alone for all our needs.We should not depend upon someone for our needs. When we want to ask for something , we should pray to Him.

Allah is all-powerful. He does not share his power with anybody or anything.

Nobody and no object can harm you except with the will of Allah.

Likewise, nobody and no object can benefit you except with the will of Allah

Thank You

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