prefix "me"

Post on 17-Jun-2015






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by Fuad Abdul Majid Student of International Class of State Islamic for Islamic Studies


Student of international class of state institute for islamic studies salatiga


Presented by :FUAD ABDUL MAJID

113 11 122

In Indonesia language, the prefix “me” will be change or will be permanent, it depends on the

initial letter of basic word which followed. Actually Indonesian people were fault in using prefix “me” +

basic word For example; “mengkonsumsi”(to consume). This word for representing to the other words which are fault in writing. Because From this

fault, will influence to some mistakes in spoken language.



“me” which



by many


The prefix “me” was change

into “meng”

The prefix “me” was change

into “men”

The prefix “me” was

change into “mem”

The prefix “me” was permanen


The prefix

“me” was




The prefix “me” was permanent when the basic word began with letter; “L”, “M”, “R”, “W”, “Y”, “N”.For Example: “me” + Lipat = melipat (to fold)“me” + minum = meminum (to drink)“me” + rusak = merusak (to broke) “me” + waspada = mewaspadai (beware of)“me” + yakin = meyakini (to convince)“me” + nanti = menanti (to wait for)

The prefix

“me” was


The prefix “me” was change into “mem” if the basic word began with letter; “B”, “P”, “F”, “V”.For Example:“me” + bantu = membantu (to help)“me” + perdaya = memperdaya (to delude)“me” + foto = memfoto (to take photoghraph)“me” + pikat = memikat (allure)“me” + vonis = memvonis (to adjugde)

The prefix “me”

was change into


But, there is exception when the basic word contained of one syllable we have two choice

For Example:“me” + bor = membor or mengebor (drill)“me” + bom = membom or mengebom (to


The prefix “me” was change into “men”The prefix “me” was change into “men” if the basic word

began with letter; “C”, “D”, “T”, “J”, “Z”.For Example;

“me” + contek = mencontek (to cheat in class)“me” + dorong = mendorong (to push)“me” + jauh = menjauh (to far away)“me” + tusuk = menusuk (to impale)

“me” + zina + I = menzinai (to make zinah)

But, there is exception when the basic word contained of one syllable we have two choice

“me”+ cor = mencor atau mengecor (to pour concrete)“me” + cap = mencap atau mengecap (to stamp)

THE PREFIX “ME” WAS CHANGE INTO “MENG”The prefix “me” was change into “meng” if the basic

word began with letter; “G”, “H”, “K”, and all of vowelsFor Example;

“me” + ajak = mengajak (to ask)“me” + ejek = mengejek (to derisive)

“me” + isolasi = mengisolasi (to isolate)“me” + orbit = mengorbit (to orbit)

“me” + ubah = mengubah (to change)“me” + gunung = menggunung (to pile up)“me” + hokum = menghukum (to punish)

“me” + kilap = mengilap (to shine)

The prefix “me” was change into “meny” if the basic word began with letter; “S”.

For Example;“me” + sembah = menyembah ( to worship)

“me” + sortir = menyortir (to sort)“me” + sikap + I = menyikapi (to posture)

The prefix “me” was

change into “meny”

Initial letter of the

basic word “K”

changed by “ng”

The changing word which is influenced by initial letter in basic word

In prefix “me”, the initial letter of basic word will change if the word began with a letter

“K”, “P”, “T”, “S”.

Initial letter of the

basic word “P”

changed by “m”

Initial letter of the basic word “T” changed by “N”

Initial letter of the

basic word “S”

changed by “ny”

Initial letter of the basic word “K” changed by “ng”For Example;“me” + konsumsi = mengonsumsi (to consume)“me” + kapur = mengapur (to calcified)“me” + kulit = menguliti (to skinne)The exception: when the first word contained by two consonants, the word not change.“me” + khayal = mengkhayal (to imagine)“me” + khitan = mengkhitan (to circumcise)“me”+ khianat + I = mengkhianati (to betray)

For Example;“me” + pukul = memukul (to hit, to strike)“me”+ pilih = memilih (to choose)“me”+ potong = memotong (to cut)“me”+ popular + kan = memopulerkan (to popularize)The exception: when the first word contained by two consonants, the word not change.“me”+ protes = memprotes (to deprecate)“me”+ produksi = memproduksi (to produce)“me”+ prakarsa + I = memprakarsai (to iniate)

Initial letter of the basic word “P” changed by “m”

“me”+ tuju = menuju (be going into)“me”+ tabrak = menabrak (to bump)“me”+ toleransi = menoleransi (to tolerate)“me”+ target = menarget (make a target)“me”+ telantar + kan = menelantarkan (to abandon)“me”+ tarikh + kan = menarikhkan (make a history)The exception: when the first word contained by two consonants, the word not change.“me”+ traktir = mentraktir (to treat)“me”+ tradisi = mentradisi (being atradition)

Initial letter of the basic word “T” changed by “N”

For Example;“me”+ sisir = menyisir ( to comb)

“me”+ sobek = menyobek (to tear up)“me”+ susun = menyusun (to make)

The exception: when the first word contained by two consonants, the word not change.

“me”+ syukur + I = mensyukuri (to thankful)“me”+ standar + kan = menstandarkan (make a

standart)“me”+ syariat + kan = mensyariatkan (make a


Initial letter of the basic word

“S” changed by “ny”

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