presentation food 1.cas (1).pptx

Post on 15-Nov-2015






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Presentation in English


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Thematic Unit Plan for second gradersTitle of unitFood-My favourite food

By Suncica Arsic, Suzana Dankovic, Marija Veljkovic and Jasmina Milosavljevic

Lesson 1Title of lesson: Im hungry

Language focus: Key language: fish,cheese,yoghurt,bread, rice, pasta Heres some (cheese)Additional language: (in) the kitchen Were helping Mum with the shopping today. Open the cupboard/fridge. Put it away.

ObjectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to. . . Identify, read and write the words for six foods Follow and understand a simple text Join in with a song Participate in some whole-class and pair work games and activities

Learning strategiesLook and listen for the main idea guess the theme/topicGuess the meaning of a word from context Matching (match the picture to what you hear or read)

ActivitiesWarm up setting the scene by a posterPre-teach the vocabulary with flashcardsSong-Helping Mum-repeating,miming and pointing Listen, recognize and say Practise asking questions with Whats this?Dialogue in pairs Listening practiceWord recognitionWriting practiceReading activity


Class book Happy House 2CD 1 Happy House 2Flashcards and word cards: fish, cheese, yoghurt, bread, rice, pastaHappy House 2 posterA photocopy of Teachers Resource Book page 27 Different coloured crayonsPapers for drawingsWarm up

Rub your stomach and say Im hungry. Ask a child Are you hungry, (Milan)? The children try to guess what the unit is about.Say Look at Class Book pages 22 and 23. Ask Wheres this? Teach in the kitchen and invite a volunteer to find a kitchen on the Happy House 2 poster.

Presentation Part 1 Pre-teach the vocabulary

Invite the children to find and name all the food words in the main picture. Hold up the flashcard for each food and say the word in English. The children repeat after you.Repeat, this time handing each flashcard to a different child.Ask the children with flashcards to stand around the edge of the room. Say Listen and point and say each of the food words , pointing to the corresponding flashcards as you do so.Now ask the children to point without your help.

Presentation Part 2Listen and pointSay Listen and point and play Listening 33. The children listen, look at their books and point to foods in the main picture.

Presenter: Unit 3. Im hungry! Class Book Listening 33. Listen and point.Polly: Lets put the shopping away!Jack: OK!...Pooh! Whats this? Oh, its fish!Polly: Put it in the fridge, Jack!Jack: And heres some cheese...Daisy: And some yoghurt...Mmm, yoghurt! Lovely!Polly: Heres some bread...and some rice... Ooh, look! Some pasta. Yum!Jack: Quick, put it in the cupboard!Mum: Oh, wheres the shopping?Jack: Aha! Look in the fridge!Polly: And in the cupboard!Mum: Oh, thank you!Part 3Listen and saySay Listen and say. Play listening 34. The children point and say the words after the recording.

Presenter: Class Book Listening 34. Listen and say.Fish. Cheese. Yoghurt. Bread. Rice. Pasta.

PresentationOn the board draw two simple outlines, one of a fridge and one of a cupboard.Point to the cupboard and ask Whats this? Then point to the fridge and say This is a fridge.Hold up a flashcard, e.g. Cheese, and ask Where do I put the cheese, in the fridge or in the cupboard? When the children give the right answer, you say Open the fridge and put it away. Mime opening the fridge and and stick the flashcard onto the drawing on the board. Repeat for each of the flashcards, asking the children to help you with putting the ,foods, away.

7PresentationSay Listen to the song and invite some volunteers to put the flashcards in the correct order.Play the song again and invite the children to join in.Hand out a photocopy of Teachers Resource Book page 27 to each child and tell them to cut out the picture cards. While they are listening to the song, they pick up the right card.

Heres some fish and heres some cheese.Heres some yoghurt. Mmm, yes please!

Were helping Mum with the shopping today.Open the fridge -and put it away!

Heres some bread and heres some rice.Heres some pasta. Very nice!

Were helping Mum with the shopping today.Open the cupboard -and put it away!

8Practice-ReadingPlace the food flashcards on the board. Place the corresponding word card next to each picture with the help of the children. Then read the words and invite the children to repeat after you. Remove the flashcards and invite the children to read the words. Change the order of the word cards and repeat the activity.



YoghurtBread Rice Pasta

Practice-WritingOn the board write six food words omitting some letters. Invite the children to fill in the blanks and give them a sweet for each successful guess. F_S_ _OGH_RT


CH_ _SE B_EA_Practice-Application Activity 1:Children draw and colour their favourite food on a small piece of paper.Activity 2:Make six columns on the board and write food words at the top of each.Children put their drawings into the right columns on the board. Then talk about their favourite food.

Practice -Speaking Play the game Chinese whispers. Divide the class into two teams and explain the rules. Whisper the same word to the last child in both teams. Now tell them to whisper it to the next child in his/her line. When the word reaches the child in front of the board, that child should pick up the right card as fast as he/she can. On the board write scores for each team. Praise both teams.Practice-Pairwork activity Give the children some time to practise the dialogue in pairs. One child covers his/her picture card and asks Whats this? Another child tries to guess by saying Its (yoghurt). Then they swap the roles.EvaluationThe teacher will assess his students: by observing their participation, language use, language recognition, confidence, and social skills.Portfolio assessment homework.Follow upHomework: Children make their own shopping lists by drawing shopping bags with their favourite food on the papers and bring them to school for the next class.Thank you for your attention

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