preliminary mission statement

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Mission Statement

My magazine is called ‘The Highest Form’ it is aimed at sixth form students aged 16-19 who are either male or female. It is aimed at students who are hard-working, and are genuinely interested in their school. My magazine will pursue pupils who are looking for advice on how to survive sixth form.

The Highest Form will have a fair amount of writing and pictures. It will also feature many articles that will help a sixth form student through year 12 or 13. Also they will give off the impression that the magazine is both fun and educational.

The values and goals of the magazine are to entertain sixth formers but also to help them with tips on how to survive school and get through their work easily. Also it could be used to help fulfil the pupils’ needs and maybe for them to see it as a reading companion or light entertainment during their free periods.

‘The Highest Form’ will be distributed at the beginning of each month and could be given out in form time to the sixth formers or be placed in stands in the common room so that if people need them or didn’t receive them in form they can take one during break or their free periods to read.

I promise to deliver to my target audience a helpful guide on school that also has parts of entertainment and humour mixed into it. I will meet the needs of my target audience as university seems to be the next stage for most of them so giving guidance on what courses people can take or which are the best universities will appeal to them.

A variety of topics will feature in my magazine from ucas tips to what to wear to sixth form that is both smart and stylish. The topic of university will come up in my magazine quite a lot and also how to achieve good grades so you can get into some of the top universities. Besides the topics relating to education, my magazine will also feature fun themes such as what the best music is to listen to that helps people concentrate whilst they revise or study. Also topics of social networking will appear in my magazine.

My magazine will feature a selection of article types as there will be written articles by students that will feature interviews with teachers that pupils both like and dislike, also pages of information containing tips and advice on how to strive for success. Plus, towards the end of the magazine there will be puzzle pages with school-related trivia and also quizzes for people to do if they get bored.

My magazine will benefit my target audience as they will gain information in the magazine on school life that they wouldn’t have been able to get before and also it will benefit them as they will get a bigger chance to excel and get good grades when they know the helpful tips and tricks my magazine offers them. It is also a way for them to learn more about their school. Plus, it will benefit them as they will have knowledge on where to purchase cheap sixth form clothes and supplies.

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