precinct clerk (pc) - hernando county · precinct clerk (pc) must have excellent organizational,...

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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Precinct Clerk (PC)

Must have excellent organizational, leadership and conflict

resolution skills. Precinct Clerks are the managers of a polling

location and are responsible for the accurate completion of all voter/ballot

accounting forms for their polling location and for ensuring that all assigned

poll workers are following procedures as set forth by the Supervisor of Elections

and upholding all Federal, State and Local Election Laws. The Precinct Clerk

provides leadership, guidance and technical support to all Poll Workers on

their staff, makes every effort to resolve voter qualification issues and to settle

any conflicts that may arise at the polling place. Precinct Clerks must have an

understanding of Florida Election Laws as they apply to voting and voter’s

rights. Precinct Clerks must also be familiar with the responsibilities and

procedures associated with each of the other Poll Worker positions as they are

responsible for making sure that position is filled when a particular Poll Worker

goes on breaks. Precinct Clerks must also be comfortable working with

computers as they are cross-trained to serve as EViD Operators in order to fill in

when either a Clerk or Inspector EViD Operator goes on break. First-time Poll

Workers cannot be assigned as a Precinct Clerk. They must gain experience in

the position of EViD Operator, Voting Equipment Specialist and Assistant

Precinct Clerk in order to acquire the necessary knowledge and experience

required to perform the duties proficiently.

Shirley Anderson


Assistant Precinct Clerk (APC)

Must have effective delegation and follow-up skills in order to

assist the Precinct Clerk with all duties. Assistant Precinct Clerks

must also have an understanding of the responsibilities and procedures

associated with each of the other Poll Worker positions as the Precinct Clerk

may assign them to fill in when a particular Poll Worker goes on break.

Assistant Precinct Clerks must have an understanding of Florida Election Laws

as they apply to voting and voter’s rights and must be knowledgeable

enough regarding the proper completion of voter/ballot accounting forms

and of undertaking all other Precinct Clerk responsibilities to be able to

comfortable assume the role of the Precinct Clerk when they go on breaks or

to step in and assume all of a Precinct Clerk’s

duties should they be unable to perform their

job. Assistant Precinct Clerks are also cross-

trained, sworn in by the Sheriff and issued a

photo ID Badge by the Sheriff’s office in order

that they may legally fill in for Poll Deputies who

go on break.

Shirley Anderson


Clerk EViD Operator (CEO)

Must be proficient with operating a computer, have

exceptional leadership, organizational, spelling and people skills.

Along with making sure that all EViD Units are set up and powered on

successfully, the Clerk EViD Operator is also

responsible for managing the activities of the

Inspector EViD Operator(s) to ensure that all

procedures are followed as outlined in their

training manuals and as instructed by the SOE

during training class. Just as the Inspector EViD

Operator, the Clerk EViD Operator greets

voters, checks ID, verifies voter information in

the EViD (Electronic Voter Identification) unit,

issues a voting pass and directs voters to the

Ballot Attendant to receive their ballot. Again, should there be an eligibility

issue, the Clerk EViD Operator will issue an Assistance Required Pass and direct

the voter to the Precinct Clerk, who will make efforts to resolve the issue for

the voter. However, if the issue is a simple in-state address change, the Clerk

EViD Operator is able to make the change directly through their Clerk EViD


Shirley Anderson


Inspector EViD Operator (IEO)

Must be comfortable with operating a computer and have

excellent people skills. An EViD (Electronic Voter Identification)

Operator greets voters as they enter the polling room, checks ID, verifies the

voter’s information in the EViD unit, issues a

voting pass and directs voters to the Ballot

Attendant to receive their ballot. Should there

be an eligibility issue, the Inspector EViD

Operator will issue a Refer-To-Clerk Pass and

direct the voter to the Precinct Clerk, who will

make efforts to resolve the issue for the voter.

Shirley Anderson


Voting Equipment Specialist (VES)

Must have confidence with computers, the ability to provide

clear, concise instructions and have excellent problem-solving

skills. The Voting Equipment Specialist powers on the Image Cast Evolution

(ICE) Unit, which scans and tabulates each

voter’s ballot before dropping it into the

secured ballot box beneath. The Voting

Equipment Specialist greets voters and instructs

them on the proper way to insert their voted

ballots into the ICE Unit. Voting Equipment

Specialists are also responsible for setting up a

separate system, which enables disabled

voters to cast their ballots independently.

Voting Equipment Specialists safeguard the

ballots inside the ballot box throughout the day and upload the election

results when the poll closes and the last voter at their location has cast their

ballot and left.

Shirley Anderson


Ballot Attendant (BA)

Must have excellent verbal, reading and comprehension skills

and be proficient in providing clear, concise instructions. The

Ballot Attendant receives the voting pass issued by the EViD Operators and --

according to the information on the voting pass -- issues the correct ballot to

each voter inside of a Secrecy Sleeve. Ballot Attendants must provide clear

instructions to voters regarding the ballot itself (one or two sided), inform them

of the proper way to mark their ballot (by filling in the oval next to their

choices), and directs them to the voting booth area.

Shirley Anderson


Poll Deputy (DEP)

Must have exceptional people and conflict resolution skills and

have a clear understanding of how to measure off and mark a

designated perimeter. Poll Deputies are responsible for all activity outside of

the polling location within the 100’ “NO SOLICITATION” zone. Poll Deputies are

responsible for maintaining order, measuring, marking off and securing the 100

foot “NO SOLICITATION” zone, ensuring the proper placement of other

required signage and for designating or establishing parking spaces for

disabled voters at their polling location. Poll Deputies provide instructions to

voters preparing to enter the polling room -- to silence or turn off cell phones,

Florida Election Law prohibits photography in the polling room, etc. -- and

ensures that only eligible voters enter the polling room. In order to legally serve

in the position, a Poll Deputy is sworn in by the Sheriff or a qualified

representative of the Sheriff’s Office. The Poll Deputy is issued a photo ID

badge by the Sheriff’s Department, which must be worn at all times when

serving as the Poll Deputy.

Shirley Anderson


Alternate (ALT)

Alternates are Poll Workers who are on stand-by to fill in for

assigned Poll Workers who do not show up to work or have to

leave their position for some unexpected reason. While alternates are not

scheduled to work at a specific location or precinct during an election cycle,

they are trained – according to the position they have chosen and/or are

qualified to fulfill -- just as if they were going to work. It takes a special level of

dedication and commitment to serve as an alternate as they could be called

upon to work at any time prior to Election Day and must be ready to answer

that call as late as the moment the polls open on election morning. Therefore,

it is essential that every alternate understand the importance of their stand-by

role and be prepared for a last minute call.

Shirley Anderson


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