presentation baba shiv

Post on 25-Dec-2014



Health & Medicine



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Neuroscience and the Connection to Exemplary Leadership

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© Baba Shiv 2013, All Rights Reserved

A Competitor…

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What would you do?

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Ø  Discovering solutions “Customers” don’t buy products or services, they buy solutions

Ø  Designing solutions Crafting the value proposition to the solutions being sought

Ø  Vantage point—The instinctual brain Most of our actions and experiences are shaped at the instinctual level

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The “X” Framework…

Bored Stressed


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Bored Stressed


Playing safe, by the rules, going for the familiar, reassurance

Taking chances,explore

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Labeling the pathways: Type 1 Mindset…

Bored Stressed


Playing safe, by the rules, going for the familiar

Type 1 Mindset: •  Fear of making

mistakes •  Failure à painful

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Type 2 Mindset…

Bored Stressed


Type 2 Mindset: •  Fear of missing out on

opportunities •  Failure à Challengeà


Taking chances,explore

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Evolution of firms: Type 2 à Type 1…

Bored Stressed


Good at Exploitation

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Ø “X” Framework Ø Understanding of where the “customer” is/would like to be

Ø The pathway or pathways (type 1, type 2, or both) Ø Heuristics (based on factors that influence the pathways) Ø Research

Influencing others…

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Ø Role of individual within an organization Ø In charge of running a tight ship: Late majority/Late Adopters Ø In charge of business development: Early adopters/Early Majority


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Bored Stressed


Open to explorationNew IdeasFeeling reassured

Factors influencing the mindsets…

Ø Age éAGE êNEUROCHEMICALS [serotonin, dopamine]

Ø Time-of-day LATER IN DAY êNEURO-

CHEMICALS [serotonin, dopamine]

Ø  Alcohol* ê CORTISOL

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Factors influencing the mindsets…

Ø Age éAGE êNEUROCHEMICALS [serotonin, dopamine]

Ø Time-of-day LATER IN DAY êNEURO-

CHEMICALS [serotonin, dopamine]

Ø  Alcohol* ê CORTISOL

Time of day




Wake up

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Other factors: Relevance for leaders…

Ø Sleep hygiene Ø Importance of deep sleep

Ø Fitness hygiene Ø About 15 min. of cardio: ANP à Serotonin

Ø Dietary hygiene Ø Importance of protein in the diet, especially


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Sleep – my story…

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Other factors: Relevance for leaders…

Ø Sleep hygiene Ø Importance of deep sleep

Ø Fitness hygiene Ø About 15 min. of cardio: ANP à Serotonin

Ø Dietary hygiene Ø Importance of protein in the diet, especially


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Discovery through research…

Ø Surveys yield very little insights Ø So too, conversations with customers

Ø Importance of Ø Observation and empathy Ø Immersive safaris/expeditions

Ø Actually experiencing the journey

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Ø “X” Framework Ø Type 1, type 2 mindsets

Ø  Implications for Ø The firm, you as an influencer, you as a decision-maker

Ø Knowing where the “customer” is/will be Ø Importance of factors such as age and time of day Ø Importance of sleep, fitness and diet

Ø Getting Type 1’s to take chances Ø Familiarity, social proof, social reinforcement, social pressure, desperation (premortems)


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Recommended  readings…  

Decision Making

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Recommended  readings…  

Introduction to Neuroscience

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