preparetion and implementation of structural plan

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Pursuing any development or neighborhood plan today involves working with a myriad of actors beyond professional collaborators during planning and design phases. These include direct abutters, surrounding neighbors, elected offi cials, public agencies, opponents (often), investors, financial institutions, and regulators, all billed as “stakeholders.” Navigating the shoals created by cadres of stakeholders is perhaps the greatest challenge to pursuing sophisticated ideas about and goals for urbanism. Consensus around goals that arenot very ambitious is, unfortunately, common. However, rather thanwallow in despair about the unpredictable nature of decentralized processes, urban designers must learn to be more effective collaborators,willing participants in true interdisciplinary endeavors, and advocatesfor ideas not always their own, ideas that have the potential to rally others around higher expectations, not expedient solutions. Such skills are not always available in a designer’s tool kit. Some blame the messiness of democratized processes for producing mediocrity. On the other hand, many can offer examples of substantial benefits to projects as a result of broader community participation. Then, too, there is that maxim among seasoned urban designers, “To envision takes talent, to implement takes genius.”


  • 1. ( ( )) December, 2013 MUDC, Addis Ababa / / / /

2. Contents of the presentation I. Introduction 1. 2. 3.Background Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia Definition and principles of Structure Plan2.Phases of Plan Preparation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.Initiation and planning program Situational assessment Planning issue identification and prioritization Setting vision, goals and objectives Data collection and compilation Data analysis and interpretation Preparation of conceptual plan Preparation of frame work plan /proposal Plan approval 3. Contents of the presentation 3.Phases of Plan implementation 1. 2.3.Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Feed back 4. 1.Introduction 1. Background Primary Manual was prepared in September 2006 (by FUPI and Mathewos Consult)Revised in 2012 (by MUDC,UPSBB) Reason for the revision of the manual To incorporate changes, in policy/legal frameworks; To improve the contents, comprehensiveness and clarityPurpose of the manual Guide and handbook Reference and source of information Uniformity and transparent urban planning exercise in the country 5. 1.Introduction contd Content of the Manual Introduction (mainly overall purpose, objectives and review of practices, Conceptual framework Steps and procedures (SP Manual detailing 10 phases) Formats and standardsHow were the Manuals prepared Structure Plan manual have been prepared as a base lessons learnt from local and international planning practices Participatory and consultative approach Expansion, refinement and consolidation of the DraftManuals (2003 by MFA and 2006 by MUHDC) 6. 1.Introduction contd Role of NUPI/FUPI/UPCB 1979-1998 preparation different plan/monitoring & evaluation Lack of capacity, to cover all About 120 towns (1979-1998) Currently (1001 cities have plan) after RUPI and privateconsultantsCurrently Role of Urban Plan, Sanitation & Beautification Bureau Capacity Building( training, research and others) Regulatory(monitoring and evaluation) 7. 1.Introduction contd 2.Urban Panning approaches adopted in Ethiopia Previous Planning Practices Sketch plan and master plan since1936Master Plans, Detailed Plan Addis Ababa, 40 Towns (1969), and othersDevelopment plans ( since 1985 )Structure Plans (since 1999) Addis Ababa and Adama Master Plan RevisionsIntegrated Development Planning (IDP) approach (since 2004) Mekelle, Awassa, Dire Dawa, Bahir Dar, Adigrat, Gambela and others Current Planning Practices Structure plan, basic plan, LDP and urban design 8. 1. Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia1strecorded urban planning - made at the end of 19th early 20th centuries after the relives of Addis Ababa as a capital. the Empress Taitu and/or Emperor Minilik settlement plan formal settlement pattern around Filwouha (hot spring) area 9. 1. Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia Le Corbusier 1936 sketch plan of AA Italian master plan Opposed garden city Focused on modern capital Segregated (east for natives west for Europeans Radial urban Frame work not detail 10. 1. Urban Panning Practices in EthiopiaGuidi & valle zoning plan , Italian plan 1936-41 of sefer system Partially implemented Grid iron 11. 1. Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia Sir patric Abercrombie Plan in 1954-56 Also Plan for great London Zoning principle Radial Satellite city Ring road Not effectively implemented 12. 1. Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia Bolton Henessy and partners (British consultants) Refine former Abercrombie's Topo map Ring road Green belt Centers Satellite city(gefersa, kolfe, Bole, kotebe) Not successful 13. 1. Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia French L De marien (1965) Special focus to chrchil street Detail urban design exercise Legibility principles 14. 1. Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia Hungarian professor C.K. Polonyi, (1970 ) mainlyfocused on the design of Meskel square ( public space) connect (AA to Adama) create development poles 15. 1. Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia Short comings Lack of involvement of local experts Lack of legality Focused only on physical/spatial Little or none urban rural interaction Not accessible for the public assumed as secret political instrument Local reality missed Not respond to dynamic changes Differs in content, context, time horizon etc) 16. 1. Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia It was the 1970s ministry of urban development andhousing established to guide the development of urban centers AAMPPO established prepared master plan in 1986 17. 1. Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia1986 by AAMPO (Ethio-Italian master plan) Establishment of NUPI 18. 1. Urban Panning Practices in EthiopiaCurrent structural plan In in use and revision process 19. 1. Urban Panning Practices in Ethiopia As a summary The involvement of local planners and experts in urban planning, Multi-professional involvement, The establishment of central urban plan making body in the country,(NUPI) Rectification of the scope and contents of urban plans, Public access for the plans, The shifts in the planning approaches, and then Decentralization of plan making bodies 20. Master plan vs Structure plan Master planStructure plan/basic planpast city plan approachCurrent city plan approachFocusing More physical/spatial aspectFocusing Physical /spatial /socio-economic aspects20years10yearsRigid /zoning change not possible( wherever plan not addressed the facts /realitiesFlexible/zoning change possible wherever realities become visibleblock level details and local roads includedSp Framework/ basic plan detail up to block levelparticipatory planning was considered as simple familiarization of the already finalized urban plans to stakeholders.Highly participatory 21. 1. Introduction contd1.Introduction contd Hierarchy of Current Ethiopian Urban Planning SystemLevel 1Level 2Level 3 Level 4National Urban Development Scheme (NUDS)Regional Urban Development Plan (RUDP) City-Wide Structure Plan (CWSP)Local Development Plan 22. 1.Introduction contd 3. Definition and principles of Structure Plan Definition of Structure Plan(UPL) A binding technical document Institutional and policy framework For guiding the long term development of urban centre/ town/ city/ SP indicate(UPL) Principal land uses, magnitude & growth direction, Urban redevelopment areas, layout of major physical & social infrastructure etc. Principles of Structure Plan Strategic Comprehensiveness and seeks urban rural harmony Flexible Participatory 23. Phases of Structure Plan Preparation 24. Structure Plan Process(preparation &implementation Initiation & planning programPreparation stageSituational assessmentPlanning issue identification and prioritization Setting vision, Goals and objectives Data collection and compilationPlanning stageData analysis and interpretation Preparation of the conceptual planPreparation of frame work planImplementation & evaluation stagePlan approval Implementation, monitoring and evaluation 25. Structure Plan Process (cont) StructurePlan Process(preparation &implementationStructure Plan Preparation & Implementation ProcessContinuous process Planning is continuous process 26. Structure Plan Process (cont) StructurePlan Process(preparation &implementationStructure Plan Preparation & Implementation ProcessContinuous process Planning is continuous process 27. Phase I- initiation and planning program 1 Purpose to determine need for new plan or revision of old plan Identify prerequisite that should be met before thecommencement 2 Tasks Task 1: Initiation of Planning Activity 1. Conduct need assessment Activity 2. Initiate planning Activity 3. Conduct rapid assessment on data to be collected & analyzed Activity 4. Decide on the type of planning or revision to adopt Task 2 : Planning and Programming Activity 1. Setup Advisory Committees and Public Forum Advisory Committee Public Forum Technical Committee 28. Phase I- initiation and planning program contd Major Deliverables / Outputs A resolution to prepare a Structure Plan Established advisory committee, technical committee, public forumResponsible Body The problem could be initiated by any interested group, orstakeholder, public or otherwise Municipality, the Regional Urban Development Bureau, City Administration, Federal government The municipality will be responsible for establishment of committees and the forum 29. Structure Plan Process (cont) StructurePlan Process(preparation &implementationStructure Plan Preparation & Implementation ProcessContinuous process Planning is continuous process 30. Phase 2 . Situation Assessment purpose to assess the contextual setting of a city/ town to obtain preliminary but sufficient background informationTask 1 Conduct Situation Assessment Assessment is done through interviews, brainstorming, rapid assessment of the previous studies & physical assessment Activity 1. Assess and review various issues Assess the magnitude and direction of growth; Assess the principal land uses Assess socio-economic, physical and environmental situations; Identify housing needs Review layout and organization of major physical and social infrastructure Assess urban redevelopment intervention areas Assess urban-urban and urban-rural linkages. 31. Phase 2 . Situation Assessment Activity 2. Develop a short summary of concept documentas an output. Task 2 Conduct SWOT Analysis Activity 1. Internal Origin (leader ship, organizational arrangement, system and procedures, resource) Activity 2 External Origin ( political, economic, social, technological, environmental) Activity 3 Plan of Action (SWOT analysis matrix) 32. Phase 2 . Situation Assessment Contd Major Deliverables / Outputs Background information for the identification of planning issues Short summary of concept document Responsible body The planning team or the planning institutions The local community, stakeholders Key checkup questions Is background information for the identification of planningissues identified? Is the information sufficient? Was the process participative? 33. Structure Plan Process (cont) StructurePlan Process(preparation &implementationStructure Plan Preparation & Implementation Processphase 3 : Planning Issue Identification & PrioritizationContinuous process Planning is continuous process 34. Phase 3. Planning Issue Identification & PrioritizationPurpose to identify a list of planning issues and select the major priorities/critical problemsTask 1: Identification of Planning Issues Steps for identification of planning issues List problems identified Discuss with stakeholders for reality Substantiate identified problems with facts and figures If possible compare facts and figures with standards, Identify those problems which are found to be significantly different from the figures with which they are compared Form a clusters of problems / planning issues by putting similar problems in the same cluster 35. Phase 3. Planning Issue Identification & Prioritization contdTask 2: Prioritization Like any decision-making process, prioritization can be done in principle by three different types of approaches: a. by consensus;b. by scoring; and c. by a structured process, based on systematic consideration of various sources of information.Task 3: Detailed analysis of priority issues Activity 1. Conduct detailed analysis on priority issues Activity 2. Consolidate the result of the analysis 36. Phase 3. planning issue identification & prioritization contdMajor Deliverables / Outputs Identified Planning Issues Prioritized Problems / Priority Issues Detailed Analysis of Priority IssuesResponsible Body The team leader or project coordinator & the Planning Team The public forum, stakeholders, local community, advisory committee 37. Phase 3. planning issue identification & prioritization contdKey Checkup Questions Are planning & priority issues identified by the public forum? Are local priority issues identified by the local community? Is the existing situation clearly defined through detailed analysis? 38. Structure Plan Process (cont) StructurePlan Process(preparation &implementationStructure Plan Preparation & Implementation ProcessPhase 4. Setting Vision, Goals and ObjectivesContinuous process Planning is continuous process 39. Phase 4. Setting Vision, Goals and Objectives Purpose to set vision, major goals, objectives & formulation of strategies Task 1. setting vision of the city Task 2. setting goals & objectives for the priority issues Task 3. formulation of strategies Task 4. analyzing and deciding on alternatives Task 5. preparation of concept paper & terms of reference Activity 1. Preparation of terms of reference Activity 2: Assign task force for small towns/ for big cities 40. Phase 4. Setting Vision, Goals and ObjectivesMajor Deliverables Vision Statement Established goals for the achievement of the city vision Established objectives for each goal Formulated strategies to achieve the goals Consolidated report/ concept paper TOR for the preparation of the Structure Plan Responsible Body The project team and public forum for setting vision The project team and relevant experts from the relevant sector office for setting goals and objectives and formulation of strategies Advisory committee for deciding on vision, goals, objectives and strategies 41. Phase 4. Setting Vision, Goals and ObjectivesKey Checkup Questions Is the vision shared? Do established goals help solve prioritized issues? Are all objectives SMART and in line with the goals and priority issues? Are the strategies enabling to achieve each goal established? Are all strategies in line with the objectives? Was concept paper prepared? Is the Terms of Reference clear and complete? Have the necessary resources been mobilized? Is the required organizational arrangement established? 42. Structure Plan Process (cont) StructurePlan Process(preparation &implementationStructure Plan Preparation & Implementation ProcessPhase 5. Data Collection and CompilationContinuous process Planning is continuous process 43. Phase 5. Data Collection and CompilationPurpose to get adequate data (historical, physical, socio-economic,geology, environmental, spatial data, etc) Task 1: Determine Data Collection Tools Activity 1: Determine the type & sources of data to be collected Activity 2: Determine the method of data collection Primary data/secondary data: Activity 3: Prepare data collection formats (check list, structured interview, questionnaire , site observation)Task 2: Data Collection at influence area level Activity .1: Identification of the Influence Activity 2: Collect data on Linkage with the influence areas 44. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contd Task 3: Data Collection at Urban Level Activity 1: Collect Data Related to Social Development Activity 2: Collect Data Related on Economic Aspects Activity 3: Collect Data Related to Physical, and Environmental Aspects ( soil type, contour, wind direction, sun orientation ) Activity 4. Collect Data Related to Drainage System Collect information on basin/watershed characteristics: Collect information on open channel flow: .Collect information on storm drains/ pipe systems Collect information on flood problems/ damages: Collect information on bridges and culverts 45. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contd Task 3: Data Collection at Urban Level Activity 5: Collect Data Related geological aspect Get geological/ hydrological map at appropriate scales Geological Structure Mineral Resources Potential Natural Earth Construction Materials Water Resources Potential Surface Water sources Groundwater (Hydrogeology) Groundwater Quality Geological Constraints /Hazards Seismicity: Erosion, Sedimentation and Flooding, land slide etc. 46. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contd Task 3: Data Collection at Urban LevelActivity 8. Data related to Spatial Aspect digital base map 1. Ground surveying 2. Using Existing plan by scanning if any 3. Areal photo(orthophoto) 4. Satellite image 47. GCP pointsnail at centre concrete monuments at known places 48. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contd Task 3: Data Collection at Urban LevelActivity 8. Data related to Spatial Aspect I. Collect data on land use Use1:5000 and/or 1:2000 scaled base maps conduct land use inventory on ten major urban functions.(make sure the quality of Base map )gGround surveying Check for GCP points 49. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contdSample GCP point on hill top 50. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contdAreal photoSatellite image 51. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contd Task 3: Data Collection at Urban LevelActivity 8. Data related to Spatial Aspect I. Collect data on land use Use1:5000 and/or 1:2000 scaled base maps conduct land use inventory on ten major urban functions.(make sure the quality of Base map )Base map 52. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contd Task 3: Data Collection at Urban LevelActivity 8. Data related to Spatial Aspect Collect data on land useI. I.1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4.Conduct inventory on residential housing (pure, mixed) Conduct inventory on land under administration use(city, kebele etc) Conduct inventory on commercial and trade activities (market, different business centers) Conduct inventory on social services ( school, health, religion) Conduct inventory on Manufacturing and Storage (small and large scale, warehouses) Conduct inventory on transport (terminals, bus stations) Conduct inventory on recreation (stadium, playgrounds, open spaces etc) 53. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contd Task 3: Data Collection at Urban Level 8 Conduct inventory on urban agriculture9. Conduct inventory on forest 10 Conduct inventory on special function Restricted areas: military site and camp, historical and archaeological sites, etc. Reserved area, conservation area, water body, etc. 54. Data Collection & analysis (cont) Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contd Existing land use data collection format Housing pure residence Mixed Business and commerce Manufacturing and storage Service Environment Forest Urban agriculture Open space & recreation AdministrationtransportII I 55. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contd Task 3: Data Collection at Urban LevelCollect data on road system Using a 1:2000 and/or 1:5000 base maps: Identify uses, location, condition, distribution, size, hierarchy and material of construction of roads; undertake site observation and point out problems associated with roads and network in the town; Identify pedestrian walkway and bikeway and their characteristics; Collect documents about projects on roads.Activity 7. Data related Historical aspect Activity 6. Collect Data Related to Urban Good Governance 56. Phase 5. Data Collection and CompilationTask 4: Discussion at local and city wide Level Activity 1. Local Level Discussion Activity 2. Stakeholder Level Discussion Activity 3. City wide /Municipal Level DiscussionTask 5: Data Compilation Activity 1: Reconcile the data Activity 2: Compile the dataMajor Deliverables Data Collection Formats Maps containing existing Physical and Spatial features Compiled Socio-Economic, Physical, Geological,Environmental and Spatial data analysis maps Reports 57. Phase 5. Data Collection and Compilation contd Responsible Body The project team Key Checkup Questions Are the data collection formats clear and ready for use? Does the collected data cover all dimensions (physical, social, economical, spatial, etc) 58. Structure Plan Process (cont) StructurePlan Process(preparation &implementationStructure Plan Preparation & Implementation ProcessPhase 6. Data Analysis And InterpretationContinuous process Planning is continuous process 59. Phase 6. Data Analysis And Interpretation Purpose The purpose of data analysis is to abstract significant factsfrom the collected mass of data This step will thus lead to meaningful findings that are ready for recommendations and proposals. Task 1: Determining Tools for Data Analysis Activity 1. Application of General Tools Activity 2. Application of Specific Tools 60. Phase 6. Data Analysis And Interpretation contd Task 2: Identify Points to be analyzed Activity 1. Identify Points to be analyzed under Social Development Issues Activity 2. Identify Points to be analyzed under Economic Development Issues Activity 3. Identify Points to be analyzed under Physical and Environmental , geological Issues Activity 4. Identify points to be analyzed regarding spatial aspects Activity 5. Identify Points to be analyzed Regarding Drainage System Activity 6. Analyze Data Collected from the Influence Area 61. Phase 6. Data Analysis and Interpretation contd Task 3: Data Interpretation Task 4: Detailed analysis and Review of Priority Issues Major Deliverables Facts and figures extracted from the socio-economic, physical, geological, environmental and spatial data Priority Issues & Result of the In-depth Analysis on the Issue Summary of community and stakeholder-specific priorities. A consolidated Report on the Result of Analysis 62. Phase 6. Data Analysis and Interpretation contd Responsible Body The project team Advisory Committee Public forumKey Checkup Questions Are priority issues analyzed through an in-depth analysis? Are summary of community and stakeholder specific prioritiesidentified by the team? Is consolidated report produced? 63. Structure Plan Process (cont) StructurePlan Process(preparation &implementationStructure Plan Preparation & Implementation ProcessPhase 7. Preparation of Concept PlanContinuous process Planning is continuous process 64. PHASE 7. 7. Preparation CONCEPT PLANPlan Phase PREPARATION OF of ConceptPurpose to prepare a conceptual plan consists, future expansion directions, major land use /zones and other major elements Task 1: Develop alternative Concept Plans Prepare different scenarios( say three options) 65. Phase 7. Preparation of Concept Plan Task 2. Discussion on the alternative Concept Plans Activity 1. Conduct Discussions Conduct discussion among project team Conduct in-house discussion Conduct discussion with advisory committee Conduct discussions with the public forum Record and document events for every discussions Activity 2. Incorporate Comments 66. Phase 7. Preparation of Concept Plan contd Major Deliverables Conceptual plan that also shows schematic diagram of major zoning at appropriate scale map; Written illustrations in a more concise and summarized form Responsible Body The project team Key Checkup Questions Have the major land use elements/ zones considered? Is it in line with the prioritized planning issues, the vision, goals, and objectives? Are the proposals realistic? Is it supported by written illustrations? 67. Road width standards 68. Structure Plan Process (cont) StructurePlan Process(preparation &implementationStructure Plan Preparation & Implementation ProcessPhase 8. Preparation of a Framework Plan/proposalsContinuous process Planning is continuous process 69. Phase 8. Preparation of a Framework Plan Purpose to prepare land use proposal of the structure plan based on spatial inputs Task 1 Prepare proposals for spatial components of SP Activity 1. Housing component Activity 2. Centers & market places /Commerce, business & administrative areas Activity 3. Services, community facilities and amenities, special functions, reserved areas, historical sites, archaeological sites Activity 4. Industry, warehouses, depots and workshops Activity 5. Road network, transportation, utilities & infrastructure Activity 6. Environmental sensitive areas (parks, urban agriculture, recreation, mineral resources) Task 2. Preparation of the Land Use Plan (plans ) Task 3. Preparation of Road Network Plan( plans & sections) Task 4. Discussion on the Framework Plan 70. Phase 8. Preparation of A Framework Plan contd Integration of Proposals (cont) Proposed land use format Scale , northing , legend others, color representation Major land useColorHousing Existing ProposalBusiness and commerce Manufacturing and storage Service Environment Forest and riverside green Agriculturetransport V 71. Phase 8. Preparation of A Framework Plan contd Integration of Proposals (cont)1. Hierarch (width) PAS SAS CS drainageProposed road net work Scale , northing , legend others, color V representation 72. Proposals of the Structure PlanPhase 8. Preparation Of A Framework Plan To Fiche q Oq T: r HINTOTOGULELETo Debre Berhan WINGATETo AmboYEKAABADOSpatial Output format for Environmental studyFili Dono MERKATOMEGENAGNA KERANIYOMERI -LUKEThe environmental study should indicate the following spatial components:LIDETAAYER TENA YEKABOLE BISRATE GEBRIEL REPIThe future forestry and green development area ;BOLEAIRPORTWOCHECHAMajor landfill and treatment plant areas( the presence of treatment plant depends on the level of urban center)LAFTO AKAKIKOTARI DERTU GELAN GURA > ZLEBUGELAN DEROTo WelisoKERSA TULUMETI KALITI KOYEFURIYERE SALEHUAKAKITULUDEMITU oO |To Debre ZeitVIII 73. To Debre BerhanGULELEProposals of Of Structure Plan (cont) Phase 8. Preparation the A Framework Plan contdIYOWINGATESpatial Output format for Social Service study The social service study should indicate the following spatial components:MERKATOMEGENAGNA LIDETAENAThe future social service development area-the type of MERI -LUKE social service varies depending on the level of urban center, however the following components should be indicated YEKA plan: on the spatial BOLE Education facilities;BISRATE GEBRIELHealth facilities; BOLE AIRPORTPublic Cemetry Major recreational areas.KOTARIIX 74. Phase 8. Preparation Of A Framework Plan contd 3. Expansion area1. Upgrading area 2. Renewal area 1-3 LDP areas 75. Phase 8. Preparation of a Framework Plan contd Major Deliverables Inputs on existing and future requirements of services (physical, economical, social, municipal services) Structure Plan (Proposed Land Uses & Road Network Plan) A consolidated report on the result of proposal phase Responsible Body The project/ planning team Key Checkup Questions Have all key proposals been made? Are all proposals in line with the priority issues, the vision, goals and objectives? Are the proposals realistic? Is the structure plan complete? 76. Structure Plan Process (cont) StructurePlan Process(preparation &implementationStructure Plan Preparation & Implementation ProcessPhase 9- Plan ApprovalContinuous process Planning is continuous process 77. Phase 9- Plan Approval Purpose To evaluate the proposals To publicize the basic plan process and its readiness for implementation To give plans a legal framework. Task 1. Organize stakeholders participation Task 2. Undertake appraisal Task 3. Undertake structure plan approval Activity 1: Prepare the documents for Approval, Activity 2. Plan approval, Activity 3. Handover the Approved Structure Plan for Implementation 78. Phase 9- Plan Approval Major Deliverables Summary of appraisal document, Comments to be incorporated Legal notice for Approval Approved documentation of the plans ( Legally enforcing graphic and text plan documents) 79. Time Requirement in days for Preparation of Structure Plan 80. Phase 10- Implementation, monitoring & Evaluation Purpose To translate plans into visible products on the ground To check if proposals, principles, norms & standards, and regulations are working appropriately; To identify the problems and Impacts of the plan To design corrective measures to be taken for promoting the plan implementation Task 1. Undertake preparatory works Activity 1. Conduct Training Activity 2. Setup appropriate implementation institutions Task 2. Start implementation work Activity 1. Prepare LDP, Projects and urban design projects Activity 2. Avail & refer relevant Regulations, norms & standardsDeliverables Trained staff Implementation plans, regulations, action plans, etc. Finalized infrastructures, other structures and services. 81. Phase 8. Preparation Of A Framework Plan contd 3. Expansion area1. Upgrading area 2. Renewal area 1-3 LDP areas 82. Phase 10- Implementation, monitoring & Evaluation Task1 . Monitoring Activity 1: Conduct Monitoring Activity .2: Updating Activity.3: Amendment/Revision Task 2. Evaluation Activity 1: Evaluation 83. Phase 10- Implementation, monitoring & Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation Formats for Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and evaluation reports Updated structure plan Responsible BodyImplementation Municipality/ city council or town administration and plan preparingbody:- conduct training Municipality/ city council or town administration:- Setup appropriate implementation institution The established implementing institution or department:- prepare LDP and projects for implementation and implementation workMonitoring and Evaluation Plan implementing department and city council (Internal): Urban planning regulatory body at regional/ federal level(External):- 84. Annex I- Norms and Standards Streets Terminals Open Spaces Density Standards Standards for Health Services Standards for education services Standards for Manufacturing Activities Standards for warehouses Standards for slaughterhouses Main market services and structures standard Solid waste container provision standard 85. Annex II: Data collection & Analysis Formats General Urban Data Educational facilities Health facilities Cultural and recreational facilities Infrastructure, utilities and transportation Open spaces and environmental services Population Household Characteristics Municipal Revenue, Budget and expenditure Institutional Data Urban management, governance legal and regulatory aspects

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