presentation nanna mexico

Post on 29-Jul-2015






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Pitch Presentation

By Louis Davis

+Meeting With the Client

Meeting Luis (Nanna Mexico owner)

n  We met Luis on the 23rd January and he talked to us about his ideas for the campaign. The main topic would have to be the fact that he wanted a authentic Mexican poster which would attract near by tourist.


+Meeting With the Client


n  When meeting the client we discussed the possibility of a budget for the poster. Unfortunately we weren't able to obtain a budget for the poster but didn’t need one anyway as the college has the tools and equipment to print the finished project. Having no budget meant we couldn't’ expand the advertisement by other means such as Radio or TV.

Social Network

n  @nannamexico


+Meeting With the Client

Scheme and Colour

n  The colour of the poster has to reflect the website. They preferably want blue as that’s there house theme. We were given a colour pallet to use from as these colours reflect the store.

To include

n  Logo for Nanna Mexico

n  Deals

n  Pictures of Food

n  Online ordering

He wanted us to keep to the same house style as the website. Also the elements of online ordering had to essential. He wanted the use of social media e.g. Twitter. Finally it had to say that Nanna Mexico uses fresh and healthy food.

+Meeting With the Client

n  We spoke to our client about a possible TV advert on ITV. The advert would be filmed at Nanna Mexico itself and will highlight the key ideas that the client wanted e.g. healthy food and online services.

n  He liked the idea as it would be a great way to promote the company but doesn't’t have the budget to afford a TV advertisement at this moment in time.

n  Even though it wasn’t possible for him to do the TV advertisement, we came up with the initial idea + production plan. We also came up with three other initial ideas.

+Initial Idea 1 - Poster

(Left) This is the poster we are planning to use on the outside of the restaurant, the brown colour will be the title, the blue and the pink will be deals. Such as, meals cost only £10 when it is 17:00 and Twitter Tuesday, the white box on the bottom left is a preview of the restaurant food menu, the yellow boxes with the orange rectangle are pictures of successful foods and the deals they come with. (Right) The poster here is for the inside, mainly for costumers who want to give feedback or any complaints to say to the owners. There could be deals and customer information on the poster, phone numbers and email addresses and a Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter information.

+Initial Idea 1 - Poster n  Cost

Budget Plan (Over all income from Louis and Josh)

8 hours X 3 a week = 24

24 X 3 = 72

72 X 5.13= 369.36

369.36X2 = 738.72

Two Nanna Mexico Posters - £5 or free from Long Road (3 weeks to produce, 1 hour to print)

£10 - £538.72= £528.72

+Initial Idea 2 – TV Advert

This will be a short advert starting with a man washing up the restaurant's kitchen, he begins to hear a catchy song and turns it up, this then leads to everyone in the restaurant dancing and eating the restaurant's food. Everyone is happy and enjoying themselves during the process.

+Initial Idea 2 – TV Advert

n  Cost

For the TV advert we have chosen that we will broadcast our TV advert on the itv. We have looked at the time slots for the advert and we have chosen to show it in the early afternoon and just in the evening. This is because we think that we are aiming at students and young adults they are not always at college such as the weekend and this time of the day it is the best time to go eat when there are deals that are aiming at the students.  The TV advert shown will be £405, so we aim to show the advert at least once per program during the day So it will be one every hour. Therefore it will appear roughly 5 times a day. This will cost a total of £2025 per day. And if we were to run it for a week it will be a total of £14,175.

Budget Plan (Over all income from Louis and Josh) 8 hours X 3 a week = 24 24 X 3 = 72 72 X 5.13= 369.36 369.36X2 = 738.72

+Initial Idea 3 – Clothing


The form in which Nanna Mexico will be presented is by a T-Shirt or Jumper (clothing). This still works within print media as you print the desired logo or design onto the T-Shirt/Jumper.


The advert in terms of content consists of two main aspects, Jumpers and T-Shirts, although other clothing can be made we saw it fit, only to go with these Two as it suits are target audience. Its suits are target audience because teenagers and tourist stereotypically follow trends such a hoody wearing and the latest fashion, this will be relevant to our designs as they fir nicely with todays fashion


We have gone with the following designs, as they seem to match the fashion that our target audience is into for example Superdry, Hollister and so on.

+Initial Idea 3 – Clothing

Budget Plan - Costing’s

Budget Plan (Over all income from Louis and Josh)

8 hours X 3 a week = 24

24 X 3 = 72

72 X 5.13= 369.36

369.36X2 = 738.72


Nanna Mexico Merchandise - £10 per t-shirt and Jumpers (An hour to order, 3-5 business days to


£200 - £738.72 = £538.72

+Meeting With the Client

n  Once the meeting was over we had a clear idea on what we had to do. The client told us that he wanted an inside poster to attract feedback from his customers, while the outside poster lured the target audience into coming inside.

Target Audience

n  Tourist visiting Cambridge

n  Students from Local Universities such as Anglia, this would work very well with Student Mondays, one of the deals that Nanna Mexico do, which we will promote on the Poster.

+Feedback from Initial ideas

n  He told us that he liked the inside ad outside poster initial ideas as that’s what he initially planned for us to do.

n  The TV advert was very appealing and well thought through, but wasn't realistic due to having no budget.

n  He was fascinated with the clothing as he saw this as a future potential market for Nanna Mexico, the way the clothing looks fashionable but also advertised the store was brilliant.

n  Overall he wanted us to pursue with the posters and was looking forward to the first developments.

+Developed Outside Poster Ideas

On this poster, my partner and I aimed on the colours, our client gave us a colour code and we kept a close eye on what colours to use. The challenge we had however was the fact some colours on the code would clash and our aim was to put colours together that embraced the simplicity and eye catching look to the customers. We put the logo behind a light blue background, giving it a friendly 'hello', then using the colours; pink, yellow, white to combine the colours together and to suit each other. Having done that, we put two snake like symbols next to the logo to give it a more Mexican feel.

+Developed Outside Poster Ideas

On this poster, we began to think about pictures of the food. We were very careful here as we didn't want to put too much or too little pictures, considering the customers are going to have a quick glance at the poster, having a small preview of what is to come within this restaurant, on this rough look of where the pictures could be held, we wanted to place the pictures of food in a simple place on the poster. After placing the pictures we put a symbol in-between two pictures to give them some space as we didn't want the pictures to be close together, doing this made it look more simple and spread out, easier for the customers of where to look.

+Developed Outside Poster Ideas

Finally on this poster we added three posters of the deals the restaurant offers, at first we thought about giving a preview of the restaurants menu, however, we then thought it would be best to show the deals more than the menu as our aim overall for this poster is to make the customers to come inside, we want them to be curious of what type of foods they sell, they will look at the deals, like them and investigate of what they could have for £10.

+Developed Outside Poster Ideas

For our outside poster for the final we added more of a colorful vibe to it, we began to think about the word 'fresh' a lot, it is restaurants aim to let customers know that the food they make is fresh so we got a picture of vegetables and placed it on the side, knowing that the customers won't look at the words first but the picture, instantly knowing that this place uses 'fresh' food. We also placed a quote from the website 'Buy Fresh, Cook Simple, Waste Nothing.' Next to it, as a small motto also looking like a ribbon around the poster in a neat fashion. When it came to the pictures, we were very careful not to over crowd the poster with pictures so in the end, I had the idea of placing only two pictures of wonderful looking foods on each end and leaving a blank space for writing about them. I did this because it would even out the attention of the poster and make it not crowded, doing this in fact made it on the edge of being crowded but it was just enough in my eyes to make the poster stay true to being simple and clear for customers. We kept the deals up and the colours, one of the small changes however was that we added a 'order online' mini poster with a orange and green van, we chose this because we it suited the variety of colours that were already on the poster and wanted it blend within it, as if it is part of the poster.

+Developed Inside Poster Ideas

The second poster's main purpose was to be an inside poster, for customers who are looking for information, for the start of the poster we wanted a clear simple look of a poster, we placed a Mexican wrestler in the corner to remind customers that this is a Mexican restaurant and it suits the layout and colour of the poster. We also put icons of social networking of where the customers can come in contact with the owner and the workers of Nanna Mexico such as; Facebook, twitter and Tumblr.

+Developed Inside Poster Ideas

Nothing much has been added on this poster development except for the icon of the phone, we placed this after discovering they had a phone number on their website, placing this will make them become more clear and understood of the many ways of contacting Nanna Mexico and giving feedback and compliments.

+Developed Inside Poster Ideas

When it came to the second poster, we had a hard time to think about of what to add to make it more presentable, we didn't want it to be a poster full of words and blank spaces so we researched on the brand book and website and found the types of patterns they are aiming to use in the near future, this inspired us to try it out and luckily it was a success, we placed it on the bottom of the blue box and top of the yellow box, doing this made it look professional and simple. However, I think the biggest problem we had was the fact we didn't really have a idea of fonts we were going to use, considering our client didn't get back to us, so when it came to writing down the links and information, we went through fonts that looked similar to the fonts they gave us, it was a long shot personally but I felt it was worth our time. We took away tumblr as a contact option and replaced it with an email, this way it was more of a personal direct for people to talk to the owner to give their feedback. For me, i think it is better that we chose this option than tumblr.


Campaign Schedule Week 1: Planning initial ideas for posters Meeting with the client, discuss what they want Create and complete production plan Designs for poster ideas   Week 2: 2nd February Present ideas to the client and discuss ideas they like, once chosen continue with this idea. Continue and develop this plan Create posters from ideas Developed ideas presented to client   Week 3: Finalise the poster and add last touches Send the posters to the client Send the final design to the printer Display Poster  

Launch Date of Campaign March the 4th is the launch date for our campaign. This is when Luis will promote the posters throughout Nanna Mexico.

+Budget and Resources

Budget Plan (Over all income from Louis and Josh) 8 hours X 3 a week = 24 24 X 3 = 72 72 X 5.13= 369.36 369.36X2 = 738.72   Three Ideas: Two Nanna Mexico Posters - £5 or free from Long Road (3 weeks to produce, 1 hour to print) £10 - £538.72= £528.72   Resources and Equipment 1 good quality camera Tripod PhotoShop Tablet Nanna Mexico information Nanna Mexico Logo Pictures of Food Location and Opening Times Client Number

+Legal and Ethical

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