presentation germe

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  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    This is a case of a 22 years old

    male who was admitted on December 11,

    2011 and diagnosed with Fracture on the

    proximal third radius- ulna under the

    service of Dr. Gines.

    When I have my AM Duty.

    There then I saw one patient admitted on

    Male Surgical ward, where in I

    approached him and asked him about his

    condition and he replied that he is in pain

    as off the moment due to his injury, where

    he fell from a manhole and he committed

    this fracture.

    A fracture is a break in the

    continuity of bone. A fracture occurs when

    the stress placed on a bone is greater

    than the bone can absorb. The stress

    may be mechanical (trauma) or related to

    a disease process (pathologic). Muscles,

    blood vessels, nerves, tendons, joints,

    and body organs may injure whenfracture occurs.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    Hidden name: Mr. Firo

    Sex: Male

    Age: 22 years old

    Birthday: August 07, 1989

    Birthplace: Agusan Del Sur

    Marital status: Single

    Address: Floremer Subdivision,

    Banilad, Mandaue CityReligion: Seventh Day Adventist

    Nationality: Filipino

    Informant: Mr. Firo

    Reliability: 100%

    Occupation: None

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    Date of admission: December 11, 2011

    at 1:00 AM

    Date of discharge: December 14, 2011

    Initial diagnosis: Fracture on theproximal third radius-


    Final diagnosis: Fracture proximal

    third radius left ulnar,

    S/P ORIFChief complaints:

    sakit akong kamot kag nihubag tungod kay nabali as

    verbalized by Mr. Firo.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    HiStOrY Of PrEsEnT iLlNeSs

    Few hours prior to admission, Mr. Firo accidentally fell in a

    hole while walking, He tried to support with his left hand, thus sustaining

    fracture and seeks consultation at Vincente Gullas Memorial Hospital

    and was advised to be admitted.

    PaSt MeDiCaL hIsToRy

    Mr. Firo had history of Ulcer 15 years ago and was treated and

    eventually cured his illness. He was admitted at one of the hospitals in

    Agusan Del Sur. After a week of, he was admitted again due to Dengue


    Mr. Firo is not known to hypertensive, diabetic and asthmatic.

    No known food and drug allergies.

    FaMily MeDiCaL HiStOrY wItH gEnOgRaM

    Mr. Firo was the third child out of four children in his family. His

    father has hypertension. The family had no history of diabetic, Bronchial

    Asthma and there were no other significant diseases that could

    contribute to his ailment.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    Well16 y.o.

    Well25 y.o.


    48 y.o.Hypertensive

    48 y.o.


    27 y.o.



    Male deceased

    Male alive

    Male deceased

    Female alive

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    Mr. Firo viewed health as a very important factor to a very joyous life.

    He shown great interest to make his life healthy; he followed the order of his

    doctor and he was very cooperative with the plans of the doctor on how to

    manage the symptoms, by taking medicines, checking of CBC and undergone X-


    He maintained his good health by refraining from smoking cigarette and

    drinking alcoholic beverages and exercising everyday early in the morning with

    the duration of 30 min to one hour within the vicinity of the subdivision. And for

    him, health is not just only physical, but a balance of emotions, intellectual and


    My client seeks medical help whenever he felt some discomforts in his


  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    My client was 510 in height and 65 kgs in weight; allegedly,

    he said that he had a good appetite before the confinement. He likes

    to eat vegetables than meats, because he believed in the teaching of

    his religion that it is the best to eat vegetables than meat, so he didnt

    eat pork, and some of the fishes without scales, and many more. He

    didnt have any problem in chewing, or swallowing the foods. He

    drinks water regularly, averaging 8 10 or greater, glasses of water

    for a day.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    Mr. Firo had a regular bowel movement, though sometimes he

    experienced having diarrhea and constipation and he managed this by

    drinking lots of water or taking high-fiber foods, like vegetables.

    His urinary pattern was also normal, he claimed that he didnt

    felt any dysuria (difficulty urinating), flank pain, or any abnormalities.

    According to him, his urine color was yellow to amber.

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    He has sufficient energy in completing his desired activities.

    During his spare time he reads newspaper, surfing at the net, or

    watching TV. He had a regular exercise, which is jogging everyday

    with the duration of 30 min to one hour within the vicinity of the


  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    Mr. Firo had a normal sleep/rest pattern. He usually slept

    around 10 pm and wake-up at six in the morning. He didnt have any

    sleep disturbances like insomnia. Sometimes he fined time to take a

    nap during siesta. He does not need any medications as an aid to


  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    He has normal vision and could see clearly. He had no

    problem with hearing, no ear pain or tinnitus and any discharges. He

    had also no problem with her ability to feel temperature, pain and

    touch sensation. He still has good memory and no difficulty in


  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    Mr. Firo percepts himself as a son of God, so he treated himself as a

    prince. He fully respects his body and believed that beauty is inside your heart.

    He is not a moody person and he said he does not know how to get

    mad at anyone. If somebody is irritating him he does not react violently but

    instead he would make some jokes. He is having mild anxiety about the

    physicians decision of whether he has to undergone another operation or not.

    His illness didnt affect his perception to himself and his life; he justkeeps on trusting the Lord.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    Mr. Firo is single; his girlfriend broke up with him, 2 months ago.Theyve been 2 years in relationship. Mr. Firo stays at his eldest sister

    to find a job here in Cebu City. His Parents was in Agusan Del Sur. Most

    of the time their parents used to call them to check out their situation

    here in Cebu.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    Mr. Firo was circumcised at the age of 10 years old done by

    traditional circumcision by Filipinos locally so called POK POK. He

    tried testicular self examination once when he was in college after his

    lecture of TSE.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    When I interviewed my client, I asked him, What are the most

    stressful things that have happened to you? he simply answered with honesty,

    my left hand fracture. Then I had a follow-up question which was how do you

    cope up with this stress? he smiled and said, Just by trusting with the Lord

    and with the support of his family.

    In this simple conversation I could see that he had a huge faith to the

    Lord, he believed that God had a right plan for him and the God knew what was

    best for him. He didnt relay to humans way on dealing with their stresses, like

    drinking or other bad vices.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    Mr. Firo was a Seventh - Day Adventist, he puts God in the

    center of his life, in every decision, in every action and in everything he

    does. According to him, the only thing he believed in was the message

    in the Bible not in any superstitions.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    December 12, 2011

    (^) = from the chart (*) = by Lila May (^*) = from the chart/ by Lila

    General appearance:

    (*) Mr. Firo is conscious and coherent and well-groomed

    Vital signs:

    (^*) Patient had a T 36 - 37.5 C, P 68 - 112 bpm, R 14 - 24 cpm, BP 120 - 140/70 - 100


    (*) Her skin is warm to touch, no pallor and rashes

    Head and Neck:

    (^*) No lumps on neck, head is normally round with prominence in the frontal area.


    (^*) He had pinkish conjunctiva. Round, equal pupils and reactive to light and accommodation.

    Ears:(*) No problem with his hearing and no ear discharge, the auricles are level with each other.


    (*) He had no secretion

    Mouth and Throat:

    (*) No sore throat, He had dry lips.

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    December 12, 2011

    (^) = from the chart (*) = by Lila May (^*) = from the chart/ by Lila


    (^*) No lumps, no discharge

    Chest/ Lungs:

    (^) Chest movement is symmetric.


    (^*) Heart was normal with heart rate ranging from 68-112 bpm


    (^) Abdomen was flat, soft flabby NABS, no tenderness


    (*) No lateral deviation

    Extremities:(^*) Strong peripheral pulses, fracture left proximal 3rd radius- ulna, CRT < 2 secs, No pedal

    edema with equal pulses


    (*) No discharge


    (^*) Patent anus

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    December 12, 2011

    ^- from the chart *- by Lila May ^* - from the chart/by Lila May

    a. Skin: *

    (-) rashes, (-) lumps, (-) itching, (-) dryness, (-) skin turgor

    b. Head: *

    (-) headache, (-) tenderness

    c. Eyes: ^*

    (-) pain, (-) double vision, (-) glaucoma, (-) cataracts

    d. Ears: *

    (-) hearing loss, (-) tinnitus, (-) discharge

    e. Nose and Sinuses: *

    (-) colds, (-) nasal flaring, (-) nose bleedingf. Mouth and Throat: ^*

    (-) mouth sores, (-) hoarseness, (+) dry lips

    g. Neck: ^

    (-) goiter, (-) lumps

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


    h. Breasts: ^

    (-) lumps, (-) pain, (-) nipple discharge

    i. Respiratory: *

    (-) cough, (-) sputum, (-) hemoptysisj. Cardiac: ^

    (-) heart problem, (-) hypertension, (-) chest pain

    k. GIT: ^*

    (-) hematemesis, (-) vomiting, (-) melena, (-) abdominal pain

    l. Urinary: ^*

    (-) nocturia, (-) dysuria, (-) hematurian. Musculoskeletal: ^*

    (+) fracture left proximal 3rd radius- ulna

    m. Genital: male *

    (-) discharge

    December 12, 2011

    ^- from the chart *- by Lila May ^* - from the chart/by Lila May

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation Germe


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