presentation on branding

Post on 05-Feb-2015






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Presentation on

BRANDINGShreyas Marathe

MBA-I-BRoll No. 20

Prof. Philip Kotler says…

A name, term, sign symbol ora combination of these, that identifies the maker or seller of the product

AMA says…

• A brand is name, term, sign, symbol Ordesign or a combinationof them, Intended to identify the goods or Services of one seller or group of Sellers & to differentiate them from Those of the competitors.

Brand can convey up to 6 levels of meaning

• Attributes• Benefits• Values• Cultures• Personality• Users

Example:- Mercedes

• Expensive, well built, durableAttributes

• Durable so I wont have to buy another car for several yearsBenefits

• High performance, safety, prestigeValues

• German culture: Organized, efficient, high qualityCulture

• Achievement orientedPersonality

• Executive of the MNCUser

• Branding is the universe of activities you undertake that affects those perceptions in order to effectively build a positive brand perception

Is there any difference between BRAND and BRANDING?

•  A company can have great branding, a great name, slogan, colour scheme, but still not have a great brand.

 • Likewise some companies don’t

have good names, may have ugly colours and horrible slogans, but they have great brands

Product logic(marketing mix) to brand logic (meaning and value)

Brand Symbol = Brand character+ Brand Logo

Brand Looks = Brand Symbol + Brand Name

Brand Association = Link up in memory with brands attributes, benefits and looks

Brand Image = Brand Associations + Brand Personality

Brand Relationship = Brand Image + Brand Attitude



Factors of branding

Purpose & significance

• Brand helps the consumer to identify the maker of the product and allow consumer to assign responsibility for its performance to a particular manufacturer.

• Brand helps consumer in decision making and help them to reduce the risk associated with the purchase of product and service.

• Brand helps organization to organize inventory and maintain accounting record.

• Brands offer organizations legal protection for unique features of the product. The brand name can be promoted through registered trademark and similarly the manufacturing processes can be patented through patents.

• Brand helps organizations by influencing consumer behavior. They also can be bought or sold and are a source of future revenue for organizations.

A good brand will

• Deliver the message clearly

• Confirm your credibility

• Connect you to your target market emotionally • Motivate the buyer • Cement user loyalty

Types of brand names

Brand name





Founders' names

Foreign word


Advantages to manufacturers

• Creation of brand loyal market

• To get more price

• Easy to expand product mix

Advantages to the middlemen/distribution

• Easy to understand the needs and wants of the consumer

• Less risk

• No need for advertising and sales promotion

• Increase in goodwill

Advantages to consumer

• Easy to recognize

• Less fluctuation in price

• Assurance of a good quality product

Disadvantages of branding

• Cost

• Impersonal

• Fixed image

• Timescale

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