prepared by jacky tsang, jenny li and vivian wong...

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Prepared by Jacky Tsang, Jenny Li and Vivian Wong29th August 2016


Executive SummaryInternship Program Roadmap Part A (Reflection): Calvin Lo

Caren ChoCarolyn ChingCarren Wong

Cedric LauElden Tse

Jacky TsangJenny Li

Joei XuJohnny Cheung


Table of Contents

Jonathan LaiKit Wu

Ludovic ChanMarcus YenMichael Lee

Rebecca MakSammy LeeVeronica Li

Vivian WongYoyo Ng

Part B : From Learning to ActionsThank You Note




This summer, with the theme of diversity, 21 Co-Owners of the Future coming from different partsof the world joined HKBN to look for a brand new experience.

In the past two months, we had gone through a fruitful journey to add value to the company whilealso taking away important learning points from it. Our time was fully packed with different jobsand activities offered by HKBN. Lots of valuable opportunities were given to us to shadow seniormanagements, work in special projects, participate in business meetings, join company visit, aswell as engaged in day-to-day operations in different departments. We were exposed to out-of-comfort-zone assignments and projects, and had to learn how to break through.

HKBN Summer Internship Program not only gave us real life practical working experiences, butalso enough exposure to inspire us to become future leaders. More importantly, HKBN taught ushow to grow as a Talent. Our learnings here will definitely help us reach higher level and drive usto become a more capable person. We will try our best to make an impact on our community, andstrive to make Hong Kong a better place to live.

Executive Summary

Experience HKBN WOWing Business & Talent Culture

Date Program Aim

Jun 21 On-BoardingOrienTalent with sharing from Samuel Hui, fellow Summer Intern

Familiar with HKBN culture and program expectation

Jul 20 & Aug 17 Management Meeting Grab an overview of HKBN operation and management culture

Jul to Aug Mission Possible! Project Act as an entrepreneur to promote HKBN brand and service

Jul to Aug Broadband Delight Project Increase the revenue of Broadband Delight (canteen) by 30% within two weeks

Prepare for Career

Date Program Aim

Jul to Aug Job Shadowing of Department Head Understand the daily work of management

Jul 15 & Jul 21 Company Exchange

- J.P. Morgan and The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong

Develop networking skills and gain inspirations from

different industries

Jul to Aug A+ First Impression Workshop Appreciate the mix and match with personal identity and

build up professional image

Internship Program Roadmap (June to August)


Nothing Worth Having Comes EasyTwo months ago, I really cannot imagine a summer internship could be that excitingand rewarding. HKBN indeed has provided a wonderful platform for us to learn howto “WOW” people. The corporate culture, the visiting events and the “MissionPossible” project has made me become a more diverse person. Compare with thosesummer internships I had before, I strongly believe HKBN is the most rewarding one.

The IT department gives people an image that they are just doing programming and technical supportwhile the amount of effort it has given into the project is always easily going to be forgotten. I am glad thatI could have the opportunity to participate in the MVNO launch preparation. During the job shadowingwith my supervisor Cindy, I gained the insights of project management and further consolidated mybackground knowledge of the project. In particular, the user acceptance testing (UAT) has been one of mymain focus. I was amazed by the importance of the IT department in the competitive telecom industry inHong Kong after reading the MVNO service operation and the MVNO specification documents.

The precise and complex structure linking with different IT department and other users has also shownthe strong teamwork within HKBN. I was given a task to write a program in C using the BRM MTAFramework for separating different types of mobile data usage files. Learning to use different commandline through the SSH client, PuTTY is a brand new challenge for me. This was my first time to write aprogram without any help of compiling software and investigating in different source code samples hasdefinitely improved my programming skills a lot.Calvin attended the Investor Relation

Forum in Goldman Sachs5

Calvin LoIT – Business Support System

Calvin (right) networked with DBS graduate associate at the mixer night in NiQ’s house

“An Internship will Turn You From Ordinary to Extraordinary”

Break the Ordinary Chase for ExtraordinaryOne of my duties is to translate different kinds of documents. I was once responsible to translate theworking arrangement for network teams. In order to engage others and to be attractive, I was asked toshoot a video innovatively. There were lots of means to communicate, sending emails with boring words,having meetings face-to-face, but I was never think out-of-the box of using a video to share workingarrangements. With limited time and resources, I had to transform dull words into an eye-catchingvideo. Within two days, I interviewed different department heads, wrote the scripts, acted as a reporterto make the video fun, and even edited the video myself. The result was satisfying as I successfullyproduced a funny video with concise message. It is an inspired training to break my ordinary practiceand to be innovative. I also contributed to the clearer communication among Talents.

Never be Content with Being the 99%As an intern in Talent Management department, lots of chances are given to me tounderstand HKBN benefits. One of the most wowing benefits is the leave upgradeimplemented just now. I had the chance to contribute on this project, such as promoting andcommunicating to other Talents and reviewing current policy. Majority of companies simplyfollow the legal requirement and the trend, which are very traditional and conservative. But,why not creating the trend ourselves and lead the market? HKBN does. Different leaves aresubstantially increased which amazed the market. HKBN initiatively be the market leader whoencourages the whole market to care about employees. Not many companies have theconfidence and initiation to break the ordinary practice, but HKBN actively chase forextraordinary. If we just follow the majority, we are only one of the 99%. If we are willing totake risk and try new things, we stand out and become the 1%.

Caren acted as a reporter in the video


Caren ChoTalent Management

Caren shared her experience in HKBN in management meeting

“A more than internship Journey”

Nine weeks ago before I embarked my internship at HKBN, I feared for twothings: failing to live up to the expectation and having an unfulfilled workingexperience. However fast forward to the present, I can safely say that myworries only stem from the process of overthinking. My time spent at HKBNwas an eye-opening experience; providing me the opportunity to learn fromindustry experts and to develop the skillsets required to succeed in thecompetitive workforce.

Carolyn (2nd left) attended A+ First Impression Workshop

Talents Rather than InternsMany companies often view interns as ‘inexperienced’ andshort-term, and would only be assigned mundane tasks suchas photocopying; yet HKBN breaks stereotypical barriers.Instead interns are treated equally to full time Talents. I wasgiven countless of opportunities to take part in functions andworkshops beyond the telecom industry such as theBloomberg visit. Such experiences provided me greaterexposure into the mechanisms of different industries and togain career insights from industry experts. Likewise, my timespent within the HKBN office was equally as rewarding.Within my department, I was given the opportunity to workclosely with managers and salespeople; to learn and shadowtheir routines needed to attract and or maintain customers. Iwas able to gain a better understanding into the complexityof international competition beyond the Hong Kong telecomindustry. By attending department and general meetings, Ialso gained a greater understanding towards the differentdepartments that make up HKBN.


Carolyn ChingEnterprise Solutions - International Business

“An Out Of Ordinary Experience”

Whist working with the Enterprise Solutions marketing department, I understood more about the NewWorld Telecom migration process and the urgency of launching MVNO. I helped scout for Chineseexhibitions for HKBN to consider attending the future in order to establish the company in the mainlandmarket. After listening to my department head I’ve learnt that it is more practical to differentiate oneselfin the market by being different and focusing what we are good at instead of trying to compete with otherlong-standing competitors head on.

Apart from that, I learnt from a brief and urgent meeting with my department head that MVNO as aproject needed all hands on deck. I understood then just how exciting the launch is for HKBN as well ashow tight the deadline was. I enjoyed seeing different departments all working together in an atmospherethat buzzes with excitement. I also enjoyed thinking and brainstorming tag lines for the new project aspart of their slogan, because thinking creatively for an objective has always been a challenge for me. So Irelished in being pushed in that regard, regardless of whether or not my tag line was used.

The internship culture at HKBN is developmental, pushing us as interns at every singleturn and opportunity. HKBN has given me insights, eye-opening outings and a group ofinterns I would otherwise never have met. I am also sharply aware of how I want to giveback to HKBN albeit that fact that I am only an intern. So I wish, that someday if I becomean entrepreneur I would seek out HKBN for help or business opportunities. I wish that thepeople I have recommended this internship to will get the internship and experience whatI have with HKBN. I wish that when I make a career out of what I love, I can say that HKBNhas helped me in broadening my horizons and exploring my career paths. I will be, at thatpoint – some one who was developed by HKBN and is grateful for it.


Carren WongEnterprise Solutions Marketing

Carren wrote a slam poetry for HKBN and performed it at Farewell Party

Carren’s Saturday gathering with interns

“More Than Just an Internship”

MediationNot a lot of first-year law student is able to sit through a mediation betweencompanies. Before this mediation, I had no prior experiences with legal situation.What I mean is I have never been in a situation where there is a need for a lawyer tobe presences even though I am studying to become one. So going into this meditation,I could only speculate what is going to happen.

In my mind, I believe that the mediation would result in everyone screaming at eachother while the mediator tries to calm everyone down. Instead, I was proven wrong asthe mediator chose to separate the two parties into two different room.

Overall, I experienced quite a lot during the meeting and I can tell that real life isdifferent from studying law. Studying law, it teaches us that law tries to be as neutralas possible to make it fair to both party but after sitting through this meeting I feelthat there are sides to law, it's only how you make use of the sides to your advantage.

The first thing that they taught me is that being an in-house lawyer isn’t that much easierthan being a lawyer in a law firm. Yes the thing that they deal doesn’t always require a lot ofwork but it isn't a walk in the park either. The in-house lawyer deals with everyday legal stufflike checking the contract and making sure the term and condition is correct legally andgrammatically. The legal department is also the last defensive line for the company.Everything go through them. If they miss a mistake, it may cost the company millions in thelong run. I am fortunate enough to have experienced the pressure and the demand forperfectness such early on in my career.

Cedric visited the Ritz-Carlton


Cedric LauLegal & Compliance

Cedric (2nd right) joined the mixer night at NiQ’s house

“How HKBN Inspired me to be an In-house Lawyer”

The first moment that stood out to me was on my first day of work. I could stillremember the other six of us sitting around in the meeting room, each of us wasgiven a box of name cards and LeTV Box while waiting to sign the employmentcontract. You may find them very insignificant, but to me, I can guarantee thatHKBN is the only company, which values interns as much as the full-timeemployees, to be specific, "The Co-Owners of The Future.”

During the two months I spent at HKBN, I was assigned to the Network Planningand Commercial department and participated in two main projects, namely the“Project GAME” and “Mission Possible”. Besides on job trainings, I had the chanceto attend several company visits such as J.P. Morgan and The Ritz-Carlton HongKong as well as the management meetings.

Elden (4th left) gathered with his team


Elden TseNetwork Planning & Commercial

I had always been a person who speaks my mind and all too often, when I tried tocommunicate, I got lost in translation despite my good intentions. And that's thelittle gestures made me understand the importance of effective communication.Now I know that as much as you value yourself and your opinion, they are asimportant as anyone else's. As the day went on, I found myself more and moreimpressed by the informative and intense working environment of HKBN, whichserved as a constant motivation for me during the internship.

After working with the HKBN engineers for two months, not only am I familiarwith the intricate process of working with Cisco 2950 switches spreadsheets, butmore importantly I caught a glimpse of how engineers are able to fend offchallenges by coming up with ad hoc solutions to problems.

Elden (right) joined Farewell Party with his buddy

“Importance of Communication”

Extra Exposure ExperiencesThe internship at the HKBN was definitely a rewarding experience for me. In these 10weeks, as a summer intern in the offline retention marketing team, l have consolidatedmy knowledge in the telecommunication market.


Jacky TsangOffline Retention Marketing

Importance of Marketing StrategiesIn addition, I’ve become more familiar with a wide range of marketing strategies.Thanks to the broadband delight project, I have learnt that a well-preparedmarketing campaign is a key factor to determine whether the result is good or bad.You may choose to promote a product only through email, or arrange a WOWmarketing event to attract people's’ spotlight. I am so glad to have the chance to getinvolved in this project, my toolbox is much fuller than it was when I started and Ican build up my confident with my abilities.

Jacky presented his Broadband Delight Project in Management Meeting

One of the most exciting things I got to experience was called “exposure lesson”. HKBNprovided these chances for intern to be involved in many aspects of the company but notjust the area in which the intern worked. For example, I have participated in a YouTubevideo shooting with a famous YouTuber, handled with the posts on Facebook and forumof HKBN, and involved in broadband delight project, which aims to enhance 30%revenue of the in-house canteen. It is obvious that HKBN has no much restriction on ourwork and we are always given the freedom to express our ideas to others Talent.

Jacky with HKBN

“A WOW Internship Which Changed Me”

Days in the Marketing Communications DepartmentTime flies. The 10-week summer internship now comes to an end. I am so grateful that HKBN offersme my first internship in the Marketing Communications Department (MKC). MarketingCommunications Department is not only about coming up with advertisements, but also buildingup a positive image of the company to the public. What I have learnt from the department iseverlasting and greatly influenced me in the future. The Talents in my department taught me how tohandle with the image of a company, especially a big scale company. The producer should be awareof different perspectives and attain all-rounded advertisements. Standing firmly with the interest ofthe company is vitally important because my deparment is the last line of defense before anyadvertisement releasing. This is what I have learnt in the marketing communication department.

Down to Earth PracticeThe main and crucial difference between HKBN and other companies is offering plenty trainingsto the summer interns, such as Broadband Delight Project for marketing interns, thepresentation in management meeting and the farewell party etc. All of these trainings reallyprovided a platform for interns to practice their knowledge and theories and train interns invarious aspects. For example, in the Broadband Delight Project, we discovered that low price isnot the most effective way to achieve our KPI, the better way for attracting customers is to knowtheir behaviors and make the right strategy. This is the thing we cannot learn in school but onlyreal experience can teach.

Jenny (left) visited J.P. Morgan

Jenny presented her MVNO promotion idea


Jenny LiMarketing Communications

“ HKBN Internship – A Window to the World”

As my internship draws to a close, I realized that I’ve learned lots of things out of my expectation. Ireflect back and find out how this excellent experience this has been. While most knowledge wasgained in the classroom, HKBN experience gave me opportunities to stand out as a professional. Ithas served as a beneficial ending to my education. I learned everything about networking, careerpath, diversity and culture. I would never imagine how other interns have encouraged me to be abetter person not only in work but also real life.

Joei XuStrategic Marketing

Joei (right) joined HKAPPA CEO Luncheon with the CEO of Ocean Park


I highly appreciated my company and all the companies presented that expanded my scope ofvision. As far as I concerned, the takeaways are valuable. The leadership and work ethic thatCEOs have strongly determined my future career direction. The experience on company visithas also fulfilled my expectations in such a big company. I joined HKAPPA CEO Luncheonwith the CEO of Ocean Park, Mr. Tom Mehrmann. Mehrmann considered customerrelationship management under the help of technology. Admittedly, the ever-acceleratedupdating of technology plays a huge role on managing consumer relations. I did agree withhim a lot because Internet is the core value of how people connect nowadays. It was also mypleasure to discuss with him in person. I would never expect that to happen before.

Life has odd ways of making different things work out in the end, always take chances when we have the opportunity. I learned that how to workwith many types of people in many types of situations. It has taught me to not take things so personally. “Whatever happens in office stays in office”.Being able to utilize the economic skills that I was taught at UC Berkeley in a real-life situation is the best learning experience in the world. Lastly,having met people from all around the world brings me valuable friendships and the learning from these individuals allows me to become a betterprofessional.

Joei (middle) visited J.P. Morgan

“A Beneficial Ending to my Education”

Intrinsic or Extrinsic?A book regarding to fixed and growth mindset was handed to me. Iwas experiencing a major setback for my work but was baffled tohow the information was applicable into this internship. I learnt thateverything can be difficult at first but without trying and failing,there will not be any personal development involved. Without growth,one cannot strive for progress.

Although an individual can start off without much Talent orknowledge, he will succeed if he is willing to put in extra effort andtime. Working in this company made me more resilient to failuressince they are not a big deal in the long run. What mattered was howmuch you have gained from your experience. What would you dobetter next time? Listen to constructive criticism and look ahead.Don’t weep for the past and setbacks.Johnny (2nd left) had lunch with other interns


Johnny CheungMarketing - Digital Operations

Johnny (left) visited J.P. Morgan

Interning for HKBN has proven that passion is the driving factor that motivatesevery Talents. University students are constantly bombarded with society stress,pressurizing them to select profitable majors instead of the ones that intrigues them.They naively believe that money can be a motivating factor for their future career.Individuals who find their job mundane are unable to push themselves forward.

Everyone gathered in HKBN are Talents that depicts a passion to make HK a betterplace to live. Because of this, Talents are more motivated to innovate, pushing theboundaries of technology. Interning here has influenced me to constantly searchfor effective, efficient and ingenious ways to complete tasks. From doing simpleexcel files to brainstorming for marketing projects, HKBN pushed me to reach myfull potential. From that, I realized that inspiration derives mainly from passion.This further encouraged me to pursue a career of youth development due to myaffection for it.

“Passion Drives Inspiration”

As the HKBN internship draws to a close, I start recalling bits and pieces of flashbacksthroughout this adventure-packed and fruitful summer. The opportunity to meet andpresent to a client on just my third day of work still appears so vivid yet surreal.

At HKBN, opportunities exist all around but it is up to us to prove ourselves and get thebest out of it. As a (temporary) Talent, we were given numerous chances to learn, practiceand grow, through involving in practical projects from our respective departments tointeracting with top-level executives of leading companies from various industries, theseare the things which makes this company unique and internship unparalleled.


I will always remember what NiQ said, that the biggest consolation is not receiving anyliteral thank-you notes or expressions, but seeing us living out the lessons learned duringthis brief but memorable stint at HKBN. When we meet again someday, I sincerely hopethat all of us will have much more impactful actions over words, to express our lastinggratitude to this special experience at this great company.

Before my time here, I have developed a fixed mindset to withhold my efforts and to merelymeet the expectations of others, fearing that my endeavors will turn to waste. But at HKBN,the company challenges us to take our limits to the next level. Constantly motivating myselfto step out of my own comfort zone was the most valuable lesson I grasped from thisinternship and one that I will keep to my heart and mind.

Jonathan LaiEnterprise Solutions – Commercial Sales

Jonathan (left) took selfie with interns

Jonathan presented his MVNO promotion idea

“How Real Growth Stemmed from an Unconventional Internship”

One thing that I think HKBN needs to improve is that the advertising is becomingtoo formulaic and standardized . I think it is essential to be more innovative as aWOW company. Looking at our company’s old advertisement, they were vool andvery impressive, but now they become much more boring.

I have learned a lot from this summer internship, especially learning how to make a good video. Being an intern in Marketing CommunicationsDepartment, I have many opportunities to shot video. I learned how to make use of light and how to shoot a video from the best angle. At the same time,I know how to adjust RGB to make a video look better and look natural. I believe those skills would be very useful to my future development.

At the same time, during this internship, I have opportunity to engage in projectsother than my development works. For example, I have the chance to share myidea of promoting MVNO in the meeting with management. Every intern sharedtheir WOW ideas and I think it is a good way for me to exert my creativity. Also, Ihave many chances to join different activities like visiting J.P. Morgan andmeetings. Those experiences are helpful to upgrade myself.


Kit WuMarketing Communications

For me, I learned a lot from HKBN. I think I can bring somethings back to my life. I would like to create something unique that can surprise others. Todo this, it is important to think outside the box and step out of my comfort zone. Meanwhile, it is important to look at the big picture as a whole.

Kit (2nd right) had lunch with Business Development Manager Samuel and other interns

“How Internship Experience Made Me Better Than Others”

In retrospect of my 10-week internship journey in HKBN, I would describe it as a intriguing, inspiring andimpressive journey. It is the diverse opportunity that set it apart from my pervious internship experience.I was honored to have the opportunity to explore possibilities well beyond the general agenda, joiningStart-up pitch night, participating in a product launch event, and a company visit to Thomson Reuters. Allthese have made my internship journey memorable and remarkable. A program of this breadth and depthexists nowhere else in Hong Kong, and it is all down to the huge efforts made by the HKBN to plant theseed, nurture it, watch it grow, and wait to see us bear fruit.

Ludovic joined the Thomson Reuters visit

Quick Turnaround timeBack in office, we were not only given tasks such as photocopying or simply updatingdocuments. In fact, we were given hands-on experience to get a taste of what is happening inreal workplace environment. In my team, I was offered the opportunity to communicate, liaiseand work with various departments ranging from the Sales team to our internal legaldepartment. Externally, I have to work with various parties in preparation of the upcomingroadshow. There were times that I have overwhelmed with reflections and tasks assigned by mydepartment. It was challenging to maintain a high quality while ensuring efficiency at work. Inthe business world, it’s the efficiency that matters. With this internship, we have learnt the art

of time management and the ability to prioritize work. We now became a more capable and competent candidate for any challenges ahead. Whatwill the next ten years bring? Of course, we cannot know, but whether we are on the road to achieving our dreams in 2026, or perhaps have taken aside road or detour, we know that we can always keep the experience in mind and be grateful for what we have experienced.

Ludovic (left ) shared his experience in HKBN

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”Winston Churchill


Ludovic ChanMarketing – Product Management & Offline Acquisition

“First Baby Step into the Business World”

First ImpressionMy term at HKBN started later than usual in August since I was experiencing at a global firm in Hong Kong. Coming from advisory work, I believedthat I had what it took to succeed as a sales but I was wrong. When I first stepped into HKBN office, I was given the a task that looked to be easy,


Marcus YenEnterprise Solutions – Commercial Sales

Marcus (3rd left) joined Farewell Party

The Experience

Being an analyst and salesperson is completely different. I believe that I have learnt theart of selling at HKBN through trial and error. I loved being an analyst at the old firmbut HKBN had taught me skill sets that is intangible as an analyst. Sales is a human tohuman interaction while analysing is human to data interactions. Humans are alivewhile data is information or numbers. The approach to a human is different than databecause there are many factors being accounted for (such as emotions, timing,environment, and more) while data is simply interpreted and regurgitated in anotherform for other purpose. This skillset helped him open up parts of my potential thatwas certainly untapped beforehand.

“explain to a potential client how this products works?” With confidence, I answeredwhat the normal person would but I was deemed to be incorrect. The first lesson atHKBN was that client’s only like to hear how the product benefits them and has itexplained in the most simplistic way possible. Human nature is very interestingbecause we only like to hear the good and ignore the bad.

“A Brand New Internship Experience”

Having spent a good amount of time at HKBN this summer, it is not hard to seewhat HKBN values. HKBN puts lots of pride in its Talents and also devotes a lotof resources into developing and training them to their full potential. This wasreflected in the way that we, as summer interns at HKBN, were treated. Uponentering HKBN, we were given opportunities to participate in various workshops,such as the workshop at JP Morgan, a Ritz-Carlton Trip, a Goldman SachsInvestor Relations Forum, and many more. These trips and workshops wereopportunities given to us so that we could broaden our horizons, think outsidethe box, and learn from people working in other industries. Although all theseworkshops and trips were very eye-opening and rewarding, HKBN’s dedicationand willingness to expanding not only its employees’ horizons, but also itssummer intern’s experience at HKBN really left in me a deep impression. Michael (2nd right) had lunch with interns


Michael LeeFinance

There is no obligation for HKBN to host or create these workshops for its Talents to attend. There is nothing that HKBN can directly gain bysending its Talents to these events. However, HKBN believes in nurturing people and developing them. I think that it is extremely important for acompany to invest in its Talents, because people are what make up a company. Without the people, a company would cease to exist and bydeveloping its Talents, a company is improving itself in the process.

I believe that if someone were to become CEO of their company, they should take a look at the example of how HKBN treats its Talents. ValuingTalent that they have and seeking to further nurture them to their full potential is what makes the difference between a normal company and asuccessful company one.

“How Internship Experience Nurtured and Developed Talents”

Rebecca MakProduct Marketing

Working at HKBN has been an extraordinary experience for me. Since this is my firstworking exposure, it totally changed my view towards the working life.

Being a member of the product marketing team, the MVNO project is my major dutyin the past 10 weeks. Throughout the project, I have learnt how to apply somemarketing strategies to increase the uniqueness of products or services. Sometimes, wedo not need to think of a game-changing innovation in order to be remarkable. It cansimply be done by adding some extra elements to existing idea. In my future career, Iwill try to stand on the shoulders of giants and find the areas that can add a few ofextra elements into them.

Rebecca (right) presented the Broadband Delight Project in management meeting


This internship also transformed my shyness to proactivity. After attending a fewsocializing events, I found that being proactive is the key to success for many industryleaders. Then, I pushed myself to speak up and start a conversation with people who I firstmet. Also, the first impression tips given by the A+ impression workshop are workable forme to build up my unique impression to others. I am still mastering the skill to beproactive and giving an extraordinary impression to others.

When I continue my life journey after the internship, I would equip myself with the extraelements to become an extraordinary candidate in the future.Rebecca (left) showed her whiteboard

design for Broadband Delight Project

“The Difference Between Ordinary and Extraordinary is that Little Extra”

This is the first time of me working as an intern. From what I have heard, in most of thecompanies, interns are treated as temporary student helpers which help with elementaryand tedious paperwork. However, it is definitely not the case in HKBN.

On the first day I came here, we were separated into groups and asked to complete a projectMission Possible. The only instruction given to us was in three words: “To promote HKBN”.Other than that, we received no concrete directions to complete the task. It causedconfusion to us at the very beginning; yet, this gave us a chance to think.

Sammy LeeProduct & Service

Sammy (right) enjoyed Friday early-off with interns


We learnt a lot through the process in accomplishing the task; by narrowing down things we want to promote in HKBN and to design the project feasiblyin terms of the time and resource constraints. On top of the project, I was assigned to Product and Solution, Enterprise Solution. My supervisor, Maggieand buddy, Noel, were very experienced in giving the right amount of guidance, enough for me to take ownership of the tasks but not too excess so thatmy decisions and creativity could come into place in the completion of work.

For instance, I was asked to construct surveys for both external and internal uses. Without a doubt, I gained more insight on the operation flow in atelecom company, as this knowledge is required when it comes to compiling varies questionnaire. Moreover, throughout the whole process, I must makecountless of small decisions, like content, wordings and placement of questions.

The working style in HKBN has changed me a lot. Before this internship, I was always used to being passive in work by simply obeying the giveninstructions, and seldom speak up from my own perspective. The rationale behind this was that I did not have the trust in myself that I would be capableof making the right decisions. However, after this summer, I have more confidence in myself, for example I have the ability to evaluate the best way towork, but not just being obedient to demands without thinking thoroughly.

I do believe that every single thing I learnt in this summer can shape me to be a better team player and a better decision maker, and I am able to bringthese qualities to university and my future workplace.

“Brand New Definition of the Word – Internship”

To conclude this 2 months of being HKBN summer intern, I would say it is ajourney of expanding limits. It raised me onto a higher level and viewing working asco-creation in a broader sense.

Veronica LiCorporate Social Investment

Throughout this two-month internship, I keep receiving challenges. There are alwaysworks that I do not know how to start with. The greatest takeaway is to embracechallenges. You will find the way out when you are determined to accomplish it. I stillremember how shocked was I when I am invited to create a thank you note to Ritz-Carlton general manager. I know nothing about graphic design and Photoshop butmy greatest wish is to deliver a sincere appreciation. Then I check out the way to createe-card and edit it in many trials. It turns out impressing Mr. Perusset and NiQ. Thereare lots more 1st time I experienced here, from the first translation, networking, MVNOmarketing elevator pitch to a 200 Talents Volunteer Day. Every time I accept thechallenge, every time I find my comfort zone enlarged. The ability to learn is far morepivotal than what you have learnt.

Veronica (right) shared her learning points in the Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong

Thanks to my department: Corporate Social Investment. Without their patient andclear guidance during the internship, I guessed I would have get lost. Theirperseverance towards realizing HKBN core purpose: Make our Hong Kong a betterplace to live really deserves appreciation from all HKBNers. If someday I am frustratedto strive for the society, their faces will pop up in my mind and keep me up.

Veronica (left) farewelled intern Joei


“More than an Intern: A Future Co-Owner of HK”

Meaningful and Valuable JourneyMy journey here is full of meaning. I also took charge of a wellness program. It aimed toestablish a work environment that promotes healthy lifestyles. I was responsible forcommunicating with outside vendors to schedule and arrange the workshops. Keepinggood connections with vendors was one of the most challenging tasks. By organizing theworkshops, I learned how to communicate with third parties and understood theimportance of doing preparation work as they defines the success of a program.

Vivian WongTalent & Organization Development

Contributing is a great way to have some fun while learning new stuff. Being anintern in HKBN, I was able to actively engage in my learning, while adding value tothe company. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work in the Talent Relationsteam and being engaged in different projects. One of my big projects is Chit ChatCircle, which is an event aims to let Management Committee members (MCs) andTalents to understand each other. HKBN empowers interns by offering lots ofopportunities to them. I had the chance to act as an organizer and facilitator in thisevent. As an organizer, I need to make sure every step I take is moving us to the rightdirection and result. Being a facilitator, I need to ensure the event is conductedsmoothly and successfully. It gave me a great sense of achievement when I sawTalents gaining inspirations from s MCs and feeling the engaging culture here.


Vivian (left) acted as a facilitator in Chit Chat Circle with CTO Gary

It was a vool experience spending the two months in HKBN. I was so lucky to join this bigfamily and contribute my little effort in making Hong Kong a better place to live.

Vivian (right) introduced the trainer in Office Yoga Workshop

“Learning while Contributing in HKBN”

Working in a Fast-paced WorldIn the online world, things happen fast. For example, when we lounge an online banner,we can get instant feedback on the performance anytime by data, and then respond tothe feedback immediately. As an Online Marketing Intern, I need to adapt to this fast-paced working environment. At first, I was panic when there were few tasks approachingdeadline at the same time. After reminded by my buddy, the first thing I did everymorning, is to mark down the tasks in a To-Do-List. Being organized, I found it easier forme to get the tasks done.

Think WOWBefore this internship, I did not utilize my creativity frequently. Thinking WOW things is a huge challenge. I am one of the Marketing Interns towrite promotional Facebook feeds. Although I found this task challenging, I enjoyed doing it! We can use the wording that we, the young generationuse usually, rather than formal words. It is really fun! However, I know some feeds I wrote is boring that cannot attract people, so those are rejected.When I saw the feeds being posted, I can feel a strong sense of accomplishment.

Giving Up is not Always WrongWhen we were doing the project given by Chief Marketing Officer Selina, we did meetchallenges. For instance, our biggest gimmick is the DIY gashapon machine. We spenthuge effort and time on making it. However, until our period started, we still could notmake the machine works. Instead of putting more effort and time on it, we decided tofind alternative: change to drawing eggs inside. Yes, it is quite hard for us to give upfixing the machine that we put much time on. But if we keep putting time, other workswill be ignored and cannot be done on time. So, why not finding alternatives to meet thesame goal?

Yoyo NgOnline Marketing

Yoyo and her promotion board for Broadband Delight Project


“Be a WOW Summer Intern”

From Learning to Actions

Seek help and Business Opportunities from HKBN - CedricI wish that someday if I become an entrepreneur I would seek out HKBN for helpor business opportunities. I wish that the people I have recommended thisinternship to will get the internship and experience what I have with HKBN. Iwish that when I make a career out of what I love, I can say then that HKBN hashelped me in broadening my horizons and exploring my career paths. I will be,at that point – some one who was developed by HKBN and is grateful for it.

Increase My Competitiveness - JackyThere were 21 students joined HKBN internship program thisyear, they have inspired me in many aspects, some of themhave good command of English, some are proficient in excel.I realized there is a necessary for me to better equip myselfafter I met them and I will take good use of my last 2 years inmy university to increase my competitiveness.


Actions we would take after leaving HKBN...

The Best Thing about Memories is Making Them - CalvinAristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of allwisdom”. To be frank, the most rewarding part from thisinternship is certainly the growth of my personalities. I reallyhope I would always remember the valuable memories that werecreated here like the way I have learnt how to break out of mycomfort zone and the way to be adventurous and to embracechanges. I will always remind myself that shyness is useless.

Promote LIFE-work Priority Further - CarenThe idea of LIFE-work priority is one of the stand out policies of HKBN. Hong Kong people are used to be rushed, industrious and enduring. However, it may not enhance our working efficiency but negatively affect our health. I hope to bring back this idea to my family and friends, which everyone can put their health and personal life to the utmost priority as HKBN promotes.

Don’t Be Shy - Jenny

Within such a short amount of time, I learnt a lot by joining different overwhelming activities and they surely have made me to be amore open-minded person. The biggest change for me is that I am not as shy as I used to be. Two months ago, I did not dare to go soloeven when I was strongly passionate towards the job. Eventually, many opportunities just faded out and I missed so many preciouschances to grow and learn. However, after this summer internship, I was dared to apply for a company visit, which I was keen on,individually. That was a breakthrough for me since I tried and successfully managed to step out of my comfort zone. This encouragedme to be brave and dare to do things that I have never done before.


Impossible Made Possible - Johnny

One habit I developed when working for HKBN is the constantsearching of solutions to problems. This working habit has beenintegrated into my daily life, including schoolwork, extracurricularactivities, etc. By fine tuning my goals and pathways, the unachievablecan be done. The impossible gradually becomes possible. This is a newvalue that I will be holding when I face future hurdles.

Better Equip Myself - VeronicaWhat truly shows things we have learnt is not the writtenwords here but the change in lifestyle. Different from thepast, I have registered the course that I am not confident inthe coming semester and keep on equipping myself. I dolook forward to meet HKBNers again in the future anddemonstrate my growth.

Come out of Comfort Zone - YoyoI will come out of my comfort zone to join different kinds of social events, so that I can utilize my networking skills learnt atHKBN to build my social network!


Strive for the Best - Jonathan

As a fresh graduate coming out of school, I will startstriving to give my best in my work, and to pursue myreal inner passion. What matters most after all is notdoing what we are best at and perfecting them, butgiving our best shot and learning from it. It’s theattitude that makes the real difference. I will take theinitiative to push myself harder, to exceed expectationsand make each day another day of worth.

Increase My Own Engagement Level - Vivian

Working in Talent & Organization Development, we focus on increasingTalent’s engagement level. However, it is difficult to engage others if youyourself is not engaged. This reminds me that whatever I do, I need tofirst make myself to be engaged. To achieve this, it is critical for me toincrease satisfaction in what I do and energy derived from knowing Ihave done something worthwhile. By leaning on my unique talents andstrengths, I believe I can make the most of every day, and engagementwill follow.

“Actions speak louder than words.”

Stepping Outside my Comfort Zone - CarolynPublic speaking is seen to be one of the most common phobia, many would choose to avoid it; I myself have been a victim of such action.Yet possessing the necessary skillset of public speaking is a vital skill. With the encouragement of my peers and the Talent Managementdepartment, I was able to step outside my comfort zone and present at the management meeting. The process of presenting has made meunderstand the importance of preparation and body language. With the new confidence I gained, I am now able to overcome my fearsand can confidently apply the public speaking techniques I learnt to my university life.

Thank you for giving us this valuable opportunity to be part of the one in HKBN and teaching us how to grow as a Talent. It has been a vool journey throughout the past two months joining this lovely company.

Because of HKBN, we were able to gain real life working experience, as well as being inspired to be the future leaders. We are very grateful for all the help HKBN has given us, and we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Management Committee members (MCs), supervisors, buddies and Talents who made this happened. We would never forget this fruitful experience and those who have helped us along the way.


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