presentation on psychographics for the university of illinois

Post on 19-Jan-2017






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Psychographics Are Just as Important for Marketers as Demographics

WELCOME TO THE DIGITAL MARKETING BOOK CLUB MEETUP #01: PSYCHOGRAPHICS!Initiative by The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

A Summary presented by Zainab Ahmad

Hello and Welcome to the very first meetup of the digital marketing book club! Were talking about Psychographics today! The club is of course organized by the University of Illinois.1

Psychographics Are Just as Important for Marketers as DemographicsArticle for Discussion. By Alexandra Samuel, from the Harvard Business Review

As you know, today well discuss the article: Psychographics are just as important for marketers as demographics. This piece was written by Alexandra Samuel and published on the Harvard business review.2

Your Presenter: Zainab Ahmad

Hubspot Certified Content MarketerCopywriterDigital Marketing Strategist Certified NLP practitionerXeniaWordArt.comLoves kefir, kettlebells and reading

My name is Zainab Ahmad; Im an inbound certified digital marketing strategist and copywriter working as Xenia WordArt. Ive also earned various marketing certifications and am licensed in NLP.3

Format and Agenda

We have 30 minutesI will summarize the article for usDefinition of psychographicsAnswers to some questions posted in the groupWell pass the mic around to discuss Please click on to enable chatType a number in the chat box for your turnWell summarize and concludeLets start!

Welcome, and thank you for joining us!

Very glad you could join us. Nice to see you, Elizabeth Badrov and Rehab Samy! Im good, hope you are both great, too.Now, for the structure of this meeting: we have 30 minutes. So Ill quickly summarize the article, discuss the definition of psychographics and answer some of the questions that have been posted in the group.After that, the floor is yours. Type a number from 1, sequentially in the chat, and well pass the mic around in that order.Can you hear me clearly? If everything is fine, then lets start!4

Demographics vs. PsychographicsMarketers are used to thinking and speaking indemographics: Slicing a market up by: age, gender, ethnicity, income, location, employment statusand other broad variables can help to understand the differences and commonalities among customers.

Butpsychographics, which measure customers:

attitudes, needs, values, activities, personalities, interests, lifestyles etc

rather than objective demographic criteria, can provide deep insight that complements what we learn from demographics.+

Lets start off with a quote from the article, distinguishing between demographics and psychographics:5

Demographics vs. Psychographics


Visually, we can see that the target market or population can be sliced up or classified according to different criteria. Demographics include basic objective data such as age, income and location.Psychographics being more subjective deal with needs, wants, attitudes and values.6

The Internet and Psychographic ProfilingThe internet has made psychographics more important to marketers in 3 key ways:321

The author then discusses role widespread internet access has played in making psychographics significant for us: The internet has changed the relative importance of demographics and psychographics to marketers in three key ways: by making psychographics more actionable, by making psychographic differences more important, and by making psychographic insight easier to access.7

The Rise of the Internet:How significant is the internet for marketing?Lets find out:

Is the author right? Lets have a quick look a the impact of the internet on consumer lifestyles:8

Case Study: The Family Tech Market


To illustrate, she shares her research into technology devices marketed to families. What patterns do we see in their buying habits?-Marketers have traditionally defined this market by demographic characteristics such as the parents income, education level, location and the ages of their children.-However, based on the parents views on technology, the author identifies three distinct psychographic segments within this market: enables, mentors and limiters.9

The Reasons Parents buy Technology

Images copyright Alexandra Samuel and Noise to Signal

The crucial point the article makes is that *reasons* parents buy tech gadgets for their families determines their purchasing choices. This underlines the importance of understanding the why, or psychographic data, as opposed to just the basic demographic facts.10

Values, not Demographics Drive Purchase

Images copyright Alexandra Samuel and Noise to Signal

To illustrate the values and behaviors of parents in this example, lets take a closer look at these three psychographic market segments:Enablers value their children having a good time, and give the children free access to technology gadgets so they can have fun.Limiters place greater value on learning, and limit their childrens screen time for anything else.Mentors balance learning and fun for their children.11

Psychographic Segmentation and Targetingexecution1Social media is an integral part of the consumer lifestyleInternet marketing tools abound give us rich user data for psychographic profiling (as we learnt from Kevin Hartman, in our web analytics course)Smarter keyword targeting

Lets take a closer look at the three ways the internet has made psychographics data important to us as marketers:First, this information is now more actionable:As social media becomes a fact of life for consumers, information about their buying habits and the tools to study this data abound.We can now use our keywords in a smarter way to target just the right market segment.12

Virtual Communities as a Source of Datarelevance


Easier to find like-minded soulsPeople spend more time engaging with others around shared interestsEngagement spans geographic and demographic boundariesOnline tribes help to consolidate psychographic profilesDifferences and conflicts help marketers identify core issues of importance

The second point the author makes is how relevant psychographic data collection has become as people congregate around shared interests online:13

Internet Research Tools Provide Insightroadmap3

Customer SurveysSales and Customer Service StaffFocus Groups and Group InterviewsSocial ListeningSentiment AnalysisWeb AnalyticsVirtual Community EngagementTools include:Google TrendsBoard ReaderNielsens PRIZM

`Finally: a plethora of tools are now available to marketers to enable them to obtain, analyse and gain insight from psychographic information.14

What Do YOU Think??Do you use psychographics in your marketing?What kind of parent are you: enabler, limiter or mentor? Do you agree with Alexandras assessment?What other market segments would benefit from psychographic data analysis?What are your favorite tools?What are your most important sources of psychographic data? Comment below!

Weve summarized the article: what was YOUR take on it? Do comment.15

Answers to Your Questions

1. Manuel: What is more important for Digital Marketing: psychographics or demographics?2. Peter: Why do big companies fail in this present 21st century where Digital Marketing is the gateway to cross borders and increase brand image and growth?3. Muhammad: what factors makes psychographics targeting more specific for digital marketers as compared to demographics?4. Elizabeth: How can I determine the best ROI for my marketing dollars considering there are so many tools to use?

Ill pass the mic to anyone who wants to talk; lets just answer a few questions:Manuel, Muhammad and Peter all asked why psychographics is more important than demographics.As so many people asked about this, well explore this question next.Peter also asked why big companies were failing: Why do big companies fail in the 21st century where Digital Marketing is the gateway to cross borders and increase brand image and growth?Peter: thats a very good question: in terms of our current topic, there are two answers:1. the playing field is now more even, so smaller companies can compete and take market share from bigger companies.2. Bigger companies have many processes and systems in place, which can make it harder for them to respond to rapid changes in the market or individual consumers.Elizabeth, you have made a lot of important points: your main question is How can I determine the best ROI for my marketing dollars considering there are so many tools to use?Lets take this question up, too.16

What is Psychographics Segmentation?

Analysis of consumer lifestyles to create a detailed customer profile or buyer persona. Business Dictionary.comThe study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, especially in market research. WikipediaA

First: lets define psychographics:

In other words, for a given consumer segment, well study their activities, behaviors, interests, hobbies, opinions, attitudes, values, beliefs, lifestyle and habits. These are also termed AIO.The term has been around since the 1960s, as you can see from the Graph. As weve seen earlier, the rise of the internet coincided with the rise of psychographics.17

Demographics or Psychographics?Q



So, the first question was: which intel is most important for us as marketers: Demographics or psychographics data and why? 18

Demographics or Psychographics?ADEMOGRAPHICSPSYCHOGRAPHICSWhoWhyObjective factsSubjective valuesAbout ConsumerExpressed by ConsumerQuantitativeQualitative, fuzzyBasic CharacteristicsDeeper Profile AnalysisPopulation CultureData easier to obtainData elicited from consumer (surveys, listening)30% of Purchases: Rational70% of Purchases: Emotional


Lets study exactly how these two market segmentation approaches view our target market:Demographics looks at who the lead is, whereas psychographics looks at what why they do what they doDemographics are objective facts about the consumer such as age, gender, income level, location, employment and so on. Psychographics, on the other hand, are subjective and expressed by the customer, such as beliefs about the environment or animal rights, attitudes towards conventional schooling and so on.So demographics will be measurable and quantitative, or as Kevin taught us in analyltics, more likely to be structured data. Yet Psychographics data is qualitative and fuzzy. In web analytics terms, this data is probably going to be unstructured. Important to note: unstructured data usually comprises 80% of the data a web analyst works with.Psychographics require digging deeper, and are relatively harder to obtain than demographics.Importantly, most purchases are made for emotional reasons: only 30% of the time do we buy stuff for rational purposes. (Icecreams and ipads, anyone?)


What Does that Look Like in Real Life?


So what does this actually mean?20

Demographics and Psychographics Data


Which answers the question: which is more important for marketers? Demographics or psychographics? The answer is Both.21

Psychographics and Market Researchexisting customers as influencers and evangelistsactivities, interests and opinions (AIO)usage rate, loyaltyindustry, seniority, functional areabasic population and geographic statistics Market research and segmentation approaches complement each other to create a complete buyer persona or customer profileSEGMENTATION MODELS

Market research and segmentation approaches complement each other to create a complete buyer persona or customer profile

We had the traditional approach of identifying our prospects based on geodemographicsBased on occupation One could further classify prospects according to their industry, seniority and role using firmographicsTo quantify brand loyalty we could use behavioristic data to measure the usage of our products and customer loyaltyAs weve learnt, we can approach our market in terms of their activities, interests and opinions using psychographicsA relatively recent phenomenon is to create a social graph to identify our most loyal customers and engage with them directly to get feedback as well as to involve them in influencing their peers

There different segmentation models, used to manage this data: these include Minerva, 4Cs, VALS, PRIZM, ACORN and STP.


Heres Another Way to Look at It


Another way of visualizing the relationship between demographics and psychographics.23


in other words

Its all about classifying people for marketing objectives24

ROI: Best Use of My Marketing Dollars?

QMarketing is all about knowing your customers and the best way to respond to them.Thats why marketerslovedata.Psychographics is the greatest thing that ever happened to marketing in general and conversion optimization in particular.Build a deep understanding of your customer, or risk irrelevance.You can only effectively reach your target audience when you understand both their demographics and psychographics. The combination of both sets of data starts to form your buyer persona.MashableJeremy SmithNeil PatelHubspot

Elizabeth had a really good question: what does all this mean for the return on investment in marketing? Lets have a look at what some of the more influential marketers have to say:Neil Patel says BuildJeremy Smith is enthusiastic: PsychographicsHubspot makes it clear: You canAnd Mashable tells marketers: Marketing



ROI: Best Use of My Marketing Dollars?

To market effectively marketers need to know their consumers deeplyBusinesses that succeed are those that know their customers bestBig companies that are not timely and responsive to their buyers are at riskThe most cost effective way to maximize marketing dollars is to make data acquisition an integral part of the business process.Gain insight by using:Customer surveysFeedback from client facing employees (sales and customer service staff)Social media engagement, listening, sentiment analysis and virtual communitiesFocus groups and group interviewsWeb analyticsDigital marketing tools (many of which are inexpensive or free)Extended CRM fields Conclusion

In conclusion:26

Lets Discuss!

the mic is yours

Thank you for listening: now its your turn. If youd like to comment or ask a question, please type in the chat box.27

Thank You For Attending!What are your favorite market research tools for psychographics? Comment below.DIGITAL MARKETING BOOK CLUB MEETUP #01: PSYCHOGRAPHICS!All images created by Xenia WordArt or have a creative commons license unless otherwise creditedPresentation by Zainab Ahmad:

Initiative by The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Thank you for attending.

This wraps up our first digital marketing book club meeting on psychographics, arranged by the University of Illinois and presented by me, Zainab Ahmad.

Been a pleasure talking to you, and look forward to your comments.28

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