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Post on 11-Jan-2017






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NFMD 15 januari 2013 Renske Paans-Over KPN - Group HR Talent Development & Learning

Talent Management in Corporates – Wat werkt? Sharing experiences, lessons learned and dilemma’s….

Together Each Achieves More


1.  Voorstelrondje

2.  Mijn ervaringen delen op het gebied van Talent Management •  ABN Amro : Talent Mgt beleid in vogelvlucht •  KPN: TD&L beleid & invoeren nieuw Leadership Profile

3.  Onze ervaringen delen met elkaar: wat werkt (niet)? •  Wat zijn jullie ervaringen met leadership reviews? •  Wat zijn jullie ervaringen met invoeren competentie frameworks?

•  Wat waren de consequenties? •  Hoe ging je om met weerstand? •  Wat zijn je lessons learned?

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ABN AMRO Talent Management

Creating a high performance organisation, by actively identifying, developing and allocating talent to enable promotion to key strategic positions from within.

A global Talent Management approach across the matrix - HR facilitating management by using the same tools and processes

Tools: Key position & successionplanning forms, 9-box grid, (S) VP Leadership Profiles, Career Development Interviews (CDI), Personal Development Plans, Assessment Tools Process: bottom-up talent reviews held in MTs

ABN AMRO Talent Triangle (CDI tool)

Corporate Values & Business Principles

Performance Leadership



Corporate Values & Business Principles: Respect and live the corporate values Performance: Demonstrates track-record of high performance -  Consistently high performance ratings relative to

peers -  Have, or actively seek for required skills,

knowledge and experience Leadership: Demonstrates required behaviours against leadership profile & functional competencies Ambition: willingness to grow further and accept consequences of investing in development Potential: Growing ability to take decision in the face of increasing levels of ambiguity, uncertainty & complexity associated with more senior positions


9-Box Grid ABN AMRO





At Risk Potential Underperformer

Top Talent Emerging Potential

Emerging Specialist Solid Contributor

Valued Specialist

… Rising Star

New to Role

ABN AMRO Leadership Profiles

Self management

Optimise Performance


Build support Set direction

Lead (2 routes) Engaging leadership / Collaborative leadership - Leading others* - Working collaboratively - Drive to win* - Adaptibility Self management (Core) Set direction: -  Applying market thinking -  Creating future value* Build Support: -  Client driven -  Influencing

Optimise performance: -  Courage & resilience* -  Focus on delivery Strategic Context

Business People

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KPN Talent Development is…

“Het beleidsmatig en structureel opsporen, in kaart brengen, ontwikkelen en doeltreffend inzetten van talent

gericht op het behalen van de bedrijfsdoelstellingen.”

De toegevoegde waarde van HR hierin is: Vinden, Vasthouden, Verder ontwikkelen en Volgen


KPN Talent Development & Learning Doelstellingen

De “Leadership Pipeline” voortdurend optimaal gevuld houden met talent ~75% van de sleutelposities intern opvullen Ontwikkelgesprekken met potentials en B+, Successie Planning en Matching

Ontwikkelen van Leiderschap ondersteunend aan de strategie van KPN Creëren van “high performing climate” Alle management en leiderschapsprogramma’s te vinden in KPN Academy

Ontwikkelen van potentials en medewerkers in lijn met de behoeften van het bedrijf Professionele ontwikkeling op leiderschap, persoonlijke ontwikkeling en vakmanschap Te vinden in de KPN Academy

TD&L faciliteert de organisatie in de transitie naar nieuw leiderschap voor individuen en teams teneinde de KPN strategie te realiseren


Twee stromingen in Talent Development

De organisatie investeert gelijkmatig verdeeld in de talenten van alle medewerkers


De organisatie ziet talenten als een groep van medewerkers met specifieke eigenschappen, die apart worden behandeld en gefaciliteerd

KPN: we investeren in ontwikkeling van talent van alle medewerkers (focus van manager en HR)

en geven specifieke aandacht aan een benoemde talent pool (focus manager en TD&L )


Leadership Pipeline Wat gebeurt er?

1.  Jaarlijkse Potential Review –  Tot en met PAO A

2.  Jaarlijkse People Review –  PAO B en hoger

3.  Competentie gerichte assessments (MD)

4.  Succession Planning –  Halfjaarlijkse update –  Top management posities en sleutelposities op

lager niveau

5.  Matching van kandidaten op vacatures –  Op heldere criteria en in lijn met Succession

Planning –  In gestructureerd Operationeel TD overleg (TD

en Directeuren HR) –  Op individuele basis

Gestructureerde aanpak voor het (i) identificeren, (ii) monitoren en (iii) matchen van talent

1.  Potential Programma

2.  Opvolging van competentie gerichte assessments in ontwikkelgesprekken MD

3.  Fast Forward Mentoring programma

4.  Leiderschap- en Management ontwikkeling binnen de KPN Academy

5.  Aansluiting met andere vakmanschappen binnen de KPN Academy

Ontwikkeling van (i) effectief Leiderschap en (ii) vakmanschap bij talent


KPN potential populatie 2012 Totaal van ~ 356 potentials t/m PAO A

CAO 9/10

CAO 11/12

CAO 13 / PAO A



~ 120 Young Potentials, waarvan ~ 97 externe Strategische Instroom

~ 111 High Potentials uit doorstroom en zij instroom

~125 High Potentials uit doorstroom en zij instroom

Top 150 uit doorstroom en zij instroom Individuele TD begeleiding

Potential Programma

Aanbod KPN Potential Programma

High Potentials Schaal 11/12

Leading others: - Managing Change - KIM voor potentials

- Authentiek presenteren - Beïnvloeden besluitvorming

KPN in de breedte kennen: - Masterclasses

- Assignments

High Potentials Schaal 13/A

Leading the business: - Personal Development

- Inspirerend leiderschap - Inspirerend spreken

KPN in breedte kennen: - Masterclasses - Pegasus assignment

Persoonlijkheid in balans; stijlvariatie invloed en leiderschap; kent KPN

Young Potentials Schaal 9/10

Leading self: - Feedback geven

- Effectief functioneren - Managing Performance

- Pyramid Principle - Inzicht in invloed

KPN in de breedte kennen:

- Masterclasses - Assignments

- Stages


KPN’s external environment – Macro developments & industry trends

Changing customer behavior

Growing data demand

Single access (triple/quad play packages)

Shift voice / SMS to data

Technological opportunities

Smartphones and tablets

HSPA evolved, LTE


Pair bonding, vectoring

Cloud services




Regulation European debt crisis / looming recession

KPN relatively well positioned with North West European footprint Business and Corporate Market impacted, consumer confidence declining

Our strategic priorities

Market positions in the Netherlands Cost leadership Financial framework Reputation & Quality

Portfolio of businesses & Innovation Customer offerings and processes Organizational structure

Mobile challenger businesses Data opportunities on mobile and fixed Dividend per share




Different analyses have been done

Organisational Diagnostics

§ Interviews Board / Top Management § Leadership focus groups § MBO § E-Plus Cultural Analysis 2011 § E-Plus Book of Words and People Strategy § Egon Zehnder, McKinsey (Leadership Review, TTE, OHI)

Assessment Results

§ Leadership Styles and Hay Organisational Climate § 360 Feedback § Assessment Center Results

People Review & Succession Planning

§ Lacking bench strength in our leadership pipeline § Need for leadership development and engagement


In-depth analysis over the past period confirms conclusions

▪ What leadership behaviour do we need to realise our business strategy? ▪ What interventions do we need

to improve our current climate? ▪ Use these focus groups of

diverse leaders (level, segment) to validate changes in our profile and proposed interventions

Focus Groups In-Depth Interviews

Analysis Feedback on competency profiles

Business Strategy &

Client focus

▪ What leadership is needed to make a step from A tot B-level? ▪ What do you need to realise your

(leadership) potential? ▪ Use these interviewees to

validate changes in our profile and proposed interventions

▪ Sources: focus groups, interviews and analysis. ▪ Use our existing competency

framework (tweak, do not create from scratch) to make a leadership profile that is well understood and accepted (with clear, day-to-day examples) and can be used for recruitment, promotion and development

From analysis to ACTION

MBO analysis Workforce Analysis & Succession Planning Assessment data PAO A leadership & high potentials: Hay S&C, 360/Competencies, OHI, EZI, Real Drives, Mgt panels, interviews BoM & Top Mgt members

Our new strategy & internal analyses show increasing and changing leadership requirements

1.  Achieving growth in a more and more complex market environment with strong customer centricity

2.  Ensuring current business success and ensuring sustainability 3.  Identifying, developing, inspiring and retaining the right people

4.  Increasing (inter)national cooperation & communication 5.  Making tough decisions with respect and reliability

Summarising we need excellence in:

Ø  Leading current business

Ø  People & relationship management

Ø  Driving future success factors to remain sustainable

Impact new model on current Competency Framework KPN NL

Current Competency model NL

Key Leadership behaviours at the right

level for

KPN Group

1. Strategic Orientation

2. Customer Impact

3. Team & People Development

4. Influencing & Relationship Management

5. Accountability for Results

6. Leading Change

7. Outside-In Thinking & Learning

8. Communication

& Authenticity

9. Focus & Decisiveness




KPN Group Leadership Profile

Relabel & focus

Raise the bar Include





A new context à an aligned leadership profile

New KPN Group Leadership Profile for teams and individuals

Current Competency model KPN NL “Head” “Heart” “Hands” (business) (people) (impact)

Priorities The team Results

The customer Influence Change

Current Competency model E-Plus

Base Competence

Sense of Responsibility




(for executives)

Sense of Responsibility




Change of our leadership profile is needed to support our new strategy

Competency •  Key Words •  Example behaviours

Strategic Orientation

•  Balancing short- and long-term view •  Framing strategic options for the future •  Compelling & sustainable vision for business area

•  Focus on (new ) business development •  Stepping beyond accepted thinking

•  Integrates information to translate into medium and long term strategy for business area/product/function and its chain across the company

•  Focuses discussions at the appropriate strategic level •  Effectively anticipates and inspires people to focus on future

opportunities and new business within his scope •  Monitors regulatory changes in the industry, competitor

developments and their impact on the company or function •  Asks questions which open up new ways of seeing own

business and its future within context of industry

Outside-In Thinking & Learning

•  Learning from the best in the industry by active benchmarking

•  Identifying key market trends and customer segments

•  Seeking for strategic partnerships •  Drive for improvement

•  Self-awareness & Openness •  Focus on learning for self & the organisation

•  Develops a fact-based understanding of environment •  Actively tries to learn from people outside the company and

challenges own ideas and ways of working by looking at market trends

•  Is open-minded and willing to learn from people in- and outside the company

•  Is open to and actively asks for feedback •  Learns from his own mistakes and those of others •  Reflects own strengths and weaknesses •  Exhibits composure and is able to cope with emotions in a

variety of situations •  Stretches oneself professionally and as a leader to learn new

skills and shares expertise with others

Leading Change

•  Change advocate / Challenger of status quo •  Building group momentum for change •  Focus on sustainable outcome of change

•  Seeing change through and measuring results •  Agility

•  Communicates a clear compelling new direction, whether originated by himself or not

•  Publicly tracks progress of change to keep others engaged •  Engages with people throughout to understand impact and

maintain commitment •  Combines redesign of structures, process and systems with

building understanding & engagement. •  Thrives in ambiguous situations (demonstrates flexibility

when needed)

Sustainability and Growth

Competency •  Key Words •  Example behaviours

Accountability for Results

•  Focus on results •  Looking beyond own area of


•  Defining challenging but realistic targets

•  Compliance & responsible citizenship

•  Taking ownership •  Personal engagement & drive

•  Driving for operational excellence

•  Always evaluates tasks on the basis of results •  Creates an environment where people focus on the larger good (avoids

sub-optimisation or “turfism”)

•  Continuously strives to exceed goals •  Demonstrates ethical behaviour in all interactions, safeguarding what is

best for the company as a whole

•  Asssumes responsibility for his own actions and the results of his area, within the framework of the overall company goals

•  Is self-motivated, pro-active and assures end-to-end problem solving

Focus & Decisiveness

•  Overseeing and managing complexity •  Integrating data to gain overview •  Keeping it simple

•  Well-timed decision-making •  Business acumen

•  Identifies the various critical issues & priorities and draws appropriate conclusions when integrating complex, incomplete or conflicting data

•  Knows when to make a decision, and is willing to take calculated risks

•  Understands how the business makes money and applies financial insight to address business issues

•  Is keen & quick in understanding and dealing with a situation

•  Works smarter not just harder •  Ensures efficiency and simple structures and procedures

Customer Impact

•  Understanding customer & market needs

•  Customer centricity

•  Service orientation •  Inspiring for high levels of customer


•  Regularly seeks customer input and/or manages NPS •  Puts himself in the shoes of the customer to assess the impact during

planning for market actions & process redesign

•  Views business processes from the ultimate (end-to-end) customer perspective.

•  Focuses on adding value to the customer and/or internal business partner

•  Seeks for robust solutions to customer needs within context of company’s capabilities

Leading Current Business

Competency •  Key Words •  Example behaviours

Team & People Development

•  Leading through others •  Empowerment of people & teams •  Talent & succession management

•  Giving people room to develop and play to their strengths

•  Teamwork •  Celebration of successes

•  Appreciativeness & Diversity

•  Actively engages the team to develop plans and resolve issues making use of complementary talents in the team

•  Agrees responsibilities based on insight into people’s competencies and understands their motives,

•  Gives talent exposure, encourages talent sharing across the company and develops suitable successors

•  Creates a team spirit and rewards for collective goals •  Creates a culture of honest feedback and differentiates the level

of performance among employees •  Recognizes the value of diverse views and opinions •  Actively involves people with strengths he does not possess

Leadership Communication & Authenticity

•  Aligning people’s motivation to strategy •  Walk the talk •  Integrity

•  Ethical Conduct •  Courage & Resilience

•  Being predictable and reliable •  Executing unpopular decisions with respect

•  Puts corporate decisions into a clear overall context •  Adapts communication to audience •  Engages people by showing how each team member can

contribute to the company’s vision and goals •  Resists group pressure, is forthright when values are challenged •  Is a role model for living the organisational’s values •  Is able to bounce back during adversity and resistance •  Expresses thoughts and feelings truthfully, openly and directly,

explains his considerations for decisions •  Is clear and open about his views, challenges with tact and treats

peers and reports in a respectful manner

Influencing & Relationship Management

•  Cooperation & Trust •  Enforcing dialogue, constructive and

challenging debate

•  Building sustainable relationships •  Connecting with people

•  Social awareness •  Convincing and inspiring others

•  Empathy

•  Brings people together across boundaries to achieve sustainable results

•  Makes a real connection with people, invests in building trust •  Develops & maintains effective and open relationships •  Actively seeks input in decision-making •  Builds informal networks as part of the creation process •  Asks questions, tests assumptions and openly discusses issues •  Strives to understand the other person’s frame of reference •  Shows genuine interest and truly listens to others

People Management & Cooperation

Objective: our new leadership profile has real business impact

New KPN Group Leadership Profile is the fundament for our performance management & how we select and develop our current and future leaders

By using our HR instruments and processes business puts new leadership priorities into practice

•  Talent & Leadership Development Programs •  Assessment, selection & promotion criteria •  Yearly potential & performance appraisals •  360°feedback •  Individual development planning •  Yearly People Review & Succession Planning

Vertaling Leadership Profile in Learning: Vakmanschap Management •  Het vakmanschap Management is de link tussen de strategie van de

onderneming en (de prestaties, het gedrag en de ontwikkeling van) de leidinggevenden die het waar moeten maken. Belangrijke ambities zijn: aansluiten bij de business doelstellingen en het inrichten van leeractiviteiten zodanig dat het niet een eenmalige gebeurtenis, maar een continu leerproces wordt

•  Het vakmanschap Management moet beantwoorden aan de ontwikkelkant van de leadership pipeline en succession planning, (mede door het gebruik van het KPN Group Leadership Competency framework voor een deel van de programma’s)

•  De inrichting van het vakmanschap Management draagt bij aan het leveren van een eenvoudig en overzichtelijk aanbod van programma’s, gebaseerd en gericht op de leerbehoeften van de doelgroep(en)

•  Daarnaast is een belangrijke doelstelling: kwaliteit omhoog & kosten omlaag.

Ontwerp Vakmanschap Management


‘On boarding’: korte intro-middag , workshop Atrium, e-learnings zoals HR for managers, compliance etc)

KPN breed


PAO-A/B: IMD OWPP & Ashridge KPN

Leadership Prog

Op uitnodiging

International stream HiPo


(6)7 - 9

Leadership Essentials

(mgt & prof) Generiek


Specifieke bijeenkomsten bv. strategiesessies per afdeling/MT

Customized in-company programma’s





Management Essentials


Management Essentials

Open aanbod/ POP

Masterclasses Actuele thema’s Zittend management

Startend management

Open aanbod/ POP

Open aanbod/ POP

Open aanbod/ POP

Open aanbod/ POP

Management Essentials

Management Essentials

New HiPo programmes:

Inschrijven via LMS KPN Academy in 2013

Management Essentials

Management Essentials

Management Essentials

Voor iedereen

(Refresh) Management Essentials

TEAM Essentials

TEAM Essentials

Globale opzet programma’s Management Essentials



Feedback op competenties

Persoonlijke intake


Feedback op competenties

Persoonlijk transfer-gesprek met manager

Module 1

Thema omtrent

Persoonlijk Leiderschap

Module 2


Met keuzes op basis van persoonlijke intake

Module 3

Thema omtrent managen team/ train de trainer

Business game

Personal Console: Skilldrills / @-learning / Traintool/ Artikelen

Personal  Training/  Coaching

Totale  doorloop+jd:  ca.  15  weken


Personal  Training/coaching

Programma’s voor: - Alle schalen van 6 (7) t/m PAO A, nieuwe en zittende managers - De programma’s 12-13 en PAO A hebben als basis het Leadership Framework - In de programma’s zijn de Wow tools verwerkt - In co-creatie met VDS & Gooi Consult

Incl. PM aspecten als Feedback en Feedforward


Opleiding en Ontwikkeling ondersteunt de strategische doelstellingen van KPN

We hebben één KPN Academy als platform voor alle doelgroepen en alle vormen van leren binnen KPN

We organiseren leren en opleiden over bedrijfsonderdelen en doelgroepen heen.

KPN NL biedt één uniform L&D systeem, programma’s en organisatie We brengen eenvoud in het opleidingsaanbod wat resulteert in betere

kwaliteit en lagere kosten We hebben één professionele L&D organisatie om

opleidingsprogramma’s te ontwikkelen en hierover te adviseren

KPN Academy Uitgangspunten

Vertaling van ons Leadership Profile: People Review - challenging questions


Leading current business • Accepteert hij verantwoordelijkheid en is hij gedreven resultaat te halen? • Is hij snel van begrip en werkt hij slimmer in plaats van steeds harder? Maakt hij keuzes en houdt hij de focus vast. Kan hij complexe zaken simpel weergeven? • Stelt hij de klant altijd centraal ook als de druk hoog is en er onvoldoende ondersteuning van collega’s is? Sustainability & Growth • Kan hij een eigen visie ontwikkelen en verkopen met de juiste balans tussen korte en lange termijn ontwikkeling? Kan hij dit planmatig vertalen en aanpassen indien de situatie dat eist? • Staat hij open voor nieuwe ideeën? Is hij zich bewust van eigen strengths en needs en staat hij open voor feedback? • Stelt hij de de status quo ter discussie? Weet hij de veranderingen blijvend te verankeren in gedrag van mensen, in processen en in werkwijzen?   People Management & Cooperation • Weet hij zaken voor elkaar te krijgen via zijn team? Geeft hij zijn mensen de ruimte zich te ontwikkelen en weet hij ze in hun kracht te zetten? Geeft hij z’n mensen het podium? Weet hij mensen aan het doel en als team te verbinden? • Heeft hij een eigen netwerk gebouwd op basis van vertrouwen, constructieve dialoog en debat? • Weet hij mensen te motiveren? Is hij integer, toont hij moed en is hij weerbaar?  

Vertaling van ons Leadership Profile: KPN NL Medewerkersprofiel

Vertaling van Leadership & Medewerker Profiel: Performance Management

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