presentation 03. introduction young people, in those countries that experience snowfalls, enjoy...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Study inJohn’s Gospel

Presentation 03

The MomentumOf Witness

Chap 1:35-42

Presentation 03

Presentation 03

IntroductionYoung people, in those countries that experience snowfalls, enjoy building snowmen. You start with a small snowball and roll it along the ground until it gets as big as possible. It’s easier if you are going down a slope. How quickly that little snowball can grow as its own momentum carries it further and further down the hill.

In these verses the momentum of John the Baptist’s witness to Jesus is captured And we discover that a growing interest in Jesus is generated.

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An Effective WitnessAs a result of John the Baptist’s signpost ministry two of his own staff, Andrew and probably John, the gospel writer, make an immediate decision to follow Jesus. Not all of John the Baptist’s hearers responded with the same immediacy. Why? Quite simply, the greater your thirst, the greater your urgency to satisfy it.

Some people are so thirsty for God that all they need is for someone to point them to Jesus and they immediately seek him out that their thirst might be satisfied. God can create an appetite for himself that results in an almost immediate response to Jesus. Others may take longer to respond but that does not mean that their response is any less real.

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Jesus’ Testing QuestionIn this gospel we will discover that people respond to Jesus for a whole variety of reasons. Indeed, some for the wrong reasons. Some wanted an entertainer, a first century David Copperfield, who would do a few tricks. Others chased after the possibility of free meals - their interest was purely material. Others wanted to be part of the latest trendy bandwagon.

It is against this kind of background that we are to understand Jesus’ test question to these two would-be disciples, in v37“What do you want?” They are asked to clarify their own thinking and give careful thought to their motives. Today we might ask, ‘Why do we come to worship or Bible study? Why do you want to identify yourself with the people of God?’

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Jesus’ Testing QuestionAt school I was taught never to answer a question with a question but that’s what these men do in v38, they ask Jesus, ‘where are you staying?’ However, their response is far more revealing than may appear on the surface.

It was another way of saying, ‘We want to join up with you, where you go we will go. Where should we bring our sleeping bags?’

For them, this was a life altering decision! And that first night with Jesus convinced them that they had made the right choice.

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Jesus’ Testing QuestionWhenever someone truly gets to know Jesus in person, then a number of things begin to happen. First, they discover that no substitute can ever compare with this special relationship. How did the old hymn put it?

“Now none but Christ can satisfy none other name for me. There's love and life and lasting joy, Lord Jesus, found in thee."

Secondly, having made this remarkable discovery for yourself then you simply cannot stop yourself from sharing it with others.

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Andrew’s First ThingWhat a person does with a new discovery is very revealing. Who among us has not come across someone, who has secured a great bargain in what they consider to be the sale of the century? Now what do they do? They run around and tell family, friends, neighbours and workmates. The news is just too good to keep to themselves.

The point is, if something excites us sufficiently and we can see benefit in it, not just for ourselves but others, then we eagerly spread the word. This is what Andrew did. Indeed, we read that it is the first thing that he did. Beginning with his own family, he told his brother Simon and brought him to Jesus.

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Andrew’s First ThingNow Simon was a larger than life figure, whose presence constantly put others in the shade. He was the kind of person who liked to take charge. He fancied himself as a bit of a leader but he was also impetuous and unstable. He blew hot and cold. Was Andrew tempted to ask,

“Do I want to introduce someone to Jesus who will overshadow me and my relationship to Jesus and his work? Someone who might prove to be a bit of a problem?”

No! He had no qualms about bringing his brother to Jesus.

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Andrew’s First ThingThe family circle is where our witness for Jesus begins. And there it often proves to be both fruitful and costly. Some Christians will only engage in tract distribution. It’s a simple thing to do but its effectiveness is limited. Others spend a few moments on a bus or train speaking to complete strangers about their faith and good as that is its effectiveness is also limited.

The most fruitful soil for evangelism is among those who know us best. Family and friends are able to see how seriously we take our commitment. They have front row seats enabling them to see much more clearly than others, the transforming power of the gospel at work in our lives.

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Andrew’s First ThingWilliam Wilberforce, whose life’s passion was the abolition of the slave trade, came to faith, while he was away from home. His mother heard alarming rumours about the change that had taken place in her son’s life and some people were saying that he was ‘mad’. But on meeting him, his cheerfulness, his consideration and the absence of his quick temper surprised her.

When he did arrive home, a family friend, Mrs Sykes remarked, “If this is madness I hope that he will bite us all.” Wilberforce entered politics and despite significant oppositionled the fight in the U.K. to secure the emancipation of slaves.

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Andrew’s First ThingThe famous nineteenth-century agnostic Aldous Huxley was a member of a weekend house party. On Sunday morning as the other guests prepared to go to church, Huxley approached a rather plain man, whose faith was very simple and radiant. He asked him to stay at home and explain what his Christian faith meant to him. The man replied, "Oh, I can't do that. You could demolish my arguments in a minute; I'm not clever enough to argue with you.""I don't want to argue with you," Huxley replied, “just tell me what this Christ means to you."

The man did so and when he had finished there were tears in the eyes of the brilliant agnostic. He said, "I would give my right hand if only I could believe that." What had touched his heart? It was a genuine faith expressed by one who knew Jesus and was not ashamed to share that news.

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Andrew’s First ThingA minister colleague recently completed some work on church growth and his conclusions were these. Of those who made a profession of faith over 80% did so because of personal contact with a Christian who was either a family member or friend. And in cases of newly formed friendships a period of time averaging four years could pass before the individual came to faith.

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See What You’re Getting IntoJesus loves a challenge and this is clear from his first encounter with Simon; “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas/ Peter” v42. Jesus changed Simon’s name for one that meant ‘Rock’.

Today, we are very sensitive about our names and about how people spell them and use them. Some people endure the nicknames others give them. Occasionally, people will change their own name because they really do not like it. But very rarely will someone allow others to change their name. Simon did!

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See What You’re Getting IntoWhy did Jesus change Simon’s name? In Judaism the name given to a child often reflected the parents’ aspirations or described the character traits of their child. Eg. the name ‘Jacob’ means ‘supplanter’ a name given because at childbirth his hand grasped the foot of his elder twin. Suggesting that he wanted to displace his brother and seize his birthright!

And in the early part of his life Jacob lived up to his name until God changed Jacob and that change was then marked by a change in name. God called him ‘Israel’ which means ‘Prince with God’.

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See What You’re Getting IntoNow picture the scene. Andrew brings Simon to Jesus and the first thing Jesus does is give him a new name, a name with a meaning that would have had all who knew Simon rolling around in laughter: “Peter, who him, dependable, reliable, rocklike? Jesus you can’t be serious!”

But Jesus was deadly serious. Indeed he was making a point that should be of tremendous encouragement to each one of us. For our past, Including the flaws and defects in our characters do not disqualify us from being called to follow Jesus. Jesus can free us from our past, our reputation and our failures because he alone has the power to transform our lives.

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See What You’re Getting IntoNow Peter did not become dependable overnight - this was the man, who in future would deny any knowledge of Jesus on the night of his arrest prior to his trial and crucifixion - but a process of transformation would take placedown through the years. Jesus is saying,

‘Simon I know you are a challenge. What you are at present doesn’t discourage me. I know what I will make out of the raw material of your life. Once you place it in my hands, you won’t be able to recognise yourself!’

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ConclusionThese are words that many people need to hear? They may look in the mirror each morning and think, ‘I’m a pretty pathetic creature, I would be a disaster if I involved myself in God’s work’. Have you ever thought that?

Well stop looking in the mirror, instead look to Christ and to the infinite resources that are his. Your life is not beyond his power to transform! Others may laugh at the prospect but if Jesus has called you to discipleship then as you co-operate with him you will be surprised at what he is able to do both in and through you.

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