presentation carolin kullmann

Post on 11-May-2015






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  • 1.Germanys Golden Records a presentation fromCarolin KullmannIf all of the world s cultural heritage (sports, music,fashion, architecture, literature, painting, etc..) wascontained in a time capsule, what would you include to demonstrate the legacy of your country?

2. About 35 years ago a team ofresearchers asked themselves the same question.They had the vision to conserve the existence of humanity and informpotential extraterrestrial life-forms ofour position in the universe. 3. Therefore they created golden records that contain a token of our sounds,images, music, thoughts and feelings and fixed them to the probesVoyager 1 and Voyager 2. The two probes are collecting data from oursolar system and everything beyond, since more than 35 years now. 4. Let me now introduce myvery personal goldenrecord to familiarize theuniverse with a minutepart of Germanyscultural heritage. 5. MUSICGermany is especially famous for its classical music. Until today renowned composers like Beethoven, Wagner and Bach have been paid great deferenceto and their works are still serving as sources of inspiration for a lot of current composers andmusicians. 6. Music Ludwig van BeethovenLudwig van Beethoven (* 1770, 1827) was a German composer that brought theViennese Classic to its highest development. Moreover, he pioneered the age ofRomanticism. His most famous work are his nine symphonies (especially the 5thand 9th). 7. Music Richard WagnerWilhelm Richard Wagner (* 1813, 1883) was a German composer, dramatist,philosopher, theatre director and conductor. With his music dramas he is regardedas one of the most eminent modernizer of the European music of the 19th century.His most famous piece is: Der Ring der Niebelungen. 8. MusicJohann Sebastian BachJohann Sebastian Bach (* 1685, 1750) was a German composer and virtuosopianist and organist of the baroque. After his death his works sank into oblivion.However, they experienced a renaissance in the middle of the 19th century and havebeen a constant part of classical music since then. 9. LITERATURERegarding literature the 18th century was the most important and remembered period in Germany.Until today the poets of this time like Goethe,Schiller and Lessing play an important role for theworldwide literature and pupils are still reviewing their works at school. 10. Literature Johann Wolfgang von GoetheJohann Wolfgang von Goethe (* 1749, 1832) is regarded as being the mosteminent German poet. His works belong to the highlights of the world literature.Moreover, he researched and published in diverse natural-scientific fields.Famous works: Faust; Der Erlknig; Der Zauberlehrling 11. LiteratureFriedrich SchillerJohann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (* 1759, 1805) was a German poet,philosopher and historian. He is one of the most important German-speakingdramatists and German theatres are not able to image without his plays until today.Famous works: Wilhelm Tell; Maria Stuart; Don Carlos, Wallenstein-triology 12. LiteratureThe Brothers GrimmJacob (* 1785, 1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (* 1786, 1859) published fairytalesthat have been delighting people around the world until today. They travelledthrough the country and tried to meet people that were good storytellers.Famous fairytales: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin 13. SCIENCEEspecially the 19th and the early 20th century aremarked by a great amount of German geniuses inscientific fields like physics, medicine, mechanics and technics. 14. ScienceAlbert Einstein and Rudolph Diesel Einstein DieselAlbert Einstein (* 1879, 1955) was a theoretical physicist. His scientific researchregarding the structure of time and space and the gravitation significantly changedthe physical world view. Rudolph Diesel (* 1858, 1913) was a German engineerand the inventor of the Diesel engine. In 1912 the first oceangoing ship Seelandialeft its harbor in Copenhagen. 15. Science Carl Benz and Gottlieb DaimlerBenzDaimlerCarl Friedrich Benz (* 1844, 1929) and Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler (* 1834, 1900)are German engineers, who are the official inventors of the automobile. WhileBenzs Patent-Motorwagen Nummer 1 of 1885 is regarded as the first modernautomobile, Daimler developed the first fast running petrol engine and the first four-wheeled motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine. 16. Science Conrad Rntgen and Heinrich Hertz RntgenHertzConrad Rntgen (* 1845, 1923) and Heinrich Hertz (* 1857, 1849) are two of themost eminent physicists of the 19th century. In 1895 Rntgen discovered the X-Rays. His discovery not only revolutionized the medical diagnostics, but also theexploration of radioactivity. Hertz became famous for his experimental proof ofelectromagnetic waves, which are named after him (1 wave per sec = 1 Hz). 17. ARTIn terms of painting the most significant issue of Germanys history is the documenta. No othernation hosts an exhibition of modern art of such importance. 18. Art documentaThe documenta is the most eminent exhibition of contemporary art worldwide. Ittakes place every fifth year and lasts 100 days. In 1955 Arnold Bode was theinitiator of the first documenta, ever since it has been taken place in Kassel.dOCUMENTA (13) closed with a record of 860,000 visitors in September 2012. 19. ArtCaspar David FriedrichWanderer above aChalk cliffs on Rgensea of smogCaspar David Friedrich (* 1774, 1840) was a German Romanic artist. Even if onedoesnt know his name one knows his paintings. The majority of this paintings isfocused on nature. 20. ArtGerhard RichterCandle Abstract PaintingGerhard Richter (* 1932 in Dresden) is a German artist, sculptor and photographer.He is the most expensive German artist alive and regarding the Manager-Magazineone of the 500 richest persons in Germany. 21. SPORTSWith its professional structure and commercialization Germany is one of the mostsuccessful sport nations worldwide. Especially in terms of football, tennis and Formula One the country has been presented excellently by outstanding sportsmen and -women. 22. Sports Football1996 Football World Championship in England Oliver Bierhoff shot the firstGolden Goal in history and Germany won the finale against the Czech Republic. 23. Sports Formula 1Michael Schumacher broke all the records in Formula 1. He won seven worldchampionships in eleven years. His colleague Sebastian Vettel is the youngestworld champion ever. He has been holding the title since three years in a row now(2010, 2011 and 2012). 24. SportsTennisStefanie Graf is one of the most successful tennis players of all times (22 Gran-Slam Championships and number one of the world rankings for 377 weeks). In1988 she won the Golden Slam. Together with Boris Becker she helped herdiscipline to become a very popular sport, especially in Germany. 25. FASHIONGermany contributes to the global fashion industry with renowned designers like Wolfgang Joop, JilSander and Karl Lagerfeld, who is one of the mosteminent and influential persons in the wholefashion industry. 26. FashionKarl LagerfeldKarl Lagerfeld is one of the most impressive geniuses in the whole fashion sector.Not only did he design for brands like Fendi, Chlo and Chanel but he is also aperson that stands for creativity and sophistication. Lagerfeld is admired by manypeople especially by those who are working in the fashion industry. 27. FashionClaudia SchifferClaudia Schiffer is one of the most popular and best paid fashion models ever. Inthe 90ies she has been Karl Lagerfelds muse and modeled for almost every bigfashion brand like Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana. Until today she hasalways been a role model for many young models around the world. 28. FashionHeidi KlumHeidi Klum became internationally famous as a supermodel. At the age of 39 she isstill modeling for brands like McDonalds, LOreal and Schwarzkopf and at the sametime a very successful TV presenter. Moreover, she hosts her own Casting showGermanys next Topmodel. 29. ARCHITECTUREAs in a lot of European countries the architecture inGermany is quite diverse. However, there areseveral buildings that attract thousands of tourists every year. Some of the most famous are: Schloss Neuschwanstein, the Klner Dom and theBrandenburger Tor. 30. Architecture Schloss NeuschwansteinSchloss Neuschwanstein is the most famous castle of King Ludwig II. It isdesigned by Christian Jank and built by Eduard Riedel and George von Dollmannaround 1869. Today it is one of Germanys most popular sights, which is visited bymore than 1,3 Million people every year. 31. ArchitectureKlner DomThe Klner Dom is a roman-catholic church that has been belonging to theUNESCO-World cultural heritage since 1996. Since the construction had begun inthe 13th and was completed in the 19th century, it combines the architecture of thegothic and the neo-gothic period. 32. ArchitectureBrandenburger TorThe Brandenburger Tor is the most famous sight in Germany. It is the landmark ofBerlin, Germanys capital and a national symbol that reminds of important events inBerlin, Germany, Europe and the world. It was built from 1788 until 1791 and itsarchitecture is classicist. 33. RELIGION In Germany the denominations are spread quiteequally on catholics (29 %), protestants (29 %) andpeople that are not belonging to any denomination (33 %). 34. Religion Martin LutherMartin Luther (* 1483, 1546) was the theological, spiritual father and one of theteachers of the Reformation. His sermons and writings and especially his translationof the bible, the Luther bible, made a lasting change on the society. Against hisintention and due to the insufficient readiness to reform of the catholic church, hesplitted the church and started the forming of the Lutheran-Protestant church.

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