present perfect 2015 - cursus engels

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 1


1. The Present Perfect: I have worked. We use this tense to talk about A PERIOD THAT HAS STARTED IN THE PAST AND WHICH CONTINUES UP TO NOW. We can talk about the whole period or about an undefined moment in that period. The Present Perfect expresses AN INDEFINITE PAST! When to use Simple Past and when to use Present Perfect?

The Simple Past is a definite past. The Simple past always talks about a period of time which is definitely over. The Present Perfect is an indefinite past. The action is not over.



Simple Past Present Perfect

Simple Past Present Perfect


It happened in 2010. = definite: we know when


a) It has only happened once . = indefinite: we don’t know when

b) It has just happened. = recent

USE 1. An indefinite past!

• an unspecific time in the past • a time period up till now

2. A recent past. 3. A time period with FOR or SINCE. 4. A habit up till now. 5. A permanent job (up till now). 6. A characteristic (up till now). 7. A result of an ongoing action.

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 2

Examples for the use of the Present Perfect: 1. An indefinite past.

* An action at an unspecific time in the past. Has he ever/once/already won a game? He has never been good at mathematics. I have taken the bus on several occasions. The train has not yet left / has not left yet.

* A time period continuing up till now. I have done everything this morning. (it is still morning but the action is over) More than 40 years have passed since the beginning of television. Till now I have never realised that I was such a materialist. I have never seen him so upset as today. Compare: He has died. (Present Perfect, you don’t know when he died) He died in 1975. (Simple Past, you know the exact date of his death) Compare: The distinction is not always clear! I have written 3 letters this morning. (Present Perfect, action is over but time period is not over yet)

I wrote 3 letters this morning. (Simple Past, action and time period are over)

The action is over but whether the time period is completely over or not is implied by the tense that was used. 2. A recent past I have just seen him. I have only started to work recently. A few minutes ago I have run into an old colleague. 3. A time period with FOR or SINCE. I have lived here since 1983. I have rented this house for 9 years. I have dreamed of this for as long as I can remember. 4. A habit (up till now). I have smoked for many years. During that time of my life, I have taken yoga classes regularly. 5. A permanent job (up till now). I've been working as a salesman all my life. (and I still do) I’ve been selling vegetables at the market forever. (and I still do) 6. A characteristic (up till now). Len has been a manic-depressive all his life. (and he still is) France and England have been enemies throughout history. (and they still are)

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 3

7. The result of an ongoing action. It has made me a more reflective person. He has shaped the clay into a vase. The product has reduced the face wrinkles. The barrier of sand has stopped the flood.

2. The Present Perfect Continuous: I have been working.

I have been writing letters all morning. I have been selling motorbikes ever since. I have been studying Spanish for at least two years now.

Use the Present Perfect instead of the Present Perfect Continuous when (a) you say exactly how many times you did something (frequency) and (b) you mention the number of things or people the action is about.(quantity). • Kathryn has been phoning has phoned her friend at least ten times. (frequency) • She has been buying has bought five new CDs since she came. (quantity)

GRAMMAR PRACTICE. EXERCISE 1: Game. a) One pupil puts his/her chair in the front of the class. b) That pupil in the class says a sentence beginning with: I have never… e.g. I have never stroked a snake. c) Everyone that has never done this activity can stay seated, everyone else has to find another chair. d) The last person standing, sits on the chair in the front and says: I have never… EXERCISE 2: Speaking. Describe your day up till now to your neighbour. List at least ten things and invent one of those ten things. Your neighbour tries to guess what you have invented. Describe yesterday up till now to your neighbour. List at least ten things and invent one of those ten things. Your neighbour tries to guess what you have invented.


We use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense WHEN WE WANT TO STRESS THE DURATION of an action in the past that continues up to the present. It often is a temporary action.

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 4

EXERCISE 3: Why do you need a Present Perfect for these statements?

……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 5

EXERCISE 4: Lifetime achievements… What have the following people achieved? Each time list 2 achievements. Use ADVERBS in your sentence like: always, several times, recently, once, already, on different occasions, since…, for …

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………









7……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 6

EXERCISE 5: Highlight all past tenses in these two texts. Which tense is used in the first text? Which tense is used in the second text? Why is there a difference?

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… EXERCISE 6: Which tense would you use if you encountered the following adverbs? Present Perfect or Simple Past?

yet 2 years ago

yesterday since I left

already just

once for a long time

never recently

In 2012 For ages

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 7

EXERCISE 7: Fill in with the correct tense: Simple Past, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. 1. This is my house. How long …………………………………………… (to live) here? 2. We …………………………………………… (to live) in London for two years and

then we ………………………………………… to Edinburgh. 3. I ……………………………………… (to see) him for three years. I wonder where

he’s living now. 4. I ………………………………………………… (just - to write) this letter, but I can’t

find a stamp. 5. …………………………………………… (you – to lock) the door before you left the

house? 6. Years ago he ………………………………………………… (to work) there, but now

he has a better position in a different company. 7. He ……………………………………………… (to be) on the committee long but

he’s doing an excellent job. 8. He ………………………………… (to come) home late last night. 9. This week I ………………………………………… (to spend) a lot of money on

birthday presents for my twin sisters. 10. He ………………………………… (to write - only) 2 pages of his assignment

so far. EXERCISE 8: Talking about experiences.

Talk to your neighbour about YOUR EXPERIENCES. Use words like ever, once, several times, more than once, often, never, already…

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 8

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 9

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 10

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 11

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 12

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 13

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 14

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 15

EXTRA EXERCISE 1: Choose between the Simple Past or the Present Perfect. 1. We ……………………………………… to be) married for ten years before we

divorced and I don't think I ……………………………… really (to known) him.

2. We regret very much that this valuable employee ………………………………

(to leave) us but at the same time we hope that his time with us

……………………………………… (to prove) to be worth the while.

3. We ……………………………………… ( just - to receive) the news that a tornado

……………………………………… (to strike) the west coast of the country.

4. During the Gulf war, Clinton ……………………………………… (to declare) that

he would not hit civilians, while he actually ………………………………………

(to bomb) a school and a hospital the same day.

5. The young assistant ……………………………………… (yet - join) the scientific

team but he will after he ……………………………………… (to study) all the


6. He ……………………………………… (to travel) to the south of Crete this year

to see some sites that he ……………………………………… (to see) on his visit

two years ago.

7. I ……………………………………… (write) to her in a long time but I

………………………………… (to send) her a long e-mail on several occasions.

8. I don't think prison ……………………………………… (to make) him into a

better person.

9. At that point the police …………………………………… (to surround) his house,

they ……………………………… (to kick) the door and ……………………………………

(to get hold of) the fugitive. He was taken to jail.

10. For many years she ……………………………………… (to keep) hope that he

would return but so far she ……………………………………… (to hear) anything

from him.

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 16

EXTRA EXERCISE 2: Translate and explain why the tense has been used. 1. Heb je het nieuws al gezien? Ja, ik heb het al twee keer gezien. 2. Ben je ooit al eens opgepakt geweest? 3. Hij pendelt al verschillende jaren tussen Brussel en Gent. 4. Hij heeft lang geleden nog een CD opgenomen. 5. Lao Tse was een pacifist. 6. Voor zijn ongeval, ging hij iedere week motorrijden met zijn vrienden. 7. Turkije is nog steeds geen deel van Europa geworden. 8. Toendertijd experimenteerde iedereen met elektronische muziek. 9. Hij is voorzitter gebleven tot zijn dood. 10. Hij was lange tijd de enige die in de theorie geloofde.



















to arrest = oppakken to commute = pendelen Brussel = Brussels Gent = Ghent to record = opnemen back then = toendertijd chairman = voorzitter

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 17

KEY to the exercises.

EXERCISE 3. time period with since time period up till now time period up till now a result of an ongoing action time period up till now time period up till now / unspecific time EXERCISE 4. 1. Scarlett Johansson has acted / has been acting since her childhood. 2. The Queen has been on the throne for many decades now. 3. Daniel Radcliffe has already played in seven Harry Potter movies. 4. Since 2010 Time magazine has named Mark Zuckerberg among the 100 wealthiest and most influential people in the world. 5. Philippe Geubels has been a famous stand-up comedian since 2007. 6. David Beckham has earned a lot of money during his football career. 7. Stromae has won numerous music awards so far. 8. Jeroen Meus hasn't yet finished publishing cookery books. EXERCISE 5. TEXT 1: Simple Past (definite time) / title C TEXT 2: Present Perfect (indefinite time - period up till now) / title A EXERCISE 6. Present Perfect Simple Past Simple Past Present Perfect Present Perfect Present Perfect Present Perfect Present Perfect Present Perfect Present Perfect Simple Past Present Perfect EXERCISE 7. 1. have you lived / have you been living (indefinite) 2. have lived / have been living (time period) / went 3. have not seen / haven’t seen (time period) 4. have just written (recent past) 5. Have you locked / Did you lock 6. worked (definite) 7. has not been / hasn’t been (period up till now) 8. came (definite) 9. have spent (period up till now) 10. has only written (period up till now) EXERCISE 8. 1. I have dived several times already. 2. I have locked myself out of the house once. 3. I have never skied. 4. I have screamed in a scary movie more than once. 5. I have already cheated on a test. 6. I have been to Laundry Day once.

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 18

7. I have overslept on many occasions. 8. I have broken a leg at one time. PAGE 8: PRESENT PERFECT - IRREGULAR VERBS has just sent has received has torn has made has just met has fallen has already ridden has sat has bought has hit has found have just got has rung has sung have won has put has told has sent has eaten has burnt PAGE 9: PRESENT PERFECT WITH FOR AND SINCE.

FOR SINCE two months yesterday a week Christmas six hours June five days Wednesday 15 minutes last month a long time 1992 10 years last summer a short time I was 10 hours 8 o’clock three weeks my birthday 1. has known / since 2. has been / for 3. has lived / since 4. have had / since 5. have played / for 6. have lost / for 7. hasn’t eaten / has not eaten / for 8. has worked / since 9. have studied / for 10. haven’t played / for 11. haven’t seen / since 12. haven’t visited / for 13. hasn’t cried / for 14. haven't received / for 15. hasn't got / since PAGE 10: PRESENT PERFECT TENSE. 1. hasn't lost 2. has just broken 3. has already read 4. has won 5. has gone 6. has taken 7. has jus rescued 8. has bought 9. has broken 10. have already been 11. has just found 12. have known 13. has received 14. has had 15. hasn't caught

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 19

16. has told 17. has just fallen 18. has missed

PAGE 11: WHAT HAS JUST HAPPENED? 1. He has just caught a fish. 2. The boy has just thrown a ball. 3. The boy has just come out of the water. 4. Tim has just fallen asleep. 5. John has just taken a picture of his wife and daughter. 6. The Smiths have just started a voyage. 7. He has just caught a hat. 8. Same and Kate have just pitched a tent. 9. She has just jumped into the water. 10. The girl has just picked a bunch of flowers. 11. They have just arrived at the hotel. 12. She has just eaten a strawberry. 13. It has just started to rain. 14. The bear has just eaten some food. 15. The girl has just fallen. 16. Tracy has just built a sandcastle. 17. The girl has just watered the carrots. 18. The man has just got lost. 19. The man has just put out the fire. 20. The cook has just made dinner. PAGE 12: PRESENT PERFECT AND PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS. A 1. No, I didn't. 2. Yes, she did. 3. No, they don’t. 4. No, I haven’t. 5. Yes, she is. 6. No, he hasn’t. 7. Yes, I have. 8. Yes, they did. 9. No, they aren’t. 10. Yes, they have. B. 1. has just gone 2. haven’t ordered yet 3. has been 4. have you ever driven 5. has never travelled 6. hasn’t phoned 7. has had 8. has Daniel ever met 9. Have you heard 10. have always loved

C. 1. Did you speak 2. have just had 3. has never shown

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 20

4. didn’t get up 5. have you bought / did you buy E 1. have been crying / have cried 2. has been 3. has sold / has been selling 4. has he known 5. has been designing 6. have been reading 7. have already washed 8. hasn't eaten / hasn't been eating 9. have been painting F. 1. since 2. since 3. since 4. for 5. since 6. for 7. since 8. for 9. since 10. since G. 1. It’s / has been raining for two days. 2. We’ve / have known Harry for a long time. 3. Has Mary been teaching English since she graduated? 4. She has been sleeping for nine hours. 5. I haven’t played the guitar since 2005. 6. How long has Patty been studying? 7. Mark and Ann have been divorced since last month. 8. Laura’s children have been playing computer games all day. 9. Has he had breakfast yet? H. 1. h 2. a 3. g 4. b 5. c 6. d 7. e 8. f

PAGE 13: PAST SIMPLE OR PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE? 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a / b 5. b 6. a 7. b 8. b

Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous 21

9. b 10. a / c 11. a / b 12. c 13. c 14. b PAGE 14: PRESENT PERFECT OR PAST SIMPLE. 1. saw (definite past) has been (indefinite past - ever since) 2. have played (indefinite - since) won (definite - last Friday) 3. has harassed (indefinite - since) has lost ( indefinite - this morning) 4. has studied (indefinite - for) passed (definite - last Wednesday) 5. has waited (indefinite - for) arrived ( definite - when) 6. has made (indefinite - this morning) 7. has arrived (indefinite - this morning) haven’t seen (indefinite - since) 8. has eaten / ate (definite past or period up till now) 9. has eaten (indefinite - you don't know when) felt (definite - it's over) 10. felt (definite - when) found (definite - when) 11. got (definite - at 5 am) has done (indefinite - so far) 12. phoned (definite - two hours ago) has been (indefinite - since then) 13. started (definite - in November) has not finished yet / has not yet finished (indefinite - yet) 14. began (definite - an hour ago) 15. began (definite - two months ago) hasn’t found (indefinite - yet) PAGE 15 / EXTRA EXERCISE 1: FILL IN THE CORRECT TENSE. 1. have been have really known 2. has left has proved 3. have just received has struck 4. declared bombed 5. hasn’t yet joined/ hasn’t joined yet has studied 6. has travelled didn’t see 7. haven’t written have sent 8. has made 9. surrounded kicked got hold of 10. has kept hasn’t heard PAGE 15 / EXTRA EXERCISE 2: TRANSLATE AND... 1. Have you seen the news yet? / Have you already seen the news? Yes, I’ve already seen it twice. 2. Have you ever been arrested? 3. He has been commuting between Brussels & Ghent for years. 4. A long time ago he recorded a CD. 5. Lao Tse was a pacifist. 6. Before the accident he went motorcycling with his friends every week. 7. Turkey has still not become a part of Europe. 8. Back then everyone made electronic music. 9. He has remained chairman until his death. 10. For a long time he has been the only one to believe in the theory.

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