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Post on 01-Nov-2019






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!Contents:!!!About!the!NEBOSH!General!Certificate! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3!!GC3:!Health!and!Safety!Practical!Application! ! ! ! ! ! 6!!Use!of!Command!Words! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 7!!NGC!Terminology! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 13!!!Annexes:!!!HSG!65!Overview!!The!Management!of!Health!and!Safety!at!Work!Regulations!Overview!!Risk!Assessment!Overview!!Civil!and!Criminal!Law!Overview!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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•$ Assist$in$the$planning,$implementation$and$review$of$an$organisations$health$&$safety$policy.$

•$ Understand$the$requirements$of$HSE$legislation,$codes$of$practice$and$the$prosecution$process.$

•$ Undertake$risk$assessments$and$recommend$suitable$action.$•$ Investigate$accidents$and$prepare$reports$in$line$with$HSE$legislation.$•$ Identify$common$hazards$in$the$workplace$and$recommend$suitable$corrective$


•$ Scope$and$Nature$of$Occupational$Health$and$Safety$•$ Moral$and$Financial$Drivers$for$Health$and$Safety$Management$•$ The$Legal$Framework$For$Health$and$Safety$Regulation$•$ Health$and$Safety$at$Work$etc.$Act$1974$•$ The$Management$of$Health$and$Safety$at$Work$Regulations$1999$

! 4!

•$ Client$and$Contractors$!Element!2:!Health!and!Safety!Management!Systems!V!Plan!$

•$ Key$Elements$of$a$Health$and$Safety$Management$System$•$ Purpose$and$Importance$of$Setting$Policy$for$Health$and$Safety$•$ Key$Features$and$Appropriate$Content$of$an$Effective$Health$and$Safety$Policy$


•$ Roles$and$Responsibilities$of$Employers,$Directors$and$Managers$Health$and$Safety$Culture$

•$ Human$Factors$That$Influence$Behaviour$at$Work$•$ Improving$Health$and$Safety$Behaviour$•$ Principles$and$Practice$of$Risk$Assessment$•$ General$Principles$of$Control$•$ Sources$of$Health$and$Safety$Information$•$ Safe$Systems$of$Work$(SSW)$•$ PermitsQToQWork$(PTW)$•$ Personal$Protective$Equipment$•$ Safety$Signs$and$Signals$•$ Emergency$Procedures$and$Arrangements$•$ First$Aid$in$the$Workplace$


•$ Active$and$Reactive$Monitoring$•$ Investigating$incidents$•$ Recording$and$Reporting$Incidents$


•$ Health$and$Safety$Auditing$•$ Reviewing$of$Health$and$Safety$Performance$


•$ Health,$Welfare$and$Work$Environment$Requirement$•$ Violence$at$Work$•$ Substance$Misuse$•$ Safe$Movement$of$People$•$ Working$at$a$Height$•$ Excavations$•$ Temporary$Works$


•$ Safe$Movement$of$Vehicles$•$ Driving$at$Work$


! 5!

•$ WorkQrelated$Upper$Limb$Disorders$•$ Display$Screen$Equipment$•$ Manual$Handling$•$ Manually$Operated$Load$Handling$Equipment$•$ Powered$Load$Handling$Equipment$


•$ General$Requirements$For$Work$Equipment$•$ Hand$Tools$•$ Machinery$Hazards$•$ Control$Measures$for$Machinery$Hazard$•$ Specified$Equipment$


•$ Use$of$Electricity$at$Work$Q$Hazards$and$Risks$•$ Control$measures$When$Working$with$Electrical$Systems$or$Using$Electrical$


•$ Fire$Initiation,$Classification$and$Spread$•$ Fire$Risk$Assessment$•$ Fire$Prevention$and$Prevention$of$Fire$Spread$•$ Fire$Alarm$and$FireQFighting$Equipment$•$ Evacuation$of$a$Workplace$


•$ Forms$of,$Classification$of,$and$Health$Risks$from$Hazardous$Substances$•$ Assessment$of$Health$Risks$•$ Occupation$Exposure$Limits$•$ Control$Measures$•$ Specific$Agents$•$ Safe$Handling$and$Storage$of$Waste$


•$ Noise$•$ Vibration$•$ Radiation$•$ Stress$


! 6!


•$ A$safety$inspection$of$a$workplace,$identyfing$common$hazards$and$suggesting$appropriate$and$cost$effective$control$measure$

•$ A$written$report$detailing$your$findings$from$the$inspection$and$persuasively$urging$management$to$take$appropriate$action$


•$ Units$NGC1$and$GC2$are$each$assessed$by$a$2$hour$exam$consisting$of$10$short$essay$answers$and$1$long$essay$answer.$

•$ GC3$is$a$practical$assessment$which$must$be$completed$within$14$days$of$sitting$the$NGC1$and$GC2$exams.$


Our guide to completing your NEBOSH Practical

The DO's The DON’Ts Do: Read the NEBOSH Guide in your

Student Zone or sent to you by email

before picking up your pen.

Don't: Forget that the overall aim of the

report is to persuade management.

Do: Pay attention to the marking

scheme and plan accordingly

Don't: Scrimp on the high mark

percentage areas - namely the

observation sheets which account for 30

- 100 marks available.

Do: Demonstrate your knowledge and

understanding of the various

regulations that may have been


Don't: Breeze over the conclusions and

recommendations section of the report

as it is also worth 30 marks.

Do: Utilise all of your H&S knowledge -

including relevant safety regulation.

Don't: Forget to sign the declaration that

your submission is all of your own work -

your signature can be electronic.

Do: Check back through the marking

scheme to satisfy yourself that you've

done all that you have been asked for.

Don't: Repeat a hazard as you will only

be awarded one point for it - go for a

broad spread of hazards instead.

Do: Be sure to get your completed

practical in on time.

Don't: Neglect to consider the measures

needed to retain control.

Do: Identify more than 20 uncontrolled

hazards (But always less than 30)

Don't: Scrimp on the introduction. Paint

a picture in words of the inspection site

including a description, location, size

and the number of people working there.

Do: Include a couple of hazards where

the control measures are sufficient

Don't: Reply on general

recommendations such as stating

"safety training required' - be specific.

Do: List the immediate controls for

each hazard itself.

Don't: Forget to add medium and long

term hazard controls.

Do: Distinguish between symptoms

and the root causes of hazards

Don't: Use acronyms or abbreviations.

Do: Follow the recommended report

format. There are no points for


Don't: Write less than 500 words and try

to keep under 1000 - review your work

and remove any waffle or repetition.

Do: Write your executive summary last

and be sure to include all key points

and findings.

Don't: Feel that you have to know the

actual cost of putting your

recommendations right - it is sufficient to

let the reader know that you are aware

that there will be cost implications.

Do: Back up your recommendations

with facts and base them on your

conclusions - the report is about getting

management buy-in, so convince them

of your argument!

Don't: Mention anything in your

conclusion that you have not mentioned

previously. A conclusion is for summing

up, not introducing new information.

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! 8!

the$question.$In$general$there$are$going$to$be$more$marks$available$for$application$and$comprehension$skill$questions$than$for$knowledge$based$questions.$$Understanding$the$command$words$in$a$question$is$the$key$to$success$in$answering$it.$The$command$word$indicates$the$nature$of$answer$and$the$skills$being$assessed.$$NEBOSH!Certificate!qualification!command!words!$The$following$definitions$are$included$for$a$common$understanding$of$the$command$words$used$in$the$compilation$of$Certificate$question$papers.$$Command!word$ Definition$










•$ What$is$the$command$word?$•$ What$do$I$need$to$say$to$gain$marks?$•$ What$is$or$is$not$relevant$to$the$question?$


! 9!













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Term Definition

Absolute$ A$nonQnegotiable$duty$imposed$by$a$regulation$when$it$uses$the$term$'shall'$or$'must'$without$the$qualification$of$'reasonably$practicable'.$

Accident$ An$undesired$event$or$series$of$events$causing$(or$with$the$potential$to$cause)$injury,$illQhealth$or$damage.$

Acute$effect$ An$effect$arising$from$exposure$to$a$hazardous$substance$that$happens$immediately$on$exposure.$









Carcinogen$ Chemicals$that$are$known$or$suspected$to$cause$cancer.$

Chronic$Effect$ An$effect$arising$from$exposure$to$a$hazardous$substance$which$takes$a$long$time$to$take$effect.$This$may$take$months$or$even$years$for$the$effects$to$become$evident.$

Common$Law$ Unwritten$law,$originally$based$on$the$merging$of$various$local$customs$and$laws$as$a$result$of$various$royal$judges$who$toured$the$country.$Cannot$be$in$conflict$with$Statute$Law.$



Decibel$(dB)$ A$logarithmic$measurement$commonly$used$to$measure$sound.$

dB(A)$ Sound$measured$using$the$"A$weighting".$Commonly$used$as$the$measurement$of$environmental$or$industrial$noise$across$an$8Qhour$average$day$

DSE$ Display$Screen$Equipment$

Duty$of$Care$ A$legal$precedent$which$states$that$"You$must$take$reasonable$care$to$avoid$acts$or$omissions$which$you$could$reasonably$foresee$would$be$likely$to$injure$your$neighbour".$

EH40$ An$HSE$publication$defining$Occupational$Exposure$Limits$in$support$of$the$Control$of$Substances$Hazardous$to$Health$(COSHH)$Regulations.$



Ergonomics$ The$study$and$knowledge$of$human$abilities$and$limitations$to$help$design$and$build$for$comfort,$efficiency,$productivity$and$safety.

Frequency$ Frequency,$referring$to$sound,$is$the$amount$of$complete$waves$every$second$that$produce$sound.$

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HAVS Hand$Arm$Vibration$Syndrome

Hazard$ An$object,$situation,$or$behaviour,$that$has$the$potential$to$cause$harm$in$terms$of$injury,$ill$health,$or$damage$to$property$or$the$environment.$

HSE$ Health$and$Safety$Executive$



LEV$ Local$Exhaust$Ventilation$ LUX$ Unit$of$measurement$for$illuminance.

MEL$ Maximum$Exposure$Limit.$Defined$in$the$Control$of$Substances$Hazardous$to$Health$(COSHH)$Regulations$and$updated$in$EH40.$The$MEL$sets$the$maximum$exposure$to$which$an$employee$can$be$exposed$to$a$specified$hazardous$substance.$

MSD$ Musculoskeletal$Disorder$ MSDS$ Material$Safety$Data$Sheet$

Mutagen$ A$substance$which$may$cause$changes$in$human$cells$and$may$be$handed$down$from$generation$to$generation.$

Near$Miss$ A$near$miss$describes$an$incident$which$given$a$slight$shift$in$time$or$distance$might$have$resulted$in$injury,$illQheath$or$damage.$By$reporting,$investigating$and$acting$on$lessons$learned$from$near$misses,$accidents$should$be$prevented.$

Negligence$ Negligence$is$the$omission$to$do$something$which$a$reasonable$man,$guided$upon$by$those$considerations$which$ordinarily$regulate$the$conduct$of$human$affairs,$would$do.$

PTW$ A$permit$to$Work$is$a$formal,$written$procedure$used$to$control$work$activities$which$are$identified$as$particularly$hazardous$and$where$special$precautions$are$required$to$control$the$hazards.$Primarily$used$for$nonQroutine$work$activities.$

PPE$ Personal$Protective$Equipment$ RCD$ Residual$Current$Device$

Regulation$ Mandated$by$the$government.$Also$a$legal$requirement$(below$the$Health$and$Safety$at$Work$etc$Act)$covering$a$specific$area$of$health$and$safety$legislation.$

RIDDOR$ The$Reporting$of$Injuries,$Diseases$and$Dangerous$Occurrences$Regulations$1995$

Risk$ The$chance$or$likelihood$that$somebody$could$be$harmed$by$a$hazard$in$the$workplace,$together$with$an$indication$of$how$serious$the$harm$could$be.$

SSOW$ A$method$of$work$designed$to$eliminate$hazards,$where$possible$and$to$ensure$that$the$work$is$performed$in$a$safe$manner.$

Safety$Phrase$ The$standard$phrases$defined$in$EH40$and$used$in$the$classification,$packaging,$labelling$and$provision$of$information$on$hazardous$substances.$ SFARP$ So$Far$As$Reasonably$Practicable.$ Statute$law$ The$formal,$written$law$of$a$country$or$state.$

TWA$ Usually$calculated$as$an$8$hour$TWA.$An$average$value$of$exposure$over$the$course$of$an$8$hour$shift.$

! 15!







WRULD$ Work$Related$Upper$Limb$Disorder





Produce a policy and safe working plan

Measure performance

Investigate incidents and near




Learn from lessons

Risk Assessment

Organise and train workforce


safe systems

Designed by Chris Vincent – BV Associates Limited

Regulation 3 – Risk Assessment Assessment of risks to employees & others. Suitable & sufficient by a competent person. Special risk (pregnant, lone worker young persons). Take appropriate action as identified. Written record (5 or more) of significant risks Suitable & sufficient Procedure to identify significant hazards & risks, who might be harmed, identify, prioritise & implement controls, remain valid for a reasonable time Competent person Training, knowledge, skills, experience of task/equipment/situation being assessed & the risk assessment process, recognise own limitations. ��

Regulation 5 – Health and Safety Arrangements

Preventative & protective measures must be: Planned, organised, controlled, monitored & reviewed, recorded (5 or more).

Management of Health

and Safety at Work

Regulations 1999

Regulation 4 – Principles of Prevention Where an employer implements and preventative and protective measures he shall do so on the basis of the principles set below: ! avoid risk ! evaluate those which cannot be avoided ! combat at source ! adapt work to the individual ! adapt to technology ! replace the dangerous with non-dangerous or less

dangerous ! develop overall prevention policy ! priority to collective protective measures ! give appropriate instruction to employees. ��

Regulation – 6 Health Surveillance

Every employer shall ensure that his employees are provided with such health surveillance as is appropriate having regards to the risks to their health and safety which are identified by assessment.

Regulation – 7 Health and Safety Assistance

Appoint one or more competent persons to advise & assist. Make arrangement for co-operation between them. Information, time & means to fulfil functions. Competent person within employers employment preferred, not essential.

Regulation – 8: Procedures for serious and imminent danger and for danger areas Establish procedures to be followed. Nominate competent persons to implement those procedures. Restrict access to danger areas on health and safety grounds unless adequate information has been issued to employees concerned. Persons who are exposed to serious danger to be informed of the nature of the hazard and control measures. Enable persons to take the appropriate action to stop work and proceed to a place of safety. Prevent persons from restarting work except in special circumstances

Regulation – 9 Contact with external services

Every Employer shall ensure that any necessary contacts with external services are arranged, particularly as regards first aid, emergency medical care and rescue work.

Regulation – 10 Information for employees

Every employer shall provide employees information on: Risks to their health and safety. Preventive and protective measures. Risks to children.

Regulation – 11 Co-operation and co-ordination

Where two or more employers share a workplace they shall: Co-operate with each other. Co-ordinate their activities. Inform each other of their risks

Regulation – 12 Persons working in host

employers’ or self employed persons undertakings

Every employer shall provide information on: Risks to health and safety.

Regulation – 13 Capabilities and Training

Employees are to provide adequate health and safety training. Training to be repeated periodically/adapt to new risk and take place during work.

Regulation – 14 Employees’ duties

Employees must use any machinery, equipment, dangerous substance, transport equipment, means of production or safety device in accordance with training & instructions given. They must inform employer of serious or imminent danger and shortcomings in H&S arrangements…

Regulation – 15 Temporary Workers

Every employer shall provide comprehensible information on any specialist skills & health surveillance required before starting work.

Regulations – 16,17,18 New and expectant mothers

If notified in writing of pregnancy, birth within 6 months or breast-feeding, must complete Risk Assessment. Alter working conditions if feasible.

Regulation – 19 Protection of young persons

Left school but under 18. Employer must complete a Risk Assessment to protect from lack of experience, maturity and absence of awareness of potential risks. Must not employ young persons beyond their physical or mental capacity, or work involving harmful exposure to radiation, harmful agents, toxic or carcinogenic agents, or risks from extreme heat, cold, noise or vibration.


Courtesy of Jane Riley

Risk Assessment 07

RISK ASSESSMENT PROCESS 1. Identify hazards 2. Identify who might be harmed and how 3. Evaluate the risks

∗ Estimate adequacy of existing controls ∗ Likelihood of incident occurring ∗ Severity of potential consequences ∗ Recommend further action - elimination

or control 4. Record assessment 5. Review and monitor

LEGAL REQUIREMENTS HASAWA 1974 S2, S3 Reg 3 Management of H&S at Work Regs 1999 Specific Assessments: Hazardous substances (COSHH 2002), DSE workstations (H&S DSE Regs 1992) , Manual Handling (Manual Handling Operations Regs 1992), Fire (Fire Precautions (Workplace)) Regs 1997, First Aid Provision (H&S (First Aid)) Regs 1981, PPE suitability (PPE at Work Regs 1992), Young Persons (MHSWR 1999), New & Expectant Mothers (MHSWR 1999).

CRITERIA Suitable & Sufficient - RA to be appropriate to the work & risks involved; identify all significant hazards & risks and account of people affected; identify & prioritise controls required; controls should be reasonable, should enable legislative compliance & result in remaining risk being low. RA should remain valid for reasonable period of time. Competent Person - person with sufficient Knowledge Attributes (skills) Training Experience & knowledge of their own Limitations

METHODS Hazard Identification - PEET - People, Environment, Equipment, Tasks 1. Observation of workplace & work activities e.g. job safety analysis. 2. Document inspection e.g. maintenance records, test certificates, legislation, ACOPs, GNs, accident investigation reports, previous inspection reports etc. 3. Questioning workers & supervisors. Who might be harmed? - Consider workers, other employees, maintenance staff, cleaners, contractors, visitors, and vulnerable people. How many? Type of person - young, elderly, children, disabled, new & expectant mothers, pre-existing medical conditions, shift workers, lone workers etc. How might they be harmed? - routine & non-routine activities.

CONDITIONS FOR REVIEW New equipment, technology, premises, personnel, type of personnel, legislation or best practice. If new information on H&S risks becomes available. After an incident or enforcement action. If the results of monitoring, audit, health surveillance suggest review is necessary. Also review periodically to ensure RA remains valid.

DEFINITIONS Hazard - something with the potential to cause harm Risk - the likelihood that the hazard will cause harm in the circumstances. Combination of the likelihood of an incident occurring & the severity of the outcome Control Measure - an item, procedure or system introduced to eliminate or reduce risk

RISK RATING Risk Rating = Likelihood X Severity

Likelihood - estimated frequency of occurrence. influenced by No. & type of people exposed to hazard, how often & by the workplace conditions e.g. light, space etc. Severity - estimated probable outcome of the incident. Influenced by No. & type of people affected, level of energy & other factors e.g. concentration & toxicity of hazardous substances.

GENERAL A RA involves identifying the hazards present in any working environment or arising out of commercial & work activities, and evaluating the extent of the risks involved, taking into account existing precautions & their effectiveness.

CONTROLS HIERARCHY Eliminate Substitute Isolate/Segregate Safe systems of work Warning systems IIT&S PPE

Safe Place controls

Safe Person controls

BENEFITS OF RISK ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME Prevention of accidents, incidents, ill health & their associated costs. Legal compliance. Reduction in claims & complaints. Reduced insurance premiums. Allows financial planning of progressive risk reduction measures. Involvement of staff in process encourages consultation, increases hazard awareness and ownership & contributes to positive H&S culture. May also increase quality standards, efficiency & productivity.

MONITORING Check that conditions remain unchanged; controls are available adequate & being used.



Civil And Criminal Law (Courtesy of Dave West)

Burden Of Proof

Civil Law

Remedy Sought


Balance of Probabilities

Instigator of Action

Set By Precedence

Source of Law


Beyond all Reasonable


The Aggrieved


Statute Law

Common law

Punishment of Guilty


County Court

Small Claims

High Court

Magistrates Court

Crown Court

For Injury Loss

Damage Caused

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